Oil for car gas equipment. Engine oil for gas engines

  1. The fact is that during operation of a gasoline or engine, a larger amount of water vapor is formed in the exhaust, so the requirements for oil increase. After installation gas equipment An important parameter when choosing a motor oil is the oil's resistance to watering.
  2. When a lean gas-air mixture burns, the content of nitrogen oxide increases in the exhaust gases, which is why oil for gas engine must be resistant to its effects.
  3. In addition, the peculiarity of the formation of the fuel mixture increases the sensitivity to the formation of ash deposits (burnt oil) in the cylinders.
  4. Another argument in favor of the need for special oil is higher temperature regime when operating on gas (natural gas combustion temperature = ~650°C, which is 200°C higher than that of diesel fuel), therefore the “native” oil that was used when operating on “native” fuel begins to fail to cope with the task assigned to it. As a result, due to poor viscosity and lubricating properties, destruction and severe wear of the piston group parts occurs, especially during loads. The aforementioned soot further complicates this process and acts as a fine abrasive during engine operation, causing scuff marks and marks on the mirror surfaces of the cylinders.
  5. The question is how to choose oil for gas engine One should take into account such a parameter as “minimum flash point”. For engines running not only on gasoline, but also on gas, this figure should be above 200°C for the reason described above (increased temperature conditions when operating on gas). The flash point is the threshold after which oil vapors generated during engine operation can ignite.

Considering the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • In motor oil that is poured into an engine with gas treatment, the content of organometallic additives that form ash deposits should be lower.
  • Engine oil with gas-cylinder equipment must be resistant to watering and have an increased ability to neutralize acids formed during combustion gas fuel.
  • The minimum flash point of oil for HBO must be above 200°C.

Leading auto manufacturing companies recommend using oils for cars with LPG that are approved for use on gasoline and whose viscosity-temperature properties correspond to the classes SAE: 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-50 . Provided, of course, that climatic conditions allow the use of the above-described oils.

The article has come to an end, I think the question is that engine oil with HBO it is necessary to pour something slightly different than in a similar engine without gas equipment, it can be removed because the fact of the need is obvious, and the above arguments confirm this.

It has long been no secret that when installing gas equipment, the owner will be forced to comply with a number of specific responsibilities or radically change his attitude towards the rules of vehicle operation: timely replacement of the fine filter, selection of oil for an engine with gas equipment, draining condensate from the gas reducer, etc.

An owner who has LPG installed on his car will repeatedly learn from various sources certain subtleties and pitfalls about the correct operation of such equipment, especially if a type of fuel such as gasoline was previously used. Today we will try to figure out one of these issues, namely whether it is necessary to change the type of engine oil when using LPG.
This question is in many ways interesting to most car enthusiasts, and unlike other subtleties, it has a number of irrefutable arguments. In connection with this approach, two types of judgments have been formed: “For” and “Against”. Naturally, these judgments belong to certain classes of drivers.

  • Some say that the engine oil with LPG needs to be replaced, since when using other equipment it becomes necessary to observe all the subtleties of operation;
  • others, on the contrary, are deeply convinced that the oil currently used can easily be adapted to a new type of equipment.

But who is right in this fight? Let's try to figure it out!

Where does the wind blow from

LPG, as you know, has a number of irrefutable advantages, which are fundamentally beneficial both for the owner of a gas-powered car and for the surrounding world as a whole. However, there are also some responsibilities to ensure that the motor is a reliable friend and does not let you down at a crucial moment. And in order for it to function properly, a certain type of LPG motor oil is needed.

