Why do breasts look different after breastfeeding? Breasts after breastfeeding Women's breasts after feeding a child.

A woman's breasts tend to change throughout her life. This is most noticeable during pregnancy and lactation. At this moment, they are preparing for the fact that in the near future of the newborn’s life, the crumbs will serve as the main source of food. But when the lactation period stops, the female bust decreases, restoring its previous size. However, this process is often overshadowed by other undesirable factors in the form of stretch marks and loss of elasticity. Breasts after breastfeeding become more flabby and sagging. But how to restore breasts after feeding? Is it possible to achieve this result? And is it possible to use other using existing methods, preventing such phenomena.

To avoid all the negative aspects regarding the bust, you need to actively care for it already during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Only then will the breasts quickly restore their former beauty at the end of lactation. But even after the full completion of breastfeeding, it is quite possible to restore the beauty of female charms.

Some ladies, in pursuit of beauty, sacrifice a unique period in the life of every mother and refuse natural feeding. But the baby himself suffers directly from this. The fact is that mother's milk contains many substances that a newborn needs for its normal development.

During breastfeeding, the baby receives an optimal portion of biologically active components, which no modern infant formula for breastfeeding has!

To minimize damage to the aesthetic appearance of the mammary glands, you need to adhere to a number of rules when feeding your baby:

By adhering to such rules during breastfeeding, a woman will be able to preserve her breasts after breastfeeding. And at the same time, there is no need to give up natural feeding, depriving your own child of useful substances that it can only receive from mother’s milk.

You need to take care of your bust as you become pregnant

Breast restoration will go much faster if you start caring for it from the first days of the “interesting” situation. The fact is that during this period the woman’s body undergoes serious hormonal changes, as a result of which the glands begin to grow by leaps and bounds, increasing by 1.5-2.5 sizes. At the same time, the skin begins to stretch and become more vulnerable to external factors.

Therefore, already during pregnancy you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • breast care involves complete abstinence bad habits. This is necessary not only to preserve the aesthetics of the bust, but also for the full development of the fetus that lives inside the expectant mother;
  • you need to adjust your own diet. This will bring invaluable benefits to the baby and mother, and will also maintain elasticity and health. skin in the chest area. It is better to increase the amount of protein consumed, since it is this protein that takes part in the processes of breast restoration after feeding;
  • contrast shower will help improve blood circulation in the female body, including the mammary glands. What affects the activation of metabolic processes occurring in the breasts after lactation;
  • a woman and a bra during pregnancy should be inseparable. Every month, the glands of the expectant mother increase in size, automatically sagging under the yoke of their own weight. Therefore, they need to be supported by specialized underwear with wide straps;
  • Breast care also involves the use of air baths. A woman should have a certain period of the day in which she can go 15 minutes without burdening her bust with clothes or underwear.

Thus, after breastfeeding, the breasts will quickly return to their former shape and retain their elasticity and beauty.

Why does the bust begin to sag after breastfeeding?

Many ladies think very late about how to get their breasts back after feeding, because caring for them should begin during pregnancy. During gestation and after labor, the mammary glands are actively filled with precious milk for the baby. And its influx makes the bust not only larger, but also heavier. This causes the skin of the breasts to stretch, because the muscle tissue is used to maintaining only their original girlish volume, and it is difficult for them to cope with the new mass.

While the lactation period continues, the bust will look firm and round due to the large amount of milk in the breasts. But with the cessation of feeding the baby, milk will no longer be produced, which will lead to emptying of the mammary glands and the stretched skin will begin to sag over time.

How to return your breasts to their former shape?

Many mothers are interested in how to preserve breasts after feeding. And if they start taking care of her from the very beginning of pregnancy, they will be able to quickly return to their original appearance. However, if a woman realized it too late and does not know how to return her bust shape, but at the same time sincerely wants it. There is always a way out, even if the mother missed the moment of care during the process of carrying the baby and feeding him.

Contrast shower

You can get rid of already formed stretch marks using a regular shower. This contrast-type procedure activates the process of restoring former elasticity by stimulating every cell of the bust area.

A contrast shower should be taken daily in the morning, after each feeding of the baby. It is enough to wash your breasts in warm water, gradually reducing the temperature of the stream. The duration of the manipulations is at least 10 minutes, and the procedure should end in a cold shower.

