Soda and citric acid. Chemical experiments with baking soda and citric acid at home

Fizz made from soda, vinegar or citric acid It is easy to prepare at home and includes ingredients that are not very expensive. This soda also becomes an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight, heartburn and is periodically prepared to pamper the kids.

In this article we will tell you how to properly make a fizzy drink with your own hands and take it in accordance with the recommendations of experts. This will allow you to get positive results in the shortest possible time.

Homemade fizz is good for the stomach if consumed wisely. It will also delight the kids, because at any moment you can prepare a colorful drink of joy that will delight the child. But you should remember that this product should not be abused. Many people prefer to make a fizzy drink from soda and vinegar for hangovers. Yes, this liquid is capable of a lot, so remember the simplest recipe for making homemade fizz:

  • apple cider vinegar (wine can be used) - 10 ml;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • baking soda - 10 g;
  • honey - 15 g (preferably liquid bee honey).

Making soda at home using this recipe will take just minutes. It is very important to observe the specified proportions. You need to make a useful liquid as follows:

  1. Fill a glass with water and add vinegar. Mix the composition;
  2. Add baking soda to the container, shaking the water. A reaction will occur resulting in the release of carbon dioxide;
  3. Add honey to the prepared mixture and stir.

You need to drink this water with soda and vinegar promptly, but this should be done 30 minutes after eating.

The taste of the drink will remind you of the same one that was in soda fountains in the USSR.

Will baking soda and vinegar help with heartburn?

A pop of soda and vinegar improves well-being, normalizes digestion and relieves heartburn. Soda drink was used for these purposes by our great-grandmothers when burning sensations and discomfort appeared in the stomach.

The peculiarity of a product made from soda and vinegar is that it instantly eliminates any discomfort that has arisen. Therefore, if you are faced with heartburn and want to eliminate it as quickly as possible, take a few sips of freshly prepared fizzy drink according to the previous recipe, and you will instantly get rid of the problem.

Fizzy soda and citric acid

Promoters recommend taking a pop of soda and citric acid traditional medicine. The powdered version of lemon juice can be replaced with a natural product. Lemon juice is healthier and will make a delicious soda, but if you don't have yellow citrus on hand, follow the recipe below.

To make soda you will need ingredients in the following proportions:

  • citric acid - 50 g;
  • baking soda - 45 g;
  • sugar (preferably powdered sugar) - 40 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

First you need to make the base for the fizz. To do this, take a deep container and combine the dry ingredients. Initially, add citric acid and soda and mix thoroughly. Add powdered sugar, stirring the mixture. The base for the bubble liquid is ready. Now fill the glass with water and add 2 tbsp of dry mass there. This ratio of ingredients is ideal for preparing a delicious drink that can be given even to children.

Soda pop for weight loss

Modern experts recommend using soda pop for weight loss. This method will allow you to eliminate the hated kilograms if used correctly and regularly. According to some nutritionists, such a product is able to bind fats during the digestion of food, preventing the stomach from absorbing them. In this way, excessive fat deposits in the abdomen, sides, and thighs are prevented. In addition, soda perfectly removes waste from the body and eliminates toxins, helping to reduce body parameters and improve skin condition.

Making a soda pop for weight loss is very simple:

  • take drinking water (1 glass);
  • add baking soda, citric acid, or lemon juice (0.5 tsp each);
  • After a violent reaction, drink the liquid immediately.

This dietary supplement gives good effect, but it is not intended for long-term use. The course of use of this liquid should not exceed 2 weeks.

The benefits and harms of soda pop

Homemade soda is really healthy. The effectiveness of its composition is recognized even by doctors.

Fizz made from soda, citric acid, vinegar has the following beneficial effects:

  • neutralizes increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • breaks down fats that enter the body;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, thanks to the presence of vinegar in the drink;
  • improves digestion because it acetic acid contains beta-carotene and enzymes that are essential for the mentioned process;
  • vinegar has a positive effect on headaches. It can also be drunk as part of a fizzy drink and to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

If consumed over a long period of time, the fizzy drink may cause harm. There are contraindications and several negative factors under which it is unacceptable to use a product made from vinegar and baking soda:

  • The presence of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, etc.);
  • Observation of problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hypertension;
  • With prolonged use, nausea, vomiting and pain in the stomach may occur. In some cases, appetite disappears.
  • Consumed in large quantities can affect mental and nervous stability.

The product can be consumed by children, but in reasonable quantities.