  • When the engine is running on gas, a certain amount of water vapor appears in the exhaust, which places additional demands on the oil. In other words, when choosing the right oil, you should pay attention to its resistance to watering.
  • The combustion of this gas-air mixture leads to a repeated increase in the content of nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gases, and again this indicates a responsible approach to choosing oil.
  • The peculiarity of the fuel mixture increases the likelihood of burnt oil forming in the cylinders (so-called “ash deposits”).
  • Another very important argument in favor of replacing LPG engine oil will be its relationship to the temperature threshold when operating on a new type of fuel (the temperature at which natural gas burns exceeds the combustion temperature of diesel fuel by about 200 degrees). Therefore, the oil that was used previously is not capable of high-quality operation on the new type of fuel. And as a result, the viscosity and lubricating properties lead to very unpleasant consequences: wear and destruction in the piston part of the engine.
  • When choosing the right motor oil for an engine with LPG, you should take into account the “minimum flash point” point. For certain engines that run on both gas and gasoline, this temperature regime should be above the threshold of 200 degrees, due to the reason stated above. “Flash point” is the threshold at which oil vapors acquire ignition properties during engine operation.


The consequence of all the above are the following conclusions:

  1. Motor oils for an engine with gas equipment, poured into an engine with gas equipment, should contain a smaller amount of organometallic additives, which entail the formation of ash deposits;
  2. This oil must have a certain resistance to watering and have an increased ability to neutralize acids that arise during the combustion of a new type of fuel.
  3. The minimum oil flash threshold for HBO must be within a temperature range above 200 degrees.

In the market of automakers of gas-cylinder equipment, there are recommendations for the use of types of oil that are approved for use on gasoline, and also whose temperature properties belong to SAE class varieties.

I have a 2005 Chevrolet Lacetti. Mileage 300,000 km. HBO installed for 270,000 km. What kind of oil do you recommend using? I only filled it with Longlife 5W-30 all the time. Oil consumption 1.5 - 2.0 l. by 10 thousand when driving 100 km/h. If faster, then more. They say that there is a special oil for engines with LPG. (Vladimir)

Good afternoon, Vladimir. You are absolutely right, today you can find motor fluids on sale that are intended for engines with installed gas equipment. We will try to give you recommendations on choosing consumables.


What oil is better to pour into an engine with gas equipment?

Consumption of one and a half to two liters of liquid can be called catastrophic. The transition from a universal MM to a specialized one is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the motor. Using a special fluid, you will prevent clogging of the cylinder-piston group and, accordingly, the combustion chamber. However, if you have been operating your car for a long time using regular fluid, then the blockage may have already occurred.

Since we have been repairing vehicles and analyzing the consumables market for several years, we can definitely say that the quality of gas today is not as high as we would like. Moreover, if we take into account the opinions of experts on this matter and the drivers themselves. Therefore, the use of universal MMs can only harm the engine. On sale you can find oils designed specifically for cars with gas installations.

It is necessary to highlight the following, highest quality consumables:

  1. Castrol is perfect for engines that have been in use for a long time. It's about specifically about Castrol Edge 0w-30. 0w-40. 5w-40. These consumables are considered universal and perform their functions both when driving on gasoline and gas.
  2. Motul Specific CNG/LPG is also a universal MM for both methane gas and propane-butane.
  3. Liqui Moly, in principle, has long established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality MM. The 5w30 Top Tek 4300 line is a low-ash product for new generation vehicles, in particular with particulate filters. Allowed for use in all cars with gas equipment, regardless of the type of fuel.
  4. Fuchs Titan Syn Pro Gas 10w40, GT 1 Pro gas 5w40, 5w30 - excellent for natural gas.

Manufacturers note that such consumables can be used in both passenger cars and minibuses. In addition, in some cases, using specialized oil will save fuel, according to manufacturers. Although in practice this happens extremely rarely.

Video “Oil life on gas”

To learn how motor fluid works in a gas engine, watch the video (author: Gazomobil).

How to choose oil for gas engines? This question interests many motorists. IN lately vehicle owners are concerned not only with the degree of environmental safety of the operation of their car, but also with the financial costs associated with it.

Gas, unlike other fuels, pollutes the atmosphere less. Spark plugs and various parts and components of cars with gas engines last much longer.

