What can you eat if you are poisoned: tips, allowed foods, sample menu. Fruits in case of poisoning: what, when and in what quantity? In case of poisoning, apples can be eaten

Food poisoning is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. As a rule, the cause is spoiled food or a large amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits. How severe the intoxication is depends on many factors, including which bacteria caused the poisoning and whether the person has a strong immune system.

For some signs, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance (in the case of childhood poisoning, this is a mandatory measure, regardless of the severity of the condition), sometimes you can get by with independent measures and see a doctor later, at the recovery stage.
In any case, the question arises of what to eat.

The words “therapeutic diet” evoke associations with something bland and tasteless. Is it possible to somehow diversify your diet after poisoning and include, for example, fruits? Let's try to answer this question in this article.

General rules of nutrition after poisoning

Diet plays a huge role during the recovery period. It is important that food comes regularly, in small portions. We should not forget that food intoxication has dealt a serious blow to the gastrointestinal tract, and it needs time to return to normal functioning.

Therefore, you should avoid hard foods, giving preference to porridge and puree consistency.
It is important to drink plenty of fluids to replenish fluid losses during the acute period of poisoning, as well as speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.

It is better to exclude some foods for a while. Prohibited after poisoning

  • carbonated drinks;
  • milk;
  • yeast products;
  • cabbage;
  • beans and beans;
  • sausage;
  • white bread;
  • confectionery;
  • all types of conservation;

Food should be boiled, baked or steamed. It is better to avoid fried foods for a while.

Is it possible to eat fruit if you are poisoned?

Previously, it was believed that after the end of the acute phase, one should adhere to a strict nutrition plan. Today, this point of view is gradually dying out, giving way to the opinion that, in the absence of medical contraindications, nutrition can be, within reasonable limits, very varied.

Therefore, you can eat fruit after poisoning, you just need to follow some rules that will help you get the maximum benefit from the product and not harm your health.

Acute phase of poisoning

You can start eating any food, including fruits, only after the end of the acute phase of poisoning (although rarely does anyone experience a feeling of hunger during this period).

This can be judged by the disappearance of such signs as:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe abdominal pain;

Signs such as general malaise, weakness and stomach discomfort are non-specific and may persist for some time.

Tendency to allergic reactions

Here we're talking about not only about the allergies that a person suffers from at the present period of life, but also about those allergies to foods that were in childhood and then went away. It often happens that intoxication contributes to the recurrence of such forgotten childhood allergic reactions.

Patient's wish

If you have no appetite or do not want to eat this product, then you should not force yourself to eat. Such food will not bring any benefit, but will only place an additional burden on the inflamed stomach.

What are the benefits of fruits?

Compared to other energy sources, fruits are significantly superior in vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. The latter are especially important for an organism weakened after poisoning, since vomiting and diarrhea significantly worsen water and electrolyte balance. This affects the functioning of all organs, primarily the cardiovascular, nervous systems and kidneys.

Therefore, fruits will be extremely useful during the recovery period, saturating the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

In addition, almost all fruits contain a significant amount of fiber. The digestive tract is not able to digest it, but, passing through its sections, it irritates the walls of the mucous membranes and stimulates them to work. This helps to normalize everything gastrointestinal tract.

What fruits can and cannot be eaten after poisoning

On the first day after poisoning, you should not only eat fruit, but also any food. After this, if the condition improves, you can gradually begin to introduce foods into the diet.

It is best to start not with fresh fruits, but with baked ones. This processing method will turn the fruit into a dish that is easy on the stomach and will not create additional stress.

So, what fruits are best for your post-poisoning diet?

