What you need to know about concrete. What you need to know about concrete

Everyone knows what concrete is and where it is used. But not everyone knows the possibilities that this type of building material provides when constructing structures. Concrete is an artificial stone that has been used since ancient times and has not lost its position to this day. It is used in the construction of various structures around the world: both industrial (industrial) buildings and residential buildings. In addition, the construction of roads, bridges, and tunnels cannot be done without it.

Concrete is obtained by mixing a special concrete mixture, which consists of several components such as water, aggregates different sizes and cement, which acts as a binder. If you divide buildings into architectural elements, you can see that in most cases the frame and foundation are made using concrete. With the help of this building material, architects are able to express all their plans and ideas, as well as create unique textures.

When performing work on the construction of buildings and structures, most of the time is spent on the foundation and masonry of walls. Undoubtedly, for the construction of these building elements, special mixtures or solutions are required. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the mixtures, because The strength of structures directly depends on this. A concrete mixer helps prepare properly mixed solutions at a construction site. If necessary, of course, you can buy it. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of the design and operation of this device. Technical characteristics indicate the speed of operation, as well as the cost of the unit.

There are two categories of the device under consideration based on the principle of mixing solutions - gravitational, as well as forced action, the so-called planetary. In the case of gravity concrete mixers, mixing occurs due to the rotation of the container around its axis. There are blades installed inside, which are firmly fixed to the body. This design directly has a beneficial effect on the quality of the resulting solution. Gravity concrete mixers are characterized by mobility and technical characteristics, so they are in great demand.

Anyone, even those far from construction, knows that the construction concept of concrete, and the adjective concrete, is associated with something very durable.

It's not surprising, perhaps not construction work, which do not use concrete. The foundations of houses are poured from concrete, and monolithic frames of buildings are made. Concrete is used to construct floor subfloors, pour floors in garages and factories, and make subfloors indoors from concrete. Concrete pools are poured from special grades of concrete and runways are built at airports. Concrete is the main material for the production of building and road slabs, foundation blocks. In general, concrete is everywhere in construction. So what is concrete?

What is concrete

Concrete is a mixture of four constituent materials: cement, sand, crushed stone and water. The components of concrete are mixed in special proportions, forming a thick construction mixture, which, after hardening, forms a durable, monolithic product. Due to its fluidity when mixed, concrete can be given any shape using the so-called formwork.

The proportions of cement, sand, crushed stone, water in the concrete solution are strictly calculated, but are not constant values. Depending on the proportions of its components, concrete is divided into concrete grades. The main difference in concrete grades is the strength of the resulting concrete product and, as a consequence, the different areas of its application.

Concrete grades and cement grades

Often, the grade of concrete is confused with the grade of cement used. This is partly true, but not entirely correct. Let me give you an example, on M300 concrete. For M300 concrete, the following proportions of components are possible:

  • cement M400 - 1 kg, 1.9 kg of sand, 3.7 kg of crushed stone.
  • Or cement M500 - 1 kg, 2.4 sand, 4.3 crushed stone.

As you can see, different brands of cement are used for one brand of concrete.

Concrete grades and concrete class

There is such a thing as ready-mixed concrete. Ready-mix concrete is concrete manufactured in a factory and ready for delivery to the site by special machines. The second name for ready-mixed concrete is BSG - ready-mix concrete.

According to the standards, ready-mixed concrete is designated by the grade of concrete and the class of concrete. For example, concrete grade M300, class B22.5. The grade of concrete indicates the technology of its production, and the class of concrete shows its quality characteristics. Typically, the class of concrete is tied to its grade and concrete is designated by the grade of concrete with an additional indication in parentheses of the concrete class. For example, concrete grade M150 and concrete class B12.5 are the same product, which is labeled as ready-mixed concrete M150 (B12.5).

Let's see how concrete differs between different brands.

Ready-mixed concrete grades

In listing the grades of concrete, we will go from “hard to soft”, that is, from hard grades of concrete to “softer” ones, it is correct to say lightweight concrete.

Concrete M550, class B45 the strongest ready-mixed concrete. The proportions of cement in concrete grade M550 are maximum. It is used in production processes in the manufacture of special reinforced concrete products and in the construction of hydraulic structures.

Concrete M500, class B40, similar to M550 concrete. Its purpose is also for buildings and products that are constantly in contact with water. Concrete grades M500 and M550 are extremely expensive.

