Master's programs at St. Petersburg State University: faculties, admission, training. Special project: how to apply to St. Petersburg State University on a budget without medals, Olympiads and a cool school St. Petersburg State University applicant calendar

With the transition to a two-level education system in universities, parents and graduates are concerned about various issues. What is a master's degree? Is it worth upgrading your qualifications after four years of bachelor's degree? The second stage of higher education is not available at all universities. Therefore, the master's program at St. Petersburg State University is an excellent chance to continue studying at a leading Russian university.

About St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State University was founded almost 300 years ago and is one of the first universities in the country. But the university can boast not only of a rich history. Extensive scientific base, innovative research activities, qualified teachers (doctors and candidates of science), opportunities for sports activities- this is St. Petersburg State University today.

Statistical information about the university:

  • 30 thousand students at all levels of training;
  • 6000 teachers;
  • 477 educational programs;
  • 26 resource centers with the latest equipment;
  • 6.7 million printed publications in the scientific library and 2.4 million electronic documents.

Features of master's training

After completing a four-year bachelor's degree course, the student makes a choice: continue his studies for two more years or complete his education. What advantages does the second stage of higher education provide and to whom is it “shown”?

To answer these questions, the main university of St. Petersburg holds open days, at which faculty members explain in detail what a master's program at St. Petersburg State University is. In 2017, events for applicants start at the end of February and will continue until the end of June.

Advantages of a master's degree:

  • focus on scientific developments, development of skills to carry out research in highly specialized areas;
  • if desired, you can change the direction of study;
  • It is not necessary to start education immediately after completing a bachelor’s degree;
  • the importance of a master's degree among employers, especially if work is expected in a foreign company;
  • Postgraduate studies and the opportunity to teach at a university are allowed only after completing a master’s degree;
  • The preparation period is shorter than for a bachelor’s degree and is two years.

St. Petersburg State University, master's degree: faculties and areas of training

A faculty at a university is a structural unit that unites a number of smaller units - departments and laboratories. When choosing a direction, an applicant first of all looks at the list of faculties. St. Petersburg State University (as of February 2017) includes 17 such structural units. You can get acquainted with the features of training, teachers and ongoing scientific research on the specialized websites of the departments.

The most famous faculty is the Faculty of Law. The idea of ​​teaching legal experts at St. Petersburg State University belonged to Peter I. A special feature of the faculty is the presence of a legal clinic, that is, during their studies, students can practice their skills in conditions close to real ones.

If we consider training as a whole, then the master's degree at St. Petersburg State University is implemented in 172 programs, which are divided into five groups:

  • physical and mathematical sciences and computer technologies;
  • natural sciences;
  • social science;
  • humanities;
  • sciences of art and culture.

The key features of the master's program are the combination of classical traditions of higher education with advanced scientific achievements, a carefully selected and qualified team of teachers, the opportunity to conduct their own research using modern equipment, and internships at foreign universities.

How to proceed

A special unit, the admissions committee, deals with issues of admission to the university. At the beginning of each academic year, rules for the competitive selection of applicants are developed, and a list of areas for which enrollment will be officially announced.

Admission to the master's program at St. Petersburg State University begins with collecting documents. You will need:

  • application (can be filled out via the website);
  • copy of passport;
  • photo size 3*4 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • document on education;
  • portfolio documents (if this type of entrance examination is provided).

You can submit materials via " Personal account", send by postal service or bring in person. The main thing is to meet the deadlines. The information system of the St. Petersburg State University Entrant website begins working on March 1, although the admissions campaign officially starts on July 3. The deadline for registering documents for the full-time form is July 20 (until 18:00), for the part-time form - September 12 (also until 18:00).

The master's program at St. Petersburg State University is characterized by the fact that the entrance exam for most areas is held in the form of a portfolio competition. A master's candidate prepares the following materials:

  • a letter of motivation, which formulates the importance of advanced training to a master's degree for the applicant;
  • an essay of up to 10 pages, outlining the author’s opinion on a given issue;
  • diplomas, certificates, copies of publications - everything that confirms the scientific activity of the applicant; if the applicant has practical experience, a copy of the work record should be attached; Certificates of foreign language proficiency, for example, TOEFL or IELTS certificates, will help you obtain information.

