Removal of papillomas on the lip. Causes and methods of removing warts on the lip

Papillomas on the lip are benign formations caused by the presence of HPV in the body, the carriers of which are 90% of the world's inhabitants. In rare cases it can be malignant. The growth causes a lot of difficulties and needs to be removed. To do this, they resort to the help of qualified specialists and folk remedies. The main problem treatment is the risk of leaving a scar on the face, which is almost impossible to get rid of.

Localization of growths is possible in the nasolabial triangle, chin, and less often on the red border of the lips. It is extremely rare to have papillomas on the inside of the lips. As a rule, upon more detailed examination, these turn out to be neoplasms not associated with the HPV virus, which are cysts or tumors of the lip tissue.

The growth on the lips looks like pointed formations, 1–2 mm high and up to 2 mm wide, but it can also have a large club-shaped shape with a rough keratinized surface, reaching 1–1.5 cm.

Skin cancer can often begin under the guise of an ordinary papilloma. It can be either primary or developed from a mole that is subject to injury. Most cases of lip cancer occur in smokers. Skin cancer is characterized by:

  1. Irregular form of formation, possible presence of defects or ulcers.
  2. Uneven texture.
  3. Leaks in the form of clear liquid or mixed with blood.
  4. Hair loss from the formation (provided that there was any).
  5. Growth of the formation from the skin to the mucous membrane, nose, cheeks, etc.

If you notice any of these signs, do not delay visiting your doctor. Timely diagnosis and initiation of full treatment greatly increases the chances of recovery. Delay may cost you your life! It is necessary to identify the causes of the formation of papillomas on the lip in order to undergo a course of drug therapy.

Treatment of formations on the lip

Papillomas on the lips respond well to treatment, and wounds heal quickly. It depends on your health condition. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it is possible to form a deep or extensive scar (most often a chemical burn) that will not disappear. We will consider in detail why papilloma on the lip is dangerous and how to get rid of it.

Official medicine

When growths form on the lyceum of the oral cavity and the mucous membrane of the minor lips, practicing dermatologists recommend using gentle treatment methods, avoiding surgical removal until the last minute. You can get rid of papilloma in the following ways:

  1. Cryodestruction. An effective and simple procedure. The growths are frozen using liquid nitrogen, after which they fall off on their own within 5 to 7 days. After treatment, no traces remain, the wounds heal in a couple of weeks. The method is effective against small formations, but it will not be possible to remove large ones using cryodestruction.
  2. Thermocoagulation. The growths are burned out using hot objects or electric current. There is an increased risk of minor scarring after treatment.
  3. Use of keratolytics. Apply chemicals, capable of dissolving the main substance of the skin - keratin. Since its amount in the keratinized skin growth is extremely increased, keratolytics dissolve its outer layer. For small formations, this leads to complete recovery, but for large ones, a connective tissue protrusion remains, which must be eliminated using additional methods. If treatment of papilloma localized on the lip is carried out in a small child, apply the substance carefully, avoiding contact with the surrounding skin. After application, cover the growth with an adhesive plaster to prevent keratolytics from getting into the eyes, mouth, and nose.
  4. Surgical treatment. It is carried out for advanced cases, large warts. Removing a papilloma will inevitably leave behind a scar. Its presence confuses many patients; therefore, cosmetic sutures and hormonal ointments are used to minimize its size.

Traditional methods of treatment

People have long tried to get rid of infections using the means available to them. To remove papilloma on the lip, plants, remedies from home first aid kit. The use of many methods is gentle enough that it can be used in children.

  • The use of vinegar, iodine. If you are worried about a papilloma that appears on your lip, then take a clean cotton wool, roll it into a ball and moisten it generously with table vinegar or iodine. Apply it to the growth, and then secure it with an adhesive plaster. Change the cotton wool 2 – 3 times a day. The method is not suitable for many people due to the inability to use it at work, before going out.

In addition, you can knead a small amount of dough in water, adding vinegar to it. A papilloma on the inside of the lip can go away if you apply the resulting dough twice a day for 5–6 hours.

  • Juice of celandine, sour fruits or berries. Find a celandine bush, break off a twig from it and smear the yellow juice that comes out of it onto the wart. Manipulations can be carried out with sour berries, cherries or other plants by making an incision in them and squeezing out the juice. Due to its naturalness and low toxicity, the method is suitable for use in children.
  • Thread or hair. If you are looking for a way to get rid of papilloma, a large, club-shaped one, inside the lips, then you will need a strong, preferably thin, thread. Horse hair or strong human hair may be suitable. Take the thread, make one turn around the stem of the wart, then tie a knot tightly so as to press the stem of the growth as close to the base as possible. In a few days it will fall off on its own and the growths can be prevented from spreading. Treat the wound left after papilloma on the lip mucosa for 14 days with celandine juice or iodine.

