Homework in physical education. About homework in physical education

Authors: Khudanova M.M. Polekhina E.A.

physical culture teachers

MOU secondary school №32

Engels, Saratov region.

2010-2011 academic year year
Table of contents

In order to maintain and develop the level of their physical fitness and provide the necessary minimum of physical activity, physical education lessons are not enough within the framework of the educational process.

Homework in physical culture can significantly increase the level of physical activity and help develop basic physical qualities..

Doing homework, students join the systematic physical education. Trying to do their homework well, they learn to work conscientiously, improve their motor skills and abilities, and develop the necessary physical qualities.

Personal experience of working as a physical education teacher allows us to assert that homework in physical education, especially in primary school, instill interest in the subject "physical culture", contribute to increasing physical fitness and fostering independence and responsibility.

The issue of homework in physical culture is problematic, since it is very poorly reflected in the pedagogical literature, and homework in physical culture is characteristically different from homework in other general education subjects. The problems of organizing self-study in elementary school are not disclosed in physical education programs. There is a lack of successful development of theoretical foundations and a practical approach to the organization of independent educational motor activity of students primary school, evidence-based homework system for physical education.

Meanwhile, homework in physical education can not only develop the physical qualities of students, but also reduce the mental overload of children.

The main goal of homework in physical education

preparing students to fulfill the requirements of the physical culture program, developing motor qualities and introducing students to systematic physical exercises.

Tasks, solved with homework:

1) increase in motor activity of students;

2) development of the main physical qualities;

3) prevention of posture disorders;

4) preparation for fulfilling the requirements of the physical culture program;

5).development in children of the simplest methods of self-control over the reaction of their body to the load.

Doing homework, you can solve such health problems as the prevention and correction of students' posture, the formation of personal hygiene skills.

Homework consists of exercises aimed at developing basic motor skills. They may also include the simplest elements of movement technique, simulation exercises, exercises performed systematically, and one-time tasks, lead-up exercises. These can be developmental exercises, exercises for the formation of strong walking and running skills.

Homework can be both theoretical and practical.

As a form of homework, independent motor activity of children is welcomed, which consists in the fact that they themselves choose their own type of activity (cycling, outdoor activities, games with friends, etc.).

Homework should be harmoniously connected with the work in the lesson and should be given after mastering them. It is necessary that the teacher clearly shows the technique of performing the exercise and gives a strict load. Assignments are given at home, respectively, on the topic of the material being passed.

At home, exercises are performed that require long, repeated repetition. It may be included in homework daily performance under the supervision of parents of those sets of exercises that were learned at school.

Homework can be both general for everyone and individual if there is a backlog in any section or topic.

When doing assignments at home, the teacher needs to orient the students to the obligatory observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions for their implementation, pay great attention to ensuring their safety during the exercises (preparedness of the place - the absence of unnecessary items, etc.).

The time spent on homework should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

For homework to be effective, it is necessary to perform them systematically. The teacher must exercise control over their implementation. Such control is carried out, first of all, in the classroom. It may consist in checking the correctness of the exercises, monitoring physical development, as well as in performing the technique of a particular exercise.

Control over the implementation of homework is carried out in a current, frontal way. The correctness of the exercises is checked, the increase in indicators of the level of physical fitness is assessed.

At the same time, the teacher should also direct parents to the need to observe, stimulate and encourage the children to complete the given exercises.

Control over the completion of homework is carried out by the method of questioning, conducting regular testing (the names of the winners for each test are placed on the "Champion" board), evaluating the correctness of the performance of the given exercises, which are demonstrated by the students.

Rules organization of self-study in physical culture.

1. Exercises should be easy to coordinate and accessible to students.

2. Exercises are selected, the quantitative results of which, if systematically performed, increase after a certain time.

3. According to the execution time, tasks are divided into short-term and long-term ones.

4. Tasks are given individually and in groups.

5. Assignments become more difficult over time.

6. The task corresponds to individual characteristics.


A primary school student does not care much about how his today's exercises will affect his tomorrow's well-being, condition. For him, the main thing is to receive momentary satisfaction of his needs. Therefore, in elementary school, the emotional coloring of exercises and their figurative explanation are of great importance. For primary school, there are types of classes that contain only elements of independence. For example, homework: the teacher gives precise instructions for doing the exercise, and the student has to follow these recommendations and do homework (repetition of exercises is an element of independence).

