42 on the periodic table. History of creation and development

If you find the periodic table difficult to understand, you are not alone! Although it can be difficult to understand its principles, learning how to use it will help you when studying science. First, study the structure of the table and what information you can learn from it about each chemical element. Then you can begin to study the properties of each element. And finally, using the periodic table, you can determine the number of neutrons in an atom of a particular chemical element.


Part 1

Table structure

    The periodic table, or periodic table of chemical elements, begins on the left top corner and ends at the end of the last row of the table (lower right corner). The elements in the table are arranged from left to right in increasing order of their atomic number. The atomic number shows how many protons are contained in one atom. In addition, as the atomic number increases, the atomic mass also increases. Thus, by the location of an element in the periodic table, its atomic mass can be determined.

  1. As you can see, each subsequent element contains one more proton than the element preceding it. This is obvious when you look at the atomic numbers. Atomic numbers increase by one as you move from left to right. Because elements are arranged in groups, some table cells are left empty.

    • For example, the first row of the table contains hydrogen, which has atomic number 1, and helium, which has atomic number 2. However, they are located on opposite ends because they belong to different groups.
  2. Learn about groups that contain elements with similar physical and chemical properties. The elements of each group are located in the corresponding vertical column. They are typically identified by the same color, which helps identify elements with similar physical and chemical properties and predict their behavior. All elements of a particular group have the same number of electrons in their outer shell.

    • Hydrogen can be classified as both alkali metals and halogens. In some tables it is indicated in both groups.
    • In most cases, the groups are numbered from 1 to 18, and the numbers are placed at the top or bottom of the table. Numbers can be specified in Roman (eg IA) or Arabic (eg 1A or 1) numerals.
    • When moving along a column from top to bottom, you are said to be “browsing a group.”
  3. Find out why there are empty cells in the table. Elements are ordered not only according to their atomic number, but also by group (elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties). Thanks to this, it is easier to understand how a particular element behaves. However, as the atomic number increases, elements that fall into the corresponding group are not always found, so there are empty cells in the table.

    • For example, the first 3 rows have empty cells because transition metals are only found from atomic number 21.
    • Elements with atomic numbers 57 to 102 are classified as rare earth elements, and are usually placed in their own subgroup in the lower right corner of the table.
  4. Each row of the table represents a period. All elements of the same period have the same number of atomic orbitals in which the electrons in the atoms are located. The number of orbitals corresponds to the period number. The table contains 7 rows, that is, 7 periods.

    • For example, atoms of elements of the first period have one orbital, and atoms of elements of the seventh period have 7 orbitals.
    • As a rule, periods are designated by numbers from 1 to 7 on the left of the table.
    • As you move along a line from left to right, you are said to be “scanning the period.”
  5. Learn to distinguish between metals, metalloids and nonmetals. You will better understand the properties of an element if you can determine what type it is. For convenience, in most tables metals, metalloids, and nonmetals are designated by different colors. Metals are on the left and non-metals are on the right side of the table. Metalloids are located between them.

    Part 2

    Element designations
    1. Each element is designated by one or two Latin letters. As a rule, the element symbol is shown in large letters in the center of the corresponding cell. A symbol is a shortened name for an element that is the same in most languages. Element symbols are commonly used when conducting experiments and working with chemical equations, so it is helpful to remember them.

      • Typically, element symbols are abbreviations of their Latin name, although for some, especially recently discovered elements, they are derived from the common name. For example, helium is represented by the symbol He, which is close to the common name in most languages. At the same time, iron is designated as Fe, which is an abbreviation of its Latin name.
    2. Pay attention to the full name of the element if it is given in the table. This element "name" is used in regular texts. For example, "helium" and "carbon" are names of elements. Usually, although not always, the full names of the elements are listed below their chemical symbol.

      • Sometimes the table does not indicate the names of the elements and only gives their chemical symbols.
    3. Find the atomic number. Typically, the atomic number of an element is located at the top of the corresponding cell, in the middle or in the corner. It may also appear under the element's symbol or name. Elements have atomic numbers from 1 to 118.