Prevention and possible consequences

To prevent the appearance of papillomas on the lip, avoid hypothermia, colds, and minor skin injuries. Monitor the condition of the skin and remove growths at an early stage, without waiting for them to reach large sizes, because over time, neoplasms not only increase in size - they have daughter formations located next to or on themselves. Strengthen your immune system.

After treatment, monitor the condition of the wound and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering it. To avoid the appearance of a scar, apply medicinal substances only to the papilloma itself, without touching the skin around it. During the procedure, you can apply a plastic film with a slit under the wart to protect the skin and lower lip. If the tumor occupies a large area or is more than a year old, the chance of a scar appearing after its removal increases.

If, after the wound has completely healed, you observe the presence of a scar, then in the first 3 to 5 weeks you can apply ointments with glucocorticosteroids. This will reduce the size of the scar tissue until it disappears completely.

The appearance of a wart on your lip can be a shock! Not only does such a growth spoil all the pleasure of eating, increases the sensitivity of the lips, it also spoils the beauty! If left unattended, the growth can cause cracks in the lips and the development of a secondary infection.

Wart neoplasms are a benign tumor of viral etiology. The main reason for the appearance of growths is infection with papillomavirus. The location and appearance of such neoplasms depends on the strain of HPV that attacked the body.


  • Simple or vulgar formations. A dense spherical nodule that matches the skin tone;
  • Acrochords. Hanging soft outgrowths resembling a broken thread;
  • Condylomas. They attack the mucous membranes and epithelium, often unite, merging into one soft, loose growth, prone to inflammation and injury;
  • Flat growths. Localized on the outer and inner surfaces of the lips, smooth rounded neoplasms, slightly rising above the main one skin, flesh-colored.

The root cause of the appearance of tumors on the lips is papillomavirus. This is one of the most common infections in the world. According to statistics, over 80% of the world's population are carriers of HPV. However, not every infected person exhibits clinical symptoms in the form of growths. This is due to the “sleeping” mode of the virus. As long as the human immune system provides adequate resistance, HPV does not manifest itself in any way. But as soon as the body’s defenses are weakened, the virus takes active action. It is integrated into the DNA of epithelial cells, provokes their proliferation and, as a result, the appearance of neoplasms.

The following can weaken the immune system and activate HPV:

  • Previous viral or bacterial disease;
  • Changes in hormonal levels (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Stress;
  • Insomnia;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics or steroids.

The danger of warts on the lips

In most cases, warts on the lips do not pose a threat to human health and life. The risk of their malignancy is extremely low. However, trauma to the growth during shaving or eating can lead to an inflammatory process with subsequent degeneration into an oncological tumor.

The contagiousness (infectiousness) of warts on the lip is high. Close contact with the patient, kissing, or sharing the same dishes or towel can cause infection of loved ones.

Treatment of warts on the lips

Therapy for growths on the outer and inner sides of the lip begins with their removal. Whatever treatment method you choose, the condition for successfully getting rid of tumors will be a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

After confirming the diagnosis, you can make your choice in favor

  • Hardware;
  • Medication;
  • Traditional methods of therapy.

Removal in the clinic

You can get rid of a wart on the lip in a specialized medical center using modern hardware techniques:

Drug treatment

Complex therapy for wart growths includes removal of the tumor, taking antiviral and immunomodulating agents. To remove warts on the inside of the lip, local antiviral drugs are used: Viferon, Oxolinic ointment.

Viferon is prescribed in complex treatment or as independent therapy. The basic component of Viferon is recombinant human interferon, which is produced by the body in response to a viral attack. It blocks the proliferation of viral cells, while simultaneously stimulating the body to produce its own interferon. Thus, Viferon simultaneously performs an immunostimulating and antiviral function.

Oxolinic ointment is widely known as a means of protection against respiratory diseases. When applied topically, Oxolinic ointment helps to gently get rid of unwanted growths by suppressing HPV activity. Good effect can be achieved by using Oxolinic ointment with immunostimulating drugs: Immunal, Isoprinosine.

