Can I call an ambulance? When to call an ambulance

03 may not give the desired result - some mobile phones do not support dialing numbers consisting of 2 digits.

Remember also that calls from mobile phones of any cellular operator to emergency service numbers (ambulance, police, fire and rescue, emergency gas service) are free. You can complete them even with a zero balance.

In addition to the above numbers, you can also use the single emergency number - 112. You can call this number if your SIM card is blocked, or if it is not there at all, as well as if you have a zero or negative balance.

Calling the right ambulance can reduce your wait time and possibly save the victim's life. Try to convey information to the operator as clearly and clearly as possible. You will definitely be asked certain questions that will take some time, so if the situation is truly extreme and there are several victims, it is worth reporting this immediately, without waiting for the question. In addition, in the most serious cases, you can immediately call rescuers (01 from the city, 010 - MTS and Megafon, 001 - Beeline, 901 - Sky Link), they will call the ambulance themselves.

In large cities, the waiting time for an ambulance should not be more than 20 minutes. In small settlements there is no such exact figure, but assistance must be provided immediately. If you are suddenly unfairly denied an ambulance, immediately report it to the police.

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  • how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in the region
  • Emergency telephones, children's ambulance telephone

If your child gets sick, do not self-medicate and guess why this could happen - call the pediatrician immediately. There are many dangerous diseases that can have serious consequences if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.


If an illness occurs on weekdays and hours, call the children's clinic and have a doctor come to your home. State his full name, age, home address and illnesses. The pediatrician will visit you during the day, examine the child and prescribe an examination or write a referral to the hospital. You need to wait for the doctor and provide him with access, especially if you live in a private house and have... The dogs need to be locked, the gates need to be opened.

If a child falls ill in the evening, on weekends or holidays, when the children's clinic is closed, call immediately ambulance. You should also call an ambulance if you have a high temperature or shortness of breath or cyanosis. skin, nasolabial triangle or their redness, the child lost consciousness, was burned or injured, that is, in all cases when there is no time to wait for a pediatrician from the clinic and the child requires immediate medical attention. Send one of your relatives or neighbors to meet the ambulance, turn on the lights near the entrance or house, remove the dogs and get ready for a trip to the hospital.

In some cases, if you wish, you can go to private medical clinics or pay for the services of a private family doctor who will visit you on the first call. This option is suitable for wealthy people and does not cancel calling an ambulance in emergency situations. The only thing that can be changed is to go with the child for treatment in a private clinic or in a paid ward of a regular hospital.


  • call a pediatrician

The procedure for calling an ambulance in Moscow the same as in any other city in Russia. If there is a need for her services, you only need to use the phone, dial desired number and explain to the duty officer what happened and how to find you.


Pick up the handset from a landline telephone if you need to call an ambulance in a residential building, office or other place where there is a landline telephone. The procedure is similar if you are using a payphone. In this case, you don’t need a card: calls to all emergency services (police, gas emergency service, rescue service) from payphones are free.

When you hear a continuous buzzer, dial 03 and wait for an answer.

Dial 03 on the keypad of your mobile phone and press the call key if you are a Beeline subscriber.

Dial 030 on the keypad of your mobile phone if you are an MTS or Megafon subscriber.

Wait for a response.

Be prepared to say yours if you are calling an ambulance for yourself or another person who needs help. If you call an ambulance to a stranger who cannot speak (for example, is unconscious), try to give at least an approximate age. For example, he looks about thirty years old, unconscious.

Give the address where the ambulance should arrive. If you call doctors to your home, give the house number, the building, if any, and the apartment itself, and the intercom code.

If you or another person needs an ambulance on the street, try to look at the address of the nearest house (its number and street name) or ask passersby about it. Or use other landmarks: metro station, name of a shopping center, etc. The main thing is that the team that goes to the call must know exactly where to look for you, and the dispatcher must orient them correctly.

Please also tell the person on duty the telephone number where the ambulance team can contact you. If both landline and mobile are available, give both.

Useful advice

In emergency cases, medical care in Moscow, as well as in Russia as a whole, is provided free of charge. However, it is better to always have a passport and a compulsory insurance policy with you. health insurance or at least photocopies of them.


  • how to call an ambulance from the city

Severe traumatic brain injury, acute pain, massive bleeding and other life-threatening conditions require emergency medical attention. It is provided by employees of a special organization called “Emergency Medical Care”. How to call them?

