Class hour on the theme of the fight against corruption. Class hour on the topic "Corruption" (Grade 6)

traffic police; officials; militia;

medicine; education;

judicial system; military registration and enlistment offices;

Show Business; sphere of trade;


2 group

What are the ways to fight corruption?

Improve laws.

Reduce the number of officials.

Raise salaries (for really needed people).

To increase the effectiveness of the work of law enforcement agencies in the fight against corruption. Openness in the media.

Do not give or take bribes.

Tougher penalties for corruption.

Raising intolerance in society to corruption and respect for the law


3. Consider situations and indicate in which of them cases of corruption are presented, and in which they are not.

1. In gratitude for the fact that the doctor cured her seriously ill child, Galina gave the doctor a bouquet of flowers from her garden.

2. Accountant Ivanova S. used fake invoices that contain incorrect information.

3. The candidate for deputies agreed with the firm to finance its elections to the bodies state power, in return promised to help this company get good orders.

4. A public official uses an official car and fuel for personal purposes.

5. Ivan was forced to thank the official who deliberately took time to resolve his issue.

6. A government official comes to work late, returns early from work, and attends to personal business during working hours.

Training (independent work of students)

Each team is given individual task : Act out three situations and play skits, observing all the knowledge gained on anti-corruption policies.

Situation I: The teacher of the institute fails you in the exam for the third time. With all his appearance (and maybe directly), he makes it clear that you need to pay. Your actions.

Situation II: You, an executive, are offered money in exchange for a certain service that does not comply with the law. Your actions.

Situation III: You urgently need a foreign passport to have a hot vacation. And you can only get it in a month. Your actions.

Solve puzzles for 3 minutes, explain the concepts.

1 - tazhShan, tsiyarupKor

Blackmail is the threat of exposure, disclosure of information that the object of blackmail would like to keep secret in order to achieve some benefit.

Corruption - merging of state structures with structures underworld in the economic sphere, as well as venality and bribery of political and public figures, government officials.

2 - rotiyakrabyu, kavtzya

Bureaucracy - the highest bureaucracy, administration; management system based on formalism, administrative red tape.

A bribe is a payment or gift to an official for illegal actions in favor of the giver.

3 - stvotelgamoVy, ketRe

Extortion is a requirement not stipulated by law, not provided by law for the transfer of money, property values, accompanied by all sorts of threats, deceit by extortionists.

Racket - illegal extortion of money from entrepreneurs by criminal elements, racketeers, produced by threats, blackmail.

"What does folk wisdom say:"(slide 14)

Exercise: Remember what proverbs and sayings reflect corrupt activities in modern society?

- "If you don't grease, you won't go" - extortion, bribery.

- "Hand washes hand" - group planned activity in bribery.

- "To rake in the heat with the wrong hands" - an unconscious complicity in fraud and scams.

- "The eye sees, but the tooth is not honey" - the ineffectiveness of the actions of the fight against corruption.

Class hour on the topic: "Together against corruption!" in 9th grade MKOU "Secondary School No. 10" IMRSK

Objectives: - to have a conversation with high school students about the problem of combating corruption and methods of its prevention;

To form beliefs about the inevitability of punishment for corruption offenses;

To educate legal consciousness and improve the legal culture of students;

Develop active citizenship

Developing the ability to reason and think critically.

Form of event: hour of communication.

Preparatory work:


Posters “We are against corruption!”

Writing an essay on a given topic.

Work with dictionaries and other sources.


  1. Sayings:
Do not pervert the law, do not look at faces, and do not take gifts, for gifts blind the eyes of the wise.


The most important thing in any state system is to arrange things by means of laws and the rest of the routine in such a way that it is impossible for officials to profit.


How difficult it is to engage in a profitable business without pursuing your own benefit.

(Luc de Vauvenargues)

One must be clear mentally, clean morally and tidy physically.

(A.P. Chekhov)

2) student posters

3) proverbs and sayings


Presentations - scheme - tasks for group work

The course of the classroom.

  1. Introductory speech by the class teacher.
At the initiative of the United Nations, December 9 is celebrated as International Anti-Corruption Day. On this day in 2003, the UN Convention against Corruption, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 1, 2003, is open for signing. The document obliges the signatory states to declare bribes, embezzlement of budgetary funds and laundering of corrupt proceeds as a criminal offense. Russia was among the first countries to sign the Convention.

