Control in dow types of control. Control in a preschool educational institution Sample of filling out operational control in a kindergarten

Oksana Korshunova
Control in preschool educational institution

One of the most important and difficult sections methodological work is the organization of control in a preschool educational institution. The control schemes for the educational process presented below will help the senior educator quickly navigate the selection of a form for filling out documented control material that is acceptable for each section of the program. And ready-made diagrams will help save time. Educators should familiarize themselves with these materials in order to have an idea of ​​what is important to pay attention to when preparing for the ped test. process by the administration of the preschool educational institution or other regulatory body.

In my work I use all types of control:

Types and purposes of control

Thematic - attract the team’s attention to certain tasks:

-Final– summarize the work of the teaching staff over a certain period of time;

-Personal– study the work system for software, identifying the state of work to eliminate shortcomings on the topic;

Frontal - a comprehensive, in-depth audit of the activities of educators and preschool educational institutions as a whole:

-Preliminary– a primary idea of ​​the state of activity of the preschool educational institution;

-Current– get a general idea of ​​the work of a teacher; -Final– comprehensive assessment of the activities of preschool educational institutions; Identification of children’s readiness to study at school.

Self-control - studying and summarizing experience, providing methodological support and assistance:

Working on trust.

Partial control with activity correction.

Operational - identifying the state of work of the teaching staff and educators at a certain stage:

-Warning– prevention of shortcomings, selection rational methods work.

-Express diagnostics– information collection of data (questionnaires, testing, cross-sections).

-Selective– status of work on program sections and individual tasks.

Comparative - comparison of the results of teachers’ work in various areas:

Work of educators in 2 parallel groups;

Work of teachers of one group;

-Mutual control– analysis and assessment of ped. process of the teacher of a parallel group or other group.

Control plan for the educational process

for 2013 – 2014 academic year.


Operational control

1. Readiness of classrooms and groups for the school year.

Check the condition of the subject-development environment and determine its compliance with the requirements of FGT, the Educational program, and sanitary requirements.

Study the documentation of kindergarten employees and determine the readiness of employees for the new school year.

Determine Compliance environment labor protection and safety requirements, protection of life and health of children.

Questions for control:

1. Organization of a gaming development environment.

2. Availability of educational activity areas.

3. Availability of visual propaganda for parents.

4. Organization of a subject-development environment in offices and halls.

5. Compliance with labor protection and safety requirements, fire safety conditions. Compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children.


Operational control:

Cultural and hygienic skills of children while washing in younger

(comparative control of parallel groups)

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

preparation and holding of parent meetings;

Comparative control:

Fulfillment of FGT requirements for the equipment of group premises of speech therapy groups.

Thematic control:

The state of the team’s work on the formation of a single health-preserving space

family, kindergarten, society. Monitoring the state of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions.

Preventive control

at work of young specialists:

Preparation and conduct of joint activities

Questions for control:

1. Compliance of the content with the age characteristics of children.

2. Using attributes.

3. Aesthetics of attributes.

4. The role of the educator.

5. Involving inactive children in the game.

6. Effectiveness of the implementation.


Operational control:

Individual approach to children.

Cultural and hygienic skills of children during meals (comparative control of parallel groups)

Compliance with labor protection, safety, fire safety standards;

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

Calendar planning of work in groups.

Preventive control:

at work as a nurse:

Examination and reception of children

Monitoring compliance with standards and product quality.

Disease control. Conducting morbidity analysis.

Gathering children for a walk.

Comparative control:

work of teachers of two parallel groups during the walk.

Conducting outdoor games and physical exercises in the air in preparatory groups.

Thematic control:

The state of work on the formation of personal safety skills through life safety training. Development of new forms of preschool education., group work in kindergarten.


Operational control:

Preparation and holding of Christmas and Epiphany holidays with children.

Compliance with labor protection, safety, and fire safety standards in the catering unit.

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime.

Promising and scheduling work in groups.

Preventive control:

At the work of teaching assistants:

Assistance in preparing and conducting classes

Gathering children for a walk.

Thematic control:

The state of work on the development of cognitive and speech development of children through experimental and research activities.

Comparative control:

Carrying out outdoor games and physical exercises.


Operational control:

Cultural and hygienic skills of children in

meal times (middle, senior groups)

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

Design of parent corners, stands, moving folders, etc.


Long-term planning.

Analysis of the reasons for the absence of children.