Women should not use fizzy drink while breastfeeding.

Why is soda called soda?

Often, each of us has heard soda being called soda. Especially in films of American origin. This is not accidental, and is due to the fact that the creator of the world famous company Schweppes, Jacob Schweppes, began to actively use sodium bicarbonate in the production process. This allowed him to simplify and significantly reduce the cost of the process of making sweet soda.

IN English There is a term “soda pop”, which translates as “fizzy soda”. This phrase is used overseas in relation to any carbonated drink. It was from them that we borrowed this concept.

The video shows how to make pop with soda, sugar and citric acid.

Bibliographic description: Kuzhel I.V., Kirillov A.M. Chemical experiments with baking soda and citric acid at home // Young scientist. 2018. No. 2. P. 97-101..07.2019).

IN This work examines the experience of the chemical interaction of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). To conduct the experiment, we used the “Bubbling Lava” set from the “Fundamentals of Natural Science” series (manufactured by Karras LLC, Russia). However, all the necessary equipment and drugs can be bought at regular store. These kinds of “at-home experiences” can stimulate children’s interest in science and mastering new knowledge.


Baking soda (baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate) is a substance that is present in the kitchen of almost any housewife. Used in cooking as a detergent and cleaning agent. Can be used as a remedy for heartburn, as it reduces the acidity of gastric juice. In other words, it is an accessible, inexpensive and relatively safe substance. However, with the help of “ordinary” soda, you can carry out simple, but visual and safe chemical experiments. Such experiments can become a child’s first steps into science.

In this work, an experiment was carried out on the interaction of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. The interaction conditions are given and the reaction products are determined. The areas of application of the reaction and its products in food industry.


Equipment andmaterials: jar with vegetable oil; citric acid (chemical formula - C 6 H 8 O 7); sodium bicarbonate (chemical formula - NaHCO 3), glass; water; dye (set “Bubbling Lava” from Karras LLC.

Algorithm for conducting the experiment:

  1. The powders of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate are mixed in a glass (Fig. 1). In powder form they do not interact with each other
  2. The mixture is poured into a jar with vegetable oil (Fig. 2). In oil, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid do not react with each other, since they do not dissolve in it.
  3. The glass is filled 2/3 with water (100–150 ml) and 10–15 drops of dye are added (Fig. 3). In this work, the dye from the Karras set was used. However, at home, you can use, for example, beetroot broth as a dye.
  4. A glass of water is poured into a jar with oil and a mixture of powders. Observation of the ongoing process (Fig. 4).

Rice. 1. Citric acid and sodium bicarbonate powders

Rice. 2. A mixture of citric acid and soda, a jar of oil

Rice. 3. Water with dye

Rice. 4. The process of interaction between sodium bicarbonate and citric acid


Having performed the operations according to the algorithm described above, we observe the reaction between sodium bicarbonate and citric acid (Fig. 4). The formation of gas bubbles (carbon dioxide) is visually observed CO 2), which carry colored water upward. After the gas escapes into the air, the water rushes down again, since it is heavier than oil (the density of oil is about 900 kg/m3, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3).

Let us explain this process. In order for the reaction between sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to begin, they must be converted into ionic form. To do this, they dissolve in water. In our case, things happened as follows. After the mixture of powders was poured into a jar of oil, it “settled” at the bottom. After adding colored water, it, as a substance heavier than oil, went to the bottom of the jar and, gradually dissolving the mixture of reacting powders, maintained the reaction. This process occurred until the powder mixture completely disappeared (Fig. 5). After the process completely stops, separation of immiscible liquids (oil and water) occurs. A more dense liquid (water) is located at the bottom, a less dense liquid at the top (there is a clear interface between them) (Figure 5).

Rice. 5. State after the process has completely stopped (oil at the top of the jar, colored water at the bottom)

Let's consider the ongoing reaction in chemical language. During the reaction of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, carbonic acid () and sodium citrate () are formed. The chemical formula for this reaction is as follows:

Carbonic acid almost immediately breaks down into water and carbon dioxide:

Thus, carbon dioxide is the very gas that, forming bubbles, carries along tinted water. Thanks to it, “boiling lava” is formed.