Our class hour is devoted to a topic that is often discussed. It cannot be otherwise, because it affects the interests of every person. But it is very important that everyone understands what corruption is, what harm it brings, and how it can be combated.

Today we will analyze the answers of our respondents, consider what corruption is, what are its forms and causes, find out what the damage that corruption causes to the country and to each person individually can be; find out what ways to fight corruption exist in the world and in Russia.

II. Information for thought.

  1. Vocabulary work.
1) What does the word corruption mean?

Student responses:

Corruption from the Latin corumpere - to spoil, corrupt, corrode with rust.

Corruption. The original Russian synonyms for this word are: “bribery”, “embezzlement”, “extortion”, “bribery”, “connivance”, “abuse of official position”. One of the most concise, but quite capacious definitions of corruption is given by the Dictionary foreign words: this is "bribery and venality of government officials, officials, as well as public and political figures in general."

I understand corruption as the abuse of one's power, work or professional position.

According to the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, "Corruption is the moral decay of officials and politicians, expressed in illegal enrichment, bribery, theft and merging with mafia structures."

Teacher: Guys, you gave the correct interpretation of this word. In the modern concept, corruption also means the use of power for personal gain. Corruption acts as a complex social phenomenon that originated in ancient times and continues to exist at the present time.

Unfortunately, corruption exists in almost all spheres of society and manifests itself in a wide variety of forms and types. Corruption can be seen in the works of Russian classics, for example, in the works of N.V. Gogol. Remember how in the work "The Government Inspector" the writer comes out with a denunciation of the entire bureaucratic system. He brings to the fore a whole team - officials, their wives and children, merchants, townspeople, policemen and other inhabitants. The bribe in the work is one of the central elements of the overall picture. I think that the problem that Gogol discusses in the work is still relevant.

Corruption includes two components: legal (corruption offenses, crimes) and ethical (moral and ethical corruption deviations, violations). Being an antisocial phenomenon, it is immoral in its essence. In many ways, it is society's tolerance for everyday manifestations of corrupt behavior that makes corruption so widespread. Corruption corrodes public morality, cultivates greed, greed, ignoring the law, violence. There are always two sides involved in corruption, and it is always a matter of moral choice. In order for this choice to be more meaningful, balanced, it is necessary objective information, knowledge, illustrative examples negative consequences, a clearly defined position of the state and the whole society.

To decompose morally, not to be “pure” morally - is it worthy of a self-respecting person? How to answer this question is up to you. This answer will determine your position in life.

Working with a table.

(Students are given forms with a table. After filling in the table, the answers of all groups are analyzed).

Teams are given forms with a table, which they fill out within 5 minutes.

Appreciation, gratitude

Usual fee for service, work


Corrupt practices


The driver gave money to the traffic police officer. The employee did not demand that he be paid, but he did not refuse the money.

The official helped the firm conclude a lucrative contract. The firm paid the official a certain percentage for assistance.

A large firm has agreed with the deputy that he will vote in a way that is beneficial to the firm. For this, he is paid a remuneration or provides services.

The patient gives the doctor a gift for the attentive attitude and service out of turn. The doctor refuses a gift

The head of the passport office, having received the money, greatly speeds up the registration of the visitor.

The city's chief architect gives permission to a private firm to build a building that greatly degrades the surrounding landscape.


Teacher: Very often we assign the names of bribe-takers only to officials. But the problem of corruption cannot be reduced to them. Persons who offer money are the same corrupt officials.

Sociologists conducted a survey of the population about bribes. As a result, it turned out that 61.3% of respondents expressed their readiness to solve their problems by giving a bribe. About 30% of citizens do not give bribes as a matter of principle.

Discussion “What causes corruption”?

Task: write down the reasons for corruption on a piece of paper. One reason, one point. Whose team writes more reasons, that team earns more points.

Students may cite the following reasons:

Low wages for civil servants

Ignorance of the laws

Desire for easy money

Frequent turnover of persons in various positions

Instability in the country

Corruption as a habit

Low standard of living of the population

Weak development of state institutions


Underdevelopment of civil society institutions

The teacher completes the students' answers:

  1. The main cause of corruption is human greed. This is due to the desire for personal well-being. Therefore, politicians and employees begin to use their position to create personal wealth. Watching this, young people perceive public service as a convenient and attractive way of life.