      • The atomic number is always an integer.
    4. Remember that the atomic number corresponds to the number of protons in an atom. All atoms of an element contain the same number of protons. Unlike electrons, the number of protons in the atoms of an element remains constant. Otherwise, you would get a different chemical element!

      • The atomic number of an element can also determine the number of electrons and neutrons in an atom.
    5. Usually the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. The exception is the case when the atom is ionized. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. Because atoms are usually neutral, they contain the same number of electrons and protons. However, an atom can gain or lose electrons, in which case it becomes ionized.

      • Ions have an electrical charge. If an ion has more protons, it has a positive charge, in which case a plus sign is placed after the element symbol. If an ion contains more electrons, it has a negative charge, indicated by a minus sign.
      • The plus and minus signs are not used if the atom is not an ion.

Many have heard about Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and about the “Periodic Law of Changes in the Properties of Chemical Elements in Groups and Series” that he discovered in the 19th century (1869) (the author’s name for the table is “Periodic System of Elements in Groups and Series”).

The discovery of the table of periodic chemical elements was one of the important milestones in the history of the development of chemistry as a science. The discoverer of the table was the Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev. An extraordinary scientist with a broad scientific outlook managed to combine all ideas about the nature of chemical elements into a single coherent concept.

Table opening history

By the middle of the 19th century, 63 chemical elements had been discovered, and scientists around the world have repeatedly made attempts to combine all existing elements into a single concept. It was proposed to place the elements in order of increasing atomic mass and divide them into groups according to similar chemical properties.

In 1863, the chemist and musician John Alexander Newland proposed his theory, who proposed a layout of chemical elements similar to that discovered by Mendeleev, but the scientist’s work was not taken seriously by the scientific community due to the fact that the author was carried away by the search for harmony and the connection of music with chemistry.

In 1869, Mendeleev published his diagram of the periodic table in the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society and sent notice of the discovery to leading world scientists. Subsequently, the chemist repeatedly refined and improved the scheme until it acquired its usual appearance.

The essence of Mendeleev's discovery is that with increasing atomic mass, the chemical properties of elements change not monotonically, but periodically. After a certain number of elements with different properties, the properties begin to repeat. Thus, potassium is similar to sodium, fluorine is similar to chlorine, and gold is similar to silver and copper.

In 1871, Mendeleev finally combined the ideas into the periodic law. Scientists predicted the discovery of several new chemical elements and described their chemical properties. Subsequently, the chemist’s calculations were completely confirmed - gallium, scandium and germanium fully corresponded to the properties that Mendeleev attributed to them.

But not everything is so simple and there are some things we don’t know.

Few people know that D.I. Mendeleev was one of the first world-famous Russian scientists of the late 19th century, who defended in world science the idea of ​​ether as a universal substantial entity, who gave it fundamental scientific and applied significance in revealing the secrets of Existence and to improve the economic life of people.

There is an opinion that the periodic table of chemical elements officially taught in schools and universities is a falsification. Mendeleev himself, in his work entitled “An Attempt at a Chemical Understanding of the World Ether,” gave a slightly different table.

The last time the real Periodic Table was published in an undistorted form was in 1906 in St. Petersburg (textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, VIII edition).

The differences are visible: the zero group has been moved to the 8th, and the element lighter than hydrogen, with which the table should begin and which is conventionally called Newtonium (ether), is completely excluded.

The same table is immortalized by the "BLOODY TYRANT" comrade. Stalin in St. Petersburg, Moskovsky Avenue. 19. VNIIM im. D. I. Mendeleeva (All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology)

The monument-table of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev was made with mosaics under the direction of Professor of the Academy of Arts V. A. Frolov (architectural design by Krichevsky). The monument is based on a table from the last lifetime 8th edition (1906) of D. I. Mendeleev’s Fundamentals of Chemistry. Elements discovered during the life of D.I. Mendeleev are indicated in red. Elements discovered from 1907 to 1934 , indicated in blue.

Why and how did it happen that they lie to us so brazenly and openly?

The place and role of the world ether in the true table of D. I. Mendeleev

Many have heard about Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and about the “Periodic Law of Changes in the Properties of Chemical Elements in Groups and Series” that he discovered in the 19th century (1869) (the author’s name for the table is “Periodic System of Elements in Groups and Series”).

