How to correctly ask for help from the saints. How to correctly ask for help from the saints I, as an energy healer, can help you

In the course of life, many people, as a result of targeted influence or spontaneously, can accumulate negativity; it does not find a way out and over time becomes denser, blocking important energy zones. This leads not only to failures, fears, and addictions in life, but also to illnesses, sometimes very serious ones. And the further you go, the more difficult it becomes to deal with it on your own.

If you find yourself on my site, then you really need the help of a healer.

I, as an energy healer, can help you.

And I have been doing this with pleasure for many years. I am 47 years old, after receiving higher education and while engaged in professional help, at some point I realized that something was missing: having solved one problem, a person soon received others; This circle often could not be broken, and instead of being happy, as intended by Nature and God, a person spent precious energy on “patching holes” in his life. And all because he did not find understanding - he fought with the effect, and not with the causes. This is how I came to the knowledge of the unity of all things, to the understanding that a result can only be achieved when you solve the problem, incl. and with the help of invisible, but such real energies. And positive, lasting results really did not take long to arrive: with my healing help, people recovered, got rid of mental anguish and psychological problems. I realized that I had chosen the right path.

On my website you will not see any diplomas, certificates, or empty regalia - everything that self-proclaimed “academicians” of academic academies and “twenty-fifth generation magicians” love to demonstrate, for me the main thing is what people get from I get real help and leave happy. And that’s also why I don’t need any regalia or exaggerated authority - because I don’t promote or sell anything.

I do not engage in medical treatment of diseases and in my practice I do not use methods of traditional, alternative medicine, but I deal with the basis of health, its internal energetic purity. I restore health by harmonizing internal energy-informational processes. Every organ, every cell of our body is in constant vibration and in a strong connection with each other. Violation of the agreed order of exchange of vital information in these connections entails a loss of health integrity, blockages and “funnels” appear, a person becomes ill or begins to experience mental discomfort.

I return a person to his true harmonious state, to a state without illnesses and debilitating life problems.

Who do I help:

1. People who have problems with the energy field (negative effects: breakdowns, negative generic karmic programs) who are not satisfied with the quality of their life;

2. People who have psychological and energy blocks that prevent them from living fully and enjoying life, earning money and building relationships;

3. People with low energy levels and lack of motivation and strength to achieve goals;

4. People who have problems with their well-being and who are not helped by medicine;

5. For those who are interested in improving their quality of life.

How our personal communication will take place:

1. You address the problem.

2. After clarifying the details, you will be assigned a date and time for a personal appointment or online communication.

3. We analyze the problem, diagnose the cause, and undergo energy correction.

As a rule, 1-3 sessions are enough.

To provide assistance, please contact us via the form. feedback or by email celitel-msk(dog)

Help from a healer for free?

I understand that many people are not able to pay the huge sums of money that so-called traditional healers, magicians and sorcerers ask for, and I want to make healing help available to everyone. Therefore, many people have the opportunity to receive the help of a healer for payment as much as they can; you can read the details. In very exceptional cases, the help of a healer may be provided free of charge.

Your religion will not affect the result of our work, because... my unique healing methods are independent of any religion.

+7 916 529-46-37 from 10-00 to 20-00 Moscow time.

Please note that I do not guess or predict the future.

Taras Lyuty
“I once got poisoned as a child”

When I was a child, this story happened to me. As I remember now: I was sitting on the sofa in the hall with a high fever and abdominal pain - I was poisoned. The pills didn't help me and I felt really bad. I prayed, read the “Our Father” and other prayers, and then an icon of St. Panteleimon and his life caught my eye. Mom recommended reading a prayer to him, which I did. I read it with diligence and heartfelt attention, so much so that I even detached myself from everything that was happening around me. The child’s heart is pure, and therefore I was easily able to completely “immerse myself” in prayer.

