How different the impressions are by age. Age periodization, its characteristics: is age so important? Mental development of preschool children

Listen to the text and complete task C1 on a separate sheet of paper. First write the task number, and then the text concise presentation.

C1 Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Listening text

The expression “black sheep” has long become a metaphor, which means a sharp difference between a person and those around him. Completely white individuals can be seen in a flock of dark crows, rooks or jackdaws. "White crows" are found from time to time among many animal species. Such individuals are called albinos.

The cause of albinism is that the body does not produce pigments known collectively as melanins. The concentration, ratio and peculiarities of the relative arrangement of granules of different melanins in the skin, wool, feathers, scales, claws create all the great variety of colors of animals.

Albinos are fundamentally different from wild animals dressed in snow-white clothes, which they “received” from nature as a result of natural selection. Polar owls, white gulls, and polar bears are not albinos at all. In the body of these animals, melanin is produced exactly as much as is necessary for normal life.

The unusual appearance of albino animals and the aura of mystery that shrouds their origin have given rise to many myths and legends. Just remember the mighty white bull, into which, according to ancient Greek myths, Zeus was reincarnated, or the white elephants of Thailand, which only special people were allowed to own. royal blood, or the white camel who carried the prophet Mohammed away from his enemies, or the White Horse of the prairies, who, according to the beliefs of Western American Indians, commanded herds of mustangs... The heroes of all these legends, in addition to supernatural abilities, are endowed with unprecedented strength and endurance. Most likely, they are talking about white animals or partial albinos. Full albinos, for the most part, are characterized by reduced viability and in nature are mercilessly culled by natural selection.

Deprived of camouflage coloring and sharply standing out among their relatives, albino animals attract increased attention from predators, becoming their victims in the first place, but albino predators cannot sneak up on victims unnoticed and get food for themselves. (257 words)

(According to I. Travina)

- - - Information about the text for a condensed presentation - - -

1 - Among many animal species there are albinos

2 - The reason for albinism is that the body does not produce melanin, and this is the fundamental difference between albinos

3 - There are many myths and legends about albinos, in which they are endowed with unique properties

4 - Special coloring determines the specific life of albinos

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7; B1-B9. For each task A1-A7 there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct.

(1) How different are the impressions of what is read, heard and seen according to age!

(2) I remember being taken to the circus as a child. (3) How much joy and pleasure!

(4) In my youth, I also visited it often: I was drawn there by the grace of the movements of the riders, the courage of the acrobats, the triumph of animal training by the crown of creation - man...

(5) More mature years came - I occasionally and only by chance went to the circus.

(6) Now I don’t go there at all. (7) Why?

(8) I remember the last time I was there, very strange thoughts came to me...

(9) A huge iron cage was wheeled out to the arena. (10) Three young African lions walked quickly back and forth in it, emitting a dull growl, shaking their manes and sparkling eyes. (11) They seemed to be reasoning with themselves, and it seemed to me from the varied tone of their growls that these reasonings were on different topics.

(12) One said:

(13) - Who dares to order me? (14) To whom will I bow my head and on whom will I not let out my claws? (15) I will break all the locks, I will cover immeasurable spaces and reach my distant homeland - a quiet desert. (16) Where the gazelles that I will feast on drink by the stream, where I will quench my thirst, beautiful young lionesses with silky fur, with eyes burning with green fire, are waiting for me, basking on the hot sand. (17) I will let out a joyful cry of love, and the one who loves me will respond to my call. (18) We will walk with her through the vast desert, scorched by the sun, happy, free.

(19) Another made other plans in a harsher tone:

(20) - Who is thinking of subjugating me? (21) To whom will my proud will bow? (22) Now I will grab the bars and locks with my teeth and chew them easier than a child cracks nuts. (23) But I will not retire into silence and deserted peace, but will run to the cities where my brothers languish in captivity, where they dare to show them off for fun. (24) I will destroy all the cells and free the unfortunate prisoners. (25) There will be tens, hundreds, thousands of us, and only when there is not a single lion in prison on the entire globe will I return to my native countries, as befits a victorious king.

