Black water sheep. Year of the Goat: year of birth

Year of the goat (sheep) (capricious)

The difference in names (more precisely, in animals), as before, is associated with the specifics of cultures: in Japan it is Sheep, in China it is Goat.

It cannot be said that any significant religious cult is associated with this animal, although there are known cases of embalming goats as sacred animals. Unlike the goat, the male is perceived, as a rule, negatively, being a symbol of lust and debauchery. In eastern countries, the goat, being an animal of the poor, was valued due to its unpretentiousness and resignation. The symbolism of the sign is also associated with these same qualities.

The Goat was born under the sign of talent. This is, as a rule, a gifted person with a rich imagination who knows how to appreciate beauty. The Goat has a light, gentle character. She prefers a familiar environment in which she can feel free, hates quarrels and showdowns. It is impossible to force her to do something against her will, and if she is convinced that she is right, she will fight to the end. The Goat can speak very convincingly, but it can hardly be called a good speaker: it is quite tongue-tied. Nevertheless, in order to achieve her goal, she often uses the gift of persuasion, although she is in no hurry to tell others about her true plans and feelings.

In the life of a Goat, everything depends solely on luck, and the financial sector is no exception. Under favorable circumstances, people born under this sign can be quite wealthy. To do this, they just need to knock on the right door (which, incidentally, Goats can do).

It is unlikely that the money will come directly through the Goat (she cannot command, almost does not know how to lead, and is not inclined towards commerce at all - she will not sell anything), but rather through her leader (this could be a boss, a friend or a random passer-by who gave the right advice at the right time ), someone who will guide her actions and help her realize herself. If a person who was born under the sign of the Goat does not find someone who could show him the right path, everything can end very badly: in poverty and oblivion.

The Goat is exceptionally artistic, however, for her talent to blossom, it requires not only inspiration, but also support from the outside, someone’s strong influence: those born under this sign are weak-willed and created exclusively for obedience. Perhaps this is why she prefers to work in a team, where she can count on the support and approval of others. If the need arises to make some important decision herself, she begins to worry and worry. For all its positive qualities, the Goat is pessimistic, restless and somewhat annoying. She is always dissatisfied with her lot and drives her into despair with her whims.

In general, those born under this sign are elegant, kind, and sweet, although they can also be somewhat unpleasant. They are inclined to charity and will willingly share with those even more unfortunate than themselves, although not always what belongs to them. This can be explained by the lack of a sense of ownership. Goats are often religious, although they are interested in the occult (they are attracted to everything fantastic and supernatural). Their lives often depend not on themselves, but on the will of others.

Among the famous representatives of this sign there are many people of art (Jane Austen, Franz Liszt, Arthur Conan Doyle, Miguel Cervantes, Andy Warhol, Catherine Deneuve, Pamela Anderson, Nicole Kidman, Julio Iglesias), there are politicians(George IV, Mikhail Gorbachev) and athletes (Muhammad Ali).

Metal Goat

(1931, 1991, 2051)

He does everything consciously and carefully and, as a rule, succeeds in his chosen profession. Despite some self-confidence, he often worries about trifles. She is very friendly towards her family and employees, so she has many friends.

Possessing an excellent artistic gift, she is quite capable of creating a masterpiece. Sometimes the Metal Goat collects antiques, and her apartment is furnished with great taste.

People born in the year of the Metal Goat need to worry less about non-existent problems. If the situation seems insoluble, instead of withdrawing into yourself, you should turn to those around you.

Water Goat

(1943, 2003, 2063)

The Water Goat is very sociable, which helps her find friends with amazing ease. She has a flair for profitable business, but, unfortunately, she does not always finish what she starts.

More than anything else, the Goat values ​​its peace - both at home and at work - and really does not like changes in surroundings. He has expressive facial expressions, a developed sense of humor and, as a rule, gets along well with children.

Those born under this sign should be more organized and finish things they start, especially since Water Goats, as a rule, sense profitable projects.