  1. Bananas. The fruits must be ripe, with intact yellow skin. They can and should also be baked; in this form they are better digestible. Bananas have enveloping properties, which is extremely beneficial for the affected mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines;
  2. Baked apples. In addition to the large amount of vitamins contained in these “fruits of health,” apples are useful because they stimulate intestinal function. It is allowed to add a little honey when baking;
  3. Dried apricots. Dried apricots must first be boiled and then rubbed through a sieve. You can also make compotes from dried apricots (with the addition of prunes and raisins);
  4. Pears. Raw pears It is extremely undesirable to consume them, since they contribute to heaviness in the stomach, but when baked they will be very useful;
  5. Peaches. Before eating them for the patient, it is necessary to peel the skin from the fruit. Peaches contain a large amount of liquid, as well as useful microelements;
  6. Walnuts have the ability to remove harmful substances from the body, including mercury, lead and radionuclides. In case of ordinary food poisoning, eating them will also be extremely useful;

Despite the fact that fruits will be very useful for a recovering body, you should still refrain from consuming some of them:

  1. All citrus fruits;
  2. Melon, watermelon;
  3. Plums;
  4. Cherry, sweet cherry;

The restrictions are due to the fact that the above fruits are too heavy food for the affected gastrointestinal tract, and can cause heaviness and diarrhea.

However, such consequences are only a possibility and do not necessarily happen.
If your health allows, you can indulge in a couple of cherries. There will be no harm from this.

Possible causes of fruit poisoning

In any store or market you can find almost any fruit, including the most exotic ones. It would seem that you can get any vitamins all year round. But doctors recommend not to get carried away with fruits brought from afar, but to give preference to seasonal fruits grown nearby.

For transportation, as well as during the growing process, the industry uses chemicals that are quite harmful to health, for example:

  • Growth hormones and nitrates help speed up the ripening of fruits, but accumulate in the peel;
  • Pesticides are used in industry to control insect pests. They, unlike nitrates, accumulate in all parts of the fruit, including the pulp;
  • The substance Diphenyl fights fungal infections. Therefore, they treat the surface of pilaf with it to increase their shelf life.

A huge number of people suffer from fruit poisoning every year. Most often, the cause is early strawberries or watermelons, “pumped up” with nitrates. Although any fruit can cause intoxication, even a harmless apple, if it is brought from afar and heavily treated with “chemicals”.

How to choose good fruits?

Fruits can fill us with energy, replenish our supply of vitamins and lift our mood. But, under certain circumstances, they turn into poison and can cause poisoning. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to certain rules when choosing them.

  1. Color and size. You should not buy unnaturally large or brightly shaped fruits.
  2. Smell. The fruit should emit at least a faint odor. If the fruit does not smell of anything, then it is sure sign huge content of chemicals with which it was grown and then transported.
  3. Peel. Externally, the fruit should not be damaged, there should be no mold or rot on it.
  4. Taste. An uncharacteristic taste is a signal that this product should not be eaten and should be thrown away immediately.
  5. Seasonality. The best time to buy fruit is when it ripens in the region. Early strawberries, melons or watermelons are often harmful to health due to the huge amount of pesticides and nitrates they contain. It is strictly forbidden to give such fruits to children, since they do not bring any benefit at all, but only harm.
  6. Manufacturer. For the same reason, it is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits that are grown in your region. Their transportation does not require complex chemical treatment, allowing the fruit to be stored for months. Of course, the best fruits are those that were grown on your own plot, since they are guaranteed to contain no harmful “chemicals”.

Fruits should be included in the daily diet, as they supply our body with essential vitamins and microelements, while most fruits can be considered dietary foods due to the small amount of calories.

Nowadays, one can increasingly come across the point of view that the rehabilitation period after poisoning is not a reason to exclude them from your menu.

Of course, you should not mindlessly pounce on watermelons and oranges on the third day after intoxication, but a baked apple or banana will have an extremely positive effect on the stomach and intestines, and will also replenish the loss of electrolytes and vitamins.

Food poisoning is a fairly common occurrence among adults and children. During poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs due to the spread of pathogenic microflora. At this time, the gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally. Once the acute symptoms subside, the patient gradually begins to return to a normal diet. To avoid complications in an already weakened body, you need to know what foods and fruits you can eat during and after poisoning.

What can cause poisoning

Human intoxication can be caused by different products and substances. All poisonings can be divided into several groups.

  • Medicinal – damage to the body occurs due to excess consumption medicines. This problem often affects children who take pills left by adults. In addition, an overdose may be the result of an incorrectly calculated therapeutic dosage.
  • Chemical - damage to organs and systems due to accidental or intentional ingestion of scalding chemicals. Cause severe, sometimes irreversible health consequences.

