Choleretic drugs for giardiasis. Treatment of giardiasis: regimen of medications, use of alternative methods

Stage 1 of therapy takes from 2 to 4 weeks. Important rule during this period - adherence to the prescribed diet. Proper nutrition is the key to successful recovery.

It is forbidden to eat food containing simple carbohydrates. These include:

  • dairy products;
  • confectionery;
  • cereals;
  • bread and flour pastries.

A balanced diet during treatment consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, rice and buckwheat porridge, cooked in water. Sauerkraut, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks effectively help in such situations.

Treatment of giardiasis in adults at stage 1 of the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Preparations containing a choleretic effect. By reducing bile stagnation in the infected body, inflammation decreases faster.
  2. Medicines that relax the bile ducts– cholespasmolytics (Duspatali, No-spa).
  3. Medicines that enhance the functioning of the gallbladder - cholekinetics. Effectively reduce the tone of the biliary tract (egg yolk, solution of magnesium sulfate solutions 5% or 10%).
  4. Enterosobents (Smecta, Bilignin, Polysorb).
  5. Based on the results of the coprogram, it is possible to prescribe Festal, Mezim-Forte, Baktisubtil.
  6. Using tubage, following the scheme of G.S. Demyanova. Helps clear the intestinal tract.


At stage 2 of therapy, drugs are prescribed that have a detrimental effect on Giardia. In addition to the use of drugs from the 1st stage, a person begins to use Fazizhina, Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Albendazole.

The duration of therapy depends on the degree of the disease and the use of prescribed medications. This takes several weeks or more. In critical situations, a break of no more than 2 weeks will be required, after which a new course of treatment will begin.


Stage 3 is to strengthen the immune system. To increase the body's defenses, a course of taking herbal-based medications is prescribed. Rational nutrition plays a very important role in the final stage.

Albendazole, a substance included in Nemozol, effectively fights Giardia at any stage of their life cycle.

The medicine is taken with food. For children, Nemozol is created in the form of a suspension. Should be used once a day for a week. Per 1 kg of weight 10 mg. medicines. Adults use 1 tablet for 5 days.

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis

No remedy gives a 100% guarantee in the fight against giardiasis. For this reason, the patient undergoes several courses of medications, creating a break of at least 7 days:

  • Ornidazole has no age limit;
  • Tinidazole is allowed for adolescents from 12 years of age;
  • Due to its composition, Nifuratel (Makmiror) is allowed to be given to babies older than 2 months;
  • Albendazole is sometimes prescribed to children as young as 2 years old. Safer for children over 6 years old.

The use of Enterol is permitted in combination with Albendazole. It is not prohibited at stage 3 of therapy.

To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, the patient may be prescribed Zyrtec (babies over 6 months old), Telfast (over 12 years old).

Worth knowing! Many doctors recommend Wobenzym. The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-edema effects. For adults, the dose is no more than 5 tablets 3 times a day. Consume 40 minutes before meals. Dose for a child: 1 tablet per 5 kg of baby’s weight.

Once in the human body, Giardia actively begins to consume all the vitamins found inside. The patient is prescribed complex preparations containing large amounts of essential vitamins:

  1. Stimbifeed. Allowed for babies from 6 months, 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment time is 1 month.
  2. Bion 3. Prescribed to adolescents at least 14 years old. 1 tablet per day. Take with food. Drink for a month.
  3. Enterol. Children from one to 3 years of age are prescribed to use for 5 days, adults – 10.

To normalize work immune system immunomodulators are recommended. Babies older than 6 months are prescribed Polyoxidonium intramuscularly, or using rectal suppositories. Likopid is prescribed 1 mg for adolescents under 16 years of age, and 10 mg for older patients.

Treatment of chronic giardiasis in adults

If treatment is not started in time, the disease becomes chronic. The patient begins to experience bloating, loose stools, and sharp pain in the epigastric region.

Symptoms of chronic giardiasis include:

Attention! Adults and children must follow the rules and methods of taking medications - the key to a successful, quick recovery.