The portfolio is reviewed by the selection committee in absentia, that is, the presence of the competitor at the exam is not required.

St. Petersburg State University, master's degree: cost for extra-budgetary admission

For applicants who do not qualify for free places based on points, they have the right to study on a contractual basis, that is, for a fee. Getting a master's degree at St. Petersburg University is not cheap: in 2016/2017 academic year depending on the direction and form, the cost of education at one of the country’s leading universities ranged from 126 to 300 thousand rubles. For most training programs the price is set at 250-280 thousand rubles. per year. Taking into account the fact that the training lasts two years, during the entire period you will have to pay about half a million rubles to the university cash desk.

Part-time study opportunities

Unfortunately, students will not be able to study without moving to the city on the Neva; correspondence master's programs at St. Petersburg State University are not provided. All you have to do is either enroll in the full-time department and devote yourself entirely to classes and scientific work, or study in the evening (full-time/correspondence) form of training. But there are only five such programs; they are related to economics, finance and political science.

Good afternoon Please tell me the procedure for submitting documents for the winner of the Olympiad (journalism, level 1, bvi)

Hello! Is it possible to study with you after 40 years? I am interested in the field of biology. I have higher education, tell me what is needed for admission and whether there is distance learning. Thank you!

Maria Vasilenko, good afternoon! Age does not matter upon admission. Since you already have a higher education, you can apply using internal entrance tests at the university. To do this, you need to contact the university Admissions Committee after June 26 with the original education document, passport and photo to submit an application. In the specialty 06.03.01 Biology there is only full-time education

Hello, can you tell us in more detail about the faculty at St. Petersburg State University, organization of tourism activities with in-depth study Chinese language. How many paid and free places are there? It’s just that one site says 17 free and 10 paid, but if I look at the lists of applicants this year, they took only 8 budget and 5 paid. And is it really great attention is it focused on the Chinese language? Are there internships in China while studying?

Regina, the program is aimed at training professionals in the field of tourism. Students acquire practical and academic knowledge for information and analytical activities in the field of tourism and recreation. Students also acquire management skills and smart decision-making. Particular emphasis is placed on Chinese language and culture. There is an opportunity to do internships, as well as participate in various conferences and symposiums.

You can try to participate in the academic mobility program provided by the university to visit China. Chinese language is really high level, students devote sufficient time to study it.

In 2018, 17 budget and 10 paid places were allocated. The current number of places for admission 2019 will be known on October 1, 2018

Hello, please tell me what is the passing score for law? On one of the sites I found the number 284, but the Unified State Exam subjects are indicated there: foreign, society and Russian. You have 257 and subjects: history, society, Russian. One university, but all sites have different information.

Vyacheslav Nazemkin, good afternoon! You are probably a little confused in the two directions of "Jurisprudence".

1) Jurisprudence (with in-depth study of the Chinese language and Chinese law). Introductory - Russian, general, English. Passing score - 288.

2) Jurisprudence (in Russian). Introductory - Russian, general, historical. Passing score - 247.

Information about St. Petersburg State University on our portal was confirmed by a member of its admissions committee.

In 2018, my daughter entered St. Petersburg State University on a budget. On last call At her school she did not receive a single award, was not a diligent student and a favorite of the teachers, and did not win the Olympiads.

We will tell you how we managed to do this in a series of “PU” publications.

My husband and I are swept away by a crowd of people pouring along the University Embankment. “257 points is ridiculous!” - one schoolgirl shouts to another. “It won’t be funny if you don’t do it!” - the second one answers.

We see a three-story red and white building and a winged figurine on a pedestal.

This is Open Day at St. Petersburg State University, I understand. - Can you imagine how lucky we are?!

We are truly lucky, because we are passing through St. Petersburg, but how many times in our house have we said this abbreviation over the past year!..

