Iced tea is bad for your kidneys. Iced tea Iced green tea: benefits or harms

First of all, it must be said that everything is very individual, and when you drink tea, you should focus primarily on your feelings and your body. You can read about how to better learn how to feel and select tea.

Also, take into account that tea is, first of all, medicinal herb. Its wide distribution as a drink (q.v.) is associated with an extremely extensive range of beneficial properties and with the fact that it turned out to be useful to many people, if not as a medicine, then as a way to cheer up and improve their mood. And mood directly affects immunity.

The tea that has the mildest effect on the body is well-fermented and high-quality Pu-erh.

The most active teas, which usually lead to excitement, are green and red teas.

1. Tea and food

When you drink tea empty stomach, the cold nature of tea, penetrating inside, can cool the spleen and stomach, which is similar to “a wolf entering a house.”

Tea drunk directly before meals, leads to the dilution of saliva, food begins to seem tasteless, in addition, the absorption of protein by the digestive organs may temporarily decrease. Therefore, tea should be drunk no later than 20-30 minutes before meals.

2. Hot or iced tea

Too much hot tea strongly stimulates the throat, esophagus and stomach. Drinking tea that is too hot for a long time can lead to painful changes in these organs. According to foreign studies, frequent consumption of tea at temperatures above 62 degrees leads to increased vulnerability of the stomach walls, which can result in various gastric diseases. The temperature of the tea should not exceed 56 degrees.

But tea itself is cold in nature, so it cold don't drink. If you drink it cold, it can cause phlegm to accumulate, interfere with the digestion of food, and contribute to weakness and colds.

3. Cooled tea

If the tea leaves in the teapot cool down or the tea is brewed for too long, the tea phenol, lipids, and essential oils begin to spontaneously oxidize, which not only deprives the tea of ​​transparency, taste and aroma, but also significantly reduces the nutritional value of the tea due to the oxidation of the vitamins contained in the tea leaves. C and P, as well as other valuable substances.

In addition, when cooling, the tea is exposed to environment, it significantly increases the content of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi).

Tea, stood for a day, can be used in medicinal purposes, but as an external remedy. So, tea brewed one day is rich in acids and fluorine, which prevent bleeding from the capillaries, so yesterday's tea helps with inflammation of the oral cavity, pain in the tongue, eczema, bleeding gums, superficial skin lesions, and ulcers.

Rinsing your eyes with yesterday's tea helps reduce discomfort when they appear in the whites of blood vessels and after tears, and rinsing your mouth in the morning, before brushing your teeth and after eating not only leaves you feeling fresh, but also strengthens your teeth.

4. Insomnia

Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but regardless of its causes, you should not drink tea shortly before going to bed - due to the stimulating effect of theine and aromatic substances.

Although, it is worth saying that this effect is not typical for all teas. For example, many high-quality Sheng Pu-erh, on the contrary, can increase drowsiness and improve sleep.

5. Pregnancy

Tea contains a certain amount of theine, which, while stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development.

We often hear that since red tea contains less theine, it is not harmful for pregnant women. But in reality, red and green tea are not very different in this regard.

According to Japanese researchers, five cups of strong tea drunk per day contains such an amount of theine that can lead to underweight in an infant. In addition, theine causes increased heart rate and increased urination, which increases the load on the heart and kidneys and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.

6. Taking medications with tea

The tannins contained in tea, when broken down, form tannin, from which many medicines leave a sediment and are poorly absorbed. That's why the Chinese say that tea destroys medicine.

7. Ulcer at the acute stage

Although tea helps digestion, those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as high acidity, should exercise moderation.

A healthy stomach contains a compound called phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of stomach acid in the cells of the stomach wall, but theophylline in tea can suppress the function of this compound, resulting in excess stomach acid, and increased stomach acid inhibits the healing of ulcers.

Therefore, it makes sense for ulcer sufferers to limit their tea consumption and under no circumstances drink strong tea. It is better for them to drink tea with milk and sugar, as well as Pu-erh, since this partly reduces the stimulation of gastric acid secretion characteristic of tea.