Used only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is not advisable to create such a course yourself. Each person’s disease progresses differently, and the dosage of medications and duration of use are calculated individually for each person.

Balancing diet for giardiasis

According to reviews of patients who have undergone the treatment regimen for giardiasis in adults, we can highlight: effective remedy- Monastery tea. Many people noted its highest ability to help with this problem without the use of chemicals.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a short video on the topic:


At the end of therapy, some patients experience immunodeficiency. In this regard, colds appear, leading to serious complications. To avoid such situations, doctors strongly recommend taking Gelmostop. Contains herbal medicines, about 60 important elements and minerals. The medicine is used for 5 days.

Giardiasis is a dangerous disease that affects every fifth person

The main sources of infection are sick people. There is no consensus on the transmission of Giardia to humans from animals. Some doctors believe that this is possible; their opponents say that only other people can be the source of infection for people. But everyone agrees that treatment of giardiasis should begin immediately after diagnosing the disease.

The mechanism of infection is fecal-oral. Giardia cysts, excreted in the feces of a sick person, enter the body through the mouth along with the consumption of contaminated water, unwashed foods that are not susceptible to heat treatment. You can also become infected through household contact, through unwashed hands, contact with household items used by an infected person.

Giardia negatively affects the condition gastrointestinal tract and on general condition. During their life, they release toxins that constantly poison the body, to which the nervous system reacts extremely negatively.

Main symptoms

Signs of the acute stage of giardiasis:

  • severe dysentery - in this case, there are no inclusions of blood or mucus in the stool, which is typical for a common indigestion;
  • flatulence - occurs due to a violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • pain in the abdominal area, mainly in the upper part - the nature of the sensations is constantly changing: from aching to acute pain;
  • general poor health - the body begins to gradually deplete.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is worth undergoing an examination so that if the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment can be started in a timely manner.

Tests for giardiasis

The symptoms of giardiasis are characteristic of many other diseases. Laboratory tests are required to confirm the diagnosis.

Methods used to detect giardiasis:

If you take only one type of test, if the result is negative and symptoms persist, you need to take it again 2-3 times, maintaining an interval of 5-7 days.

Giardiasis treatment regimen

Effective treatment of giardiasis must be comprehensive. The body needs to be prepared accordingly and then helped to recover.

It is important to stick to your diet throughout the course of treatment. The diet should consist of products that create unfavorable conditions for the life and development of Giardia.

As part of the therapeutic diet, you should not consume dairy products or carbohydrates. Plant foods are welcome - bran, dried fruits, baked apples, vegetable oils, berries. Cranberry and lingonberry juices are very healthy.

Folk remedies

Simple and effective recipes against Giardia:

  1. Horseradish infusion - wash 2-3 horseradish roots without peeling, chop into small pieces and place them in liter jar. Pour chilled boiling water over everything, close tightly, leave for 3 days. Strain the finished infusion and mix in a 1:1 ratio with honey. Stir the product and leave for 3 days. Drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals for 10 days.
  2. – grind 300 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, mix with water and honey. The latter should be taken in 50 g. The resulting mixture should be eaten within an hour, only on an empty stomach. After taking it, you need to take a laxative and also do an enema.
  3. Garlic tincture - place 50 g of chopped garlic in a dark glass bottle and pour in 200 ml of vodka. The infusion will be ready in a week. During this time it should be kept in a dark place. Drink 20 drops 30 minutes before meals three times a day for 10 days.
  4. Oats – pour 250 g of oats with a liter of water and boil until 1/4 of the water has evaporated. Eat a glass of oats prepared this way 4 times a day.
  5. Immortelle decoction - bring 2 cups to a boil birch sap, add a tablespoon of crushed immortelle flowers and boil for another 15 minutes in a water bath with the lid closed. Drink half a glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a week.

Garlic tincture is one of the famous folk recipes

It is worth considering that folk remedies used as an addition to the main course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. They can also be used periodically for preventive purposes.

Medicines for giardiasis

The most effective tablets from giardiasis:

  1. – tablets containing the active component Nifuratel. They effectively destroy Giardia, but have a gentle effect on the microflora, which is why doctors often prescribe this particular remedy.

