Whiten intimate parts at home. The most effective laser whitening of the intimate area: all the most useful things you need to know

Many girls face this problem when pigmentation appears in the intimate area, or the skin simply begins to darken and takes on a not entirely aesthetic appearance.

Why does this happen

The reason for this could be many factors. This often happens during pregnancy and after, which hasn’t happened to me either. Pigmentation appeared on the face at about 7 months, and in piquant places I saw it after childbirth (since my stomach did not allow me to see everything there before).

The skin in this area has become darker than usual and clearly visible pigment spots have appeared on it. Back then I didn’t attach much importance to this phenomenon. Everything went away/lightened up on its own over time, but later I began to notice again that the bikini area had acquired a brownish tint in places.

Hormonal imbalance also plays a big role in this, and most often this happens with natural age-related changes.

If you go deeper, That it's all about melanin.

It is he who is responsible for the color of the skin, and its quantity decides what shade to give it. If its production is more intense, then pigment spots appear on the skin and its color becomes darker.

There is nothing wrong with this, but every girl wants everything “there” to have an attractive appearance and not cause any complexes or discomfort.

Today there are many methods to combat this problem.

The salon offers to take a laser course, but this is an expensive procedure and it is not a guarantee that it will help 100%.

There are many whitening creams on sale with quite effective skin lightening ingredients that suppress the active production of melanin, but some of them are not entirely safe and are even toxic (I mean products with hydroquinine). Most of these creams can be purchased at pharmacy chains.

Before taking drastic measures, I decided to try first folk remedies, tested over the years, with positive feedback. Yes, yes, no - I'm not losing anything.

I think everyone has heard about parsley and its ability to effectively whiten the skin?

Initially, I didn’t really believe that it would give the desired result, but in combination with other methods, I was pleasantly surprised.

The recipes are very simple, making them is absolutely not difficult.

From parsley we need its juice. If you don’t bother too much, you can simply chop it finely, squeeze out the juice and soak gauze in it, applying it locally in the right places.

To enhance the effect, we also need lemon juice and sour cream. Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting substance for about 10 minutes.

After the specified time, carefully rinse everything off with warm water.

Such procedures can be repeated for 5-7 days and then take a break, or try alternating with other methods.

Important! The skin should not be damaged. The skin in these places is already quite sensitive, so before applying anything to it, we first do a test in order to later avoid various allergic reactions and other unpleasant moments.

The skin should be clean and it is advisable to scrub it, thereby removing the stratum corneum so that the active substances can act on it more intensively and have a more powerful whitening effect. Also, you should avoid getting the product on the mucous membrane.

After shaving and hair removal, you should refrain from this procedure.

The next recipe is with cucumber. It’s not for nothing that its extract is found in many whitening products. You can try to lighten your skin in two ways.

For example, you can make a clay mask, but mix it not with water, but with cucumber juice. Additionally, you can add oil vitamin A or E, or even better, take an Aevit capsule. There is no need to hold the clay for too long and wait until it cracks and dries out the skin. If you apply a thicker layer, it will not dry out as quickly.

Finally, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with cream. Of all the different types of clays for bleaching, I would recommend white.

You can also grate the cucumber, mix it with cream and wrap it in gauze, applying it to the desired areas for 15 minutes. As a result, the skin becomes very soft, tender and moisturized.

All these methods can be alternated, or each of them can be done in a course of 5 days and see which of them gives a more pronounced result.

I hid the “before” and “after” photos in the quote below.

Show quote

You should not expect instant whitening. It takes time for the skin to acquire a lighter shade. It is important to do everything carefully, without harming the epidermis and to ensure that aggressive substances (for example, lemon juice) do not get on the mucous membrane.

All the tested methods turned out to be quite effective in my case. After treatment, the skin became much lighter and almost returned to its previous appearance. Compared to what it was, the difference in my opinion is very noticeable.

Thank you for your attention!

Every girl tries to take care of her beauty; a well-groomed appearance should also apply to delicate areas. Therefore, it is so important to know how to lighten the skin in intimate places. The procedure can be easily carried out at home. Let's look at simple and effective methods for whitening the bikini area in order.

