How and what to drink before a passionate date. Weird Things Guys Do Before a Date Processed Meats

How to kiss a girl: 10 tips that are guaranteed to help + 3 life hacks that will make your kiss unforgettable.

Late in the evening I was returning home from the rocking chair. The prospect of spending the night in the company of textbooks loomed ahead, because in 2 days I had an exam. I kicked fallen leaves and thought about the decay of existence, so my sour face was by no means ready to meet her.

She is a barista at a coffee shop. Their coffee is amazingly delicious, and she is incredibly beautiful. Burning red hair falls in soft waves onto her shoulders. Her neat nose is covered in freckles, and her green eyes sparkle with positivity and calm. Every evening I pass by her coffee shop. Sometimes she goes outside for coffee after the last guest has left.

Today she also stood with a glass of coffee, throwing a jacket over her fragile shoulders. I was just getting ready to pass by, pretending not to notice, when suddenly...

"Hello!" “,” she said cheerfully, peering into my face.
“Mmm...” I hummed, not expecting such a turn of events. Well, I've embarrassed myself!
“I’ll consider this a greeting!”, - she giggled - “You walk here every day, you keep looking at me. When will you invite me for coffee?”
“You probably drink coffee every day anyway.”“,” I blurted out and blushed. Well, I've embarrassed myself again. Blockhead!
“And you’re funny!” “,” she laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears, “ “Tomorrow I finish at nine. Will you wait for me?
“I will,” I said barely audibly, and meanwhile my legs were becoming weak.
"Great. And my name is Marina!”“,” she shouted, returning to the coffee shop.

Phew! What a twist! God, what an idiot I am! She probably thought I was a complete idiot! What is this, a date? How to go on dates? What should I talk to her about? All these hectic thoughts were spinning in my head, when suddenly: what if it comes to a kiss? I'm serious. How to kiss Marina? At all, how to kiss a girl?

It is clear that I will spend this night thinking, not reading books. Perhaps my thoughts on this matter will help you.

Before you kiss a girl, you need to be sure that she also wants it. After all, the fact that in this particular case she invited me for coffee does not mean at all that she is ready to enter into closer contact and kiss.

Remember: there is nothing worse than trying to kiss a girl who doesn't want it.

So first, make sure that the girl you want to kiss is interested in you. Some small tricks will help you with this.

A clear sign that a girl doesn’t mind taking you to the “new level” if she:

  • looks at your lips;
  • twirls hair around finger;
  • touches his neck, waist, hips in front of you;
  • bites his lower lip;
  • breathes deeply, peering intently into your face;
  • does not maintain the “generally accepted distance”, i.e. lets you close to him;
  • or she herself strives to be closer;
  • speaks more quietly, leans closer, provoking you to lean towards her in the same way.

These are just a few indicators by which you can understand that a girl wants you to kiss her. Of course, there are hundreds of little “bells” in addition to those listed above.

Biting and deep breathing are not always indicators. A girl may simply be out of breath, rushing to a date. And sometimes biting your lips is just bad habit. Try to feel more with your heart whether it is appropriate to kiss this girl right now.

We've all seen movies where there's thunder and lightning, a guy and a girl have a fight that sends feathers flying, and then he grabs her and kisses her passionately. Music, credits!..
But in life, I would categorically not recommend using such a technique.

To kiss a girl, you need to create the right mood, both for her and for yourself.

When you have decided that this is it, the evening when you are going to kiss her, you should avoid:

  • Vulgar compliments.
  • Greasy jokes about her.
  • Hot topics. If you know that in some place your views differ radically, it is better not to start such conversations.
  • Talking about her exes, asking about her past. It can just be great to spoil the mood for both you and the girl.

    Who wants to hear stories about “ex”?

  • Aggressive and arrogant behavior towards her or towards others. Not enough adrenaline and self-affirmation?

    Leave your testosterone in the gym, not on a date with a girl.