Warts on the outer part of the lip can be treated with Verrukacid, Lapis Pencil or Cryopharma.

Verrucacid has a necrotizing effect on neoplasm tissue. Using an applicator, the growth is treated in a targeted manner. There are only one or two procedures left to get rid of the wart.

Silver nitrate, which is part of the Lapis pencil, combines two functions: it cauterizes the wart tissue and prevents the development of a secondary infection.

The action of Cryopharm is reminiscent of cryodestruction using liquid nitrogen. But the refrigerant contained in the product is intended for home use.

Folk remedies for tumors on the lips

Many patients prefer folk recipes treatment of unwanted growths, justifying their choice by the availability and harmlessness of this method of therapy. When starting therapy according to the recipes of traditional healers, you should understand that such treatment will be long-term and will require strict adherence to the recipe and algorithm of actions.


Table vinegar contains an acid that has a necrotizing effect on neoplasm tissue. One or two drops of vinegar are applied pointwise to the growth and allowed to dry. The manipulation should be repeated twice - three times a day.


The effectiveness of fresh celandine increases during its flowering period - from early May to late June. At this time, fresh grass juice squeezed from the stem is treated with the formation twice a day. If the period of the disease does not coincide with the flowering period of the grass, you can purchase a ready-made celandine extract from the pharmacy chain. The effect of treatment with fresh juice and pharmaceutical preparation is identical.


When treating warts on the lip, the cauterizing and bactericidal properties of garlic are used. The peeled garlic clove is washed under running water, crushed using a garlic press, grater or knife. The resulting pulp is spread on parchment or cling film, applied to the neoplasm and fixed with a bandage or plaster. It is best to do a garlic compress before bed.

Prevention of relapse

It will not be possible to completely recover from papillomavirus, but it is quite possible to avoid the recurrence of rashes. To do this you need:

  • Balance your diet;
  • Avoid stress if possible;
  • Avoid unprotected sex;
  • Observe hygiene rules;
  • Do not use someone else's towel or cosmetics.

A healthy lifestyle, alternating rest and physical activity, walking around the city will strengthen your immune system and avoid the appearance of unwanted growths.

Video on topic

It can occur after kissing an infected person, while using his cosmetics, personal hygiene items, dishes, etc. The human papillomavirus is now diagnosed in 78% of adults. This infection has several types, most of which are not dangerous to human health and life. After entering the body, the virus may not appear, from 2 weeks to several years. Afterwards, it begins to recur, appearing more often in the place through which it entered the body. When a formation appears, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist and a course of recommended therapy.

Signs of a tumor in the mouth

Recognize papillomas on the inner lipsquite simple, because they all have typical manifestations. HPV growths differ from other formations provoked by fungal or bacterial flora:

  • diameter – about 10 mm;
  • rough surface;
  • shape (round head, which connects to the mucous epithelium with a thin stalk);
  • shade - from white to pale red;
  • when touched, the formation is soft and painless.

The formation on the inside of the lip does not pose a threat to human life and health. However, it is located in a place that is often subject to friction (while eating, talking, etc.) and can be injured. If damaged, the formation can begin to bleed, become painful and serve as a source for the penetration of pathogens. To reduce the risk of damage to the growth, after its appearance, you should engage in complex therapy.

Causes of papilloma on the lip in the mouth

You can become infected with HPV through any close contact with a virus carrier (kissing, oral sex, using a toothbrush, etc.). Once an infection enters the body, it may not appear immediately. The incubation period sometimes lasts from several weeks to 1 year or more, depending on the characteristics of the organism and good work immune system.

The appearance of a growth can be provoked by:

  • lack of necessary nutrients in the body (vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • smoking, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • poor oral care;
  • diseases of the immune system, etc.

Papilloma on the mucous membrane of the lipmay not bother a person for a long time until it increases in size and begins to interfere mechanically. Before starting therapy, it is important to undergo examination and find out the type of HPV to ensure that the formation is benign.

Diagnosis of formation on the lip

If appeared papilloma on the inside of the lip, you need to contact a therapist, dermatologist or virologist. The specialist will initially examine the tumor visually, collect anamnesis and give directions for further research.

In the acute period of the disease, it is recommended to carry out cytological studies which will help determine the type of virus. Next, the skin at the site of formation is tested under a microscope, where general indicators of skin condition, the degree of inflammation and other necessary details are determined.

When the virus is inactive, there is no point in conducting research, since it is reliably hidden in the body from injections and other manipulations. You can only use multi-prime DNA modification, which will help identify all strains of the virus in the body.