And also Moscow State University, Herzen, Russian State University for the Humanities, Plekhanovka, HSE. Since my daughter started preparing for admission, all we have done is juggle with the names of universities, although every time it all ended with the phrase “But it’s impossible to get in!”

And here we are - at the threshold of St. Petersburg State University, a stream of fathers, mothers and children, future applicants, brings us in. Everyone is wandering around the floors, suffocating from the heat, because they were too lazy to return their coats to the cloakroom (there are lines there!).

At every step there are tables with signs. For some there is no crowding, for others there is a dead swell. I see a crazy queue at the “Journalism” table, people are jumping up to at least see the senior students talking about admission from behind other people’s backs. Nearby, representatives of the departments of soil science and ecology are bored alone.

They give us a lot of prospectuses with numbers - the number of places under the contract, items, minimum score and we - lathered, frightened - run out into the street.

Did you understand anything? - I ask my husband.

I only understood that my daughter would never come here,” he says. Look what's going on here!..

And I agree with him. After the excursion, there is chaos in my head and only numbers flash: 257, no, 278, or 270. These are the passing scores from last year. Divide 270 by three, we get 90 points for each exam. Unreal? Unreal.

But we were wrong. Less than a year later, I photographed my daughter with a brand new student card in front of this very building.

How did this happen?

We started by buying a “magic” notebook, where I wrote down the results of surfing university websites. I drew tables with three columns: subject, passing score, quantity budget places.

The most difficult thing is to calculate the passing score; in some places it is indicated, in others it is not. I tried to find orders for admission, they are on the website of each university, for example, on the website of St. Petersburg State University the path is as follows: from the “Applicants” column, go to the “Admissions Committee”, then to “Bachelor’s Degree”, where you find “Information on admission of previous years” .

You need here the enrollment orders dated August 3 and 8, the first and second waves. If we take the average, we get the average pass. For example, in the first wave, people with a maximum score of 304 were enrolled in journalism at St. Petersburg State University, and in the second wave with a minimum score of 278, we get 291 and understand that with scores below 278, you may not get into the journalism department next year.

The orders for the second wave are especially interesting to read. There are fewer people on the lists, and they are the happiest, because throughout the admissions campaign they thought that they would not have enough points (like us!), and suddenly - lo and behold! - the second wave put them on the list of those recommended for enrollment.

And they acted like my daughter.

But before this happy moment, a whole year of preparation awaited us, more about this in.

St. Petersburg state university (SPbSU) is the leading classical university in Russia, one of two universities in the country that has the right to develop and implement its own educational standards. IN different years the university became the alma mater for L. D. Landau, A. A. Blok, N. V. Gogol, N. K. Roerich and many other scientists, writers, and statesmen. Two presidents of the Russian Federation graduated from St. Petersburg University: V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev.

St. Petersburg State University is the oldest university in Russia, founded by decree of Peter I in 1724. The opening of the first secular university took place as part of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Over the next decades, until 1819, the educational institution defended its university status.
Since 1804, the university has been located on the embankment of Vasilievsky Island in the building of 12 colleges, which has since then been business card educational institution. It houses part of the faculties and the largest scientific library in Russia named after. Gorky.
Until 1819, students were taught at four faculties: history and philology, law, physics and mathematics, and the faculty of oriental languages. A turning point in the development of the university was the allocation of specializations: departments appeared in the faculties that offered training in a narrower focus.
In the mid-19th century, world-famous scientific schools and communities arose at the university, the founders of which were outstanding scientists D. I. Mendeleev, P. L. Chebyshev, I. M. Sechenov, I. I. Mechnikov. It was here that A. S. Popov presented the world's first radiotelegraph.
Over the years of its existence, St. Petersburg University has changed more than ten names, the current name was fixed only in 1991. The contribution of St. Petersburg State University to the development of education was noted by a presidential decree in 2009: the university was given the special status of “a unique scientific and educational complex, the oldest university in the country, with a huge significance for the development of Russian society.” The scientific and educational center received the right to develop its own educational standards and issue students its own diplomas with the university emblem.
The scientific and educational center includes 24 faculties and institutes, a university-wide department physical culture and sports. Operates on the basis of St. Petersburg State University military department, open medical college and Academic Gymnasium named after D.K. Faddeev.