Instead, to make it easier and more appropriate to kiss a girl, try this evening:

  • Be polite and gallant: let you go ahead, help you take off/put on your coat, offer your hand.
  • Listen more. Show interest in the girl you want to kiss.

    Ask questions about her hobbies, friends, leisure and work, music.

  • Protect yourself from discomfort. The fair sex loves to feel protected, while remaining independent from the guy.

    Lightly put your arm around her shoulders (no, below the waist is not suitable) in crowded and noisy places. Give up the best place at the table.

    Ask if you can pay for your dinner.

  • Put only positive attitudes about yourself into her subconscious. After all, it remembers and analyzes all the information that comes into it.

    So, try this evening, when you are about to kiss a girl, to talk only about the positive aspects of your life.

    About sports, about what you are proud of, about career advancement.

    But definitely avoid bragging!

  • And if you make the girl you want to kiss laugh sincerely, you can be sure that everything will go as it should!

Of course, it is necessary on the evening when you plucked up the courage and decided to kiss a beautiful girl. After all, both the mood and the ability to kiss a girl in general depend on a well-chosen environment.

This evening it is better to refuse:


    Loud music, a lot of dancing people around, pushing you from all sides.

    But, as an option, this could be a great kiss after a concert if you thoroughly enjoyed your favorite band.

    Sports events, such as an MMA championship or football.

    Firstly, the girl may simply not be interested. Secondly, aggression and competitive spirit can put her in the wrong mood.

    You know how receptive these girls are!

    Yes, kissing a girl at home can be convenient. But this may give rise to unnecessary temptations ahead of time.

    We shouldn’t rush things, our goal is to kiss the girl, and not run into the phrase “hold your horses” and logical dissatisfaction on her part.

    Noisy parties, meetings.

    A lot of people around, noise and confusion... It won't be very comfortable.

    In addition, a girl may think that if you kiss her in front of everyone, you are doing it in public.

    Meetings with relatives.

    You understand - it’s not the best evening if you and your girlfriend listen to about planting fruit trees or fend off questions “When is the wedding?”

But excellent option Kissing spots will be:

    Coffee shops, cozy bars.

    Almost every such place has a cozy corner “for lovers” - a secluded table where the lights are dim and candles are burning.

    It’s ideal if you book such a location in a suitable cafe in advance.


    Yes, kissing a beautiful girl with whom you are on a date somewhere in the last row is bad manners.

    But it's still great!

    Park, walk.

    Of course, the place should not be particularly crowded.

    Imagine: twilight, the first lights are just turning on, the city is breathing autumn coolness, wet leaves are under your feet... The romance of a twilight city, as it is.


    You can kiss your girlfriend on the Ferris wheel, for example.

    A great option: a view of the city, you are alone soaring at a height.

    On the way home.

    Standard option, as for the first kiss with a girl. Offer to take her home, and already at the entrance, pluck up the courage and do it.

Any . You can melt even the iciest heart with warm words, thereby winning over the chosen girl.

Don’t forget to compliment the lady you want to kiss more often. Tell her how beautiful she looks, how pleasant her voice is. Praise her organizational skills. Yes, anything.

But, of course, compliments must be sincere! You shouldn’t tell a lie just to win over a girl and kiss her. As a rule, they notice insincerity on the male side.

Also note:

Yes, don’t forget: girls perceive not only WHAT you tell them, but also HOW you say it.

If you feel brave, don’t be afraid to whisper something pleasant in a girl’s ear. For example, “Your perfume is incredibly pleasant.”. And then, attention! Watch your lady's reaction.

If she...

  • will smile
  • will blush
  • will lower his eyes...

you have every chance to kiss this girl tonight.

If she:

  • will recoil
  • will be scared
  • she'll shudder
  • laugh it off
  • will move away from you...

bad thing. It’s better to leave your attempts until next time or even think about meeting another girl.

If you decide to kiss a girl tonight, prepare for this action in advance.

You must:

    Be carefully shaven.

    Of course, if your image does not include a beard or mustache. But if your regular “hairstyle” is a smooth face, then don’t forget to shave well in the morning.