But first things first:

  1. Combustion of gas in an engine is accompanied by much lower emissions into the atmosphere than any other fuel, especially gasoline.
  2. Increased service life of engine components due to more economical use of engine oil.
  3. The absence of detonation cases has a beneficial effect on the condition of parts and components.
  4. The vehicle's motive power is provided by a leaner fuel mixture, which significantly affects the overall efficiency of the vehicle.
  5. Engine spark plugs last much longer.

At the same time, gas mixtures are also cheaper, which is important in modern conditions. The most popular gaseous mixtures on the market today are the following types of fuel of hydrocarbon origin:

  • natural gas-based compressed methane (CNG);
  • liquefied petroleum-based propane-butane mixture (LCD).

But even such wonderful gas engines have a number of not the most pleasant features inherent in the entire family of such engines:

  1. The result of combustion of the gas mixture is the formation of a significant volume of water vapor. This fact imposes its own conditions for the use of motor oils: they must be resistant to water.
  2. When the fuel mixture burns, another rather aggressive product is released - nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen compounds have no right to interfere with the functional suitability of engine oil.
  3. A feature of the formation of a gas-air mixture is its high sensitivity to the ash formed after the reaction. To reduce its amount, oil should be selected with a minimum amount of organometallic additives, which are the main reason for the increased ash content of the oil.
  4. At low temperatures, starting a gas engine is quite problematic. In such cases, you should consider changing the type of oil.
  5. When modifying a gasoline engine to run on gas fuel, no fundamental design changes are usually made. This makes it possible to operate the converted vehicle using the same oils as before the conversion. Based on their basic functional characteristics, oils such as SAE 10W-40 and SAE 15W-40 are suitable for gas engines.
  6. It is not at all necessary to use this particular brand of motor oil; the main thing is that the selected product best meets the above requirements. Similar rules exist for engines converted from gasoline engines.

For diesel engines converted to gas, there are slightly different requirements. Manufacturers of such cars stipulate that oils for such engines must comply with regulations formed based on the results of special tests. Unfortunately, to date, such requirements for motor oils have been published by only a few leading automakers:

  • Daimler Chrysler has issued regulations for MB 226.9 oil;
  • MAN has certified its M3271 engine oil;
  • Renault produces certified RGD oil.

The rest are content with issuing special recommendations according to API or ACEA classifications, imposing on them their own additional requirements for the content of certain substances in the final product.

How to choose oil for an engine running on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

The cost of maintaining a car has long come first, exceeding the cost of the car itself. In the current difficult financial and economic conditions, such expenses are becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. No one is in a hurry to give up their personal transport; all that remains is to look for a worthy alternative. Today, liquefied natural gas is increasingly becoming such an alternative.

Sufficiently high start-up costs have not scared off vehicle owners for a long time. The result of further operation shows that a one-time investment will allow significant regular savings in the future.

An increasing number of car owners are coming to this conclusion, and there are more and more gas-powered cars around.

To switch to gas, converting a car is absolutely not enough; you need to clearly know how to properly care for a converted engine. Only this approach will make the savings real.

Otherwise, you will only end up with a lot of additional problems, including financial ones.

In order not to waste money on constant repairs, it is better to invest once in good motor oil.

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Reasons for the need for special motor oil

An engine running on gaseous fuel creates much higher temperatures in the engine cylinders than its diesel and gasoline counterparts. This factor significantly affects the required properties of motor oil.

Under the influence of such a temperature, ordinary oil will simply burn out, leaving behind a large amount of ash and other formations that can damage not only the elements of the piston system, but also the engine as a whole.

Such a close relationship makes the correct choice of oils for such cars so important.

