About everything that's happening. To avoid fakes, journalists need to talk about everything that is happening at the moment

About everything that happens in the city

A press conference by the acting head of the Orekhovo-Zuevo urban district Gennady Panin took place last Friday. Gennady Olegovich spoke with journalists in an unusual setting - on the site where the regional Flower Festival was recently held.

“It doesn’t bother me that people walk here,” Panin admitted; on the contrary, in the heat, everyone liked being in the open air, some passers-by said hello... The meeting lasted just over an hour.

- The first question is about the results of the last regional Festival “Flowers of the Moscow Region”. Its positive points. What difficulties did you face? Should we expect a repeat of such an event?

There are 68 municipalities in the Moscow region, the Flowers of the Moscow Region festival takes place once a year, I think the goal is for everyone to experience this beauty. Therefore, it is now more urgent for us to think about other wonderful events that could be organized in Orekhovo-Zuevo.

The main difficulty was to decide on this feat; I can’t call it anything else. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the preparation of the Festival, the Public Council under the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, which helped our city. Do you remember the condition of the embankment here? And in the end, we got a result that requires no comment; it’s worth visiting the Festival site at least once. This is a successful event for the entire city.

- At meetings with residents and various events, you can hear that 10% of the territories are being improved. Assess the situation, how is the improvement going, is there much left to do? Let us be clear on this matter: in some places you can see that preparations for the development of local areas have begun, everything old has been demolished, the sites have been prepared and... sort of abandoned?

The issue is undoubtedly important for residents. There is a program that we have been implementing since last year in the city. Last year, 30 courtyard areas were landscaped, which is 10% of all the courtyards that we have. This plan has 33 courtyard areas. Work is currently underway on 10 of them, with about ABOUT The best result is that there are lags somewhere. The most expensive work is, of course, road work (installation of parking bays, sidewalks where possible), then playgrounds, recreation areas, container sites, lighting...

To complete the complex of works, it was necessary to hold several competitions. They were carried out along the roads in 10 yards, and announcements will be made on the rest. A competition for children's play complexes was held recently; they will be installed. By the way, children's playgrounds are installed both according to the municipal program (we are talking about playgrounds from 100 to 200 sq. m.) and according to the governor's program. There are 3 of them: already operating at Belyatskogo, 5, Naberezhnaya, 1, and another one will appear in the near future - at Galochkina, 6.

The overall picture of the improvement is not yet complete, because in some places the roads have been built, in others they have not, but the old sites have already been dismantled before installing new ones. Plus, this year it was decided to grade the soil where the sites were set up (level trampled areas, add soil here and there to plant trees...) So it turns out that not much has been completed yet, but work is being carried out, I think, by by the end of autumn they will all be done (the same situation occurred last year).

- Residents note that the installed playgrounds -different. In some places the coating is soft, in others it seems to be soft, but something else. Some complain that children get smeared in something red while playing.

To be honest, there were no complaints. The coatings on modern playgrounds come in two types: either colored rubber (apparently, paint remained on the child after a hard fall), or sand with fine gravel. Rubber is more expensive, and it also requires concrete preparation. When installing, we proceed from financial capabilities and expediency, but everywhere, on every new playground, the coating is made soft, meeting all modern requirements.

- Returning to the past Flower Festival. Now the embankment is beautiful, but when everything fades here, what will happen?

Annual plants will fade, but there are also perennials here - we will try to maintain them properly. We will invite all municipal institutions and ordinary residents of the city to hold a competition to decorate the remaining areas on the embankment. We really look forward to seeing you feedback from the townspeople, so that they themselves take part in creating and maintaining beauty in their native Orekhovo-Zuevo.

We are considering the possibility of implementing bicycle paths in the city in the future; we will start laying them in such zones. So far there are not many places for bicycle paths here, but we will study the issue (together with Victory Park and other places).

- The whole city is probably already aware of thefts from festival sites. It's a shame, of course. Will there be legal consequences for the actions of thieves and vandals?

During the preparation and holding of the Festival, security was employed; this is an expensive undertaking. If you protect the sites all the time... think about what will happen: we ourselves pay taxes to the budget, so that we can protect them from ourselves.

A video surveillance camera was installed on the house opposite, all cases of theft were recorded, the materials were transferred to the police, and operational search activities were carried out. We plan to publish videos and photos of the “heroes” in the media. Perhaps the residents will recognize one of their friends or neighbors; it’s hard to believe that they came to us from Moscow or Vladimir to dig up a flower.

- You are no longer the head of the city, explain once again what changes have taken place in the government.