Many have also heard that D.I. Mendeleev was the organizer and permanent leader (1869-1905) of the Russian public scientific association called “Russian Chemical Society” (since 1872 - “Russian Physico-Chemical Society”), which throughout its existence published the world-famous journal ZhRFKhO, until until the liquidation of both the Society and its journal by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1930.
But few people know that D.I. Mendeleev was one of the last world-famous Russian scientists of the late 19th century, who defended in world science the idea of ​​ether as a universal substantial entity, who gave it fundamental scientific and applied significance in revealing secrets Being and to improve the economic life of people.

Even fewer are those who know that after the sudden (!!?) death of D.I. Mendeleev (01/27/1907), then recognized as an outstanding scientist by all scientific communities around the world except the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, his main discovery was “Periodic law” - was deliberately and widely falsified by world academic science.

And there are very few who know that all of the above is connected together by the thread of sacrificial service of the best representatives and bearers of the immortal Russian Physical Thought for the good of the people, the public benefit, despite the growing wave of irresponsibility in the highest strata of society of that time.

In essence, the present dissertation is devoted to the comprehensive development of the last thesis, because in true science, any neglect of essential factors always leads to false results.

Elements of the zero group begin each row of other elements, located on the left side of the Table, “... which is a strictly logical consequence of understanding the periodic law” - Mendeleev.

A particularly important and even exclusive place in the meaning of the periodic law belongs to the element “x” - “Newtonium” - the world ether. And this special element should be located at the very beginning of the entire Table, in the so-called “zero group of the zero row”. Moreover, being a system-forming element (more precisely, a system-forming essence) of all elements of the Periodic Table, the world ether is the substantial argument of the entire diversity of elements of the Periodic Table. The Table itself, in this regard, acts as a closed functional of this very argument.


Here you can download the periodic table for free to set it as your desktop background or print it on a printer. Below is a selection of the highest quality options for downloading with the highest possible resolution. Of course, the files given below are not suitable for printing on large formats, such as A2, A1, A0, but they may well be suitable for printing on A4 or A3 formats. If you want a normal, high-quality poster of a large size, on good paper and first-class quality paints, then I recommend taking a closer look at the options available for sale on the page “Where to buy the periodic table”.

The downloadable images on this page are divided into three categories: long-period version, short-period version and others.

Long-period option (modern).

An excellent modern option. Unfortunately, the image quality is slightly reduced. Apparently the author uses the original version somewhere for commercial purposes. Suitable for black and white printing on A4 format.

Includes 114 elements, for each of them you can see the name of the element in Russian, English and Latin, number, atomic mass, melting and boiling points, electronegativity according to Pauling and Allred, distribution of electrons by energy levels;

Image size: 1796x1111;

File format: JPG;

Periodic table from an American chemist-collector, author of the book "Crazy Science". The peculiarity of this edition is that each cell of an element contains an image of a simple substance corresponding to it, or a product made from a simple substance of this element. In the case of transuranium short-lived elements, we see a portrait of the scientist after whom it is named.

Includes 118 elements with minimal information: element symbol, name, number and appearance. The image is very suitable as desktop wallpaper.

Image size: 1173x605;

File format: JPG;

A variant of the periodic table in the style of the acclaimed TV series Breaking Bad. Designed by Ciaran Nash. Despite this seemingly minimalist design, this table contains all the necessary data about each element: element symbol, number, relative atomic mass, electron level distribution. However, the table does not contain the names of the elements, so it is not suitable as a teaching aid.

The image contains 118 elements, even livermorium and flerovium are marked on it, unlike other options. N It is well suited for those who already know chemistry well, and also as a beautiful desktop wallpaper.

Image size:2560x1309;

File format: JPG;

Short-period version (old).

Short-period version of the periodic table in a minimalist style. Despite its simple appearance, this version contains a lot of useful information: the name of the element in Russian and English, number, relative atomic mass, electronic configuration. This form of table is currently considered obsolete, but those who studied chemistry using it will be more accustomed to using this option.

111 items included. Suitable for printing in A4 and A3 formats, as well as as desktop wallpaper.

Image size: 2864x2370;

He relied on the works of Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavuzier. The first scientist advocated the search for indecomposable chemical elements. Boyle listed 15 of these back in 1668.

