Pierre Bezukhov - character description. Life path, path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov Pierre Bezukhov age of the hero

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Have you ever noticed that there are people who are good at everything they undertake, they can always find interesting topic for discussion, do they have a well-expressed sense of style and tact, and their movements are full of grace? The most offensive thing, perhaps, in this situation is that often such people do not make any, or minimal amount of effort to achieve such a result. And sometimes the opposite happens - a person works a lot on himself, but does not see tangible results. The hero of L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov belongs precisely to representatives of the second type of people.

First impressions

First, let's figure out who Pierre is and what position he occupies in society. His father is Count Kirill Bezukhov, a famous Catherine nobleman. At the beginning of the novel, he is dying. “I feel sorry for him as a person,” Pierre says, showing a feeling of pity, about his sick father. Pierre was not born in an official marriage - he is illegitimate, but this does not diminish his importance for the count and society - all of Count Bezukhov's children were born illegitimately. Pierre was raised abroad for 10 years; upon returning home, he came to visit Anna Pavlovna, where “he was in society for the first time.” Here the reader first meets this hero.

“A massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers in the fashion of that time, with a high frill and a brown tailcoat” - his appearance a little frightens those around him. The point here is not at all in his suit, but in his physique. The hostess’s face showed amazement and concern, which “is expressed at the sight of something too huge and unusual for the place.”

He has never been in society and therefore is not familiar with many orders and rules. He often finds himself in awkward situations and cannot immediately understand the meaning of some hints. So, for example, he “left without listening to the words of his interlocutor” or began to think about something, not realizing that the person wanted to leave his company.

Every time he appears in public, Pierre feels like a child - he knows that in front of him are representatives of the intelligentsia, high society, so “everyone was afraid of missing smart conversations that he might hear” and was lost.

We invite you to read Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.”

Andrei Bolkonsky, an old friend with whom Pierre never took his “joyful, friendly eyes,” helps him get comfortable in society. Meeting Pierre in society was just as joyful for Andrei.

Everyone notes that, despite his rather unattractive appearance, Bezukhov is not a bad person, he is endowed with many positive qualities, and in general he is a kind and sweet guy.

However, his desire to find the truth in a discussion of something, to dot all the i's, plays a cruel joke on him - he often goes too far, tries to continue the conversation in order to achieve the desired result, when this is not entirely correct in relation to his interlocutors. He avoids female society, although he does not avoid it completely and prefers to discuss serious topics, so he is considered an eccentric ignoramus.

A new period in life and first disappointments

With the death of the old count, a new period of life begins for Pierre. The Count names him heir. The wealth that has fallen on him becomes the cause of trials and tragedies.

In an instant, this bear, who was mocked by society and had difficulty accepting his distinctive behavior from the generally accepted one, received “forty thousand souls and millions.” Thanks to this, Pierre became the most desired guest in any home and any company. Many dream of becoming related to him by marrying their daughter to him.

The unexpected turn of events with the Bezukhovs' inheritance became the cause of disappointment and despondency for Prince Vasily, because he himself laid claim to these riches, and as a result, not he, but Pierre, was declared heir.

The lost opportunity to easily get rich haunts the prince. He finds a way out of the situation - to marry his daughter Helen to Pierre and thus gain access to money.

It is not difficult to deceive young Bezukhov - he is gullible and sincerely believes in the selflessness of people. He has no experience of communicating with high society, he knows little about the orders and life principles of these people. Pierre is a sweet, kind, simple-minded child who believes that the world is good and wishes him well, because he himself wishes well for everyone. In addition, he has known Prince Vasily and his daughter Elena since childhood, this was another reason why the smart, sensible young man did not notice the catch and decided to get married. We can say that Pierre became a hostage of the situation - the prince arranged everything in such a way that Bezukhov began to be considered Elena’s fiancé long before Pierre himself was ripe for this step. Having learned about the rumors circulating in society, he had no choice but to get married: “he was married and settled, as they said, as the happy owner of a beautiful wife and millions in the large St. Petersburg, newly decorated house of the Bezukhov counts.”

Doubts about the correctness of his decision did not leave Pierre until the very last, but he did not listen to his inner voice: “some kind of incomprehensible horror gripped him at the mere thought of this terrible step.”