No matter how usual it may sound, but after the prayer, read with attention and tears (I remember that I even burst into tears), IN ONE MOMENT the pain went away. The fever subsided and I immediately fell asleep. The next day there was no trace of the illness left. I have never seen anything like this anywhere. Now I always pray to Panteleimon when I am sick and ask him to help my family and friends. I advise everyone to pray to this wonderful saint more often.

God bless you.

Marina N.
“At one time I suffered from warts”

In my life, the saint has provided help more than once. I will describe one such case. At one time I suffered from warts. The warts grew and multiplied. In such cases, doctors advise cauterizing them with liquid nitrogen, but I did not find any long-term effect from this. I tried to find treatment on my own, bought medicine at the pharmacy, turned to folk medicine. But in vain. All this went on for several years.

The time came when I turned to the holy healer Panteleimon for help and asked him for help in healing. And well, just a few days later, a religious woman I knew gave me advice to buy some medicine for warts at the pharmacy. And although it cost a penny, it helped me immediately. The warts disappeared and did not appear again. So I was convinced that the saint heard the prayer, and healing came from above. But I no longer knew what remedy could help me: I saw how quickly they multiply and that after their removal scars remain, and after some time they grow back in the same place, and I no longer knew how to get rid of them.

Warts don't bother me anymore. God bless.

Veronica Shchetinina
“The cheek is swollen: pus has accumulated somewhere under the tooth.”

About 4 years ago the following happened to me. The tooth began to hurt badly. The dentist said that there was a pin in the tooth, and pus had formed under it. The pin was removed, the pus was cleaned, the doctor put medicine into the hole and filled the tooth. It was necessary to come in two or three for. The doctor warned: if it hurts, you need to endure it: that’s how it should be.

The next day my temperature rose and my cheek began to swell. The doctor on the phone said that if the cheek is swollen, it means that pus has accumulated somewhere. And that tomorrow you need to come to cut the cheek and release the pus. Moreover, anesthesia cannot be given in such cases: it will be even worse.

The night passed peacefully. The next day my husband and I went to the hospital. The doctor was shocked: the pus began to come out on its own in the most unexpected place, and all she had to do was install drainage. And after two days everything was gone.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, pray to God for us!

Toma Gilyazetdinova
“My nephew’s temperature rose to forty.”

Saint Panteleimon helped me a lot. Moreover, since I was baptized not so long ago, I still don’t know about many saints. One day we were going to visit relatives in the outback, and my nephew volunteered to go with us - to give us a ride and visit. The road was long, and of course we were very tired, especially him. When we arrived at our destination, it turned out that he had a very high temperature- almost forty.

My husband and I left for the city in the morning, and there I went to the nearest temple. The first thing I saw: a large icon of St. Panteleimon in the middle. She asked who it was, and, putting a candle for him, she prayed on her knees for her nephew’s health. In the evening I called him - he was almost healthy! I thank Saint Panteleimon, it was his help that saved my beloved nephew.

Olga Sidorova
“I dislocated my knee and tore ligaments.”

My group and I ended up in this monastery, admiring the panorama of the sea opening from the foot of the mountain on which such a magnificent architectural monument is located. The guide tells us: “Go to the miraculous icon, it heals the sick. Attach a scarf and put it on when you get sick - Panteleimon will definitely help!” And I stand and think: “Why do I need all this? I'm already healthy! How can an item help me?

The next day at the resort went very heavy rain, it was very slippery, and I fell so hard that I dislocated my knee and tore ligaments. The doctors said we need to have an operation and cut off the joint (and this is a disability) - there is no other way out. I realized that Panteleimon was punishing me for my pride. I got to the room, cried, applied a rag from the miraculous icon, asked Panteleimon to help me, lay there and waited with all my might for a miracle... The miracle happened after six months of torment, when I found a doctor who agreed to help me. He told me to go to church and confess for the first time in 32 years of my life...

Of course, I don’t skate, but, thanks to the intercession of the healer Panteleimon, I did not become disabled!

Panteleimon healer, Pray to God for us sinners! Save us all, Lord!

