Why do you dream about the Kitten? Why does a woman dream about a kitten? Means sleeping with kittens.

Since time immemorial, cats have been considered magical animals that can be in the real and astral world at the same time. These animals are considered a complex, mysterious and ambiguous symbol, an emblem of magic and mysticism. At the same time, it is difficult to find a person who would not be touched by small kittens. How many pleasant emotions are evoked by furry, funny babies sleeping or playing! But in the world of dreams it often happens that a phenomenon that evokes pleasant feelings in reality can be interpreted as something not entirely favorable.

What do dreams say?

In order for the interpretation of any dream to be as accurate as possible, it is worth understanding one thing: although dream books are the result of centuries-old observations, this does not mean that all the interpretations described will be suitable for you. For example, fish does not always dream of pregnancy, and pregnancy does not always mean family troubles. Therefore, when deciphering a dream, you should start first of all from the fact that what emotions did the dream evoke in you? and what events happened before and after it in reality.

Seeing kittens in a dream is most often considered an unfavorable sign, but not at all scary. Animals can be dreams to minor troubles, minor illnesses, minor difficulties or minor quarrels.

What exactly a kitten dreams about depends on a number of nuances. For example:

It may even be that you are dreaming of a dead kitten. In addition, you need to take into account animal color, and who is dreaming about a kitten - a man or a woman, a girl in love or a mother. Taking into account all these subtleties, you can get the most truthful interpretation of the dream.

Why do you dream of kittens: universal interpretation

Seeing kittens from the outside

If in a dream you looked at the babies, but did not touch them, try to remember what the kittens looked like - their appearance will play a decisive role in the interpretation of dreams.

Contact with kittens

If in a dream you are not just an outside observer, but also touch animals, the interpretation will depend on what exactly you are doing.

Color of babies

When interpreting a dream about kittens, a significant role is played by what color were the animals.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about kittens?

In addition to the above, various dream books dreams about kittens can be interpreted differently.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unpleasant surprises, squabbles.

Why do Miller kittens dream: to failure?

according to Miller's dream book

Fluffy creatures that evoke affection in reality, according to Miller’s dream book, predict trouble. You should drive them away in a dream, then problems in life will recede. If you fail to do this, this means that the enemy is in your surroundings, wanting misfortune. Your good name may suffer, so you should be alert.

Vanga's dream book: kittens dream of danger

according to Vanga's dream book

A blind Bulgarian soothsayer associated dreams about cute animals with future troubles. A woman dreams of a white kitten - she should be careful, they are preparing some kind of trick for her. A large number of kittens - you should be on your guard: this means a large number of problems that will rain down from all sides. Dirty, skinny cat babies are a hint that they are trying to mislead you. Taking the life of a kitten in a dream is a cruel plot, however, it foreshadows getting rid of troubles in reality.

Why do you dream about a kitten according to Freud’s dream book? to attractiveness

according to Freud's dream book

As you know, the Austrian psychoanalyst saw in everything a reflection of a person’s sexual or secret aspirations. He believed that kittens signify the sensitivity and explosive nature of the dreamer. A girl stroking and squeezing an animal in a dream means she secretly yearns for the caresses of a man. The kitten is caressing, clinging to you - the person who is dreaming enjoys great success with the opposite sex.

Loff's dream book: kitten - to secret knowledge

according to Loff's dream book

An unusual interpretation of the plot is found in this dream book. Seeing kittens in night dreams means a craving for magic, witchcraft, occult sciences, shamanism, and this attraction is carefully hidden in reality. Even the ancients attributed unusual abilities to kittens and were convinced of their incredible intuition. Such a dream hints that you need to trust your instincts and show insight.

According to Nostradamus's dream book, a kitten is an omen

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The French alchemist interpreted dreams about furry babies in different ways. For example, a kitten appears in your house - a sure sign of maintaining comfort in the house and mutual understanding in family relationships. However, he interpreted the same plot in a different way - perhaps an unpleasant person has appeared in your environment who wants to destroy your well-being, career, relationships. A striped cat baby symbolizes a meeting with a sane person. If in a dream kittens were brought in a large basket to a luxurious palace - to a powerful ruler in the country for the next decade. Such a dream is considered prophetic.

I dreamed about a kitten

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her. If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act. Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop. Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will ultimately harm themselves.