Cultural and hygienic skills of children while washing in junior and middle groups)

Thematic and calendar planning.

Preventive control:

Implementations educational program.

At work in the food department. Monitoring the placement of dishes and the issuance of finished products. Maintaining a logbook. Availability check sample menu. Compliance with implementation deadlines.

The work of members of the kindergarten PMPk in the selection and preparation of documentation for teaching children in speech therapy groups.

Thematic control:

The state of work on cooperation between kindergartens, families and schools, and other organizations with the aim of developing integrative qualities in children.


Operational control:

Following the daily routine.

Carrying out walks

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

Calendar planning of work on patriotic education.

Comparative control:

Design of plots, material for walks in winter.

Thematic control:

The state of work on developing children's creative abilities through visual activities. Circle work.


Operational control:

For the selection of materials and design of corners of patriotic education.

Carrying out walks

Ensuring that the furniture matches the height and individual characteristics of children;

Preparing and holding an open day.

Calendar planning of work in groups.

Preventive control

At work in the food department. Monitoring the placement of dishes and the issuance of finished products. Maintaining a logbook. Checking the availability of a sample menu. Meeting deadlines for product sales.

Comparative control:

Registration of plots,

Take-out material for a walk.

Thematic control:

The state of work on the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.


Operational control:

Performing morning and corrective exercises.

Compliance with sanitary requirements when carrying out direct educational activities.

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

Preparing and conducting parent meetings;

Comparative control:

Work of teachers of two parallel groups during a walk.

Conducting outdoor games and physical exercises in the air in younger groups.

Thematic control:

Preventive control

At the work of teaching assistants:

Assistance in preparing and conducting classes;

Gathering and accompanying children for a walk.

Operational control:

individual approach to children;

Compliance with labor protection, safety, fire safety standards;

Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime;

preparation and implementation of regime moments.

Conducting an analysis of the effectiveness of mastering software knowledge.

Comparative control:

Cultural and hygienic skills of children during meals (comparative control of parallel groups).

Thematic control:

Results of implementation of programs by age groups and kindergarten.

Preventive control:

At the work of teaching assistants:

Assistance in preparing and conducting GCD

Gathering children for a walk.

In a preschool educational institution, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it involves carrying out a complex of various activities. Thanks to such actions, the quality of the educational process and its compliance with its goals and objectives are analyzed.


Conducting operational control in preschool educational institutions is accompanied by the collection of quantitative information that does not require long-term observations. It allows you to determine the quality of various types of activities.

Operational control in a preschool educational institution is an important function of the management and control system.

The head of an educational institution must have the skills to predict certain activities and certain situations. A senior educator or methodologist can conduct operational control in a preschool educational institution.


Let's look at some features of the process. Operational control in preschool educational institutions is divided into two groups: external, internal. The first option involves analyzing the creation of optimal conditions for the social adaptation of preschool children. Within its framework, an inspection is carried out of those activities that are organized within the kindergarten to ensure that children receive the minimum level of education necessary for harmonious development.

This problem is solved in the following ways:

    analysis of the microdistrict is carried out;

    analyzes the location of cultural and social institutions;

    the social status of families with children is studied preschool age;

    the requirements and requests of parents regarding the quality and composition of educational services are considered;

    The individual capabilities of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions are taken into account.

Making a plan

Currently, operational control for the year is being compiled. There are several groups functioning in the preschool educational institution, and an individual inspection schedule is developed for each of them. Inspections are carried out in various areas: educational, developmental, health-improving, civil-patriotic.

Organizing operational control in a preschool educational institution is the task of the head of the organization. Thanks to such work, it is possible to evaluate the correctness and effectiveness of the kindergarten’s activities.

Requirements for inspections

Operational control in preschool educational institutions of groups is carried out according to certain requirements. The manager not only carries out an inspection, but creates a system of control over various areas of the preschool institution’s activities. First, the goals and objectives, developmental and educational methods used by teachers are analyzed.

Operational control in a preschool educational institution will be effective only if it is carried out on time. It is important to analyze the deficiencies that will be discovered during the audit. The results of operational control in preschool educational institutions must be announced publicly, and, with full analysis positive and negative points.