8. People suffering from atherosclerosis and severe hypertension

Patients with a similar diagnosis should also drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation, avoid drinking red and strongly brewed tea. This is due to the fact that tea contains theophylline and theine, which stimulate the central nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex becomes excited, the blood vessels of the brain narrow, which is dangerous for those suffering from atherosclerosis.

With the arrival of spring, and then hot summer days, many of us want to consume as many soft or cold drinks as possible. Iced tea- is no exception. However, there is an opinion that iced tea is harmful to the body.

According to the work and materials studied by a urologist from Loyola University Chicago Medical Center, John Milner, iced tea contributes to the provocation and formation of kidney stones. The urologist also gives the following arguments: in the summer, a person sweats quite a lot, the body becomes dehydrated, which significantly increases the risk of urolithiasis. Milner says people with a history of kidney stones should avoid drinking iced tea.

According to the observations of urologist Milner and his statistics, men are more at risk of the appearance and development of kidney stones. According to statistics, the risk of education in men and women is increased by 4 times. In the red risk zone are also people who are over forty years old, women whose estrogen levels are quite low, as well as those who are already postmenopausal, those who have had their ovaries removed.

Kidney stones can occur due to the fact that tea contains a high concentration of oxalates and chemicals. These substances are also found in hot tea, but in hot summer weather you want to drink it as little as possible.

The scientist advises drinking exclusively pure water with a small addition of lemon or lemon juice. Lemon is rich in citrates, which prevent kidney stones from forming.

When tea is harmful

  • Don’t forget the most important thing - moderation must be observed in everything. It is forbidden to drink a lot of tea without measure. This is argued by the fact that a large dose of tea will cause the kidneys and heart to receive an increased load and it will be harder for the body to cope with excess fluid.
  • You are allowed to drink no more than four regular or ten small cups of tea in one day. Otherwise, the body receives a huge amount of polyphenols, which affect liver function.
  • Remember a few important rules: Do not brew tea for a very long time. If you brew for a long time, the process of oxidation of tea polyphenols and essential oils. For black, 8 minutes maximum is enough; for green, this time is halved. Do not drink yesterday's tea - various bacteria multiply in it. Do not brew tea several times. Don't drink very strong drink.


Drinking tea on an empty stomach is not recommended. This increases the risk of ulcers and heartburn. Hot tea can irritate the stomach and throat. Iced tea, on the contrary, causes cold stagnation and causes phlegm to accumulate.

It is not advisable to drink tea before the main meal. In this case, saliva will be thinner and food may seem tasteless. It is recommended to take tea about half an hour before meals. Gastroenterologists also do not recommend drinking tea after eating. This is due to the fact that after eating food the digestion process slows down.

It is forbidden to drink medicines tea. Reasoning: all tannins contained in tea, when broken down, form tannin, which produces sediment (if consumed simultaneously with medications). Accordingly, the absorption of drugs by the body worsens.

Iced tea homemade from the refrigerator, and especially industrially prepared iced tea can be harmful and become a prerequisite for the formation of kidney stones and stones in the urinary tubes. John Milner, a doctor from the University of Loila, Department of Urology, warns about this. He believes that iced tea has the same harmful effects on the body as beer and carbonated drinks.

Urologists from the Chicago Institute believe that such tea is most dangerous for people predisposed to the formation of kidney stones.

Lack of water in the body is the main cause of kidney stones. In summer, sweating increases, and this increases dehydration. Many people start drinking cool tea, replacing water with it. But chilled tea contains a lot of oxalates, which play an important role in the formation of stones. To be fair, it must be said that hot tea also contains them, but people drink it less, so this cannot provoke their formation.

According to Milner's advice, it is necessary to replace the chilled tea with water and add a slice of lemon, and since citric acid reduces the risk of oxalate deposition in the kidneys, stones will not form. Also, the risk of oxalate deposition is reduced by foods containing calcium.

Fruit and tea drinks are harmful to health

Fruit and tea drinks are harmful to health, just like sweet carbonated water.