Another reaction product is sodium citrate. Citrates are salts and esters of citric acid. Sodium citrate has a salty-sour taste and is used, for example, in the food industry as a seasoning (spice) or as a preservative, emulsifier or stabilizer ( food additive E331). Sodium citrate is used to control the acidity of dishes (for example, gelatin-based desserts), and to regulate the acidity level in coffee machines. Sodium citrate is often found in carbonated drinks and those flavored with lime or lemon. It is also used in the production of pastilles, soufflés, marmalade, processed cheeses, baby food, yoghurts and milk powder. IN dairy production it is used to produce sterilized and pasteurized milk or fermented milk products, as well as canned milk, the production of which requires prolonged heating of milk.

Sodium citrate is also used in medicine, for example, as an antidote that prevents the development of subcutaneous fat necrosis.


The authors believe that the main result of this work is that the experience allows one to gain primary skills in conducting a chemical experiment, become familiar with the recording of the chemical formula of a substance and the formula chemical reaction. Advantages of the experience: entertainment (which is important for creating interest among children), safety, availability of materials and simplicity of equipment.

In addition to the process itself, it is also interesting to gain knowledge about one of its end results - sodium citrate, and about the wide range of its applications.

From the point of view, the interaction of immiscible liquids is also interesting. When the denser one is located at the bottom of the vessel, the less dense one is at the top, and between them there is a clear interface (Fig. 5).

Experiments similar in simplicity, safety and accessibility can be carried out not only at home, but also recommended to teachers for propaedeutic (optional) classes in natural science (chemistry, physics, etc.)


  1. LLC "KARRAS" [Electronic resource]. Access mode. URL: (accessed March 16, 2018).
  2. Omarov R. S., Sycheva O. V., Shlykov S. N., Mikhailenko V. V. Protein structure formers for ham meat products// Fleischwirtschaft. 2014, No. 1, p. 49–52.
  3. Urakov A.P., Urakova N.A., Sadilova P.Yu. Sodium citrate as an antidote that prevents the development of post-injection necrosis of subcutaneous fat during injection of calcium chloride solution // Medical Bulletin of Bashkortostan. 2006. T. 1, No. 1, p. 143–145.

Key words: chemistry, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, carbonic acid, sodium citrate, E331.

Annotation: This paper reviews the experience of the chemical interaction of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). To conduct the experiment, we used the “Bubbling Lava” set from the “Fundamentals of Natural Science” series (manufactured by Karras LLC, Russia). However, all the necessary equipment and drugs can be bought in a regular store. These kinds of “at-home experiments” can stimulate children’s interest in science and mastering new knowledge.

The incidence of cancer these days is increasing almost exponentially. And while an effective cure for this terrible disease has not been found, non-traditional and alternative methods treatment and prevention. Science clings to any chance to find an effective antidote, so a number of studies are now being carried out everywhere to study the effect of various substances on cancer cells.

Dr. Marty Pagel at at the moment is leading a trial on the effects of regular baking soda on breast cancer patients. For these purposes, the University of Arizona Cancer Center, where the specialist works, received a grant from the US National Institutes of Health.

Substantial amendment

Let us immediately make a reservation that there is no effective antidote to this terrible disease for all patients at once. And if an alternative remedy helps one patient, then this method may be powerless in the face of a similar situation for another person. Any traditional treatment has different effects on patients, their general condition, and gives different results. The same can be said in relation to unconventional methods therapy. The decisive factor in serious opposition to the disease is seen to be the general condition of the patient, his moral and volitional qualities. Patients must have access to environmentally friendly clean products and quality water, and also firmly believe that they can overcome their difficult condition.

Conclusions drawn from past research

Numerous studies conducted in the recent past have provided the world with valuable information. Scientists have already learned about the powerful effects of sodium bicarbonate on metastases. The first promising signs fuel interest in further study of the properties that baking soda has. Thus, Dr. Robert Gillis studied in detail the process of tumor alkalization in mice. It turned out that bicarbonate is able to inhibit spontaneous metastases and increase the pH level directly in the tumor area.

Another effective remedy

So, a powerful addition to the properties of baking soda has been found. As we all know, lemon helps the body boost immunity. In addition, it removes toxins from the body and neutralizes free radicals, and also cleanses the lymphatic system, without which it is impossible to resist serious illness.


The tandem of lemon and soda is perhaps one of the safest ways to alkalize the body. This treatment method is much more effective than chemotherapy, since it is not able to affect healthy cells. Since the body gets the opportunity to cleanse itself, a combination of baking soda and lemon can be used by healthy people as a preventive measure or to remove toxins from the body. Drink a simple drink regularly: mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water.