Concrete grades M400, class B35 and M450, class B30, also belong to high-strength concrete, and are used in civil construction of structures close to water (waterworks, metro), as well as premises for special-purpose reinforced concrete products and bank vaults.

Concrete grade M350, class B25. This concrete is used to construct the foundations of multi-story buildings. It is this concrete that is the main one in the production of reinforced concrete products, monolithic construction, production of road slabs and hollow floor slabs. M350 concrete is indispensable for pouring concrete pools, load-bearing columns, and runways. In private construction, the use of M350 concrete is not rational.

Concrete grade M300, class B22.5. Popular ready-mixed concrete for the construction of strip, pile and other monolithic foundations, popular in private construction.

Concrete M200, class B15 and M250, class B20 similar concretes in characteristics and application. The foundations of low-rise buildings and small staircases are made from such concrete. This concrete is used to construct paths and blind areas around the house. It is quite reasonable to use concrete M200 or M250 for flooring in the garage.

Concrete grade M150, class B12.5, called lightweight concrete. Concrete of this brand is most common in private construction and rough finishing of premises. It is used for constructing subfloors in the house, filling paths for hiking, for leveling floors with screeds.

Concrete grade M100, class B7.5. Lightweight concrete used in preparatory work before reinforcement and in the construction of foundations.

Concrete grades M50 and M75. More often called cement mortars. Used in laying bricks and wall blocks, plastering works. It is distinguished by the absence of crushed stone and a large amount of cement and sand in the composition. In the everyday life of builders, such a solution is rarely called concrete. A more correct name is cement mortar or sand mixture.

About concrete hardening

When working with all types of concrete, we remember the following:

  • The technological strength of concrete is achieved within 28-30 days from the moment it is poured;
  • Strength of 60% is achieved after 7-8 days;
  • Durability sufficient for walking comes after three days.

The maximum strength of high grade concrete is achieved after 6 months. That is why it is better to build private houses a season after pouring the foundation.

Important, ensure uniform, natural drying of concrete, and at elevated temperatures it is necessary to spill (wet) the drying concrete for a week and cover the concrete with polyethylene for the entire time it gains strength.

Concrete is one of the most popular building materials used in the construction of any structures. When building a house, it is important to take into account the variety of types of concrete that have different characteristics and properties.

Choosing materials for building a house and decorating a garden has become a difficult task due to the extraordinary breadth of the offer. The concretes that seem to be in use today

in any building is no exception.

This popularity is easily explained: concrete mixtures are very diverse in properties, which depend on the components included in their composition.

In fact, only from concrete can an entire house be built and finished: the foundation, walls, ceilings, rafters and even tiles, as well as artificial stone and panels for wall finishing are made from different types of it. Today there are many building materials based on the long-known traditional concrete. To navigate in all their diversity, you will have to study more than one book and keep track of the constantly replenished assortment.

Concrete is an artificial stone material that is obtained by hardening a mixture of binder, aggregates and water (however, this is also optional, for example, in polymer concrete). Concrete has been known for more than 6,000 years - it is believed that it was first used in Mesopotamia, and in Ancient Rome was already widespread.

The properties of concrete vary depending on the components included in its composition. Typically, cement is used as a binder (the kind of concrete we are familiar with has been produced since 1844). Some types of concrete are used for the construction of bridges and skyscrapers, others for lightweight enclosing structures and thermal insulation, and still others for the manufacture of facing tiles and decorative panels...

The main components, additives and structuring elements of concrete, like any composite, determine its qualities. The result is materials with almost any, often opposite, properties. For example, recent developments include flexible concrete and concrete that can “heal” minor damage.

Variety of varieties

Concrete is classified according to the type of binder (usually cement), purpose (regular and special, used in difficult conditions), volumetric mass (from especially heavy to especially light - it depends on the aggregate).

The main indicators by which the class (grade) of concrete is determined are compressive and tensile strength, frost resistance and water permeability. In addition, fillers and reinforcing components are important - pebbles from different types of stone, expanded clay, synthetic fibers, wood shavings and even gas, as in the case of cellular concrete. The result is a wide variety: monolithic reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, expanded clay concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, concrete reinforced with synthetic fibers, foam concrete, decorative concrete, woodchip slabs, artificial stone... The purpose of the materials is also different - from construction amazing masterpieces of engineering to decorative cladding of modest frame house. Often, during the construction of one building, they are used different types concrete.

