Pumpkin honey recipe at home. How to make your own pumpkin honey at home

Since ancient times, pumpkin honey has been considered a symbol of longevity and health. Thanks to the daily consumption of this sweet product, there are quite a lot of long-livers among the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

Pumpkin is a rich source of micronutrients. And in combination with honey, it is an excellent remedy with virtually no contraindications.

This nectar brings great benefits to the body, namely:

  • supports and strengthens the immune system, especially in winter;
  • restores liver tissue, improves organ function;
  • helps remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts;
  • improves and improves the functioning of the digestive system, in particular the intestines;
  • helps cope with colds and viral diseases due to its strong antimicrobial effect;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces swelling in heart failure;
  • cleanses the blood of harmful cholesterol;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • quickly helps with stomach pain;
  • relieves chronic constipation;
  • when applied externally, it heals well suppurations, burns, and bruises.

Daily consumption of pumpkin syrup will serve as an excellent cure or prevention for the above ailments. If you completely replace regular sugar with pumpkin honey, you can avoid a number of problems with the intestines and liver.

Homemade pumpkin honey

The most useful product considered a natural product collected by bees. However, buying one is a great success, and its cost is quite high. But don't despair, because there is enough simple recipes preparing pumpkin extract at home.

The recipe for making pumpkin honey is quite simple and straightforward. Sugar or honey is used to extract beneficial substances from pumpkin. But a product made from natural honey will be healing.

  • Ripe whole pumpkin;
  • Honey or sugar.

Cooking process

It is very important to use a mature, medium-sized pumpkin with a dry tail. There's no need to choose big vegetable, because The finished product can be stored for no more than a month. It's better to make a fresh batch later.

  1. Rinse the fruit well and dry it.
  2. We cut off the top and tail to form a “lid”.
  3. We cut the edges of the pumpkin a little to make a funnel of sorts.
  4. Through the resulting hole, use a spoon to select the seeds along with the fibers.
  5. Fill the inside of the pumpkin with sugar or any natural honey.
  6. Cover the improvised keg with a lid and place it in a basin of suitable diameter.
  7. We leave the entire “structure” for a week. During this time, a liquid forms inside delicious syrup. This is pumpkin honey.

During the process, mold may form on the inside of the lid or on the surface of the liquid. This can be avoided by placing our “pumpkin barrel” in a cool place. But such a process may well exist. In this case, it is better to drain the finished syrup through cheesecloth or through a hole made in the bottom of the vegetable.

Quick pumpkin honey recipe

If you don’t have time to wait 10 days, you can prepare pumpkin extract in a quick way.

To prepare you will need

  • 2 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 3-4 clove buds;
  • 1 tsp lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.


How to make pumpkin honey quickly?

  1. Take a ripe, juicy pumpkin, wash it and dry it.
  2. Cut the fruit into segments, remove the core, remove the skin.
  3. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small thin pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  4. Pour granulated sugar into the contents, mix and leave for half an hour.
  5. After the specified time, the pumpkin pulp will release juice. Drain it into a separate bowl, and boil the pulp for a quarter of an hour over medium heat, adding cloves or other spices. During cooking, constantly scoop out the released juice.
  6. At the end of cooking, place the pumpkin in a colander, straining out the remaining juice.
  7. Pour pumpkin juice through a sieve into a clean saucepan. Boil the contents until thickened over low heat for 10 minutes. Add during cooking citric acid so that the finished product is not too sweet.
  8. Cool, pour into a glass jar, store at room temperature, use as directed.

It is important to remember that such a product, like regular honey, cannot be added to hot tea. A number of useful elements and amino acids are destroyed at temperatures above 50 degrees and can even release toxic substances.

How to store pumpkin honey?

The finished product can be stored for no more than a month in the refrigerator. To ensure longer storage, then without heat treatment can't get by. In this case, the nectar is boiled until thick. However medicinal properties pumpkin honey after processing will be less pronounced, because high temperature leads to the disintegration of some chemical compounds and vitamins. During cooking, you can add some spices (cinnamon, cloves). This will enrich the taste and give the drug a pleasant aroma.

How to take pumpkin honey?

You can take pumpkin honey with tea instead of sugar, pour it over pancakes or top fruit desserts.