You can also simply alternate hot pressure with cold, using non-aggressive shower gels in the process, which contain: seaweed. While taking such water procedures, you need to massage your bust with smooth circular movements using a soft sponge.

At the end of the shower, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin to restore the appearance of the skin on the breasts.

Movement is life!

You can regain the shape of your breasts after breastfeeding through exercise. You can include them in your rhythm of life even during lactation. In this case, you need to perform the movements immediately after feeding, when the bust is freed from milk.

Important! Before starting training, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps he will prohibit or give special recommendations for physical activity, based on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body.

Chest exercises should be performed regularly. There are a large number of different movements aimed at restoring the mammary glands after breastfeeding. Each mother will be able to choose the most suitable exercises for herself:

After breastfeeding, you can perform the above movements more actively and do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This will also improve the condition of your breasts after breastfeeding.

To preserve the prenatal appearance of the bust, you need to take care of it already while carrying the long-awaited child. You should not give up natural feeding, depriving a newborn of the most valuable product at the initial stage of his life - milk. It is enough just to follow the above recommendations, and then every mother will know how to restore her breast shape in a short time.

Every pregnant woman or young mother fears for her breasts and believes that it is impossible to keep them beautiful during and after breastfeeding. However, if you listen to simple tips, your breasts can remain beautiful both during and after feeding your baby.

The first five tips are related to the breastfeeding process. If it is organized correctly, then there will be no problems not only with the baby’s appetite and growth, but also with the mother’s neckline.

  1. You should not allow your breasts to swell with milk. Long breaks between feedings lead to the fact that the milk begins to expand the breasts and, as a result, stretch the skin. Recommendations for feeding a child are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother.
  2. Don't pump unless necessary. Frequent pumping harms the breasts - the tissues are injured, the skin stretches and becomes less elastic, which leads to sagging. It is better for the child to cope with feeding himself - this is a more natural and less traumatic process for the breast.
  3. , and it should be comfortable for both mother and baby. Don't let your baby play with your breasts. The child must be absorbed in the process. If he is not comfortable, he spins around and may pinch his mother. This is especially true for older children, who may pull and twist their nipples during feeding. Clingy fingers can seriously injure the chest, so it is better to offer the baby an alternative - a toy or beads.
  4. Finish breastfeeding gradually. for involution to occur—replacement of the glandular tissue of the breast with fatty tissue. If you wind down feeding smoothly, the skin will have time to tighten and the breasts will not sag.
  5. Beautiful breasts are healthy breasts. Always pay attention to how you feel during breastfeeding, during weaning, or after. If pain occurs, you should consult a mammologist or lactation consultant.

Important to know: Experts believe that the mammary gland becomes healthy and beautiful when it performs the function assigned to it by nature. It is natural for a woman to breastfeed; there is no need to interfere with this process. It is important to ensure good conditions for feeding, so that the muscles and other breast tissue remain toned. In this case, there will be no harm to the shape and size of the breasts even with prolonged feeding. A sudden stop of feeding, on the contrary, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The following five tips are about a woman’s attitude towards her body.

  1. Linen must be the right size. If you choose a bra with a small cup, it will put pressure on your breasts, which can lead to bigger problems. Loose underwear does not support the breasts, which means they sag. If you don't like the selection of nursing underwear, you can choose a sports bra or find a maternity model at any fashion store.
  2. Don't gain or lose weight suddenly. Remember that “pregnant” kilograms will go away sooner or later, and if you make a sharp jump in weight, the breast skin will stretch, will not have time to contract, and the breasts will sag. Weight gain after childbirth is normal, especially if the mother did not follow a diet during feeding. Sudden weight gain and loss stretches the delicate skin of the breast.
  3. To stay in good shape, play sports. You won't be able to pump up your breasts or increase their size with fitness alone, but they will look better. Push-ups and exercises with dumbbells are especially useful for this.
  4. Do contrast douches or take a contrast shower. Thanks to this, blood supply improves, muscles and skin receive the necessary tone. After showering, moisturize and nourish your breast skin. You can use special creams, and skin care products around the eyes also have a good effect on the décolleté area ;).
  5. Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy and beautiful body. To keep your skin firm, you need to consume enough foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin E and fatty acids.