The properties of concrete, including its strength, are determined primarily by the properties of the binder. Cement is usually used - when wet and then dry, it becomes very hard. Based on their strength, cements are divided into grades, which is what the letter “M” in their name means: M300, M400, M500, M600. The higher the number, the stronger and more expensive the cement: M600 cement, due to its strength, is called “military” and costs more than M500. It is clear that the higher the grade of cement, the stronger the concrete made from it.

Long-term storage of cement, even in a dry place, reduces its strength: in six months by a quarter, in a year by 40%, and in two years by half. The strength of concrete is also affected by water - the less it is added to the cement when mixing, the stronger the hardened concrete will be.

Fillers are divided into small and coarse: fine sand is usually used, grains of which have a diameter of 0.2-3.0 mm, and coarse aggregate is crushed stone or gravel 0.5-5 cm in size. Fillers are needed to increase the strength of concrete, since cement is relatively soft. Cement acts as an adhesive for the aggregates. It is known that excess glue usually reduces the strength of the connection, so the more optimal the ratio of “glue” and fillers, the better the pores are filled, the stronger the concrete after hardening. It is for this reason that two aggregates are used - fine and coarse: the fine fills the voids between the large ones, the layer of binder becomes thinner, and the material becomes stronger.

The water used to mix the concrete mixture should not be salty or distilled; a pH of at least 4 is allowed. Swamp, waste or industrial water should not be used, since the substances contained in it affect the strength of concrete. The origin of the sand also matters: if it contains products of destruction of plant residues - humic acids, then they will reduce the quality of concrete.

Special additives are used for various purposes - to increase fluidity using plasticizers (so that a pump can be used); to speed up or slow down setting; for the formation of pores; to increase water permeability or frost resistance, as well as decorative.

When building a small structure such as a cellar, well, reservoir or bridge, you will have to decide which technology to choose - pour concrete mixture into formwork made on site, use blocks or install ready-made structures.

Despite the huge variety of concretes, in individual construction they use monolithic reinforced concrete (poured on site or in the form of ready-made structures), foam or aerated concrete (in the form of blocks of different sizes) and decorative concrete (which are presented in a large assortment - from monolithic platforms to tiles, tiles and panels).

Solid base

Monolithic reinforced concrete allows the construction of buildings of almost any shape, but in private construction the use of reinforced concrete is usually limited to foundations and floors. Reinforced concrete is one of the many types of reinforced concrete. In this case, iron rods, fastened into a single “skeleton,” act as reinforcement. Since the expansion coefficient of steel is equal to the expansion coefficient of concrete, the structure is strong and homogeneous. The iron “skeleton” ensures uniform distribution of loads, and concrete protects the metal from corrosion. In a simplified manner, the construction of structures made of monolithic concrete can be described as follows: special forms are installed directly on the construction site - formworks that follow the contours of the future structural element. The quality of the formwork determines how smooth the walls will be and how even the ceilings will be. A frame made of reinforcement is installed in them and concrete solution is poured. After the concrete has gained the required strength, a finished structural element of the building is obtained. Formwork elements or (when used, prefabricated formwork is dismantled, and permanent formwork becomes part of the wall.

To create foundations and other capital structures that bear a large load, it is preferable to prepare concrete with grade 300-400 cement, using clean coarse sand or granite crushed stone as a filler. Fine sand with clay particles, as well as crushed limestone or broken bricks significantly reduce the strength of concrete, even when using high grade cement.

The optimal composition of concrete is: one part cement, three parts sand, three to four parts crushed stone. Water is added in such a way that the plasticity of the concrete allows it to be placed in the formwork with easy compaction. Concrete, unless plasticizers are added, should not be “liquid” - after all, the less water, the stiffer the concrete, and therefore stronger.

Floor slabs are made from both ordinary heavy concrete and light concrete (expanded clay concrete, slag concrete, etc.), grade 200 and higher. Most often, to save concrete and reduce the weight of the structure, slabs are made with round longitudinal voids. In individual construction, ready-made slabs are usually used.

Lightweight aggregates

Cellular concrete has become a very popular building material for cottages. There are two types of cellular concrete - foam concrete and aerated concrete. These are lightweight concretes with pores 0.5-2 mm in diameter evenly distributed throughout the volume. They have low thermal conductivity, are easy to process and durable. The main disadvantage is not very high strength.

Foam concrete is obtained by hardening a solution consisting of cement, sand, water and a foaming agent. It is foamed mechanically - the foam provides the necessary air content in the concrete. The foam concrete mass is poured into molds and then cut into blocks. The production of foam concrete does not require complex technical devices, so it is cheaper and can be manufactured right on the job site and serve as insulation or cavity filler.