You will need

  • - telephone


To call an ambulance, dial 03 on your phone. If you are calling from a mobile phone and this combination of numbers is not supported by the operator, try dialing 030303 or 030. In case of a negative balance, you can call an ambulance by calling the Unified Rescue Service - 112.

Clearly describe to the dispatcher the situation that forced you to seek help. Name the gender and age of the victim/sick person, main complaints, condition at the moment. Dictate the address to which the medical team should go. If you are on the street or in an area unknown to you, name the main landmarks by which the ambulance driver will find you. Leave your phone number to the dispatcher; they may need it to clarify any details of the information.

If you are in, clear the passage for the ambulance team. Prepare a chair for the doctor or paramedic, and a place for a bag with equipment and medications. Find the patient's medical records, cardiograms. Remember the medications he constantly takes, as well as medications to which he has had an allergic reaction. Write down the information on paper to share with your doctor.

Meet emergency personnel near the entrance if possible.

Answer all questions asked by health care providers honestly. Do not hide the fact of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, registration at a psychoneurological dispensary. Describe all the circumstances that preceded the deterioration of the condition. If you tried to help the person yourself before the specialists arrived, tell the doctor or paramedic about this.

Be polite. Remember that the health status of the victim depends on the ambulance staff.

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Mandatory medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy helps to obtain a list of certain services. When a patient is called on weekdays and at certain hours, a general practitioner or pediatrician comes to the home. If you need to receive medical care at another time or call a specialist at home, you can go to a private clinic, where paid services are provided at any convenient time of the day or night.


Wealthy patients can afford to call a doctor of any specialty to their home at any time convenient for them. At home, receive not only a paid consultation and basic treatment recommendations, but also, if necessary, conduct a number of laboratory tests and perform an ECG. A doctor can make a diagnosis not only from private medical clinics. All clinics provide free medical services based on the existing policy compulsory insurance, and paid. For example, a specialist is not required to respond to a patient’s call; if there is only a compulsory medical insurance policy, a general practitioner will come to the call. If the patient is willing to pay, a doctor of any specialty can leave the clinic and provide services that can be provided at home.

If you have a landline phone at hand, call an ambulance by number “03”. You can call an ambulance from your mobile phone by dialing “030” or “112”. The dispatcher must state the reason for the call, the gender and age of the victim. Then he, with the help special program will determine which medical profile is best to send. For various symptoms, a linear, cardiological, psychiatric or pediatric team, an ambulance, etc. go to the patient.

If the description of the situation does not require emergency measures, the call may be forwarded to the emergency department of the nearest clinic. The dispatcher also needs to provide the full address and telephone number for contact. In response, he reports that the call has been accepted, names the time it was registered and repeats the address for control.

Having called an ambulance, you need to prepare for their arrival. If it’s already dark or it’s difficult to navigate the area, you should meet a car on the street. It is important to check that the intercom is turned on and to lock or tie up animals so that they do not interfere with the work of doctors.

The internal rules of ambulance work do not require doctors or paramedics to take off their shoes or take off their outer clothing in the apartment. It is only permissible to invite them to put on shoe covers if they are available. home medicine cabinet. It is worth keeping in mind that assistance may be needed to transport the patient, and two people may be required to accompany him. When going to the hospital, it is important to take your passport, insurance policy and money for the return trip.

Many people simply do not know in what cases they should seek emergency medical help, and therefore call an ambulance for any trifle. Sometimes they even make a fuss and demand that someone come to them and do a routine injection or bandage - that is, a procedure that is done in a clinic at their place of residence. Therefore, first we will name a range of situations in which the ambulance should not be disturbed.

So, the ambulance does not leave:

● to carry out scheduled appointments of the local doctor (injections, IVs, dressings, etc.) or to issue certificates and ballots;

● in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases (if the patient’s condition does not require emergency medical care);

● to provide dental care;

● for intrahospital transportation;

● for transporting the deceased to the morgue.

The sooner the better

But if the patient’s condition threatens his health and life itself, as stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on the procedure for providing emergency care, then you should immediately dial phone “03”. But here the question arises: what is considered a threatening condition and what is not?

Well, with accidents, let’s say everything is clear. If a person has a serious injury, burn or electric shock, or, say, poisoning with some kind of poison and the like, then, of course, there is a threat to life and there is no point in delaying calling an ambulance. But what if there is no apparent reason, which resulted in a deterioration in health, did not occur: the person did not fall, was not burned, and did not take toxic substances, but nevertheless felt unwell?