You have completed breastfeeding, the baby has calmly survived the weaning, and your breasts are no longer bursting with incoming milk. What's next? Should I go to the doctor, what discharge from the chest is considered normal?

The first, most difficult days of excommunication are over. The chest is soft, not full, strong hot flashes have disappeared. Mom has no fever, feels normal, nothing worries her. But from time to time mom notices droplets of milk. Is this normal?

Discharge from the breast after breastfeeding

Milk cannot disappear from the breast instantly; the body gradually adapts, curtailing breastfeeding. It is normal for white drops of milk, clear drops resembling colostrum, and even trickles to leak from the breasts.

Leakage can be triggered by thoughts about the baby, a bath, a hot drink, or a tight bra (more precisely, its friction against the nipple). And also everything that increases the level of oxytocin in the body - the hormone that pushes milk out of the breast.

How long does the discharge last?

Milk can be released from the breast for two years after the end of lactation either spontaneously or when pressing on the nipple. In addition, the age of the child plays a role, whether breastfeeding ended abruptly or gradually, and how many attachments there were at the time of weaning.

If by the time you finish breastfeeding there are only occasional feedings left for sleep, the milk will “go away” faster. If the baby is fed frequently and a lot, the milk in the breast will remain longer. The duration of discharge also depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body, the nature of lactation and much more.

When to see a doctor

Breast discharge is normal. Most likely, everything is fine with the hormonal system and breasts. There is no need to help the body by speeding up the process with drugs.

Watch. If the discharge has changed color or other alarming symptoms have appeared (menstrual irregularities, pain), this is a reason to contact a specialist and discuss the situation.

If nothing bothers you, relax. Enjoy a new level of relationship with your baby, the fact that the breast now belongs only to you. The body has maintained lactation for many months; it cannot stop in a couple of days what it has been creating for so long. Give him time.

After pregnancy, many women breastfeed for a long time, and this causes the breasts to lose their shape and elasticity, causing them to become unsightly and saggy. But not all ladies want to put up with such consequences, so they are looking for all sorts of ways to return the bust to its previous state. This article will discuss how to restore breasts after breastfeeding. Before that, we will look at the reasons for changes in shape during lactation.

Why do breasts lose their shape?

The main reason that the breasts sag after the end of breastfeeding is the peculiarities of its structure - glands, fat and connective tissue and muscle pads. These are the physiological characteristics of every woman. This means that loss of shape occurs due to the fact that the muscles become weak, and their main task is to support the chest. This means that it is necessary to return them to their former elasticity.

Does sagging always happen? Incorrect body position

Do breasts always sag after breastfeeding? During pregnancy, the breasts gradually swell due to the formation of milk in them, so they increase in size. After the completion of the lactation period, a decrease in shape follows and, as a result, sagging. This happens not only to young mothers, but also to older women whose pectoral muscles have begun to weaken due to the aging of the body. But not everyone, women who carefully look after themselves and do physical exercises have a bust in excellent condition for a long time.

Another reason why sagging breasts appear after breastfeeding is incorrect body position. That is, when a woman constantly slouches and does not keep her back straight. Once this problem is eliminated, the shape of the bust will improve. Is it possible to return to the original shape?

Is it possible to get breasts back after breastfeeding? Yes, you can. But for this you need to constantly perform physical exercises aimed at working the muscles of the back and chest, and also monitor your posture.

Big breasts

Breasts can sag due to the size of the mammary glands. If a woman has a naturally large bust, then her own weight contributes to weakening of the muscles and subsequent sagging. But ladies who have small breasts are luckier; they look fit even in adulthood. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex who have curvy figures should begin strengthening their bust muscles from a young age. Because after completion the GW will sag very much. Then it will be difficult to return to the previous appearance.

It is worth noting that the muscles in this part of the female body lend themselves well to restoration and development. Therefore, everything can be fixed.

It is a mistake to believe that the cause of sagging breasts is breastfeeding itself, because they increase during pregnancy. This means that you need to start a set of exercises already during pregnancy. But here it is important to choose special exercises specifically for pregnant women, so as not to harm the unborn baby. In this case, lifting weights and dumbbells is completely excluded.

To breastfeed or not to breastfeed?

