Stories for children about a turtle. Turtle: brief information

One day Michelangelo came home not by himself, but with a small turtle. The friends were very surprised, but he quickly explained the situation. It turns out that Michelangelo saw her when she was trying to save a little butterfly from a strange monster in the park. Raphael and Donatello did not like this, apparently invented, strange fairy tale about the turtle at all, because she looked more like a small frightened child than a brave defender. Leonardo also did not believe this story, but saw that Michelangelo really wanted to keep it for himself. So he said that if he tried, he might be able to turn her into a real ninja. The guest and Michelangelo were happy, because they had already become friends!
“Okay, let's start classes in the morning,” Donatello commanded. – But you just have to study a lot.
The little turtle was very happy; all night she dreamed of learning martial arts in the morning. Imagine her disappointment when, after breakfast, she was handed a thick book about the secrets of ninja skill. She could hardly force herself to read, it was so boring and long.

Having finally mastered the book, the turtle was again in the mood for real practical exercises, but Donatello handed her another one. This time she had to read the history of martial arts, which was even more boring. But still the turtle read it too. True, she did not read very carefully, skipping some paragraphs, or even entire pages. Therefore, when the Ninja Turtles gave her an exam on the books she had read, the turtle failed to cope with the tasks.

The Tale of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Read about the importance of careful study

Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael decided that the little turtle no longer deserved to be in their company, because it had proven itself incapable of learning and being responsible for the tasks assigned to it. The turtle was very ashamed and bitter: through her impatience, she lost the chance to become a ninja. Michelangelo also felt uneasy. On the one hand, he understood his friends’ decision, but on the other, he didn’t want to part with the turtle. He dreamed that she would become a new member of their team. Michelangelo already imagined himself as a mentor, like an older brother, so he was very offended.

The turtle had already packed her things and was about to leave when she suddenly heard Leonardo’s voice: “Friends, I think we should give our little friend one more chance. After all, you and I also stepped on this rake.” At that moment, the Ninja Turtles remembered how they once took teacher Splinter's advice lightly. One day, they also couldn’t wait to take part in a real battle, so instead of practicing techniques on the orders of the teacher, they went to the surface to fight for justice. Unprepared for a real fight, the turtles were defeated. Luckily, they managed to escape from their enemies and hide in a nearby sewer hole.
This situation served as a good lesson for the turtles. Knowledge has extraordinary value. Therefore, it is so important to pay enough attention to your studies, even if it seems very boring. You need to start with theory, then move on to training. Only after a certain time of regular training can you directly apply knowledge in practice.

The little turtle listened to the story very carefully. She realized that in order to become a real ninja, she still had a lot to learn and learn. After that, she read books very carefully, listened to the advice of older friends and practiced a lot. After all, she clearly remembered that if Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo continued to take their studies lightly, they would have suffered a serious defeat and this fairy tale about the Ninja Turtles simply would not have existed.

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This story happened to me in seventh grade. The incident is funny and ironic.

I like pets. I had many different ones: small and large, smart, beautiful, funny, flying, fluffy and playful. And they were all loved by me and my family.
But I never had a turtle. I didn't even think about this type of pet. And, to be honest, I was a little afraid of them.

One fine day my grandfather came to visit. He was silent, but happy. In one of his hands was a shoebox with holes in the lid. And in the other some kind of package. He came in, put the box on the floor, called me, mom and dad and solemnly opened the box. There was a large turtle sitting in it, which looked at us in much the same way as we looked at it. A look full of surprise and bewilderment. I knew that turtles take a long time to grow, so the size of this turtle told me about its long life. This increased the fear of her even more.

Grandfather, thinking that the appearance of the turtle had brought me unspeakable pleasure, handed me the package and left. A slight stupor did not even allow me to ask where this turtle came from and what to do with it. I opened the package, there was food for my new pet, calcium and a brush to clean the shell.

I will sincerely say that I was very afraid of this turtle. She crawled wherever she wanted, but in response to my attempts to take her, I only heard a hiss. Mom immediately refused to look after the turtle, saying that this is my animal and I must take care of it.