In this case, you should not rely on sensations. For example, some people, even being in a pre-heart attack or pre-stroke state, do not notice the danger that threatens them, while others - overly suspicious citizens - are able to inflate a catastrophe on a universal scale from a pimple that has popped up on their nose. So let's look into it in detail.

Difficulty breathing

This could be an attack of bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, a manifestation of acute heart failure, or something else. There is no need to guess - you need to urgently dial “03”, since this condition is life-threatening.

Before the doctor arrives

If the patient is asthmatic, you need to take the appropriate medication. Open the windows in the room.


With any bleeding, minutes can count, so you need to call a doctor urgently.

If this is the patient’s only complaint (and the call was made during clinic opening hours), then it is useless to bother the ambulance. The exception is children under 1 year of age - doctors can visit them at any time. However, an ambulance must also come to an adult patient with a fever if, in addition to a high temperature, the patient:

● other dangerous symptoms have arisen, each of which we will discuss below;

● antipyretic drugs do not help.

● have flu symptoms. As an analysis of previous seasons showed, most deaths occurred due to late hospitalization of patients with a viral infection.

Before the doctor arrives

It is not always worth taking antipyretics. After all, high temperature often helps the body resist illness. It is much more beneficial to drink plenty of fluids and have access to fresh air. You can wipe your body with water and vinegar or alcohol before the doctor arrives. In addition, a high temperature is also a hint for the doctor (the type of fever helps to quickly navigate the diagnosis).


Many are sure that this is a reason to take a pill, but not a reason to see a doctor. But often a person with this symptom needs not just medical help, but an ambulance. One of the causes of sharp and severe headaches (especially when tilting the head forward) is meningitis. If, in addition to a headache, nausea or vomiting, photophobia, drowsiness, or confusion appear, you should urgently call an ambulance. The same symptoms may indicate a pre-stroke condition. In this case, the following occurs: numbness of half the face or limbs (usually on one side); slurred speech or even complete loss of the ability to speak. If any of these symptoms appear, call “03” immediately! Only early treatment will help increase your chances of survival and maintaining the ability to speak and move.

Before the doctor arrives

● Place the patient on high pillows;

● Open a window or window. Take off tight clothes, unbutton your shirt collar, tight belt or belt;

● Measure blood pressure. If it is elevated, give the patient the medicine he usually takes.

If there is no medicine at hand, immerse the patient's feet in moderately hot water.

Loss of consciousness, convulsions

You can lose your senses due to shock (for example, cardiac, with myocardial infarction, or anaphylactic, with allergies to various substances and medications). And also for internal bleeding and many other dangerous conditions. Convulsions may indicate tetanus, brain tumor, hypertensive crisis, etc. With these symptoms, you cannot do without an ambulance.

Before the doctor arrives

Give the patient a sniff of ammonia and ensure peace.

Abdominal pain

This symptom can accompany a huge number of diseases: acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Do not try to figure out the causes of the pain yourself. Even an experienced specialist often has doubts about the diagnosis, because, for example, appendicitis skillfully disguises itself as almost any ailment in the abdominal area. Remember: for any sudden severe pain in the abdomen, no matter where it hurts: on the right or left, below or above, call an ambulance immediately. The less time passes from the development of inflammation, the easier the treatment will be and the shorter the rehabilitation period.

Before the doctor arrives

All that is required is to provide the patient with complete rest. Under no circumstances should you take painkillers - this will blur the picture of the disease and prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. You should not apply a warm heating pad or take a bath to the sore spot. This is the shortest way to increase inflammation and, for example, with appendicitis, hasten the development of purulent peritonitis. Do enemas, drink choleretic drugs It's also not worth it under any circumstances.

Pain in the heart

Sharp pain in the chest is one of the symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD). This pain can radiate to the back, neck, lower jaw, shoulder, or arm. Swelling, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and rapid pulse often accompany the disease. Even if the unpleasant sensation lasts only a minute and then goes away, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Before the doctor arrives

Measure your blood pressure and, if necessary, take a drug that lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. Conventional heart medications, for example, validol and nitroglycerin, do not help with coronary artery disease.

Lower back pain

This could be an acute attack of radiculitis, a strangulated intervertebral hernia. Or a sign of urolithiasis. In this case, as a rule, sharp pain occurs in the sacrum, usually on one side.

Before the doctor arrives

A warm heating pad and antispasmodics help relieve pain. However, since similar symptoms can be observed in some acute diseases of the abdominal organs, in which thermal procedures will be dangerous, it is better to refrain from self-medication until the ambulance arrives.

