Herbal preparations for the nervous system. Calming folk remedies for the nervous system

Nerves, nerves... Someone was answered too harshly, they shouted at a child for no reason, they raised their voice in vain at a loved one...

Sometimes all this can be avoided by brewing a cup of warm aromatic herbal tea. It will calm our long-suffering nerves and make them strong, restore strength, and relieve anxiety.

Tea with jasmine, bergamot, and lime gives a similar effect.

However, prolonged or excessive consumption of such a drink leads to a strong decrease in blood pressure, so it is necessary to control the number of doses.

3. Valerian

Herbal tea with valerian helps with insomnia and anxiety. Irritability and anxiety will disappear.

In addition to its calming properties, it also has other positive effects: relieves sore throat, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

Valerian also has side effects. Large doses lead to drowsiness, confusion, vision and memory deterioration. To avoid complications, drink valerian tea no more than twice a day, and do not drink it at all before surgery using anesthesia.

Even the ancient Romans knew an infusion of valerian as a powerful sleeping pill.

4. Motherwort

To relieve nervous tension in teas, you can use only motherwort leaf. It is an antioxidant with a pronounced sedative effect.

It relieves spasms, calms the central nervous system, reduces sensitivity to external irritants and acts as an anti-stress.

At the same time, there is evidence that motherwort .

However, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using it.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile flowers contain a lot of apigenin, which also has benefits for the nervous system.

It helps relieve stress and calm nerves, relax and restore sleep, reduce panic and relieve muscle tension.

The calming effect is not the only benefit of chamomile tea. This drink, harmless to almost everyone, relieves menstrual pain and fights sore throats, colds, and flu. Its use is recommended for those who constantly suffer from migraines and headaches.

Other options

There are many other beneficial herbal teas. They are not addictive, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and are often on hand. To enhance the effect, you can add a spice such as anise.

  1. St. John's wort. Valued for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects. Combats anxiety and fears.
  2. Mint. Banishes insomnia, relieves internal tension.
  3. Thyme. Suitable if you need a mild sleeping pill and sedative effect.
  4. Adonis. It not only calms the nervous system, but also increases interest in life.
  5. Sagebrush. Relieves nervous attacks and insomnia.

Also check out the information in the infographic:

If you add a little honey to the herbal mixture, the healing effect will increase.

Chronic fatigue, constant irritability and insomnia are a common phenomenon of our time. We have to use all available means to normalize the nervous system. Medicinal tea, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, can be combined with other products.

  1. Yoga, auto-training, psychotherapy courses. Taking care of your body and soul is a great way to calm your nerves. Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques, self-confidence and the ability to control yourself are a good help in the fight against irritability.
  2. Music. It has long been proven that music has a therapeutic effect. To do this, turn on the sounds of nature (the sound of the sea and rain, birdsong) or works of classics (Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, Bach’s “Italian Concerto”, etc.) for half an hour.
  3. Normalization of the daily routine. It seems that a modern person can only dream about this. But try to go to bed at the same time, eat on time, ventilate the rooms, don’t forget about walks. fresh air– and anxiety and irritability will quietly leave you.
  4. Walks. A leisurely walk will nourish the brain with oxygen. The main thing is to try to walk slowly through places that please the eye. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax. It is on such walks that nerves calm down and vital decisions can be made.
  5. Dream. A good night's sleep with a previously taken relaxing bath, fresh air in the room where you will sleep, mint tea or warm milk with a little honey are good treatments for nervous tension - and in the morning you can work at a fast pace again.
  6. Drugs. Increased excitability and nervousness are relieved by such pharmacological preparations containing tinctures of peony, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, Corvalol, novopassit. They act faster than teas, but you should not abuse them.

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Healing infusions, music, fresh air and other ways to calm the nerves are becoming more and more relevant in our time. It is much worse to accumulate irritation and stress within yourself, to constantly experience irritation and anxiety. Gradually, these problems develop into serious diseases.

By brewing a cup of tea with a calming blend, you will feel rested, gain confidence in your abilities and relieve irritation.

The modern world is not conducive to good functioning of the nervous system. Constant stress and lack of sleep negatively affect the emotional background. Soothing herbal infusions will help you avoid nervous tension and stay in a good mood.