The course of treatment for giardiasis lasts a week. You should take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day after meals. The price of the drug is from 950 rubles. per package containing 20 tablets.

  1. – chewable tablets or suspension containing the active ingredient Albendazole. The course of treatment for giardiasis involves 5 days, during which you need to drink 1 tablet or 20 ml of suspension daily. The price of tablets is from 200 rubles. for a package containing 1 tablet, suspension - from 200 rubles. for 100 ml.
  2. Trichopolum – 10 tablets

    After taking the drugs, side effects such as headaches, stomach upsets, allergies, increased drowsiness, and nausea are possible. This is important to consider before use.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    Giardiasis should be treated after consultation with a qualified doctor - It’s better to immediately contact an infectious disease specialist. A gastroenterologist will also help. It would be a good idea to consult a nutritionist.

Treatment of giardiasis is a rather complex and time-consuming process. This disease cannot be cured on your own, but only with the help of a specialist in these pathologies. Which doctor treats giardiasis? For children, this is a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. For adults, a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. All of the listed specialists can be found at the nearest clinic, medical center or hospital, where they will provide you with all the necessary assistance.

In addition to the standard, medicinal method of treatment, in the future you may need the help of a homeopath and herbalist, who will promote a speedy recovery and strengthen the body.

Where to treat giardiasis?

For the treatment of giardiasis, you can contact public and private medical institutions where specialists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists, provide treatment. For children, this could be a children's clinic, a children's infectious diseases department, or a pediatrics department. Adult patients should go to an adult clinic, gastroenterology department, infectious diseases department or hospital, private general clinic or gastroenterology center.

In every home or educational institution(school or preschool education), where a person with giardiasis is found, anti-epidemic measures are required, which are organized by the local representative of the sanitary-epidemiological station (SES).

Modern treatment of giardiasis

Modern treatment of giardiasis consists of a whole range of medications, procedures and measures. It is difficult to cure this disease, therefore it is unacceptable to engage in independent treatment methods: the treatment regimen should only be determined by a specialist.

It is more logical and effective to begin therapeutic measures at the time of exacerbation of the disease, especially with the development of dyspeptic disorders.

For successful treatment of giardiasis, diet correction is an important element. Patients, especially in childhood, should definitely include in their diet dishes with a sufficient content of pectin, a natural enterosorbent. Such dishes are considered liquid rice porridge on the water, applesauce, blueberry jelly. After two days, the patient is transferred to a more expanded diet. At first, the exception is products that create a positive environment in the intestines for the life of Giardia. The main part of such products are simple sugars: muffins, sweets, bakery products, as well as noodles, sausage, and whole milk. Allowed are rice and buckwheat cooked in water, fermented milk products, compotes, baked apples, berries, vegetables, sunflower oil, dried fruits.

An important role in the treatment of giardiasis is played by the stabilization of the microflora in the intestines, which, as a rule, is disrupted during the disease. In order to eliminate dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products, as well as some probiotic preparations: yogurt, lactobacterin, bifinorm, lactofiltrum, probifor, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis

  • Nifuratel (Makmiror) is a nitrofuran drug that is very successful, as it absolutely meets all the requirements listed above. Has an extended range of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects. Nifuratel is quickly absorbed, its maximum amount in the blood is observed 2 hours after use. Excretion is carried out through the urinary system. In the treatment of giardiasis, the drug is prescribed:
    • for an adult patient, 0.4 g up to 3 times a day for a week;
    • child – 15 mg per kilogram of weight, twice a day for a week.

Nifuratel is less toxic than other nitrofuran drugs. It is not a teratogen or carcinogen, which is quite suitable for therapy in childhood and during pregnancy.

  • Metronidazole (Trichopol) is a selectively toxic drug for anaerobic infections, has mutagenic activity, and also the ability to enhance the effect of radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology. The tablets have a bitter taste and are perfectly absorbed when taken orally. The maximum amount of the drug in the blood is observed 3 hours after administration. Metronidazole enters all tissues and environments of the body, including vaginal secretions, semen, and salivary secretions. Passes through the blood-brain barrier, is excreted in milk during lactation, and overcomes the placental barrier. For these reasons, this drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is excreted through the kidneys. Experts use two main options for taking Metronidazole:
    • 0.4 g three times a day for 5 days;
    • 0.5 g for adults and 5 mg/kg for children three times a day for 10 days.