Lavouzier added 13 more to them, but a century later. The search dragged on because there was no coherent theory of the connection between the elements. Finally, Dmitry Mendeleev entered the “game”. He decided that there was a connection between the atomic mass of substances and their place in the system.

This theory allowed the scientist to discover dozens of elements without discovering them in practice, but in nature. This was placed on the shoulders of descendants. But now it’s not about them. Let's dedicate the article to the great Russian scientist and his table.

The history of the creation of the periodic table

Periodic table began with the book “Relationship of properties with the atomic weight of elements.” The work was published in the 1870s. At the same time, the Russian scientist spoke before the country's chemical society and sent out the first version of the table to colleagues from abroad.

Before Mendeleev, 63 elements were discovered by various scientists. Our compatriot began by comparing their properties. First of all, I worked with potassium and chlorine. Then, I took up the group of metals of the alkali group.

The chemist acquired a special table and cards of elements to play them like solitaire, looking for the necessary matches and combinations. As a result, an insight came: - the properties of components depend on the mass of their atoms. So, elements of the periodic table lined up.

The chemistry maestro’s discovery was the decision to leave empty spaces in these rows. The periodicity of the difference between atomic masses forced the scientist to assume that not all elements are known to humanity. The weight gaps between some of the “neighbors” were too large.

That's why, periodic table became like a chess field, with an abundance of “white” cells. Time has shown that they were indeed waiting for their “guests”. For example, they became inert gases. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, radioactivity and xenon were discovered only in the 30s of the 20th century.

Now about the myths. It is widely believed that chemical table Mendeleev appeared to him in a dream. These are the machinations of university teachers, or rather, one of them - Alexander Inostrantsev. This is a Russian geologist who lectured at the St. Petersburg University of Mining.

Inostrantsev knew Mendeleev and visited him. One day, exhausted from the search, Dmitry fell asleep right in front of Alexander. He waited until the chemist woke up and saw Mendeleev grab a piece of paper and write down the final version of the table.

In fact, the scientist simply did not have time to do this before Morpheus captured him. However, Inostrantsev wanted to amuse his students. Based on what he saw, the geologist came up with a story, which grateful listeners quickly spread to the masses.

Features of the periodic table

Since the first version in 1969 periodic table has been modified more than once. Thus, with the discovery of noble gases in the 1930s, it was possible to derive a new dependence of elements - on their atomic numbers, and not on mass, as the author of the system stated.

The concept of “atomic weight” was replaced by “atomic number”. It was possible to study the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms. This figure is the serial number of the element.

20th century scientists studied and electronic structure atoms. It also affects the periodicity of elements and is reflected in later editions Periodic tables. Photo The list demonstrates that the substances in it are arranged as their atomic weight increases.

They did not change the fundamental principle. The mass increases from left to right. At the same time, the table is not single, but divided into 7 periods. Hence the name of the list. The period is a horizontal row. Its beginning is typical metals, its end is elements with non-metallic properties. The decrease is gradual.

There are large and small periods. The first ones are at the beginning of the table, there are 3 of them. A period of 2 elements opens the list. Next come two columns, each containing 8 items. The remaining 4 periods are large. The 6th is the longest, with 32 elements. In the 4th and 5th there are 18 of them, and in the 7th - 24.

You can count how many elements are in the table Mendeleev. There are 112 titles in total. Namely names. There are 118 cells, and there are variations of the list with 126 fields. There are still empty cells for undiscovered elements that do not have names.

Not all periods fit on one line. Large periods consist of 2 rows. The amount of metals in them outweighs. Therefore, the bottom lines are completely dedicated to them. A gradual decrease from metals to inert substances is observed in the upper rows.

Pictures of the periodic table divided and vertical. This groups in the periodic table, there are 8 of them. Elements similar in chemical properties. They are divided into main and secondary subgroups. The latter begin only from the 4th period. The main subgroups also include elements of small periods.

The essence of the periodic table

Names of elements in the periodic table– this is 112 positions. The essence of their arrangement into a single list is the systematization of the primary elements. People began to struggle with this back in ancient times.