It is impossible to underestimate the influence of medicinal herbs on our body. Research and observations carried out over many centuries have proven the positive effects of plants on our body. Their action has properties that are not as harmful to the body as drugs. Traditional medicine recipes will help everyone who wants to put their nervous system in order, get rid of insomnia, panic attacks and apathy.

Before using the recipes proposed by the site team, make sure that there are no allergic reactions to your body. Remember that the raw materials for infusions must be fresh and properly prepared. If you have not prepared herbs during the summer season, use pharmacy collections.

Herbal sedatives

An excellent soothing tea is made with mint, valerian roots, oregano stems, sweet clover, hawthorn and rose hip flowers. Pour equal amounts of plants (a tablespoon) into two liters of boiling water and let steep for ten minutes. You need to take the decoction an hour before meals, half a glass. If you have issues related to nervous tension, increase the dosage to a whole glass. The course of treatment is one week.

Pour equal parts (a tablespoon) of tansy, calendula and oregano into 500 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and distribute the doses evenly throughout the day. Within three days you will stop feeling severe anxiety, regain your good mood and normalize the functioning of your nervous system.

Baths using medicinal herbs will help relieve daytime stress and nervousness. To do this, take equal parts (4 tablespoons each) of wormwood, linden and rosemary. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let it brew for half an hour. Strain the resulting broth, take a bath with it added for 20 to 30 minutes. These baths should be used before bedtime. Once a week is enough for you to feel the beneficial effects of medicinal plants on your own body. In addition, wormwood serves as an excellent remedy for protecting the biofield, and linden helps to attract love into life.

A great effect for combating frayed nerves is achieved with the help of dry hawthorn fruits. They also have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system who suffers from frequent stressful situations. Place a tablespoon of berries in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the infusion will be ready for use. You need to take the decoction a couple of teaspoons three times, starting with lunch. A week will be enough to see dramatic changes for the better.

A wonderful way to reduce internal tension is beetroot juice and honey. An infusion mixed in the proportions of 1 part juice and half a part honey will have a mild sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is worth taking it for ten days, a quarter glass three times a day, starting with lunch.

Ivan tea serves as an excellent stress prevention, improves immunity, helps fight insomnia and reduces headaches. Brew two tablespoons of dry herb in half a liter of boiling water. It is better to infuse the broth in a thermos for three hours. It is necessary to use the prepared infusion for at least 5 days, two tablespoons 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Peppermint and lemon balm can be used as an independent infusion or added to black and green teas. A couple of leaves per cup will be enough to lift your spirits, improve your body tone and relieve internal stress. As a separate drink, mint (1 tablespoon) is infused in 250 milliliters of boiling water for 15 minutes, and then drunk 3 times a day, a quarter glass, 15 minutes before meals.

Heather tea helps normalize the activity of the nervous system. A week-long course of taking the infusion will restore your self-confidence. To prepare the drink, use 1 tablespoon of the herb infused in a glass of boiling water for three minutes. You can drink the infusion with added sugar three times a day, 250-300 milliliters.

The following herbal mixture will help relieve the fatigue of an uneven system: oregano, thyme, motherwort, sweet clover, valerian in the proportions 3:3:3:1:2 (a tablespoon of each medicinal raw material) are brewed with a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the strained infusion will be ready for use. A quarter glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals will return you to a good mood and strength for active activities. You need to take this collection for 10 days, then take a break for a week, and then repeat the intake for another 10 days.

Using medicinal herbs you can not only improve your physical and emotional health. Since ancient times, herbs have served to protect against the evil eye and damage, and helped attract love and prosperity. We wish you health and daily good mood. Be calm and don't forget to press the buttons and

A person always strives to do everything and this makes him vulnerable to mental stress. The cause of nervous disorders can also be quarrels in the family, dissatisfaction with work, one’s housing or financial situation.

Today’s life is addictive with its rhythm; not everyone can refuse this state of affairs or look at the world through rose-colored glasses. But you shouldn’t start the problem, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences. There are many remedies that calm nerves and prevent depression, the safest of them are herbs.