How to lighten skin in intimate areas - 20 best methods

If you are thinking about how to whiten your intimate area, it is important to take into account a possible allergic reaction to the components that are included in the products. Following simple instructions, you can achieve the desired result at home.


Take 60 ml. fermented milk product and add 15 ml. fresh lemon juice, 5 drops of olive oil. The combination of such products brightens the skin and prevents tissue drying. Any pigment spots disappear. Rub in a homogeneous composition and wait a third of an hour. Rinse with warm water, repeat the procedure after 2-3 days if necessary.

Cottage cheese

Grind 50 gr. cottage cheese with high fat content. Add 3 ml to it. hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3%. After this, add the egg yolk into the mixture. Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass using a blender. Apply the mask to problem areas. After a third of an hour, remove with water.


Since you can lighten the skin in intimate places using the presented product, it is worth using simple recipe at home. Combine in a 60 ml container. warm milk, 20 gr. yeast and 10 ml. lemon juice. It is recommended to apply a homogeneous mass immediately before bedtime. After waking up, rinse off.


Powder this tool 3% hydrogen peroxide. Get a creamy consistency out of the ingredients. Distribute with massaging movements. Leave the product on for half an hour. Rinse and moisturize the skin with cream.

Herbal collection

To understand how to whiten skin in intimate places with the help of medicinal plants, you must follow the instructions. Take 6 grams. dry collection of St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, yarrow and currant leaves. Pour 300 ml of ingredients. boiling water and leave for 1 hour at home. Next, strain and add egg yolk, 30 ml. fresh lemon juice. Mix the product and wipe problem areas with it every day.


Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater. Combine the gruel with 30 gr. nourishing cream. Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Take a gauze cloth and fold it in 2 layers. Apply the product to a napkin and apply to the problem area. After half an hour, wipe the intimate area with a dry cloth.

White clay

Dilute 30 gr. clay with fresh cucumber juice. Transform the ingredients into a thick mixture with homogeneous structure. Next, it is also recommended to add 10 drops of fresh lemon juice to the mixture. Distribute the mask over the intimate area and wait 10-12 minutes. After this, remove the composition with cool water.


It’s easy to guess how you can lighten the skin in intimate places using simple products. Mix 15 ml in a container. parsley juice, the same amount of lemon juice and 30 gr. fat sour cream. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask for half an hour. The procedure must be carried out for 3 days in a row at home.

Coffee grounds

Combine equal amounts of lemon juice and coffee grounds. Treat problem areas with the prepared product using massage movements. After 5-7 minutes, rinse off. Be sure to treat your skin with a nourishing cream.


Grind 1 green apple and horseradish root on a fine grater. The number of components must be equal. Active acids in the presented products effectively eliminate pressing problems. Rub the composition into the skin for 5 minutes. After that, wash it off.

Parsley infusion

Turn 30 grams into pulp. fresh parsley. Pour 200 ml into the composition. boiling water Leave the product until it cools completely. Strain the mixture and moisten gauze pads with it. Apply to darkened areas. Wait half an hour. This procedure can be carried out twice a week.


When thinking about how to lighten the skin in intimate places, you should use the presented recipe at home. Take a medium-sized root vegetable, wash and grind on a fine grater. Add 30 grams to the paste. flower honey and 30 ml. milk. Apply a homogeneous composition to the skin, wait half an hour. This procedure can be carried out 2 times a week.


Combine 30 ml in a suitable container. 3% peroxide and 10 ml. ammonia. The prepared solution is applied 2 times a week. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. To avoid a possible allergic reaction, perform the test on a separate area of ​​the skin in advance.


Warm up the beekeeping product in a steam bath to 30 degrees. Add an equal amount of lemon juice. The product must be distributed onto clean and dry areas of the body. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.


Pass a medium-sized cucumber through a blender. Combine the grounds with 30 gr. nourishing cream. This product must be applied to napkins and applied to problem areas. Expect about half an hour. Rinse off the mixture as usual. Apply the cream three times a week.