Many women ask this question because they don’t want to lose beautiful shape breasts, they are afraid that the child may pull it too hard or bite it, thereby injuring the skin. Some even give special injections that help stop lactation. But such procedures are very harmful for a woman, because it disrupts the natural process that occurs in the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy. Most often, even the injection does not stop lactation, and the breasts still sag after breastfeeding stops. Therefore, giving injections is not only harmful, but also pointless.

Moms-to-be should know that nothing beats the nutritional value of their breast milk for a child. Therefore, before giving up natural feeding of a baby, you need to think about what is healthier for him. No store-bought formula will bring as much benefit to the baby, because they do not contain the natural biological substance that is found in mother's milk. Therefore, why harm your children by starting complementary feeding with artificial additives.

The components that make up mother's breast milk provide the baby with adequate nutrition and contribute to the proper development of all internal organs.

How to prevent sagging? Rules

In order to avoid sagging breasts after breastfeeding, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The first thing you need to do after giving birth is to purchase a suitable nursing bra. It should fit perfectly in shape, not squeeze or interfere with blood circulation, but at the same time not be too loose, but perform the function of supporting the breast.
  2. When choosing a bra, it is best to consider a seamless option, as well as one with wide straps. Such models support the breasts well, do not squeeze or rub, so you should start wearing them in the last months of pregnancy and during feeding.
  3. To prevent the breasts from stretching during lactation due to swelling, a breast pump should be used. It helps reduce the amount of fluid and also reduces trauma to the bust. But hand expression is not recommended.
  4. It is better to feed the baby alternately from one and the other breast, then the milk will be the same amount and it will not stagnate.
  5. After the mother has fed the baby, the breasts need to be moisturized with a special cream or natural yogurt, raw egg, as well as a liquid form of vitamin E. Keep any of the mixtures for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Contrast shower

How to get breasts back after breastfeeding? After breastfeeding is completed, the breast loses its shape and volume, in other words, it deflates. Stretch marks often appear. Therefore, breast restoration after breastfeeding should be done immediately. Then there will be a better chance of returning it to its original appearance.

There are certain methods that help restore breasts after breastfeeding. Let's look at the most effective of them.

A contrast shower will remove stretch marks. It has long been known that changes in water temperature help stimulate skin cells. Thereby saturating them with moisture, as well as restoring their damage.

It is recommended to take a contrast shower in the morning after each feeding; if there is no time for this, then at least wash your breasts with warm water, gradually reducing its temperature. It will take about 10 minutes to perform this procedure, then you will get the desired result. It includes dousing the chest and preferably a cold shower.

Alternating warm water with cold has a beneficial effect. It would be useful to use shower gel, the active substance of which is algae. Breast massage during the shower has a good effect on the skin, but this must be done smoothly and with the help of a soft brush.

After completing the water procedures, a cream is applied to help restore the skin.

Exercise to restore breast shape

Exercise will help strengthen your muscles. You can do exercises both during lactation and after it ends. But in the first case, charging is performed only after the chest is empty.

The best time to start exercising is a few months before pregnancy. This is possible when planning a future child. The muscles will be toned, and the breasts will quickly come into shape after breastfeeding. This method will require minimal time, since the loads have already been performed previously. If there are contraindications or any diseases, you should consult a specialist before starting physical activity.

Exercises to restore breast shape

If the doctor allows you to do exercises, then you can start exercising. An approximate set of exercises that will not take much time if performed daily:

  1. Starting position: kneeling, hands resting on any low piece of furniture, such as a sofa. Push-ups are performed until the chest touches the support. The body must be straight. Do at least 10 repetitions.
  2. Starting position: standing, legs wide apart, arms bent. Hold the ball in front of you at chest level. The essence of the exercise is to straighten your arms, throwing the projectile into the wall. The ball bounces off her and flies back. At the same time, the projectile ejection and return zones are at chest level, not higher and not lower.
  3. Starting position: standing, legs wide apart. The arms are crossed behind the back into a lock and raised upward in this position. It is important not to disengage them. Number of executions - 5 -10 times.
  4. The next exercise is also performed while standing. But the arms should be crossed in front of the face, palms placed on the elbows. The head is tilted forward, and the weight and emphasis rest on the hands. Quantity - 5 times.
  5. Starting position: standing, hands locked at the back of the head. The head tilts back until it touches the hand. The quantity is the same as in the previous exercise.
  6. Stand - legs apart, arms bent at elbows at chest level. On the count of once - breeding occurs upper limbs to the sides, on the count of two they return to their original position. Then the same thing is done, but with straight arms.
  7. Place your hands on your shoulders and perform circular rotations, first forward, then backward.
  8. The starting position changes - lying on your stomach, you need to rest on your hands, bending your knees. Perform push-ups - 10 times. It is important to pause when rising.
  9. In a standing position, extend your arms in front of you, and alternately bending them and touching your nose with your finger.
  10. And the last exercise: stand in front of a wall, rest your hands on it, take a step back. Do push-ups. The chest muscles are worked out perfectly, and the spinal region is also strengthened.

The exercises will be most effective if you monitor your breathing, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Exercises are performed slowly, so as not to damage the ligaments and muscles. Gradually the number of repetitions increases. It takes about two months to get good results.

Breast massage will restore its elasticity

A massage will restore the beauty of your skin. Its implementation does not cause any particular difficulties, but it has an excellent effect on the breasts - blood flow improves, the cells receive sufficient nutrition, and most importantly, the elasticity and appearance of the bust is restored.

The massage is done this way:

  1. Starting from the base of the chest, smooth stroking movements are made towards the nipples. This is done very slowly, without much effort.
  2. Use your fingertips to knead the mammary glands.
  3. The next step is to gently pat.
  4. And the massage ends with slow stroking.
  5. It is best to carry out this procedure after a shower, and when the glands are empty of milk.

Breast discharge - normal or not?

It happens that discharge from the breast appears after breastfeeding. This is considered normal if the period of their formation lasts no more than 6 months and they are colostrum, but if they contain blood or more time has passed, then you need to consult a doctor.

A little conclusion

Thus, in order to restore the breasts after feeding, you need to perform a whole complex, which will consist of exercises, massage, contrast shower and the use of moisturizer. Regular implementation is the key to achieving results.

Breasts change throughout a woman's life, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. At this time, the mammary gland prepares and then enters the lactation period. After lactation is complete, the breasts shrink and return to their previous size. However, such a transition is accompanied by not very pleasant factors. First of all, this is sagging and stretch marks.

To avoid problems, start taking care of your breasts during the breastfeeding period. Then recovery after the end of lactation will be quick and effective.

Caring for your breasts while breastfeeding

Improper breastfeeding brings many problems. This is discomfort and sometimes even chest pain. Often the nipples crack, abrasions appear, and the breasts lose their attractiveness. In addition, improper latching of the baby to the breast can cause problems for the baby. Due to improper latching of the nipple, the baby does not receive the required volume of milk, which leads to weight loss and deterioration of the newborn’s well-being.

Therefore, after childbirth, it is necessary to establish breastfeeding and not forget about breast and nipple care. A few simple tips will help you avoid problems and maintain your bust after breastfeeding:

  • Choose a comfortable bra. The cups should be free, and the bones should not rest against the nipples;
  • It is enough to wash your breasts 2 times a day. In this case, use neutral liquid soap ( regular soap irritates the skin and washes away the protective layer). Use napkins rather than towels for drying. But hands should be washed before each feeding;
  • Ensure that your baby is properly attached to the breast. The baby should grasp both the nipple and the area around it (areola) with a radius of 2-2.5 centimeters. The baby's head is slightly tilted, his mouth is wide open. The nose and cheeks are pressed to the chest, but do not drown in it;
  • If you are concerned about cracks or abrasions on your nipples, use creamy, herbal and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Ointments containing retinol (purified vitamin A) heal the skin. Do not wipe nipples with brilliant green or iodine, or products containing antibiotics!;
  • Massage stimulates lactation and normalizes breasts after feeding. Make clockwise circular motions for 2-4 minutes every day;
  • Apply a warm compress before feeding as it stimulates milk production. Use a cool compress to restore your breasts after breastfeeding.

For large volumes of milk, use special breast pads. They will absorb excess liquid. Remember that the gaskets must be changed when they get wet. In addition, if you have excess milk, you can use pumping.