    So that the girl does not have irritation on her face, which will reduce the likelihood of a second kiss to a minimum.

    Take a shower.

    Be sure to take a shower before going on a date with the girl you want to kiss. After all, you plan to be in close contact with her.

    Unpleasant smells can not only ruin the moment, but also kill any desire to kiss you in the future.

    Brush your teeth.

    It's also worth stocking up chewing gum or mints. Comments, I think, are unnecessary.

    Don't smoke right before you plan to kiss.

    Firstly, the girl may not tolerate the smell of cigarettes, which will prevent you from kissing her. Secondly, this will show your disrespect for the girl.

    Remember that the opposite sex has a more developed sense of smell and taste buds. Therefore, what may be a “light cigarette smell” to you is a hellish ashtray to her.

    Wash your hands.

    If you manage to kiss a girl, you will probably touch her face. But in front of these hands, did you eat nuts, smoke and pet the dog on the way to a date?

    Have respect for the girl, wash your hands before kissing.

Let’s say Marina and I ended up in a cafe. And the candles are burning, and the music is unobtrusive, and there are few people. I gave her a bunch of compliments about her fiery hair and amazing appearance. She laughs, I laugh. What's next? How to kiss a girl?

It all starts with a look. As a rule, at this moment the couple becomes silent. Strong eye contact is established, and the world around seems to disappear. You tune in to each other. We don’t even realize it, but at such moments we begin to breathe in rhythm, and our hearts also adjust to one another.

If the evening with the girl you want to kiss has dragged on, all the topics have been discussed, and you both laughed heartily, it’s time to start this method. Shut up and look deeply into her eyes. If the girl you want to kiss keeps talking, just be quiet and make eye contact.

She will definitely become silent and perhaps even embarrassed. Be prepared if the lady asks if you're okay. Having established eye contact, we move on to the next step to kiss the girl.

You made eye contact with the girl you like. Congratulations! She no longer looks away, does not ask why you suddenly fell silent and you are comfortable doing such an intimate thing as looking at each other. Let's move on.

It's time for some light touches. Tactile contact will help you establish a physical “connection” with the girl you want to kiss.

This is a very important point. Because if you don’t establish tactile contact, she may get scared, twitch (from nerves, out of habit) and the moment to kiss will be missed.

Light touches to the shoulder, arm, elbow.Brazenly grab a girl's hands, forcefully hold her hand in yours if the girl resists.
Hug around the waist.Hug around the waist, lowering your hand further onto your thigh or butt.
Hug by the shoulders.Press your shoulders against the wall, copying scenes from your favorite movies. He gets scared and calls the police.
Remove the hair from her face, run her palm through her hair, and touch her face with her fingertips.Grab the hair, imitating a male. Slap your hands on your face, wave them in front of your nose.

I think you get my point. If you want to kiss a girl, be sure that all your touches are gentle and careful. Showing passion and strength is great. But not at the moment when you made up your mind for the first time kiss the girl you like.

Now the time has come for active battle. Does the girl allow herself to be touched, does not remove her hand from your hand, and her lips are like a magnet for you? Congratulations. This is the best moment to kiss this beautiful girl.

Go to active action. You can:

    Bring your face closer to hers.

    Slowly, to give her a choice: turn away or continue. When there are only a couple of centimeters between you and the girl you want to kiss, stop and enjoy the moment for a few seconds.

    Feel her breath, the heat from her face and look at the lips you want to kiss. And for her, this will again be an opportunity to stop everything if she is not ready for a kiss.

    Touch her face with your hand and slowly pull her towards you.

    Slowly, Carl. Leave the sharpness and accuracy for the second kiss.

    Hug the girl by the waist and gently pull her towards you so that your stomachs touch.

    After this, be sure to pause and try to feel: is the girl you want to kiss comfortable?

    If she doesn't remove your hands and continues to look into your eyes, do the job, guy.

    You can directly say: "I want to kiss you".