(26) The third dreamed differently:

(27) - Let them not try to enslave me! (28) With one blow of my mighty paw I will break into pieces both the wood and the iron of my prison, I will turn everything into splinters and dust. (29) I will go to the most remote country, unknown to either people or lions. (30) There I will live alone, contemplating only boundless spaces around me: the desert, the sea and the sky - and, having grown old, I will die in sight of the setting sun.

(31) So, it seemed to me, these three young lions were thinking, imprisoned in a cage standing in the arena, when the tamer appeared through the quickly opened door. (32) In her right hand she held a small whip, which even a small dog would hardly have been afraid of.

(33) But as soon as they, these three wild lions, saw her, they stopped growling and, with their tails between their legs, huddled together in the opposite corner of the cage. (34) Under the swings of the whip, she made them jump over barriers and into hoops.

(35) He, in love with a wild lioness, licked the hands of the tamer. (36) He who was planning to free all the lions bit, like a well-trained dog, one of his comrades who was slow to give his paw, and who dreamed of dying, contemplating the setting sun, trembled with his whole body when the pistol fired blankly.

(37) The performance ended, and the tamer, leaving the cage, threw a piece of meat to the lions, and they, holding it in their paws, began to devour it, apparently satisfied, with dull eyes.

(38) Doesn’t the same thing happen to people? (39) Aren’t these three lions the wonderful dreams of youth: passionate love, thirst for glory, sublime aspirations? (40) But I’m hungry... (41) The tamer is life.

(42) These were my thoughts - and I stopped going to the circus.

(According to N. Heinze)

A1 Which of the statements below contains the answer to the question: “Why did the author stop going to the circus?”

  1. He has already stopped enjoying acrobats, gymnasts, trainers.
  2. At the circus, he did not watch the performance, but thought about his own things.
  3. He drew a parallel between the world of trained animals and the world of people, and this gave him sad thoughts.
  4. He didn't like trained animals.

A2 Indicate the meaning in which the word is used in the text "dreams"(sentence 39).

  1. ideals
  2. fantasy
  3. principles

A3 Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is rhetorical question.

  1. Who thinks to subjugate me? To whom will my proud will bow?
  2. Now I don't go there at all. Why?
  3. How different are the impressions of what we read, hear and see depending on age!
  4. I remember the last time I was there, very strange thoughts came to me...

A4 Specify erroneous judgment.

  1. In the word UNHAPPY (sentence 24) the consonant sound [t] is unpronounceable.
  2. In the word NAPOKAZ (sentence 23) the last sound is [z].
  3. In the word PRISONS (sentence 28), the softness of the consonant [p’] in writing is indicated by the letter b (soft sign).
  4. The word BARRIERS (sentence 34) has as many sounds as letters.

A5 Specify the word with alternating vowel at the root.

  1. contemplating
  2. tamer
  3. open
  4. impressions

A6 In which word is the spelling of a prefix determined by the fact that a dull consonant sound is heard after it?

  1. scared
  2. will respond
  3. extensive
  4. limitless

A7 Which word is spelled? -NN- determined by the fact that the word is formed from a perfective verb?

  1. heard
  2. seen
  3. distant
  4. deserted

Complete tasks B1-B9 based on the text you read. Write down answers to tasks B1-B9 in words or numbers.

B1 Replace the word PRISONERS from sentence 24 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

B2 Write out a phrase from sentences 17-18 in which the words are connected in the following way: adjacency.

B3 Write out grammatical basis proposals 10.

B4 Find an offer among offers 12-25 with a separate circumstance, expressed by the participial phrase. Write the number of this offer.

B5 In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas in introductory words.

So, (1) it seemed to me, (2) these three young lions thought, (3) prisoners in a cage, (4) standing in the arena, (5) when the tamer appeared in the quickly opened door.