The marriage union with Kuragina destroyed all Pierre's postulates about family idyll and harmony. He realized that not everyone prefers the desire for family life, and vows made at the altar often become empty words. He understands that he has failed as a husband. His wife avoids intimacy with him. Elena “laughed contemptuously and said that she was not a fool to want to have children.” At the same time, having become a socialite, she does not shy away from the affection of other men. Soon, only the lazy did not discuss rumors about her love affairs. Pierre becomes the subject of ridicule and regret. He is too trusting, which is why, and not because of stupidity, he does not allow the thought of his wife to cheat, even when it becomes obvious. A certain well-wisher lifts the scales from his eyes: “an anonymous letter in which it was said with that vile playfulness that is characteristic of all anonymous letters that he sees poorly through his glasses and that his wife’s relationship with Dolokhov is a secret only for him.” It is difficult to say what was dictated by the urge to such an action - pity for Pierre, or a desire to annoy Dolokhov.

But even after this, Bezukhov has doubts. “What was said in the letter could have been true, could have at least seemed true, if it had not concerned his wife” - is this not slander? Pierre thinks. He thinks about this for a long time during lunch and would not have decided anything if Dolokhov had not taken the sheet intended for Bezukhov. “Something terrible and ugly, which had been bothering him throughout dinner, rose up and took possession of him” - Pierre challenges Dolokhov to a duel.

After the shot, seeing that his enemy was wounded, he, forgetting about everything, including the hatred and anger he felt towards this man, “barely holding back his sobs, ran to Dolokhov.” As we see, even in such situations, good impulses take over in him.

After the duel, Helen indignantly expresses her opinion on this matter to her husband. Pierre at the beginning of the conversation was “like a hare surrounded by dogs,” but his wife’s behavior, her accusatory speech towards Bezukhov. And, perhaps, the fact of denying the presence of a lover (Pierre now believed that he was blind, and Elena was depraved) infuriates him. “I'll kill you! - he shouted, and grabbing a marble board from the table with a force still unknown to him, he took a step towards it and swung at it. Helen's face became scary; she squealed and jumped away from him. Pierre felt the fascination and charm of rage. He threw the board, broke it and, with open arms, approaching Helen, shouted: “Get out!” - in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard this scream with horror.”

But his anger did not last forever; over time, he again begins to live with her, although Elena’s attitude towards him has not changed.

Thanks to her love affairs, Pierre was given the rank of chamberlain, “and from that time on he began to feel heaviness and shame in large society.”

The death of Elena, after six years of married life, gave Pierre the opportunity to test himself in family life once again. This time his choice was dictated not by passion and suggestion of society, but by deep love, moreover, mutual.

Natasha Rostova, his wife, finds happiness in family life - at the end of the novel she is the mother of four children. Taking care of them and her husband brings her pleasure. She, like Pierre, once burned herself, was still able to find happiness and peace.

Social activities

Completely disillusioned with family life. Pierre is trying to realize himself in social activities. He chooses the most appropriate activity for this purpose in the Masonic lodge. But even here he does not find himself - he is honored here only for the opportunity to donate large sums, which do not always go towards what was planned. Lodge members are far away in real life from those truths and rules that they must observe and preach. Pierre understands that this is a deception.

After being released from captivity, he becomes a member of a secret society and tries to reincarnate the world around us, sincerely believing that, with like-minded people, he will be able to achieve better changes.

War and Pierre

Bezukhov decides to delve into the field of military affairs. He is not a military person by his type of activity, so he cannot personally take part in military events. Understanding the absurdity and incompatibility of his data and the war, he, since there was nothing else left for him (for high society he was a laughing stock, in family life - a deceived husband, and in the Masonic lodge - a wallet with money and nothing more), he remains on that a war where his enemy is known and less insidious than civil intrigues and intrigues.

Pierre provides financial support to the regiment created on his initiative. After the Battle of Borodino, which he witnessed, his views change. Now, Napoleon, once idolized by him, has become a person arousing disgust and hatred. Pierre plans an assassination attempt on the emperor. Naturally, this is an impossible task for Bezukhov, who has no shooting skills and is generally unfamiliar with military affairs, his plan fails, and Pierre himself is captured.