Cottage cheese with honey is especially useful. To prepare such a dessert you need to combine 200 grams. cottage cheese and 20 gr. pumpkin syrup, stir everything and enjoy.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, you can undergo a three-week course of treatment. To do this, three times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to eat 1 tablespoon. pumpkin honey prepared with natural honey.

Healing recipes with pumpkin honey

This product is included in many recipes traditional medicine. Such drugs can partially or completely replace medicines. But be sure to consult a doctor before using them, because... pumpkin honey can be both beneficial and harmful to the body under certain conditions.

Chicory and honey: medicine for the liver

To support and restore liver tissue, you can regularly prepare a medicine from chicory.


  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. chicory;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • pumpkin honey to taste.

Brew chicory with boiling water. Cool the mixture until warm, add pumpkin syrup and lemon juice. We drink the drink as much as we want.

The product will help heal not only the liver, but also relieve colds and flu.

Medicine for hepatitis

The state of health in such a serious disease as hepatitis can be improved by herbal infusion


  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. herbs (knotweed, yarrow, nettle);
  • pumpkin honey

We take a collection of herbs from equal proportions of yarrow, knotweed and nettle, and pour it into a clean jar. Fill the contents with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for a day in a dark place.

Drink half a glass of the decoction every day, adding a teaspoon of pumpkin honey.

Kidney cleanser

You can cleanse your kidneys with this recipe.


  • 0.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 250 gr. natural honey.

Wash the pumpkin and cut it into pieces without removing the skin or seeds. We grind all this through a meat grinder, combine it with honey, and leave it in a closed container for 10 days. Be sure to stir the mixture daily.

After the specified time, squeeze and filter the resulting juice. Throw away the pulp or use it to bake pumpkin pie.

Take 50 ml of juice before each meal.

This recipe requires special attention. The drug can be taken only after consultation with a doctor and firm confidence that there are no large stones in the kidneys that could begin to move out. This is fraught with blockage of the ureters and, as a result, the need for surgical intervention.

Contraindications for use

Despite the many useful properties, the product has its contraindications.

  1. The high calorie content of the product can cause weight gain.
  2. It should not be used by diabetics, because... it increases blood sugar levels.
  3. Frequent use can cause destruction of tooth enamel and a high risk of caries.
  4. Allergy sufferers are not recommended to use the product, because... there is a very high probability of various allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema.
  5. You should use the syrup carefully when cholelithiasis, because it has active diuretic and choleretic effects.

In addition to its medicinal properties, the product has a very bright and multifaceted taste. This makes it possible to use it to prepare delicious and very healthy dishes.

You can argue about such recipes, but you can try to make delicious dessert, which is also useful. The opinion of our readers on this matter is very interesting. We invite everyone to comment!

Pumpkin honey- an elite variety with unique benefits and special medicinal qualities. It is so unique that many people do not know about the existence of this healthy delicacy. It is impossible to purchase it in a store; it is rarely found on open sale and in markets. Moreover, even beekeepers themselves do not always have the opportunity to enjoy it. There is a real explanation for this.

Why is pumpkin honey a rare product?

The reason for this phenomenon is that the flowers of the plant are not considered good honey plants. Even though they are different large sizes and a large amount of pollen, there is not enough nectar in them. Therefore, bees usually ignore them, preferring other flowers. According to estimates available to experts, one hectare of planting pumpkins can provide no more than thirty kilograms of aromatic honey. This fact is the main reason for the rarity of this for the consumer.

Since it is very difficult to obtain this product from bees in the required quantity, people have learned to prepare it themselves. We offer two basic, simple recipes.

First cooking method

We will need a large and ripe pumpkin. It is recommended to wash it thoroughly, cut off the top, and rake out the seeds and fibers. Next, pour sugar inside to the very top. Cover the top with the cut off cap. We place the berries in a large bowl, since the liquid will most likely leak out. We send the pumpkin to a cool place for ten days. The main thing is to stir the sugar periodically to ensure its complete dissolution.

After the specified time, carefully pour the pumpkin honey into the jar. The recipe allows for a small amount of mold to form on the surface. This does not mean that the honey has gone bad. You just need to remove the mold and pour the resulting liquid, or make a small hole in the bottom or side. The container must be clean, dry and sterilized.

Naturally, this is not exactly pumpkin honey. However, it contains a lot of microelements and vitamins; it is more useful than regular sugar. It can be consumed by adding to sugar, cottage cheese and muesli. This will give the dishes a unique aroma and original taste.