Calming herbs are effective and do not cause habituation (addiction), the most popular among them are:

  • chamomile – has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves muscle block;
  • St. John's wort - has a calming effect, relieves feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • valerian – copes with nervousness and excitement;
  • wormwood – helps get rid of hysterical attacks and insomnia;
  • linden – along with lemon balm, relieves excessive irritability;
  • mint – relieves internal tension, brings sleep back to normal;
  • creeping thyme – has a mild hypnotic and calming effect;
  • fireweed - has a calming effect, helps get rid of headaches and insomnia;
  • adonis – calms the nerves, increases interest in life;
  • yarrow – used to treat nervous breakdowns.

List of soothing herbs for making tea

In our country there are a lot of wild and cultivated plants that have a calming effect. Consider a list of the most popular herbs used in alternative medicine for medicinal drinks:

  • chamomile;
  • creeping thyme;
  • peppermint
  • burnt grass;
  • common motherwort;
  • cat grass;
  • azure cyanosis;
  • swamp cudweed;
  • blood red hawthorn;
  • oregano;
  • small-leaved linden.

The strongest from this list is cyanosis, which is almost 10 times greater than the effect of pharmaceutical valerian. Motherwort is 4 times more effective than valerian, and therefore it is given second place. Almost all of the above plants have a repulsive specific odor, which prevents them from being used for daily tea drinking.
It should be noted that the herbal list does not include plants with strong sedative properties, since they cannot be taken independently, without medical advice.

For swimming

Baths based on soothing herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve fatigue, stress, and give peace and normal sleep. Baths with:

  • valerian rhizome (relieves nervous excitement, relieves insomnia);
  • cut grass, hops and hawthorn (protect against cardiac neurosis);
  • coniferous branches and cones (relieve irritability);
  • celandine and horsetail (soothe, relax and promote recuperation);
  • yaver greens (successfully used in the treatment of neuroses);
  • peppermint, wormwood and linden (calm nerves).

Recipes for decoctions with a calming effect

  1. Mint decoction. Add 25 g to 200 ml of boiling water. mint, boil for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml after lunch. Mint calms the nerves well and promotes sound and restful sleep.
  2. Motherwort infusion. Pour 5 g. motherwort herb 100 ml hot water. The infusion should be taken for a long time, but in small portions, 1-2 times a day. This decoction has a very sharp, unpleasant, bitter taste, but it quickly puts the nervous system in order and helps you fall asleep faster.
  3. Oregano decoction. 10 gr. herbs pour 50 ml of boiling water. The result is a soft, aromatic drink that should be drunk in small portions of about 100 ml throughout the day. In addition, you can wash your face with this decoction before going to bed. Oregano calms the nerves well, promotes sound sleep, and relieves insomnia.
  4. Chamomile with honey. 10 gr. chamomile and 1 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over comb honey. This infusion can be drunk instead of black tea at any time of the day.

Collections of soothing herbs

  1. 2 parts mint leaves, 2 parts water trefoil leaves, 1 part valerian rhizomes and 1 part hop cones. Mix the ingredients together, measure out 2 tbsp. this mixture and pour boiled water over them. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. The herbal mixture has a good sedative effect, relieves irritability, and relieves insomnia.
  2. Catnip, Baikal skullcap and valerian in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. The mixture must be poured with boiling water and left for 25-30 minutes. Then strain and drink. The collection of herbs has a good calming effect and relieves insomnia.
  3. 3 parts valerian rhizomes, 3 parts mint leaves, 4 parts water trefoil leaves. Mix all these components together, measure out 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. The herbal mixture has a good sedative effect, relieves irritability and insomnia.
  4. Mix valerian roots with motherwort, fennel and thyme fruits in equal proportions. Measure out 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, it will need to be strained. The medicine helps with increased irritability and nervous excitability.
  5. 2 parts of valerian roots, 3 parts of chamomile and 5 parts of thyme fruits. Stir, measure 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 30 minutes and strain. The decoction helps with sleep disorders, increased nervous agitation and irritability.

Herbal remedies to calm nerves

In order to cure excessive excitability and nervousness, the modern pharmacological industry produces drugs that have a calming effect on the nervous system. These include:

Novopassit– a combined drug that has a calming and anti-anxiety effect. It contains: lemon balm, valerian rhizomes, elderberry flowers, hawthorn, passionflower, St. John's wort, hops and guaifenesin.