Communication here with Platon Karataev, a prisoner like him. It opened his eyes to many truths and made him look at everyday things differently. Plato was a representative of the peasantry, and never entered high society, therefore his life principles are far from high-society postulates about life and are unusual for Pierre. Communication with Karataev leads Pierre to the idea that happiness lies in man himself and, in order to find it, you simply need not to change your spiritual principles, to live in unity with nature and the people. In captivity, Bezukhov realizes that his race to find the meaning of life was meaningless.

Thus, Pierre Bezukhov is a character endowed with positive qualities. He is kind, warm-hearted, incapable of holding a grudge for long, although he is not soft, knows how to stand up for himself, is capable of heroism and self-sacrifice, and often selflessly helps others. At the end of the novel, having experienced many disappointments and sorrows, he becomes not only smart (as the author portrayed him at the beginning of the novel), but also a wise man.

The writer combined in him the best human qualities, showed through the prism of world-scale events the character’s personal experiences and the spiritual development of the individual.

Having finished War and Peace, Lev Nikolaevich said that he was ready to spend his whole life writing a novel, if only it would find a response in the hearts of his compatriots, so that the work would be addressed both after 20 years and after 30. The dreams of the author of the epic came true: after a century and a half The novel makes readers all over the world think about the meaning of life.

Novel "War and Peace"

Leo Tolstoy approached the creation of another imperishable work with characteristic pedantry. “War and Peace” is five thousand sheets of drafts and seven years of hard work. The author, in an attempt to find the truth about the war, spent months studying documents, books and magazines about the events of 1812, even visiting the battlefields in Borodino.

At first, the writer was going to create a novel about an exiled Decembrist, where the action takes place in the mid-19th century, then he changed his mind and returned 25 years into the future, then moved the frame back to the beginning of the war and finally settled on 1805.

The great artistic creation also went down in history as a new literary format. Lev Nikolaevich persistently searched for an unusual type of presentation, and as a result, presented to the reading world a genre that had not yet existed - an epic novel that united dozens of destinies in the light of significant historical events.

The prose writer placed Pierre Bezukhov next to the central characters. The illegitimate son of Count Kirill Bezukhov returned to his native land after 10 years spent abroad. The reader meets the young man in Anna Scherer's salon - this is Pierre's first appearance in society. Society looks with disgust and irony at the naive bastad with his ridiculous appearance, manners and straightforward statements.

After the death of his father, Pierre Bezukhov enters into an inheritance and acquires the status of an eligible bachelor, falling into revelry and debauchery. Soon he says goodbye to his bachelor life, taking Elena Kuragina, known as Helen, as his wife. The mistake in choosing a life partner is obvious - a stupid, calculating lady, moreover, is not distinguished by chastity, cheating on her husband right and left.

Pierre is shocked by the news of a love affair with his friend Fyodor Dorokhov. Only a duel can defend honor, in which the clumsy and harmless Bezukhov, forced by the laws of society to shoot himself, miraculously wounded his opponent. Living with Helen Kuragina is no longer unbearable, and the young man separates from his wife.

From the very beginning, Lev Nikolaevich presents the character as a restless person who is trying to answer eternal questions about the meaning of life, purpose, love and hatred. Spiritual quests gain momentum after betrayal and a duel, and as a result, Pierre becomes interested in Freemasonry. But here, too, disappointment awaits: instead of higher motives, Bezukhov reveals the true goals of the movement - to rise in society, take possession of “uniforms and crosses,” and have a good time in fashionable salons.

The events of 1812, which destroyed the hero’s ideals, help him come to his senses after the personal drama he has experienced. Pierre Bezukhov sees the heroism of the soldiers during the war and also follows their example, discovering in his soul courage, courage and the ability to sacrifice. Battle of Borodino clearly shows Pierre how ordinary people, without unnecessary thought about the meaning of existence, defend their native land.

Bezukhov decides to stay in the occupied capital, naively believing that he will kill Napoleon. But he is captured, where he makes a fateful acquaintance with the peasant Platon Karataev.

The soldier's wisdom and high spirituality changes Pierre's attitude towards life and society. Surprisingly, only in captivity does the hero find peace, accept himself and the shortcomings of others: he understands “not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs.”

However, the simple path of complete acceptance of existence is not for Pierre; he sees a way out in the moral renewal of society and decides to join the ranks of a secret organization. On the love front, fate presents Pierre with a gift - reciprocal feelings and a happy family life. Although, years passed before the couple reunited.