Completion of lactation

After breastfeeding is completed, discharge continues for some time. As a rule, they go away on their own after three to four months. However, various remedies can be used to reduce discomfort. The flow of milk is reduced by sage decoctions.

To reduce breast milk production, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. Tinctures and decoctions of lingonberries, basil and garden parsley, and jasmine flowers are suitable for this purpose. At the same time, drink less water and drinks, limit the consumption of hot soups and broths.

There are various drugs to complete lactation. Good reviews The mothers received the drugs Bromcamphor, Bromocriptine and Dostinex. However, be careful when using medications and be sure to consult your doctor before use!

Remember not to wrap your chest with a bandage! This will lead to the appearance and development of lactostasis and mastitis!

You will find even more methods that will help reduce milk production and complete breastfeeding in the article “”.

Discharges that last more than six months indicate disturbances in the functioning of the hormones of the endocrine system. Pay attention to the color of the discharge. Greenish and brown colors are signs. Black or completely transparent, as well as bloody discharge warns of a possible tumor.

Milky and beige shades are considered normal. However, even natural discharge needs to see a doctor if it continues for more than six months!

After completion of lactation, women are interested in how to restore breasts after feeding. When the milk leaves, the breast seems to deflate, decrease in size and lose its shape. It should be said right away that returning the prenatal state of the mammary glands is unrealistic. However, you can make your breasts firm and attractive.

Five ways to tighten your breasts after breastfeeding

1. Masks

Today, pharmacies and stores offer a wide selection of special masks for the chest. This is an effective but expensive remedy. However, you can easily prepare a recovery remedy at home.

You can restore your breasts after feeding using a kefir mask. Kefir will tighten and strengthen the skin. To prepare the product, dissolve two tablespoons of honey in 100 ml of drink. The solution is rubbed into the chest and washed off after 15 minutes.

For recovery, a product based on walnuts. Grind a few nuts until smooth, add a tablespoon butter, a tablespoon of honey and one egg yolk. Mix the ingredients, apply to the skin and leave for 20 minutes.

The mask is washed off with warm or cool water. It is better not to use towels for drying. Do the procedures twice a week.

2. Nourishing creams

“Female” vitamin E fights sagging best. Therefore, choose creams and oils containing this element to restore your skin. Vitamin E will make the skin tightened and smooth, give an even color and reduce stretch marks.

Choose a high fat cream. A high-quality product is distinguished by a rich, delicate structure and a pleasant aroma. The cream should not roll down and form a greasy crust.

Apply the cream to your skin every day after a shower, excluding your nipples and areola. Please note that using cream or lotion alone will not bring the desired result. The effect can be achieved through the combined use of the product and massage, as well as physical exercise.

3. Massage and water treatments

Daily massage and contrast shower will speed up breast recovery and strengthen the immune system, improve well-being and improve mood. The massage will tone the muscles and increase blood circulation.

Performing a massage is easy. Lightly stroke your breasts from bottom to top. Make clockwise circular motions and then rub your breasts for no more than two minutes. An excellent solution would be to perform a massage while taking a shower.

4. Gymnastics

A sure and reliable means of restoring your breasts and figure. Perform simple exercises every day, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Simple and effective exercise- “prayer”. Press your palms parallel to your chest with your fingers pointing upward. Firmly squeeze and relax the lower parts of your palms for five seconds, 10-30 times. Watch your posture! Do the exercises while sitting or standing. Similarly, squeeze your palms behind the back of your head.

An effective exercise is push-ups with emphasis on your knees. It is enough to perform 10-15 approaches every two days. Also do wall push-ups. Rest against the wall with your elbows bent at chest level. Press on the wall so that you feel tension in your muscles.

5. Proper nutrition

Stopping breastfeeding does not mean giving up proper nutrition. Of course, you can add some prohibited foods to your diet and increase the dosage of dishes. However, remember the golden rule - keep it in moderation and don’t overeat!

The breastfeeding diet includes essential nutrients. At the same time, it is diverse and ensures restoration of the body after childbirth, maintains and strengthens health.

The main thing is to avoid too fatty and spicy foods, large amounts of sweets and flour, alcoholic and carbonated drinks in your diet. Antioxidants will help restore breasts after feeding. Such elements include apples, kiwi grapes and green tea.