After conducting a study, consumer advocates of the Foodwatch organization proved that such drinks have a minimum of benefits but a maximum of sugar. They contain flavorings instead of some fruits, and the tea content is often less than a percent.

This also applies to products from well-known brands, Nestle, Lipton and others. For example, in a drink made from green tea with lemon and physalis, there was only 15% tea, and physalis was replaced with flavoring. But 2 liters of drink contains as many as 47 pieces of sugar.

Ice tea with lemon flavor (video)

Channel One’s “Test Purchase” program about iced tea with lemon flavor. A test purchase of iced tea from six brands was carried out.

Cold Moroccan tea with lemon, composition of products:

  • water – 1 l,
  • green tea– 3 teaspoons,
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • rose syrup – 100 ml,
  • honey – 15 ml,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon, cinnamon – 1 g.

To prepare iced Moroccan green tea you need: put green tea, fresh mint leaves and lemon zest into boiling water, as well as rose syrup, a spoonful of honey, sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

Then boil the tea for 6 minutes and let it cool and brew. This tea should be drunk chilled.

Bruates with almonds, composition of products:

  • almonds – 150 g,
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • butter – 10 g,
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • cinnamon – 1 g,
  • rose syrup – 100 ml.
  • flour – 200 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml,
  • water – 200 ml, yolk – 1 pc.

You will learn how to prepare bruates with almonds by watching the video above.


Iced tea (ice tea) is one of the types of tea serving. People first started talking about iced tea in the 19th century, when they began to import it from India to the southern United States. Due to the constant heat in this southern region of the United States, hot tea did not become so popular among Americans, but was used mainly for medicinal purposes (it was considered an excellent remedy for those with colds).

But so that the goods do not go to waste, they decided to cool the hot tea drink and drink it chilled. Lemon slices and ice cubes were added to the iced tea as additives.

After this, iced tea began to conquer all of America and other continents.

No one knows the exact date of the appearance of iced tea, but there are 3 theories:

  1. Swiss Max Sprenger While visiting America after quenching my thirst with iced tea, I decided to mass produce this drink in Switzerland.
  2. Ice tea with lemon was first tried in the USA (St. Louis), in 1904 year at one of the exhibitions. However, it turned out to make iced tea with lemon quite by accident; the organizers of the exhibition did not plan to taste this soft drink.
  3. Brought to America, green tea was flavored with champagne or red wine; there was no talk of lemon at that time, and this drink was called tea punch ( tea punch ). But the very first recipe for making iced tea comes from 1879 year, and called the soft drink sweet tea ( sweet tea ).

As a popular soft drink, iced tea became widespread in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries relatively recently, after 2000, produced by Nestea. Consumed mainly in summer, in southern subtropical and tropical regions - all year round.

Properties of iced tea

While the tea is cooled, it preserves the antioxidants and catechins that freshly brewed high-quality tea is so rich in. Therefore, you can drink iced tea, as it is good for health!

If you choose between iced tea and sweet carbonated drinks, then iced tea will be much healthier, which also perfectly quenches thirst.

How to make iced tea?

Preparing iced tea is simple and it won’t be difficult to do it at home. Brew tea as usual and then cool. Sugar, lemon and ice cubes - add to taste.

When purchasing packaged iced tea, pay special attention to its composition, namely the presence of tea extract. If the drink contains tea extract, then you can safely buy and drink such tea. If this inscription is missing, then you are buying ordinary water with added flavors and dyes.

Iced tea in the 21st century: benefit or harm?

Today there are many types of iced teas: green, black, with fruit flavors, as well as mixed teas, with and without sugar (using sweeteners).

Whether or not to drink iced tea is up to everyone, but this drink perfectly quenches your thirst in hot weather!

Do you like iced tea? What was the last iced tea you drank?


Lemon tea is a favorite drink of many people. You can drink not only black tea with lemon, but also green tea, which is considered healthier. Let's consider the benefits of such tea, whether there are contraindications for its use, and how to prepare this tasty and healthy drink yourself.