For the first time, Pierre saw a 13-year-old girl with an open and trusting soul while visiting the Rostovs. For a very long time, Bezukhov treated her like a child, watching with interest the development and formation of her personality. Natasha, engaged to Pierre's close friend, betrayed her groom, almost running away with Kuragin, Helen's brother, who bewitched her. The betrayal plunges Bezukhov into shock, and he also feels some involvement in the heroine’s downfall, since he was still married to Helen.

But soon the girl woke up from Kuragin’s spell and plunged into a maelstrom of intense emotions. Bezukhov supported Natasha - and through these sufferings he considered pure soul heroines. Feelings arose gradually, only after Bolkonsky’s death, when communicating with Rostova, I realized that I was full of love for this pure, high being. At the end of the novel, Natasha Rostova accepts a marriage proposal from Pierre Bezukhov, and years later the couple are raising four children.


Leo Tolstoy could not decide on the name of one of the key characters in the novel. Before becoming Pyotr Kirillovich Bezukhov, his “passport data” changed three times: in sketches he appeared as Prince Kushnyov, then Pyotr Medynsky, then Arkady Bezukhim. And when the author conceived a work about the Decembrists, the hero was named Pyotr Lobazov. Moreover, Pierre does not have a specific prototype; as the writer admitted, the character is in many ways similar to himself.

There is no aristocracy in the hero's appearance. Readers meet a well-fed young man with a cropped head and glasses - in a word, nothing remarkable. A gloomy, somewhat stupid face, sometimes with the expression of a guilty person, instantly changes to a smile - then Pierre even becomes handsome. The absurdity of the image and absent-mindedness evoke ridicule from those around him. However, observant people notice a timid, but intelligent look.

Pierre Bezukhov - illustration for the book "War and Peace"

Tolstoy incorporated all the best characteristics into the character, making him a standard for all time. Brilliant education, kindness, readiness to rush to help, nobility, simplicity and gullibility - from the first pages Bezukhov evokes sympathy. He doesn’t even hate his opponent in a duel; on the contrary, he justifies Dorokhov - who knows, perhaps Pierre could have ended up in the place of his wife’s lover.

The novel reflects the evolution of the character of Pierre Bezukhov. From a naive and driven person he turns into a self-sufficient person. The character manages to achieve inner harmony.

Film adaptations

They tried to transfer the novel of the great Russian writer to the screen back in the era of silent cinema. The audience saw the first film directed by Pyotr Chardynin in 1913. By the middle of the century, the film version of the epic was successfully presented by the Americans - the film received three Oscar nominations and a Golden Globe Award.

The Soviet authorities decided to respond to foreigners by entrusting a case of “national importance” to the director. It took six years and 18 million rubles to create the picture. As a result, the main prize of the Moscow International Film Festival and the Oscar.

War and Peace inspired the film industry to create two TV series. The first one was released on the BBC channel in 1972, the script of which was scheduled for 20 episodes. The production of the 2007 television version united several countries - Russia, Germany, France, Italy and Poland. And almost 10 years later, the BBC corporation took up the matter again, revealing to the world, including six episodes.

  • 1913 – “War and Peace” (dir. Pyotr Chardynin)
  • 1915 – “Natasha Rostova” (dir. Pyotr Chardynin)
  • 1956 – “War and Peace” (dir. King Vidor)
  • 1967 – “War and Peace” (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk)
  • 1972 – “War and Peace” (dir. John Davis)
  • 2007 – “War and Peace” (dir. Robert Dornhelm)
  • 2016 – “War and Peace” (dir. Tom Harper)


King Vidor's magnificent film, based on Tolstoy's novel, brought together brilliant actors. The role of Pierre Bezukhov went to Henry Fonda, although they planned to film it. But the man flatly refused to join the company on the set in the image of Natasha Rostova. Later, the actress said that it was difficult to get used to such a complex role.

Sergei Bondarchuk could not decide who to give the role of Countess Rostova. The master of cinema was brought a ballerina - a tender and fragile girl, but blonde, while Tolstoy's heroine had dark hair. Lyudmila did not pass the audition, but got a second chance. On the screens, viewers see the actress in a wig. The director himself played the bastard Bezukhov, and the charming friend Andrei Bolkonsky played.