    Of course, if the moment allows. The girl will probably answer: “Well, what’s stopping you?”

    Then kiss me boldly.

You can certainly be an Experienced Kissing Master. But then why did you need instructions on how to kiss a girl?

Therefore, I consider it my duty to remind you (just in case) the basic rules of the first kiss with a girl:

Your kiss is over! You managed to kiss the girl you've liked for so long. It is necessary to end the kiss just as beautifully.

Don't just end the kiss abruptly. It’s better to remove your tongue first and continue kissing with just your lips. Slow down the pace (the kiss probably became more intense over time, your breathing became faster, and you both “broke apart”). After a few minutes of soft touching your heated lips, let your embrace loosen. This will let the girl know that the kiss is coming to an end.

The girl will probably be the first to want to stop the kiss. Then catch the signs from her:

  • removed the tongue;
  • relaxed the hug;
  • removed her hands from her shoulders;
  • begins to instinctively lean back;
  • removes his lips too often, demanding a “break.”

All this indicates that the kiss can be considered over. But this does not mean at all that the girl did not like kissing you or that she regrets that she allowed herself to be kissed. It’s just important not to overdo it for the first close contact.

How to kiss a girl or 3 life hacks that will make your kiss unforgettable

Lifehack 1.

While kissing (have you managed to kiss the girl you want?) take soft pauses.
Gently pause the kiss and whisper something very pleasant. For example: "How long have I been waiting for this".

The girl you kissed is guaranteed to feel a herd of goosebumps crawling across her skin. She will be very pleased to hear how pleased you are with your kiss and how much you wanted it.

First kiss. How to choose the right moment for a kiss?

Top tips to avoid rejection.

Lifehack 2.

Of course, adding passion will help make a girl's first kiss memorable. Not much, just a few seconds of an intense and passionate kiss! Girls like to feel wanted. But it is important not to cross the line where your kiss becomes annoying, vulgar and obliging.

For example, while kissing, suddenly press her closer to you, allowing the kiss to become a little deeper and more intimate. Feel the girl's reaction. If she, in bewilderment, continues to kiss you at the same pace as before, slow down.

If a girl catches your wave and gives herself up to a passionate kiss, don’t overdo it! Enjoy the hot process for a few seconds, then move on to tenderness again.

Life hack 3.

Give your kiss variety. You can lightly bite her lip or tongue at the right moment. Very weak, but playful. This way she will feel that you are relaxed and will relax completely herself.
Then, when the girl describes to her friends how you decided to kiss her, she will be full of admiration!

I looked at my watch - 04:45. Well, there are 14 hours and 15 minutes left before the meeting with Marina. I haven't prepared for the upcoming exam. But, I have the whole day to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the topic “ how to kiss a girl" And I feel like we're going to have an unforgettable date tonight.

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A first date is, on the one hand, an opportunity to meet that same person. On the other hand, it’s a hassle that ultimately leads to nothing.

website will tell you about 7 mistakes we sometimes make on dates and ways to avoid them. Read and meet, because this is a chance to get acquainted, if not with the same thing, then just with interesting person. And if after reading you still have questions, keep them universal bonus tip at the end of the article.

7. Criticism

Does your partner ask you to chill your red wine? Do you think that the last part of “Pirates of the Caribbean” was the most successful? Doesn’t he see anything shameful in the word “theirs”? Resist the urge to explain how deeply he is mistaken. The first date, in fact, is for this purpose: to evaluate the person and understand whether you are on the right path further. It won't be possible to re-educate your partner the first time, but being remembered as an evil pedant is easy.

  • Advice: Don't criticize!

6. Talking about exes

The advice “don’t talk about your ex” can only be compared in terms of obviousness to “don’t eat soup with a fork.” But one study suggests that people often bring up the topic of their previous relationships on dates. As a result the partner gets the impression that they are not interested. This is quite an expected impression.

  • Advice: Well, what do you recommend? Just don't talk about your exes, that's all. After all, from the outside it looks like you brought your ex-partner with you on a date.