  2. Yet, despite the same nature of man, societies are corrupt in different ways. The level of corruption can be related to the culture, mentality and traditions of the society. For example, it is believed that Protestant societies perceive corruption as an evil more easily, since Protestant ethics clearly distinguish between social and individual values. Corruption is easier to take root in countries with a low level of social development and immature civic consciousness.

  3. The level of corruption is also affected by the maturity of the legal system. Corruption is encouraged by unclear, contradictory and constantly changing legislation, distrust of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the level of corruption is lower in states with a long-established statehood, and whose law and democracy are based on ancient traditions.
The teacher provides additional information about the types and forms of corruption:

Depending on the field of activity, corruption manifests itself in the following forms:

Corruption in the field government controlled concerns state employees (officials) in power who dispose of public resources and make decisions not in the interests of the state and society, but based on selfish convictions.

Parliamentary corruption is expressed in the purchase of votes during elections.

Business corruption arises in the interaction of government and business. For example, in the event of a commercial dispute, the parties may seek to enlist the support of a judge in order to reach a decision in their favor.

Corruption in enterprises is expressed in the fact that an employee of a commercial or public organization disposes of resources that do not belong to him and, due to this, illegally enriches himself.

Domestic corruption is generated by the interaction of ordinary citizens and officials. It includes various gifts from citizens and services to an official and members of his family.

In life, our rights are often violated, we have to defend our rights, and restore those violated. Teams need to recover the words within a certain time.

Solve puzzles for 3 minutes, give explanations of concepts.

1 team - tazhShan, tsiyarupKor

Blackmail- the threat of exposure, disclosure of information that the object of blackmail would like to keep secret in order to achieve any benefit.

Corruption- merging of state structures with the structures of the criminal world in the economic sphere, as well as corruption and bribery of political and public figures, government officials.

2nd team - rotiyakrabyu, kavtzya

Bureaucracy- the highest bureaucracy, administration; management system based on formalism, administrative red tape.

Bribe- payment or gift to an official for illegal actions in favor of the giver.

3 team - stvotelgamoVy, ketRe

Extortion- not conditioned by law, not provided for by law, the requirement to transfer money, property values, accompanied by various kinds of threats, deceit by extortionists.

Racket- illegal extortion of money from entrepreneurs by criminal elements, racketeers, carried out by threats, blackmail.

Task: Consider the situations and indicate, referring to the articles of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption", in which of them cases of corruption are presented, and in which they are not.

1. In gratitude for the fact that the doctor cured her seriously ill child, Galina gave the doctor a bouquet of flowers from her garden.

2. Accountant Ivanova S. used fake invoices that contain incorrect information.

3. The candidate for deputies agreed with the company on financing its elections to state authorities, in return he promised to help this company get good orders.

4. A public official uses an official car and fuel for personal purposes.

5. Ivan was forced to thank the official who deliberately took time to resolve his issue.

6. A government official comes to work late, returns early from work, and attends to personal business during working hours.

  1. Interactive conversation.

  1. Protection of the I group of the project "Consequences of corruption".
(Students talk about the economic (material) and psychological (non-material) consequences of corruption.

Material consequences: ruin of private entrepreneurs; lower investment in production, slower economic growth; lowering the quality of general service; inefficient use of abilities, people; growing social inequality; increase in organized crime.

Non-material consequences: damage to the political legitimacy of power; decline in public morality; erosion of values; feeling of injustice and injustice.

  1. Ways to fight corruption (protection of group II of the project “Ways to fight corruption”).
Class teacher: You are teenagers who are faced with the choice of their future profession. It will take 5-6 years, and you, graduates, will start working. Perhaps one of you will take a high position, someone will be engaged in entrepreneurial activity ... What ways of combating corruption could you suggest?

Student responses:

1) - In order for the fight against corruption to bring results, the desire of all people is needed. After all, bribery exists not only thanks to those who take, but also to those who give. Many prefer to solve their cases in a "fast track" by offering money. Often this is easier than waiting for the resolution of cases on a general basis.

2) - First of all, you need to educate yourself and stop solving problems financially. If there were no bribe givers, then there would be no those who receive them. We ourselves accustom to money, to various kinds of rewards, those who can solve our problems.

3) - Nowadays, there are long queues in many places, you can wait for some document for years; to get somewhere, you need a lot of effort. To facilitate their actions or to do something very quickly, people give money. And it really speeds up the process.