Cat in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The cat is a symbol of evil forces, a witch, home comfort, shrine, and good luck. To see a tabby cat walking along the road to the city - this dream suggests that before the appearance of a great man who will bring wisdom from above, people will recognize a cat or other animal that will be sent as a sign. Seeing a cat the size of a lion lying on the threshold of a house means that well-being depends on thoughtful policies regarding animals. Seeing a black cat with red eyes - this dream indicates evil intentions that may end in bloodshed, characterizing the year 2023. Seeing a cat in a robe made of mouse skins is a symbol that the events of 2008 will entail a reckoning that will take place in 2011. Accidentally killing a cat means that in 2045 a particularly dangerous international criminal will be caught in Egypt. Seeing a city filled with cats is a symbol that foreshadows an environmental disaster, drought, or famine. Seeing a basket of kittens being carried with honor into the palace, accompanied by a column of people, means that in ten years a very strong and unpredictable person in his actions will be in power, who will be revered to such an extent that it can be compared to deification . This period can be called the era of democracy and independence in everything. Seeing a gallery of stuffed cats is a harbinger of official reprisals against those who believe in higher or otherworldly forces. Seeing a pack of cats attacking a huge dog means that in 2018 there will be a major clash between the forces of good and evil, which will affect primarily family life and housekeeping. To see a tabby cat caught in a mousetrap - this dream foreshadows death or deliberate reprisal against a person - a messenger from God, who is not recognized. Seeing a red and yellow cat with green eyes is a harbinger that an absurd event in which the traditions of Japan will be affected will lead to aggravation of relations between this country and the states related to this event. Seeing a cat couple decorated with colored ribbons means that in 2047 an event will occur that will unite the rulers and peoples of states that have not previously cooperated. Seeing a cat pouring wine into silver bowls is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in 2011 as a result of hard work and a law-abiding lifestyle.

Briefly about the main thing

Kittens usually dream about fun events, communication with interesting people and harmonious relationships. However, such a vision can also be a harbinger of family quarrels, conflicts and problems with children.

Interpretations of dreams about kittens depending on the details

Depending on appearance:

  • homeless - bad news;
  • sick - to the appearance of an envious and deceitful person in the dreamer’s environment;
  • flea - to a meeting with an old friend;
  • angry - for a quick trip to another city;
  • dirty - to conflict with family members due to different views on raising children;
  • beautiful - for a fun trip to an exotic country;
  • small - to minor troubles that will arise due to understatement;
  • dear - to receive a gift;
  • floating - for a carefree pastime;
  • fluffy - to a salary increase;
  • sleeping - to an irreparable mistake that you will regret for a long time;
  • dying - to a serious and long-term illness;
  • playful - to a temporary cooling of feelings and other difficulties in relationships;
  • wounded - to the danger of becoming a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Depending on the color:

  • blue - to get rid of competitors;
  • green - to increase;
  • two-color - for a good mood;
  • smoky - to meet a reliable and faithful person;
  • multi-colored - to make a surprise purchase;
  • pink - to the emergence of a new dream;
  • striped - there are ill-wishers in the immediate environment;
  • gray - to a successful solution to financial issues.

Depending on the action:

  • start one - to disappointment in a loved one;
  • to protect - to concern for relatives or friends;
  • find - to a promotion;
  • eat - to small but annoying troubles that will haunt the sleeper for a long time;
  • wash - to reconciliation with an old enemy;
  • drown - to successfully get rid of annoying problems;
  • play - to participate in an ambitious project;
  • pick up - to pleasant troubles due to the arrival of relatives;
  • given as a gift - to disappointment in a close friend or girlfriend.

Depending on location:

  • in bed - there is an easy way out of a difficult situation;
  • in the bucket - noisy fun and useful acquaintances;
  • in water - to intimate problems.

Depending on who dreamed:

  • for a woman - to the birth of a healthy child;
  • married - to a pleasant surprise;
  • for a man - news from an annoying acquaintance.

Depending on what exactly you see:

  • many kittens - for a meeting with close friends;
  • kittens and puppies - for pleasant chores around the house.

TOP 2 negative values

  1. Watch in a dream how children feed kittens,- a sign that the dreamer does not want to solve problems and help others.
  2. See strays animals trying to get into the house - the danger of committing an immoral act due to one’s hot temper.

TOP 2 positive values

  1. Rescue kittens from icy water in a dream- there will be participation in the fate of strangers who will generously thank the dreamer in the future.
  2. Petting affectionate animals dreams of an interesting and fun event with colleagues.

Do you want your dream to come true?


If you want the dream not to come true, share the interpretation on social media. networks

Miller's Dream Book

According to a psychoanalyst, seeing kittens in a dream is good sign, foreshadowing a new addition to the family or the sudden arrival of distant relatives.

For men:

  • if the dreamer is married, then such a dream promises a period when he will have to care for sick relatives.

Video about why kittens dream

Filmed by the channel “Dream Interpretation - Interpretation of Dreams.”

Freud's Dream Book

Important to know

According to the interpretations of a famous psychoanalyst, kittens symbolize good sexual health and also portend the birth of a healthy child.

For women:

  • feeding animals is a sign that personifies the dreamer’s subconscious desire to take care of the offspring;
  • watching blue kittens swim in a dream means pregnancy and a successful birth;
  • in dirty water - to malaise;
  • playing with animals means a happy and long life;
  • defending yourself from small kittens that scratch and bite means minor quarrels with family members.

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretations from Vanga’s dream book:

  • seeing wounded kittens means exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • treating them means problems at work;
  • watching kittens eat raw meat - the dreamer will witness an accident;
  • drowning blind kittens means committing a rash act;
  • playing with pets means participating in an interesting event in reality.

For women:

  • if a young girl is married, then she will have a romantic dinner with her husband.