Aerated concrete consists of sand, cement, water and a blowing agent, which is usually lime or aluminum powder. These components are mixed and placed in an autoclave, where they foam and harden. Aerated concrete products are manufactured in factories. This technology allows for tighter control of the production process.

The porous structure of cellular concrete determines their properties. Since the air in the pores is a good heat insulator, a 40-centimeter wall made of such concrete blocks is not inferior in heat-saving characteristics to a brick wall 1.7 m thick and requires almost no insulation. Blocks made of cellular concrete are much lighter than brick, so they are large in size, which speeds up the process of building walls and reduces the load on the foundation. In addition, this material can withstand loads of up to 100 kg/cm2, which corresponds to the strength of M100 ceramic bricks. This is enough to build a three-story house. Foam concrete walls provide excellent sound insulation.

Cellular concrete is frost-resistant, but is susceptible to moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the outer surface of the wall, for which vapor-permeable plaster is used, followed by coating with “breathable” facade paint, as well as facing with brick or siding. It is necessary to provide a ventilated gap between the wall and the cladding, otherwise condensate accumulating in the pores and on the surface will freeze and destroy the foam concrete.

For beauty's sake

Concrete is widely used in building decoration and site decoration. They successfully replace ceramic tiles (cement-sand tiles), natural stone, wood, or look the way the designer intended. New materials are constantly being created. Thus, recently colored decorative panels made of fiber-reinforced concrete have appeared for cladding buildings.

The most common finishing materials are usually called artificial stone and decorative concrete. The difference between them is small: artificial stone is produced in the form of individual elements (tiles, “stones”, blocks, etc.), and decorative concrete is a monolith poured on site.

In both cases, concrete contains special additives that improve the structure (polymer fibers as reinforcement or polystyrene foam to reduce weight), and its surface is primed and painted. This effect cannot be achieved with ordinary paint. Thanks to the use of special dyes and impregnating compositions, a surface is obtained that is indistinguishable from the natural one (paving stones, bricks, flagstones, wooden flooring and various combinations thereof). When making decorative concrete, ground marble, granite or glass are added as filler to make it more impressive. The nobility of the surface also depends on the painting method. The highest quality materials have a pattern as unique as natural stone - the veins and stains look natural. Therefore, decorative concrete perfectly imitates natural stone, but at the same time its price is much lower.

The thickness of decorative concrete is determined by the purpose of the coating: it is enough to apply a two-centimeter layer on the wall; for pedestrian areas, at least 5 cm is required, and for automobile driveways - 10 cm or more. Up to 80% of the material’s strength is achieved within 10-14 days. Decorative concrete is characterized by low water absorption - no more than 0.5%, high frost resistance - 250 cycles, and abrasion resistance. It does not shrink, which means it can be used to renovate the walls of a building built a long time ago. The material is resistant to acids and alkalis, oils and solvents. Its surface does not slip thanks to the addition of granite chips and quartz sand to the dye composition. The last stage of processing is the application of finishing sealants, which, when polymerized, protect the coating from the appearance of efflorescence.

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Whether it is a private house or a high-rise building, one cannot do without the use of concrete or products made from it.

Even if the building envelope is not made of concrete, concrete foundation blocks or a concrete mixture are almost always used for the foundation.

The concrete mixture consists of the following main components:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water.

Depending on the proportion of these basic substances, the class of concrete and its grade are determined.

Why do you need a placeholder?

Someone may have a reasonable question: if cement and water themselves form a strong cement stone, then for what purpose are sand and crushed stone added to concrete? This is necessary because cement stone is susceptible to cracking and subsidence.

And crushed stone and sand are necessary to form a structural skeleton of a material capable of bearing the main load. Aggregates improve the concrete mix and at the same time significantly reduce its cost.

How is the strength of coarse aggregate in a concrete mixture regulated?

It is necessary that the strength of crushed stone is twice as high as the strength of concrete of a certain grade. This is necessary because concrete takes quite a long time to gain strength (sometimes up to six months). During this period, crushed stone bears the main load, preserving the mixture and preventing too much

Various aggregates are used to prepare different grades of concrete:

  • concrete grades M100 - M300 - limestone with a strength of 500 - 600 is used as a filler;
  • concrete grades up to M450, which are most often used in private construction - gravel with a strength of 800 - 1000;
  • heavy concrete used in road construction - granite aggregate.