How to store this honey?

Naturally, this product cannot be stored for a long time. The maximum amount of time is one month. It is recommended to put it in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

If it is necessary to preserve such honey longer, then heat treatment is mandatory. It is recommended to cook it until thickened. However, in this case those will be lost beneficial properties, which distinguishes pumpkin honey. The cooking recipe can be varied by adding cinnamon, cloves or your favorite seasonings during the boiling process.

Second cooking method

It is necessary to repeat all the steps described in the first method. But place regular, not very thick honey inside the berries. The result is an original product that has a unique melon aroma and taste.

Naturally, this preparation method is more preferable if you plan to use the product for medicinal purposes.

What beneficial qualities does pumpkin honey have? Let's look at this in more detail.

Pumpkin honey. Medicinal properties

The combination of these two products is a real “bomb” in the treatment of certain diseases. According to consumer reviews and expert opinions, pumpkin honey is a necessary product for:

  • anemia because it is rich in iron;
  • increased vitamin deficiency, stress, diseases nervous system, atherosclerosis, since it contains a combination of vitamins and microelements;
  • colds, thanks to its unique composition;
  • colitis, gastritis, high acidity, constipation and intestinal problems;
  • diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder.

These are not all the properties of pumpkin honey. This product is one of the best natural antioxidants; it removes human body toxins and other harmful substances.

However, despite its beneficial qualities, it needs to be used carefully by some people.

Pumpkin honey. Contraindications

There are no significant restrictions on taking this product. However, it is not recommended to abuse pumpkin honey:

  • with intolerance to bee products;
  • for kidney diseases, aggravated by cardiovascular diseases, and diabetics;
  • patients suffering from low stomach acidity.

Features of using the product during pregnancy

While carrying a child, the body needs many elements and vitamins.

One of the main ones are carotenoids, which contribute to the synthesis of vitamin A. Pumpkin honey is very rich in them. The recipe for preparing this delicacy is such that these substances are completely transferred from the berry into the final product.

In addition, pumpkin honey contains flavonoids - plant antioxidants that will help pregnant women maintain the elasticity of the body and skin. In addition, they are able to prevent pathological development in fetal cells.

Pumpkin honey, as noted above, is rich in iron, vitamins D, C and E, and a large number of minerals. Its use expectant mother promotes the full development and growth of the fetus. Therefore, there are no contraindications for taking the product during pregnancy.

What is the best way to use pumpkin honey?

In the absence of contraindications, this product is recommended for daily use. Moreover, there are no dosages or specific instructions.

To achieve optimal health results, you need to consume pumpkin honey with every meal. No special dishes are required. Let's give a few examples.

You can make yourself a healthy breakfast of toast with special, low-calorie jam. To do this, add pumpkin honey to thick apple, pear or apricot puree and spread it on bread. A delicious breakfast rich in vitamins and minerals is ready.

Any dessert can also be made healthy. For example, replacing sugar in honey. You can use any recipe. You will get a very tasty dish with a special aroma.

You can make unsweetened waffles for dinner and top with pumpkin honey.

There are many options for using this product. The main thing is to use your imagination, getting healthy vitamins and a complex of minerals with every meal.

with honey for prostatitis

Pumpkin is a unique product in which everything has beneficial qualities - peel, pulp and seeds. The latter are famous for their unique properties in the treatment of male problems with the genitourinary system.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in the following substances.

  • Arginine is necessary for the prevention of prostate cancer and infertility. This amino acid can provide strength and muscle growth. In addition, thanks to it, male-type hormonal levels are restored.
  • Polyunsaturated alpha-linolenic acid can suppress the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Thanks to it, blood vessels are cleansed, the performance of brain functions is enhanced, the speed of mental and motor reactions increases, and metabolism improves.
  • Thanks to vitamin K, bone tissue is formed and the risk of osteoporosis is prevented.
  • Zinc will ensure the production male hormone, positively affecting sperm quality and potency.
  • Phosphorus is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone.

The most successful and delicious option is pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. The recipe may vary.

We offer two methods.

The first option is a recipe for making honey balls. It is necessary to grind half a kilogram. Add a glass of thick honey to it. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for several days. It should thicken. Next, we take out and make balls one and a half centimeters in diameter. It is recommended to store the finished medicine in the refrigerator. Its quantity is enough for one course of treatment. It should be taken in the morning, one ball half an hour before meals. One such course is required per year.