Nika T.
“Be calm: Saint Panteleimon will intercede for you before the Lord”

The Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Panteleimon is celebrated, I think, by everyone who is at least familiar with the name of this saint. They celebrate... some to a lesser extent - perhaps by simply smiling warmly upon hearing about today's date, others to a greater extent - by attending the Liturgy and receiving communion. I was not at the Liturgy on this day, but I will definitely read the akathist to the saint.

I do not have direct evidence of healing through the prayers of St. Panteleimon, because at the time when my only son was sick with a terrible disease, I prayed to everyone I could, about whom someone told me... And then, in 2002- m year, I wasn’t even baptized. But who should we look to for protection when medicine offers almost no chance of recovery?... So they ask - who is God, and who is all the “gods”... So I turned to everyone everywhere and to everyone, went to all the churches and the church where the door was open.

And on August 9 it happened to me to be in the church of the icon Mother of God“Joy to All Who Sorrow” on Bolshaya Ordynka. It “happened” - I walked in, seeing a temple along the way. I realized that it was a difficult day - there were a lot of people, and one of the icons was covered in flowers, and everything around was filled with flowers. I bought candles and asked the mother behind the counter who they pray to for the healing of the sick. She realized that I didn’t understand anything at all about religion, and answered: “To God. Well, since you are here, in this church, come up to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. Well, since it’s such a day, go to the icon of St. Panteleimon the Healer, light a candle and ask with all your heart for healing.”

I did everything just like that, only, not being a Christian at that time, I started with Panteleimon the Healer, and his icon was the closest to the candle box. And as soon as I started to pray, tears rolled down in a stream... bitter, bitter. An old woman removing wax from candles noticed me, sobbing, and took pity: “Who is so sick, baby?” I told about my son. “Well, pray, pray, he, Panteleimon, will not leave you, since on such a day God brought you to church.” And at that moment, from the gladiolus with which the icon was decorated, one of the flowers, which was right above the face of the saint, falls right into my hands!!! Both the old lady and I were speechless. “What did I say! - joyfully crossing herself, the old woman jabbered, “Now be calm, be patient, pray and wait - Saint Panteleimon will intercede for you before the Lord!”

You can imagine my feelings yourself - wings of hope behind my back. As a person ignorant of religion, although I went up to the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and lit a candle for the Lord, from that moment and for a long time the gladiolus flower was a symbol and, as it were, a promise to me that my son would get better. And so it happened. I don’t know how and what helped his healing, but, not without the intercession of Saint Panteleimon, he recovered. Although... we were unbaptized then, despite the fact that I prayed to many saints.

A lot of time passed, and I became a Christian, that is, I passed the Sacrament of Baptism, but to be a real Christian - that probably won’t be enough for me even in my life. Take, for example, my gratitude to Saint Panteleimon, who immediately answered me, unbaptized and many sinners! Although I often went to church after my son’s recovery, I often forgot to go up to the icon, light a candle with a prayer, and bow down! “After all, everyone is healthy,” I reasoned. And until recently she continued to rush past his icon, glancing briefly and nodding slightly.

And yet, pangs of conscience once made me wonder how those who are healthy pray to him. And this was a great discovery for me when, in the wonderful prayer of the Most Reverend Jeremiah the Hermit to him, I read how and what to pray to him for day and night. And then my bodily ailments, and my son’s in his current health, seemed to me just scratches in comparison with the ulcers of my sinful soul.

Ksenia Onova
“They told me that I need to have my wisdom teeth removed.”

The holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon helped me a lot when I prayed to him for health! One day I had a very bad toothache. I went to the doctor and they told me that it was all about a “wisdom tooth” that was growing incorrectly and would have to be removed. But as it turned out, this is a rather difficult and traumatic procedure. I was terribly scared and began to read a prayer to Saint Panteleimon. In just a few days, the tooth stopped hurting, and I never had to remove it! I am very grateful to the saint for his help.