On October 15, 2017, Soviet and Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov died on the way to the hospital. According to the actor’s friends, Maryanov lost consciousness at a dacha in the Moscow region, where he was relaxing. Friends called an ambulance, but it did not arrive for technical reasons. The actor was taken in a private car, accompanied by police, to the hospital, but the doctors were powerless.

According to preliminary information, the cause of the actor’s death was a detached blood clot.

In emergency situations, when a person requires urgent medical care, every minute is important, and a promptly called doctor can save a life.

How to call an ambulance from a landline phone?

If you see that someone is feeling unwell and needs urgent medical attention, do not pass by. To call an ambulance from a landline phone, dial "03".

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone?

If you don't have a landline phone at hand, call "103". The call for any communication will be free.

It is useful to remember the number " 112" is a single emergency number for all telecom operators. After calling this number, act in accordance with the operator’s voice instructions cellular communication. You can call “112” for help if there are no funds in your account and your SIM card is blocked.

I got through, what next?

The main thing is don't panic. After contacting the dispatcher, clearly answer all his questions about the patient’s condition and his whereabouts. This is important so that doctors can quickly and efficiently reach the victim and provide him with the necessary assistance.

Remember that answering questions is mandatory. The operator asks questions not because he has nothing better to do, but because it is his direct responsibility. You shouldn’t snap at the ambulance dispatcher and demand that the doctors come “urgently and quickly.” Having learned all the necessary data, the dispatcher will record everything and send help to you.

In what cases may a call be rejected?

An ambulance will not arrive if the patient has previously been seen by a doctor, the diagnosis is known, and the prognosis is positive. Also, your call will be refused if you ask the emergency doctors to perform some simple procedure (for example, to give an injection). Ambulance doctors do not come to relieve alcohol and drug intoxication.

Emergency physicians do not provide dental treatment.

The ambulance does not issue certificates of incapacity for work and reports on the state of health; for this you need to go to the hospital.

Remember that ambulances do not transport the dead.

My challenge was accepted. How soon will the doctors arrive?

The ambulance's arrival time will depend on what type of call you are making. Calls are divided into three types: emergency, urgent and urgent.

TO emergency calls Ambulance teams include: road accidents with victims, loss of consciousness, extensive burns, deep and extensive wounds, acute respiratory failure, etc.

TO urgent calls Ambulance teams include: heart attack, asthma attack, bleeding, childbirth, sudden deterioration in the patient’s health (if it is impossible to clarify the reason for the call), etc.

TO urgent calls ambulance teams include: allergies, abdominal pain, back pain, chest, inappropriate behavior, renal colic, vomiting, high fever (if the temperature is not reduced by medication), food poisoning, etc.

Ideally, the ambulance should arrive within 15 minutes.

My challenge was not accepted. What to do?

If your call relates to urgent reasons and there is a threat to the health and life of the patient, then your call must be accepted. If doctors fail to provide assistance, they are held criminally liable. This is evidenced by the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: article 124 “Failure to provide assistance to a patient” and article 125 “Leaving in danger”.

If they refuse to send you help, then call the police ( "02" or "102). Police officers must immediately contact the ambulance.

It happens that the ambulance does not directly refuse to go to the patient, but the dispatcher is in no hurry to send an on-site team. In this case, call the ambulance number yourself and remind the health workers that delay is tantamount to failure to provide assistance to the patient and leaving them in danger - Art. 124 and 125 of the Criminal Code (this means a criminal record and up to three years in prison). If it doesn't help, call the police.

Remember that everyone who is on the territory of Russia has the right to ambulance if they find themselves in a condition requiring urgent medical intervention (Article 39 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens).

It is worth noting that dispatcher failures are now rare. This is due to the fact that all telephone conversations at substations are recorded, and therefore the culprit will definitely not be able to escape punishment.

Have you ever waited with bated breath for an ambulance to arrive? Road accidents, injuries, sudden deterioration in health, accidents... Anything happens in life, and in these cases we expect hope and salvation from the treasured two numbers 03. They, like the faithful rescuers of the Chip&Dale team, rush to the rescue... 24 hours per day, 7 days a week without weekends and holidays. Of great importance is that for productive work emergency population should know the main points that will help them find common language with life savers.