Should not be stored in the house chemicals in soda bottles - this often leads to confusion and serious injury.

  • Food poisoning is the most common type of poisoning. They occur due to low-quality and poorly prepared products, as well as due to plant products, which are stuffed with nitrates and other chemicals.

If you experience the slightest symptoms of poisoning, you should consult a doctor for treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate!

The main key to success in the treatment of intoxications of various origins is the correct diet. Within 24 hours after the first signs appear, it is indicated therapeutic fasting, you can only drink a lot of clean water. After this, light foods are introduced into the patient’s diet. They start with viscous porridges and low-fat broths, then add eggs, meat and boiled vegetables. After a few more days, bifidokefir is introduced into the menu; it restores the intestinal microflora well. All products should be easily digestible and fresh; dishes should be prepared for one meal. The patient should be fed in small portions and many times a day. This allows food not to linger in the stomach and be processed well.

Is it possible to eat fruit if poisoned?

Many doctors began to move away from the usual practice that after the end of the acute phase of poisoning it is necessary to follow a strict dietary diet. Doctors believe that if there are no strict health contraindications, then any fruit can be consumed little by little. To avoid harm to a weakened body, the following factors should be taken into account when creating a diet:

  1. You can start eating any food, including fruits, only after the acute signs of poisoning have completely subsided. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and severe abdominal pain. Other symptoms, such as general weakness and slight tingling in the stomach, may continue for several weeks and are considered nonspecific.
  2. History of allergic reactions. Moreover, you need to pay attention not only to allergies that are present now, but also to those allergens that caused changes in the body in the past. There are common cases when a patient, after poisoning, has a renewed allergy to citrus fruits or chocolate, which last bothered him in childhood.
  3. Feeding the patient should not be forced. If a person has no appetite after poisoning or does not want any food, then in no case should they be forced. Food eaten without appetite is of no benefit; it simply becomes a burden in the inflamed stomach and can cause stagnation.

During the acute phase of poisoning, you should not eat any fruit!

The benefits of fruits for the body

Fruits have advantages over other foods. Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. All these substances are required to the human body in the process of rehabilitation after poisoning. Electrolytes are especially required for patients who are weakened by intoxication. During vomiting and diarrhea, a person loses a lot of fluid, and along with it, potassium, calcium and sodium ions are washed out. Imbalance of electrolytes affects the condition of all organs and systems, primarily affecting the heart, kidneys and nervous system. This is why fruits are so important in nutrition.

In addition, most fruits contain a lot of fiber. The gastrointestinal tract cannot digest it properly. But fiber, passing through different parts of the digestive system, irritates the walls and forces the mucous membranes to work productively. A person’s entire digestive system returns to normal.

What fruits can you eat after poisoning?

If you ask a doctor whether it is possible to eat fruit in case of poisoning, he will answer that on the first day it is impossible, and then, gradually, they simply need to be introduced into the diet. For a weakened and irritated stomach, baked fruits are recommended first.. This is especially true for severe poisoning, when the digestive system must be loaded very carefully and gradually. The order of fruits introduced into the patient’s food is as follows:

  • bananas – well ripe, without defects. For better digestion, you can bake it a little or put it in boiling water for a few minutes. Bananas are given in pureed form. They have enveloping properties and help restore damaged mucous membranes;
  • baked apples – stimulate intestinal motility. If you are poisoned, you can eat apples already on the second day. It is good to bake them with the addition of honey, which is also a source of microelements;
  • apricots in the form of dried apricots. They are well boiled and rubbed through a sieve. Helps improve appetite;
  • tender pears, baked or boiled. It is better not to consume raw ones during the rehabilitation period, as they cause heaviness in the stomach;
  • peaches - the patient is given the pulp without skin. Replenish the loss of fluid in the body, saturate it with useful microelements;
  • walnuts are a source of B vitamins, improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Pineapples are an excellent source of fiber. After digestive disorders, you can use it in pure form or juice. Improve food digestion and appetite;
  • raisins - to improve the functioning of the stomach, make a weak decoction, which is given several times a day.