Healthy, affectionate kittens dream of a comfortable life and romantic relationships. An angry and sick pet in a dream means that you do not notice that a loved one needs attention and care.

Seeing white kittens in a dream is a sign of naivety and imprudence, while black kittens signify balanced decisions and a slight conflict.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a vision with kittens is interpreted as a prediction of a salary increase or the receipt of an unexpected bonus or inheritance.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff, kittens in a dream can portend a prosperous and long life, and if they purr or rub against their legs, that’s good news.

Other interpretations:

  • dreamed of black kittens - a warning that enemies will try to insult the dreamer’s family;
  • white - to the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • feeding blind kittens means a serious conflict with colleagues.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Main meanings of the dream:

  • ugly kittens portend a long separation or separation from a loved one;
  • unusual color - dream of a business trip;
  • meowing loudly - to loneliness and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • giving kittens to a stranger means concluding a profitable deal;
  • to find them in a gutter and pick them up - to perform a good deed;
  • to see in a cage - to a temporary period of lack of money.

For men:

  • If you dreamed of kittens with fleas, this means that the dreamer may become an object of gossip in the work team.

For women:

  • watching children torture defenseless animals means you will have to make a difficult decision related to marriage.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to an Italian psychologist, giving kittens to a loved one in a dream is a sign that predicts a stable financial situation.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to Longo's dream book:

  • small kittens with pink paws dream of an unusual conversation with an interesting person;
  • green - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • - portend financial problems;
  • wet - predict misunderstandings on the part of others to the dreamer.

Azar's Dream Book

Interpretations from the Jewish dream book of Azar:

  • seeing kittens running away from an aggressive dog is a sign that the sleeper will improve relationships with colleagues;
  • playing with cats - the dreamer will receive an unexpected gift from a stranger;
  • bathing kittens in warm water means the successful completion of a complex project;
  • killing animals means disappointment in a loved one.

For women:

  • kittens scratching their hands portend creative success and family well-being.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to the dream book of the Apostle Canaanite, dreaming about kittens can mean drastic changes associated with moving to another city or looking for a new job.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

According to this dream book, this vision symbolizes the bad intentions of others, which can ruin a person’s reputation. Most likely, he may be slandered by ill-wishers from among those whom he considers his friends.

Other transcripts:

  • dreamed of black kittens - to an emotional breakdown due to chronic fatigue;
  • seeing white pets means an unplanned vacation;
  • kittens playing with children - dream of an unexpected joyful event in the family.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop, kittens dream of problems that may arise due to disagreements with children or the fault of close relatives.

For women:

  • For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows the receipt of an intimate proposal from a married man.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you dream of kittens, this foreshadows the realization of a long-planned dream or the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

For women:

  • to see kittens near a mother cat in a dream is a sign that predicts a romantic relationship for the dreamer with an old admirer.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great:

  • looking for lost kittens in a dream - to misunderstandings or disagreements with family members;
  • treating wounded animals means a serious conversation with your superiors;
  • saving drowning kittens means getting a reprimand at work.

For men:

  • playing with kittens in an unfamiliar company is a symbol of unsatisfied sexual desires;
  • dreamed of kittens born to a beloved deceased cat - to news about a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Seeing a lot of kittens, according to the healer Akulina, is a sign symbolizing good health and the dreamer's good intentions.

English dream book

Interpretations of this dream from the English dream book look like this:

  • receiving a lot of kittens as a gift means concern for relatives;
  • feeding animals from a bottle means the beginning of a prosperous period in life;
  • give them as a gift - for the unexpected arrival of old friends.

French dream book

If a small kitten runs away from a sleeping person, according to the French dream book, this predicts the implementation of the plans.

Assyrian dream book

In the Assyrian dream book, dreaming of kittens is interpreted as a prediction of conflict with strangers, the reason for which will be different religious views.

Modern dream book

Important to know

According to the Modern Dream Book, such a vision promises a situation in which distant relatives will ask the sleeper for help.

For women:

  • to see in a dream how newborn kittens die is an alarming sign, foretelling the dreamer a meeting with an insidious and deceitful rival.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

According to the interpretation from Phoebe’s Big Dream Book, seeing wounded kittens means a conflict with a loved one or a business partner.

Chinese dream book

Interpretations from the Chinese dream book:

  • kittens meow in a dream - the dreamer will need protection, since he will not be able to cope with envious people alone;
  • feeding animals with fish is a sign that the sleeper should listen to the opinions of others;
  • to see in a dream how a cat carries away kittens - to the death of a familiar person.

Muslim dream book

In the Muslim dream book, kittens running restlessly around the room warn the sleeper that he will find himself in an unpleasant situation. This will probably happen due to immoral behavior or an indifferent attitude towards other people's opinions.

Islamic dream book

If, according to the Islamic dream book, this means that the dreamer pays little attention to family and friends.

Russian dream book

According to the Russian Dream Book, playful kittens usually dream of a promotion or receiving a bonus.