Structure of the event

Only with systematic work can one count on results, stability and quality of functioning of an educational organization. The check is carried out according to the following algorithm:

    determining the goal and highlighting the object;

    development of a control action plan;

    collection of information (with the involvement of employees, students, teachers, and other persons who are competent in the analyzed areas);

    initial analysis of the collected information (review of documents, processing of materials, filling out questionnaires, analysis of results at the pedagogical council);

    discussion of methods and methods for eliminating identified problems and shortcomings;

    follow-up audit, the purpose of which is to monitor the implementation of all recommendations.

Implementation of control

First, all problematic elements are identified that need to be corrected in a timely manner in order to improve the quality of educational and developmental activities in kindergarten. Then an order is issued to conduct operational control at the preschool educational institution.

For example, an audit may be aimed at analyzing the creation in a preschool institution of the conditions necessary for the safety of children, identifying individual work, and preparing material to improve the communication and speech skills of preschoolers.

Operational control of the daily routine in a preschool educational institution is the initial stage, providing information about a specific part of the work carried out by the teacher in a preschool institution. It performs a regulatory function and supplies data for thematic verification.

What to check

How is operational control of preschool educational institutions formalized? A table and an analytical report on the results are mandatory elements for recording and analyzing the results obtained. What questions can be taken to conduct an audit? For example, these are sanitary conditions in the group, organizing meals for preschoolers, conducting health procedures, adhering to the schedule and time frame of developmental activities.

A system of measures aimed at instilling in preschool children an interest in sports and hardening can be put under control.

Table option for control

Let's study an example table.

Types of control

External control

Internal control

Purpose of the event

Providing social protection for every preschool child and guaranteeing that he receives the minimum education required for full development

Changing the educational activities of the process in different age groups and providing each teacher with specific assistance

Marketing research of the nearest microdistrict:

  • finding social and cultural objects;
  • social status of families with preschool children;
  • requests from parents regarding the development and upbringing of children;
  • social and educational system for the safety of children who do not attend preschool institutions
  • organizational and pedagogical;
  • educational;
  • social and psychological;
  • medical and social;
  • economic

Control by the manager

He must not only analyze the state of affairs, but also create a comprehensive system of work in all areas used in the preschool educational institution. Since, as part of the monitoring, facts must not only be stated, but ways to eliminate problems must be identified, the manager, together with experts, thinks through an algorithm of actions that will improve the functioning of the preschool institution.

He understands the importance of timely inspections and approves operational control maps in preschool educational institutions. After completing any audit, the manager analyzes not only the problems that were identified, but also the positive results (innovative techniques, best practices).

What may be included in the scope of control exercised by the head of the preschool educational institution? In addition to educational and educational work, the peculiarities of its organization, he can also periodically analyze the implementation of labor regulations by employees, the execution of instructions, orders of higher authorities, and regulations of supervisory authorities.

Controlled aspects may include the following:

    complete implementation of decisions of pedagogical councils;

    safety of benefits and equipment in each group;

    preparation of documentation by administrative and teaching staff;

    individual control over the activities of the teacher (other employee of the preschool institution).

Checks organized by the senior teacher

Within its framework, the state of the educational process in each age group is checked. Also, the senior teacher monitors the implementation of new educational standards, analyzes the use of innovative methods and work techniques by colleagues.

The check concerns the compliance of calendar and thematic planning with the age characteristics of preschoolers, as well as the frequency with which teachers improve their professional qualifications.

Example of a control card

Among the main issues that are considered as part of inspections at preschool educational institutions, one can note the sanitary condition of the group, implementation of the daily routine, compliance with health measures, walks, excursions, competitions and holidays.

What might a map look like based on the results of checking compliance with the daily routine in kindergarten at different periods of the year?


    checking the admission of children;

    assessing the timeliness of morning exercises;

    adherence to time limits when eating;

    organizing and conducting training sessions;

    checking rest between classes;

    duration and feasibility of the walk;

    observing lunch time;

    afternoon nap;

    carrying out hardening procedures;

    the feasibility of selecting developmental activities in the afternoon;

    duration of the evening walk.

For each of the points given above, three rating options are assumed: high, medium, low. Operational control showed that in the controlled group, conditions for a comfortable stay for preschool children in kindergarten are fully created. The teacher uses innovative methods and techniques of development and education in his work. As part of the audit, it was established that in preschool educational institution group no violations were identified in the development, education, and health of the younger generation.

Let's sum it up

Any preschool educational institution must develop a control system, the main tasks of which follow from the characteristics of the educational and educational process. They are carried out throughout the year. It is necessary to familiarize the teaching staff with the frequency of their conduct.