Aristotle was one of the first to understand what all things are made of. He took as a basis the properties of substances - cold and heat. Empidocles identified 4 fundamental elements according to the elements: water, earth, fire and air.

Metals in the periodic table, like other elements, are the same fundamental principles, but from a modern point of view. The Russian chemist managed to discover most of the components of our world and suggest the existence of still unknown primary elements.

It turns out that pronunciation of the periodic table– voicing a certain model of our reality, breaking it down into its components. However, learning them is not so easy. Let's try to make the task easier by describing a couple of effective methods.

How to learn the periodic table

Let's start with the modern method. Computer scientists have developed a number of flash games to help memorize Periodic List. Project participants are asked to find elements using different options, for example, name, atomic mass, or letter designation.

The player has the right to choose the field of activity - only part of the table, or all of it. It is also up to us to exclude element names and other parameters. This makes the search difficult. For the advanced, there is also a timer, that is, the training is carried out at speed.

Game conditions make learning numbers of elements in the Mendleyev table not boring, but entertaining. Excitement awakens, and it becomes easier to systematize knowledge in your head. Those who do not accept computer flash projects offer a more traditional way of memorizing a list.

It is divided into 8 groups, or 18 (according to the 1989 edition). For ease of memorization, it is better to create several separate tables rather than work on a whole version. Visual images matched to each of the elements also help. You should rely on your own associations.

Thus, iron in the brain can be correlated, for example, with a nail, and mercury with a thermometer. Is the element name unfamiliar? We use the method of suggestive associations. , for example, let’s make up the words “toffee” and “speaker” from the beginnings.

Characteristics of the periodic table Don't study in one sitting. Exercises of 10-20 minutes a day are recommended. It is recommended to start by remembering only the basic characteristics: the name of the element, its designation, atomic mass and serial number.

Schoolchildren prefer to hang the periodic table above their desk, or on a wall they often look at. The method is good for people with a predominance of visual memory. Data from the list is involuntarily remembered even without cramming.

Teachers also take this into account. As a rule, they do not force you to memorize the list; they allow you to look at it even during tests. Constantly looking at the table is equivalent to the effect of a printout on the wall, or writing cheat sheets before exams.

When starting to study, let us remember that Mendeleev did not immediately remember his list. Once, when a scientist was asked how he discovered the table, the answer was: “I’ve been thinking about it for maybe 20 years, but you think: I sat there and suddenly it’s ready.” The periodic system is painstaking work that cannot be completed in a short time.

Science does not tolerate haste, because it leads to misconceptions and annoying mistakes. So, at the same time as Mendeleev, Lothar Meyer also compiled the table. However, the German was a little flawed in his list and was not convincing in proving his point. Therefore, the public recognized the work of the Russian scientist, and not his fellow chemist from Germany.

The periodic table is one of greatest discoveries humanity, which made it possible to organize knowledge about the world around us and discover new chemical elements . It is necessary for schoolchildren, as well as for anyone interested in chemistry. In addition, this scheme is indispensable in other areas of science.

This diagram contains everything known to man elements, and they are grouped depending on atomic mass and atomic number. These characteristics affect the properties of the elements. In total, there are 8 groups in the short version of the table; the elements included in one group have very similar properties. The first group contains hydrogen, lithium, potassium, copper, latin pronunciation in Russian which is cuprum. And also argentum - silver, cesium, gold - aurum and francium. The second group contains beryllium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, followed by strontium, cadmium, barium, and the group ends with mercury and radium.

The third group includes boron, aluminum, scandium, gallium, followed by yttrium, indium, lanthanum, and the group ends with thallium and actinium. The fourth group begins with carbon, silicon, titanium, continues with germanium, zirconium, tin and ends with hafnium, lead and rutherfordium. The fifth group contains elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, vanadium, below are arsenic, niobium, antimony, then comes tantalum, bismuth and completes the group with dubnium. The sixth begins with oxygen, followed by sulfur, chromium, selenium, then molybdenum, tellurium, then tungsten, polonium and seaborgium.