Wooden Goat

(1955, 2015, 2075)

She is kind-hearted, generous and always ready to serve. The Wood Goat has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and she is busy with the most different types activities. Due to her trusting nature, she easily falls under the influence of others. Financially, she is simply lucky and, like the Metal Goat, she easily finds common language with people.

Of course, in order to achieve success, Goats (including Wooden ones) need guidance, but they should not rely too often on other people’s opinions to the detriment of their own.

Fire Goat

(1907, 1967, 2027)

This Goat, as a rule, knows very well what she wants from life, and often uses her inherent charm to achieve her goal. Her character is lively and sociable, she always has enough friends, she loves to attend parties and other public events, which may be why she so often buys a lot of unnecessary things.

When achieving their goals, Fire Goats should not be influenced by their imagination - it is too rich. This is exactly the case when you need to listen to other people's advice - more reasonable than fantasies. In addition, unnecessary expenses should be avoided.

Earth Goat(1919, 1979, 2039)

This Goat is very caring and attentive; as a rule, she always makes a favorable impression on others. She is devoted to her family and close friends with all her heart. A reliable, responsible worker, the Earth Goat does not know how to manage money at all, or rather, he really likes to spend it in order to pamper himself once again.

Her interests are very diverse, she is usually very well-read and gets great pleasure from helping someone close to her.

People born under this sign need to be more restrained in their desires, otherwise they will never have enough money, because they are ready to afford whatever they want!

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

The order of the year of the Sheep (Goat) in accordance with the elements

February 13, 1907 - February 1, 1908

Fire Sheep (Goat)

Earth Sheep

Metal Sheep

Water Sheep

Wooden Sheep

Fire Sheep (Goat)

Earth Sheep

Metal Sheep

Water Sheep

Wooden Sheep

Fire Sheep (Goat)

January 24, 2039 - February 11, 2040

Earth Sheep

The Sheep (Goat) represents the feminine principle of yin, the fourth triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of earth.

The Sheep (Goat) sign is peaceful, modest and contemplative, with a great interest in music, art, poetry and drawing. The monastic or contemplative lifestyle is often associated with the Sheep. The distinctive qualities of the sign are artistry, shyness and modesty. The Sheep is in no hurry to show off his feelings, does not strive to take the first step towards rapprochement, and therefore needs a confident and persistent partner to arrange his personal life. The Sheep compensates for its own insecurities by criticizing others. He follows a special routine all his life; unexpected turns of fate disrupt his mental balance for a long time. Often needs special “sterile” conditions, likes to complain about his lot and dramatize events. The thin, stylish, intellectually developed Sheep/Goat is pleasant to talk to, knows how to arrange a luxurious life, and needs a true connoisseur of her merits. Representatives of this sign have a talent for practicality, look at life rationally, and remain faithful to their loved ones and close people.

Positive qualities of the sign

Meekness in communication, sincerity in expressing feelings, and caring make the Sheep an excellent family man. In love, these qualities contribute to long-term successful unions, but in their career, the Sheep often encounters obstacles and is bypassed by more energetic signs. This sign needs protection, security and a comfortable environment. Only in such conditions will the Sheep reveal his true creative potential and make the life of his loved ones more elegant, comfortable, and richer. Responsiveness and generosity are attractive qualities of this sign.

Negative qualities of the sign

Indecision, lack of will and passivity prevent the Sheep from achieving the heights worthy of her in her career. Pessimism deprives one of strength and interferes with communication. The Sheep often worries about little things, complains about his fate, but makes no effort of will to change anything for the better. Lack of will and inaction prevent the realization of the talents of this sign.

Good in the year of the Sheep devote more time to personal development, interests, and realization of creative potential. This is a wonderful year to conceive a child and create a home. This year the “save and earn” principle works well; the period is conducive to optimizing your personal budget. It's good to have multiple sources of income. A series of crises will allow you to part with unnecessary things and people, clearing space for the most important things. A good year for Sheep/Goat, Monkey and Pig. Difficult period for the Ox, Tiger, Rooster and Dog. A positive year for the Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake and Horse.