All these fruits can be eaten as independent dishes or combined with viscous cereals and vegetables.

What fruits should not be consumed during the rehabilitation period?

Nutritionists do not recommend giving the patient fruits, which are characterized by increased wateriness and acidity. These include:

  • citrus;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • plum;
  • cherry;
  • cherries.

The restriction of these fruits and berries is very conditional. This is caused only by the desire to prevent undesirable consequences for the patient’s health. But if a person’s condition does not cause concern and he wants to eat one tangerine, then no one will forbid him from doing so. Although it is not recommended to eat melon and watermelon if you are poisoned, as they cause severe heaviness in the stomach and can worsen diarrhea.

Causes of fruit poisoning

On the shelves of supermarkets and markets there is a large assortment of different vegetables and fruits. It would seem that you can saturate your body with vitamins and beneficial microelements all year round, if only you had the money. But doctors are not so optimistic about this and advise eating only seasonal fruits and vegetables, and even better, those grown in summer cottage, since store-bought ones are heavily flavored with chemicals. To improve the growth and storage of products, the following substances harmful to humans are used:

  • growth hormones and nitrates - significantly accelerate growth and ripening, but tend to be deposited under the skin of vegetables and fruits;
  • Pesticides – used to control pests. Accumulate in large quantities in all plant products;
  • biphenyl - allows you to store vegetables and fruits for a long time by protecting products from fungal infections.

Every year, thousands of people seek medical help with poisoning from plant products. This mainly comes from the consumption of early strawberries and melons. Foreign apples or citrus fruits, which are heavily flavored with chemicals for transportation, can lead to digestive problems.

Prevention of fruit poisoning

Fruits are very beneficial for human health; to avoid troubles when consuming them, you should follow the rules.

  • Choose only ripe and whole fruits, without a hint of rot or other damage to plant products. Taste and color should be natural, without the slightest changes;

If fruits have an unusual taste or color, then they should not be eaten; most likely, they are infected with a fungus or other pathogenic microorganisms.

  • You should not buy or eat early strawberries or melons; they are loaded with growth hormones and nitrates. This in most cases leads to a hospital bed. Such fruits are especially dangerous for children; they do not bring any benefit, and they cause a lot of harm;
  • If you have ever had an allergy to fruits, most often citrus fruits, then you should not abuse them;
  • Wash fruits well, and it is better to rinse them with boiling water after washing - this will minimize the entry of bacteria into the body.

In addition, you should not buy plant products in spontaneous markets and small stores where there are no conditions for proper storage.

It's hard to imagine a menu for adults and children without various fruits. They supply the body with many substances that are vital for normal functioning. Increasingly, doctors are prescribing fruits during the recovery period after poisoning; they maintain water balance in the body and supply it with electrolytes. To properly create a diet during the recovery period, you need to consult with your supervising doctor.

Poisoning is a common and unpleasant phenomenon from which no one is immune. In case of serious clinical symptoms caused by non-compliance with food preparation and storage regimes, microbial or chemical poisoning, urgent medical attention is required. For mild symptoms, drinking plenty of fluids and an appropriate diet with fruits will help you return to your normal lifestyle.

How to eat properly during acute poisoning

Food poisoning is the most common. It occurs as a result of eating products contaminated with fungi, viruses, bacteria (pathogens). Food products can become contaminated during the manufacturing process if production technology is violated, during storage, or transportation.

The sick person should know what to eat after poisoning. Food should be taken in small portions, the number of meals should be at least 5 times a day. The basis of the diet should be rice or oatmeal, crackers from white bread, lean boiled or steamed meat (chicken, turkey, veal).

At the first symptoms of poisoning, the sick person should take the maximum amount of liquid (boiled water) - this is necessary to restore the water-salt balance and remove pathogens from the body. For a while, you should forget about pickles, smoked foods, fried and salty foods, vegetables containing fiber, legumes, sweets, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.

Is it possible to eat fruit after poisoning?