When deciding how to lighten the skin in intimate areas, it is worth considering the use of dairy products at home. Grind 70 gr. cottage cheese and 30 ml. cream. Add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. This product is very effective and suitable for any type. Distribute it over the problem area for 20 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar

To prepare an effective paste, you do not need to have special knowledge. Connect apple cider vinegar with soda in such an amount that the result is a thick mass. Distribute the product over the darkened areas and wait for it to dry. Rinse off the paste and carry out the procedure daily for 1 week.

Black currant

To create effective remedy about 30 grams is required. unripe berries. Turn the raw materials into a homogeneous pulp. Enter 25 g. liquid honey. The result should be a homogeneous thicket. Rub the composition into the skin and wait half an hour. Remove and treat the intimate area with cream.


Make a cross-shaped cut on a ripe tomato and place it in a container with boiling water. Wait 1 minute, then transfer the vegetable to cold water. Remove the shell from the fruit, turn the pulp into porridge. Add 90 gr. red currants, 20 gr. strawberries and 40 gr. flower honey. Pass the ingredients through a blender. Distribute the mask over darkened areas for half an hour. Rinse off in the classic way.


Wash the citrus fruit and chop into small pieces along with the zest. Place the raw materials in a blender. Add 40 grams to the prepared pulp. honey. Place the finished composition in a glass container for several hours. After steeping, distribute the product over dark areas of the skin. Wait 10-12 minutes, rinse.

If you follow simple instructions, it’s easy to understand how to lighten the skin in intimate places in simple ways at home. To achieve the desired result, procedures must be performed regularly. Do not forget that some foods may cause an allergic reaction.

Relatively recently, a new trend in whitening has emerged among both sexes. And we are not talking about teeth or hair dyeing - all this is already yesterday. The so-called intimate whitening is gaining popularity - lightening the anus, labia, and even whitening the nipples. It is assumed that such a procedure raises self-esteem and allows you to be bolder and more confident in bed fantasies.

Whitening private parts: who needs it?

Controversial fashion

When it comes to whitening everything, Japan is the undisputed leader. In the Land of the Rising Sun, fair skin is highly valued: it indicates good taste, health and proper self-care.

In Europe, it has always been believed that the dark color of intimate parts is natural, and therefore healthy. However, films for adults have made their contribution. In them we can observe vaginas, anuses and other places improved in all respects, the “upgrade” of which in many has given rise to complexes and forced them to look for information about bleaching the anus and other intimate places, reviews about the procedure and its effect. And it is precisely such “modified” ideas about the beauty of the body that provoked the emergence of new erotic fashion canons.

In the United States, bleaching of intimate areas, particularly the anus, is currently becoming increasingly popular. Courteney Cox (Monica from the TV series “Friends”) once resorted to lightening the anal area; the authoritative magazine Marie Claire once devoted several pages to this delicate topic.

As for domestic stars, the name of Valery Leontiev is usually mentioned in connection with anal bleaching, after whom other famous personalities, representatives of the “golden youth” allegedly flocked to the offices of specialists (mainly foreign ones).

Intimate whitening – reasons to apply

It is believed that lightening intimate parts is especially popular among gay men - for obvious reasons. But, according to experts, it is resorted to not only by those for whom the view “from the rear” is of particular importance. For various reasons, the skin near the anus, in the groin, labia, etc. can be much darker than the rest of the body (we will leave the natural change of color as a result of a rush of blood due to excitement out of the equation).

Usually people with fair skin face this problem, but this is not always the case. The area of ​​the labia and anus that is too dark is usually a hereditary sign. Discoloration occurs in women and men of all ages and is caused by excessive accumulation of melanin. Frequent visits to the solarium also contribute to this. During menopause, some women develop spots in the vulva area, noticeably more intense coloring of the genital area.

Regardless of the reasons and their objectivity, many people are embarrassed by the “coloring” of their intimate parts. Often it becomes the cause of complexes, the inability to feel free and comfortable in intimate situations.