B6 Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 31.

B7 In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts complex offers.

There will be tens of us, (1) hundreds, (2) thousands, (3) and only then, (4) when there is not a single lion in prison on the entire globe, (5) will I return to my native countries, (6) how befits a victorious king.

B8 Find among sentences 1-8 complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate parts. Write the number of this offer.

B9 Find among 20-30 offers complex sentence with subordinating and coordinating connection . Write the number of this offer.

- - - Answers - - -

A1-3; A2-1; AZ-1; A4-2; A5-3; A6-1; A7-3.

B1-prisoners; B2-let's go together; B3-three lions walked; B4-16; B5-1,2; B6-2; B7-4,5,6; B8-8; B9-25.

Part 3

Using the text you read from part 2, complete task C2 on a separate sheet of paper.

C2 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian philologist Grigory Yakovlevich Solganik: “The most amazing and widespread among figurative and expressive means is metaphor, or hidden comparison.”

When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of G.Ya. Solganika.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

The meaning of the phrase

Metaphor is a figurative and expressive means based on the use of words in a figurative sense. Metaphorical transfer is carried out on the basis of the similarity of objects and phenomena in shape, color, and purpose. Metaphor is often found in speech and serves to enhance its expressiveness.


Find examples of metaphorical transfer in the text and show why the author uses metaphor, what he wants to convey, what picture to draw.

How different are the impressions of what we read, hear and see depending on age!
I remember when I was a child they took me to the circus.
How much joy, how much pleasure!
In my youth, I also visited it and visited it often - I was drawn there by the grace of the movements of the riders, the courage of the acrobats, the triumph of animal training by the crown of creation - man...
More mature years came - I occasionally and only by chance went to the circus.
Now I don't go there at all. Why?
I remember the last time I was there, very strange thoughts came to me...
The turn came - I vividly remember this - to the last number of the program - taming the lions.
A huge iron cage was wheeled into the arena. Three young African lions walked quickly back and forth in it, emitting a dull growl, shaking their manes and sparkling eyes.
They seemed to be reasoning with themselves, and it seemed to me, from the varied tone of their growls, that these reasonings were on different topics.
One, I understood them, said:
-Who dares to order me? To whom will I bow my head and on whom will I not let out my claws? I'll leave, they only saw me! I will break all constipations, I will cover immeasurable spaces and reach my distant homeland - the quiet desert. Where the gazelles that I will feast on drink by the stream, where I will quench my thirst, beautiful young lionesses with silky fur, with eyes burning with green fire, are waiting for me, basking on the hot sand. I will let out a joyful cry of love, and the one who loves me will respond to my call. We will walk with her through the vast desert, scorched by the sun, happy, free. Having surrendered to the first delights of love, licking our lips, bloodied by the happy prey, we will fall asleep sweetly, and only the moon, frightened and enchanted, will contemplate from the cloudless sky this conjugal dream of the royal couple of the desert...
Another made other plans in a sharper tone:
-Who is thinking of subjugating me? To whom will my proud will bow? Now I will grab the bars and locks with my teeth and chew them easier than a child cracks nuts. But I will not retire into the peace and quiet of the desert, I will run to the cities where my brothers languish in captivity, where they dare to be shown off for fun. I will destroy all the cells and free the unfortunate prisoners. There will be tens, hundreds, thousands of us, and only when there is not a single lion in prison on the entire globe, only then will I return to my native countries, liberated and liberator, with joy in my heart, as befits a victorious king returning to his fatherland at the head of the liberated people.
The third dreamed differently:
- Let them not try to enslave me! This is a waste of time! Not a single glance will make me look down! With one blow of my mighty paw I will break into pieces both the wood and the iron of my prison, I will turn everything into splinters and dust. But I thirst for freedom not for the pleasures of love and not to achieve the glory of the liberator of enslaved brothers. No, not at all. I will go to the most remote place, unknown to either people or lions. There I will live alone, contemplating only boundless spaces around me: desert, sea and sky. I will only exchange glances with the stars. Finally, having grown old in the midst of this charming infinity, I will die with my head bowed on my paws, in view of the setting sun.
So, it seemed to me, these three young lions, imprisoned in a cage in the arena, were thinking out loud when the tamer appeared through the quickly opened door.
She did not stand out for either strength or beauty, thin, pale, exhausted, dressed in tights with shiny embroidery.
In her right hand she held a small whip, which even a small dog would hardly be afraid of.
But as soon as they saw her, these three wild lions stopped roaring and, with their tails between their legs, huddled together in the opposite corner of the cage. For one moment an evil light flashed in their eyes, but she slammed the whip and they calmed down. Under the waves of the same whip, she made them jump over barriers and into hoops.
The one who, in love with a wild lioness, longed to lick bloody lips, licked the hands of the tamer. He who was planning to free all three lions bit, like a well-trained dog, one of his comrades who was slow to give his paw, and who dreamed of dying, contemplating the setting sun, trembled with his whole body when the pistol fired blankly.
Finally the show ended. The tamer, leaving the cage, threw a piece of meat to the lions. They held him in their paws and began to devour him, apparently satisfied, with dull eyes.
Isn't it the same with people?
“Aren’t these three lions the wonderful dreams of youth: passionate love, thirst for glory, lofty aspirations?
But... you have to eat!
The tamer is life.
These were my thoughts - and I stopped going to the circus.
Please help me identify the problem with this text))