Useful properties

Green tea is the same drink that is considered to be a natural antioxidant that helps maintain youth and health. And all this thanks to two vitamins A and E. This drink is considered one of the products of longevity. These tea leaves contain almost all the vitamins that are so necessary for human health.

The main vitamin found in green tea is vitamin P. It is unique in that it contains a large number of substances that can prevent inflammation, strengthen the immune system, protect against free radicals, and strengthen the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Another feature of this vitamin is that it strengthens capillaries, which ultimately become more elastic, and therefore healthy.

This type of tea contains a large amount of vitamin C, and if you add sunny citrus to it, then its amount increases significantly, and with it the overall benefits of the drink.

In addition, this drink contains very useful amino acids that have a positive effect on the work nervous system and more. Thanks to B vitamins, which are also in large quantities in green tea and lemon itself, this drink can bring more great benefit body.

It is worth mentioning separately that tea leaves contain not only a variety of vitamins, but also useful microelements. For example, many varieties of such tea contain large amounts of iodine, phosphorus, pectin and even potassium.

Green tea and lemon are very similar in composition, due to which they combine well with each other and bring great benefits to the human body.

Healing power

Considering the rich list of vitamins and other beneficial substances, it is not surprising that this drink is very beneficial for health. Many people are interested in the question of whether everyone can drink this tea, and also what are the benefits and harms of this drink.

Green tea with lemon is very useful for various colds, since it contains vitamin C and more. Such a drink may well strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of various colds and seasonal diseases. But the drink also helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The combination of green tea and lemon enhances the effect of healing and rejuvenation. This drink is able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which is very important. By the way, thanks to this property of the drink, you can even get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

This healing drink can rightfully be considered one of the natural antiseptics, due to which its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. This tea is able to reduce blood pressure and normalize it, which has a very positive effect on the condition of hypertensive patients.

If we continue to talk about the healing power of such vitamin tea, it is worth noting the fact that it helps cleanse the liver, promotes the removal of toxins, speeds up metabolism and improves the overall condition of the skin, helping to prevent pigmentation. This drink can have a tonic effect, calm you down and help fight stress and irritability. In addition, a fragrant drink with a sunny slice of vitamin lemon simply improves your mood, which is also sometimes very important.

Despite the enormous benefits, the drink still has some contraindications. If a person has such a feature as increased stomach acidity, sensitivity of tooth enamel or individual intolerance to citrus fruits, then it is better to avoid drinking such a drink. You should also not drink green tea, especially with lemon, if you have low blood pressure or pregnancy. Great care should be taken when giving tea to children. At a certain age, such a drink can do more harm than good.

Such a drink can cause harm to the body if a person suffers from gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis. And also when various diseases kidney problems, it is not recommended to consume this tea.

In order to get not just a cup of aromatic and delicious tea, but also useful, you need to know the exact recipe and all the rules for brewing such a drink. The drink is often consumed with honey, cinnamon, ginger and even pepper. The following article presents a selection interesting recipes that will help you brew the right and healthy tea. We would like to note right away that all proportions are designed for teapots with a volume of one to one and a half liters, no more.

If you need to get rid of a cold and fight the flu as quickly as possible, you can prepare the following drink. You need to brew tea in the usual way. That is, add the required amount of tea leaves to a heated kettle and fill it with hot water, not boiling water. Once the tea has steeped for a couple of minutes, you should add a little grated ginger root, a teaspoon will be enough. And you also need to put two or three mugs of fresh lemon and a little red pepper, literally on the tip of a knife. The drink should be allowed to brew for about five minutes, then pour into cups.

If you have a severe cough, you can slightly change the above recipe and prepare the healthiest tea which will help you get rid of cough easily. We also brew tea, as soon as it brews, add a little grated ginger, literally half a teaspoon or a full spoon, a pinch of ground cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom. Let the broth sit for ten to fifteen minutes, and then you can drink it. Iced tea according to this recipe is also delicious, but to be effective it must be consumed warm.