Glory to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon! Thank God for everything!

Olga Tullos
“My son was diagnosed with an illness unexplained by doctors”

“Most Holy Great Martyr Pantelemon the Healer! For the sake of Christ, heal the servant of God<имярек>from all diseases, as you healed the boy from a snake bite. Amen!"

Our whole family read this prayer for the healing of my son about 12 years ago, when he was struck by an illness unexplained by doctors. Since the mother's prayer is especially powerful, I prayed several times a day, reading this prayer three times.

My son was healed, as if he had woken up from an illness! I always thank Saint Pantelemon for his help!

Now I no longer travel to Holy places, just to get clean. What to clean? Take away your pride and you will feel better. You no longer need to travel anywhere, grace is already in your soul. And those who feel that the social egregor is pressing on them, they come there to feel the flow of grace, it washes away everything from the soul. There you can meet some holy, soulful person, he will open his soul to you. This is the value. Those. the most holy place- this is some remote village with a kind priest. And not glamorous temples. They only feed the Christian egregor, and it is very powerful.

That's why I go to the Saints. More precisely, I don’t go, but sit at home, relax, open up and think about some Saint. For example, Seraphim of Sarov. I say: “Father Seraphim, show your quality of soul, put your good character into me, put your joy, your patience, obedience and humility into me. Give me the power of prayer, give me the power of love for people. Shower me your mercy. Put a piece of your spiritual strength into me.” And I feel that the flow of Seraphim is coming.

Sometimes I feel obvious signs. But I asked that no one appear to me, so that I would not be proud of it. And the Saints help me. Sometimes I ask the Saints to heal when I cannot heal. So I pray, he appears and heals. And I don’t tell anyone anything.

And the Saints - they respond with their souls. If you pray like this: “Oh, Venerable Saint Seraphim, pray to God for us!” , is a prayer from the mind, it is not heard. As one Saint said: “A million prayers from the head do not reach God! One breath from the heart reaches God!” A short but heartfelt prayer reaches God.

Invest feelings. “Lord, thank you for everything. Thank you, Lord, from the bottom of my heart!” . And great grace is coming! Joy, sweetness to the soul. And if so: “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty!” – it doesn’t work, God doesn’t need it.

And if you say this: “Lord, I love you, thank you, help me, calm me down, give me grace.” , – then some kind of pleasant energy immediately comes. Or: “Mother Mother of God, pour your mercy on me” .

Sometimes I feel like I messed up that I am not worthy to ask the Saints for help, today I have done such nasty things. I’m not worthy of the Saints, and that’s what I need, such a hooligan. But I still ask: "If it be your will, then give me your mercy" . And immediately there is a flow. I'm not asking: "Lord help me" . I speak: “Yes, I’m not worthy to ask for anything at all. Because I'm still a hooligan. Lord, give me mercy - good, no matter what, it’s your will. But I want to help people as much as I can." .

Or Matrona of Moscow. Of course, I can go to the relics and ask: "Mother Matronushka, help" . But she doesn’t need these bows and standing in lines. She served people. This is how you serve people. “Matrona, give me the strength to serve people” , - For example.
The saints may appear to you right now. Let me feel the miracles. I had so many miracles that I could write books.

Saints are simple. Everything divine is simple. “Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels! And where it’s tricky, there’s not a single one!” Therefore, the Saints are not in Christianity, this is a completely different world.

- A person who does not know his path is sick, and this is inevitable. To find your path, you need to have a discerning mind and an open soul.

Unique course by Nikolai Peychev “The Path of Life” affects work with the soul, with awareness and inner peace.

Your ability to feel should be huge, then feelings, like thin threads, will lead you like a guiding ball through the forest of life, and this path is full of joy, happiness and magic.
State of stress
This is the state in which the majority of the population now lives.
And stress is state of consciousness, in which the body quickly ages and strays from the rhythms of the Universe, and simply begins to die.
And my task is
teach you to always be in a state of consciousness where no stress can touch you.
But besides this, you and other people will heal simply by your presence. Being near you, their diseases will disappear.