Slavic dream book

Seeing kittens playing with an old sick cat, according to the Slavic dream book, portends an unexpected win or an expensive gift from a stranger.

Ukrainian dream book

In the Ukrainian dream book, such a vision is interpreted as an improvement in relations with neighbors or colleagues.

Family dream book

The main interpretations, according to Family dream book, depend on the time of day:

  • if you dreamed about kittens at night, it means an additional source of income will appear;
  • in the morning - to the start of a new profitable business;
  • in the afternoon - to travel with family;
  • in the evening - for a romantic dinner.

Esoteric dream book

According to Esoteric dream book, kittens can dream of troubles that threaten the dreamer’s income. There will also be obstacles to his progress at work.

Dream interpretation by days of the week

According to this dream book, if:

  • dreamed of kittens on Monday - to participate in an interesting event;
  • on Tuesday - to reconciliation with ill-wishers;
  • on Wednesday - for an educational conversation;
  • on Thursday - a pleasant evening in a small company;
  • on Friday - for an unplanned vacation;
  • on Saturday - to recognition in the professional field;
  • on Sunday - to joy and good luck.

Love dream book

Interpretations from the Love Dream Book:

  • feeding kittens - to a strong quarrel;
  • buying - to fraud, the victim of which will be the sleeping person;
  • selling - to the beginning of a new love relationship.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • a married girl dreamed of kittens - an unplanned pregnancy;
  • for a virgin - to meet a nice guy;
  • to the bride - to a warm and harmonious relationship with her future spouse;
  • for a widow - to sad thoughts due to events of the past;
  • unmarried - to enmity with an insidious rival.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • a married man dreamed of kittens - to disagreements with his wife over views on raising a child;
  • for a virgin - for a romantic dinner in the company of an interesting girl;
  • for the groom - to a quarrel with the relatives of the future wife;
  • for a widower - to the emergence of some kind of harmful addiction;
  • for a single man - to a proposal that will come from a female representative.

Lunar dream book

Interpretations in this source depend on the phase of the moon:

  • dreamed of kittens on a new moon - to receive unexpected profits;
  • on the waxing moon - to a deterioration in health due to chronic fatigue;
  • on a full moon - for a fun holiday with the family;
  • in the waning month - to a meeting with a respected and wealthy person.

Home dream book

Interpretations from the Home Dream Book:

  • to see a kitten with wounds on its tail in a dream - to family disagreements;
  • dreamed of playful animals scratching the dreamer’s hand - to fatigue and a strong desire to change the situation;
  • watching kittens try to get out of the box is a sign of obstacles in life,
  • many kittens against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape - for an unforgettable trip.

Creative dream book

Important to know

According to the Creative Dream Book, kittens seen in a dream symbolize inspiration and the desire to start doing something that previously seemed unattainable.

For women:

  • feeding playful animals - a secret admirer will appear who will want to get her attention at any cost.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

According to the dream book of the Subconscious, kittens dream of a rash act, the consequence of which will be a damaged relationship with someone close to you.

The video contains basic interpretations of the dream about why kittens dream

Provided by the channel "HoroscopeVideo - Horoscope for today."

Some people sleep only 4-5 hours a night, and some people like to lie in bed until noon. The average person sleeps per day is 8 hours. There are 120 days per year, which means we spend about a third of our lives sleeping. In this case, a person may not see dreams. Or you had a dream, but didn’t remember it. Dreams are given great importance. Sometimes the thought of a dream haunts a person all day. Especially if it is a colorful dream filled with various details. Important dreams include dreams about cats, because many see a mystical connection between these animals and people.

Why do you dream about kittens?

Cats, cats or kittens can be seen in dreams for various reasons. Sometimes this is a consequence of the experiences of the past day. And it also happens that there was no thought about animals, but the dream was about them. To interpret a dream, you need to remember as many details and nuances as possible. You need to understand with what feeling you remember the dream (joy, peace, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc.).

Cats, as well as cats and kittens, have always symbolized magic, warning, half-sided powers and good luck. Dreams about these animals can be interpreted in different ways

The cutest dreams are those in which little kittens were present. However, the meaning of the dream is interpreted depending on how the kitten (several kittens) looked and behaved. Most dream books say that dreams with kittens mean impending minor troubles. A white fluffy kitten in a dream promises troubles for a woman (you can fall into a trap). However, she will be able to get out of the situation while maintaining her dignity. A less favorable outcome awaits a girl who saw dirty or skinny little kittens in a dream. In general, kittens are rarely interpreted as a sign of well-being. Therefore, troubles will stop only if the dreamer kills the kitten in a dream. Although sometimes a dream about kittens indicates that the sleeper was thinking about them the day before.

I once dreamed that I found a package tied with rope. I decided that there might be something valuable there. But when I opened it, I saw that there were kittens in it: tricolor, striped, red. They were all blind, but they climbed out, stepping on each other. I spent the whole day remembering this dream, trying to pull out some important detail from my memory, but I couldn’t explain it. In the evening, a neighbor brought two kittens. It turned out that someone’s cat died in this entrance, leaving several kittens behind. By the way, I then adopted one tricolor kitten.