4) - Most people most often view corruption in terms of compensation for the low pay of an official. However, there are many people around us who receive a small salary!

5) - In my opinion, it is possible to eliminate corruption only by eliminating its cause - the unfavorable state of society. If we want our republic to develop successfully, we must fight corruption.

6) - The concepts of honor and spotless reputation should become unshakable for every citizen of the country. It is necessary to eliminate the gaps in the legal education of the population. It is necessary to form the ethics of citizens.

What leads to corruption?

Large income gap;

A sharp drop in wages;

Weakening of state control;

Uncertainty in the norms of market behavior,

Gaps in the legislation.

  1. The Russian Federation in the fight against corruption (Protection of the project of the 3rd group)
Today in the Russian Federation there is a special direction - combating corruption. In 2008, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” was adopted, which establishes the basic principles of combating corruption, the legal and organizational framework for preventing and combating corruption, minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of corruption offenses.

The international community attaches great importance to the problem of combating corruption.

The United Nations adopted the Convention against Corruption in 2003.

On January 27, 1999, the European Criminal Law Convention on Corruption was adopted in Strasbourg. It entered into force on July 1, 2002. The Russian Federation ratified this Convention by the Federal Law on July 25, 2006.

Corruption prevention measures taken in the Russian Federation.

Anti-corruption education (within educational institutions)

Propaganda (through the media, etc.)

Formation of legal culture and raising legal awareness

Education of civic responsibility

Strengthening trust in authorities

Anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and their drafts conducted by the Ministry of Justice

Teacher: Corruption leads to a decline in the quality of education, the release of unqualified specialists. This leads to the ruin of the country in all spheres of life.

  1. Summarizing. Reflection.
Summing up and rewarding teams.

Was this conversation interesting for you? What new things have you discovered for yourself? (student answers)

What questions would you like answered? What do we all need to think about?

VI. Closing remarks by the class teacher .

Corruption destroys society from within. It can be compared to a splinter: the longer it is in silence, the larger its size and the worse the consequences. I think that corruption can be defeated and eradicated only if we all work together.

Carefully and thoughtfully read the lines from the Bible, the words of the wise men: Aristotle, Luc de Vauvenargue, A.P. Chekhov. How little is needed and how much must be done in order to become “morally pure.” Everyone strives for this in their own way. And although there are many roads leading to morality, how many people there are on the planet, nevertheless it has its own patterns, its own components. What you need to beware of so as not to go astray, we tried to find out with you.

The most cherished dream
For people mental anxiety,
Heart heat and thoughts beauty,
The wisdom of feeling
Fortitude in the storms of life
Courage in everything and to the end,
Loyalty to a friend
devotion to the Fatherland,
The name of a citizen and a fighter.

Conclusion: Corruption is a negative phenomenon. It undermines the foundations of society, creates threats to development, contributes to the fall of trust in state bodies, destroys the economy, the morality of society. It depends on you and me - in which state we will live: honest or corrupt?

D. Medvedev: “Corruption is enemy number one for a free, democratic and just society” Comprehensiveness, consistency and targeted focus of anti-corruption measures

D. Medvedev: “Corruption should not just be illegal. It should become indecent” in the ranking of the state of corruption, our country occupies the sadly honorable 147th place out of 180. a quarter of our citizens do not think that corruption is an abnormal phenomenon, we must create motivation for legal, legally correct behavior, an anti-corruption standard of behavior. the reasons for the high degree of corruption are the imperfection of political institutions, the lack of professionalism of our bureaucrats and, on the other hand, simply misunderstanding and ignorance, unwillingness to know the laws on the part of the population early age Vlog entry May 20, 2009

Corruption Corruption (from the Latin corruptio - damage, bribery) is a crime that consists in the direct use by an official of the rights granted to him by position for the purpose of personal enrichment. Corruption is also called bribery of officials, their venality.

FEDERAL ANTI-CORRUPTION ACT CORRUPTION: a) abuse of office, bribery, bribery, abuse of power, commercial bribery or other illegal use an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, other property rights for himself or for third parties, or illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by others individuals; b) the commission of the acts specified in subparagraph "a" on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity.

