An easy way to procrastinate. From procrastination to productivity

An easy way to stop procrastinating Neil Fiore

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Title: An easy way to stop procrastinating

About the book “The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating” by Neil Fiore

Problems, worries, responsibilities - all this haunts us every day. There is no way to refuse all this, but it’s easy to postpone it to some other day. This is how a lump of unfulfilled tasks forms, acquiring more and more new tasks every day.

There are many things we don’t want to do, but need to. And if there is an opportunity to postpone, we will most likely do so. There are a lot of excuses in the form of other things to do, the need to rest, go somewhere, call, talk, and in the end the very day comes when you need results from that unfulfilled task. And this is where the problems begin, because there is no more time. We begin to reproach ourselves and promise that this will not happen again, that next time you will definitely do everything on time. But in the end these remain promises.

The book “An Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating” will help you understand yourself and especially how you need to act in order to get everything done and stop putting things off for what you think is a better time. You will be able to better organize your time, distributing it in such a way that there is still enough time for relaxation and more enjoyable activities.

Neil Fiore offers his unique technique, which will definitely appeal to many. The author suggests planning your vacation first, and then distributing the rest of the time between work, responsibilities and unpleasant activities.

In order to start changing something in your life, you need to act immediately. The book “The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating” by Neil Fiore is created in such a way that you can immediately put into practice the information received, without putting in much effort or breaking yourself.

Neil Fiore has long been researching procrastination, when a person is busy all day with something, but at the same time does not work, does not do something useful. That is, he is constantly distracted by what is essentially unimportant and does not provide any benefit, such as, for example, social media, mail, conversations about nothing, and much more.

The book “The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating” will help you understand what is important and interesting to you, what you would like to do. In order to work more productively, you need to rest well and be charged with positive and vibrant emotions. When you spend your weekends enjoying life, you can remove the barrier that separates you from work.

In fact, today you can find a lot of literature about procrastination and many ways to get rid of this bad habit, which prevents you from living and working fully. But it is Neil Fiore who offers a rather innovative way to solve this problem - if you don’t want to work, rest and don’t torture yourself.

In order to work fully, fulfill your responsibilities and enjoy everything, you need to work hard on yourself, understanding your needs and desires, and also correctly distribute time for work and rest.

The book “The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating” will appeal to anyone who cannot fully concentrate on work and fulfill their responsibilities to the fullest. Neil Fiore is the author who created his theory based on many years of research. You can immediately put his technique into practice and see the first results.

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The book An easy way to stop procrastinating in a short summary. Summary. Book Review

This book is an easy way to stop procrastinating - offers algorithms that will help you get rid of a bad habit, and teaches you how to complete a task on time and competently build your life.

Neil Fiore — About the author

- psychologist, trainer and author of six books, former president California Chapter of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, founder of the National Association of Cancer Survivors. He is engaged in research in the field of health psychology, studying the topics of stress management and career success, and has been developing new methods to combat procrastination for more than 35 years. Conducts seminars and trainings, consults individuals and various organizations on issues of increasing productivity. Author of books "and Psychology of Efficiency"

An Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating - Book Review

Chapter 1. Basic rules to help you take your first steps

We hesitate because we are controlled by fears. Especially the fear of making mistakes. We also want everything to be done flawlessly - this is the problem of all perfectionists. But achieving the ideal is unrealistic, and because of this, many projects remain idle for weeks and even years. We suffer from uncertainty and experience a state of anxiety. Anxiety to start and complete an action is where procrastination arises.

Ten tips that will really help you get rid of procrastination:

– become confident;
– change your train of thought: a depressed mood does not contribute to success. You need to think positively;
– face your sworn enemy – procrastination. Know its manifestations and use them for your benefit;
– learn to relax;
– plan your free and working time;
– make sure that excitement plays on your side;
– feel inner freedom;
– set goals that can be achieved;
– join the flow of current affairs;
- know how to take breaks.

Chapter 2. Where does procrastination come from, what are its signs and causes?