You can also dream about kittens when the TV is on in the sleeping person’s house and there is a program about animals.

Dreams about the birth and death of kittens

The birth of a kitten in a dream can mean unexpected profits

Dreaming about being born with a small kitten (or about newborn kittens) means that now best time for certain actions. If the dreamer had troubles in reality, then after such a dream you can begin to correct the situation. If the dreamer held a newborn kitten in his hands like a lump, it means that he is not confident in himself. Such qualities need to be put aside (at least temporarily) until the situation in reality improves for the better. A dream about the birth of a kitten in a person can mean an early pregnancy. If a man has such a dream, he will soon have a pleasant surprise.

A dream in which a pregnant woman dreams of small kittens means that the woman is simply tired. It's just that pregnant women always think a lot. For example, during pregnancy I dreamed that I had a child with 6 fingers. For the remaining months, I insisted on an ultrasound to count the number of fingers the baby had.

A dream about the death of kittens (or about dead kittens) suggests that the dreamer is not in danger of being deceived. Such people are not overly gullible, and it is almost impossible to fool them. In addition, dreaming of dead kittens can mean financial well-being. Debts will be paid, bonuses will be received, and lotteries will be won. In addition, a dream about dead or killed kittens can mean recovery or liberation from other problems.

If you dreamed that kittens were being killed by a snake, it means that the dreamer’s enemies (envious people, competitors, etc.) are trying to harm him. But they won't succeed. As the saying goes: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.”

What does the color of an animal mean?

A tabby kitten can mean a changeable situation. Negative and positive moments alternate in your life. There is no need to be discouraged, because after troubles, good luck will come. A red kitten means profit, a smoky one means family well-being. A black animal may mean that otherworldly forces are helping you. A small blue kitten, like a smoky one, means the comfort and warmth of a family hearth. Dreaming of gray kittens indicates that the dreamer is a calm person and no changes are expected in his life. Conversely, a three-colored, bright lump symbolizes the fussy and meticulous nature of the dreamer. The tendency to rush and commit rash actions can lead to unexpected consequences.

Sometimes animals of unnatural colors appear in dreams. Such dreams can be interpreted only by those who have definitely not seen (in the last days before bedtime) animals with an unusual color. In other cases, it is the color that needs to be interpreted. For example, you may dream of a green kitten. Greenery in any of its variants means life, development, growth. Blue- possible machinations of enemies, red - possible disappointment in a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams involving cats

Your own cat (domestic), seen in a dream, may be a projection of events that happened the day before

A cat is always a bright symbol. In almost all dream books, a cat means something unpleasant. According to Miller, it is said that failures can be averted from oneself if one kills the animal one sees (or drives it away). Tsvetkov's dream book says that seeing a cat in a dream means tears or betrayal. If a businessman dreams of a cat, such a dream may mean the machinations of competitors. Having seen such a dream, a businessman needs to identify possible problems and solve them as soon as possible. Confrontation is also signified by dreams in which, in addition to a cat, there is also a snake. Moreover, these animals can coexist quite peacefully (or even be friends). Such a dream suggests that you are trying to get closer to your enemy. But such dreams do not always need to be interpreted.

As a child, I often dreamed of cats with snakes and lizards. Even with kites. My grandmother helped me explain the meaning of the dreams. She said that I was just very worried about my cat.

If you dreamed of a pregnant cat, it means the dreamer is keeping something inside himself: hidden complexes, hopes, ambitions, etc. Therefore, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes a pregnant cat means the revelation of hidden resources, sometimes it means trouble. It all depends on the overall impression of the dream. If anxiety or restlessness remains after waking up, some unpleasant events may occur. If you dreamed that the cat had already lambed, and now the kittens were suckling their mother, then minor troubles were coming. They will not have a significant impact on the course of events. This is what it says in Vanga’s dream book.

Feeding kittens with a cat dream of insignificant and minor troubles

An evil cat dreams of misfortune. Enemies and ill-wishers may soon appear. In general, evil animals personify the struggle for life and happiness. Therefore, the dreamer needs to gather his strength and prepare for confrontation. A dream in which a cat caught a mouse means that soon a conflict will occur in reality, which the dreamer will witness. Talking cat means the possibility of a trick, betrayal or betrayal on the part of loved ones. You need to try to remember such a dream, paying attention to the details. If your cat is talking but you can't hear her, then perhaps you should rely on your intuition. A dream in which a cat's voice is heard can be recorded immediately after waking up. The clue is in the words. The cat can name names, dates or events. However, even if interpreted correctly, a dream will not always be able to correct the situation. Sometimes you just need to prepare for an unpleasant surprise and accept it.

It is important to listen to your feelings. If the cat's voice was plaintive or painful, then you need to put aside your worries and rest. If the cat's voice was unpleasant, there is a risk of serious illness. In this case, you can undergo a medical examination to rid yourself of unpleasant thoughts. A cat's pleasant voice can mean flattery and slyness from colleagues or friends.