Celebrities of this sign

Michelangelo, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes Osho Rajneesh, France Kafka, Robert Stevenson, Honore de Balzac, Mark Twain, Arthur Conan-Doyle, Laurence Olivier, Jonathan Swift, Jaroslav Hasek, Gianni Rodari, Paul Eluard, Benito Mussolini, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andy Warhol, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Rudolph Valentino, Andrew Carnegie, Muhammad Ali, Bobby Fischer. Actors: Catherine Deneuve, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Kevin Costner, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Gosha Kutsenko, Claire Danes, Evgeny Tsyganov.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Sheep (Goat)

Intelligence, diverse interests and passion distinguish the Fire Sheep from other representatives of the sign. She is energetic, but maintains modesty and good manners in society. This sign is one of the best for love. The combination of tenderness, passion and shyness gives romantic relationships special charm. Sheep can fully reveal her talents if she is happily in love.

Yellow Earth Sheep (Goat)

Practicality, passivity and predictability distinguish representatives of the earth element of this sign. Reliability and stability make the Earth Sheep the best marriage partner. The Earth Sheep provides indispensable support to people in difficult situations. She has golden hands and a golden heart. Her pedantry can tire, but accuracy and frugality contribute to well-being and harmony. She loves all the pleasures of life, is sometimes overly practical, and is incapable of impulsive actions.

White Metal Sheep (Goat)

The most sociable Sheep among the elements of this sign. Overcomes shyness, loves to be the life of the party, and easily establishes connections between completely different people. Doesn't like strict routines or restrictions. She is creatively gifted and optimistic about life. Active curiosity and natural curiosity make her a traveler and researcher of the intricacies of psychology. She is the most freedom-loving and open to communication. Loves his home. Does not forgive adultery.

Black (blue) Water Sheep

The most secretive element of this sign, the Water Sheep knows how to keep its own and other people’s secrets. Her heart is an ocean of secrets. Often she herself cannot understand the motives of her actions. He does not strive to shine in society, he is an excellent manipulator, using weakness to strengthen and protect. Deep feelings and devotion to love make her a wonderful partner who, over time, will discover more and more new facets of her personality. The least selfish, the Water Sheep will prefer marriage for love to practical calculation. Tries to avoid responsibility and shift his problems onto others. She is often musically gifted and has good vocal abilities.

Green Wood Sheep (Goat)

Representatives of the wood element of this sign are homebodies, do not like noisy companies, and need to respect the boundaries of personal space. In a partnership, he easily gives up leadership positions along with the responsibility for providing luxurious living conditions. A loving sign if you can overcome detachment. A reliable and faithful life partner who can do almost everything.

Chinese horoscope for Sheep

The Sheep and Pig signs are very similar. Both signs cannot stand loneliness and love close emotional relationships. But the Sheep is lighter and more fickle, while the Pig is solidity itself. Year of the Pig for everyone...

According to Chinese myths, the Goat lives on the clouds. Carefreely jumping, frolicking and playing in the clouds, she rarely comes down to earth, because her home is in the sky. Therefore, in all images the Goat is drawn as fearful. She sends rain to people, and if she gets angry, then a thunderstorm with lightning and thunder. And also this animal is a symbol of clouds, this animal personifies the flowering of nature, the growth of cereals. Thinking about the question: 2003 is the year of which animal? eastern calendar, astrologers come to the conclusion that the mistress of 2003 is the Goat.

A little about Goat

Ancient Greek legends say that it was the Goat who fed the mighty god Zeus. And it was not at all difficult for her. It's like making a joke. The Goat is more of a feminine sign. No matter how anxious, perplexed, stressed out pessimists they may be, these people are born with elegance. Imaginative, these creative types love to spend time thinking creatively.