Corruption as a deviation from the norms According to the place and nature of corruption, top and bottom corruption are distinguished. The apex includes politicians, higher and middle officials and is associated with the adoption of decisions that have a high price (norms of laws, state orders, sentences of higher courts, changes in ownership, etc.). It is important to note that very often top-level corruption is generated by the interaction between government and business. Grassroots corruption is widespread at the middle and lower levels and is associated with constant, routine interaction between officials and citizens (fines, registrations, services in the field of health care, housing, social security, etc.)

Corruption as a deviation from the norms Domestic corruption is associated with everyday life citizens and their families. It is generated by the need to satisfy the concerns of private life - health, education, recreation, housing, individual protection, etc. E Business corruption is associated with the economic (in the broad sense) activities of individuals and legal entities. It is generated by the needs of the creation and development of firms, the need to settle their relationship with the state and with each other. On a “professional” basis: corruption at customs, corruption during tenders and auctions, corruption in education, etc.

Forms of corruption manifestations Bribery. Embezzlement. Fraud. Extortion. Abuse of the right to consideration, arbitrariness. Use of a conflict of interest / Illegal trading in securities Receiving an illegal allowance, benefit or illegal reward Favoritism. Nepotism. Illegal donations and deposits. Source: United Nations Committee on Drug Control and Crime Prevention, Global Program Against Corruption

Types of corruption Political corruption 1. When politicians use their powers to maintain power, status and wealth 2. When decisions are made in favor of "paid" projects and actions 3. Concerns the creation of certain norms and certain policies (rather than their implementation) 4. "At the top corruption"

Causes of corruption economic decline; political instability; imperfection of the legislation; underdevelopment of government institutions and institutions of civil society; weakness of democratic traditions; lack of transparency of power; ineffective public participation in anti-corruption processes

Causes of Corruption in Government Agencies Culture and Lack of Legal and Moral Framework Personal Circumstances and Personality Weaknesses in Human Resource Management Ineffective Management Regime Weaknesses in Systems and Processes Inadequate Monitoring and Control Mechanisms Lack of Punishment

What is an anti-corruption policy? The goal of the anti-corruption policy is not to eradicate corruption (which is impossible), but to achieve a situation where corrupt practices become not so much a risky and unprofitable business, but socially unacceptable.

Concrete steps and actions aimed at implementing the strategy and policy: programs and technologies AREAS OF ACTIVITY More detailed approaches to the main components of the strategy, essential principles and rules POLICY Long-term goals and conceptual approaches to achieve them. STRATEGY

Class hour in grade 6B on the topic "Corruption - good or bad"

Class teacher: Zakharkina Yu.V.

Conduct form: discussion.Goals: 1. To form students' understanding of what corruption is. Familiarize yourself with the causes of corruption, find out what measures are being taken by the government to combat it, how young people can help in the fight against corruption, form their own opinions and positions in relation to this issue.2. To develop students' ability to express their opinion and argue it. 3. To instill a sense of responsibility to their state, to form a clear civic position based on the opposition to corruption.Equipment: projector, screen, computer

The course of the classroom.


Hello guys! The famous phrase of Cicero: “O times! Oh manners!” perfectly reflects our modern life. Already by the headlines of media articles, one can definitely say that our reality is such that it is dominated by power, money, theft, debauchery, violence, and, of course, corruption. The realities of life are such that sometimes you feel helpless. Maybe you have not thought about these questions yet, but I am sure that sooner or later you will have to make a moral choice and decide how to live, and not just live, but live with dignity, that is, in accordance with moral criteria: kindness and mercy. - according to the law of honor and dignity, with faith, hope and love, in peace and harmony, asserting freedom, truth and beauty, that's why I chose a topic for conversation today, perhaps, at first glance, difficult, not childish. Today we will talk about what corruption is, how to fight it, what you can do, for the country to prosper .

The theme of our class hour is called "Corruption - good or bad."

Epigraph of our class hour:

« Corruption “is the root from which flows at all times and under all circumstances. temptations contempt for all laws " .

Everyone knows about corruption. The vast majority of citizens know that corruption is bad and suffers from it. Hundreds of articles, books and textbooks have been written about corruption and the fight against it. Anti-corruption programs, plans, dozens of measures of the system of measures have been developed and are being used in practice; laws have been passed at the national and local levels. Various anti-corruption committees and commissions have been established. More and more state and public structures are being mobilized to fight corruption. Along with law enforcement agencies, the FSB also joined in the fight against corruption at the direction of the President.