In the summer, a drink that is iced tea is becoming increasingly popular both in our country and in most other countries. Ice tea is of particular relevance in regions with subtropical and tropical climates, where it is an indispensable cooling and refreshing drink almost all year round. By its essence and basic properties, iced tea is not a separate drink, but only represents interesting way serving and serving regular tea.

As the name of the drink already makes clear, ice tea consists of the tea itself and crushed ice. To get an even more refreshing taste and invigorating aroma, it is customary to add additional ingredients to tea, for example, citrus fruits or mint.

The original soft drink was invented not in the homeland of tea bushes, which would be logical, but by enterprising Americans. It was in the south of the American continent that iced tea began its history. And everything that happened was more than banal. Initially, tea, brought here from India, was used hot as medicine for colds. But hot tea tends to cool down, which means the valuable medicine had to be poured out. And then one day, it occurred to someone to add a few ice cubes to the cooled tea, and this is how a new, very original drink turned out, which received a completely logical name - iced tea.

Very quickly, the invigorating soft drink spread throughout the continent, and then iced tea became popular throughout the world. Today, along with the classic version, there are several other types of drink. They differ mainly in their original composition and additional components. Typically, iced tea comes in black, green, or blended varieties.

The distinctive characteristics of this drink are actively used by many consumers around the world. Iced tea is truly superbly refreshing even in very hot weather. Usually in summer a person has to drink a considerable amount of liquid to replenish the body's water supply. And there is nothing more pleasant than replacing plain water with an aromatic and tasty drink called iced tea. It is used as a stand-alone drink or as a base or additive for non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.

But not only taste characteristics are distinctive feature iced tea. The fact is that a chilled drink preserves everything beneficial properties hot tea, which are supplemented with the benefits of citrus fruits, mint and other additives. It is not surprising that iced tea is distinguished by the presence of such components as manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and magnesium, a large range of vitamins and other valuable substances.

However, against this background, there is also some harm that iced tea can bring to the human body. For example, drinking a bottled drink produced in a factory may result in low-beneficial effects. It is known that in order to obtain products with a longer shelf life and improved taste properties, manufacturers use all kinds of preservatives and food additives, which have a very doubtful effect on humans. Therefore, it is better to opt for iced tea prepared with your own hands. This drink will easily relieve thirst and bring great benefits.

For those who are too lazy to read the entire post, I’ll tell you briefly: iced tea is fraught with danger and threat to human health. Therefore, just learn to drink hot tea even when you want cold tea. Under the cut you will find out why iced tea is compared to a snake bite and why it turns into “poison” after 12 hours.

The information applies not only to classic tea, but also to all other drinks that are prepared according to the tea principle. That is, they are brewed in boiling water. And whether it is herbal tea or on leaves. By the way, leaf tea, especially currant tea, produces a large film. And it is very harmful and dangerous.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, everything is in order.

There is probably not a person on earth who does not know what tea is, because this drink is very popular in many countries. Today we will talk about tea, whether tea is harmful or beneficial, and if so, we will give an answer to when tea is harmful and when it is beneficial.

What are the benefits of tea?

Tea is a unique drink, which in China is called the drink against a hundred diseases. It was not by chance that this name was given to him. After all, it helps prevent diseases cardiovascular system, protects teeth from caries, strengthens blood vessels, removes toxins and waste from the body, and can relieve headaches and stress. And this is not a complete list.

The range of positive effects of tea on the body is very wide; even a separate book could be dedicated to this. But now we will not talk about the beneficial properties of tea. We will talk about when and in what cases tea can turn from a healer into a poison, because tea can also be harmful. I won’t be too intimidating and will say that such a rebirth is only possible if certain rules, which are very simple, are not followed. And if you are a follower of a healthy lifestyle, then you should definitely know them.
So that tea is not harmful

– The most important and first rule is that there must be moderation in everything! You should not drink tea without moderation, since too much tea consumption leads to an increase in water in the body and, as a result, increases the load on the heart and kidneys.

I would like to draw your attention to the consumption of green tea in quantitative terms.