In our country, prices for gasoline and diesel are rising as quickly as the yeast in my kitchen. This is most likely why the use of liquefied petroleum gas (propane with butane) and compressed natural gas (methane) is gaining popularity. Converting a car from conventional fuel to gas reduces financial and operating costs. The gas has a fairly high resistance to detonation. Liquid petroleum fuels have a much higher hydrogen to carbon ratio than gases. This is why gas combustion products contain less hydrocarbon and more water. What is the reason for frequent oil changes? Most likely, the oil is contaminated with soot particles or the oil is diluted by fuel. When using gas, these processes are practically eliminated. Many factors and circumstances determine special requirements for motor oils for gas engines. The combustion temperature of gas in an engine is almost 200 DEGREES higher than when using gasoline or diesel. At this temperature, additives will be ineffective, and the oil will definitely leave a lot of carbon and deposits. Motor oil You must be prepared for such thermal tests, otherwise the engine will begin to consume a lot of oil and engine overhaul will definitely loom on the horizon. It is better to use oils specially designed for gas engines, especially since their cost is not much different from conventional oils for gasoline and diesel engines.

Gas engine oil. Laboratory research

Gas engine specialty oil testing programs demonstrate how newly developed low viscosity lubricants will help improve engine performance and maintain engine component longevity while reducing performance requirements. As fuel prices fluctuate around the world due to market cycles, gas engine owners and drivers will always be looking for ways to reduce their financial fuel costs. This is especially true in industrial trade and transportation markets, where fuel costs directly impact profitability and revenue. The modern automotive chemical market offers many innovative lubricants with synthetic-based compositions that offer high performance and economic benefits by extending lubricant replacement cycles. At the same time, laboratories are working to reduce the consumption of lubricants and fuel - all this contributes to greater wear resistance of the engine design, comfortable operating conditions, constantly growing customer needs and protection factors environment. Recent trends in engine design have increased compression ratio and turbocharger pressure to improve power output and efficiency. At the same time, the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and environmental protection are always taken into account. A comprehensive bench testing program ensures that the best overall candidates are selected for subsequent testing at real life. Many automakers allow the use of “gasoline” oils for engines converted to gas. This applies to UAZs, Gazelles, and ZILs equipped with gas cylinder equipment.

For diesel buses and trucks, almost all manufacturers require the use of special oils when converting to gas.
Specifications and approvals for gas engine oil requirements are published by three companies: DaimlerChrysler (MB 226.9), Renault (RGD) and MAN (M3271). The requirements for “gas” oils according to ACEA and API are similar, but approximate: DAF requires compliance with class E3 according to ACEA, Iveco requires CF-4/SF according to API.
It's time to move on to examples of oil for gas engines.

Synthetic oils for gas engines:

This is a range of high quality motor oils made using Shell's unique PurePlus technology, which provides even more high level cleaning and protection, especially for gas-powered engines.

100% synthetic motor oil for engines running on compressed (LPG) or liquefied gas (CNG). as well as bi-fuel engines that comply with EURO IV standards.

The oil is recommended for diesel engines with a particulate filter, turbocharging and catalyst. Also, Liqui Moly Top Tec 4300 oil is suitable for passenger cars equipped with gas equipment. Thanks to a modern additive package, the oil will ensure maximum engine cleanliness and low fuel consumption.

Semi-synthetic oils for gas engines:

This product is an excellent choice for gas vehicles. Prevents burnout of valves, reduces the formation of plaque and other deposits in the engine, protects rings from sticking due to low ash content. Can be used in gasoline and diesel engines.

Ideal for use in multi-valve petrol, diesel and gas engines, incl. with direct injection and turbocharging. Prevents the formation of carbon deposits, reduces friction in the engine, and reduces fuel consumption.

- designed to protect the engine from high temperature, which occurs during the “dry combustion” of gas fuel. Reduces the formation of plaque and other deposits in the engine, prevents burnout of valves and glow ignition, protects rings from sticking due to low ash content.

A large assortment of motor oils for cars with LPG at low prices is presented in the online store website.

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