The list of allowed fruits includes:

  1. Bananas. They are easily digested by the body and almost never cause vomiting or nausea. You can eat it once you have an appetite (after 10-12 hours after illness).
  2. Pears, apples. These fruits are also an easy food that rarely causes a negative reaction in the body. For good absorption, it is better to eat them pureed or baked in the oven (no sugar is used).
  3. Citrus fruits are natural antioxidants and sources of vitamin C, which is especially important for heavy metal poisoning. However, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and oranges should be eaten in small doses and not earlier than 2-3 days after poisoning.
  4. You can also eat watermelon after poisoning to quickly restore the body.

You should adhere to a strict diet until the digestive system is completely restored.

There is probably not a single person who has not become a victim of food poisoning at least once in his life. In the warm season, this problem is especially relevant, since favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogens of foodborne toxic infections. When microbial toxins enter the gastrointestinal tract, they can cause increased release of water and salts into the intestinal lumen, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Toxins from other microbes can damage the intestinal epithelium, which leads to the loss of not only water and salts, but also protein, the development of inflammation, resulting in intoxication syndrome and abdominal pain.

Since food poisoning primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract, following a diet during the period of recovery of the body is an integral part of treatment. A proper, gentle diet and diet will help eliminate disturbances in the water-salt balance in the body that arise as a result of the loss of fluid and electrolytes through vomit and feces. It is also necessary to create conditions conducive to the healing of the damaged mucous membrane and the cessation of the inflammatory process in it. Nutrients and vitamins are necessary to avoid exhaustion of the body and long-term disability.

Drinking regimen for food poisoning

To replenish fluid losses, you need to drink more.

After poisoning with low-quality products, usually no one wants to eat. In part, this can be considered a protective reaction of the body: there is no need to forcefully eat food, even the most healthy and fresh. But it is imperative to drink fluids; in the first few days after poisoning, drinking is very important for replenishing fluid losses through vomit and loose stools, as well as for cleansing the body of toxins.

An adult should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. During the acute period, you need to drink often, but little by little; a large volume of water can provoke an attack of vomiting. It is recommended to drink 50 ml of liquid every half hour. The drink should be warm or at room temperature; cold liquid can cause a reflex spasm of the esophageal muscles and provoke nausea and vomiting.

It is best to drink boiled water with sugar, rosehip decoction, apple and pear compote, strong black tea with sugar and lemon, diluted berry fruit drinks, herbal teas (mint, chamomile). To replenish electrolyte losses as a result of repeated vomiting and profuse loose stools, it is recommended to drink saline solutions. Ready-made powders for their preparation (Regidron, Oralit, Gidrovit, etc.) can be purchased at the pharmacy. But a similar solution is very easy to prepare yourself at home. To do this, in 1 liter of boiled water you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt, 6–8 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. baking soda. You need to drink such sugar-salt solutions slowly, in small sips. In order to prevent excess salts in the body, saline solutions should be alternated with other drinks.

After a foodborne illness, you should not drink carbonated drinks, even mineral waters, coffee, concentrated juices, .

Typically, appetite appears only after the acute period of foodborne toxic infection subsides. You need to eat often (6–7 times a day), in small portions. can persist for several weeks, and the production of gastric juice is reduced, so large amounts of food will place additional stress on the weakened digestive system.

In the first week after poisoning, the main place in the diet should belong to food rich in protein (animal protein should account for at least 50% of the total), vitamins and microelements, since they play the most important role in restoring the body after any diseases. The amount of carbohydrates should be limited, especially those contained in vegetables and fruits, since they enhance fermentation processes in the intestines and can provoke bloating, which only slows down the process of restoration of the damaged mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also necessary to significantly limit foods containing fats in the diet (it is recommended to only add vegetable and butter in ready meals).

To facilitate digestion, food must be ground to a puree-like consistency or chewed thoroughly. Recommended cooking methods are boiling in water and steaming and stewing, o fried foods I'll have to forget for a while. Food should only be eaten warm; cold and hot dishes, as well as rough food, irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

What can you eat after poisoning?

Rice water will help improve your well-being and remove toxins.

In the first 2–3 days after poisoning, the diet will consist of white bread crackers (you need to cook them yourself in the oven), boiled oatmeal and rice porridge, cooked in water without adding sugar, compotes from dried fruits (apples, pears, dried apricots, raisins), also cooked without sugar. To strengthen the stool, you can drink rice water.