When a person needs the help of a healer, he will most likely look for a practicing healer who will support him in his illness and relieve him of bodily suffering. How to find a good specialist and not fall into the hands of a charlatan when the problem is acute and the help of a healer is urgently needed will be discussed in our article.

We will give advice on how to find a real healer, what you need to pay attention to when choosing a specialist. Who can you turn to for help, and who should you stay away from? How do you know if a healer has abilities? Can this person help you, and won’t he deceive you? Where can I find a healer?

Is it possible to turn to traditional healers - an objective look at the problem

Usually the question of where to find a real healer arises only in a few cases:

  • when we are in difficult life situation and we need advice and help from a person with supernatural abilities
  • when we are faced with a serious choice that can determine our entire future life
  • we don’t know what to do or how to act in a situation that is out of control
  • if we experience grief that eats us from the inside
  • if you have serious health problems
  • if we want to get out from under the pressure of problems, but we can’t do it ourselves

When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, we begin to seek help. We ask relatives, friends, we contact users on forums with a request suggest a good healer. There is no shame in asking and accepting help. This is a natural human reaction. Especially if you lack your own strength to cope with tasks and get out of a difficult situation.

A real healer, or clairvoyant, and, if his knowledge and strength allow, he will help. But if a folk healer knows that the task is beyond his strength, but undertakes to solve it, then for the patient this can end in the most negative and undesirable way.

Personal websites of traditional healers - the Internet to help

Most people are greedy for big names, and think that famous traditional healers are superior to those who live in the outback, do not have bright and comfortable offices, but are healers from God.

We must understand that successful PR does not guarantee the presence of gift and knowledge. And those folk healers who live somewhere in the Russian outback are not inferior to psychics, whose names are on everyone’s lips. In the outback you can find very strong healers, as well as in big cities. The specialists who receive patients live in different regions of our country.

Are there any healers from God in Russia?

In any corner of Russia, even in the remote outback, there may live a healer with whom fate will bring you together, and this person, with his will and the power given to him from above, will help you change your life - get rid of bad luck or be healed. Such a meeting can happen as if by accident, but it should be noted that the official websites of traditional healers still make this task easier and help the patient decide on the choice of the person to whom he will come for professional healing and spiritual help.

You can ask the question of where to find a real healer on websites on the Internet. On such forums, people often share their experiences, ask for advice or contact details of those who, due to their activities, can really help.

If you turn to forum members with a request: suggest a strong healer who can cure, you will most likely receive the coordinates of such people, and reviews of their work, and personal stories of users in addition.

When you need a healer - where to find and how to make sure that he is not a scammer?

But how to avoid falling into the greedy hands of deceivers? How can you come to a free healer’s website and not be left without money and with an unresolved problem?

It is safest to use the services of a trusted person. Seek help with recommendations. But don't believe the first person you meet. Only if someone close to you or someone you know has used the services of a recommended specialist and received a high-quality result, only in this case can you trust. Especially if the situation is serious and you really need the free help of a healer.

You can look for an esotericist and a healer on your own, but then you need to find out as much as possible about this specialist. Pay close attention to the reviews about the healer, what people write about him, what is their opinion, did they help?

  1. Usually reviews about a real healer positive, because the person from whom the burden of illnesses, troubles and disasters is removed is grateful and ready to share positive information with others.
  2. Most likely, you will find negative reviews about traditional healers. In this case, we advise you to contact the user and find out what exactly was wrong and what problem the person was addressing.
  3. Another important fact is the prices for healers’ services. Of course, no one is saying that they should work for free. But the price list offered to you for the services of strong healers can say a lot - what is important for this healer, what does he put at the forefront, first of all, and what is the business he is doing for him, a business or still a spiritual practice? What motivates a person – the desire for a good life or the desire to help others using his gift and his knowledge?

You need the help of a strong healer - how can you tell if this is a good one?