The second option is pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. This recipe is less labor intensive than the first. It is necessary to grind half a kilo of peeled, unroasted kernels and mix with the same amount of honey. It is recommended to store the product in a cool place, in a glass jar. Take one small spoon in the morning, before meals. The amount received is enough for one course of treatment.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following. The suggested recipes are very easy to implement. But the main thing is the unique therapeutic agents of the final product. All components are not cooked, not soaked in flavor enhancers, not fried or boiled. The unique amino acids, macro- and microelements and vitamins found in honey, pumpkin and seeds “work”, they are biologically active and easily digestible. That's why chemical composition The final product is very beneficial for the human body.

It is known that bee honey itself is very healthy. It is not for nothing that it is called the source of health and beauty. People have appreciated the beneficial properties of honey for a very long time, back in ancient times. This product is obtained by processing flower pollen by bees. They collect nectar from linden, acacia, buckwheat, or from the so-called forbs. And the beneficial properties of flowers are transferred to honey. Not all plants are equally useful. Therefore, if you want to truly improve your health, you need special honey. In this article we will talk about pumpkin. This melon crop was brought from the New World to Europe by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. And since then, pumpkins have been grown wherever the climate allows.

This vegetable is valued for its many beneficial properties. And, naturally, one can only guess how valuable pumpkin honey is for the body. In this article we will talk about the beneficial properties, as well as possible contraindications to the use of this product.

The nuances of collecting pumpkin honey

This overseas pot-bellied vegetable is the record holder among plants for the size and weight of the fruit. The pumpkin also produces a large yellow flower. But here’s the problem: despite its impressive size, it contains very little nectar. And since bees take little bribes from pumpkin flowers, little honey comes out. The product is not sold in stores. And the pumpkin honey that beekeepers manage to collect (provided they keep the hives not far from the melon plant) is consumed within their family. But sometimes the product still goes on sale. How can you recognize it among other honeys? It is best to purchase it in Bashkiria - there are numerous melon fields there. Otherwise, there is a big risk that they will slip you sunflower honey under the guise of pumpkin honey (also healthy, but not to the same extent). It is collected by beekeepers in early summer.

How to distinguish pumpkin honey from others

The color of a real, recently pumped product is golden, bright, and retains its transparency. But this honey crystallizes very quickly. Then it turns bright yellow, like the flesh of a pumpkin. Crystallization does not affect the beneficial properties of the product in any way. Pumpkin honey tastes very pleasant: delicate, slightly spicy. He is not at all cloying. Most likely, you will be offered honey that has already been candied. Put a small amount on your tongue - if it is pumpkin, you will feel melon and cinnamon notes. Experts describe the taste as “swampy.” But there is no excessive astringency, much less bitterness. The aroma reveals notes of nutmeg and freshly cut hay. Sunflower honey is a lighter shade of yellow. The fresh product even shows greenish tints. And when candied, this honey turns white. Its aroma also contains notes of hay and herbs. But there is no hint of spice.

Composition of pumpkin honey

It’s not for nothing that Europeans are so fond of this vegetable. Its pulp contains many useful substances. These are vitamins B1, B5, B2 and E. And there is even more carotene in pumpkin than in carrots. The vegetable also contains valuable minerals: zinc, cobalt, copper and, mainly, iron. In addition to magnesium, calcium and potassium salts, pumpkin is also rich in pectin, fiber, starch, sugar, enzymes and proteins. The seeds of this vegetable are no less valuable. And in the flowers of the plant, bees collect carotenoids and flavonoids along with nectar. Is it any wonder, therefore, that pumpkin honey is popular among connoisseurs? Its benefits are undoubted. And the mountaineers of the Caucasus were the first to figure it out. Perhaps their notorious longevity is explained by the regular use of pumpkin honey. This product contains another vitamin that is quite rare in food products- T (levocarnitine). This substance breaks down and removes harmful fats from the body, and also speeds up metabolism. That is why it is prescribed for weight loss.