Then the diet gradually expands; you can eat meatballs, soufflés and steamed cutlets made from turkey meat, chicken breast, rabbit or veal. The minced meat should be ground several times in a meat grinder, you can add egg white, a little milk and white crackers soaked in it. It is allowed to eat vegetables and cereal soups, cooked in vegetable or weak secondary broth. As for dairy products, you can eat low-fat pureed cottage cheese (can be in the form of casseroles, cheesecakes), one-day kefir and low-fat yogurt without any additives. Porridge can be cooked not only with water, but also with the addition of milk in a 1:1 ratio. You can add 1-2 spoons to ready-made dishes.

Starting from the second week, it is allowed to introduce boiled and stewed vegetables, fruits in the form of jelly, jelly, baked apple no sugar. You can start consuming fresh vegetables and fruits from the third week, introducing them into the diet gradually in small quantities. If the main symptom of poisoning was diarrhea and the stool returns to normal slowly, then there is no need to rush to introduce vegetables into the diet as side dishes.

  • vegetables containing coarse fiber ( white cabbage, radish, turnip, radish), legumes (only canned green peas), onion, garlic;
  • fatty meats and fish, canned food, pates, smoked meats, as well as marinades, pickles, spices, seasonings, horseradish, mustard, ketchup and other products that can irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and slow down the processes of food digestion;
  • millet, corn, pearl barley, semolina;
  • fruits that can cause fermentation processes in the intestines and enhance peristalsis (grapes, apricots, prunes);
  • whole milk;
  • any sweets;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa, alcohol.

In case of excessive repeated vomiting or frequent loose stools, severe abdominal pain and severe intoxication syndrome, as well as a sudden deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor. These symptoms may be signs of serious illnesses that require qualified medical care.

Infectious disease doctor, MD Bobrova I.A. talks about the nutritional features of food poisoning:

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a nuisance as food poisoning, the main symptoms of which are diarrhea, nausea and fever. After poisoning, the body needs strength to recover, but where do you get it if not from food? In the article you will learn about what you can eat if you are poisoned, and what foods you should temporarily avoid.

Household poisoning can be caused by undercooked meat or fish products, raw eggs, low-quality dairy products. Be careful about the products that end up on your dining table. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, fry meat, check the expiration date of canned food and dairy products. In case of poisoning, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely medical assistance will alleviate the consequences of poisoning.

What foods can you eat?

After poisoning, all the body’s reserves are aimed at cleansing from pathogenic microbes and restoring, so it is worth eating gentle, light food.

Let's consider what to eat in case of poisoning. Usually under such circumstances there is no appetite, but if there is one, the amount of food should be minimal. It is worth drinking plenty of liquid in the form of water, black tea with a little sugar and light herbal infusions. The consistency of the food consumed should be pureed.

What can you eat after poisoning:

  • homemade bread croutons;
  • low-fat chicken broth;
  • liquid porridge with water (buckwheat, rice, semolina);
  • mashed potatoes without oil.

Starting from the second day, you can add variety to the victim’s menu. The following products are allowed:

  • boiled chicken meat in small quantities;
  • steam cutlets;
  • light lean dishes;
  • rice water;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • baked apples.

In the first days, you should exclude coffee, juices, jelly, chocolate, fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and canned food. Temporarily avoid fermented milk and dairy products, raw vegetables.

Can you eat fruit if you are poisoned? You should start using them from 3-4 days. Citrus fruits and apples are a good place to start, but leave pears, plums and grapes until complete recovery.

Diet in case of poisoning

Doctors recommend that in case of poisoning, eat frequently (up to 6 times a day) in small portions, without reaching a state of complete saturation of the body. It is worth using probiotics to support the digestive system, they will help the beneficial bacteria recover. Follow a diet after poisoning. In the first two weeks, saturate your body with amino acids - eat pea puree, canned mushrooms, sea and sauerkraut, fish, limit meat consumption to a minimum.

You can find out detailed information about what to eat after poisoning from the article “Diet for poisoning”. Be careful when choosing and preparing foods, take care of your health.