Control will be effective only if it is carried out in a timely manner. All members of the teaching staff should be aware of its implementation. A systematic, regular, transparent, effective version of control is identified. When carrying out any of them, it is important to follow the algorithm of actions.

First, its goal is determined and tasks are put forward. Then a plan for the planned control is developed, detailed information. After this, recommendations and ways to eliminate the identified deficiencies are developed. After some time, repeated control is carried out, the purpose of which is to verify that the deficiencies identified at the first stage have been eliminated.

So, operational control is a daily, ongoing analysis of certain aspects of educational and educational activities. Its specificity is that it allows you to find and remove some minor problems and improve the activities of preschool educational institutions. The absence of such control leads to the appearance of serious failures after a short time, which will then be quite problematic to cope with. The issues analyzed within it fall into several different categories. Some involve constant monitoring, for example, compliance with internal regulations, instructions for protecting the health and life of children, and the formation of hygiene and cultural skills.

Particular attention within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions is given to quarterly inspections of planning, working with parents, organizing excursions and walks, studying traffic rules by preschoolers, using health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions, and creating optimal conditions for self-development and self-improvement.

Depending on the form, the preschool institution organizes comparative, anticipatory, and preventive. By proactively checking, you can prevent serious mistakes. For example, preliminary control of preschoolers’ knowledge of traffic rules will allow the teacher to avoid accidents during the excursion.

Monitoring work in a preschool educational institution is the most significant part of methodological work, since teaching activities require special attention and professional development. The improvement of a teacher directly depends on the material and technical conditions and information and methodological support of the educational process. There are several types of control in preschool educational institutions:

  • warning,
  • current,
  • final

Preventive control in preschool educational institutions

The purpose of preventive control is to assist the teacher and prevent errors in educational activities. This kind of control takes place in the form of a conversation in order to identify the teacher’s competence in a certain section, his ideas about classes and forms of work. To help build a system, during the conversation, the methodologist and teacher draw up and review a long-term plan for working with preschoolers. The novice teacher also draws up notes for each lesson, which helps him plan his activities in the lesson. Preventive control is aimed at increasing the professionalism of the teacher and developing his potential.

Current control at the preschool educational institution

Current control in preschool educational institutions is aimed at analyzing problems in mastering the curriculum, comparing the level of development of preschoolers with established standards. And also with ongoing monitoring, teachers receive recommendations, learn about changes in the timing of programs, and adjust the forms and methods of organizing students. Current control can be thematic, operational, frontal and comparative.

Thematic control allows you to identify the level preschool work according to the tasks and results planned for the year. Thematic control is carried out both over teachers’ compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, and over the effectiveness of using the recommendations of methodologists, consultations and seminars. Control is carried out with a prepared inspection plan, which indicates goals, objectives, deadlines, age groups, responsible persons and control methods.

Types and forms of control in preschool educational institutions

The importance of the comprehensive implementation of the control function, without which it is impossible to determine the level of existing problems and opportunities for the development of the institution, determines the relevance of the classification of types of control in preschool educational institutions, which remains ambiguous due to the variability of approaches. In modern pedagogical science, there are two types of implementation of control functions - external and internal.

External control is carried out for the purpose of:

  1. Identification of socially and culturally significant objects in the microdistrict.
  2. Determination of the social status of families raising preschool children.
  3. Recording the requests and expectations of consumers of educational services - parents of kindergarten students.
  4. Control of provision for those who do not attend preschool educational institutions.

Getting ready for inspections

Tells expert"Education" reference system

Internal control is a more complex and multifaceted system, implemented to monitor the dynamics of the functioning of a kindergarten in all key areas of activity - directly educational, methodological, socio-psychological, economic, medical, organizational, etc.

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Types of content control Contents of control Goals

It is carried out in order to obtain primary information about the functioning of the kindergarten as a whole, the work of individual departments or teaching staff.

Relevant when changing the leadership of an institution, determining the tactics of methodological work with new employees.