Closer to the body: how to whiten private parts

The procedure is very simple and involves using a special lightening ointment for several days. For the labia, you can buy a special powder - by the way, men can also use it. Nipple whitening requires more technical progress: the method is similar to the technique of tattooing. Light paint is applied to the nipples (especially their contours). There are also strong whitening creams, but their prices are quite high.

Let us dwell in more detail on such a procedure as anal bleaching. Everyone knows that the skin in the anal area is darker than on other parts of the body. If this circumstance bothers someone greatly, you can resort to anal bleaching procedure. After making a decision, you first need to go to a dermatologist. He will give the necessary advice, inform about existing opportunities in this area and determine whether the reason is more dark skin there is some kind of disease around the anus (this happens too).

Anal whitening: cream as the main remedy

What is the secret of lightening creams?

To achieve this goal, two groups of products are used: regular skin-whitening creams (for example, for the face) or creams specifically designed to lighten such delicate areas.

The purpose of this cream is to suppress the production of melanin. Most products contain ingredients such as hydroquinone or kojic acid. It should be noted that they do not have a very good reputation in the medical world and are the subject of serious controversy. Thus, hydroquinone applied to the skin can cause unpleasant side effects eg itching and irritation. In addition, many sources call hydroquinone a carcinogen. Kojic acid can also cause skin irritation.

IN different countries this circumstance is taken into account. For example, in Germany, product packaging must clearly indicate that the drug contains hydroquinone. Many skin whitening products from the USA contain this substance in a concentration of 4%, but in Europe, particularly in Poland, hydroquinone can be used in cosmetics in a very small concentration - a maximum of 0.3 percent. But the use of kojic acid in cosmetics is generally prohibited, for example, in Switzerland.

  • Whitening the anus with cream can be entrusted to a specialist at a beauty salon - of course, if he offers this kind of procedure (it has not yet become an ordinary procedure). In addition, if necessary, you can use anal whitening cream yourself at home, although the price makes this an expensive endeavor.
  • It is usually not recommended to lubricate the skin with this preparation more than once a day. But in practice it depends on the product used.
  • It’s good to apply the cream at night: it can “work” calmly while you sleep.
  • Sensitive skin around the anus may react differently to the bleaching product. If disturbing symptoms appear - itching or other unpleasant sensations, you should stop using the cream.
  • Intimate whitening at home also includes other “folk” methods. Here traditional skin lightening agents can be used: lemon juice, bodyaga, parsley, fresh cucumber, fermented milk products, etc. However, their effectiveness may be questionable, so to achieve a better result, you can immediately resort to “heavy artillery”.

Laser whitening of intimate areas

Although the market offers various anal whitening creams, the effect of their use is not always satisfactory. Therefore, more and more people are looking for solutions to their problems in the field of aesthetic medicine. A procedure that helps all sufferers reduce the dark coloration of intimate parts is laser whitening. From year to year it becomes more and more popular.

How is the procedure done?

Whitening the anus (as well as the labia, etc.) is carried out with an erbium laser, for example, Fotona Dualis SP. The required areas are bleached with a laser beam. This procedure is non-invasive, safe, and virtually painless. However, the patient may still feel some pain during the procedure. Therefore, during the treatment, anesthesia in the form of a cold air stream is used to ensure complete comfort. To reduce discomfort, the Cryo 6 Derma Cooler medical device can be used. Typically two procedures are performed two to three weeks apart.

After the intervention, irritation and redness of the skin may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to intensively moisturize the treated area until it is completely healed. In addition, you should not have sexual intercourse until the infection is completely cured.

When can you expect the effect?

It appears gradually. The real effect of lightening the anal area and other intimate areas can be assessed after approximately four weeks. There is also a bonus: bleached skin becomes not only lighter, but also more youthful and tender.


  • pregnancy
  • infection, damage to the epidermis in the intimate areas
  • malignant formations

So, cosmetology and modern technologies give us the opportunity to intervene in the natural state of affairs. Whether we should change the appearance of certain parts of our body, which was created by nature itself, is a debatable question. If we lighten up our private parts, will it really make us more attractive as a woman or a man? Whether to chase fashion, use new-fangled means or “not to bother” or fight one’s complexes – everyone decides for himself.