5. Talking about work

When talking about work, people often fall into one of two extremes: it's either too bad or too good. In the first case you look like a loser. Secondly, all these enthusiastic stories about trainings, workshops, brainstorms and communities seem to be an attempt to convince oneself of something, first of all.

  • Advice: Remember some funny story related to work. You don’t need absolutely crazy memories (for example, about how the office toilet was covered with transparent film), but self-irony will not hurt (a story about some terrible competition at a corporate party in which you had to take part will do).

4. Wrong topic of conversation

In addition to exes and work, there are other topics that are not recommended to be discussed when meeting with a stranger. With the person you want to please. These are health problems or lack thereof (it’s not like everyone immediately falls in love with healthy people), religion or politics, excess or lack of money. Lack of justice, true love, cheap buckwheat - also no, like any other thoughts about the imperfection of this world.

  • Advice: A well-known specialist in the field of relationships has compiled 36 questions that will help a man and a woman get to know each other better and develop sympathy. Read, you will probably find among them ideas for dialogue on the first date. By the way, for the magic to work one hundred percent, everyone in turn needs to answer all the questions and then look into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes.

3. Wrong clothes

Wrong clothes are anything that is uncomfortable, inappropriate for the time of day or weather, provocative, bright or, on the contrary, too gray. Choose classic and comfortable clothes (unless it's a shapeless hoodie), preferably red, and you won't go wrong. And here are some more tips.

  • Advice for women: The amount of bare skin (or covered with nylon if it's cold) should not exceed 40% if you are looking for a long-term relationship. In heels, your stride becomes shorter and your hip swing becomes stronger. It drives men crazy - shake your head.
  • A lady in a skirt or dress has a better chance of making a positive first impression. The waist-to-hip ratio that pushes men is 0.6 to 0.8. Clothing with a wrap or horizontal stripes on the hips, thin straps at the waist and a tulip skirt will help you.
  • Tips for men: Blue jeans and a white T-shirt - this combination was called optimal by almost 70% of women. If white is not an option, then, in addition to red, the fair sex responds well to colors such as purple, black and blue.
  • What irritates ladies the most are trousers that are too short and jackets that are too big. More than half of the women noted that it is better if a man smells nothing but freshness. That's how it is, guys.

2. Quitting alcohol

If the date takes place in the first half of the day and there is nothing on the table except coffee and cakes, then alcohol will be inappropriate. But if this is dinner, which in any other conditions is accompanied by a glass of red, then why not?

A little (this keyword) alcohol will help relieve tension, and you will begin to behave for real. This is worth a lot and compensates for many mistakes. But when we try to behave differently than usual, this leads to tightness in conversation and behavior, which looks unnatural and even terrible. By the way, eating wine with lettuce leaves is also about this.

  • Advice: Choose those drinks (and dishes too) that you have tried before so that your body’s reaction does not surprise you. Leave all sorts of flaming cocktails, when served, by the bartender to hit you on the head, for later. Well, even the lightest white wine on an empty stomach is, of course, taboo.

1. Bad mood

If the mood has deteriorated on a date because of your unjustified expectations, there is nothing you can do about it, get up and leave. But showing up to a meeting in a bad mood means minimizing the likelihood that they will want to see you a second time. After all, in In a bad mood, we lose our main trump card - a sincere smile.

  • Advice: If something (or someone) threw you off balance before a meeting, reschedule it. And it’s okay if you’ve already spent a lot of time preparing. It is better to spend this time again than not to wait for an invitation to a second date. As for unjustified expectations, try not to build preliminary illusions, and then everything will be much simpler.

The same thing happens to a man. Having acquired the habit of lightly drinking a glass before sex, he is no longer able to tune in to “exploits” in bed without alcohol doping.

Everything needs moderation. How much can you drink to relax without getting drunk? Is alcohol necessary before sex? Everyone answers these questions themselves, guided by their personal experience.

If you still want to resort to alcohol, then you need to have an idea of ​​what and how to drink.