In addition to reviews and the cost of services, if you are urgently looking for a healer, do not be lazy to study information about a person who is positioned as a practicing esotericist on the Internet and in the media. Who is he, what is he like, what does he say about himself?

A good healer himself, as a rule, is free from problems. He cannot be unhealthy, depressed or poor. A strong healer knows how to concentrate and direct energy flows, and he is able to help, first of all, himself, and then others. Therefore, this is a healthy, family-oriented and successful person.

Recently, even somewhat aggressively, Internet users have been forced to impose the image of healers and psychics as mysterious, closed people, inaccessible to ordinary people. This plays into the hands of scammers, and websites of traditional healers, where there is fog and no specifics, they grow like mushrooms after rain.

A large number of magical attributes with which a true healer surrounds himself is not a plus for the latter. Overloading with paraphernalia, symbols, and strange objects is nothing more than manipulation of the consciousness of users, potential clients of a person posing as a healer.

When a medicine man has real abilities, he does not need any tricks. He simply does what he can, and his clients are his best calling card.

What else should you pay attention to if you are looking for the help of a traditional healer? Availability, the possibility of contact and direct virtual communication are a good indicator that a person is not hiding from his clients, but is ready to communicate.

It should be simple: you ask a question and they answer you. They don’t mislead you, don’t evade answers, don’t manipulate, don’t scare you with damage and curses, but clearly explain the ways to eliminate them.

Listen carefully to what the healer tells you. Get to the heart of what is being said. If you are promised a quick and 100% solution to all your problems, you know that this is a charlatan. All he can do is save you 100% of your money. Most often, those who fall into the trap are those who looking for a real healer who doesn't take money. A true folk healer knows that witchcraft is work, and changing life is a process, sometimes a long one. And not only the healer, but also the patient will have to work. And, before you want to make an appointment with a real healer, they will certainly tell you about it.

If you think this particular healer can help you, go for it. Seek help, ask additional questions. Don't be shy about looking ridiculous or stupid, because you need real help, not deception.

Any of us, for ourselves or a loved one, wants to get help from the best healer in Moscow. If you have found such a person, of course, you will be interested in the size of the fee. In esotericism this is a subtle question. How can you evaluate the talent, time and colossal efforts made by a psychic to develop his gift, to constantly improve his abilities?

Need a psychic in Moscow - look for real healers

Running his own practice in Moscow, only a charlatan can offer a general assessment of his services. But, if a strong psychic is needed urgently, people, hoping to get help, pay.

The successors of Ostap Bender’s work always have an answer when it comes to material gain. A true healer will not waste time discussing. As a rule, this question is left to be decided by the magician's client himself.

There is also a very subtle psychological moment. Many people think that, having a genuine psychic gift, a healer is simply obliged to help for free. And therefore looking for a psychic in Moscow, which does not take any money at all, that is, it works for free. This is an inadequate understanding of reality.

  • A real psychic is not obliged to just solve other people’s problems, heal, restore health, youth and social status. He simply does not disclose the cost of his work.
  • We are talking about elementary human gratitude, and not about the fact that a person with unique abilities owes something to others.

How can you get help from a strong healer in Moscow?

Any person with developed paranormal abilities, if he practices independently, can use his gift at his own discretion. He has every right to do this. And if he wishes, he can provide the service for free. What can't be said about specialists? practicing in Psychic Centers in Moscow. Any organization operating on a commercial basis is a system, and a person either fits into it or does not. And this should be understood by people who turn not directly to a strong psychic, but to a commercial organization.

I will note on the topic that none of the participants and finalists will work for a small fee, but they are of little use. With TNT, these people with unusual abilities go in orderly rows to do money carding. Truly strong psychics, people with unique abilities, do not need loud advertising; their deeds speak for them. There are magical sites where clairvoyants help for little money, or give very good advice for free. Why not? If you know how to help a person, and help is just a few words, why not do it?

Watch the video who are psychics