The age-related development of a person is considered in different ways, which determines the features of the periodization of age-related development:

  • The order of life events;
  • Human biological processes;
  • Development in society;
  • Ontogenesis of psychology.

The age periodization of a person combines the period from conception to physiological death.

Today there is no unified classification of the age periodization of human life, since it has constantly changed depending on time and cultural development.

The distribution of age periods occurs when certain important changes occur in the human body.

Stages of age periodization are periods between the boundaries of a certain age in the human development system.

Briefly defining age periodization, we can distinguish the following stages:

  • The birth of man;
  • Growing up, as well as the formation of certain physical and social functions;
  • Development of these functions;
  • Old age and decreased functioning of the body;
  • Physical death.

Every person after birth goes through all life stages sequentially. These make up the life cycle.

It should be noted that the “passport” age does not always coincide with the social, biological and psychological.

What is age periodization?

Let's consider the main periods of a healthy person's life, which are distinguished by age periodization in psychology. The characteristics of age periods are based on psychological ontogenesis.

Age periodization from a psychological point of view

1. Prenatal segment, in which 3 stages are distinguished:

  • Pre-embryonic. The duration is determined by two weeks, when fertilization occurs in the egg;
  • Embryonic. The duration of the period is until the beginning of the third month of pregnancy. The period is characterized by active development internal organs.
  • Fetal stage. Lasts from three months of pregnancy until the birth of the child. All vital organs are formed, which must function clearly and allow the fetus to survive after birth.

2. Childhood.

  • From zero months to a year;
  • Early childhood, which lasts from one to three years of age. Characterized by the manifestation of autonomy and independence; intensive development of speech skills.
  • Preschool period is from three to six years old.

During this period, intensive development of the child occurs, the stage of social manifestations begins;

  • School age of the younger group. From six to eleven years old, the child is actively involved in social life; intensive intellectual development occurs.

3. Adolescence.

  • Adolescence.

A time of intense puberty, which lasts up to fifteen years. Significant changes occur in the functioning of body systems. Under their influence, the view of one’s own “I” and ideas about the surrounding reality change.

  • Youth time.

The duration of the period is from sixteen to twenty-three years. From a biological point of view, the organism has become an adult. However, based on social development, this cannot be said. There is a desire to become independent and independent in the absence of social responsibility.

All important decisions related to later life are made at this time: the choice of life path, profession, self-determination, the formation of self-awareness and attitude towards self-development.