Tuition fees for undergraduate programs

DirectionCost per yearPlaces, budgetPlaces, paidPoints, budgetPoints, paid
Fundamental mathematics228200 ₽10 1 82 65
Fundamental mechanics228200 ₽10 1 80 65
Astronomy233600 ₽20 1 86 76
General Medicine218400 ₽50 10 90 73
Dentistry262800 ₽15 3 88 75
Clinical Psychology213100 ₽34 6 80 61
Psychology of performance223900 ₽- 10 - 67
Acting art201100 ₽- 5 - 72
Animation artist219500 ₽5 2 - -

Advantages of studying at St. Petersburg State University

Admission Requirements

To enroll in St. Petersburg State University for bachelor’s and specialist’s programs, you must submit to the admissions committee Unified State Exam results for priority enrollment subjects. Passing an additional entrance test (ADT) in the form of a creative competition is required for certain training programs:
  • Acting art(stage speech, vocals, plastic arts, improvisation);
  • Musical and instrumental art(solo program on an instrument, sight reading, musical dictation);
  • Academic singing(vocals, reading a literary work, oral interview on music theory);
  • Journalism(essay, oral interview);
  • Decorative arts and folk crafts
  • Environment design(composition, drawing, painting);
  • Restoration works of fine and decorative art (composition, drawing, painting);
  • Graphic design(composition, drawing, painting).
St. Petersburg State University independently conducts entrance examinations(VI) for certain categories of applicants, which include disabled people, foreign citizens, applicants who received a document on education earlier than a year before admission.
Admission to a university is also based on the results of participation in Olympiads. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, as well as participants in Russian national teams in international Olympiads in general education subjects, are accepted for study without VI for 4 years after the Olympiad.

Procedure for admission to budget places

StageType of applicants/Grounds for admissionDates
Start of accepting documentsAll applicantsJune 20
Deadline for receiving documentsResults of creative and professional studiesJuly 7
Deadline for receiving documentsResults of profile-oriented DWIJuly 10
Entrance testsAll applicantsJuly 8 – July 26
Publication of applicant listsAll applicantsJuly 27
July 28
Publication of orders for enrollmentApplicants without a VI and within the quotaJuly 29
Submitting consent statements and original documentsAugust 1
EnrollmentApplicants for the main competition placesAugust 3 – August 8

How to prepare for admission to St. Petersburg State University

The university conducts preparatory courses for schoolchildren and applicants in all Unified State Exam subjects that are needed for admission to a university. Classes are held in the evening, once a week (4 academic hours). Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued.
ItemNumber of hoursAddressTelephoneCost, course
Mathematics188 lane Kakhovskogo, 9 30900 ₽
Informatics126 lane Kakhovskogo, 9 20900 ₽
Physics98 V.O., 14th line, no. 29 17000 ₽
Chemistry360 Universitetskaya embankment, 7-9 30000 ₽
Biology360 Universitetskaya embankment, 7-9 30000 ₽
Full list of courses
Geography60 V.O., 10-liniya, no. 31-33 21000 ₽
Social science391 st. Smolny, 1/3, entrance 9 58000 ₽
English language240 st. Galernaya, 58/60 45000 ₽
Story146 st. Galernaya, 58/60 29000 ₽
Russian language104 st. Galernaya, 58/60 20000 ₽
Literature190 Universitetskaya embankment, 11 37000 ₽

St. Petersburg State University provides the opportunity for applicants from other countries to prepare for admission in the Russian language and other subjects, depending on the chosen field of study. The duration of the course is 39 weeks, the cost of training is 272,000 rubles.
Acceptance of documents and payment of tuition takes place from mid-March to early July. To submit documents you should:

  • Register in your personal account;
  • Fill out, print and sign the form and application;
  • Upload documents in your office in PDF format (application, copy of identity document, copy of education document with attachments, photo 3*4).