In connection with changes in regional legislation, it was decided to combine the positions of the head of the city and the head of the administration. This will happen on the basis of competitive selection. The commission, half of which is appointed by the governor, and the other half by the city Council of Deputies, will propose to the Council candidates for election to the post of head of Orekhovo-Zuev, who will also be the head of the city administration. There will no longer be elections for the head of the city, as before. They were abolished by the law of the Moscow region. The mayor of the city with the powers of the head of the administration will be chosen by deputies from the proposed list.

I decided to participate in this competition.

- What will happen if you are appointed?

In accordance with the law and the City Charter, this will be a new term of 5 years.

- What about non-assignments?

To be honest, I didn’t think about it. Whether I will remain in the administration or not, this decision will already be made by the person who will become the new head of the city. Everything will depend on the offer they make to me (and if they make it).

- A new beginning is approaching academic year, how many of the children who study in the second shift will study in the first?

I admit, I won’t give the exact figure... But I can say that more children will definitely not go on the second shift. About 50 additional places were created at the Lyceum and 150 at school No. 6. At the same time, there are more students in the city, more first grades will open, since those children who were born during the period of demographic boom have begun to turn 7 years old.

In the future, it is planned either to build several extensions (starting from school 16 - it is the most overloaded), or to build a new school, but for now, ahead of time, I would not like to talk about this in detail, we need to finally decide.

- The trend now is investment policy. Some time ago, meetings on investment projects were held in the city. Has anything been decided on them?

Not a single project has failed. Main problem- registration of land plots.

- Have there been any new projects?

This is a big problem now due to the crisis. Based on the individual requests that happen, investors are mainly interested in areas 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road; at our distance from Moscow, they are interested in large land plots that we don't have. But we managed to achieve that the private industrial park “Karbolit” with 70 hectares of land was included in the list of priority industrial parks in the Moscow region. The Moscow Region Development Corporation periodically sends promising investors here to get acquainted with the territory and its opportunities.

- What role does the city community of entrepreneurs, industrialists, and enterprise directors play in this issue?

Unfortunately, I don't see much activity.

- A month ago you met with managers educational institutions. What are the results of these meetings? Are there plans to do something similar again?

By preschool education everything is quite good. I expressed one wish - that leaders introduce more innovations in preschool education.

With schools it’s a little more complicated. In April I visited all the schools, held open lessons with high school students and, to be honest, I was not very pleased with the overall picture. In my opinion, if children have knowledge in certain subjects, then the very approach to education in terms of the Unified State Exam does not give them the opportunity to fully develop themselves. They are somehow embarrassed to express and defend their thoughts.

Regarding Unified State Exam results, then on the one hand we have not a single bad student, everyone passed the exam, 6 100-point students, 67 medals, in compulsory subjects all the guys received a grade above the average score. But... there is no limit to perfection. Many chose social studies, but the results in this subject were low. Plus, we don’t yet understand where we stand in the region (results for the region have not yet been published), but it is clear that we are not among the leaders. Possible explanations: we are not a science city, everything comes from the family... But also from the teacher!

One cannot help but worry that in our difficult times, children are under great pressure, streams of information pour out on them from everywhere and it is not always positive, truthful, children are recruited, persuaded to take various actions... Parents are busy, concerned about the well-being of the family. The work of the teacher comes to the fore, teachers can have a great positive impact on children, yes, they have a lot of management activities, but still I want teachers not to forget: a lot depends on them. They can influence how their student will grow up, whether he will become a good person.

“Oz-on” will publish the continuation of the press conference in the near future. When will they open a kindergarten on Severnaya, why the fee for a child’s stay in kindergarten has increased, but compensation for parents has not, how ready the city is for winter, why storm drains don’t work, what will happen in place of “Aquilon” and much more, read on our website.

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I wanted to write about everything. About everything that happens around. About how the flowers look when you bring them, about that towel, about the smell, about how it feels. About all our feelings, yours and mine. About history, what we were. About everything in the world. About everything together, because everything in life is mixed. And I couldn't. I couldn't. No matter what you set your mind to, it ends up being much less.

Don't worry about what people think and say about you. Worry about what you think and say. This affects your life more than other people's opinions and conversations.

When everything in life seems to be falling apart, start thinking about what you will build in the vacant space.

Never worry about what people say/think about you. Send them all! At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is yours.

What do you think about... when you look at the moon?
I? - “About you... and a little about the eternal...”
That in this world we are not infinite,
But everyone wants to find their star.

All my life I have been searching for the truth (the meaning of life). And the only thing I regret is wasting the time to finally understand... The truth is that there is no truth. Live and enjoy life without questioning it.