During the course of treatment, alcohol intake is contraindicated.

IN lately doctors often use newer medications to treat giardiasis - these are drugs that inhibit benzimidazole tubulin: pyrantel, albendazole, etc. Such drugs are safer than the previously listed nitroimidazoles. However, on at the moment clear and effective scheme Treatment with such drugs has not yet been developed, so therapy with these drugs must be long-term or periodically repeated.

Giardiasis treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for giardiasis consists of three stages.

Stage I – elimination of internal intoxication and stimulation of intestinal enzymatic function, strengthening the immune system. Conditions: adherence to certain nutritional principles, as well as the prescription of the following medications:

  • choleretic agents – eliminate congestion in gallbladder(cholekinetic drugs: magnesium sulfate, xylitol, sorbitol, etc.);
  • antispasmodics – relieve spasms of the bile ducts;
  • sorbent preparations – activated carbon, smecta, polysorb, bilignin, etc.;
  • enzyme agents - panzinorm (multienzyme), festal, creon, etc.
  • Metronidazole (Trichopolum);
  • Tinidazole – 2 g at a time;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Macmiror – nitrofuran series of drugs;
  • Ornidazole;
  • Delagil (Chloroquine) 0.25 g three times a day;
  • Paromomycin - aminoglycoside, 25 mg per kilogram, divided into three doses per day.

Stage III – strengthening the immune defense and further preventing the development of giardiasis infection in the intestines. The conditions for this stage are: proper nutrition with predominant consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as fermented milk products. It is recommended to drink tea based on birch buds for a month. To eliminate dysbiosis and strengthen the immune system, enzyme preparations and probiotics are prescribed: lactobacterin, mezim, pancreazym, bificol, lacto-mun, etc.

Treatment course for giardiasis

The course of treatment for giardiasis is usually long.

The first stage usually lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The second stage can last 5-7 days, but in most cases, a week or 10 days after the end of stage II, it is repeated again in order to confidently avoid relapses of the disease in the future. Sometimes it is possible to prescribe stage II three times, with an interval of 7-10 days. To maximize the effectiveness of such treatment, each course of the second stage is recommended to be carried out with various medications.

Stage III does not have a strictly designated duration and can last quite a long time - as long as the body requires it. At least a month and a half after the end of treatment, the patient should be observed by the treating doctor in order to remain confident that the disease has been completely cured and that there are no relapses of the disease. The prognosis for giardiasis with adequate treatment is positive.

Choleretic for giardiasis

Choleretic for giardiasis can be prescribed along with other necessary drugs. This is done in order to eliminate the inflammatory process in the gallbladder as quickly as possible, as well as reduce congestion in it. IN medicinal purposes Preferably, cholekinetic drugs are prescribed that dilate the bile ducts and facilitate the flow of bile. Cholekinetics are a series of antispasmodic drugs that relax the valve of the gallbladder and pancreas, which promotes the release of bile into the intestinal cavity. Such cholekinetic drugs include atropine sulfate, papaverine, magnesium sulfate, etc.

By the way, a similar effect can be caused by consuming mineral waters: “Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4”, as well as other medicinal waters containing sulfate anions. Such waters are consumed half an hour before meals, 100-150 ml up to 4 times a day.

In addition, in order to tone the biliary tract, cholespasmolytic agents are prescribed, such as drotaverine, platiphylline, barberry-based products, etc. Valerian root also has a similar effect.

Chophytol for giardiasis

Chophytol is a herbal remedy based on artichoke. This medication is capable of restoring damaged liver cells and has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Reduces the level of urea in the bloodstream, stabilizes lipid metabolism and the amount of cholesterol. Can be used with other medications to reduce toxic damage to the body. Helps remove salts heavy metals, nitrates and other toxins.