They are not interested in material values ​​at all. Therefore, selfishness, commercialism, and human love of money often shock the Goat. At the same time people of this sign do not like to deny themselves anything, but absolutely do not know how to make money. This is their contradiction.

These are very picky and demanding people. They are not happy with their life. Therefore, it is often difficult for colleagues and friends to communicate with the Goat.

In need of security, they are able to use their charm and charm to force others to comply with their whims. Goats are not maximalists at all. They easily adapt to life and play any role in it. The goat is very artistic. Tactful, calm, have a sharp mind. They are good complainers and advisers. They can’t choose the right path, so they follow someone else. The Goat needs a strong person nearby.

Unable to criticize, they are often criticized, become confused by it, worry, and seek protection. They have a craving for the occult and something supernatural.

The goat is absolutely not vindictive, although it is often a victim of bad people. But the Goat considers revenge and anger to be something vile; in conflicts, he is a peacemaker and tries to live in peace with everyone. That’s why it’s easier for her to leave and forget. Everyday routine and dullness are not for her. Bright eccentrics. The goat is not devoid of generosity and mercy. She is often careless and weak-willed, which is why she is subject to the influence of others. They are afraid of responsibility and initiative. They often get offended, in hopeless situations they make someone else guilty, and they get irritated by reproaches.

Life of goat people

The Year of the Goat follows the Year of the Horse. The goat is an elegant creature. She calmly grazes in the meadow, but if something frightens her, she gallops away. Dreamy, attached to harmony, gentle, soft, sensitive. Her rhythm of life is slow and measured. Strives for comfort, creating it in his home. In terms of his personal life, he dreams of a profitable marriage, a rich lover, and can live off his rich parents all his life.

Happy is the Goat that is born in rainy weather. Followers of harmony have a difficult childhood. Shyness and fickleness will make her youth relatively difficult, especially in terms of her personal life. They will find harmony and luck in old age.

Astrological types

Despite the fact that the Goat is a soft, calm, absolutely harmless creature, astrologers distinguish its different types. Such as:

  • Metal (1931,1991, 2051). Outwardly self-confident, serious, stoic creature. Internally, she is very vulnerable. She loves to look after her loved ones, solve their problems, and get involved in things where she is not expected. Often her loved ones are offended by her because of this. Really shows he cares. Acquires patrons for the sake of the desire for luxury and comfort. Doesn't like to work, puts friends above family. Has innate artistic abilities.
  • Water (1943,2003, 2062). Thinking about the question: 2003 is the year of whom according to the horoscope, one can come to the conclusion that the Water Goat is the mistress of 2003. This species is confident in its charm and is capable of being a great seducer. Sweet and gentle, able to inspire trust and affection, she easily finds her patrons. She is able to be focused, purposeful, and go in one chosen direction. Careful, does everything consistently. These qualities allow you to succeed in your career. Disadvantages in character - touchiness, selfishness, irritation from the fact that everything does not happen as planned.
  • Wooden (1955,2015,2075). The tree makes such a Goat stable, confident in its moral principles and values. She is not at all frivolous, more generous, responsive. Trying to avoid conflicts, he gives in. People whose Chinese birth sign is the Water Goat usually have blind faith in those they love. Very responsive, compassionate, ready to help, caress, and warm the suffering.
  • Fiery (1907, 1967, 2027). Unlike her astrological sisters, this Goat is bright and bold. She has a rich imagination and well-developed intuition. She is creative, impulsive, fickle, very emotional, and needs to express her emotions. But he does it theatrically and dramatically. Her gentleness is only apparent; she is a very straightforward, sincere, tough, energetic person. And she also loves comfort and convenience. She lacks persistence in achieving her goals. She is very focused on a person’s shortcomings, which prevents her from organizing her personal life. She is a pessimist and a contradictory person.
  • Earthly (1919, 1979, 2039). One of the calmest and most conservative types, influenced by the earthly elements. Seductive, sophisticated, elegant, does not waste money, but does not deny herself pleasure. This type of Goat is a hard worker. Sometimes she takes on too much. But he earns good money, which he spends mainly on his whims. Generous, ready to help everyone. She is scrupulous, touchy, and when she feels deceived, she is terrible in anger.