Champagne is perfect for the first meeting - an elegant and light drink that creates an upbeat and festive mood. If you don't drink liters of it, it will only make your head spin slightly, which is exactly what you need for a romantic date.

Expensive wine is also suitable for an intimate meeting. There are not many degrees in wine, so alcohol intoxication will not be strong and long-lasting. Wine is a drink that requires ritual. It requires flowers, candles, beautiful glasses, music and twilight - a wonderful prelude to a passionate continuation.

However, there are cases when wine before intimacy is strictly prohibited. For example, if one of the partners has diabetes, problems with the circulatory system, or some other health problems. Substances contained in wine can cause shortness of breath, flushing, weakness, and other life-threatening reactions. What kind of sex is this...

Wine can be replaced with vermouth, but this drink is insidious in that it is easy to drink, and intoxication occurs quickly and suddenly.

There are lovers of even such a straightforward and strong drink as vodka. However, it is strongly recommended to abstain from such a serious drink before sex. Vodka has a very short transition period from high spirits, euphoria, to severe intoxication.

Especially for women who are not accustomed to this drink, it can be difficult to grasp the threshold beyond which you should not move. In addition, vodka has a rather strong specific aroma and smell that does not really fit in with romantic evening. Long-time partners who have nothing to hide from each other sometimes resort to vodka. They are not looking for romance; they are both absorbed in business.

Read more

Beer is a completely different drinking culture. This drink is young, cheerful, perfect for drinking in a group. There are not many degrees in it, so when you use it you can remain alert and ready for sex both psychologically and physically. But we must not forget about a sense of proportion. Excessive consumption may cause heaviness in the stomach, swelling, and fatigue, which will in no way contribute to good sex. It's also worth keeping in mind that a lot of beer means a lot of liquid. A crowded bladder does not arouse either romantic feelings or passion, since only thoughts about the toilet will be in your head.

After sex, a glass of cognac is appropriate. This drink contains substances that have a positive effect on cardiovascular system, and also reduce the feeling of fatigue. The aroma, color, taste and consistency of cognac is an excellent tonic.

In conclusion, I would like to say that alcohol should under no circumstances be given a decisive role in sexual relationships, warns

If you can no longer imagine sex without the help of alcohol, then you urgently need to solve this problem, on your own or with the help of specialists. Alcohol can only help you relax a little before sex, but it cannot replace love, passion, or a full-fledged relationship with your partner.

What do men want? What to wear on a first date? ? These and similar questions are swirling in the heads of the fair half of humanity. When going on a first date, women spend hours primping themselves in the mirror, going through outfits and different looks, trying to figure out what is best to wear and what to say.

To help Signorina readers with this question, we spoke to several attractive men who lead active lifestyles and date women to find out what they really want from a woman on a first date.

1. Intelligence and sense of humor

On the first date, men want to get to know you better, but this does not mean that you should limit yourself to a banal and boring story about your life. They'd rather hear something more interesting, so show off your intelligence and wit instead of talking about what college you went to and how much you hate your boss.

2. Don’t change your usual image

There is no need to experiment with your appearance and create a new image, he liked you the way you are. If you go to a salon before a date and spend half a day there, changing your haircut, hair color and makeup, it’s not at all a fact that he will appreciate these changes. The same applies to changing your clothing style: wearing an extremely short skirt and high-heeled shoes that you have never worn, you will feel constrained and he will certainly notice it.

3. Fleeting touches

If you are attracted to him, casually touch him. We're not talking about going all out and passionately hugging, but about leaning towards him and touching him when talking. Placing your hand on his shoulder or knee will let him know you're interested. Conversely, if you are not interested in him, let his body language show it. Cross your arms or lean to the side while he speaks; he will certainly understand your hint.

4. Wear something red

The color red is often associated with love and romance. And many men are more attracted to women who wear red. You don't have to drape yourself in red from head to toe - just add red accessories like a bright red handbag, red strappy sandals and, of course, sparkling red lipstick.