Traditional treatment of papilloma on the lip

Treatment is prescribed comprehensively. Therapy is aimed at strengthening the immune system, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and removing the growth itself. The patient is prescribed antiviral drugs, medicines, vitamin complex. For epithelial growth, excision is used using:

  • laser therapy;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electric knife;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • local drugs;
  • surgical intervention.

The laser method has proven to be the best method for removing growths, thanks to which you can quickly and almost painlessly get rid of the growth. It is carried out in many specialized clinics. The cost of the procedure is quite affordable, and the result will be very effective after 1-2 sessions.

At home, you can get rid of the growth with the help of pharmaceutical preparations for warts. Use the products on the delicate epithelium inside the mouth with extreme caution so as not to damage healthy tissue. During treatment, do not forget about proper nutrition, monitor oral hygiene, use your own cosmetics.

Folk remedies for papilloma inside the lip

Growths on the lip in the mouth respond well to treatment with folk remedies, of which there are a huge number today. All of them are safe if used correctly, following all recommendations.

  1. You can remove growths on the mucous membrane inside the mouth using aloe or Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, you need to pick a leaf, break it in half and apply it to the epithelium. This component is absolutely safe, but may have a bitter taste.
  2. Using fresh chicken protein, you can get rid of skin lesions. To do this, you need to crack the protein, soak a cotton swab in it and lubricate the growth throughout the day until it is completely destroyed.
  3. You can prepare an ointment based on garlic juice and petroleum jelly by mixing the components in equal proportions. The resulting product should be lubricated on the formation on the lip several times a day or the ointment should be applied to the papilloma, applying it to a piece of cotton wool.

Any lump on the skin or mucous membrane is a reason to consult a doctor. Most often, the cause of this symptom is the activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. A growth inside the lip requires consultation with a specialist who, after diagnosis and examination, will select the most appropriate treatment.

A growth on the lip is a benign tumor that rises above the surface of the mucosa. The diameter of such formations usually does not exceed 1 centimeter. Their development is due to the activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. Since the epithelium of the lips is very thin and delicate, the penetration of the virus into the body is greatly facilitated. Most often, a lump appears on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, on the inside of the lip, on the red border.

After the introduction of a pathogenic agent into the body, it may not manifest itself for a long time, while remaining viable. When there are disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, the pathogen is activated and external symptoms appear. The ways of infection with the virus are as follows:

  • contact with saliva during a kiss;
  • handshake;
  • using other people's personal items - towel, soap, razor, washcloth;
  • oral sex;
  • vertical route - transmission to a child from an infected mother during childbirth.

Unfavorable factors that influence the activation of the pathogen include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • systematic overwork of the body;
  • lack of sleep;
  • acute lack of vitamins;
  • regular emotional stress;
  • hormonal disorders.

Those people who abuse alcoholic drinks, smoke, have an increased risk of viral activation after infection.

There are other reasons for the appearance of a bump on the inside of the lip. The integrity of the lip tissue is compromised due to exposure to physical, chemical or biological factors. A virus attack may be accompanied by the appearance of a tumor on the lip. The oral cavity is exposed to herpes, enterovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus and shingles. All these diseases are accompanied by the appearance of compaction on the mucous membrane of the lips.

When the epithelial layer is mechanically damaged, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the soft tissues, causing various symptoms, including formations on the lip. When an injury of any intensity occurs, a lump appears. Injuries occur due to:

  • natural curvature of teeth;
  • biting;
  • wearing braces to correct the dentition;
  • piercing;
  • wearing dentures.

Regardless of the cause, the appearance of bumps or warts on the lips requires consultation with a specialist.

When you need specialist help

If a lump or wart appears on the lip, you should contact a doctor immediately. Since only a specialist can determine the cause of such a symptom and choose the right treatment. It is especially important to visit a doctor if the body temperature rises, bleeding of the formation appears, it grows rapidly, or any other suspicious symptoms occur.


During the examination, a qualified specialist determines the nature of the formation. It can be white, pink, red or flesh-colored. When papilloma appears, the type of virus that caused its appearance should be determined. For this, a PCR test is performed. Other types of examination include:

  • dermatoscopy, with the help of which the tissues of formation, neighboring tissues, and the site of growth are studied;
  • biopsy, which involves taking a tissue sample of the growth for further study in the laboratory;
  • An immunogram is a blood test that allows you to assess the level of the body’s immune system;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • study of biochemical blood parameters;
  • probing of gland ducts;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • sialography;
  • radiography;
  • computed tomography.