Corvalol- an affordable and effective medicine that relieves spasms and calms the nerves. Prescribed when different forms neurosis, insomnia, increased heart rate, high blood pressure.

Soothing Herbs from Leovit

An effective remedy “Calming Herbs” from the Leovit brand not only reduces the excitability of the nervous system, but also strengthens the immune system. It contains: nutmeg, valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm and coriander.

The medicine is available in tablet form and is recommended for use from 12 years of age. Take courses lasting 2 weeks. Contraindications include individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy and lactation.

Valerian tablets

Each valerian tablet consists of a complex of chemical active substances: essential oil, valepotriates, glycosides, alkaloids, polysaccharides, resins, organic acids, etc. These substances act on the brain, as a result of which the increased heart rate decreases and blood vessels dilate.

Valerian has a suppressive effect on the nervous system, reduces its activity, and normalizes sleep. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, the drug must be taken in a course.

What herbs can be used for pregnant women and children?

In first place among all the recommended soothing herbs during pregnancy are valerian and motherwort. They are available in the form of tablets and herbs. The first ones are drunk in a course and taken according to the instructions, and the herbs are brewed as a soothing tea. Recommended proportions: ½ tsp valerian and ½ tsp. motherwort for one cup. And since the grass does not have a pleasant smell and taste, it is added to ready-made black or green tea. You can add a spoonful of honey or sugar to the drink for a more pleasant tea drinking experience.

In second place among medicinal herbs used to calm nerves are lemon balm, chamomile and mint. They are also added to a regular teapot for brewing.

The following types of herbs are used for baby bathing:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • thyme;
  • calendula.

All of these herbs are allowed for bathing small children. To the question: should I give a herbal decoction in the form of tea? - The pediatrician will answer best.

It is necessary to brew herbs for bathing right before the bathing procedure. 3-4 tbsp. herbs or collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 40-50 minutes, strain, and then add to the bath. This volume is designed for 10 liters of water. If you need a smaller amount of water, then the decoction must be calculated in accordance with this condition. Unclaimed infusion can be stored in the refrigerator until next day, having previously closed the jar with a lid.

Soothing infusions are also used to rub the baby’s body. For these purposes, you need to moisten a soft cloth in the infusion and blot the irritated areas. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Video: pillow with herbs for a good sleep

Among the many ways to normalize your sleep, one of the most pleasant, useful and safe is a herbal pillow, which helps to gently and carefully cope with depression, fatigue, excessive irritability and overwork. Anyone can sew such a pillow. This is a very simple process that will not take you much time. And in order to make sure of this, we suggest watching the following video.

Daily life modern man is so dynamic and diverse that health at a certain point begins to fail, and, first of all, in the area of ​​the nervous system. Anxiety over various occasions, the inability to rest and recover, and sad events shake the nerves and psyche of even people with a high standard of resistance to stress.

Soothing herbs for the nervous system of an adult help to cope with the problem at the initial stage and restore good spirits.

Both women and men should know their list, properties and methods of use in order to provide first aid at home or at work.

Why should an adult take sedative herbs?

In the adult body, all systems work as a single mechanism. If there is a failure in one of the sections of the chain, an imbalance occurs in the vegetative system that controls all processes. The nervous system is the connecting thread between the brain and internal organs. It gives a signal for the start or end of an action.

Adults load the nervous system with various experiences, stress, grievances, and disappointments. Suspicious and responsible people suffer from nervous exhaustion faster because they worry and intensify their emotions even in small things.

At first, anxious thoughts make it difficult to rest while you are awake. When night falls, sleep cannot be complete - the brain continues to work. Nervous exhaustion and a series of other diseases occur.

According to medical experts, all diseases are caused by nerves and wrong thoughts in the patient’s head. The result of this condition is loss of performance, which for an adult is fraught with making mistakes and loss of professional skills. It is necessary to restore stability to the nervous system in order to eliminate the risks of developing diseases and problems in life.

There are many products that have a calming effect on the adult body - tablets, tinctures, herbal preparations. The benefits are the same for everyone, but sedative herbs, which restore the nervous system and restore confidence to an adult, are less harmful and costly.