Hofitol has direct indications for use in giardiasis, if the patient does not suffer from calculous cholecystitis, acute hepatitis and lack of bile duct patency.

Hofitol for giardiasis is used as follows:

  • 1-2 tablets each. three times a day, for a month;
  • 5 ml of syrup three times a day for 3 weeks;
  • 1-2 ampoules of Hofitol intramuscularly, once a day, for 7-14 days.

Hofitol is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but only with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

Artichoke extract and the drug Holebil can be considered similar replacements for the medication.

Allohol for giardiasis

Allochol is a choleretic medication that enhances bile production. Allochol, like other choleretic drugs, is actively used for giardiasis. This medication affects liver secretion, stimulates motility and enzymatic activity of the digestive system, and has a slight laxative effect. The medication contains garlic, which reduces fermentation processes in the intestines and relieves bloating.

For giardiasis, Allochol is taken orally, 3 times a day, 2 tablets, immediately after meals. Children under 7 years of age take 1 tablet, then the dosage corresponds to that for adults. The course of treatment with Allochol continues for a month, after which they take a break of 3 months and repeat the therapy (if necessary).

Allochol is approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is not prescribed if there is obstruction of the bile ducts, if stones are found in the cavity of the gallbladder, or if there is an acute inflammatory process in the liver and pancreas.

Antibiotics for giardiasis

For giardiasis, complex therapy is prescribed. The correct selection of treatment methods guarantees a favorable result, meanwhile, violation of the treatment regimen can lead the disease to a more severe, chronic course.

Although the therapeutic effect of it is many times higher than that of conventional antiprotozoal drugs. Therefore, when prescribing a remedy, it is necessary to carefully study the history and anamnesis of the disease.


A drug with a similar effect, take 50-70 mg per kg of body weight for children and 4 tablets as a single dose for adults. But the drug is contraindicated in case of hematopoietic disorders and nervous system lesions, pregnancy (1 trim.) and breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance.


The main purpose of Enterol for giardiasis is the complete restoration of the digestive system, whose activity is significantly impaired under the influence of giardiasis invasions.


An antimicrobial drug whose action is aimed at inhibiting dehydrogenase activity and blocking cellular respiration.

The drug disrupts the activity of all systems of the simplest organism, which leads to the death of the latter.

The drug is prescribed only by a doctor, the dosage is determined individually. The drug is used with particular caution in the treatment of premature and newborn babies, as well as pregnant patients.


Also, under the influence of the drug, the release of toxic substances by protozoa that poison the patient’s body is inhibited. One of the additional effects of the drug is the activation of the body’s immune structures.


But Tetracycline and its derivatives are usually prescribed not for the treatment of primary therapy, but as a treatment for concomitant pathologies, for example, cholecystitis that has developed against the background of giardiasis.


The medicine is effective against all forms of Giardia. For young patients under 6 years of age, Pirantel is prescribed in suspended form, and for adults, tablet forms of the drug are indicated. The duration of therapy is individual, but usually does not exceed 5 days.


The duration of therapy is a 5-day course. Vermox should not be taken by children under 2 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.


A medicine from the group of enterosorbents that helps the gastrointestinal tract structures restore full activity.

Polysorb is usually prescribed after the main therapy to speed up the elimination of toxic substances and improve intestinal activity.


The dosage of the medication is determined individually by a specialist, but it is taken once, on a full stomach, and the medicine must be washed down generously.


The duration of therapy is 10 days, taken in the mornings and evenings. The product has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the medication.


The drug is prescribed for giardiasis to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Enterosgel absorbs toxins and removes them massively with feces.

The product effectively eliminates toxic manifestations and has a beneficial effect on the activity of intraorganic structures such as kidneys, liver, intestines, immune system, etc.

Enterosgel is endowed with enveloping properties that provide protection to the gastrointestinal mucosa from erosive and ulcerative lesions.

Tablet treatment regimen

Giardiasis therapy is carried out in three successive stages.

Such a therapy program is considered to be the most effective in anti-giardiasis treatment, therefore it is used everywhere, but requires the patient to strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.