Despite all this, the level of corruption in our country is not decreasing. We can say that in the fight against corruption, the government suffers a crushing defeat. Under these conditions, further understanding of the problem remains very relevant.

We do not expect that our thoughts will be original, especially since they are largely based on existing developments. But they are also based on practical experience detection and suppression of corruption offenses, available to various state and public structures, including the experience of the Federal Information Center (FIC) "Analytics and Security", working in close conjunction with the media. One of the results of the activities of the FIC was a material sent to the name of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, under whose direct supervision the widespread fight against corruption is unfolding.

Video "Corruption is bad!"

What is corruption in your understanding?

From what sources do you know about corruption?

Have you ever dealt with corruption?

Corruption is the use of official position for personal gain.

Media, friends, acquaintances, relatives

Clip for O. Gazmanov's song "How can we win!"

Corruption or not?


CORRUPTION, because as a result of abuse of office, a traffic police officer harmed the state, which did not receive the amount of the fine.


CORRUPTION, because as a result of abuse of official position, the official caused harm to the state, expressed either in the form of overestimating the amount of the contract, or in the form of underestimating the interest on the loan, or in the form of receiving not the highest quality goods.


According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is NOT CORRUPTION


The case is limited.

The doctor accepts money / services for the performance of official duties - corruption.

The patient expresses gratitude to the doctor for attention, and his actions do not involve exchange, then this action is not corrupt.

Questions to the class: What have you learned? What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

To the question: “Is it possible to completely eradicate corruption?” during the conversation, students should be led to the following conclusions: 1) It is impossible to completely eradicate corruption, but preventing it from becoming a threat to national interests is the most important task of our society and state. 2) For himself, everyone should choose the words of A.I. Solzhenitsyn: "Live not by lies!"

Conclusions: a bribe cripples souls and psychology, and all indiscriminately, whether it be a petty employee rubbing his hands or ... a victim. A bribe and a civilized society, a bribe and the rule of law are incompatible. But when will it sink into oblivion, if it is a monster generated by the state? One can only hope that someday the time will come, which the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Profitable Place” unsuccessfully dreamed of Zhadov: “I will wait for the time when the bribe-taker will be more afraid of the public court than the criminal court


Corruption is a two-way street. If there are those who take, then there are those who give. It is necessary to fight on all fronts.

Guys, if each of us does not give bribes or use his official position, then it will be possible to win the fight against corruption.

Teacher. Concluding our discussion, I want to say that I believe that our country has a great future, it will be able to survive all the difficulties and become even more beautiful. And you will help Russia in this! As you can see, corruption is strong, but it is possible to fight it. If you fight back corrupt officials and bribe-takers, then the octopus will be left without its tentacles. Soon you will become adults, you will have to solve many questions that life puts before us. Try to find the right decision in any situation, without circumventing the law. Thank you all for the communication! I would like to end our serious conversation with the words of F.M. Tyutchev (famous aphorism):

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,

Do not measure with a common yardstick:

She has a special become -

One can only believe in Russia.

I think that today's class hour touched on a very serious problem, there is something to think about and reason about. Youth needs to be supported. There just should not be emotional excesses, unverified facts. The main thing is to prevent youth terror. Only carefully considered decisions need to be made. This concludes our class.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialized boarding school "Daryn"

Class hour

on the topic of:

« STOP corruption"

Class teacher: Pryanishnikova E.V.

2016-2017 academic year

Class hour on the topic: « STOP corruption"

"Illegally acquired for the future does not go"

(Eastern wisdom)


The theme and epigraph are written on the board. A sheet of drawing paper has been prepared in advance with a bright inscription at the top: “STOP corruption” (can be placed on the board). A sheet of drawing paper (or half a sheet) was prepared in advance with a painted tree - an apple tree, and separately "apples" (you can just circles) of such a size that you can fit the inscriptions. Tables and chairs in the classroom are arranged in such a way that it is convenient for children to work in groups (3 large tables and chairs around). On the tables there are inscriptions: 1st group, 2nd group, 3rd group. On each table are 2 sealed envelopes with handouts, an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, felt-tip pens or colored pens.

Preparatory work with students:

1) questioning

2) preliminary work of schoolchildren with a dictionary and a reference book on the instructions of the teacher

3) creation of three creative groups.