If almost all dreams about cats promise trouble, then the death of a cat means the opposite. A dead cat (further if this dream was very sad) means getting rid of problems. For example, if the dreamer had problems with work, then in reality these problems may unexpectedly resolve themselves. If the cat you saw was sick, you need to be careful. Such a dream warns you. Perhaps the dreamer will soon experience health problems, or some enemies will try to harm. But if a sick or wounded animal dies, ill-wishers will calm down. However, you don’t have to worry about dream interpretation if your cat is sick in reality.

If in reality your beloved pet is sick, then a dream about this may be a projection of experiences

A cat seen in a dream is also interpreted in the dream book of Nostradamus. Moreover, it is proposed to decipher the most unexpected sleep options. A dream involving a huge cat (the size of a lion) suggests that in order to succeed, you need to take proper care of the animals. This dream book connects dreams with dates. Some meanings are already associated with the past tense. If the sleeping person saw a cat wearing clothes made of mouse skins, it means that the misdeeds committed will entail retribution. A city full of cats dreams of a natural disaster (drought, famine, etc.). A basket of kittens, which is escorted to the palace, means the coming to power of a strong politician. According to the dream book, such a person will come in 10 years. He will lead the country to democracy and independence. Seeing a gallery with stuffed cats in a dream means reprisals against those who believe in magical powers.

In the dream book of Nostradamus, special importance is attached to unusual details in the interpretation of dreams. For example, if a huge dog was attacked by a whole pack of cats, then a conflict will take place in 2018. This will not be a confrontation between the dreamer. A clash will occur between the forces of good and evil. The consequences of the conflict will affect the family and economic life of the person who saw the dream.

If you dreamed of a couple (a cat and a cat) dressed up with multi-colored ribbons, it means that a major political event is coming in 2047. It should bring together leaders of states that have not previously cooperated. A dream in which a cat pours wine into a silver bowl means a reward for a “correct” lifestyle.

Interpretation of cat color

Whatever the image of the dreamed cat (cartoon, real, fantastic), the color of the animal is of particular importance

White cats in most dream books are interpreted as a symbol of a friend’s treachery, and black cats as a sign of the presence of an open enemy. An unusual interpretation of such dreams is proposed in the Mayan dream book: A white cat means uncertainty, a black cat means rest in a sanatorium. A light cat means that you have to make an important choice: career or moral principles.

According to Nostradamus's dream book, a black cat promises bloodshed in 2023. However, the dream book interprets a black cat only with red eyes. The same book says that a tabby cat caught in a trap dreams of the death or murder of God's messenger.

A dream involving a gray cat has a negative meaning. Such an animal symbolizes deceit and deception. If a cat is chasing you in a dream, someone may be deliberately trying to harm you. A man's dream about a gray cat means infidelity of his other half. The meaning of the dream improves if you drive away the animal. However, there is also a positive interpretation of such a dream. The Assyrian dream book says that if you catch a gray cat in a dream, it means that your deepest desire will come true in reality.

A dream in which a red cat was present can be interpreted in different ways. Such a dream could mean betrayal by a loved one or deception by a woman you know. Some dream interpreters associate a red cat with an equally red-haired woman (friend, colleague, relative, etc.). But sometimes such a dream can symbolize upcoming luck. The same meaning is sometimes given to tricolor cats. However, it is important what color dominates in the animal’s color. Each color spot can be interpreted separately. Dreams in which a striped cat was seen also have a combination of meanings. Each strip can have its own meaning. The general interpretation of such a dream is inconsistency of actions, instability.

Many cats - the sign “increases” the meaning, it all depends on the color of the animals

Miller's dream book says that many cats of different colors are seen in dreams of enemies. Perhaps the ill-wisher will try to “attack” from around the corner. Such a dream warns the dreamer and provides an opportunity to prepare. In this case, you can try to figure out the schemer and try to protect yourself from his cunning.

A yellow cat is a symbol of envy. Someone from the environment is jealous of the dreamer. The dream warns about this so that the dreamer can “smooth out” the situation. If you dreamed of a blue cat, it means the dreamer “suffers” from stress or has an illness (mental or physical). Sometimes such dreams indicate that a person is overstressed, fears deceit, and suffers because of this. nervous system. Perhaps a little rest will help cope with these feelings.

I’m walking down the street, there’s a girl with a stroller standing near the store. I look into the stroller with curiosity, and there is a baby - all hairy, even his face. And the hair is blue. I think: “What an atavism!” Then I take a closer look - it’s a blue kitten. This kitten begins to grow rapidly right before my eyes and turns into a huge cat. Old cat. With bright blue fur. And this cat puts her paw on my shoulder and says hoarsely: “Listen, girl, what am I going to tell you...” And then they woke me up. I tried to fall asleep again to find out what the blue cat wanted to tell me, but it didn’t work.