Pumpkin honey: medicinal properties and contraindications

There is as much iron in this vegetable as in liver and spinach. Therefore, pumpkin honey is prescribed for the treatment of anemia and for its prevention in pregnant women. And in terms of the amount of carotene (provitamin A), the vegetable is ahead of carrots, sea buckthorn and liver. Therefore, pumpkin is good for children to eat. By the way, the vegetable is perfectly absorbed by the body. Porridge made from pumpkin pulp can be used as a first complementary food. Thanks to the presence of pectin, which helps cleanse the body of cholesterol plaques, the delicacy is a cure for atherosclerosis. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that it brings gastrointestinal tract pumpkin honey The medicinal properties and contraindications of this product are due to the fact that it reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, patients with gastritis should eat such honey in small quantities.

To whom the product is contraindicated

Pumpkin is a crop that accumulates a lot of sugars in its pulp. Therefore, the treat stimulates the brain. But the properties of pumpkin honey also include the fact that the product processed by bees still contains a large amount of glucose. Therefore, it is contraindicated for diabetics. But this same glucose is indispensable in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, since it helps accumulate glycogen in the cells of this organ. Pumpkin honey has diuretic properties. Therefore, people with kidney problems should use this product carefully and under medical supervision. Like any honey, pumpkin honey helps with colds and sore throats, and improves immunity during flu epidemics. But since it has a laxative effect, those who have problems with normal operation intestines. But honey from pumpkin flowers helps cope with poisoning by removing toxins from the body. And, in addition, it significantly reduces swelling in diseases associated with heart failure. Due to the high content of plant reagents, the product has a positive effect on the functionality of the heart muscle. But for this reason, allergy sufferers may not accept this bee product.

Artificial pumpkin honey

We have already mentioned that this product is very rare. Pumpkin is a poor honey plant, and bees prefer other flowers - buckwheat, linden, chestnut, acacia, sweet clover. But if you don’t have a natural product, you can create an artificial one. And with your own hands! Its medicinal properties, however, will not be so high, but it will still be healthy and tasty pumpkin honey. How to cook it without the participation of bees? Very simple. All we need is a large ripe pumpkin and sugar. As for the equipment for making honey, we will choose a large enamel basin and a sharp knife. We also need patience. After all, pumpkin honey takes ten days to prepare if the vegetable is small, and even a month if it is large. We should take care of the room where our delicacy will ripen. It should be dry (otherwise the vegetable will become moldy) and cool.

Pumpkin honey: cooking at home. First stage

To get a sweet dessert, you should take the most ripe vegetable possible. Honey can be made from small fruits, but the quantity will also be small. Unless you want to cook it for testing or are limited in time. The fact is that large pumpkins have a lot of sugar and juice, and that's what we need. So, let's start by thoroughly washing the fruit. And then we wipe it just as carefully. Next, use a tall knife to cut off the top. We put it aside - we will need it as a lid for the vessel in which our pumpkin honey will ripen. The recipe instructs us to remove all the seeds. It is important to fulfill this point very carefully so that unnecessary fermentation of the juice does not begin. Use a spoon to scrape out the entire space, reaching for the orange pulp.

Second stage of preparation

Did you know that the Indians stored water in dried pumpkins? The vegetable has bactericidal properties. The water thus remains fresh for a long time. Now we have a vessel where pumpkin honey will ripen. How to prepare it, because an empty container is clearly not enough to obtain sweetness? We put sugar inside. The amount of sweet sand depends on the size of the cavity you have prepared for it. The sugar should fill the entire space and be flush with the cut line of the top of the pumpkin. Now cover the container. As you might guess, by the very top. Place the pumpkin in a clean enamel bowl. For what? It is only in the first days that the skin of the vegetable will be hard and glossy. Over time, it will become soft and leak in places. To prevent pumpkin honey from flooding your floor, place the fruit in a large container. We put the basin in a cool and dry room.

What to do if the pumpkin becomes moldy ahead of time

Such incidents also happen. Usually small pieces of the vegetable begin to rot. And mold first appears on the cut line. If you notice that brown spots have appeared on the “lid” and there are gaps in the skin, do not be upset. And in this case, the products were not wasted and the efforts were not in vain - you will get your pumpkin honey. The recipe instructs you to lift the vegetable and use a knife to make a hole in the bottom. Then the honey will flow out of the vegetable that has begun to rot. The product will be ready when the sugar is completely dissolved in the pumpkin juice. If you don't mind the presence of pulp in artificial honey, simply pour the resulting substance into a clean and dry glass jar. And if you want to achieve a clear consistency, strain the sweet juice.