There are several reasons for procrastination:

- the belief that all life is continuous business. A person cannot completely relax and have a full vacation; he constantly talks about what he should do;
– tendency to use the phrases “I’ll do it in two weeks”, “I’ll get to it later.” Hence the constant delays and the inability to keep a diary, the pages of which are completely blank, there is no schedule or routine;
- the desire to do many things at one time. That is, the inability to distinguish them by importance, easy switching and, as a result, a lot of hanging “long-term construction”;
– feeling of depression, reluctance to go towards the goal. And the most unpleasant thing is the lack of satisfaction after completing the activity;
– painful perception of criticism. Putting things off because of thoughts that “something is bound to go wrong”;
– low self-esteem, from which follows the idea of ​​one’s own inferiority.

Try to reward yourself even for small but high-quality work. Do not consciously expose yourself to stress - and so, step by step, procrastination will begin to recede.

Chapter 3. How does procrastination happen?

To answer this question, try to live by the old rules for a week. We know that you are already ready and eager to change, but let's not rush things. For now, just watch your behavior. Do some research: how you manage your time, how you feel, when you like work, what kind of work it is.

Think about why other activities make you sad. Does it happen that you seem to be doing something, but in reality it is just an imitation. Record everything. How much time do you allocate for relaxation, can you not think about your workload on weekends, do you often communicate with friends.

Draw a graph. For example, note activity peaks and troughs in three periods - morning, afternoon and evening. The more responsible you are in completing a task, the more clearly you will see when procrastination gets the better of you.
It will also be useful to divide things into two groups:
– priority;
- which can be delayed.
Schedule your week literally minute by minute. Think about it: what can you change to make your day as productive as possible? Perhaps some tasks are better solved in the morning? Or, conversely, move them to a more favorable time of day?
Draw a table in which you will enter things that make you want to put them off until later. Indicate the time when this happens, as well as the reasons for procrastination. Try to pay attention to what excuses you use. In the last column, write down how you feel. For example: “I feel guilty for showing weakness and instead of finishing the report, I watched TV

To make procrastination and anxiety recede, nothing supernatural is required from you! Just learn to understand and accept yourself as a person. Motivate yourself not at the very end, when the clock is ticking and time is running out. Do not impose false fears on yourself. Understand that you are a winner, not a loser. Develop a sense of security. No matter what happens, repeat: “I love myself and value myself enough to stay on track.” And as soon as you change your internal dialogue, life will sparkle with new colors.

Chapter 4. Five main differences between a procrastinator and a person who is ready to do everything on time

1. Negative attitude and commanding tone towards oneself

2. Reluctance to say instead of “I have to do this” the phrase “When should I start?”

3. Pile up tasks and repeat that the matter is very, extremely, extremely important

4. Striving for ideal

5. Suppression of rest, when a person begins to hate work because of the thoughts “I’ll have to work like a horse all Sunday again...”, “I won’t rest properly again.”

Chapter 5. Allow yourself to relax

To work well, you need to have quality rest. Any successful person will readily confirm this. When you stop thinking that your life is only busy with business, you feel much easier about it. The false feeling of eternal workload disappears. Therefore, when taking on a difficult task, allow yourself to be distracted. Chat on the phone, take a walk, go to a cafe. The more complete and varied your leisure time during breaks, the better the outcome of the matter.

Your best solution will be daily praise. Slightly reduce the duration of hard work and alternate it with small but pleasant entertainment. This may seem strange, but the more often you rest, the better your work. Check it out for yourself, after all, it’s great to rest today, and not “in a week”!

When your brain is allowed to unwind, it is ready to take on tasks with renewed vigor. With new motivation and new ideas. Also, try to give yourself over to creativity, and you will notice how often during your leisure time brilliant thoughts begin to come into your head about how best to approach your work. You may be returning from a run when suddenly it dawns on you. Who knows if the muse would have come if you were slaving away at home and doing a job you hated at that time. So let go of the guilt and allow yourself to work while playing.

Chapter 6. Learning to be active

People may procrastinate because they were once burned too badly while performing similar tasks. We came across a wall of misunderstanding, received a reprimand, and quarreled with someone. And now blocks have grown in the consciousness that hinder activity and the desire to act. But can they be destroyed?
There are three ways to do this:

1. Look at the matter from above, assess its complexity and break it down into parts. Be open to new knowledge that can help you move from one stage to the next, perhaps more difficult one. Clearly understand the boundaries between parts of one task. It will also be useful to set a deadline at the start, and not at the end. Build a schedule from end to beginning, indicating what should be prepared and in what time frame. Most likely, you used to move the other way around. But it's never too late to change habits.