Elena, saw a blue cat in a dream


A dream about a pink cat suggests that the dreamer is wasting his tender feelings on an unworthy person

An orange cat is a sign of joy. However, it is the shade of the animal’s fur that is important here. The lighter the orange color of the cat, the more favorable the prognosis. If the cat was bright orange, then a scandal is possible. Also, a dream about a fiery cat can mean a fire or committing a rash, risky act. Dark color (dark rusty, chestnut) means the subsidence of passion. Such a dream can be interpreted as the formation of a relationship (calmness, home peace, etc.).

A lilac cat seen in a dream symbolizes the spiritual nature of the dreamer. The richer the color, the brighter the level of spirituality. People who see a purple cat in a dream are devout or principled. Such people have clearly expressed qualities such as religiosity or altruism.

If the cat was glowing, your subconscious may be asking you to pay attention to the sign. In this case, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream (the color of the cat, what it did, what impressions were left after waking up, etc.).

Interpretation of interaction with an animal in a dream for women and men

Petting a cat in a dream means miscalculating personal matters; feeding it means betrayal. If a cat rushes at you in a dream, it means that your enemies will try to ruin your reputation. The meaning of the dream changes if the cat is driven away. Perhaps your enemies tried to tarnish your reputation, but they failed. A cat that scratched the dreamer symbolizes losses and losses. If in reality a lot of effort was spent on some kind of official (financial) project, then enemies (envious people, competitors) will take away part of the profit from you.

Vanga's dream book associates a cat with a freedom-loving (free) person. Catching a cat in a dream means a collision or acquaintance with a selfish person.

If a sleeping person causes physical harm to a cat, it means that in reality this dreamer did not act according to his conscience. It is important who exactly sees the animal. A man’s dream about a cat means the appearance of an admirer. If a woman dreams of a cat, then this dream may mean the appearance of a rival. A dream in which a cat was able to catch (holds in its teeth or remove) a mouse suggests impending profits and unprecedented wealth.

The prognosis of a dream in which a cat managed to catch a mouse is extremely favorable

If in a dream you fed a cat, the interpretation of the dream depends on the details. If you were feeding a cat and kittens in a dream, perhaps a relative will ask you for help. Feeding a cat meat or fish is interaction with a competitor. If the cat purrs contentedly, then such interaction will turn out to be beneficial. A dream in which an animal choked or snorted with displeasure - you need to refrain from committing rash acts. The eastern dream book says that if the dreamer did not feed, but put food in his cat’s bowl, then in reality he will have a pleasant time with his loved one.

Bathing a cat in a dream is a sign of trouble. Moreover, a cat bathing with pleasure means vain fears about problems. But if the cat resisted when touching the water, then trouble will still happen. The problem will come from the woman. If you bathed a cat and not a cat, then the man is to blame for the possible troubles. Dipping a cat by force means learning about your mistakes. Most likely, someone will “poke” you into unseemly acts that you have already committed.

Some people are afraid of dreams in which they had to torture animals. However, trying to strangle a kitten in a dream is a sign of well-being. This means that the dreamer in reality experiences some difficulties, but tries to fight them. If you managed to kill a cat or kitten in this way, then you will be able to get rid of the problems.

Holding a cat in your arms means reconciliation between relatives. A cat in your arms means an unpleasant relationship. It is important who dreamed of the animal in their hands. For a young girl, such a dream promises participation in an adventure directed against someone from her close circle. If married woman I dreamed that she was holding a cat in her arms, which means that some woman will interfere in her family life. In reality, you need to limit communication with a person who is trying to cause discord in the relationship with her spouse.

A cat or a cat in the hands, dreamed of by a man, is a symbol of idle talk (there is no need to give empty vows if you cannot keep them)

Saving a cat in a dream is a good sign. The dreamer will be able to cope with problems, recover, or improve relationships with enemies. Such a dream means that the dreamer’s wisdom and skills are enough to find a way out of any situation.

Video: why you have nightmares

It is not necessary to interpret the dream literally. The nature of the dream depends on real events and the personality of the sleeper. In addition, your physical condition can also affect the outcome of the dream.

Cat - personification feminine, magic, otherworldly forces. The interpretation of dreams involving cats depends on many factors seen: the color and gender of the animal, character and behavior, as well as the actions performed by the animal or the dreamer.

Not only noises, but also smells leave their mark on the content of dreams. The brain perceives the smell as a signal, converts it and includes it in the interpretation of dreams according to the popular dream book of Fate. Thus, subtle sweet aromas cause pleasant dreams, and disgusting odors lead to exotic, fanciful dreams.