In the 1972 series, the restless hero was presented so convincingly that the actor was awarded a BAFTA award.

The authors of the 2007 television series “War and Peace” allowed themselves to deviate from the storyline of the work of the Russian classic, changing some points. So, Helen Kuragina died from a terrible disease (in the book, the consequences of an abortion led to death), and in the duel Nikolai Rostov acted as Pierre’s second (in fact, he was the enemy’s assistant). And Natasha Rostova’s performance is not similar to the image described in the novel.

(Andrei Bolkonsky) and (Natasha Rostova). And he demonstrated the evolution of Pierre Bezukhov’s character.


“We all know what evil is for ourselves”
“How easy, how little effort is needed to do so much good,” thought Pierre, “and how little we care about it!”
“We can only know that we know nothing. And this is the highest degree of human wisdom."
“A person cannot own anything while he is afraid of death. And whoever is not afraid of her, everything belongs to him.”
“The main thing is to live, the main thing is to love, the main thing is to believe”
“You are the kind of people who come to people when they are happy in order to ruin their mood.”

And therefore his image is extremely important for us. In this article we will look at Pierre Bezukhov through the prism of three events or chains of different incidents: Napoleon’s rise to the throne, the Battle of Borodino, and we’ll talk about captivity. You can also read more on our website.

The arrival of Napoleon

France was in a state of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. The entire high society was absorbed in these thoughts, and the fact that Napoleon came to power greatly influenced the minds of young and old people. Young people admired the image of the great commander; many considered him a model. When we talk about Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace", it is worth saying that he, too, was delighted with what Napoleon did, his personality and his talent, and it was difficult for Pierre to understand why there were people who were preventing the emperor from creating a great revolution .

At one time, Pierre even wanted to take the oath to stand on the side of Napoleon, but this never happened. Conceivable exploits and achievements for the benefit of the revolutionary movement of France had to collapse in Pierre's soul. In 1812, when the ideals were lost, Pierre began to despise Napoleon and even began to hate him. Instead of adoring this person, Pierre decided that he himself must destroy this enemy, whose tyrannical rule brought only troubles to his native land. If you look at this hero of Tolstoy at that moment, you can say that Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace” is a man obsessed with the desire to deal with Napoleon. Moreover, he believed that by doing this he would fulfill his mission on earth, and this was his destiny.

Pierre at the Battle of Borodino

In 1812 it broke out Patriotic War, and all the foundations of society broke down. Of course, all this also affected Pierre, who had previously led a completely aimless and riotous life. Now, in order to serve his Motherland, Pierre left everything and went to fight. And how the personality of Pierre Bezukhov changes here in the novel “War and Peace”! He searched for himself so much, rushed in vain in search of meaning in life, and then he had the opportunity to get closer to the soldiers who came from ordinary people, to give life a different assessment. And in many ways this became possible thanks to the Battle of Borodino.

The soldiers were mostly true patriots, and this was not false or pretentious. They were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the fatherland, and Pierre saw all the horrors of the war and the mood of ordinary soldiers. Pierre suddenly begins to understand the questions that have been tormenting him for so long. It turns out that everything is so clear. And Pierre Bezukhov wants, following the unfamiliar feeling that has appeared, to breathe deeply and give life his whole heart.

Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace" - captivity

Leo Tolstoy continues to show the development of Pierre's personality, and what happens to him next fully tempers him and forms mature views on life. Pierre Bezukhov is captured, and the French interrogate him, leaving him alive. However, some other prisoners are executed, and Pierre almost goes crazy after this. Bezukhov's meeting with a man named Platon Karataev helps the hero find harmony in his soul.

Although the barracks are cramped, there is physical pain in his body and oppressive emotions, Pierre Bezukhov suddenly realizes that he is truly a happy person. Something changed in his heart, he reevaluated his ideals and looked at everything around him differently. As a result, the French also kill Platon Karataev, who gave Pierre the opportunity to look at life correctly. The hero suffers madly, and soon he is released from captivity by the partisans.

We remind you that full description You can read Pierre. And in this article we examined the topic: Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace".