2. Let fear be your ally. When he starts to get the better of you, focus on making a plan, defining goals and objectives. Don't give in to procrastination, which only makes your negative emotions worse. Instead of imagining a huge pile of to-dos towering over you, force your excitement to get started. This should be the starting point of your actions. This is what should influence your goals. Done on time, they prevent panic before the project deadline.

3. Don't be afraid to follow through. To complete what you started, you need to make an effort, and not fall into procrastination and drag out this moment. Don't focus on quality at the expense of the finale. You can polish a project for as long as you like and bring it to perfection, but you are still required to deliver it on time. And not all managers care about it being perfect. Why? If only for the reason that different people different requirements and completely different standards from each other.

Chapter 7. What is an anti-schedule

An anti-schedule is your schedule completed in a day. It is necessary to note in it when you took up your post and were active, and also write the final time - when you left your office. But the most interesting thing is that all the entertainment must be noted in it. With the help of an anti-schedule, you can plan your vacation a month in advance. This way you will open up new perspectives: life will no longer be a gray area, because small holidays will appear every day. You will also know exactly what time is best to get started. Now you simply won’t want to procrastinate, the fear will gradually go away.

What exactly should you record? Those tasks for which you know the completion time with absolute certainty. For example, this could be the time you eat or the time you go to bed. Don't forget about leisure time - computer games, reading, training. Pay due attention to friends and meetings with loved ones. Don't rush to write down important things! First, take a look at how much actual time you get to work. Remember: although there are 24 hours in a day, it is impossible to use all of them for work!

Chapter 8. The ability to work in the flow and relax

Labor is, in a sense, creativity. Procrastinators forget about this, getting used to working exclusively in stressful situations. Learn to focus. Think about what you are working here and now. These thoughts should replace feelings of stress and guilt. You need to focus for two minutes - even such a short period of time will help you relax and join the flow, which means you will work more efficiently and not be afraid to reach the end.

Work on it. Sit up straight and take a deep breath. Allow your muscles to relax, sit in the chair as if even deeper. Close your eyes, don’t let your heavy eyelids take away your strength. Now that you are completely relaxed:
– stop thinking about the past;
– stop reviving images of the future in your head;
– feel yourself here and now. Focus on the present.

Chapter 9. Overcoming obstacles and allowing yourself to take a break

When procrastination tries to take over you, allow it to do so temporarily. Watch your behavior carefully. What thoughts come to mind at this time, how self-accusation strengthens. You will feel deeply depressed, even though all you needed to do was sit down and start working.

Now you are ready to perceive ways to get rid of a bad habit. Anti-schedules and thoughts about freedom of choice will seem like real medicine. You can confidently say that you want to take action, and if you don’t start right away, you can be held responsible for the delay. Now inhale, exhale, perform a concentration exercise and forward - to happiness, interest and motivation.

Also pay attention to goal setting. How many do you have? Are there many and are they all blurry? A fundamentally wrong approach. There should be one goal, at least for a short period of time. People who have overcome procrastination have learned to push into the background those goals that they cannot accomplish right now. Instead of scattering attention, they prioritize only one, but achievable goal - and do everything to achieve it. Procrastinators, instead of sorting desires, are tormented by a feeling of guilt due to the fact that they are not fulfilled. Guilt oppresses and destroys personality, but you need yourself whole and focused!

Chapter 10: How to Interact with Other Procrastinators

The most the right decision will offer assistance. But do not point out mistakes and the very fact that a person is susceptible to postponing things until later. Don't take on the role of a taskmaster. In this case, you risk encountering active resistance.

To guide a person on the right path, it is necessary to teach him to feel safe. It is important that the procrastinator understands that he has a choice, that he is not the “weakest link”, but can fully reveal his potential.

Learn to praise procrastinators. If a person really tried and did everything right, let them know that they did well. Identify important tasks and those that can be completed a little later. People must understand what specific actions require immediate implementation. By grasping at everything in sight, they will perform the main task poorly, which is why they will once again be faced with feelings of guilt. And where there is guilt, there is procrastination. Don't let this happen!