Remember that you can only drink 2-4 regular or 10 small cups of green tea per day. No more! If the recommended dose is exceeded, the harm of tea is manifested in the fact that the amount of polyphenols in the body increases, and this negatively affects the functioning of the liver. If you don't know what small cups are we're talking about, then don’t be lazy to find a special tea shop in your city where you can not only see, but also purchase these very oriental cups.

I hope you remember this simple rule. Now let's move on.

How to brew tea correctly

- Important! Never steep tea for too long. Each type has its own cooking time, which should not be exceeded. For example, black tea is brewed for 5-8 minutes, green tea takes 3-4 minutes (although this depends on the specific variety). Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the time for preparing tea;

Now we answer the question:

“Why can’t you brew for a long time?”

During prolonged cooking in tea, spontaneous oxidation of tea phenol and essential components occurs. This leads to the fact that the taste and beneficial properties of tea are lost. In addition, with prolonged infusion, tea is exposed to the environment, which leads to an increase in microorganisms in it, and such tea can cause harm to the body. Therefore, after brewing tea, do not forget about it. And it turns out that the tea in the kitchen has been ready for 10 minutes and is “waiting” for it to be enjoyed, but the owner is still not there, apparently, he just went somewhere on his own business.

Which tea is harmful

– Never drink yesterday’s tea! While it stood for 24 hours, various bacteria managed to settle well in it. This tea can only be used for external use. For example, rinse your mouth or wipe your eyes. It contains vitamins and nutrients replaced by guanine, the consumption of which in large quantities is harmful. But at the same time, infused tea is useful for external use, as it can heal wounds, eliminate infections and stop bleeding. This has been written about in many sources. But the contradictions are obvious. If mold and harmful bacteria form there, then it should be dangerous for external use.

– Also give up the habit of repeatedly brewing tea. Green, for example, needs to be brewed 3 times and this will be quite enough. In general, black tea is usually brewed once (an exception is Pu-Er tea, which can be filled with water up to 6 times). If you brew more times, the tea leaf will give you not only the remaining beneficial substances, which, by the way, become less and less with each brewing, but also harmful substances. And instead of benefiting, tea will cause harm

– Remember the following recommendation: do not drink too strong tea. It's bad for your health. And never drink strong brewed tea at night, otherwise Mrs. Insomnia may greet you. If you cannot do without such tea, then reduce its consumption. The high content of caffeine and tannin in it can cause headaches and insomnia. Strong tea is harmful to hypertensive patients, but weak tea, on the contrary, helps normalize blood pressure;

– Do not drink scalding or cold tea. Too hot tea stimulates the throat, esophagus and stomach. With prolonged consumption of such tea, various diseases of the digestive system may appear. The tea temperature should be approximately 60 degrees. And if your tooth hurts, then you certainly can’t drink hot tea, and very cold tea will also be out of place. Although, if your teeth hurt, then you need to go to the directory of dental clinics - find the one that is closest to you and run to the dentist. Iced tea promotes phlegm accumulation.

– Those who lead a healthy lifestyle should know that drinking after eating is undesirable. Even water. And even more so tea. Tea contains a component called tannin, which can significantly impair the body's absorption of protein and iron. Therefore, try not to drink tea after meals. You should not drink tea before or immediately after meals, as it dilutes gastric juice and slows down digestion. Drink tea 20-30 minutes before a meal and no earlier than 15 minutes after it. The more you eat, the more time should pass before drinking tea. By the way, this applies not only to tea, but to all drinks;

– Never try to combine medications with tea. Due to the tea, the tablet may leave a sediment and in this form it will be very poorly absorbed by the body. Since the tannins contained in this drink neutralize the effect of some drug components. But during illness, especially when taking medications intensively, it is useful to drink green tea (1 hour after taking medications), as it helps restore the body’s immunity;

– You should never drink tea on an empty stomach. There is still no scientifically substantiated confirmation of this postulate, but this is an unshakable rule for drinking the drink among the Chinese. So let's take them at their word;

– Do not drink cold tea. In a drink that has cooled at natural temperature (not with ice), all beneficial substances disappear and turbidity appears, which indicates that tea polyphenols have already oxidized and it has become harmful to the body;

– Drink tea with alcohol. The combination of active substances contained in these drinks puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and heart. But green tea will be very useful for a hangover!