There are more than five hundred characters in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. One of the main and brightest male roles went to Pierre Bezukhov. In the process of creating his creation, the author first planned to devote it to the fate of the nobles who took part in the uprising of 1825, but later decided to return to the story more early stage development of Russia, by the period of his characters’ youth, their development and formation. In the work, Tolstoy chooses his favorites, and Pierre is one of them. The image of Bezukhov is the most unusual male image in the novel, constantly spinning in the thick of events. Pierre plays a huge role in the development of the novel's actions.

As one of his favorite heroes, Tolstoy begins the story about Pierre from the very beginning of his formation and development as a person. In his youth, Bezukhov was presented as very soft and did not have a strong character, but later he was able to become an organizer of a community against the tsar. The author introduced the hero Pierre into the works at a time when falsehood, flattery and ignorance reigned in society. He was radically different from others, he was an open and straightforward person. He was kind, in a very sincere way, and in this society it was very unnatural. People were afraid of Pierre; he could disrupt this established situation.

For the first time, young Pierre Bezukhov is introduced to the reader by Tolstoy in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, he is demonstrated as a violator of public peace and order, as well as the calm flow of the evening. He is not like others with the presence of an intelligent and observant look. People greet Pierre with a bow that belongs to the lower class. He is the illegitimate son of a nobleman under Catherine, Count Bezukhov, and later an illegitimate heir. Later on in the pages of the novel he becomes the owner of thousands of souls and millions. And become a welcome and dear guest of all salons and homes. Tolstoy does not hide his sympathy for Pierre Bezukhov and presents him as an eligible bachelor in two capitals. And he marries him to a bad and ignorant creature, the St. Petersburg beauty Elena Kuragina.

With the help of the image of Pierre Bezukhov, Tolstoy carries through the entire novel the idea of ​​constant improvement and development.

In Pierre's character there is also room for endless kindness. The hero is young and therefore the dream of glory does not leave him. He even participates and shoots in a duel. He is still ready for unpredictable and destructive actions, due to his youth. Bezukhov accepted the ability to succumb to the calm flow of time, the ability to hear and listen. Platon Karataev, a teacher of righteous life, helped him in this.

Tolstoy gives Pierre the opportunity to fully comprehend simple human happiness and married him for the second time to Natalya Rostova. Later in the novel, Pierre is an experienced family man, the father of four children. Salons, meetings of Masons, thoughts of high destiny are a thing of the past.

This is his true happiness, peace and becoming a hero. But he is not going to stop, he is looking into the distance and making more ambitious plans for political activity. But Tolstoy does not show this to the reader, leaving him in a family, quiet, harmonious family circle, knowing that this is precisely the ideal of his life.

Option 2

There are about 500 characters in the novel War and Peace. Among them, Pierre Bezukhov especially stands out. Mine great novel Tolstoy decided to visit the period of the uprising of the common people against government rule.

Pierre Bezukhov is the author's favorite hero. The hero became the center of the entire novel. As the main character, Tolstoy described the life and character of Bezukhov from a young age. In the book, the image of the hero changes several times. At a young age, he was a weak-willed guy who could not show any courage. Outwardly, the hero was a fat young man wearing glasses. He always wore a tailcoat and light trousers. He often visited the elite salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer and always felt like a stranger. Falsehood has always reigned in this society; people from high society said flattering words to each other in order to get what they wanted.

His position rose sharply after receiving a large inheritance. Pierre attended social events where only the secular elite gathered. This is how he met Helen Kuragina and soon married her. He was soon disappointed to learn that Helen married for wealth. In marriage, she cheated on him with Dorokhov. He was a simple-minded man and lived only at the behest of his heart. Pierre was distinguished by immeasurable kindness, ardent and impulsive character and generosity of soul. Such positive qualities prevented Bezukhov from finding common language with influential people. After disappointment with the surrounding society, Bezukhov joined the Masonic lodge. This community supported the idea of ​​universal brotherhood. Mason Bazdeev became Bezukhov’s mentor. Having joined the lodge, the hero donates a large sum of money. He writes a diary in which he writes his observations. Bezukhov wanted to find the meaning of life and find the meaning of life.

The meeting and acquaintance with the soldier Karataev was important for Bezukhov. The soldier's speech had a decisive influence on Pierre's worldview. While captured by the French army, Pierre acquired new personal qualities like patience for the hardships of life. He no longer hated the French and began to look at life differently.