So, in order to prepare students for independent physical exercises, it is necessary to give them a fairly wide range of knowledge, to form skills and abilities, not limited to the content. educational material programs. First of all, students must master the motor skills that they will use during self-study.

From the very first lessons, students must be required to comply with the dosage of time and load.

Homework in physical education.

Grade 2



1 quarter.


Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Drawing up an individual daily routine for the new academic year. Run at a slow pace 300-500m.

Taking into account individual employment in circles, sections, etc.


Performing self-monitoring for correct posture.



Leading exercises are performed by students who do not know how to jump at all. Perform when possible.


Performing jumping rope or leading exercises to jumping.


Performing turns on the spot on command.


Repetition of the long jump technique from a place.

Pay attention to the coordination of the work of the hands and feet.


Fixing the technique of long jumps from a place.

Pay attention to landing technique.


Completion of the complex U.G No. 2 (daily)



Repetition of the technique of throwing at a horizontal target.

From a distance of 2-4 meters.


Fixing the technique of throwing at a horizontal target.


Finding your pulse.

On the wrist, neck.


Determination of your pulse.

Time can be recorded by parents, relatives.


Endurance training in running at a slow pace.

For a given distance


Endurance training in running at a slow pace.


Outdoor games with running and jumping at the choice of students.

Subject to weather conditions.


T-shirt, shorts. Czechs (kets).

2 quarter


Repeat grouping while sitting, lying on your back, in a squat.


Repetition and implementation of the U.G complex No. 3, learned in the lesson (daily).



Lifting the torso from a supine position (daily.

The dosage is individual. Hands to shoulders.


Bending-extension of arms in an emphasis lying (daily). The girls put their hands up.



Repetition of stops, sits, racks.


Repeat turns in place on command.


Repeat the turns in place on command.


Walking count.


Walking, running, jumping to the pace of the song or music.


Repetition of side steps to the right, to the left, forward, backward in the tempo of the music.



Performing the dance steps learned in the lesson at the pace of the music.


Execution of arbitrary dance moves at the pace of the music.


D / s on vacation: active recreation on a skating rink, a hill. Skiing.

Subject to weather conditions

3rd quarter


Doing balance exercises.


The implementation of the complex U.G. with the ball learned in the lesson.

If possible.


Throwing the ball from hand to hand.

If possible.


Throwing and catching a ball or objects.

Can be performed with a small ball, tennis ball, soft toy. Throw 1-1.5 meters.


Tossing and catching a ball or objects with a clap or two clap.


Throwing and catching a ball or objects while performing squats.


Active recreation on skis, ice skates, ice-skates.



Skiing, ice skating, ice skating.


Skiing, ice skating, ice skating.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the legs.

Squats, pistols (squats on one leg).


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Cosmonauts"


Prepare counters for outdoor games.


Winter outdoor games.


Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, legs and arms. The load and exercise options are selected depending on the availability of conditions, the material base: (dumbbells, sports corner, etc.); as well as the level of preparedness of students.


Imitation of impact with the inside of the foot on a f/b ball.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the main muscle groups.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the main muscle groups.


Outdoor ball games


4th quarter


Performing jumps over small obstacles (vertical and horizontal).

Vertical - 40 cm high. Horizontal - up to 100 cm.


Imitation of a high jump using the "bending legs" method without overcoming the bar.


Imitation of a high jump "stepping over without overcoming the bar"


Balanced running.

Provide instruction on how to regulate the load and pace when running. Remind the basics of proper running technique.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Deal with the movements of the legs during the run-up repulsion and landing. Do it schematically.


Jumping games.


Jumping games.



Outdoor ball games in the yard.



Outdoor games in the yard at the choice of students.


Outdoor games in the yard at the choice of students.


3rd grade

1 quarter

Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Repetition of the high start technique.


Consolidation of high start technique.


Drawing up an individual regimen of the day for the student.