  1. Obtaining primary data on personnel and material and technical support of preschool educational institutions.
  2. Determination of the maturity of the pedagogical process in a separate area or in a comprehensive manner.
  3. Revealing professional competence new employee.
  4. Determining compliance of the implementation of educational services with current regulatory requirements.
Thematic Thematic control reflected in annual plans Preschool education is carried out in accordance with goals in different age groups to systematically update attention on individual aspects of educational work.
  1. Attracting the attention of educators to key tasks of a didactic, developmental and methodological nature.
  2. Prevention of ineffective activities of teachers in one of the areas of implementation of the work program.
  3. Evaluation of the results of pedagogical work for the control period (month, six months, year).
  4. Dissemination of innovative experience in teaching practice.
Operational Aimed at identifying the stage of work of preschool educational institution employees on the implementation of a given problem. Operational control is carried out only after a warning from the inspector.
  1. Prevention of violations in the work of the teaching staff regarding the organization of the educational process.
  2. Prompt identification of discrepancies between the psychophysical level of development of pupils and program requirements, as well as determining the range of reasons for the occurrence of such a situation.
Comparative It can be implemented by representatives of the administrative staff when checking two educators or carried out by two teachers with mutual control.
  1. Comparison of results professional activity teachers of parallel age groups.
  2. Determining differences in the work of preschool teachers responsible for conducting the educational process in one group.
  3. Dissemination of best practices in teaching practice.
Self-control Provides for systematic self-analysis and self-correction of activities by employees. Developing among teaching staff (heads, deputy heads, teachers) the ability to adequately assess the success of achieving their intended professional goals.

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Additionally, in the structure of control functions, various forms of control in preschool educational institutions are distinguished according to sequence and frequency:

  1. Preliminary monitoring, which is carried out in order to prevent errors even before the start of the implementation of planned processes. Preventive control is very important either at the stages of launching experimental educational projects or expanding the structure and functions of a kindergarten.
  2. Current, necessary to correlate intermediate results with predicted ones and ensure timely response.
  3. Resulting is the final monitoring, during which the achieved results are recorded and the reasons for their achievement are analyzed to consolidate the positive dynamics.
  4. Search - a set of versatile control measures aimed at finding the optimal tactics for achieving the task under specific conditions.
  5. Executive - the procedure for implementing recommendations voiced by managers.

Operational control in preschool educational institutions

The organization and provision of the educational process are invariably associated with the need to implement a number of tasks, the effectiveness of which can be determined by operational control in a preschool educational institution - a system of management measures aimed at studying the progress and results of the pedagogical process. It is a mistake to believe that this type of control function is based solely on the collection of quantitative data, but on their generalization and analysis, followed by changes in organizational processes.

Operational or current control is carried out according to different models, the choice of which is determined taking into account the specifics of current tasks. In order to obtain the necessary information, the head of the kindergarten can conduct or initiate:

  1. Express diagnostics - effective method collecting data to identify the current state of the educational complex in a specific area. Express diagnostics is carried out through questionnaires or testing, personal conversations with educators, methodologists, and family representatives.
  2. Selective control, which involves assessing the professional activities of a teacher, an up-to-date analysis of the upbringing of children in a group, assessing the level of education, monitoring the conditions of teaching work, or other specific issues. Occasional checks are carried out during the day during visits by the head of the kindergarten to groups, consultations and conversations.

In order to ensure a continuous monitoring function and effective management work, it is advisable to organize inspections on 5-7 issues monthly and draw up certificates on planning operational control in preschool educational institutions in any form, for example:

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Control issues Groups and weeks of the month
Junior Average Senior Will prepare.

When drawing up operational control maps in preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember the existence of a range of components of the educational process that require managerial intervention at different frequencies:

  1. Daily. When bypassing the planned control of a preschool educational institution, it is important for the manager to check the procedure for fulfilling regulatory requirements for the protection of the life and health of pupils, the progress pedagogical activity in groups, organizing meals, observing routine requirements, maintaining a healthy psycho-emotional climate in the team, providing methodological support for young teachers, progress in the implementation of planned household work.
  2. Once a month. Based on data obtained during the systematic collection of reports, questionnaires, interviews, the head of the preschool educational institution, with the help of a deputy, analyzes the morbidity of the child population, compliance with natural nutritional standards, the correctness of filling out documents by group teachers, the progress and effectiveness of sports and musical entertainment, the level of pedagogical skills of those being certified employees, the effectiveness of the conducted methodological days.
  3. Once a quarter. The analysis of the morbidity of pupils and the effectiveness of holding health days, the fulfillment of program requirements in groups, compliance by preschool teachers with recommendations for preparation for certification assessment and continuous self-education, the participation of members of the teaching staff in the educational organization, the effectiveness of interaction between educators and families are assessed quarterly.
  4. Reports, certificates and tables compiled during the implementation of operational control are stored in the preschool educational organization for 1 calendar year.