Upon his release from captivity, Bezukhov changed his attitude towards people. He sought to understand every person and always looked for positive character traits in those around him. Now he could easily refuse people financial assistance. Bezukhov acquired complete happiness after meeting Natasha Rostova. He became a happy family man and a good father of 4 children. After his marriage, he left the Masonic lodge and his wild lifestyle. He forgot about Kulagin and Dorokhov. With the advent of Natasha, he found a new meaning in life. The hero found happiness and joy, as well as long-awaited peace of mind. He decided not to stop at the happiness he had achieved. Bezukhov decided to engage in political activity. He discussed his future plans with Natasha’s brother Nikolai Rostov.

At the end of the novel main character Pierre Bezukhov has completely changed and showed only his best qualities. Serious life difficulties made Bezukhov a mature man and a happy family man.

Essay Characteristics and image of Bezukhov

I got the impression that Pierre Tolstoy partially wrote from himself. Both Pierre and Tolstoy are trying to find the truth and meaning of life. Both Pierre and, to some extent, Tolstoy have unhappy marriages. Pierre had enough willpower and character to radically change his life. Tolstoy also protests - he simply leaves home.

Pierre joins the Masonic lodge. Tolstoy “hits” religion. But this does not bring happiness and relief to either one or the other. Tolstoy does not see a way out of this situation, therefore, he shivers from side to side. The eternal misfortune of the Russian intelligentsia.

Pierre wants to do something significant for society, for the country. He wants there to be a republic, he already sees himself as a second Napoleon. On the contrary, he wants to defeat him. Many wanted to catch Bonaparte and take him to the king.

Pierre collects and equips an entire regiment with his own money. He is not stopped by the fact that he knows nothing about military affairs. He decides that he is entrusted with a great mission - to free the country from the hated Napoleon. The utopian idea fails miserably, and Pierre himself is captured.

A simple Russian soldier with his conversations changes his outlook on life. He begins to see clearly, the rose-colored glasses fall from his eyes, and his mind is cleared of unnecessary thoughts. Nothing in life happens for nothing, which means he needed this captivity to free himself from erroneous thoughts. Understand your true purpose.

What he was looking for lies literally on the surface, right under his nose. And he delved into philosophical treatises and Masonic lodges. Everything in life is simple - live yourself, enjoy life and don’t interfere with other people’s lives. By evil irony, it is the war that cuts this “Gordian” knot that Pierre tied around his neck.

Tolstoy also frees himself from erroneous thoughts. Now he understands what, or rather, who the meaning of life is.

Life gives Pierre a magnificent gift. He marries Natasha Rostova, with whom he was in love all his life, but could not give free rein to his feelings, since he was married. He bathes in a sea of ​​human happiness. He loves and is loved. His wonderful wife gave him four beautiful children. She loves and idolizes him. That's all philosophy is.

The most important thing in the life of any person at all times is family. And then there’s work, friends, hobbies and everything else. Family gives strength and confidence in the future. When you know that your loved ones are waiting for you, you can move mountains.

Or you can take aim at the king. After all, the image of Pierre was conceived as the image of the future Decembrist.

Option 4

He did not get lost among the many other heroes of the novel. We can say that he is also Tolstoy’s favorite hero. Together with the author you can see the process of becoming a person. From a soft-bodied, spineless person from whom “ropes are twisted”, to a man who swung at the king himself.

We first see him in Anna Scherer's salon. What was he like? A short-haired fat man with glasses, a frill and trousers. He clearly doesn’t belong there; those around him secretly laugh at him. He is simple-minded and trusting and looks either like a bear cub or like a big child. So naive, no knowledgeable of life that he can easily be deceived.

When he receives a huge inheritance and becomes one of the richest suitors in St. Petersburg, the ridicule stops. Cunning and predatory ladies are trying to get a rich groom into their networks. And the cold, selfish “doll” Helen Kuragina succeeds in this.

But he has to take off his rose-colored glasses and face the realities of real life. His wife cheats on him, and his lover challenges him to a duel. These events push him to join the Masonic lodge, where all people are brothers. That's what he thinks.

But membership in this organization does not bring him either happiness or peace of mind. But the simple Russian soldier Platon Karataev, with his peasant jokes and jokes, heals his tormented soul. Oh, this is Russian patience and humility (for the time being), tolerance towards French soldiers, forgiveness of friends and relatives.