Imitation of a long jump with a running start.

Understand the technique of performing the steps of the run-up, repulsion and landing.



Performing a complex of hardening procedures.



Jumping over a short rope.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Throwing for a distance.



Outdoor games with running and jumping.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for gymnastics.

2 quarter


Repeat and perform the U.G complex No. 3 learned in the lesson (daily).


Repetition of turns.


Repetition of the technique of grasping the rope with your feet.

You can imitate the movement using a rope, a belt (for those who do not know how to perform a grip.


Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of posture disorders

Do it systematically.


Repetition of grouping and rolling.

Perform on a mat, mattress.


Imitation of leg movements when performing a jump on a gymnastic bridge.


Lead-up exercises to perform the vault (from the lying support to the crouching support).

Perform without taking your hands off the support.


Performing walking, jumping, movements in the rhythm of the music.


Consolidation of gallop steps and side steps.



Repetition of a combination of learned dance steps



Performing dance exercises to the rhythm of the music.


D \ z for the holidays: Active rest on the rink, hill. Skiing.

Subject to weather conditions

3rd quarter


Drawing up and execution of a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball.


Performing tossing and catching the ball.

For students with poor ball handling skills.


Performing exercises with the ball.


Performing tossing and catching the ball with complication (squat, clap)


Implementation of the outdoor switchgear complex with a skipping rope.



Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the hands.


Imitation of throwing the ball at the basket from two steps.



The position of the hands when receiving the ball.


Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of posture disorders.



Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of flat feet.


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop balance.


Learn in class.


Repeating the imitation of hitting the ball with the inside of the foot.

Strictly explain the rules of implementation and dosage.


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles.

Learn in class


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop leg muscle strength.


Drawing up a complex of physical minutes.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for athletics.

For training on the court and in the hall

4th quarter


Imitation of a high jump from a straight run.

From three to five steps.


Determination of heart rate at rest and after exercise.


Perform exercises to develop leg muscle strength.

The dosage is individual.


Perform exercises to develop leg muscle strength.



Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.


Learning recitative p / and "Golden Gate" and "Mousetrap"


Imitation of throwing the ball at a distance.

Strictly explain safety precautions when performing throwing.



Performing jumps over a long rotating rope with running.


Understand the takeoff steps when throwing the ball for a distance.


Performing a run-up when throwing the ball for a distance.


Uniform running

The dosage is individual.


Uniform running

Perform systematically


Uniform running


Compliance with the rules for taking sun and air baths, the rules of behavior on the water. Variants of mobile games.

4th grade

No. p / p



I Quarter


Repetition of safety rules in physical education lessons.



Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 1.


Repetition of the daily routine of the student.


Performing exercises to develop leg muscles.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for performing jumps.



Repetition of the long jump from a place.

Jump after warm-up.


Compilation of exercises for the development of strength of the arms and back.

Ask those who wish.


Repetition of the technique of throwing the ball at the target.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for throwing the ball at a distance.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for performing l / a exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 1.


Repeat high start position.


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a rope.

In the presence of a jump rope.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for gymnastics.


Performing a complex of hardening procedures.


II Quarter


Repetition of safety rules in gymnastics lessons.


Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 2.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of flexibility.


Learning dance exercises, steps.


Repetition of the technique of performing a roll forward, backward.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of back muscles.


Drawing up a set of dance exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 2.


Repetition of lead-up exercises for rope climbing. Grab the rope with your feet.

Hand tools.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of balance.


Repetition of combat exercises.




Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a hoop.

With a hoop.


Active recreation on skiing ice skates.

III Quarter


Repetition of safety rules when practicing outdoor games.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for outdoor games.


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Two frosts".


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Cosmonauts".


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Mousetrap".


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball.

When there is a ball.


Repetition of the basketball stance.


Compilation of a set of exercises for the development of movement accuracy.


Drawing up a set of breathing exercises.


Performing a set of exercises to prevent posture disorders.



Repetition of the stance of a volleyball player.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

At the request of the students.


Performing a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

If possible daily.


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a bench.


Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 3.


Learning the outdoor game "Ball over the rope."