5. Light perfume

Don't wear heavy perfumes - most men hate it. But according to the latest scientific research on the interpretation and study of smell and taste, conducted in Chicago, men are turned on by natural smells, such as the smell of cinnamon or a mixture of lavender and pumpkin scents. Use body wash, lotion and shampoo with these scents.

When you're about to have a wild, sexy date, the last thing you want is to leave a mixed impression on your partner. No one wants to suffer from bloating, smell bad sweat, or experience a decrease in libido. Some products play tricks on us. All of them are useful when it comes to weight loss, but they can harm your unexpected rendezvous. Use them on days when you plan to sleep in splendid isolation.


Before ordering at a restaurant mushroom soup with beans, think twice. Legumes contain oligosaccharides - indigestible molecules that are poorly absorbed by the body. But a more serious problem in the case of an upcoming intimate date is bloating and increased gas formation. Neither of these things will make you or your partner feel good.

Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, white and cauliflower contain raffinose (a non-reducing trisaccharide) and sulfates. These compounds promote increased gas production and put you in an awkward position in front of your romantic partner. There is no enzyme in our bodies that can break down raffinose. So when cabbage enters the lower intestines, they are fermented by bacteria and converted into methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.


If you're going on a date, try to avoid snacks that contain raw or pickled onions in addition to vegetables and meat. Like coffee, garlic and other spices, this useful product changes your body odor. This is why sweat becomes more acrid. Volatile enzymes in spices and caffeine have the ability to interact with proteins in the eccrine glands. But an even greater nuisance is the pronounced odor from the mouth. Passionate kisses should not taste like onions.

Non-organic soy products

Soy contains phytoestrogens, non-steroidal compounds that can interfere with hormonal balance in both men and women. Do not consume soy products before a romantic date, otherwise you can expect a significant decrease in libido. One of scientific research, the results of which were published in the journal Nutrition, found that switching to a vegan diet and excessive soy in the diet causes men to lose libido and erections. Do not consume soy milk, tofu, soybeans, or vegan meat substitutes if you believe these products are of poor quality or contain genetically modified substances.


If you like to quench your thirst with a cold mug of beer or prefer to drink this drink instead of a glass of red wine with dinner, give up the tradition before sexual pleasures. Firstly, alcohol causes a change in consciousness, and secondly, it negatively affects libido. Hops contain phytoestrogens, so leave drinking beer until better times.

Sweets and bakery products

If there are any food sex saboteurs, it's your favorite sweets, packed with trans fats and sugar. Eating donuts, pancakes and cakes clogs your arteries with cholesterol plaques, which leads to cardiovascular problems in the long run. Well, if we talk about the coming night, then baked goods and sweet desserts lead to an instant release of insulin. In men, this leads to decreased testosterone levels. If you are a die-hard sweet tooth, you probably already have some excess belly fat. This is another piece of bad news for men. Belly fat increases estrogen levels, reducing libido and erectile function.

Liquorice candy

Liquorice candies made from licorice root contain glycyrrhizic acid, which is responsible for the unique taste of the delicacy. However, this substance can also suppress testosterone production. In one scientific study, a group of men consumed small amounts of licorice candy daily that contained at least 0.5 grams of glycyrrhizic acid. Over the four days of the study, the volunteers' testosterone levels dropped by 35 percent.


Did you know that during production hard cheese(and other dairy products) are antibiotics and growth hormones used? Stomach discomfort is not something you want to feel during sexual pleasure. When one partner's stomach growls, it unsettles both.


If you're a die-hard fan of asparagus, you've probably noticed some strange reactions in your body to these foods. First of all, asparagus changes the smell of urine to an unpleasant and pungent one, comparable to the smell of rotten cabbage or rotting eggs.

Processed meat products

Do you prefer to buy sausages and sausages at the supermarket? Know that their cellophane shells are made from polyvinyl chloride. This substance affects hormonal changes and sexual desire. Additionally, all processed meats contain hormones, preservatives and antibiotics.