After his captivity, Pierre seemed to be born again. He treats people more tolerantly, tries in everyone bad person find positive qualities.

It is not for nothing that Tolstoy brings together his two favorite heroes - Natasha and Pierre. Yes, Pierre is not the handsome Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, not the hussar Dolokhov, he is simple-minded, plump, with glasses. He is beautiful with inner beauty. He is generous. Suffice it to remember how he persuaded Prince Andrei to forgive Natasha: “A fallen woman can be forgiven.” But the prince did not forgive.

They are simply made for each other. They need each other. Having suffered, they deserve simple human happiness. Natasha blossoms from the true love of her loved one. They create a wonderful family. Pierre dotes on his wife and his four children.

Describing the family of Pierre and Natasha, perhaps Tolstoy wanted to see his family like this. But his wife, alas, is not Natasha Rostova. She tormented him with her nagging.

In the work "Taras Bulba" one of the main characters are brothers. Ostap and Andriy grew up in the same conditions, but had different characters. The younger brother Andriy was close to his mother, and Ostap tried to be like his father in everything.

We are often asked What is happiness? or why are you happy? It’s tempting to think about what is effective and happiness. In today's world, people have changed their priorities and material values ​​are important to them. I'm glad to have a new phone

In our family, sport has become a good tradition that can unite us and unite us in the most difficult times.

One of the main characters in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is Pierre Bezukhov. His image stands out clearly among other heroes of the epic. In the person of Bezukhov, the author portrays representatives of the progressive intelligentsia early XIX centuries, which were characterized by spiritual quests, since they could no longer live in the environment of the decaying system of autocracy.

During the course of the story, Pierre's image changes, as does the meaning of his life when he finally comes to the highest ideals.

We meet Bezukhov at an evening with Anna Pavlovna Sherer: “A massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers in the fashion of that time, with a high frill and a brown tailcoat.” The external characteristics of the hero are nothing interesting and only cause an ironic smile.

Bezukhov is a stranger in this society, because along with his ridiculous appearance, he has a “smart and at the same time timid, observant and natural look,” which does not see a single living soul in the high-society salon, except for the “mechanical” guests of the salon owner.

Having received a huge inheritance, Pierre still remains in this society; on the contrary, he becomes even more mired in it by marrying the cold beauty Helen Kuragina.

However, everything about him is opposed to secular society. Pierre's main character trait is his kindness. On the first pages of the novel, the hero is simple-minded and trusting; in his actions he is guided by the call of his heart, therefore he is sometimes impulsive and ardent, but in general he is distinguished by his generosity of soul and ardent love. The hero's first life test is Helen's betrayal and Pierre's duel with Dolokhov. A deep spiritual crisis begins in Bezukhov’s life. The hero decides to join the Masonic lodge; it seems to him that the idea of ​​universal brotherhood, continuous work on the inner world - this is the meaning of life. But gradually Pierre becomes disillusioned with Freemasonry, because things do not go further than analyzing his own state of mind. However, Pierre continues to search for the meaning of life, wanting to be useful to the world.

A meeting in French captivity with Platon Karataev, a simple soldier, had a huge influence on the hero’s views. The proverbs and sayings that fill Karataev’s speech mean more to Bezukhov than the detached wisdom of the Freemasons.

During his captivity, Pierre Bezukhov becomes patient, he steadfastly endures life’s hardships and adversities, and also begins to overestimate all the events that happened to him before: “He learned to see the great, the eternal and the infinite... and joyfully contemplated the ever-changing, eternally great, incomprehensible and endless life.”

After captivity, Pierre feels spiritually free, his character changes. His attitude towards people has also changed: he wants to understand people, to see something good in everyone.

Pierre becomes truly happy in his marriage to Natasha Rostova. In the epilogue of the novel, Bezukhov appears before us as a happy family man, the father of four children. The hero found his happiness, peace of mind and joy. Of course, Bezukhov is interested in social issues that concern not only his personal happiness. He shares his thoughts with Nikolai Rostov, his wife’s brother. But political activity Pierre remains behind the scenes, we say goodbye to the hero on a positive note, leaving him with his family, where he feels completely happy.