Often women face the problem of pigmentation (darkening) in delicate areas. It makes you feel embarrassed about your own body, sometimes even causes complexes to appear, and takes away the feeling of impeccability. This problem can be solved. There are many modern methods for whitening intimate areas. Traditional cosmetology also offers its own methods of getting rid of the problem.

Before choosing a method that is suitable for you, you should study the effectiveness of each of them. Despite the apparent harmlessness, some of the methods can have a traumatic effect on the skin, and their use is not justified.

Causes of darkening

It is important to find out what exactly provokes pigmentation - perhaps there are other problems that are worth paying attention to in parallel with getting rid of darkening of the skin.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Excess weight, due to which areas of the skin of the inner thighs rub against each other. As a result, redness and infections occur. Over time, the skin becomes rougher and darker;
  2. Hormonal disorders;
  3. Incorrectly selected underwear. Firstly, if it is made from non-natural fabrics, allergies may occur. Secondly, underwear with the wrong size or fit can cause chafing;
  4. Increased skin sensitivity;
  5. Changes associated with age.

In addition, medications taken, dermatological diseases, inflammation, trauma, genetic predisposition, use of oral contraceptives, and pregnancy can be triggers for the appearance of spots in intimate places.

If the problem of darkening is not a natural physiological process, it is necessary to solve it so that it does not return. This is also necessary to protect the body from the development of various diseases.

Before starting the procedures, you should visit a dermatologist, who will identify the causes and confirm or rule out the presence of diseases.

Solutions to the problem

Regardless of the chosen lightening method, this procedure always involves removing the top layer of the epidermis, which is how the desired result is achieved.

At their core, these manipulations are peeling. You can produce them yourself or by contacting specialists.

Previously, women used products that contain salicylic acid and phenol. Mercury ointment was also used.

Currently, leading cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics containing the following components:

  • Hydroquinone;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Citric acid;
  • Azelaic acid;
  • Glycolic acid.

Products containing extracts of parsley, cucumber, and bearberry are also effective.

Whitening in salon

Often women prefer to turn to professional cosmetologists who will perform the procedure in a salon. Specialists perform peeling, after which the process continues at home using special creams.

They are usually intended to be used for 2 weeks at a frequency of 2 times per day. The skin should rest from peeling, and subsequent procedures are carried out three days after it.

Accordingly, if you resort to the services of professionals, you will still have to complete the process yourself. But if you decide to perform intimate whitening in a salon, the peeling will be done efficiently, and the risk of injury will be reduced to a minimum.

Solving the problem at home

Most women choose this option. As a rule, a cream containing the necessary components is selected for this. Each of the products offered by the modern cosmetic industry has a different cost, period of use required to achieve results, composition, and method of application.

Before purchasing a cream, pay attention to its components, instructions for use, and find out what the principle of its action is. Remember that this type Cosmetics must definitely help exfoliate the dermis.

  1. As a rule, the product is applied to areas of the body twice a day, but before use, be sure to read the instructions - perhaps the cosmetics you choose should be used in a different mode;
  2. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with your eyes;
  3. Regardless of which cream for whitening the skin of intimate areas you choose, you should avoid exposure to the sun's rays and, accordingly, tanning;
  4. Apply the product in a thin layer to avoid irritation and allergies. For the same purpose, study the concentration of the main component - it should not be very high;
  5. Do not use cosmetics if there are open wounds or abrasions on the treated areas;
  6. If you find an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, redness, itching, stop using the cream, and when the skin is restored, choose other cosmetics.

The variety of creams today is huge, but there are products that have been proven over the years. Among them is a cream from the Bulgarian manufacturer “Achromin”. It contains lactic acid, water, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, sodium chloride, Trilon B.

The main component of cosmetics is hydroquinone, which is the most effective whitening substance. It is toxic and therefore prohibited for use in a number of countries around the world.

Currently, you can find a cream on sale, in the manufacture of which this component is replaced with other components that have a similar effect. Nevertheless, “Achromin”, which contains hydroquinone, is most often used for intimate whitening.