Now a few words about that:

Who is tea contraindicated for?

Pregnant women should try to consume the “drink against a hundred diseases” as little as possible. This is due to the high caffeine content in tea, which can negatively affect the unborn child. In addition, the possibility of toxicosis cannot be excluded. Reduce your consumption or avoid tea altogether if you suffer from stomach and duodenal ulcers. Although, you can drink Pu-Er tea, which is widely used in Chinese medicine. You should not drink tea at elevated temperatures.

Remember these basic rules.

Basic rules for drinking tea

But if you follow these simple recommendations, then tea will bring you benefits and only benefits. After all, many people know, say, which sports nutrition is better, but alas, very few people know how to drink tea correctly and when it is harmful and when it is beneficial.

Every tea lover has a series of rules for purchasing, storing and preparing his favorite drink, but there are unshakable rules that everyone who wants to pay tribute to this wonderful nectar should know.

Eastern opinion about tea

Among the ancient Chinese tea prohibitions there are prohibitions on cold, too strong and scalding tea. Let's take a closer look at the prohibitions on long brewing, repeated brewing and the ban on yesterday's tea.

What tea should you not drink?

Prohibition on long brewing of tea.

Brewing tea for a long time causes the substances contained in the tea to begin to oxidize. The process of oxidation of valuable substances (vitamins C and P, amino acids, etc.) has a very negative effect on tea: transparency, aroma and taste disappear, and the nutritional value of tea decreases. In addition, when exposed to the environment, the content of various microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) in tea increases significantly

Prohibition on repeated brewing of tea

As a rule, after the third or fourth steeping, tea leaves are already deprived of all their beneficial properties. According to experiments, after the first infusion, approximately 50% of the beneficial substances are extracted from tea leaves, after the second - already 30%, and after the third - 10%. Continuing to brew tea, we provoke the “release” of all harmful substances, the content of which is small, but which come out last.

Ban on yesterday's tea

The Japanese consider tea that has been left for a day to be “worse than a snake bite,” and the Chinese compare it to poison. Having examined in more detail the properties of tea that has been brewed for a long time or many times, it immediately becomes obvious that after standing for a day, the tea will not acquire any useful substances, but, on the contrary, will lose them. This is how it works! Tea loses all its vitamins and becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. The first indicator that the tea should not be drunk is a thin oxide film that appears on the surface of the tea. This film appears as a result of oxidation with oxygen organic matter contained in tea. The composition of this film is very complex; it includes protein molecules, iron, magnesium, calcium, nitrogenous bases (theophylline, caffeine, guanine), etc.

The effect of yesterday's tea on the body!

After entering the body, a layer of this insoluble film envelops the mucous membrane of not only the intestines, but also the stomach, thereby preventing the absorption of nutrients and irritating the gastrointestinal tract. This also leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and accumulation of food masses in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the film, due to increased bacterial activity, the processes of not only fermentation, but also rotting begin, after which the resulting toxic substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane and the development of erosive and ulcerative processes begins.

Tea is an excellent tonic drink, but its effect on our body depends on our knowledge about it! Therefore, do not forget that the first indicator that it is better not to drink tea is the film formed on the surface

Mold quickly settles in herbal infusions. The maximum shelf life of the finished infusion at room temperature is 12 hours.
The first who tried to serve iced tea were the Americans who lived in the south of the continent in the 19th century. Black tea was brought to America straight from India, but at that time there was unbearable heat outside, and one of the Americans brewed tea for lunch. The idea arose to cool the tea and throw a couple of pieces of ice into it. The resulting drink quenched my thirst surprisingly quickly.