The task of such components as cement and water is to bind all components into a homogeneous mass. They affect the strength of concrete to a lesser extent than crushed stone, although the grade of cement has a certain influence on the grade of concrete.

For ordinary construction and household use, it is quite sufficient to use cement grades M300 - M500.

What indicators characterize the quality of a concrete mixture?

To build your own home, you need to be guided by the alphanumeric indicators that are given in the manufacturers’ price lists:

  1. Concrete grade (M100 – M800). The numbers represent an indicator of the ultimate strength of the material, calculated in kgf/sq. cm.
  2. Usually next to the concrete grade there is such an indicator as the concrete class, designated as follows: B3.5 - B60. It represents the strength coefficient guaranteed by the manufacturer (±13%).
  3. The marking also usually indicates the grade of concrete for frost resistance, denoted by the letter F (25 - 1000), which indicates the ability of the material to withstand a certain number of freeze-thaw cycles without the formation of any significant deformations. Manufacturers of concrete mixtures often use various additives that increase the mixture’s resistance to temperature fluctuations. Most often, hydrophobic cement is used for this. Considering that it negatively affects the strength of concrete, when purchasing it is worth asking about the composition of the mixture.
  4. An important indicator is the water resistance coefficient of concrete, denoted by the letter W (2 – 20). It shows the degree of resistance of the mixture to the penetration of water under pressure. The higher this indicator, the less is the need to spend money on waterproofing the foundation or look for an area with a low groundwater level.
  5. The letter P (1 – 5) indicates the mobility of concrete. The convenience of laying concrete depends on it

Additives used in new generation concretes

High-quality concrete cannot be produced without the use of special chemical additives-modifiers, which make it possible to create a practically waterproof material of the highest strength and frost resistance.

For this

  • A complex chemical additive (CCA) that can ensure complete waterproofness of concrete, increase its strength by 1.5 - 2 times and increase frost resistance to 500 cycles.
    The additive is introduced into the concrete simultaneously with the dry components of the mixture in an amount of approximately 1.5 - 3% of the mass of the cement being laid. These additives do not react with metals, do not burn, do not produce efflorescence, and are not toxic to humans.
  • Additive Universal P2 is a hardening accelerator used to replace the need to steam concrete.
    This becomes possible due to the fact that the hardening rate of the concrete mixture accelerates many times over. The additive is introduced at the rate of 0.5 - 0.6% by weight of cement. The use of this additive also increases the workability of concrete, increases its frost resistance and water resistance.
  • Plasticizing additives Lingopan B-1, B-3, B-4 are used in the production of concrete, cement mortars, compositions for the production of paving and self-leveling mixtures.
    They serve to improve the fluidity and workability of the mixture, reduce its delamination and increase its strength.
  • Additive Superplasticizer S-3.
    Its purpose is very multifaceted: increasing the fluidity of concrete or mortar by 6-7 times, improving strength by 20-30%, improving the adhesion of concrete to reinforcement, obtaining concrete with increased crack resistance, frost resistance, and moisture resistance.
  • Antifreeze additives sodium formate, Benotech PMP-1, S-ZM-15. They have plasticizing properties, increase the viability of concrete, provide a rapid increase in strength, allowing concrete work to be carried out at low temperatures.

Possibility of using concrete of various grades

Depending on the type of concrete, the possibilities for its use vary:

  • M100 - used as a basis in the manufacture of blind areas.
  • M200 (B15) is the most popular brand. Used for the construction of strip and column foundations, for the production of foundation blocks, lintels, floor slabs, reinforced concrete belts.
  • M300 (B22.5) - very good for installing strip foundations, for making monolithic walls and ceilings, for retaining walls, fences.
  • M350 (B25) – pool bowls, piles, beams, columns, crossbars, monolithic walls and foundations, production of reinforced concrete products.
  • M400 (B30) – for the construction of hydraulic structures, bank vaults, structures with special requirements, bridges.
  • M450 (B35) - sets very quickly, so it is practically not used. It is used for the construction of dams, dams, bank vaults, and in the construction of subways.
  • M500 (B40) and M550 (B45) are high-strength concretes. Used for special-purpose structures and hydraulic structures.

Knowing the markings of concrete and their purpose, it will be easy to purchase required material at a reasonable price, and not overpay for “wonderful” but unnecessary properties.

It is also worth taking a critical look at offers like “high-quality concrete at low prices.” Good concrete cannot be too cheap.