Storage conditions

Natural pumpkin honey does not need refrigeration. It retains its beneficial properties at any temperature. The only thing you need to make sure is that the jar is made of dark glass. Pumpkin honey also absorbs moisture. Therefore, the room where it is stored must be dry. But reviews advise keeping artificial pumpkin honey tightly closed in the refrigerator. And even in this case, the maximum shelf life of the product is only a month. If you want to prolong it, boil the honey. But in this case, its beneficial properties are reduced.

Pumpkin honey is a rare beekeeping product. It is rarely found in pure form, so it’s hard to find it on sale. At the same time, the bee product is very useful and rich in medicinal properties.

It contains many vitamins and iron, which help fight cholesterol, atherosclerosis and other diseases. cardiovascular system. Honey of this variety, like its other types, is used for medicinal purposes. The medicinal properties of the product make it possible to fight many serious diseases and make it good drug for disease prevention.

A rare gift of nature - a bee delicacy

Pumpkin honey, which comes from large, nectar-filled pumpkin flowers, is a healthy and delicious product. This variety is a rare species because it is difficult to obtain and only a few beekeepers collect honey from a vegetable such as pumpkin. Pumpkin fields are characterized by low nectar productivity, so in one season beekeepers collect up to 30 kg of this product from one hectare of land. However, it contains many vitamins and microelements, making the product in demand, especially during illness.

This type of sweet nectar is easily absorbed by the body. Pumpkin honey can be consumed regularly in order to maintain your health and beauty, in any case, it will definitely not cause harm. It is used to treat diseases of the colon, liver, and infectious diseases. Additionally, pumpkin honey is excellent sedative for the nervous system and helps relieve stress. Experts also recommend that women use this product during pregnancy, as it contains essential substances. Due to its beneficial properties, the natural finished product is very popular, which is why it is rarely found on sale.

Useful properties

The medicinal properties of this beekeeping product allow it to be used:

  • for liver diseases, as it has a positive effect on it and improves digestion;
  • the active components of the composition help cleanse the intestines and remove toxins;
  • has a laxative effect, which will alleviate the condition of those who suffer from inflammation of the large intestine;
  • It is recommended to use the product for edema, kidney and gallbladder diseases;
  • used for children's and diabetic nutrition.

Nectar obtained from pumpkin flowers is a diuretic and choleretic agent. Very often, even doctors prescribe its use after poisoning, since one of the abilities of this product is to remove toxins from the body. It is also effective for diseases of the colon, so it is recommended to use it for those people who suffer from constipation and other similar problems. Eating bee treats is also beneficial for infectious diseases, since it contains vitamins that increase immunity and strengthen the body’s protective functions. With regular use of this product, replacing sugar, you can get rid of many diseases.


The only indication for use is its use in moderation. In general, pumpkin honey will not harm your health if you do not overdo it. With constant use of the product in large volumes, caries may appear, so it is worth cleaning your mouth after taking it. The bee product contains a lot of glucose, therefore, diabetics should avoid it, as it will certainly do them more harm than good.

Homemade pumpkin delicacy

Bee pumpkin honey is a rather rare product that is not always available. But it doesn’t matter, you can try making your own honey product at home. Pumpkin is a very healthy vegetable that contains mineral compounds. It contains minerals and vitamins such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, fluorine, copper and many others. Pumpkin pulp contains carotene, vitamins C and B. Due to this, pumpkin, its seeds and pulp are actively used in folk medicine. That is why pumpkin honey, prepared independently, is highly valued and beneficial for health.

Cooking recipe

In fact, everything is quite simple, and the cooking process itself will not take more than half an hour. The recipe is clear to everyone. To make pumpkin honey at home you need:

  1. Find a small ripe pumpkin.
  2. Cut off the top.
  3. Remove all the pulp and seeds from inside the vegetable.
  4. Fill with sugar to the top (any type is suitable for this).
  5. Next, the top needs to be covered with the cut top and left to brew for a week, or even two.

The cooking recipe suggests that during the infusion process it is best to place the pumpkin in a small container, as over time it will become softer. It is necessary to keep the pumpkin cool during this time. As a result, all the sugar should dissolve and be absorbed pumpkin juice and the mixture that forms inside the pumpkin itself will be the so-called honey.