The advantage of sedative plants is that an adult patient can independently choose a herbal product and always drink a fresh decoction or tea. In sedative tablets or alcohol tinctures industrial production may be present chemical components, which in some cases causes harm to health, and does not have a calming effect on the nervous system of an adult.

What herbs calm the nerves?

It is worth paying attention to people over 60 years of age. This is the generation that didn't have many choices. medicines at the pharmacy. Many diseases were treated traditional medicine. Each family kept recipes from herbs, berries, honey, and other natural products, which were passed on by the adult generation to their children.

Nowadays, herbalists who know how to properly collect this or that herb and how to use it as a sedative for the nervous system of an adult or child are becoming increasingly rare.

This function has been taken over by pharmaceutical companies that produce both individual sedative herbs and herbal mixtures, tinctures or tablets. The list of sedative herbs is large, but all types of plants or their components will have a calming effect on adults or children, unless there is individual intolerance or other contraindications.

List and characteristics of sedative herbs

Useful herbs grow literally under your feet, but not every plant needs to be brewed if the nervous system is shaken, depression or insomnia occurs. It is necessary to study the properties of herbs and collect your own bouquet for healthy nerves and restoration of the rhythm of life.

Chamomile is used as a sedative for adults if there is slight irritability, excitability, or muscle tension, which is not associated with serious damage to the nervous system and psyche. This herb has a mild sedative effect due to the content of components that relax smooth muscles. In addition to a sedative, chamomile is used as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and laxative.

A cup of chamomile tea in the evening will help you relax, calm down and fall asleep without problems. Even the aroma of grass affects the adult nervous system in a calming way through the olfactory receptors.

Flowers and leaves of chamomile or common chamomile are used as a sedative. It can be brewed with boiling water on its own or added to regular tea. Chamomile is an herb that has the weakest sedative effect on the adult nervous system among all plants with sedative properties.

Melissa officinalis herb

Peppermint leaves

Mint and lemon balm have a more pronounced calming effect on the nervous system of adults and children. These herbs are grown in any personal plot and even without human intervention. The plants are similar in taste and aroma. They are often used in sedative procedures, brewed together or each separately. Mint, in addition to drinks, is widely used in cooking and reveals ready-made dishes in a new way.

For an adult suffering from a nervous system disorder, mint and lemon balm are an excellent way to calm, relax and normalize sleep at night. Herbal tea with the addition of mint or lemon balm can be brewed as herbal tea with black or green tea leaves, or the decoction can be infused in a thermos.

St. John's wort is another one useful herb, the calming and restorative effects of which have recently been discovered. Initially, St. John's wort was used to treat heart diseases, the genitourinary system of men and women, and for flu and colds. In former times, this herb was used as a talisman for children, putting a bouquet in a crib or stuffing a pillow with a dry collection of herbs. The baby's sleep was calmer and longer.

Tea with St. John's wort has a positive effect on a weakened nervous system and serves as a good antidepressant during the autumn blues, any worries, and helps to cope with anxiety before an important event.

Valerian roots contain substances that have a positive effect on the nervous system of an adult. The number of ailments that valerian nullifies or reduces their manifestations include hysteria, irritability, internal tension, disturbances in heart rhythm, and nervous system disorders. The roots of the valerian herb are considered an excellent antidepressant and natural sleep aid.

Fireweed is another herb that you need to include in your diet if you experience nervousness, stress, or a feeling of complete powerlessness. The nervous system of an adult is more susceptible to overstrain than that of children, who quickly forget problems and do not focus on them. Adults constantly replay different events in their heads, leading themselves to a nervous breakdown. Fireweed, which grows in large quantities in the fields and attracts with its honey aroma during the flowering period, helps to resist nervous and brain overstrain. Even aromatherapy with flowering fireweed relaxes the nervous system, because olfactory receptors switch the brain to positive emotions. A cup of herbal decoction of fireweed will not only calm the nerves, but also rid the body of other diseases, which an adult with a nervous disorder has in abundance.

The list of herbs with a calming effect on the nervous system of an adult or child can include motherwort, yarrow, oregano, hop cones, and buckthorn bark. When using any herb or herbal collection for the first time, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of sedative plants, so as not to aggravate the condition.

The most effective calming herbs

Traditional medicine always goes in tandem with traditional methods fight the disease. In case of malfunctions in the nervous system of an adult, recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions are recommended first.