There is only one thing you can regret in life - that you never took a risk.

We would care less about what people think of us if we knew how little they think of us.

I want to talk to at least one person about everything as if I were talking to myself.

Ever wondered what happens in the brain when you don't sleep for two days in a row? Well, we recently found out.
Column co-written by Pierre Maquette of the University of Liège

How sleepy you feel and how well you multiply, subtract, concentrate, and complete work tasks depends on how long you've been on your feet and what time of day it is. If you are awake for two days in a row (day, night and another day), normal performance will only be for the first 16 hours.
Then comes the “biological night time,” accompanied by an increase in the level of the hormone melatonin. Productivity deteriorates sharply and reaches its minimum around 6-8 am next day. After this, performance may improve slightly, but not reach the level of the previous day. She will return to normal only after a good night's sleep.

Thus, the time scale of performance does not change linearly (depending on how long you stay awake), it is modulated by the time of day. We now know that it is not the “time of day” that causes the symptoms of sleep deprivation, but the “internal, biological time of day.”

At a behavioral level, brain function will depend on the combined effect of circadian rhythmicity (the rhythm of day and night) and sleep homeostasis (the pressure to sleep that builds up during wakefulness and dissipates during sleep.)
Rhythm of day and night
Circadian rhythmicity manifests itself in both behavior and human physiology. It is generated by the biological clock, in almost every cell of the brain and body.

During the biological day, the internal clock generates a wakefulness signal that becomes stronger over time and reaches its maximum in the evening. It may seem paradoxical, but the signal should increase throughout the day, since the craving for sleep also increases - we need something that will keep us awake.
During the biological day, the internal clock generates a wakefulness signal that becomes stronger over time and reaches its maximum in the evening

But as biological night sets in, the wakefulness signal dissipates and turns into a sleep-promoting signal. It reaches its peak at 6-8 am. Again, this may seem paradoxical, but in normal conditions When a person sleeps at night, the increase in the sleep-promoting signal by 6-8 am allows him to sleep well even after the drowsiness dissipates.
But if we don't sleep all night, problems begin. At night the pressure to sleep is strongly guarded and even intensified. The circadian signal no longer resists this pressure, and we force ourselves to stay awake. A new day comes, the biological clock is still ticking (regardless of whether we slept at night or not) and sends a wakefulness signal to the body. It gets easier for a while.
What happens in the brain?

This is all clear and logical, and noticeable in our behavior. But how do the combined effects of circadian rhythm and sleep homeostasis affect the brain? We conducted the corresponding research. A team of scientists from the University of Liege and the University of Surrey scanned the brains of 33 people (who had not slept for two days and then undergone a full sleep recovery period) using functional magnetic resonance imaging, which gave us a detailed picture of the levels of neuronal activity throughout the brain.

Activity in several areas of the brain, particularly in subcortical areas (such as the thalamus and the main center for relaying information to the cortex), followed a 24-hour circadian rhythm, the timing of which surprisingly varied across different brain areas. Other areas of the brain, particularly the frontal areas of the brain, showed a decrease in activity during wakefulness and a return to previous levels after recovery sleep. Some areas of the brain showed a pattern that was a mixture of rhythmicity and the decrease in activity associated with wakefulness. (...)
In summary, we found that different brain regions respond differently to sleep loss and circadian rhythm. This shows how complex the brain's response to sleep deprivation is. (...)
Yes, your brain works differently at night than during the day. Perhaps people will reconsider their approach to work. If you work late, it may be best to stop, sleep, and start again in the morning.

In this translated edition website The hadith tells how a group of hypocrites expressed a desire for the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, to predict what fate awaits them after death: whether they will be in the Gardens of Paradise or will end up in the Fire of Hell. Having learned about this, the Messenger of Allah became angry and, having gathered people in the mosque, climbed onto the minbar. When someone stood up and asked him who he was, the Prophet called his name and his genealogy, sometimes predicting his fate in afterlife. People stood up, asked their questions and sat down, either delighted or disgraced, until at the end the Commander of the Believers, Ali, peace be upon him, stood up, and then the Prophet gave an amazing speech in which he spoke about how Almighty Allah created him and his successor from the pillars of light of His Throne.

And Ban ibn Abu Ayyash narrated from Sulaym ibn Qais al-Hilali, Salman Farsi, Abu Zarr al-Ghifari and Miqdad ibn Amr al-Bahrani, who said: “A group of hypocrites gathered and said: “Muhammad told us about Paradise and that what Allah has prepared in it from His bounties for His friends and those who submitted to Him, and about Hell, and about what Allah has prepared in it from shackles and shame for His enemies and those who refused to obey Him. So if he (the Prophet) told us about our fathers and mothers and about our places in Heaven and Hell, we would be able to understand what awaits [us there] sooner or later.”