The recipe involves infusing the pumpkin for a long time, so if during this time the top of the pumpkin becomes covered with mold, then it’s not a big deal. In this case, you will need to make a small hole at the bottom of the vegetable and drain all the liquid. The bad part must be thrown away to avoid harm, but the candied part makes good candied fruits that can be baked in the oven or used in making casseroles, pies or porridges. It is better to pour the resulting pumpkin honey into a sterilized container.

Use in folk medicine

For hepatitis

Using this “homemade honey” you can prepare healthy decoctions. For example, there is a special recipe according to which you can prepare a mixture for hepatitis:

  1. You need to take a bunch of nettle, yarrow or knotweed.
  2. Fill them with boiling water.
  3. Before drinking, add one to the glass.
  4. This decoction can be drunk up to five times a day; more than that is not recommended.

If the disease is chronic, a solution based on pumpkin honey and royal jelly will help. The recipe is as follows: mix the ingredients in the proportion of 50 grams of honey to half a teaspoon of royal jelly. It is best to take this solution twice a day: morning and evening.

For liver diseases

You can prepare a mixture based on pumpkin honey with the addition of chicory. This recipe is effective and easy to make, and the benefits from it will be significant:

  1. Chicory needs to be brewed in boiling water.
  2. After cooling, add a spoonful of nectar and lemon juice.
  3. This drink can be consumed in different times and in any quantities.

Another simple recipe option to help with the main treatment:

  1. Pumpkin honey must be mixed with low-fat cottage cheese in a ratio of 1/10.
  2. Use the resulting mixture together with basic medications.

The benefits and harms of “homemade” honey

This product is the basis for the preparation of many drugs to combat diseases. Pumpkin honey retains all the basic properties of this vegetable, so it is well suited for solving problems of the digestive system. The benefits of this product are quite significant; it is recommended to use it for hepatitis and other serious diseases of the digestive system. In addition, this homemade delicacy, thanks to the beneficial microelements contained in the vegetable, helps well against infectious diseases.

flower honey

  • 1. Calorie calculation
  • 2. Composition of natural honey
  • 3. Natural and unnatural types of honey
  • 4.Usage
  • 5. Contraindications
  • 6. How to choose?

Honey card

Colortransparent, golden.
Tastetender, moderately sweet, fruity notes with a melon accent in the aftertaste.
Aromalight, floral, there is an unobtrusive nuance of melon and pumpkin.
Crystallization timelong lasting.
Calorie content303 kcal per 100 g.
Geography of collectionsouthern regions of Ukraine and Russia, Bashkiria, Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia.
Collection periodJune-July.

One of the most controversial products you may hear about is pumpkin honey. Strictly speaking, natural honey from pumpkin, it is impossible to find in the list of varieties, since melons, onions, herbs, carrots and other vegetables are used by bees as supporting bribes of nectar and plant pollen. They are not considered as monofloral sources of raw materials for bees and most often participate in the polyfloral background.

The melon lands do not have enough area to provide bribes for watermelon honey on any serious scale. Therefore, information about such a natural variety is more than scant, but nevertheless, such a variety takes place in the southern regions, famous for their melons.

There is another pumpkin honey known in herbal medicine. It cannot be called unnatural, since there is a recipe based on real flower honey. Although, sometimes it is replaced with sugar, and even if it loses a little in taste, it retains the medicinal properties of pumpkin.

Calorie calculation

* – nutritional value directly depends on the region of collection and the presence of other plants; there may be a deviation of no more than 10%.

Composition of natural honey

For all natural flower varieties, and pumpkin honey is no exception, the following composition is typical:

Of course, the composition contains bioactive compounds, which necessarily contain:

  • vitamins (large proportion of ascorbic acid and carotenes, smaller - folic acid, almost all B vitamins are available, in addition, it contains vitamins K, E and PP);
  • amino acids and antioxidants, enzymes and proteins;
  • micro and macroelements (most of all contains potassium and iodine, less - various compounds of manganese, sodium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, cobalt, aluminum and other metals).

Pumpkin honey differs from other varieties in the content of specific essential oils and organic acids that pumpkin is rich in: stearic, linoleic, palmitic, oleic; amino acids and phytosterols. It surpasses other varieties in terms of carotenoid and flavonoid content.

Natural and unnatural types of honey

A product such as pumpkin honey, which is prepared at home, deserves special attention, and its recipe is passed down from generation to generation. Family recipes for its preparation, containing special nuances, are usually kept secret, but they have the same principle.