Removal of the formation is carried out only if its benign nature is confirmed. You should not try to remove the lump yourself; this can have dangerous consequences.

Methods for removing growths

If a lump appears on the frenulum of the upper lip, on the inner part of the mucous membrane, the methods of removal directly depend on the cause of its appearance. Most often, the following procedures are performed to remove pathological tissue compaction:

  1. Direct surgical removal. Involves making an incision in the mucosa and removing the lump. It is usually used if a tumor is diagnosed, if a benign formation is rapidly growing. After surgical removal, a scar remains; the recovery period lasts longer than when using other removal methods.
  2. Laser therapy. This is the least traumatic type surgical treatment. There are no side effects after use. Characterized by a high therapeutic effect. The recovery period is fast.
  3. Cryodestruction. The impact on the cone is carried out using liquid nitrogen;
  4. If a wart or papilloma is identified, removal can be carried out using electrocoagulation. In this case, high-frequency current is used.
  5. Radio wave therapy. Non-contact tissue destruction is carried out, without bleeding or scarring.

Only a specialist can determine which method is suitable in a particular case after a preliminary examination and diagnosis. With strict adherence to all medical recommendations and prescriptions, you can get rid of the pathological neoplasm as soon as possible, while preventing possible relapse and consequences.

Conservative therapy

The methods described above for getting rid of a lump are prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the nature of the tumor. Drug treatment is used only if the lump appears as a result of a bacterial, inflammatory or infectious process. In this case, the following are assigned:

  • broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs that are designed to accelerate tissue regeneration.

Local treatment is carried out using special dental gels and ointments that have a powerful symptomatic effect.

Use of folk remedies

The use of alternative medicine methods should not be the only treatment. Folk remedies can only be used as auxiliaries and only after the prior permission of the doctor. The following means are used:

  1. Sage decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over two tablespoons of dry crushed sage. Place on low heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. Next, let it cool completely, strain and use as a mouth rinse and lotion on the bump to disinfect and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.
  2. Antiseptic solution based on sea salt. For 0.25 ml of warm water, take 1 tsp. salt, stir, use for rinsing.
  3. Mouth rinse solution based on propolis. Improves tissue regeneration, stops the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Lotions and irrigation of the oral cavity using a decoction of calendula. Helps relieve the severity of the inflammatory process and remove pathogenic microflora.
  5. Tea tree oil. Mix with butter or olive oil. Used for applying compresses to thickened areas.
  6. A decoction of the leaves of celandine, string, and birch chaga mushroom. Take all ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water. Let him insist. When cool, strain. Freeze in the freezer, rub the formation with these cubes three to four times during the day.
  7. Essential oil of oregano. Dilute with olive oil and wipe the formation several times a day.

Cannot be used essential oils V pure form, garlic juice. This can cause burns to the delicate mucous membrane. Folk remedies are not a panacea. They can only be used as auxiliaries to carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity in order to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and get rid of pathogenic microflora.

Prevention of the problem

To prevent the development and recurrence of pathological epithelial compactions, experts recommend following the following preventive measures:

  • carry out daily personal oral hygiene;
  • use only personal hygiene products for oral care;
  • regularly visit your dentist for preventive examinations;
  • harden the body;
  • minimize the impact of negative habits;
  • prevent mechanical injuries and damage to mucous membranes.

If a lump has already appeared, you should not touch it with your hands, especially unwashed ones; you should not pick at it or try to remove it yourself. If a tumor appears on the inside of the lips or on any part of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible and begin appropriate treatment.

To minimize the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body, the following measures should be observed:

  • do not use other people's towels, razors, soap or washcloths;
  • during intimacy, be sure to use barrier methods of contraception;
  • avoid casual sexual intercourse, if this happens, carry out mandatory treatment of the external genitalia with miramistin or chlorhexidine;
  • strengthen the immune system so that it can independently overcome the attack of viruses (toughen up, walk more fresh air, include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, add moderate physical activity to your regimen).

If all preventive measures are followed, you can significantly reduce the risk of the human papillomavirus entering the body, as well as reduce the likelihood of bumps appearing on the inside of the lips.

New growths on the skin that appear as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (warts) are familiar to many.

Both the vulgar wart on the hand and the plantar wart are cause for concern.