The transition from one age period to another involves the emergence of crises, those moments that are considered to be turning points. They occur due to changes in the physiology and psychology of a growing person. Crises are the most difficult stages of life's journey, which cause certain difficulties for the growing person himself, as well as for the people who surround him. There are two types of turning points: small and large.

Small crises (1 and 7 years, youth crisis) appear with the emergence and development of skills and abilities that did not exist before, and the increasing role of independence.

Major crises (birth, three years, adolescence) are characterized by a complete restructuring of social and psychological relationships. This is a time of great change, which is accompanied by emotional outbursts, aggression, and disobedience.

4. Maturity.

  • Youth. Lasts up to 33 years. A period of active personal relationships associated with building a family and having children. Development professional activities. Time to assert yourself in all areas of life: sex, love, career.
  • The crisis of thirty. By this time, many achieve what they strived for. There comes a turning point in life when a person begins to look for the meaning of life. Often disappointed in what he has. Strives to change his place of work, education, circle of acquaintances and friends. According to statistics, most divorces occur during this period.
  • Stabilization period. From 35 to 45 years old, as a rule, people are satisfied with what they have achieved. They no longer want change, they want stability. Confidence in one’s own abilities comes, and success in one’s career is achieved. Most often, the state of health is consistently good. Family relationships are stabilizing.
  • Decade of crisis (45 -55 years).

The first signs of approaching old age begin to appear: former beauty fades, well-being and health in general deteriorate.

Coldness appears in the family. Children, having become adults, lead an independent life, and alienation occurs in relationships with them. Fatigue and depressive moods are frequent companions of this age. Some try to find salvation in dreams of a new bright love (or make their dream come true). Others “burn” at work, ensuring a dizzying rise in their career.

  • Period of balance. The age from 55 to 65 years is characterized by a gradual withdrawal from social life and work activity. This is a period of relative peace in all areas of life.

5. Old age.

There is a rethinking of one’s entire life, reflection on spirituality and a reassessment of actions. Review of the past years from the point of view of philosophy: whether life was wasted or was it rich and unique.

At this time they appear crisis periods associated with rethinking the life lived.

  • Personal assessment that does not affect the professional sphere;
  • Attitudes towards aging and the appearance of signs of obvious deterioration in health and appearance;
  • Understanding and accepting death.

1) Thinking about its inevitability, a person initially feels horror from helplessness, since he cannot prevent this event.

2) Anger, which is poured out on all young and healthy people nearby. He comes with the realization that human life is coming to an end and nothing can be done about it.

3) An attempt to make a deal: with doctors or through repentance. A person “begs” for years of life by following all the doctor’s orders, self-medicating, or actively attending church.

4) Depression. The awareness of imminent death does not leave a person. He withdraws into himself, often cries, thinking about his family and friends whom he has to leave. There is a complete lack of social contacts.

5) Acceptance of death. Humble expectation of the inevitable end. A state when a person is already psychologically dead.

6) The onset of clinical death is characterized by complete cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing. Within 15-20 minutes a person can still be brought back to life.

7) Physiological death is associated with the cessation of all body functions.

The determination of this age periodization is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body, the level of mental development, as well as the basic behavioral characteristics of a person.

Philosophical concept of age periodization

Since ancient times, in different countries scientists had their own idea of ​​the concept of age-related characteristics. Modern age periodization successfully uses the proposed models.

For example, in China it was believed that human life is divided into 7 periods, with the age from 60 to 70 years being considered the best. This time was called the spiritual flowering of man and the manifestation of his highest wisdom.

Hippocrates divided human life into 10 stages, each of which lasted 7 years. The record of time began at birth.

The division of the stages of life according to Pythagoras is very interesting. He believed that age periodization is like the seasons.

  • Spring.

The beginning of life. The period of formation and development of personality. Passes from birth to 20 years.

  • Summer. Young years from 20 to 40 years.