I did not know and still do not know all the intricacies of the life of turtles, I only know that it was a river turtle. I don’t remember where she lived with me, either in an aquarium, or in the box in which she arrived. But I’ll say right away that she stayed with me for a day.

I didn't have the Internet then. Therefore, for a more detailed study of the intricacies of care, I called my classmate, who, it seemed to me, was an expert on turtles. I got this opinion because she herself had a turtle at home. She came to me. A little sad, but ready to help. I asked her what happened and why she looked so sad. In response, I heard that she no longer had a turtle. This news gave me a little hope for a bright future for my newfound turtle. I invited her to pick it up. But the friend sadly refused, saying that her parents no longer allowed her to have a turtle.

She took the bag containing my turtle's supplies and began to pull out its contents. She told me how and when to give food and calcium and how to wash the turtle, and when she pulled out a brush, she smiled sadly and said that she had the same one. Then she left. And me and the turtle remained. I walked around her, trying to take her or at least touch her. But the turtle stretched out its head and, as it seemed to me, opened its mouth menacingly and squinted its eyes.
I called my grandfather. She said that the turtle is not for me. He suggested releasing it into the river that flows in our city. I don’t know if it was the right thing to do, but I took the box, asked my dad to put the turtle in it, and went to my grandfather. I carried the box very carefully and carefully, afraid that it would open and the turtle would get out.

We went to the river. Standing on the shore, I opened the box, and the turtle saw the world. She climbed out onto the grass and headed towards the water. A minute later she dived and quickly swam away. I was happy. Not only for the fact that this creature left my home, but also for the turtle itself. It seemed to me that she would feel much better in her natural habitat. Without suffering in captivity, crawling around the apartment and living in a box. I thought about the turtle and her future life and wished her happiness.

We went home with grandpa. On the way we talked about our animal, and I finally asked where he got this big turtle from. He simply answered me: “Sanya gave it to me from the yard, the dad of your classmate.”
What would you do with the turtle if you were me?

Alla Pankratova
Summary of a lesson on environmental education for older children preschool age“Watch out for the turtle!”

OO "Cognition"

Target: Form at children knowledge about the life of wild animals in their natural habitat.


1. Educational: Continue introducing children with the life of wild animals in natural conditions (with features of movement, nutrition, how to escape from enemies.)

2. Developmental: Show the relationship of animals with their habitat. Develop visual attention fine motor skills hands

Z. Educational: Continue bring up love for nature and respect for it.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at paintings depicting turtles

2. Reading fiction on topic

3. Observations in a corner of nature

Methods and techniques:

1. examination and comparison of living turtles

2. story teacher about the life of turtles in natural habitat

3. artistic word

5. physical education minute

6. conversation on issues

7. practical task

Material and equipment:

1. terrarium with land turtle

2. aquarium with waterfowl turtle

3. album sheets with images of land turtles and food (per child)

4. brown and green markers (per child)

5. green grass

6. live food for waterfowl turtles

7. candy

8. antibacterial wet wipes

Progress of the lesson.

Children are included in the group. Educator greets and invites the children to sit down. Children sit on banquettes in a semicircle. In front of them, on a low table, are covered terrariums with waterfowl and land animals. turtles.

You know, guys, I didn’t come to visit you alone today. And with whom, guess for yourself.

Lives, calmly, not in a hurry

Carry a shield just in case.

Beneath him, knowing no fear

Walking... (turtle) .

That's right, guys! (Educator opens terrariums).

Today I will tell you about life turtles in nature. These animals live in hot countries. All turtles live long. Look carefully. One lives in the water - it is a waterfowl turtle, and the other lives on land - this is a land turtle. (The teacher takes a land turtle)

Their body is short, hidden in a shell. The shell is very hard. He protects turtle from enemies and serves as her home. On four legs, on land turtle claws, so that it is convenient to crawl on the ground and bury yourself in the sand. And the waterfowl turtles The paws have webbed feet to allow them to swim quickly and dive well.

U turtles have a short tail. The head has eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In times of danger turtle hides in a shell - like that! (Show) And it becomes like a stone.

Guys, don’t you hurt animals? Well done! Right! A person must love, protect, and take care of animals!