Before using it, be sure to read the instructions and use the product strictly following the recommendations specified therein. Sometimes the cream can cause allergies, so visit a dermatologist before use. Pregnant women, as well as during lactation, should not use it.

Folk cosmetology

Whitening of intimate areas is carried out at home and using traditional cosmetology products that have been proven over the years.

  1. Ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. Combine these components in a proportion of 0.5 tsp. and 1 tbsp. l. accordingly, apply the mixture to the desired area of ​​the body for 3-5 minutes.
  2. The procedure must be carried out twice a week.
  3. The course consists of no more than 12 procedures.

Before using the product, apply it to your wrist - if there is no redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations, you can use the mixture at home for sensitive areas.

  • Cucumber . The vegetable must be grated, combined with a cream that has nutritional properties. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze or soft cloth and apply to the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Parsley . Cut the greens with a knife, squeeze the juice out of it (you will need 1 tsp), combine it with lemon juice in the same amount, add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sour cream and apply the mixture to the skin for 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out at home for 4 days, and then a break is required.
  • Coffee grounds. It is necessary to mix the substance with lemon juice in equal parts, apply the resulting mixture to the delicate area and gently massage for 5 minutes. Then the mixture is washed off with warm water. Next, apply a cream to care for dry skin types to this area. The procedure is repeated twice a week until the effect is achieved.
  • White clay. This recipe involves processing with a mixture of cosmetic white clay and cucumber juice. The components are combined in such a proportion that the substance becomes so thick that it will not allow it to spread. Cucumber juice can be replaced with strawberry or parsley juice.

Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the paste to the skin, after peeling, for 10 minutes. Next, rinse it off with warm water, apply cream to the treated area.

Relatively recently, a new trend in the field of whitening has appeared in the world of cosmetology. After all, teeth whitening and hair dyeing are considered routine procedures. Every day, whitening the anus, labia and even nipples is becoming increasingly popular.

It is assumed that this procedure not only increases self-esteem, but also allows you to be more relaxed and confident in intimate matters.

The main purpose of the procedure

Each person's intimate area has its own characteristic color and shade. But despite this, the skin in the anus and genital area may differ significantly from the main skin tone. A darker color often creates a false “dirty skin” effect, which often causes disgust and disgust in individuals who have a heightened sense of aesthetics. The problem can be both psychological and aesthetic in nature.

Some people, especially girls, often experience discomfort during intimacy, feeling embarrassed to bend over while naked. Others may even lose sexual desire when they see an overly pigmented area of ​​skin. In some cases, girls cannot even wear a thong or open swimsuit. After all, every person has their own tastes and preferences. Fortunately, in modern cosmetology there is an excellent method for solving this problem.

Most often, increased pigmentation causes discomfort among the fair sex. If these areas are slightly darker than the skin color, then this is completely normal. But it happens that the skin of intimate places is much darker. That is why women are interested in why the skin in the intimate organs is prone to increased pigmentation. Experts believe that this The problem can occur for several reasons:

Whitening the anus and labia is considered a very complex and painstaking procedure. Because of this, not every specialist agrees to carry out such manipulations with a guarantee of excellent results. The point of bleaching is that the skin in the anus area can be lightened, making it look more well-groomed.


To remove the blackness between the buttocks and not collide with adverse reaction body, You must adhere to basic safety rules:

  • Dermatologists do not recommend using creams with mercury, which is often used as a substitute for more expensive ingredients. Of course, the skin will become much lighter, but your health itself will suffer greatly.
  • The bleach should not get inside the body.
  • The cream must contain a component that can be used even on sensitive skin. Remember that standard body bleaching products are not suitable for treating such intimate and sensitive areas.
  • If irritation or rash occurs, you should immediately stop using the cream and immediately consult a dermatologist.
  • It is forbidden to bleach the perineum if the skin has cracks, abrasions or wounds.

Anal whitening technique

Not every person is ready to resort to lightening the anus. The thing is that the procedure involves the use of chemical peeling with phenol and acid, as well as laser resurfacing. Cosmetologists always use special plant-based preparations: extracts of bearberry and paper mulberry, which can effectively fight hyperpigmentation.