This is a safe medicine of natural origin that will not cause harm to health due to side effects.

For nervous disorders, sedative herbs for adults can be used in several forms:

  • Herbal decoction - preparation requires only boiling water, glassware and the selected plant. Each time you can make a fresh decoction so that the herbs do not lose their properties. But in some cases, the exposure time enhances the sedative effect of the herb.
  • Tea with the addition of soothing herbs. Used as a prevention of emotional breakdowns and anxiety before a responsible event. The selected plant is added to a pot of black or green tea to give the drink a pleasant taste and get rid of neuroses.
  • Alcohol tincture can be prepared at home or purchased at a pharmacy. This medicine is recommended only for adults to calm the nervous system, if there are no contraindications to the alcohol component. The dosage of a sedative tincture with alcohol should not be exceeded to avoid the opposite effect - alcohol excites the nervous system and can increase stress and depression.
  • The oils from the herbs described above also have a sedative effect on the adult body during aromatherapy or relaxing baths. Oily extracts of soothing herbs can be mixed in equal proportions or a new component can be used each time, checking the effect of relaxation and restoration of health.
  • A dry mixture of soothing plants, tied in a bouquet or placed in a pillow or bag, will fill the house with a pleasant aroma and create conditions for daily relaxation for any neuroses in adults and children.

For home first aid kit You can collect soothing herbs with your own hands by studying the rules for collecting and drying them. How to prepare a soothing decoction to normalize health? Recipes for effective decoctions are in the next chapter.

Soothing herbal teas: recipes

There are many herbal recipes that will help you calm down. You can add herbal ingredients to your tea, changing them weekly to avoid addiction. For serious disorders, experts recommend taking a collection of three or five plants that complement each other as a sedative.

Calming decoction No. 1

Mint, St. John's wort, and fireweed go well together and are suitable for taking both in the morning and before bed. For an adult experiencing constant stress at work or in personal matters, a calming drink will help restore strength and not react to troubles.

  1. Take the ingredients in equal parts (1 tsp each) and mix in a glass container.
  2. Boil water (1 liter) and add to the mixture.
  3. Cover with a towel and allow time to steep (until it cools to room temperature).
  4. Add 1 tbsp to the soothing infusion. l. honey (just not in hot water, so that the honey does not lose its properties).

Drink a soothing infusion throughout the day. Repeat the procedure for taking an infusion of three herbs to normalize the nervous system for a week and observe the changes in the body.

Calming infusion No. 2

  1. Mix 1 tsp in one container. chamomile, fireweed, mint, lemon balm and hop cones.
  2. Take one portion of the soothing mixture, pour it into a thermos and pour in 250 ml of hot water.
  3. Leave for 2 hours to infuse.
  4. Drain the liquid from the thermos and take 50 ml before meals five times a day.
  5. Drink this herbal infusion for 10 days if no side effects occur.

If you don’t have time to collect sedative herbs to restore the nervous system, you can buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy and take them according to the instructions.

Nature has created a lot healthy berries, plants and other products that will help you calm down. Herbs surround adults and children with their aroma and beauty in warm weather. You can prolong this pleasure by collecting your own soothing bouquet.

The life around us is full of events and meetings with people. All this affects our mood, emotional background, and can carry both positive and negative charges. Calming herbs for the nervous system of an adult help to better cope with stress and relieve emotional stress. They affect the state and processes of the central nervous system, relax the muscles of the body, and give a person peace of mind.

Herbal sedatives are becoming increasingly popular because they do not cause harm to unwanted side effects, like synthetic analogues. Calming herbal teas are best taken in the afternoon. But in stressful conditions it is allowed in the morning, without abusing frequent use.

It is good to drink a soothing tea at night, adding a spoonful of honey. This will ensure deep sleep and a good night's rest, and relieve the tension in the nervous system received during the day. After a serving of evening tea, you should not watch TV or sit at the computer; it is better to read a book.

You can drink soothing tea throughout the day. After a stressful situation, you should take a cup of hot herbal drink, which relaxes and brings peace to your thoughts and feelings. In a work environment, this can be done during your lunch break or at any convenient moment.