Used equipment:

    outline plan




Smart target: promote the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among students

Tasks: Educational: characterize the concepts of "corruption", "corruption", introduce the forms of manifestation of corruption, its consequences and ways to combat it.

Developing: broaden the horizons of students, develop the basics of search activity, form their own worldview on problems modern society, contribute to the formation of a stable position to prevent corruption in the country. To form the ability to work in groups, to express their opinion.

Educational: to bring up responsibility for their own actions and deeds, consciousness and social activity in adolescents. On an emotional level, to form a rejection of corrupt behavior.

Event progress:

I stage. Organizational moment-3 min.

Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about corruption. The topic of our class hour is “What is corruption?” You recently filled out special questionnaires, today I want to introduce you to the results (the teacher tells you how many people took part in the survey, what were

questions are asked, names the answer options and the percentage of those who answered). And now attention! We pass to the main thing. And now let's see an excerpt from the play based on the play by N.V. Gogol "Inspector" (Appendix No. 2)

Watching an excerpt-5 min.

Teacher: Guys, what is this passage about? Students' answers (that everyone in the city was waiting for the auditor, and was afraid of his arrival. Khlestakov was mistakenly mistaken for an inspector. All officials tried to give him money or somehow please him)

Teacher: You got it right, well done. And now your task is to define what corruption is.

II stage. Brainstorming-10 min

The task of the teacher at this stage is to make the children understand what corruption and bribery are. All 3 groups work with handouts (cards with proverbs about bribes, 2 per group).

Task #1 5 min

Teacher: “Proverbs are not said without reason, you can’t live without them!” Guys, there are envelopes with number 1 on the tables in front of you (Appendix No. 3). Open them up. The task for the three groups is the same - you must continue the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Task #2 5 min

Teacher: Guys, there are explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language on your tables. Using a dictionary, based on the previous task, formulate in your own words what is corruption? Remember an excerpt from their performance, give an example of corruption. Write down your answer, and then you will have to read it out. (1 answer from each group, read out by one representative) Students' answers are heard. The teacher, if necessary, corrects, clarifies, says again what corruption is.

III stage "A bit of history" 5 min

As part of the preparatory work, children in groups received homework to find examples of punishments for bribes in Rus' in the 16th-17th centuries. The teacher gives the floor to 1 student from each group in turn. The main task of the stage is for schoolchildren to understand that a bribe is a crime for which they have always been severely punished. This conclusion can be made by the teacher at the end, summing up what has been said.

Teacher: The time has come to move on to the next stage and find out how they dealt with bribe-takers in Rus'. At home, you prepared in advance, and now we will hear a representative from each group. So let's start.

1st student.During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, bribery was officially recognized as a serious crime. The exposed were subjected to corporal punishment: the guilty person was tied to the neck of a thing taken as a gift, for example, a wallet, silver, pearls, salted fish. For the first time, the death penalty was applied as a punishment: the clerk, who accepted a roast goose stuffed with coins as a bribe, was taken to the marketplace and quartered.

2nd student. The Cathedral Code of 1649 also condemned bribery. Quite severe measures were applied to violators: from a monetary penalty and a ban on a position to “beating with a whip or batogs (depending on the estate), execution or amputation of a hand. An official convicted of corruption had to return the gifts he had taken and be subjected to justice, that is, beating with batogs. The size of the fine could fluctuate, according to contemporaries, from 500 to 1000 rubles. Dyakov was punished with a whip by tying a thing taken as a gift to his neck, and then sent into exile. Judges were executed for taking bribes.

3rd student. In 1648, the Salt Riot took place in Moscow. Unpopular government measures in the tax system were exacerbated by the extortion of high-ranking officials. L.S., head of the Zemsky order, especially distinguished themselves. Pleshcheev, who imprisoned people on false charges and released them only for a bribe, as well as P.T. Trachoniotov, who appropriated the salaries of service people. During the riot, the participants demanded that the said covetous people be handed over to the people, which was done. The executioner brought Pleshcheev to the square, and the crowd literally tore the bribe-taker to pieces. The next day, a sad fate befell Trakhoniotov. He was taken with

with a block around the neck by the capital, and then executed. This served as a good lesson for other officials.