Finally, talk about your experience. Tell a story about how you personally managed to turn from a procrastinator into a productive and happy person. Don't swear and treat this problem with understanding. Focus on the result - and there is every chance that the person will change for the better. Maybe not so fast. But he will take the first steps - and this is already the beginning.

This book is dedicated to everyone who has had the courage and persistence to seek help in overcoming procrastination, which takes a lot of energy. The book was written for people with low self-esteem; for those who, having picked it up, hoped to preserve some part of their personality and at the same time were sure that they also had something to say on this topic.

But I would like to separately note that this book is for Elizabeth.

© Neil A. Fiore, 1989, 2007

It has been almost twenty-five years since this book was first published in 1989, and thirty-five years since I began working on its materials.

Since then, in my seminars and private meetings with clients in need of psychological counseling and therapy, I have dealt with the most inveterate forms of procrastination and have become convinced that the habit of doing something at once (for example, working continuously for fifteen to thirty minutes ) and using exercises to get into a state of “flow” work in most cases.

In this edition I have improved and clarified some ideas and finalized the exercises, but the main idea is that it is necessary habit of acting immediately, remains unchanged.

Procrastination is a behavior you develop to combat the anxiety that comes with starting to work on a task and trying to finish it. This is not a good solution to a problem that is boring or takes too much effort. By using the strategy of getting things done immediately, you will stop procrastinating and can double your productivity (and often your income). When you learn to work effectively—in a state of flow, using more of your natural capabilities—you will have fewer reasons to avoid important, high-priority tasks.

The technique I propose will free you from feelings of shame and guilt and give you the opportunity to become the master of your life. You will get rid of the internal conflict: “You should...” - “But I don’t want...” You will begin to live your life guided by choice– the leadership function of your “I” and a new identification of yourself as a person working productively.

Special exercises will help you break the circle of procrastination and free you from the self-imposed label of a person who is mired in a sea of ​​things to do. Instead, you will become something like an athlete at his best, who can ignore distractions and focus on what needs to be done right now. You don't have to wait until you feel confident and motivated—start now and see what happens. You will very quickly move from ignorance to knowledge– and this is precisely what lies at the heart of creativity.

Much has changed in the world since this book was published. Internet, SMS, e-mail, mobile phones are all just additional distractions that can take you away from the decision to start an important project that will change your life. Thanks to the instant feedback These devices have a huge advantage over those activities that require months or - as in the case of graduating from college, writing a book, learning to play the piano - years of hard work. All the more reason to use the tools offered here.

We all need to use strategies and techniques to avoid the despair that comes from finding ourselves at the end of another day or week with the thought, “I still haven’t done anything in my priority area. I was working, but I still can’t say what I was doing all this time...” This is the feeling that arises in more and more people who become workaholics (the flip side of procrastination): they consider all tasks urgent and at the same time avoid completing those few tasks. - truly priority tasks that bring profit and give satisfaction from the fact that they are busy with something important.

Changes in the way we work today - downsizing and smaller companies - mean that more people are working as two or three people, and we are increasingly trying to start own business. We feel overwhelmed with work and squeezed like lemons (and in general, we are). All the more reason to learn to focus, work in a state of flow (see Chapter 7), and try to achieve work-life balance using the strategies in this book.

Research from the US National Institutes of Health, as well as advances in neuropsychology and behavioral medicine over the past 20 years have shown that we can control our negative habits if we just take a few steps in this direction. The findings confirm the principle: you need to know when, where and how to start a project and how to replace procrastination with healthy habits of a productive person. My book is exactly about this.


Human nature is underestimated... we have a more complex nature... which includes not only the need for meaningful work, responsibility, creativity, but also the desire to be honest, to simply do what is meaningful and do it well.

Abraham Maslow

This book will help those who strive to effectively complete complex projects. In the same way, it will help those who ignore small ones because of large tasks: it will teach you how to determine priorities, start things on time and bring them to the end. If you don't have an extra minute in your schedule, this program will allow you to do other things without feeling guilty while improving the quality and efficiency of your main work.

If at work you are prone to excessive panic and often fall into a stupor, then this book will help you overcome the initial fear and act calmly further. You will learn to engage in helpful self-talk that will help you the right choice, and thus get rid of inconsistency in thoughts.