The recipe for a soft drink quickly spread all over America; they began to add slices of lemon and mint to it to make the tea seem even fresher.
But strangely enough, Switzerland is considered the birthplace of iced tea. Once a man named Max Sprenger visited America, he was simply delighted with the ability of iced tea to quench thirst and invigorate, so, upon returning to his homeland, he decided to start producing a cool drink in bottles.

Since then, the era of iced tea began, and soon it conquered the inhabitants of all continents, except that the Eskimos do not find anything good in tea.

Are fruit and tea drinks healthy?

Fruit and tea drinks are harmful to health, just like sweet carbonated water.

After conducting a study, consumer advocates of the Foodwatch organization proved that such drinks have a minimum of benefits but a maximum of sugar. They contain flavorings instead of some fruits, and the tea content is often less than a percent.

This also applies to products from well-known brands, Nestle, Lipton and others. For example, in a drink made from green tea with lemon and physalis, there was only 15% tea, and physalis was replaced with flavoring. But 2 liters of drink contains as many as 47 pieces of sugar.

Is iced tea healthy?

Doctors warn against frequent consumption of iced tea during the summer season.

“Iced tea drinking” contributes to the formation of kidney stones. Medical News Today writes about this with reference to Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago.
According to the center's doctor, urologist John Milner, stones form due to high concentrations of oxalate, one of the key chemicals that lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hot tea also contains this substance, but this drink is not usually drunk in the same quantities as iced tea.

Milner noted that approximately 10 percent of people in the United States suffer from kidney stones and general urinary tract disorders.

According to Dr. Milner, many people prefer iced tea because of its low calories and taste. “But for people who have a tendency to develop kidney stones
stones, iced tea is the worst drink,” the doctor said.

At the same time, he noted that not only iced tea, but also dehydration, which occurs due to insufficient fluid intake, can contribute to the development of urolithiasis, especially in the hot season.

Men are 4 times more likely to develop kidney stones than women. However, women are also at increased risk if they are over 40 years old, have low estrogen levels, or have had their ovaries removed.

Milner suggested replacing iced tea with plain water or homemade lemonade. Lemon contains salts citric acid which prevent the formation of kidney stones.


Iced tea is a fairly well-known and popular refreshing drink in many countries around the world. In hot weather, this tea is as popular as kvass, lemonade or juices. You can easily prepare this tea at home yourself, or simply buy ready-made bottled tea in the store. For some time now, such tea can be found in almost any store or supermarket. However, on cold and winter days, such tea noticeably loses ground and loses its popularity; at this time it is consumed much less frequently than in summer.

Making iced tea is quite simple. You can make tea from any type of tea, mainly black or green tea is used for preparation, often made from a mixture different types tea. To give a pleasant aroma and taste, various aromatic additives are used.
First, tea is brewed in the traditional way. You can drink tea without sugar, but usually sugar or honey is added to the tea if desired in the required quantities to make the tea sweet. Next, let the tea sit and cool completely naturally. After the tea has cooled, you can drink it, and if necessary, the tea is further cooled. For additional cooling, the tea is placed in the refrigerator for a while, or you can add ice to the tea, in which case you get cold iced tea.

But you don’t have to make this tea yourself. Currently, iced tea can be easily purchased in many stores, where it is presented in a wide variety and for every taste. Of course, the quality of bottled tea often leaves much to be desired, because sometimes such tea is made from powders and various mixtures, which contain dyes and flavors that give the tea the desired color and taste. It is worth noting that cold coffee is also made in a similar way, which, by the way, is popular among coffee lovers.
Although it is pleasant to drink iced or cool tea on hot days, the taste and benefits of warm tea still more. It has long been believed that approximately 20 minutes after tea has been brewed, it begins to gradually lose its beneficial properties and taste. The taste of iced tea is certainly inferior to the taste of hot tea.

The dangers of iced tea

Can iced tea be harmful? If you drink iced tea in the cold season, and for that matter in the warm season too, you can get sick and get a sore throat. Well, in all other respects, there is no harm as such from drinking iced tea, except for the loss of the taste of the tea. And of course, it is worth noting that, like all food products, iced tea also has an expiration date, so such tea should not be stored for a long time.