Calming teas can be taken at night or throughout the day

The most popular and effective calming herbs

Traditional medicine has been practicing the treatment of various diseases for many centuries. Each of them has its own arsenal of herbal remedies that must be used in each specific case. It is well known which herb calms the nerves and normalizes sleep, how it should be prepared and used. For diseases of the central nervous system, traditional medicine usually recommends the following herbal remedies.


It is the oldest medicine known to mankind since time immemorial. The main therapeutic focus is the effect on the central nervous system.

The herb helps relieve tension, excessive excitability, improve sleep, and enhance the effect of other sedatives and hypnotics. Included in the treatment of migraines, VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and some other diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. The daily dosage should not exceed 200 mg. The duration of therapy is 10-30 days, according to the specialist’s decision.

Attention! Valerian slightly reduces blood pressure, and hypotensive patients should take this into account. A one-time dose will not cause any particular harm to such people. But with constant use, blood pressure may drop.

Melissa and mint

Both of these plants are often used to make drinks. They create a unique aroma and taste. They also have a healing effect on the body:

  • relieve pain in the heart area;
  • relieve symptoms of tachycardia;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • calm down;
  • impart stress resistance;
  • relieve sexual overstimulation;
  • improves brain function;
  • increases appetite;
  • other.

Why get used to taking pills at night when there are medicinal plants. To improve sleep, it is better to brew herbal tea and drink it to your heart’s content, especially if the tea is mint.


The well-known chamomile has a slight sedative effect. Pleasant-tasting tea is drunk when there is strong excitement, emotional arousal, and to relax the muscles of the body. The plant also has a mild hypnotic effect. In case of serious disorders of the nervous system, it will most likely be useless. Used as part of complex therapy.

Many herbs growing almost everywhere have a sedative effect.

St. John's wort

This is the strongest herbal antidepressant. It is used for the manufacture of pharmacological sedatives, for example, Negrustin. St. John's wort tea has an excellent taste. It is a pleasure to be treated by them. If you need to strengthen the nervous system, you should drink tea three times a day for several months.

Advice! Baths prepared with a decoction of the plant are very soothing. Those who like to sleep on a herbal pillow can use St. John's wort, hops and other herbs as a filler.


The plant has multilateral effects. Normalizes blood pressure, that is, if it is high, it decreases, and vice versa. Ginseng helps normalize sleep and also reduces the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. beneficial properties This herb is determined by its effect on the cerebral cortex.


Helps with exhaustion of the nervous system, general fatigue with reduced performance, irritability, neurasthenia, arrhythmia and hypotension, as well as psychasthenia, initial forms of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes. For some mental conditions the plant is contraindicated.

You can’t take it for VSD, diencephalic paroxysms, etc. The therapeutic effect is directly related to the dosage of the drug, so you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.


One of the most used herbal remedies for the treatment of nervous system disorders - poor sleep, excessive excitability, anxiety and others. It is good to drink hop tea when you are overtired or late in the evening to ensure a good night's sleep. The drink helps to neutralize tension, including excessive sexual arousal.

For sleep disorders or atherosclerosis, accompanied by high blood pressure, it is good to take warm baths with a decoction of cones. Soothing tea is prepared from hops, valerian and mint, the mixture is prepared as 2:1:2. In case of shallow sleep or difficulty falling asleep, take only pine cones for infusion - 2 tsp / 250 ml of boiling water.


A plant that contains many essential oils. Thanks to this, the herb produces a tasty and aromatic drink. The plant grows everywhere in our region, so, as a rule, there are no difficulties in harvesting it. Herbal tea made from oregano is calming and helps to cope with emotional shocks more easily. 2 tsp. Brew with a liter of water, you can drink up to four servings (1/2 cup) per day. Pharmacies sell a tincture of the plant, which doctors recommend for sleep disorders, sudden mood swings, etc.

Fireweed (Ivan-tea)

It has the same set of sedative effects as other herbs from this group. At one time in Rus' it was a very popular plant. Drinks and medicines for various diseases were prepared from it. Now he is undeservedly forgotten, but in vain.

Like other medicinal plants, when taken, fireweed has a healing effect on the entire body. By strengthening a weakened nervous system, you can simultaneously “correct” other systems and organs. So drinking a cup of Kopra tea every day is a guarantee wellness and moods.