  • Autumn. The best years of a person, the blossoming of creative potential. Lasts from 40 to 60 years.
  • Winter is old age, which begins at 60 years of age.

Pythagoras believed that everything in human life characterized by numbers that have magical properties.

The scientist assumed that the age periodization of development is the changing “seasons” of life, and man is part of natural life.

The basis of his age periodization and characteristics of periods is the idea of ​​eternal life through reincarnation and change.

Is age really that important?

Each of us is free to determine by what criteria to determine the age period in which he lives. After all, the concept of “age” is very relative.

Some people consider themselves young as long as they remain attractive and in good health. Often people try by all available means to prolong this outward manifestation of youth. And some even 80 lead an active lifestyle, attracting others with their optimism. As a rule, such people get sick very little, remaining active until old age.

Remember that age is determined by your state of mind, not by the numbers in your passport.

The concept of “age” can be considered from different aspects: from the point of view of the chronology of events, biological processes of the body, social formation and psychological development.

Age covers all life path. It begins from birth and ends with physiological death. Age shows from birth to a specific event in a person's life.

Birth, growing up, development, old age - all human lives, of which the entire earthly path consists. Having been born, a person began his first stage, and then, over time, he will go through all of them sequentially.

Classification of age periods from the point of view of biology

There is no single classification, in different times it was compiled differently. The delimitation of periods is associated with a certain age, when significant changes occur in the human body.

A person’s life is the periods between key “points”.

Passport or chronological age may not coincide with biological age. It is by the latter that one can judge how he will perform his work, what loads his body can withstand. Biological age can either lag behind the passport age or be ahead of it.

Let's consider the classification of life periods, which is based on the concept of age based on physiological changes in the body:

Age periods
0-4 weeksnewborn
4 weeks - 1 yearchest
1-3 yearsearly childhood
3-7 yearspreschool
7-10/12 yearsjunior school
girls: 10-17/18 yearsteenage
boys: 12-17/18 years
young men17-21 years oldyouthful
girls16-20 years old
men21-35 years oldadulthood, 1st period
women20-35 years
men35-60 yearsmature age, 2nd period
women35-55 years
55/60-75 yearsold age
75-90 old age
90 years or morecentenarians

Scientists' views on the age periods of human life

Depending on the era and country, scientists and philosophers proposed different criteria for grading the main stages of life.

For example:

  • Chinese scientists divided human life into 7 phases. “Desirable,” for example, was the age from 60 to 70 years. This is a period of development of human spirituality and wisdom.
  • The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras identified the stages of human life with the seasons. Each lasted 20 years.
  • The ideas of Hippocrates became fundamental for the further determination of periods of life. He identified 10, each 7 years long, starting from birth.

Periods of life according to Pythagoras

The ancient philosopher Pythagoras, considering the stages of human existence, identified them with the seasons. He identified four of them:

  • Spring is the beginning and development of life, from birth to 20 years.
  • Summer is youth, from 20 to 40 years.
  • Autumn is the prime time, from 40 to 60 years.
  • Winter - fading, from 60 to 80 years.

Periods according to Pythagoras had a duration of exactly 20 years. Pythagoras believed that everything on Earth is measured by numbers, which he treated not only as mathematical symbols, but also endowed them with a certain magical meaning. Numbers also allowed him to determine the characteristics of the cosmic order.

Pythagoras also applied the concept of “quaternary” to age periods, because he compared them with eternal, unchanging natural phenomena, for example, the elements.

The periods of human life (according to Pythagoras) and their advantages are based on the idea of eternal return. Life is eternal, like seasons changing each other, and man is a part of nature, lives and develops according to its laws.