This reached the Messenger of Allah and he ordered Bilal to proclaim the call to prayer to gather the people. There were so many people gathered that the mosque was overcrowded and people were crowded together. [The Prophet], angry, with his arms bare to the elbows, climbed onto the minbar, praised Allah, and then said: “O you people! I am the same person as you all. My Lord sent down Revelation to me, instructed me with His message, chose me to [deliver] His prophecy, preferred me among all the children of Adam and acquainted me with everything that He desired from His secret knowledge.

So ask me about everything that happens to you. I swear by the One in whose hand my soul is, not a single person among you will ask me about his father or mother and their position in Heaven and Hell, so that I do not tell him about it! Gabriel is on my right, and he will convey to me [the answers to your questions] from my Lord, so ask me!“.

People's questions about their genealogies, as well as about Heaven and Hell

A man who was a believer and loved Allah and His Messenger stood up and asked: “O Prophet of Allah, who am I?” He replied: “You are Abd-Allah ibn Jafar.” [Then the Prophet] told him his genealogy, by which people knew him, and [Abd-Allah ibn Ja'far] sat down with delighted eyes.

Then the hypocrite, who was sick at heart and hated Allah and His Messenger, stood up and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who am I?” He replied: “You are so-and-so, the son of so-and-so, who is a shepherd from the Asmat clan, and they are the evil tribe of Saqifa: they disobeyed Allah - and Allah disgraced them!” He sat down, and Allah humiliated him and exposed him in front of those present, although before that people had no doubt that this man was one of the most respected Quraish, and a tooth from their teeth (equal among the personalities they respected).

Then a third stood up, a hypocrite with a sick heart, and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, will I be in Paradise or in Hell?” He replied: “In Hell, being humiliated.” He sat down, and Allah disgraced him and exposed him in front of those present.

Then Umar ibn al-Khattab stood up and said: “We are pleased with Allah as our Lord, and Islam as our religion, and the Messenger of Allah as the Prophet, and we take refuge in Allah from His wrath and the wrath of His Messenger!” Forgive us, O Messenger of Allah, and may Allah forgive you and hide us [with our secrets], and may Allah hide you [with your secrets]! The Prophet asked: “Are you looking for something other than this, O Umar?” He replied: “O Messenger of Allah, forgive your community!”

Creation of the Messenger of Allah and Ali

[And then] Ali ibn Abu Talib stood up and said: “O Messenger of Allah, reveal my genealogy: [tell] who I am, so that people understand my connection with you!” He said: “O Ali, you and I were created from two pillars of light, which were both attached to the base of the Throne [of God]. They extolled God's holiness two thousand years before [Allah's] creation of all other creations.

Then He created from these two pillars two white seeds, which were joined together. After this, He transferred these two seeds to honorable offspring and pure, unblemished mothers, and He caused half of them [to be placed] in the offspring of Abd-Allah, and the other half in the offspring of Abu Talib. So one part is me, the other part is you, and this is what the verse of the Great and Almighty Allah says:

“He is the One who created man from water (a drop of semen) and gave him male kinship and female kinship [through marriage]. And your Lord was [always] Almighty!” (25:54).

Ali - mediator between Allah and His creations

O Ali, you are from me, and I am from you, you are flesh from my flesh, and blood from my blood, and you are the mediator in [all] that between Allah and His creations after me! Therefore, the one who fights against your leadership (vilayat), cut off the Link between him and Allah, and he will remain in the [lowest] steps of Hell.

O Ali, Allah cannot be known except through me and you. He who fights against your leadership fights against the Lordship of Allah. O Ali, you are the great banner of Allah after me on earth, and you are the great pillar on the Day of Judgment!

And therefore, the one who is sheltered (protected) by your guidance will succeed, for the retribution of creation is with you, and what happens to them is with you, and Libra (Mise en)[for calculation], [which will be established on the Day of Judgment] - your Libra, and the Bridge (Sirat), [which will be stretched over Hell to the gates of Paradise on the Day of Judgment] is your Bridge, and the standing [on Mahshar] will be your standing, and the reckoning will be your reckoning. So the one who comes to you will be saved, and the one who opposes you will be lost and doomed to destruction. And may Allah be a witness, and may Allah be a witness!”

Then he came down."

"Book of Sulaym ibn Qais al-Hilali", hadith 44