Thematic control in a preschool educational institution is a type of internal monitoring of the work of a kindergarten in a given area. Its main goal is a comprehensive study of the implementation of the pedagogical process, timely introduction of changes to the tasks of the kindergarten teaching staff or an individual teacher, and improvement of the program minimum. The management process involves:

  • assessment of professional competence of teachers;
  • determining the level of education of preschool children, their skills, abilities and knowledge;
  • analysis of the conditions that were created for the implementation of the educational program;
  • assessment of the system for planning educational activities in the chosen area;
  • checking the level of interaction between parents and teachers, methods and forms of work with family members of pupils.

The methodological office stores complete monitoring documentation, which is subsequently used in preparation for licensing or external verification, acting as confirmation of the state of the pedagogical process in a given area. Review topics are included in the annual planning. The responsibilities of the senior educator and leader include providing comprehensive support to educators in preparing for the test. Control is carried out in four steps:

  1. The senior teacher develops a thematic control project, while the execution of the order is monitored by the head of the preschool educational institution or his deputy. The goals of thematic control and the results that should be achieved based on the results of the work are determined. Effectiveness is assessed in the context of interaction with families of preschool children, the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, stimulation of self-education of educators, modernization of the educational process, or another direction.
  2. Taking into account regional characteristics, the annual task and the results of previous controls in the preschool educational institution, a work plan is drawn up. Two weeks before the start of the test, educators should receive a task plan for review (most often, the OOP section is selected for testing). Regardless of the topic of monitoring, the control plan includes five blocks.
  3. The preparatory stage involves determining deadlines, choosing diagnostic techniques, creating questionnaires, tables and diagrams to monitor the test results. A copy of the inspection plan is kept in the methodological office of the kindergarten so that teachers can familiarize themselves with it at any time. The senior educator compares current developments with those used in previous inspections to eliminate the use of ineffective techniques. This step largely depends on the manager, who should study local documentation in order to understand how well and in what form the work was carried out previously, and to argue for the role of inspection in the process of improving the activities of the kindergarten.
  4. The last stage is the most responsible and important, since during it all control participants (teachers, supervisor, instructor physical culture, music director and nurse) are given specific tasks with a strict order of their implementation. After this, kindergarten employees proceed to implement planned monitoring actions. The results of the audit are included in the analytical report, which is read out at the final meeting pedagogical council.

The manager issues an Order to conduct thematic control, recording in the document the timing and subject of the inspection. There are three types of monitoring.

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Thematic check The management process is carried out with the involvement of the teaching staff in those tasks that are not implemented successfully enough in the kindergarten. Control can evaluate the implementation of educational, educational, methodological, developmental and research tasks. The degree of fulfillment of the annual tasks outlined in the work plan for the academic year and the level of mastery of OEP in selected areas of development and academic areas are analyzed. It is recorded in the annual work plan, which indicates the timing and selected topics, about which educators are informed 4-8 weeks in advance. The test is carried out in individual or all age groups. The duration of control is 1-3 days. The results of the inspection are included in an analytical report, which is announced at a meeting of the pedagogical council.
Final control It is carried out to evaluate the results of work for the selected period (quarter, half-year and year). The check affects the content of educational, methodological or didactic work and the degree of fulfillment of the assigned tasks. The effectiveness of work for six months and a year is announced at meetings of the teachers' council. It is regulated by an order from the head, which sets out the timing and topics of the inspection. Conditions for fulfillment are analyzed pedagogical tasks, the degree of pupils’ mastery of the educational program, the pedagogical skills of educators.
The results of the inspection are included in an analytical report, which is read out at the teachers' meeting.
Personal control The system of work, self-education, level of teaching skills, and skills in using innovative technologies and the achievements of pedagogical science of an individual teacher. The work to find and eliminate shortcomings in professional activities on a given topic is assessed. Appointed by order of the head of the preschool educational institution, which sets out the timing and topics of the inspection. The teacher is informed about the upcoming control 7-14 days in advance. The results of the inspection are included in an analytical report, which is read out at the teachers' meeting.

The result of thematic control - analytical report

An analytical report on the inspection is the logical conclusion of the thematic control procedure in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the completed tables or test report of which are announced after the completion of the monitoring. The document consists of three semantic parts, which reflect the assessment of all blocks of the inspection plan.