The typical procrastinator completes most tasks on time, but the fear of rushing at the last minute degrades the quality of the final result. Procrastination is common to all of us in certain situations, whether it's creating a budget, filling out a complex legal document, or renovating a house... or whatever we put off in favor of more enjoyable activities. Each of us has tasks and goals, the implementation or achievement of which we try to postpone or avoid altogether.

From procrastination to productivity

The habit of procrastination puts people in a vicious circle: they feel overwhelmed with work, feel pressure, are afraid of making a mistake, try to fix it, work harder, feel resentful, lose motivation - and it all ends in procrastination. The cycle begins with the fear of getting bogged down under rubble and ends with an attempt to ignore the “terrible” matter. As long as you are in this cycle, there is no way out. You can’t even properly restore your strength and feel how useful every free minute is for creativity, not burdened by a feeling of guilt. And any time spent (even spent on pleasant things) is perceived as hackwork, replacing true class. Your negative thoughts and feelings about work, free time, yourself, and your chances of success make procrastination part of your sense of self.

Instead, you can develop a willingness to take action: stop being afraid of making mistakes or being overwhelmed with work, forget about low self-esteem and focus on what you can start urgently.

Greetings, dear friend!

Do you know an easy way to stop putting things off for later, for later, for a long time?

This is a problem for many, many people, but not everyone knows that it leads to very disastrous and irreversible results.
Procrastination is an anchor that prevents us from moving, as they say now, in a trend.

The wave is rising

Now many people have to work two or even three times more actively than before. I want to do everything in time to keep my job. It’s so difficult to get a new job when you have a family and children at home.

However, you don’t want to complete all tasks as they come. Some of them are put aside. Maybe because they seem very complicated at first glance. Or is there a chance that the problem will go away on its own. Or I don’t want to start today, because I still won’t have time to finish it before the end of the working day.

You promise yourself to start tomorrow with this unfulfilled task. But the next day new things appear that require even more urgent implementation. This type of delay is called procrastination.

It would seem that you have been working all day. Performance at high level. But there are still shortcomings that “tug at the heartstrings” and cause concern. A wave of dissatisfaction with oneself, self-doubt in one’s abilities and business skills gradually increases. The feeling that you are being driven into a corner and there is no way out is tormented by you.

The bosses are hinting that you are apparently lazy. They could have completed the task a long time ago, but “things are still there.” To the detriment of your personal time, you stay after work to “pick up your tails.”

On weekends, you refuse to go with your children for a walk because you took work home. Your wife was offended by you for not attaching a new shelf in the kitchen, where she wanted to put a fashionable climbing flower.

Productivity continues to decline. The number of unfulfilled tasks is growing like a snowball. Stress follows one after another, increasing the fear of job loss and family breakdown.

Over time this leads to decreased self-esteem, deterioration of attention, and in worst cases to nervous diseases. It’s no secret that both office workers and industrial workers often experience a feeling of “squeezed lemon.”

It is urgent to look for a way out of this situation. Delay can only make it worse and lead to a nervous breakdown.

Who will help?

Is there really no way to break out of this vicious circle? Is it really impossible to immediately take on the assigned task and bring it to its logical conclusion?

How can you ensure that concentrating on one task at hand helps you complete it in a short time and with a good result?

What to do? How to force yourself to clearly and consistently solve the questions posed without driving yourself into a “debt hole”?

How to learn to live and work without taking into account distractions. Become a free person, confident in yourself and your abilities?

To be a respected and reliable employee, a good family man and a beloved parent?

Bet on the right horse

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: find suitable exercises or even a book, read, do the exercises and you will become a different person. Alas, this is not always the case for everyone. The first small successes quickly fade away.
To get lasting results, it is better to practice under the guidance of a competent specialist.
This will be the easiest way. Let me emphasize: the easy way get the result, and not just do something there.

She has been working professionally in psychology for a quarter of a century.

Dmitry wrote two books and created more than fifteen courses - trainings on various topics of self-knowledge and personal development. Many people have attended these trainings and achieved stunning results.

There are trainings on self-hypnosis and self-realization, on goal setting and liberation from bad habits("10 simple steps to become a non-smoker") are very successful. Thousands of people have changed their lives for the better.