Online interpretation of dreams about kittens - according to the modern dream book of Fate

  1. If you dreamed of buying a kitten, the dream book is not the most favorable sign, says the online dream book of Fate, if you were planning large purchases or concluding serious contracts or agreements.
  2. The meaning of bathing a kitten in a dream - in reality you will have to take care of younger relatives, perhaps distant ones.
  3. The interpretation of holding a kitten in your arms in a dream means that a weak child, perhaps your relative, needs your help; Fate's big dream book recommends not to refuse this help.
  4. Why see a kitten covered in blood in a dream - probably one of your close relatives is in danger; in this case, we are usually talking about the younger generation of the family.
  5. What does it mean to see little kittens - stupid, defenseless kittens in a dream are interpreted online by the dream book of Fate as weakness, helplessness, vulnerability, or an incompletely formed sense of tenderness, care, affection and attraction.
  6. Why does a kitten dream about a dead dream book - the end of all difficulties; in some cases, the dream marks the end of an unhappy love, a sick infatuation with someone, you will lose your attachment to someone, and you will be glad about it.
  7. Why bring home a kitten in a dream - the online meaning of this plot means that a specific life situation will unfold in your home, directly affecting your family or one of your relatives.
  8. Just seeing a kitten in a dream, the big dream book of Fate says: in this case, the animal in the dream will have your own traits and characteristics.
  9. Why, according to the dream book, lose a kitten - if you had such a dream, this can be considered as a favorable sign, indicating that your problem will in some incomprehensible way resolve itself.
  10. The meaning of the dream of a small red kitten - probably the dream concerns one of the younger relatives.

The most accurate interpretation of dreams according to the dream book of Fate - kittens dreamed in a dream

You should not neglect the symbols and secret signs that appear in dreams, advises the best of the modern online dream interpreters, the dream book of Fate. It may very well be that this way you will be able to avoid some unpleasant, harmful or dangerous events, or reduce the damage to a minimum. Pleasant dreams and deciphering them correctly!

  1. If you dreamed that you were giving away little kittens in a dream, in reality you will shift some of your problems onto the shoulders of others.
  2. Why do you dream of a kitten and a dog? If in a dream a dog and a kitten are fighting, it means real life You will have a patron who will help solve problems.
  3. The meaning of the dream of a kitten biting is a complex, protracted illness, this interpretation of the dream is given by the best online dream book of Fate.
  4. What does it mean to dream of a talking kitten in a dream - the dream means your own, some kind of clairvoyance or some kind of guess. The words of the animal will certainly contain some meaning for you, instruction, or a hint. In other words, you yourself know the answers to your questions.
  5. Why pick up a stray kitten in a dream is an unfavorable sign, an indication of your frivolity, gullibility and excessive sympathy for other people who may turn against you.
  6. Affectionate kitten free dream book of Fate - this dream image is interpreted as someone’s sudden, strong, secret desire for physical intimacy with you.
  7. Dream interpretation of taking a kitten home - in reality you risk being deceived by someone, or falling victim to self-deception, the consequences of which are no less destructive than the actions of scammers.
  8. The meaning of the dream of many newborn kittens - the number of animals in a dream is interpreted as the number of people in reality, a large number of kittens indicates the intensity of the events happening to you.
  9. Decoding the dream of a kitten scratching - the dream foreshadows an illness that can drag on for a long time.
  10. Why did a cat give birth to many kittens in a dream - such dreams, as a rule, bring anxiety and a lot of trouble in reality.

What does a dream with a kitten mean - the meaning according to the free dream book of Fate

Nightmares are part of dreams. The large online dream book of Fate will give a detailed interpretation of any dream. Find out right now what your dreams are talking about.

  1. The meaning according to the dream book of a kitten shitting is a warning dream; you will be faced with the baseness of a person in your closest circle, with the meanness of someone whom you thought you knew well.
  2. A small kitten in your arms in a dream - online interpretation this dream, according to the popular dream book of Fate, in the near future you will have to take care of someone.
  3. If you dreamed of having a kitten, this means minor troubles, the number of which will scare you.
  4. What does the dream of colored kittens mean - the appearance of multi-colored kittens in a dream foreshadows a violation of plans, crossing boundaries, chaos in the dreamer’s personal and social life.
  5. Why see the killing of kittens in a dream - this gives, in reality you will be able to avoid many difficult and dangerous situations.
  6. The meaning of saving a kitten in a dream is that in reality you will have to take care of a girl who finds herself in a difficult life situation.
  7. Caressing or stroking a small kitten in a dream - according to the best dream book, this means your feeling of strong attachment to someone and the desire for sexual intimacy with this person.
  8. You dreamed of angry kittens - such a dream may mean that you will have to communicate with envious and selfish people, thinking only about their petty mercantile interests.
  9. Finding a little kitten, meeting one on the way, or catching a kitten in a dream - this is according to the exact dream book of Fate for a new adventure, love story or a long-term happy relationship.
  10. According to the best dream book, if you dreamed that a kitten’s tail fell off, this means that you will be able to hide an affair or a slight hobby on the side from your partner.

Online dream books - what does the appearance of a kitten in a dream mean?

If you saw a snake killing a black kitten, according to Miller’s popular dream book, this means that the evil intent of your enemies has turned against them. If a black kitten aggressively attacked you in a dream, you should know, warns Gustav Miller, that you have enemies who are very interested in discrediting you.
Sigmund Freud's dream book says that if you dreamed of kittens, it means that you are characterized by increased excitability. If a girl dreamed that she was caressing a kitten, it means that she consciously, or still unconsciously, strives for sexual intimacy with a certain young man. If in a dream a cat or a small kitten caresses themselves, it means that the dreamer is endowed with incredible attractiveness.