  1. Introductory - basic information about the timing and topics of the inspection, the subject of study, the goals and methods of work of those responsible for control.
  2. Analytics - the facts obtained during the inspection are listed and analyzed, the reasons for the detected work deficiencies and the factors that influenced them are identified. It is important to give an answer to each question posed in the control plan, to form cause-and-effect relationships between the advantages and disadvantages of solving the issue under study.
  3. Completion - generalized conclusions and recommendations to the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution with clarification of the timing of their implementation.

Planning control in preschool educational institutions for the 2019-2020 academic year

Internal monitoring cannot be carried out without a plan, which is drawn up for a month or a year, taking into account local regulations and the schedule of the local government authority in the field of education. Planning of control in a preschool educational institution reflects: areas or activities that are subject to inspection, reasons for carrying out, types, timing, purposes of monitoring, control results and recommendations of responsible persons aimed at eliminating detected deficiencies.

Practice has proven the effectiveness of a graphical (tabular) representation of the internal control plan, since it is important for educators to know:

  • when and who will evaluate their teaching skills and educational process;
  • what screening criteria will be used;
  • realize that monitoring is aimed at assessing performance and not at the individual.

To develop a monitoring plan, a working group is formed from among the administration of the preschool educational institution and leading specialists, which determines the goals and objectives of the audit, draws up a work algorithm, distributing among themselves areas of responsibility and responsibilities. When planning control at a preschool educational institution for the 2017-2018 academic year, the working group or head is guided by the provisions of the annual plan, on the basis of which it forms a monthly plan, where a list of monitoring activities is determined, which is immediately informed to colleagues. When developing a plan for a separate inspection, it is important to correlate it with the unified control system in the kindergarten in order to achieve maximum efficiency of the procedure and strict implementation of the recommendations issued upon its completion.

Careful planning ensures a closed management cycle and is based on a number of provisions:

  • Monitoring is aimed not only at finding shortcomings in work, but also at effectively eliminating them, identifying new methods of work that can increase the effectiveness of the educational process.
  • The transparency of the inspection and strict administrative control contribute to the education of personnel, increasing the level of responsibility and pedagogical skill, and the desire for self-education of teachers.
  • Systematic checks allow the head to quickly intervene in the educational process, making changes and carrying out management functions, excluding the moment of spontaneity of work. Monitoring is an effective tool for finding weak links in work and its modification, and not a pro forma of a bureaucratic machine.
  • Total control of all areas of professional activity has the opposite effect and provokes pedagogical negligence, while hidden checks provoke hostility among colleagues. Monitoring is carried out not because of distrust in a particular employee, but to improve the work of the institution.

Methods and rules of control in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The implementation of the supervisory function on the part of the head of the preschool educational institution is associated with a number of contradictions: on the one hand, it is important for the chief administrator to ensure strict control in the kindergarten in all key areas of activity, which is periodically associated with the need to issue reprimands, on the other hand, it is important to maintain a positive emotional mood in the team, high professional motivation of employees. Therefore, it is important for kindergarten managers to establish rules for conducting inspections in accordance with current standards professional ethics, as well as choose the optimal methods of control - transparent and comfortable methods for conducting monitoring activities for all participants in the educational process, allowing to obtain objective results.

Download the table of control methods in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard
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Observation Studying the current situation while attending individual classes or routine moments, and daily rounds of groups.
Analysis Identifying the reasons for the current situation based on recorded facts, searching for ways to modernize the educational process.
Conversations and consultations Exchange of views with pre-school specialists.
Discussion of the targeted monitoring situation with teachers and parents of students to form an objective opinion.
Documentation check Familiarization with planning and reporting documents - scheduled and unscheduled.
Questionnaire Thematic surveys of members of the teaching staff and consumers of educational services.
Testing the skills and abilities of students Identification of compliance of students’ knowledge and skills with program requirements during their presence in classes, conversations, and conducting game experiments.

When implementing the control function, the head of the kindergarten should focus not so much on identifying the shortcomings of the educational complex, but on identifying the causes of the current situation and finding ways to overcome them with the subsequent achievement of positive dynamics. This means that administrative checks should not become an end in themselves - otherwise, teachers may lose their positive attitude toward active work, reduce professional interest, and be unwilling to carry out continuous pedagogical research.