Before starting bleaching, the master removes all vegetation from the treated area, then cleanses the skin of existing dead cells, and after this the skin around the anus is polished (glazed). Next, whitening peeling is carried out using cosmetic products, and a cream with a brightening effect is applied. The use of such drugs is permissible only after peeling; the procedure is carried out every two days.

Most often, cosmetologists use creams based on the active ingredient - hydroquinone. This whitening technique allows you to achieve the desired result after the first session. During this time, a professional can completely eliminate hyperpigmentation.

That's it for skin care intimate area doesn't end. The cosmetologist must definitely advise what manipulations will allow you to maintain a good result from the procedure. In this case, the person’s lifestyle is taken into account, how active the growth of hair follicles is, as well as what type of skin it is. In any case it is necessary use brightening gel regularly and for the first 6 months do not sunbathe naked in the sun. This is due to the fact that any exposure to ultraviolet radiation will nullify all the efforts of the cosmetologist, and will also provoke more pronounced pigmentation.

It is worth noting that you can use whitening cream for intimate areas at home. Just before doing this, you need to consult with an experienced dermatologist, since many drugs contain very aggressive components that can irritate sensitive skin in the intimate area.

Lighting at home

Well-known cosmetology companies offer everyone effective new generation lotions that can be used both before and after the procedure. Thanks to this, the question of how to whiten the intimate area at home is in unprecedented demand. After all, now ordinary citizens have great opportunity solve this cosmetic problem without visiting a cosmetologist.

The main purpose of such creams and gels is to combat various types of age spots. But it is worth noting that drugs alone will not be able to completely get rid of dark spots. They will become lighter and neater, but will not disappear. The procedure itself is considered very popular today, but before you decide to do it, you need to understand why it is needed. The thing is that in order to prevent the skin from darkening again, you will have to give up many habits.

At first, a person will feel uncomfortable tightness, and sometimes itching or even burning. In addition, you will need to use special anal lubricants, and it is not advisable to practice this type of sex. It is also worth noting that a person will be forced to regularly use cosmetic creams and gels.

Rules for the use of creams and gels

To whiten the skin around the anus, two groups of drugs can be used: standard lightening gels (for example, for the face) or those creams that are specially designed for treating such delicate areas. The main task of such drugs is to suppress the production of melanin. A large percentage of modern products contain components such as kojic acid and hydroquinone.

It is important to note that these two components do not have a very good reputation in traditional medicine, which is why they are the subject of serious controversy. After all, hydroquinone applied to the skin can cause very unpleasant side effects, such as itching and irritation. In addition, in many sources it is hydroquinone that is considered a carcinogen. Kojic acid can also irritate the skin in intimate areas.

To ensure that the creams used are beneficial and not harmful, You need to follow a few simple tips:

Features of laser processing

Often people are dissatisfied with the effect of whitening cream and are looking for a more effective solution to this delicate problem. In this case, laser lightening of darkened areas of the skin comes to the rescue. The procedure itself involves the use of a special laser beam. Whitening is practically painless, and a stream of cold air is used as anesthesia. To achieve the best result, you must undergo at least 2 procedures over 3 weeks.

After laser treatment, the lightened area must be moisturized until it is completely healed. The desired effect will appear in about 30 days. The skin in the intimate area will become not only lighter, but also more delicate. Remember that this procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, in case of damage to the epidermis in the treated area, and also if malignant neoplasms have been diagnosed.

Fighting pigmentation with folk remedies

If a woman is faced with the question of how to whiten her anus at home, then you can try to cope with this problem yourself, using special procedures. But before using this or that recipe, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction to certain products food and cosmetics.

The following methods will help eliminate the characteristic darkening between the legs:

To avoid dryness and tightness of the skin, after the procedures, you need to apply a good nourishing cream, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Homemade skin whitening methods are considered one of the simplest and most affordable. But in this case, you will need to regularly use such masks, which takes quite a lot of time.