So something terrible happened and you made a decision. dial 03.
Everyone knows that at these moments people can be attacked by panic, fear and worries about the health of a relative. The dispatcher's questions may seem unnecessary and only waste valuable time. The main thing in this situation is to pull yourself together, because everything questions asked- not ordinary idle curiosity, but an opportunity to obtain valuable data. From uninformative shouts into the phone “Help, he’s feeling bad, he’s dying!” It won't make it any easier for anyone.

Therefore, it is very important to convey the necessary information to the dispatcher, and exactly:

  • Full name (to facilitate the search for relatives of a person in hospitals, if necessary);
  • age;
  • patient's gender;
  • the number of people in need of medical care;
  • who calls - a relative, a colleague, a passerby;
  • clearly describe the patient’s condition (if sick, then why, how long has the condition worsened);
  • what else is abnormal in the condition that was not there before;
  • number of victims;
  • what prompted you to call an ambulance right now (the pain intensified, changed character, the temperature rose, new complaints appeared, and your health worsened);
  • exact address or location. If possible, avoiding descriptions such as "3rd house after 4 yellow buildings..."

Based on all this, the dispatcher will make a decision about which team needs to be sent to the call (linear, intensive care, pediatric, etc.), and before the team arrives, you can get advice from the doctor on duty about what can be done for the patient in these minutes.

In addition, if many calls arrive at the same time, the calls will be serviced in order of severity. First of all, to the children...

It is worth noting that to call an ambulance there must be certain reasons, namely urgent, life and health threatening conditions:

  • breathing problems (difficulty or lack of breathing);
  • persistent chest pain or a feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • unconsciousness or changing level of consciousness;
  • lack of pulse;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • vomiting blood or spotting (with urine, sputum, etc.);
  • poisoning;
  • seizures, severe headache, or slurred speech;
  • head, neck or back injuries;
  • likelihood of bone fracture;
  • sudden movement disorders.

It is obvious that sending ambulances to unreasonable calls is a waste of their time and at times a tragic waste. Unfortunately, statistics show that such cases are by no means uncommon. Inability to give an enema, give an injection of medications prescribed by a local therapist, panic at low-grade fever (increase in body temperature to 37-38°C), desire to chat, etc. People's wild imagination knows no bounds.

But you need to remember that the ambulance - an emergency service - does not issue certificates, does not issue sick leave, and does not write prescriptions. Entrance can be denied only on the basis of conditions for which emergency assistance is not needed. If a person can go to his local doctor himself and receive adequate treatment. Likewise, if a patient does not have his usual medicine at hand to stop attacks of his illness, there is no reason for the medicine to be delivered by ambulance.

Therefore, think carefully before rushing to the phone with an urgent request for consultation. Someday there will come a time when hefty fines will be levied for unfounded or false calls.

The issue of the speed of arrival of the brigade is probably the most pressing and controversial. Ambulance substations are distributed across districts so that they are within 20-minute transport accessibility. But we all know that traffic jams and sometimes the difficulty of driving in side streets full of cars make it difficult to meet the 20-minute standard. But a timely and adequate response from drivers would make it possible for the ambulance to move faster speed turtles.

What should you do before the doctors arrive?
It would not be superfluous to pack things to send to the hospital (if such a need arises), so as not to waste time later. You will need basic things:

  • hygiene products;
  • change of clothes, towels, underwear;
  • special medications that the patient may be taking and that may not be available in the hospital;
  • documents, mobile;
  • money (in case you have to return, the ambulance will not take you home).

At home, you need to prepare a place where doctors will sit, a table for filling out a call card, a list of medications or the medications themselves that the patient took. Usually, emergency doctors enter an apartment wearing shoes, so you can spread newspapers or find shoe covers... in case the condition of your Persian carpets is more important than the critical condition of the patient. And if possible, it is advisable to meet the brigade near the entrance to make the search as easy as possible.

After the brigade arrived
A sacramental question about what you are complaining about, asked to relatives or the patient, should help the doctor collect an anamnesis. In such cases, you should not indulge in memories of a difficult childhood or tell how your neighbor on the floor above was treated for this illness. You need to provide clear information (or answer the doctor's questions) that will help put together all the symptoms and previous events and establish the correct diagnosis.

Often, patients hide from the doctor facts that, in their opinion, have overly intimate and naturalistic details. This is especially true for women and adolescents. However, as well as concealing harmful addictions. In such cases, it is worth reassuring yourself that there is a “medical secret”.

If the patient’s condition is extremely serious and various resuscitation measures are necessary, then it is better for the relatives to go into another room and not disturb the doctors, distracting them with hysterics and fainting.