  1. Perform planned rather than spot control. The practice of monitoring in the event of incidents is fundamentally incorrect. Carrying out systematic inspections is perceived as the norm, allowing educators to work in a psychologically comfortable environment and demonstrate the best professional qualities, and the manager to receive reliable information. Aggressive control after recording a violation only contributes to the escalation of negative reactions, so it should be replaced by a joint discussion of identified errors, determination of subsequent work tactics, and, if necessary, provision of methodological assistance.
  2. It is important to avoid total control, which will entail the refusal of employees to search for progressive solutions, and subsequently will cause the reluctance of members of the teaching staff to take responsibility for any undertakings.
  3. Take into account the individual characteristics of teachers, because even excellent students in preschool education have shortcomings.
  4. Abandon the practice of hidden inspections without announcement due to the high probability of receiving false information.
  5. Perceive control not as a basic tool for implementing management functions, but as a formal responsibility. It is important to remember that the quality of the organization of the educational process and the provision of educational services is primarily the responsibility of the head of the preschool educational institution, who is obliged to show increased care, firmness of position and willingness to continuously look for effective ways to develop the kindergarten.

CONTROL IN THE DOW is a system of monitoring and checking the compliance of the educational process with the goals and objectives of the educational program, the Charter of the preschool educational institution and the Preschool Educational Institution Development Program, national guidelines, plans, orders of higher authorities of public education.

The control function is an integral part of management activities. Information obtained during control is the basis for making management decisions.

« INSIDE GARDEN CONTROL - this is the process of obtaining information about changes in the external and internal conditions of the functioning and development of preschool educational institutions, which pose a threat to the implementation of planned actions or, conversely, opening up new opportunities for this, the process of assessing the work of preschool educational institutions, as well as identifying the need and organizing the implementation of its correction.”


Control of the content of various aspects of the activities of preschool educational institutions: organizational and pedagogical, educational, socio-psychological, medical and social, financial and economic, etc.;

control of the educational process.

Control must be regular, systematic, effective, and transparent. In this case, it is necessary to complyCONDITIONS OF ORGANIZATION OF CONTROL:

The generalization condition provides for the identification of the main, cardinal directions of activity of the controlled subsystem, which are subject to control in the first place.

The condition of integration implies the joining of efforts of pedagogues. and family teams in the implementation of internal control, subject to the priority right of the head of the preschool educational institution to coordinate this control.

The condition for the humanization of the entire system of relations in a team requires, in the process of control, the establishment of relations of mutual understanding and cooperation between the subject and the object.

The condition of individualization means the need to necessarily take into account the uniqueness of each creative individual in order to create opportunities for the self-expression of this individual in the course of activity.

The differentiation condition assumes the relationship between the level of control and the results of the entire ped. the team and its individual groups, differing in the level of professional qualifications. In the context of democratization of the management of preschool educational institutions, the implementation of this provision should contribute to the transition of teachers who achieve consistently high results to the highest form of control - self-control, that is, working on trust.

CONTROL IN THE DOW carried out on the basis of annual and monthly work plans, regulations regulating the activities of a preschool educational institution for the implementation of control, local acts and documents (instructions, rules, cyclogram of orders, etc.), mandatory for execution by all employees, increasing the responsibility of personnel for implementation tasks assigned to the preschool educational institution and specifying the boundaries of this responsibility.

The requirements for exercising control in a preschool institution are:THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS :

  • it is necessary not only to monitor the state of affairs, but to create a unified system for monitoring all areas of the preschool educational institution’s activities;
  • control must be planned;
  • in the control process, it is not the statement of fact that is important, but identifying causes that cause shortcomings, development of effective measures aimed at eliminating them;
  • control will be effective if it is carried out in a modern manner and the recommendations issued as a result of it are implemented;
  • it is necessary to provide assistance in the implementation of recommendations to those to whom they were given as a result of the control;
  • control and its results must be transparent;
  • control should be aimed not only at identifying shortcomings, but also at finding something new and interesting, which gives high and stable results.

All these requirements can be attributed to the control of the organization of the educational process, adding to them only that the goals and objectives of control should follow from the goals and objectives of the educational process and the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution for the current academic year.


  • control allows you to determine whether everything in a preschool institution is being carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, decisions of the pedagogical council or orders of the head. It helps to identify deviations and their causes, determine ways and methods to eliminate shortcomings:
  • by withdrawing from control or not exercising it systematically, the leader loses the opportunity to promptly intervene in the course of the educational process and manage it;
  • the lack of a control system causes spontaneity in the implementation of the educational process;
  • control is the most important factor in training personnel and strengthening the personal responsibility of specialists for the performance of their duties.