Pharmacy chains offer ready-made preparations of sedative herbs

Pharmaceutical herbal preparations

The doctor may prescribe sedatives based on herbal ingredients. They have a pronounced sedative effect:

  • improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • reduce heart rate;
  • eliminate trembling and sweating of hands;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • relieve irritability.

Patients prefer herbal preparations because of their effectiveness and safety, as well as the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation. The most popular sedative pharmaceuticals:

  • alcohol tinctures of soothing herbs (peony, valerian, hawthorn, etc.), for anxiety, stress;
  • Negrustin (St. John's wort extract), for depression;
  • Phytosedan No. 1-3 (collection of soothing herbs), for irritability;
  • other.

Herbal remedies can be useful both in isolated cases to relieve stress and in more serious disorders.

Admission rules

Sedative medications should be taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendations or according to the instructions. Since most sedative herbs also have a hypnotic effect on the body, it is better to take them at night, always at the same time.

Consultation with a doctor is required.

Many of the sedative herbal preparations lower blood pressure. If it is already too low, an unwanted side effect may occur. And vice versa, at high blood pressure You should not take herbs that lead to an increase in blood pressure.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the range of medications that can be taken by the expectant mother is significantly reduced. Many sedatives, along with herbal components, have synthetic additives:

  • monohydrate;
  • sodium cyclamate;
  • maltodextrin;
  • other.

During pregnancy, you need to choose sedatives especially carefully.

The combined composition often deprives a pregnant woman of the opportunity to use one or another herbal collection. Such drugs include:

  1. Novo-Passit.
  2. Afobazol.
  3. Persen.

Let us recall here that Validol, Valocordin, Corvalol are considered dangerous, which are most often used to relieve a single stressful situation and mild overstrain of the nervous system. But fortunately, there are enough herbal sedatives that can be taken by pregnant women. They are usually available in the form of tablets, dragees or capsules filled with crushed herbs:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Mint, lemon balm.
  4. Other.

Pregnant women are advised to take more walks in the fresh air, including before bedtime, and also to avoid unpleasant emotions, allocate enough time for rest, eat a varied diet and listen to good music. And also find out from your doctor which tea calms your nerves. This will help you avoid taking additional medications.

Cooking methods

Often it is enough to drink a soothing tea or take a bath with a decoction of sedative herbs to return your emotional state to its previous course. We'll find out how to do this at home further.


You can prepare both alcoholic and aqueous extracts of soothing herbs. For example, valerian is most popular in the form of drops (tincture). The most popular tea that calms the nervous system at home is aromatic mint tea. People drink it and other sedative herbs after a heavy working day, stressful situation, at night to ensure deep sleep and a good night's rest.

You can prepare medicinal plants yourself, but it is better to do this through a pharmacy chain. It is enough to steam some collection of herbs for sleep in a cup like a regular tea leaves (1-2 tsp / 250 ml of water). The technology for preparing another may be more complicated, for example, using a water bath. It is best to use a thermos. By steaming tea in it, in a short time you can get a drink rich in the aroma of herbs and vitamins.

Herbal tincture to calm the nervous system is usually prepared with vodka or medical alcohol. It is allowed to use high-quality moonshine. Calming herbal teas can also be infused with other alcoholic drinks.

Calming herbs can be used for soothing baths

Relaxing baths

Water treatment has been practiced in traditional medicine for many centuries. It is better to prepare baths for insomnia and nervous disorders from sedative herbs containing many aromatic oils. In this case, the therapeutic effect on the patient’s body will be twofold - the rapid introduction of microelements through heated skin and inhalation of vapors.

The collection of herbs for sleep includes flowers of calendula, myta and oregano. They are rich essential oils. Mix 50 g of each of them and infuse in 3 liters of boiling water. Then pour the strained solution into the bath. Procedures should be carried out immediately before going to bed no more than 3 times a week. Valerian baths calm the heart and nervous system, reduce the excitability of the spinal cord, lower blood pressure, and are recommended for insomnia.


Calming herbs for the nervous system are a gentle but reliable means of protection against stress and emotional overload. As numerous reviews indicate, they can serve as a good preventive measure for more serious central nervous system disorders. It is possible to understand which tea calms you before bed and is suitable for a particular person only after finding out the causes of nervous excitement.