There is a separate training on the problem that we are discussing today: How to stop putting things off

After completing it, you will be able to:

  • Replace a negative attitude towards yourself with a positive one.
  • Gain self-confidence and increase your self-esteem significantly.
  • Change your old habits to qualitatively new ones that improve your life.
  • Allow yourself to spend your personal free time with joy and a positive attitude, and not with a feeling of guilt for putting things off.
  • Learn to create a proper schedule, where sufficient time will be allocated for work and rest.
  • You will be able to realistically imagine the goals you are moving towards and the ways to achieve them.
  • Labor efficiency will increase. Energy will be directed to completing tasks, and not to self-criticism about postponed tasks that you just can’t get around to.
  • You will learn to focus on the end result. And you will become a winner where you previously experienced stress.
  • You will be able to help yourself in any stressful situation.
  • You will begin to complete both small and large tasks as soon as they arrive. And learn to praise and encourage yourself for this.
  • You will accept praise from other people about yourself with pleasure and pride, realizing that it is true.
  • You will not be afraid of temporary difficulties and problems that will one way or another come your way.
  • You will forget that there was a sad period in your life when you actually considered yourself a complete failure.

And much, much more. Don't waste time. Procrastination turns simple tasks into difficult ones, and difficult ones into impossible ones. This is the anchor that keeps us in place. And sometimes delay is like death!

On this “major” note, allow me to bow out.

Thank you for your interest in the article. I would appreciate your comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a nice day and good mood!

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4.1.7. The User has the right to use the Service within the limits of its functionality and under the conditions established by this Agreement.

4.1.8. The user has the right to deposit an amount of money equal to the subscription amount for a particular calendar period for the subsequent use of Paid services of the Service. The user can view the tariffs for Paid services of the Service at: http://site/subscription/

4.1.9. The user has the right to independently change the password without notifying the Service Administration.

4.1.10. The User has the right at any time to apply to delete the User’s account and information stored in the Service. Deletion of the User's account and information stored on the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. When deleting an account, the funds that the user spent on a subscription to Paid Services of the Service are not subject to partial or full refund.

4.1.11. Cash, transferred as payment for a subscription to the Service’s services are non-refundable and can be used to pay for paid services of the Service.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

4.2.1. The Administration of the Service is obliged to provide the User with access to the Service no later than 5 (Five) business days from the moment the User completes the registration procedure on the Service.

4.2.2. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the operation of the Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, around the clock, 7 (Seven) days a week, including weekends and holidays, with the exception of the time of maintenance.

4.2.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the safety of the User’s data posted in the Service for 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the date of the User’s last use of any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Service Administration has the right to suspend the operation of the Service to carry out the necessary scheduled maintenance and repair work on the technical resources of the Service Administration, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically possible, by posting relevant information on the site.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the Service Administration’s own resources, or the action and/or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface Service at any time at our sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services according to unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User's account, including all information content of the User, without notifying the User or explaining the reasons if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution procedure

5.1. The Service is provided to the User “as is” in accordance with the generally accepted principles in international practice. This means that the Service Administration is not responsible for problems arising during the process of updating, supporting and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistency of the results of using the Service with the User’s expectations, etc.).

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the liability of the Service Administration to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if the failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond the control of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances lasting more than 3 (Three) months, any Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an object of intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement occurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Service Administration is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage, including as a result of unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User’s computer and the Service Administration server; carrying out actions by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations, within the framework of operational investigative activities; establishing government regulation(or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or the establishment by these entities of one-time restrictions that complicate or make impossible the execution of this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of concluding this Agreement.

5.6. If disputes or disagreements arise between the Parties arising from or related to this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve disputes and/or disagreements between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other conditions

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as at the initiative of the Service Administration in the event of a violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to revoke the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If this Agreement is revoked during its validity period, this Agreement is deemed terminated from the moment of revocation. The review is carried out by posting relevant information on the website.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that when executing this Agreement, it is permitted to use the signatures of representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals using means of fax, mechanical or other copying, electronic digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of managers and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally make changes to the terms of service of the Service by posting information about this on the website in public access and making changes to this Agreement.

6.6. These changes to the terms of this Agreement come into force on the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after changes and/or additions to the Agreement means the User’s acceptance and consent to such changes and/or additions.

7. Warranties

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Administration of the Service and guarantees that he:

  • enters into this agreement voluntarily;
  • have read all the terms and conditions of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and agreement;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary to enter into and execute this agreement.