Hospitalization stage
The patient is hospitalized as necessary. Which treatment method will be the safest and most effective is decided by the doctor at the patient’s bedside, since only he can assess all the nuances of the person’s condition. But all this, of course, should not run counter to the “standards” adopted by the Moscow ambulance. This is a kind of instruction on how to treat diseases, helping to choose the right treatment tactics and guaranteeing the patient the required amount of medical services.

The choice of hospital is determined by the profile of the disease and the availability of beds. Before sending a patient, emergency doctors must call the hospital’s emergency department and check the possibility of arrival.

The wishes of the patient or his relatives for hospitalization in a specific hospital can be taken into account if there are free places and the necessary specialists. And of course, we should not forget that people also work in ambulances, and therefore in an extreme situation you need to restrain overwhelming emotions, without resorting to rudeness or shouting at anyone.

It is important to note that an ambulance is not a free taxi to the hospital or a psychological assistance service for people with excessive talkativeness, but a life-saving service. They do not treat or prescribe treatment procedures; they only help stabilize a critical condition that threatens a person’s life and health. As a result, calls with urgent consultation requirements may deprive other people of the assistance they desperately needed at that moment. But it could be your relatives or even yourself.

Unexpected and stressful situations usually lead to calling an ambulance. In such conditions, people tend to forget even simple phone numbers. Panic leads to the fact that the operator on the other end of the line hears only confused, chaotic explanations in raised tones, and in the meantime, time is wasted, which is so necessary for the patient. How to call an ambulance correctly and what information should be provided to the operator? We will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Ambulance and ambulance - aren't they the same thing?

Many people don’t know, but these are two completely different services.

  • Ambulance appears in an emergency form: in case of sudden acute conditions that pose a threat to the patient’s life. This is help in case of accidents, road accidents, fractures, injuries, heart attacks, poisoning, sudden illnesses accompanied by fainting, bleeding, convulsions or breathing problems.
  • Emergency team travels in cases where there is no immediate threat to a person’s life and urgent hospitalization is not required. However, the emergency physician may discover that the patient's condition is more serious than previously thought. In this case, he calls an ambulance, which hospitalizes the person. That is, reasons for calling an emergency room may include fever, dizziness, headaches and chest pain, neuralgia, difficulty breathing (except asthma), as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases (when there is no threat to life).

For acute pain in the heart and bleeding, dial 103, and for high temperature and pressure - regional emergency room.

Ambulance and emergency telephone numbers

The single number for calling an ambulance in Ukraine from landline phones is 103. But due to the widespread use of modern means of communication, you can call an ambulance using other methods. This innovation has already been introduced for people with disabilities and in accordance with European standards. So, in addition to 103 from a landline phone, you can call an ambulance by telephone-fax by dialing 234-53-56, email [email protected]. To call an ambulance from your mobile phone, send a free SMS to 10-003 for Kyivstar subscribers and 096-5613977 for other mobile operators. Within 3 minutes you should receive confirmation that the call has been accepted. Depending on the nature of the complaint, a single operator will route the call to an ambulance, emergency room, local police officer or psychiatrist.

Emergency numbers are different for each area, but you can still call an ambulance, and if there is no immediate threat to the person's life, the operator will tell you the emergency number in your area.

Besides, to call an ambulance from a mobile phone of any cellular operator, you need to dial 112. This is the telephone number of a single dispatch center that distributes all incoming calls (police, fire, ambulance, etc.).

What to say when calling?

Try to formulate in the very first sentence why you called the ambulance. For example: “My heart hurts” or “I fell from a height, injured my leg, I can’t step on it.” After that, answer all the dispatcher’s questions.

It is important not to hide your state of alcohol intoxication from the operator, since even while approaching you, doctors formulate a method of providing assistance and a list of possible medications. And some of them are not compatible with alcohol.

If you are calling for help not for yourself, try to find out whether the person has been sick with something before, when was the last time he was treated, how long ago the condition worsened, etc.

If you see a drunk person on the street, especially one who is sleeping, try to find out if he needs help. It will take you a few minutes, but perhaps you will save a person’s life. One of these “drunk people” may be a diabetic patient or a person with epilepsy.

After asking questions about your well-being, you need to give the exact address indicating the entrance number and floor. It is advisable to explain the best way to get to your house. It’s good if someone can go out to meet the ambulance. Then additionally tell us where exactly you will meet her. Be sure to make some kind of sign that explains that you are not just a passer-by, such as raising your hand or (at night) flashing a flashlight or cell phone.