You can prepare it with honey and sugar. Undoubtedly, more benefits will be if you make it based on a natural bee product.

The preparatory and final stages coincide and consist of several manipulations with the pumpkin.


  1. To get aromatic honey, full of all the benefits, you first need to choose the ripest, whole and aromatic pumpkin.
  2. Then it is washed and turned into a vessel with a lid: the lid is carefully cut off in the area of ​​the tail and the seeds are thoroughly cleaned, freeing up a kind of cavity inside.
  3. After this, the pumpkin is placed in a suitable clean and dry sealed container with a lid: a saucepan, a tank, a bucket, a pot.
  4. When everything is ready, the process of preparing the fermented product begins.

Recipe one, with sugar: You need to pour as much sugar into the pumpkin as the empty cavity inside will allow.

Recipe two: Pour liquid honey under the neck of the pumpkin, or if you only have frozen honey, fill it with natural honey with a spoon. However, it cannot be melted. Otherwise, all its beneficial properties will be lost.

Once the pumpkin is filled, the final step in cooking begins:

  1. The pumpkin filled with sugar or honey must be carefully closed with a pumpkin lid, and the container with the fruit itself must be placed on top.
  2. Place the container in a dark, dry place for fermentation. This process usually lasts up to two weeks at room temperature.
  3. When the prescribed period has passed, they begin to express the finished medicine. This is the most difficult moment. In two weeks, the fruit becomes soft and the only way to express the resulting pumpkin honey is to make a hole in the bottom without lifting it and wait until it flows into the container in which the pumpkin was standing. Therefore, it is important to take a sealed and clean container initially.
  4. After the entire finished product is free, the softened pumpkin is carefully supported with both hands and removed. Her further fate may be different - candied fruits, marshmallows, or cook porridge with her. Be careful, during the fermentation process the fruit becomes moldy. It is better to cut off these parts and not eat them.

The resulting pumpkin honey is a product known to folk medicine, the preparation of which is already a fascinating and unforgettable process. If it was based on a natural bee product, then it is a truly unique medicine.

Pumpkin honey with sugar


In the case of any other natural honey, the scope of application is quite wide. However, pumpkin honey has its own specifics.

Natural honey, produced from the nectar and pollen of this melon culture, contains a huge reserve for restoring the body's strength. Of course, it can be used to strengthen the immune system, improve sleep, stabilize the nervous system and blood pressure. Its bactericidal properties are undeniable. The general strengthening and regenerating effect is reflected in all systems of the body. It is stored for a long time and does not lose its properties.

The folk method of creating a sweet medicine determines some of the nuances of its use. Pumpkin honey, fermented at home, can be stored without loss of properties for no longer than a month, and, of course, it is a concentration of the beneficial properties of this melon culture rather than the honey itself.

Prepared from natural honey or sugar, it finds narrow application in traditional folk medicine. It is used as:

  • hepatoprotective;
  • anthelmintic;
  • biliary;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative.

Pumpkin honey should be drunk by people who have problems with the digestive system. In addition, kidney disease and gallbladder problems are indications.


Oddly enough, the contraindications for pumpkin honey of the described varieties are the same:

  1. Allergies come first. In the case of natural honey and fermented honey prepared on its basis, the aggressive component is pollen. If the fermentation process was stimulated with sugar, then a food allergy to melons may occur. The phenomenon is rare, but it is still worth warning and checking.
  2. Diabetes mellitus. It is better not to use pumpkin honey at all for this diagnosis. If there is an urgent need to use traditional medicine, especially such controversial ones, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, and use pumpkin separately, and sweets separately.
  3. Obesity or dieting and carbohydrate control. Garbuzo honey is pure carbohydrates. The harm from the uncontrolled use of traditional medicine will not be comparable to the benefits.

How to choose?

If you have the opportunity to try natural pumpkin honey, you must immediately request a certificate for this product. There are a huge number of fakes of such rare varieties on the market. If the quality is not in doubt and the beekeeper’s reputation is proven, then watermelon honey can be identified by its characteristic melon aroma.

If there is an objective need to use a fermented product, it is better to make it yourself. No one has yet come up with a certificate for such a medicine, and you can be sure of the composition and expiration date only by personally monitoring the process of its preparation.