Teacher: Thank you. What conclusions can we draw from what we hear? Students' answers (in the 16th and 17th centuries, bribery was widespread. But those who were caught were severely punished, and could even be executed)

IV stage. "Consequences of corruption and ways to combat it" (1O min)

Teacher: yes, indeed, corrupt officials, even at that time, were very severely punished. Even then, people understood how harmful corruption is to society. Let's think about what negative phenomena it leads to? Children's answers.

Teacher: Corruption destroys not only the country's economy, but also causes its citizens to distrust the state, gives rise to legal nihilism - i.e. disbelief of citizens in the triumph of the law, and, as a result, neglect of its norms. It is no coincidence that in 2004 the United Nations declared December 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day. 5 minutes

Task number 1 "Apple tree" 5 min It is possible to prepare answers in advance during the preparatory work. The teacher comments on the result, briefly talks about the proposed methods. Children work first in groups, and then one representative from each group comes out and attaches his “apples” to the tree.

Teacher: Guys, in front of you is an apple tree. And separately drawn "apples". Think about how you can fight corruption. Each group should come up with 2 ways, but try not to repeat yourself! Write them down on apples. Have one representative from the group read out the answers and then hang the “apples” on the “tree”. Possible student responses:

V stage. "Corruption or not?" 5 minutes

Teacher: And now you have to check yourself, how did you understand what corruption is. In front of you on the tables are envelopes with number 2 (Appendix No. 4). Open them up. Each group has 2 situations on the card. 2 people will answer from the group, each will read their assignment aloud and say where there is corruption and where it is not, and why. The other groups listen and correct if necessary. So, we started.

VI stage. Debriefing 2 min Teacher: Well done. We have worked very fruitfully today. What new did you learn? What conclusions did you draw for yourself? Children's answers.

Teacher: a bribe cripples the souls of people, and all indiscriminately, whether it be an official or a petitioner. A bribe and the rule of law are incompatible. One can only hope that someday the time will come, about which the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Profitable Place" Zhadov unsuccessfully dreamed: "I will wait for the time when the bribe-taker will be more afraid of the public court than the criminal court"... It is not for nothing that the epigraph of our class hour was the words "Illegally acquired for the future is not worth it."

VII stage "Reflection" 2 min

Children no longer work in groups, at will on a piece of drawing paper with the inscription "STOP corruption"

Teacher: Before you is a blank sheet of paper. I ask you to express your attitude to the problem of corruption. Please draw or write anything you want to say about our topic.


Class hour on the topic: "STOP corruption"

The smart goal of this class hour was: to promote the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among 10th grade students


educational: to characterize the concepts of "corruption", "corruption", to introduce the forms of manifestation of corruption, its consequences, ways to combat it.

Developing: broaden the horizons of students, develop the basics of search activities, form their own worldview on the problems of modern society, contribute to the formation of a stable position to prevent corruption in the country. To form the ability to work in groups, to express their opinion.

Educational: to bring up responsibility for their own actions and deeds, consciousness and social activity in adolescents. At the emotional level, form rejection of corrupt behavior.

After a review conversation of the class leader, a Brainstorming session was held, the task of which was for the children to understand what corruption and bribery are. 3 groups worked with handouts (cards with proverbs about bribes, 2 per group). Then, using a dictionary, based on the previous task, the children formulated in their own words what corruption is? They wrote down their answers, and then they had to read them out. (1 answer from each group, read out by one representative) The answers of the students were heard. The teacher, if necessary, corrected, clarified, said again what corruption is. The chief leader also said that corruption destroys not only the country's economy, but also causes its citizens to distrust the state, gives rise to legal nihilism - i.e. disbelief of citizens in the triumph of the law, and, as a result, neglect of its norms. It is no coincidence that in 2004 the United Nations declared December 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day. 5 min. Then an apple tree was hung out in front of the children. And separately drawn "apples". The children had to think about how to fight corruption and write on "apples". Student responses:

1. Tighten the legislation on responsibility for giving and receiving bribes 2. Raise the level of salaries for officials 3. Strengthen control over the work of officials so that they fulfill their duties 4. Influence the psychology, worldview of people so that they do not offer bribes to officials 5. Organize propaganda against corruption in the media 6. Raise the level of legal literacy of people.

Reflection: The class hour was held in an interesting, businesslike atmosphere. The children took part in discussions and discussions with pleasure, they were not afraid to express their opinion. The work went well. The set goals were achieved.

Prepared and hosted: classroom teacher Pryanishnikova E.V.