Repetition of the rules of the game of pioneerball.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 3.


Performing a set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet.



Yard outdoor games.


Preparation of outdoor ball games.

When there is a ball.

IV Quarter


Preparation of clothing and footwear for athletics.


Repetition of safety rules in the gym and on the sports ground.


Repetition of the technique of passing the ball with the inside of the foot.

When there is a ball.


Performing jump rope.


Drawing up and performing a complex of morning exercises No. 4.


Repetition of the standing long jump technique.


Repetition of the basic rules for doing independent exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 4.


Repetition of imitation of run-up steps in the technique of throwing the ball for a distance.


Repetition of racks. Main stand, st. with different hand positions.


Drawing up and performing a set of exercises for the development of abdominal muscles.


Compilation and implementation of a set of exercises with the ball.

When there is a ball.


Balanced running.



Determining your heart rate at rest and after 12 squats.


Performing a set of exercises to assess the general condition of the body.


Keep a self-control diary.


Expansion of physical culture and sports work, improvement of its organization at the place of study is one of the urgent problems of physical education at school. Of great importance here is the formation in schoolchildren of the desire for independent physical self-improvement.

It is necessary to organize daily physical education classes for all students in the classroom and after school hours. The solution to this problem largely depends on the ability of students to use the means of physical culture to improve their health, maintain high performance, and self-study skills.

Physical culture, being a part of the general culture, largely determines a person's behavior in studies, at home, in communication, contributes to the solution of socio-economic, educational and health problems.

Doing homework in physical education, as in any other subject, is an organic part educational process. Performing tasks on this subject, students independently replenish their knowledge both in theory and in practice, performing certain physical exercises.



Homework for students in grades 5-6

I. p. - o. With. 1- sit down, hands forward; 2 - i. P.

The number of squats is counted. The initial result must be improved by 10 times.

2. Jumping rope (for the development of coordination of movements, leg strength, jumping ability, general and strength endurance). General position for all: rotation of the rope forward, legs together. The number of jumps is taken into account; improve by 20 times.

3. Raising the body from a supine position, legs are fixed (for the development of abdominal muscles, strength and general endurance The number of lifts is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - i. n. The number of slopes per 1 minute is taken into account. and quality of performance (touching the floor with fingers, fists or palms, no violations of the structure of movements); improve by 3 times.

Hands on an elevated support (height 60-70 cm). The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 10 times.


Homework for students in grades 7-8

1. Squats (to develop leg strength, general and strength endurance).

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - sit down, hands forward; 2 - i. n. The number of squats is taken into account; improve by 10 times.

2. Jumping rope (for the development of coordination of movements, leg strength, jumping ability, general and strength endurance). General position for all: rotation of the rope forward, legs together. The number of jumps in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

3. Lifting the body from a supine position, legs are fixed (for the development of abdominal muscles, strength and general endurance. I. p. - hands on the chest, taken by the elbows. The number of lifts is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

4. Forward bends (for the development of flexibility, balance, general endurance).

I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, hands at the top. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - straighten up, arms up, bend over. The number of slopes for 1.5 minutes is taken into account. and quality of performance; improve by 3 times.

5. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position (for the development of arm strength, strengthening the abdominal muscles, back, legs, development of strength and general endurance).

Hands on an elevated support (height 30-35 cm). The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

6. Pull-ups: boys - hanging, girls lying down (to develop arm strength, strengthen the abdominals, chest and back muscles). The number of pull-ups is taken into account; improve the result by 1 time.

7. The transition from an emphasis crouching to an emphasis lying down (for the development of general endurance, strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals).

The number of repetitions in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 3 times.


Homework for students in grades 9-11

1. Squats (to develop leg strength, general and strength endurance).

I. p. - stand legs apart with the right, hands from the bottom. 1 - sit down on the right with the knee touching the floor with the left foot (opposite the middle of the right foot), arms forward; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same, but the left one is in front. The sum of squats on both legs is taken into account; improve (in total) by 10 times.

2. Jumping rope (for the development of coordination of movements, leg strength, jumping ability, general and strength endurance). General position for all: rotation of the rope forward, legs together. The number of jumps in 2 minutes is taken into account; improve by 8 times.