Land turtle eats plant foods - grass, berries, leaves bushes. (Educator feeds green grass turtle) Waterfowl turtle - eats fish, frogs, worms. ( Educator feeds live food turtle)

Who did I come to visit you with today?

What is this turtle? (shows land turtle)

Why is she called that?

What do you have turtles? (body structure)

What does the land animal eat? turtle?

And what is this turtle? (shows waterfowl turtle)

Where does she live?

What does this one have? turtles? (body structure)

What does waterfowl eat? turtle?

Physical education minute.

Guys, now let's play! Come closer to me. I will now read a poem and show the movements. And you listen carefully and repeat the movements after me!

Who walks so slowly

Who crawls so slowly. Walking in place

This turtle in a stone shirt.

The turtle crawled, Hands on the belt, bending the torso forward

She entered the blue sea. Spread your arms to the sides

She didn't even take off her shell. Make circular movements with your arms forward ( "bras")

The fish were surprised: Who? Raise your shoulders up

Who swims here in a coat? Turns the head left and right

Who, who, who, who,

Does he swim in the sea in a coat? Raise your shoulders up and down

Practical part.

The teacher draws the children's attention that there are album sheets and markers on the tables and invites the children to go to the tables.

Guys, take a close look at what the artist has prepared for us! (look at the image). Did he forget anything? That's right, torso turtles not finished. Let's finish the drawing! Guys, what color will we finish painting with? turtle? That's right, brown! Take a felt-tip pen and finish drawing turtle, connecting the dots, as if stringing beads on a thread. Well done, everyone completed the task! And what did we get? turtle waterfowl or land? Of course, land!

Let's feed her! Let's connect with a line turtle and then what she eats.

Guys, please show me what you did! What a great fellow you are, you fed turtle correctly - grass, flowers, berries. Leave the leaves on the tables and come to me!

The teacher summarizes the lesson.

Bottom line:- Today we learned a lot of interesting things about turtles: that they live in hot countries, they live long, they are land and waterfowl, they have a short body, have a head, four legs, a tail, a strong shell, we found out what they eat turtles. And all the guys know that You can't offend turtles!

Guys, I was very pleased to communicate with you today. Goodbye!

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Turtles are very ancient animals; they have lived on earth for many thousands of years. During this time, they hardly changed their appearance. The body of these animals is enclosed in a bone shell - they say that they “carry their house on themselves.” There are several types of turtles. They can be found in salt and fresh water, in forests and deserts.

Sea turtles are the largest, up to two meters long. Such a turtle weighs as much as a small car; It feeds on algae, fish, and jellyfish.

Land turtles eat plant foods. In fact, turtles can go without food for a very long time - about a year. This helps them endure the winter - they dig holes for themselves and wait there for the onset of warmth.

Little turtles hatch from eggs. In terrestrial turtles, eggs have a white, hard shell; among mermen it is soft and thin, like paper.

Turtles see very well, they can even distinguish colors. They have excellent hearing, almost like cats. If you speak kindly to a turtle, it cranes its neck and listens; if you scold, he hides in his shell. A very interesting and mysterious animal.

The turtle is an amazing and friendly creature, some species of which began to inhabit our planet long before the dinosaurs.

Under natural conditions, turtles live in Africa, Southeast Asia, Southern Europe and America. And they are divided into two families: land and freshwater.

One of the amazing things about turtles is their size. Which, along with the smallest turtle in the world, which is only 7 cm long, can reach 2 meters.

At the same time, turtles are long-lived and in nature they can live up to 150 years!

Another feature of the turtle, and probably its main distinctive feature is the presence of a shell. The shell is necessary for the turtle to protect itself from predators and natural conditions, such as, for example, the scorching sun.

The turtle is one of the most popular pets not only for Soviet children, but also for modern ones. Possessing an unusual appearance, the turtle is quite unpretentious and, provided it is properly maintained, is capable of pleasing its owner for many years. After all, with proper care, an individual can live 30-50 years.

Most species are ideal for living in city apartments. However, turtles, like other pets, need constant attention from the owner.

Therefore, if you decide to get a pet turtle, discuss with your child the full responsibility of this decision and talk about how you will need to care for it, how you can play and what to feed it. And of course, be prepared to take on some of the caregiving responsibilities.


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