International cooperation

The university participates in student and teacher exchange programs under the Erasmus+ programs. More than 2,000 foreign students study at St. Petersburg State University every year. Partnership agreements have been signed with ranking educational institutions in Europe, America and Asia (about 450 in total). The university is a member of major international associations, including , , .

Double degree programs

Educational programs, upon completion of which a graduate can receive 2 diplomas at once (from St. Petersburg State University and a partner university), are implemented only for applicants to master’s programs. The first year of study takes place within the walls of St. Petersburg University, the second - on the territory of the educational institution, which participates in the joint program. Training is possible both on a budgetary and paid basis.
One of the most popular double degree programs of St. Petersburg State University - it occupies 37th position in the international ranking of the best master's programs in management. Several foreign educational centers are partners of St. Petersburg State University:
  • Global Alliance for Management Education;
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology Business School;
In addition to the master's program in Management, the university offers double degree training in several areas.

Academic mobility programs. Selection stages

Under student exchange programs, St. Petersburg University cooperates with ranking partner universities from Europe, the USA and China. Students have the opportunity to undergo included training in a foreign educational institution for 1 or 2 semesters, without interrupting your studies at St. Petersburg State University.
You can take part in several programs:
Bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree students are allowed to participate in student mobility programs, with the exception of those who study at a foreign university during the final semester at St. Petersburg State University. The participant’s performance must be at least 4 points for the entire period of study.
The competition is held by the Department of International Educational Cooperation. For consideration by the commission you must provide:
The winners of the competition must contact for instructions, prepare a package of documents for admission to a foreign university and provide a form curriculum. Payment for tuition, accommodation in a dormitory and monthly compensation for food expenses is borne by the host university. Program participants independently pay for the costs associated with obtaining a visa, insurance, and flights.

St. Petersburg State University student scholarships

In addition to receiving state scholarships, students at St. Petersburg State University have the opportunity to participate in a competitive selection for personal and personal scholarships from the university’s partners and various foundations.

Student life at the university

. To encourage talented students, St. Petersburg State University organized an open international Olympiad in 17 areas of science. Prize-winning places in the competition provide the opportunity to receive 50-100 points, which are counted towards admission to master's programs. In addition, the best works are published in the scientific archive of St. Petersburg State University. Students and graduates of St. Petersburg University and other universities can participate in the Olympiad.
  • Ecology. Thanks to the initiative of St. Petersburg State University students, “eco-points” – separate waste collection points – operate on the territory of the university’s dormitories and buildings. As part of the environmental program “Green University” in 2017-2018. 100 tons of recyclable materials (waste paper, glass, plastic, metal) were collected and sent for recycling.
  • Volunteering and donation. Several times a year the university holds donor days. Up to 60 students and staff take part in each event and donate 350–450 ml of blood, thereby saving someone’s life. Volunteer programs involve active participation in forums (St. Petersburg International Economic, Legal and Cultural) and social projects(help for WWII veterans, performances for children with cancer).

University infrastructure

The area of ​​all buildings and structures of St. Petersburg State University occupies approximately 280 hectares. On this territory there are educational buildings, dormitories, palace and park ensembles, and the university’s science park. For training sessions and scientific research 2.5 thousand audiences are allocated.
Dormitories. St. Petersburg State University has at its disposal facilities designed for 12,000 people and located in the Vasileostrovsky, Nevsky districts of the city and Peterhof. Places are provided to nonresident and foreign full-time students, as well as students studying correspondence departments for the period of certification. There are 12 dormitories concentrated in the Petrodvortsovy district of Peterhof, 10 of which are part of the student campus. The campus infrastructure includes everything you need. The main disadvantage is the distance from the main buildings of the university: the journey takes about 2 hours one way. The minimum cost of living for students of the budget department is 267 rubles, for paid students - 3120 rubles.
Medical assistance. St. Petersburg State University students can seek primary care at the N. I. Pirogov High Medical Technologies Clinic (established on the basis of the university). The student clinic unit is located on the 7th line of Vasilyevsky Island; additional students are received in the Peterhof department.
Scientific Library named after. Gorky. The library's collection includes more than 7 million printed volumes and an electronic catalog including 82 million sources. Students can register and gain access to all online resources or visit the building on University Embankment. The library's opening hours are on weekdays from 10:00 to 21:00, on Saturdays from 10:00 to 18:00.
Sports and health complexes. Sports training for students takes place at 30 sports facilities of the university. For classes different types sports facilities are equipped with a swimming pool, sports, playgrounds and training grounds, 2 stadiums and a climbing wall. Year-round recreation is available in 3 health centers:
  • "Horizon", located on the Black Sea coast, near Tuapse.
  • The Universitetsky complex is located in the Leningrad region (Semiozerye district). Sports grounds are available to students all year round, table tennis, billiards, ski/roller slopes.
  • Sanatorium-preventorium on the territory of old Peterhof.