Born in 2003

Those born in the year of the Water Goat have great luck, charm, friendliness, charm, elegance, and good manners. They adequately assess their capabilities and worry if something doesn’t go according to plan. The element of water makes this person calm, imparts moderation, prudence, and caution to his temperament. Stinginess does not allow you to spend money on any whim. Therefore, people save more often and have a substantial amount for retirement. They believe in everything supernatural and are very fond of horoscopes and fortune telling.

Negative character traits include capriciousness, excessive pessimism, lack of discipline, lack of discipline, lack of composure, and inability to concentrate on a goal and see things through to the end. They are able to share with others not only their own, but also that of others - that which does not belong to the Goat. The Water Goat is not suitable for professions related to money. She realizes herself well in the creative field: photographer, artist, designer, writer. It is difficult to adapt to a changing environment: they love stability, confidence in the future, and a sense of security.

The personal life of this sign will be full of emotions and passions. They try to make a marriage of convenience, so they get married early. Easy to communicate, do not go into conflict. Frivolity and inconstancy prevent them from maintaining a favorable climate in the family. If comfort and material needs are fully satisfied, then the Water Goat will not exchange such a person for anyone. In many ways, the manifestation of certain advantages and disadvantages of a person is influenced by the zodiac sign.

Compatibility of the Goat with other signs

No matter how friendly and charming the Goat may be, she is not compatible with everyone. So, Let's look at each sign of the Chinese horoscope according to their characteristics:

  • Monkey. People of this sign are natural intriguers, gossipers, and love conflicts. The friendly, soft Goat will have a hard time. But the difference in characters is the highlight of the union. In addition, the Monkey will become the shepherd leader, an inexhaustible source of energy and inspiration.
  • Rooster. Conflicting relationships where people drown in claims against each other. The Rooster is too predictable, likes to live according to plans, talks a lot, does little, and has pride.
  • Dog. She is too active, fussy, in a hurry to do a lot of things. This is a union of two individuals, where together it is difficult and apart it is sickening. Both love to spend money to satisfy exclusively their needs.
  • Boar. An intuitive understanding of each other and the peacefulness of both partners will make the union harmonious and joyful. Sensuality and sexuality will bring bright emotions to your intimate life.
  • Rat. The active Rat loves the company of unfamiliar people. And this brings people together. Both idealize each other and in case of contradictions, the Rat will run away.
  • Bull. Very different people. The relationship will be boring and unemotional. The bull will be able to earn the required amount of money. But when the partner begins to spend it wastefully, he will lose his temper. This is an unlikely match.
  • Tiger. On the one hand, the Tiger is strong, and on the other hand, emotional and jealous. Conflicts are inevitable. The tiger will learn pliability and compromise. But conflicts will be too frequent. A complex union.
  • Cat. Two creative people with a rich inner world and experiences. There will be problems with the material side; not everyone knows how to earn money. But both are looking for a strong partner.
  • Dragon. Both want to show themselves only on the positive side, are easy-going, and love company. The Dragon is more straightforward and simple-minded, as well as a realist. Conflicting relationships depend on people working on themselves.
  • Snake. Infatuation can develop into euphoria, due to which partners do not see shortcomings in each other. But both protect their peace and interests. The union will be strong, but too predictable. Besides, both are indecisive.
  • Horse. The selfish Horse will be able to get along with the good-natured Goat and provide for her financially. Personal qualities Horses will create a reliable rear. An atypical union where people will gradually become imbued with each other’s positive qualities.
  • Goat. Full mutual understanding will help the relationship be tender and trusting. But both are weak, afraid of problems, responsibility, do not know how to make decisions, and strive for carefree and comfort. If a man is ready to take leadership, then the union has the right to exist. If the woman comes first, there will be a lot of lies and deception in the relationship.