3. Lifting the torso from a supine position, legs are fixed (for the development of abdominal muscles, strength and general endurance. I. p. - hands on the chest, taken by the elbows. The total number of lifts is fixed; improve by 6 times.

4. Forward bends (for the development of flexibility, balance, general endurance).

I. p. - narrow stance, legs apart, hands at the top. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - straighten up, arms up, bend over. The number of slopes for 2 minutes is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

5. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position (for the development of arm strength, strengthening the abdominal muscles, back, legs, development of strength and general endurance).

Hands on the floor. The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 4 times.

X-XI classes. Boys - legs on an elevated support 30-35 cm high; girls - hands not elevated support (between two chairs). The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 4 times.

6. Pull-ups: boys - hanging, girls lying down (to develop arm strength, strengthen the abdominals, chest and back muscles). The number of pull-ups is taken into account; improve the result by 1 time.

7. The transition from an emphasis crouching to an emphasis lying down (for the development of general endurance, strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals).

The number of repetitions in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 6 times.

Homework in V-XI grades

Teaching schoolchildren to independently engage in physical exercises is one of the most important tasks of a physical education teacher. Students receive assignments for self-execution of exercises at the lesson. Their content should be aimed at the development of physical qualities, the repetition of the simplest motor actions mastered in the lesson. Checking homework is carried out systematically.

For several years now, our school has been trying various options homework in physical culture. When compiling sets of exercises, we strive to ensure that they are not too complicated and do not take a lot of time during the control execution, but, however, at the same time they would be quite effective.

Students receive knowledge about how to do physical exercises on their own and which ones, in the classroom. We give the children the necessary theoretical information and practical material during the passage of sections of the curriculum.

Homework in physical culture is formed in our school from the implementation of complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics, exercises for the development of physical qualities and the simplest motor skills. We have permanent and temporary homework, timed to coincide with the passage of certain sections of the curriculum.

I will dwell in more detail on the organization of work on the implementation of regular homework assignments. When selecting such tasks, we proceed from the fact that students are most willing to perform exercises that are available to them, allowing them to see the growth of results, which is subject to quantitative and qualitative assessment both by the students themselves and by the teacher, classmates, parents of students. Materials of a comprehensive program on the physical education of schoolchildren allowed us to choose a number of such exercises and use them when doing regular homework.

When choosing exercises, we took into account the possibility of their implementation at home, as well as the implementation of quick control over their implementation during the lesson. Naturally, their benefits for the entire physical development and increase in the physical fitness of students were also taken into account. The basis of complexes for permanent homework. The basis of the complexes for permanent homework for students in grades V-XI was made up of exercises that included various torso tilts, raising the legs from a sitting and lying position, raising the legs from a sitting and lying position, raising the torso from a lying position, squatting, bending and extending the arms in support, pulling up, jumping over the rope, transition from support crouching to support lying down, etc. These exercises are designed to develop all motor qualities and cover all major muscle groups. Fulfilling them, schoolchildren also develop the will and diligence, thereby paving the way for systematic physical education.

From class to class, taking into account the age of students, the content of the complexes of permanent homework changes somewhat in the direction of complication. However, the basis for recording their implementation remains the principle of the total number of repetitions or repetitions for a certain period of time.

All physical education teachers are well aware that homework is unthinkable without an individual approach to each student, without a real consideration of his physical development and preparedness. Therefore, we do not set the task for our pets to perform the exercise for a precisely defined number of times, but we suggest that they improve their personal indicator by a certain number of times by the target date. Such a situation, it seems to us, puts strong and weak students on an equal footing, forces both to study.

In this regard, it seems to us that the moment of determining the initial abilities of the student in doing homework exercises becomes extremely important. You need to know the maximum result of the student in order to be sure that his further growth is really due to independent work at home. Work experience shows that in grades V-VI this issue is not particularly acute for the teacher: the spirit of competition, competitive excitement usually force the children to perform the exercises to the limit. However, in the 7th-11th grades, some schoolchildren are already trying to adapt to the familiar system of homework and sometimes deliberately underestimate their abilities in order to have a reserve for the future. Continuity helps us, teachers, to reveal this "hidden reserve" when certain exercises are included in homework assignments. As a result, when a student moves to the next class, the teacher knows his physical abilities well.