Interesting facts about St. Petersburg University

Notable alumni

  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin– President Russian Federation from 2000 to 2008 and from 2018 to present. In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University.
  • German Oskarovich Gref– statesman, president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia. Member of the Board of Directors of Yandex.
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev– state and politician, President of the Russian Federation (2008-2012), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2012 to the present.
  • Pavel Durov– Russian entrepreneur, programmer, one of the founders social network"VKontakte" and "Telegram".
  • Konstantin Lvovich Ernstgeneral manager Channel One (1999 - present), producer, screenwriter.
  • Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov- Soviet and American writer and journalist. Editor-in-Chief of the weekly magazine "New American".

St. Petersburg State University is the very first university in Russia, a center of education and science. This is one of the world's largest universities, where more than 33 thousand students study.

St. Petersburg State University was founded in 1724 by Peter I. St. Petersburg State University has a special status as a unique scientific and educational complex. This gives it many advantages, such as teaching students according to its own standards and the right to issue diplomas of its own design.

The university has 24 divisions: these are faculties, institutes and higher schools that provide training in 114 areas of bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees. The university offers training in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and physical sciences. physical-mathematical, computer and information areas. There are also programs in the field of culture and art.

Every year, the university provides the opportunity to enroll in more than 4 thousand budget places and about 3 thousand paid ones.

The number of students in various major areas is distributed as follows:

  • "Economics and Management" - 13.78%
  • "Political sciences and regional studies" - 12.21%
  • "Linguistics and literary criticism" - 9.73%
  • "Jurisprudence" - 7.76%
  • "Mathematics and Mechanics" - 7.39%
  • "Geosciences" - 6.01%.

A significant number of students study in the following areas: "Means mass media and information and library science" (5.32%), "Psychological sciences" (4.94%), "Physics and astronomy" (4.4%), "Art history" (4.12%), "Computer and information science" (3.37%), "Clinical medicine" (3.22%), "Sociology and social work"(3.15%), "Biological Sciences" (3.1%). Less than 3% of students study in the following areas: "History and Archeology", "Chemistry", "Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies", "Fine and Applied Arts" arts", "Cultural studies and sociocultural projects", "Informatics and computer technology", "Service and tourism", "Performing arts and literary creativity", "Applied geology, mining, oil and gas engineering and geodesy", "Musical art".

The average cost of studying at St. Petersburg State University is 280,871 rubles/year, which is higher than the average for Russian universities (it is 133,143 rubles)

The university has its own Military training center. 100% of students are provided with dormitories, the total area of ​​dormitories is 292,920 sq.m.

The university's science park is unique, with 26 resource centers, modern equipment, and open to scientists from all over the world. The total area of ​​educational and laboratory premises is 573,856 sq.m., and scientific and research premises - 126,924 sq.m.

The university conducts scientific research in the most relevant areas: in the field of information systems, social technologies, biomedicine, nanotechnology, ecology.

In total, the university employs 10,310 teachers, of which 76.76% have academic degrees. Among them are winners of the Fields and Nobel Prizes!

Young professionals who have graduated from university earn on average:

  • graduates of bachelor's and specialist's degrees - 39,022 (average in Russia 28,304 rubles)
  • Master's degree graduates - 40,495 (Russian average 38,597.1 rubles)

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