In the seventh group, the first element is fluorine, followed by chlorine, manganese, bromine, technetium, followed by iodine, then rhenium, astatine and bohrium. The last group is the most numerous. It includes gases such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. This group also includes metals iron, cobalt, nickel, rhodium, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, and platinum. Next come hannium and meitnerium. The elements that form the actinide series and lanthanide series. They have similar properties to lanthanum and actinium.

This scheme includes all types of elements that are divided into 2 large groupsmetals and non-metals, having different properties. How to determine whether an element belongs to one group or another will be helped by a conventional line that must be drawn from boron to astatine. It should be remembered that such a line can only be drawn in full version tables. All elements that are above this line and are located in the main subgroups are considered non-metals. And those below, in the main subgroups, are metals. Metals are also substances found in side subgroups. There are special pictures and photos where you can familiarize yourself in detail with the position of these elements. It is worth noting that those elements that are on this line exhibit the same properties of both metals and non-metals.

A separate list is made up of amphoteric elements, which have dual properties and can form 2 types of compounds as a result of reactions. At the same time, they manifest both basic and acid properties. The predominance of certain properties depends on the reaction conditions and substances with which the amphoteric element reacts.

It is worth noting that this scheme, in its traditional design of good quality, is colored. At the same time, for ease of orientation, they are indicated in different colors. main and secondary subgroups . Elements are also grouped depending on the similarity of their properties.
However, nowadays, along with the color scheme, the black and white periodic table of Mendeleev is very common. This type is used for black and white printing. Despite its apparent complexity, working with it is just as convenient if you take into account some of the nuances. So, in this case, you can distinguish the main subgroup from the secondary one by differences in shades that are clearly visible. In addition, in the color version, elements with the presence of electrons on different layers are indicated different colors.
It is worth noting that in a single-color design it is not very difficult to navigate the scheme. For this purpose, the information indicated in each individual cell of the element will be sufficient.

The Unified State Exam today is the main type of test at the end of school, which means that special attention must be paid to preparing for it. Therefore, when choosing final exam in chemistry, you need to pay attention to materials that can help you pass it. As a rule, schoolchildren are allowed to use some tables during the exam, in particular, the periodic table in good quality. Therefore, in order for it to bring only benefits during testing, attention should be paid in advance to its structure and the study of the properties of the elements, as well as their sequence. You also need to learn use the black and white version of the table so as not to encounter some difficulties in the exam.

In addition to the main table characterizing the properties of elements and their dependence on atomic mass, there are other diagrams that can help in the study of chemistry. For example, there are tables of solubility and electronegativity of substances. The first can be used to determine how soluble a particular compound is in water at normal temperature. In this case, anions are located horizontally - negatively charged ions, and cations - that is, positively charged ions - are located vertically. To find out degree of solubility of one or another compound, it is necessary to find its components using the table. And at the place of their intersection there will be the necessary designation.

If it is the letter "r", then the substance is completely soluble in water in normal conditions. If the letter “m” is present, the substance is slightly soluble, and if the letter “n” is present, it is almost insoluble. If there is a “+” sign, the compound does not form a precipitate and reacts with the solvent without residue. If a "-" sign is present, it means that such a substance does not exist. Sometimes you can also see the “?” sign in the table, then this means that the degree of solubility of this compound is not known for certain. Electronegativity of elements can vary from 1 to 8; there is also a special table to determine this parameter.

Another useful table is the metal activity series. All metals are located in it according to increasing degrees of electrochemical potential. The series of metal voltages begins with lithium and ends with gold. It is believed that the further to the left a metal occupies a place in a given row, the more active it is in chemical reactions. Thus, the most active metal Lithium is considered an alkaline metal. The list of elements also contains hydrogen towards the end. It is believed that the metals located after it are practically inactive. These include elements such as copper, mercury, silver, platinum and gold.

Periodic table pictures in good quality

This scheme is one of the largest achievements in the field of chemistry. At the same time there are many types of this table– short version, long, as well as extra-long. The most common is the short table, but the long version of the diagram is also common. It is worth noting that the short version of the circuit is not currently recommended for use by IUPAC.
In total there were More than a hundred types of tables have been developed, differing in presentation, form and graphical representation. They are used in different fields of science, or are not used at all. Currently, new circuit configurations continue to be developed by researchers. The main option is either a short or long circuit in excellent quality.