The concept of “seasons” according to Pythagoras

Identifying the age intervals of a person’s life with the seasons, Pythagoras focused on the fact that:

  • Spring is the time of beginning, the birth of life. The child develops, absorbing new knowledge with pleasure. He is interested in everything around him, but everything is still happening in the form of a game. The child is blossoming.
  • Summer is the period of growing up. A person blossoms, he is attracted by everything new, still unknown. Continuing to blossom, a person does not lose his childish fun.
  • Autumn - a person has become an adult, balanced, the former gaiety has given way to confidence and leisureliness.
  • Winter is a period of reflection and summing up. The man has gone most of the way and is now considering the results of his life.

The main periods of people's earthly journey

Considering the existence of an individual, we can distinguish the main periods of a person’s life:

  • youth;
  • mature age;
  • old age.

At each stage, a person acquires something new, revises his values, and changes his social status in society.

The basis of existence is made up of periods of human life. The characteristics of each of them are associated with growing up, changes in the environment, and state of mind.

Features of the main stages of personality existence

The periods of a person’s life have their own characteristics: each stage complements the previous one, bringing with it something new, something that has not yet happened in life.

Youth is characterized by maximalism: the dawn of mental and creative abilities occurs, the basic physiological processes of growing up are completed, appearance and well-being improve. At this age, a system is established, time is valued, self-control increases, and others are re-evaluated. A person decides on the direction of his life.

Having reached the threshold of maturity, a person has already reached certain heights. In the professional sphere, he occupies a stable position. This period coincides with the strengthening and maximum development of social status, decisions are made thoughtfully, a person does not avoid responsibility, appreciates the present day, can forgive himself and others for the mistakes he has made, and realistically evaluates himself and others. This is the age of achievement, conquering peaks and obtaining maximum opportunities for your development.

Old age is more associated with losses than with gains. A person ends his working life, his social environment changes, and inevitable physiological changes appear. However, a person can still engage in self-development, in most cases this happens more on a spiritual level, on the development of the inner world.

Critical points

The most important periods of human life are associated with changes in the body. They can also be called critical: hormonal levels change, which causes changes in mood, irritability and nervousness.

Psychologist E. Erickson identifies 8 crisis periods in a person’s life:

  • Adolescence.
  • A person’s entry into adulthood is the thirtieth birthday.
  • Transition to the fourth decade.
  • Fortieth birthday.
  • Midlife - 45 years.
  • Fiftieth anniversary.
  • Fifty-fifth anniversary.
  • Fifty-sixth birthday.

Confidently overcoming “critical points”

Overcoming each of the presented periods, a person moves to a new stage of development, while overcoming the difficulties that have arisen along the way, and strives to conquer new heights of his life.

The child breaks away from his parents and tries to independently find his own direction in life.

In the third decade, a person reconsiders his principles and changes his views on the environment.

Approaching their thirties, people try to gain a foothold in life, climb the career ladder, and begin to think more rationally.

In the middle of life, a person begins to wonder whether he is living correctly. There is a desire to do something that will leave a memory of him. Frustration and fear for your life appear.

At the age of 50, a slowdown in physiological processes affects health; age-related changes. However, the person has already correctly set his life priorities, his nervous system works stably.

At 55 years old wisdom appears and a person enjoys life.

At 56 years old, a person thinks more about the spiritual side of his life and develops his inner world.

Doctors say that if you are prepared and know about the critical periods of life, then overcoming them will happen calmly and painlessly.


A person decides for himself by what criteria he divides his life periods, and what he means by the concept of “age”. It could be:

  • Purely external attractiveness, which a person strives to prolong by all available means. And he considers himself young as long as his appearance allows it.
  • The division of life into “youth” and “the end of youth.” The first period lasts as long as there is an opportunity to live without obligations, problems, responsibility, the second - when problems and life difficulties appear.
  • Physiological changes in the body. A person clearly follows changes and identifies his age with them.
  • The concept of age is associated with the state of the soul and consciousness. A person measures his age by his state of mind and inner freedom.

As long as a person’s life is filled with meaning, a desire to learn something new, and all this is organically combined with the wisdom and spiritual wealth of the inner world, a person will be forever young, despite the weakening of the physical capabilities of his body.