But if a tumor appears on the face, and even more so on the lips, there is no need to postpone a visit to the dermatologist.

Symptoms and causes

Having noticed a nodule or flat spot on the lip that differs in color from the surrounding skin, It’s better not to try to cope with the tumor on your own. The appearance of a wart does not indicate that the infection occurred 2-3 days ago, but that the immune system has suffered a serious failure.

The person will probably remember that he had such symptoms:

  • microtraumas (cracks, “jams”) at the site of the appearance of the tumor;
  • itching, burning, subtle bleeding, discomfort when eating or drinking;
  • colds, viral infections, stress before the appearance of a tumor.

It is through skin damaged by injury or disease such as herpes that the virus enters the human body and remains in the layers of the epidermis to begin rapid development at the slightest weakening of the body or impaired immunity.

You can get infected by kissing a sick person, touching your lips with poorly washed hands, drinking from a carelessly washed glass, when using other people's hygiene products, cosmetics, creams. unprotected oral sex can also become with a virus-infected partner.

Instant contact or touching the wound with infected hands is enough to become infected.. Therefore, strict adherence to hygiene rules after visiting public places, traveling on the subway, buses and trams, hospitals, schools, places with large crowds of people is the most important condition for maintaining health.

The virus can exist in the body for up to several months, waiting in the wings. It may not manifest itself in any way until the end of its life.

But when the necessary conditions are created, a tiny spot or bump will appear on the mucous membrane, border or skin of the lips, gradually increasing in size, causing inconvenience and discomfort.

Danger of disease

How dangerous is a wart on the lip? Any adults, and even more so on the lips, pose a danger.

This is not just a cosmetic defect that you can put up with: too thin skin and the proximity of blood vessels, constant contact with the sun's rays greatly increase the risk of some benign tumors degenerating into malignant ones, easily growing into the layers of the epidermis.

Due to frequent trauma, tumors grow and the risk of infection, the onset of an inflammatory process that can spread to the oral cavity, larynx and deeper.

Next to one wart one or more new ones may appear, disfiguring the face.


Since you are now familiar with the symptoms and causes of warts on the lip, the photos will help you see what they look like:

Now that you know a little more about lip warts, how to get rid of them is the next topic we would like to cover in this article.

Treatment methods and step-by-step instructions

There are several methods for getting rid of warts. If the dermatologist allows it, he can recommend the best method.

We will talk in more detail about each method of treating warts on the lips below.


Let's start with pharmaceuticals in the form of ointments, which are simply littered with pharmaceutical wounds. We will tell you about the most popular and effective drugs in this group.


  1. Squeeze from the tube onto your fingertip.
  2. Apply carefully to the neoplasm.
  3. Gently rub into dry, cleansed skin.
  4. Wait until it dries and a thin film appears.
  5. Repeat the procedure after 4 hours.
  6. Apply 4 times a day.

Continue treatment for 5 - 30 days until the wart disappears. This ointment does not damage healthy skin, does not leave scars, and is easy to use.

Oxolinic ointment

Instructions for use of ointment:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of ointment onto your finger.
  2. Apply to a dry, clean surface of the growth.
  3. Rub in with gentle movements.
  4. Wait until completely absorbed.
  5. Repeat after 4 hours.

Repeat 3 times a day until the swelling disappears(14 - 50 days).

You can also use Iikquimod ointment, Aldara cream, acting in accordance with the instructions using the technology described above.


Here we will talk about effective drugs for warts on the lip in the form of capsules and tablets.


One of the best means to get rid of warts is Isoprinosine. This immunomodulator is prescribed to people who are concerned about the appearance of a large number of growths not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body.

  1. 2 tablets are taken 3 times a day before meals (children drink half a tablet).
  2. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  3. Then they take a break for 30 days.
  4. Repeat the 14-day course of taking the drug 3 times a day.
  5. Then, another break for 30 days.
  6. After this time, the last 14-day course begins with three doses of the drug per day.


"Cycloferon" is a powerful immune and antiviral agent. It can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. according to a special scheme. Start treatment when warts appear.

  1. On day 1 - take 2 tablets without chewing.
  2. On day 2 - swallow 2 tablets with plenty of water.
  3. Then take 2 tablets with water on days 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23.
  4. It is best to mark the days you take the pills, this will help you adhere to the course of treatment.

These are not all products that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Full list we published in our other . We especially recommend paying attention to such a drug as.

Folk remedies

It's no secret that warts can be cured with folk remedies. Below are the most popular recipes.