Impact on humans

When astrologers made predictions about what the year 2003 would be like and what animal it belonged to, they came to the conclusion that the Water Goat would be the mistress of the year. Depending on what a person is according to urban Chinese, the mistress of the year will influence his fate in different ways:

  • Rat. Climbing upward will help you realize yourself in art.
  • Bull. A restless, unsuccessful year.
  • Tiger. The year is favorable for traveling around the world.
  • Cat. Troubles will only be minor and will not threaten his peace of mind. The cat will be happy with everything.
  • Dragon. The best thing to do is to let yourself go and relax. There is a lot of dullness and incompetence around, it is useless to try to change it, it is better to stay away.
  • Snake. There are a lot of problems that can lead to nervous breakdowns. Even serpentine wisdom will not always survive all the troubles; it can break down and start drinking and smoking.
  • Horse. Despite the resistance to circumstances, everything that is done is only for the better.
  • Goat. A year to take advantage of. Everything is going well, great, people are paying attention to her, the right patrons are coming to life.
  • Monkey. Have fun, intriguing with some events.
  • Rooster. A participant in various events will create only worries for himself.
  • Dog. Irritation and pessimism can turn into despair. He will try to retire and spend his days alone.
  • Pig. The situation in the financial sector is good, but in the area of ​​personal life the changes are only for the worse. A year of hopes and dreams.

In general, this is the year when you can afford any whim. You can spend a lot of time outdoors and surrounded by friends. There is little competence or prudence in the political and financial spheres. Because of this, the balance is disturbed. Everything will be restored gradually. A year favorable for people in creative fields: artists, writers, etc. It is better not to pursue long-term projects. The year is not at all for careerists and workaholics, but for those who like to earn easy money.

Attention, TODAY only!

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of Goat (Sheep): 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Goat is always neat and elegant, has a good sense of style and proportion. She strives for the ideal presentation of her appearance in order to again show others the strength and originality of her personality. People born in the year of the Goat are always interested in the very essence of a person, business or thing, but not their outer shell.

General characteristics of the sign of the year Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) are in love with nature from birth. In a good “meadow” he will behave calmly and obediently, but in a bad one he will restlessly tear the rope.

According to the Japanese calendar, the Goat (Sheep) could be the most charming sign if it were not hesitant, restless, annoying, dissatisfied with its lot.

The Goat (Sheep) is very sweet, artistic, intelligent, has a keen eye for art and has many creative talents. In a group, he prefers to listen rather than talk. He never pulls the blanket over himself and is sincerely interested in the affairs and plans of his interlocutor. He often asks for advice from friends and family, and puts it into practice. Knows how to be grateful for the help provided to her. The Goat (Sheep) really needs people, their advice, attention, patronage, friendship, love. This makes those around her feel their strength and importance and are ready to help her.

The Goat (Sheep) knows how to please when it is in its interests, and easily adapts to any lifestyle from the moment it feels safe. She is timid and feminine, sometimes changeable. She likes it when they talk about her, guide her, advise her. Disadvantages include pessimism, dissatisfaction with one’s lot, and lack of responsibility. She can be capricious and picky about little things. With her tossing and doubts, she is capable of driving people close to her crazy, but most of the time she still demonstrates a good mood.

The Goat (Sheep) often spends more than it earns, borrows and spends money on all sorts of meaningless trinkets.

She can enjoy life only when she feels that someone has taken charge of her, is leading her and she does not need to make any decisions.

Talented and elegant, with a rich imagination and a sympathetic heart, charmingly selfish, the Goat is like a big child. From the outside it may seem that she demands or expects a lot from others, however, if you take a closer look, you will see that she still gives no less.

The Goat is a feminine sign; she wants to live in peace and dreams of a marriage that will bring her wealth. Will not refuse a respectable but generous patron of the arts. Can live a long time with rich parents. She is the stuff that cheerful and carefree courtesans are made of. It all depends on luck, on the influences transferred, and, as they say... “on the quality of the grass in the meadow.”

It often seems to others that the Goat (Sheep) is doing better than others. But often they find themselves helpless in the face of life, because they are shy, pessimistic, indecisive, and find it difficult to make independent decisions. Goats (Sheep) are usually religious. They are not distinguished by their eloquence, but they defend their convictions and love their work. They usually have enough money and value the conveniences associated with it.

The Year of the Goat (Sheep) corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Goat (Sheep): 1931, 1991

People born in the year of the Metal Goat (Sheep) have great internal reserves and a fiery temperament. They are quite successful and excel in their chosen profession. As a rule, no matter what they undertake, they will be able to do everything efficiently and quickly. They are very self-confident, but at the same time worry about trifles. In relation to family and surrounding people, they are very friendly and have many friends.

People born under the sign of the Metal Goat (Sheep) have a penchant for fine arts, are sociable, and actively participate in public life. They have an excellent artistic gift and are capable of creating a real masterpiece. They can collect antiques and decorate their apartment with great taste.

Water Goat (Sheep): 1943

The Water Goat (Sheep) is the most harmonious among other representatives of the sign. She is very sociable and makes friends wherever she goes. He is interested in politics and has a sharp, insightful mind. She has an amazing nose for profitable business, but she rarely follows through. He values ​​his peace both at home and at work and really does not like changes in his surroundings. He knows how to communicate with children, has expressive facial expressions and a good sense of humor.

Wooden Goat (Sheep): 1955

The Wooden Goat (Sheep) finds a common language with amazing ease strangers. She is very lucky in the financial sector and is able to work in any field. She is kind-hearted, generous and always ready to serve. Due to its trusting nature, the Wood Goat (Sheep) easily falls under the influence of others.

Fire Goat (Sheep): 1907, 1967

People born in the year of the Fire Goat (Sheep) are active, active and have great creative abilities. They love to attend all kinds of parties and always have many friends. As a rule, they know what they want to achieve in life and achieve their goals. However, they tend to give in to their rich imagination, contrary to the reasonable advice of loved ones. Disadvantages include anxiety, anger, and touchiness.

Earth Goat (Sheep): 1919, 1979

People born in the year of the Earth Goat (Sheep) are very contradictory by nature. Sometimes they can be the life of the party with a lively character, active and full of energy, and sometimes they turn into reserved, dry realists. The Earth Goat (Sheep) is very caring and attentive towards loved ones. In a team, he always gives the impression of being a reliable person. He doesn’t know how to handle money, because he absolutely cannot deny himself anything. She has varied interests and gets great pleasure from the fact that she was able to help someone.

Year of the Goat (Sheep) - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Goat (Sheep) personality

Negative aspects of the Goat (Sheep) personality

The Goat is unscrupulous and has absolutely no sense of responsibility. She also has no willpower and does not show any initiative either in work or in the family. She is designed to be obedient and can thrive with good leadership. This is especially true for the sphere of art, because it has both taste and talent. The Goat is artistic and smart, but she can never play the first role. She is filled with fantasies, needs strong will and flattery. The Goat is also distinguished by incoherent speech, it is difficult for her to generate her own thoughts and she speaks either too quickly or too slowly. The goat is rarely happy with its lot and often drives those around it to despair with its whims.

Career and money of the Goat (Sheep) sign

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) never strive for career growth. However, very often, among the numerous relatives of the Goat (Sheep), there is a powerful patron who finds the Goat (Sheep) a clearing with “lush vegetation” and she easily jumps up to the mountain peaks. Goats (Sheep) are good administrators, engineers, city planners, architects. They can help in solving practical problems, but if the problem concerns feelings, they keep their distance.

Goat (Sheep) should not engage in commerce. She doesn't know how to sell at all. But if we're talking about about clothes, sense of style, comfort, she can achieve success.

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) have a special relationship with money. They absolutely do not understand what to do with money. Even having received a decent amount, she will eat somehow, and neither she herself nor her friends will be able to understand where the money goes. Perhaps for this reason, the Goat (Sheep) often entrusts the management of its finances to loved ones (this could be parents, a spouse, one of the relatives, and even a friend). The Goat (Sheep) is very fond of expensive trinkets and going out. And at the same time, it seems to her that she is able to be content with little. However, it is worth noting that her whims are fulfilled as if by magic, as if by itself, even if her wallet is empty!

Life periods of Goats (Sheep)

The whole life of a Goat (Sheep) largely depends on her luck, on the circle in which she communicates and which has a strong influence on her, in general, on the “quality of the grass in her meadow.”

The second phase of the Goat (Sheep) life will be more successful than the first. In the second phase, the feelings of the Goat (Sheep) will be greatly affected. Of course, if the Goat (Sheep) does not have material problems and has good advisors, then she will have unprecedented success.

The third period of the life of a Goat (Sheep) is most often less successful than the second. With the worst turn of fate, the Goat (Sheep) can even end up living under a bridge.

Stones: agate, white onyx, garnet, emerald, moonstone, sapphire

Plants: anise, honeysuckle, wormwood

Time of day: from 1 to 3 pm

Time of year: summer (July)

The Eastern Goat is a sign of talent, therefore, those born in the year of the Goat are, for the most part, gifted people who are able to see beauty and have a developed imagination. However, the Goat is weak-willed, its lot is obedience. Without the help of others, she cannot develop her abilities.

Years of the Goat according to the eastern zodiac sign

Years born under oriental sign Goat zodiac: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027.

Here are the varieties of the eastern zodiac sign Goat in accordance with the 5 elements of the eastern horoscope:

  • Metal Goat (1931, 1991, 2051)
  • Water Goat (1943, 2003, 2063)
  • Wooden Goat (1955, 2015, 2075)
  • Fire Goat (1907, 1967, 2027)
  • Earth Goat (1919, 1979, 2039)

Goat according to the eastern horoscope - characteristics of its representatives according to their zodiac sign

The character of the eastern zodiac sign Goat is soft, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her. Representatives of this sign do not like conflicts and have difficulty enduring any sort of showdown. The need for acceptance independent decision makes her anxious.

In this regard, they are reluctant to accept any changes in life associated with the need to prove or conquer something. They prefer comfort, and therefore remain in their own. But you should not think that the eastern zodiac sign Goat is aware; it is almost impossible to force her to do what she does not want.

The speech of those born in the year of the eastern zodiac sign Goat is very convincing, but still imperfect; they do not make particularly good speakers. They are secretive and prefer not to voice their plans and hide their true feelings.

This eastern horoscope also has its share of luck. It concerns the sphere of money and material support. Those born under the Goat zodiac sign may well be wealthy people, but for this to happen, circumstances must work out in their favor.

Strictly speaking, these people are not suitable for commercial activities, do not know how to make transactions, and do not know how to lead. This zodiac sign of the eastern horoscope simply needs a partner who could lead them through life, helping them realize the potential given by nature. If fate does not bring such a person to her, then the Goat can live her whole life without being able to get out of poverty.

Success for those born in the year of the eastern zodiac sign Goat

These people are attracted to everything incomprehensible, irrational, supernatural, and therefore many born under the eastern zodiac sign of Goats are interested. This is logical if you consider that the life of Goats depends on the will of others.
Artistic Goats have left their names in history; they are mostly artists, but there are also politicians and athletes.

Franz Liszt, Miguel Cervantes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Andy Warhol, Catherine Deneuve, Nicole Kidman, George IV, Muhammad Ali - all these famous personalities were born under the sign of the Goat.