We give exercises of constant homework for the development of physical qualities of students in grades V-XI and a description of the requirements for their implementation.

    Squats on one leg.

V Class. I. p. - about. With. 1 - sit down, hands forward; 2 - i.p. The number of squats is counted. The initial result must be improved by 1 time.

VI Class. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - sit down, hands forward; 2 - i.p. In grade VI, the number of squats is fixed; improve by 3 times.

VI-VIII classes. I.p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms below. Alternate squats on the right and left legs. In the VIII grade, the number of squats in 1 minute is determined; improve by 2 times.

IX XI classes. I.p. - foot stand - squat on the right with the knee touching the floor with the left foot (opposite the middle of the right foot), arms forward; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same, but the left one is in front. In the IX class, the sum of squats on both legs (18) is taken into account to improve (in total) by 6 times. In grades X-XI (20), the sum of squats is fixed on both in 1 minute; improve by 6 times.

2. Jump rope(for the development of coordination of movements, leg strength, jumping ability, general and strength endurance). General position for all: rotation of the rope forward, legs together.

V VI classes. In the V class, the number of jumps in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

VII VIII classes. In class VII, the number of jumps in 2 minutes is taken into account; improve by 8 times. In the VIII class, the number of jumps in 2.5 minutes is fixed; improve by 10 times.

IX XI classes. The number of jumps in 3 minutes is taken into account; improve by 12 times (in XI class by 20 times).

3. Raising the torso from a supine position, legs are not fixed (for the development of abdominal muscles, strength and general endurance).

V VI classes. I.p. - behind the head. In the V class, the number of lifts in 1 minute is taken into account. ; improve by 2 times.

VII VIII classes. I.p. - hands behind the head. The number of lifts is taken into account; upgrade by 5 times

IX XI classes. I.p. - hands behind the head. In grade IX, the number of lifts in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 4 times. In X-XI classes, the total number of lifts is fixed; improve by 6 times.

4 . Raising bent legs from a supine position(for the development of abdominal muscles, flexibility, general strength endurance).

V VI classes. I.p. - hands randomly. Raising the legs to a right angle. In the V class, the number of lifts is taken into account; improve by 5 times. In the VI class, the number of lifts in 1 minute is determined; improve by 3 times; make sure that all students perform the exercise correctly, do not hit the heels on the floor.

VII VIII classes. I.p. - hands randomly. Pulling straight legs as close to the body as possible with the pelvis off the floor. In class VII, the number of pull-ups in 1 minute is taken into account; In the VIII class, the number of pull-ups in 1 minute is determined; improve by 3 times.

IX XI classes. VIS on the crossbar or gymnastic wall. In grade IX, the exercise is performed 3 times; in X-XI, the number of rises in 1 minute is taken into account; improve by 3 times.

5. Forward bends(for the development of flexibility, balance, general endurance).

V VI classes. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms below; closed stance, hands below (V-VI classes). 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - i.p. The number of slopes per 1 minute is taken into account. And the quality of performance (touching the floor, fists or palms, the absence of violations of the structure of movements); improve by 3 times.

VII VIII classes. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands up. 1 - lean forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - straighten up, arms up, bend over. The number of slopes for 1.5 minutes is taken into account. and quality of performance; improve by 3 times.

IX XI classes. I.p. - narrow stance, legs apart, arms at the top. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - straighten up, arms up, bend over. The number of slopes for 2 minutes is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

6. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position(for the development of arm strength, strengthening the abdominal muscles, back, legs, development of strength and general endurance).

V VI classes. Hands on an increased support, V - VI classes - 30-35 cm. The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 5 times.

VII VIII classes. Hands on the floor. The number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 4 times.

IX XI classes. Boys - legs on an elevated support 30-35 cm high; girls - hands on an elevated support. The number of times is counted by 4 times.

7. Pull up: boys - from the hang, girls - from the lying lying (to develop arm strength, strengthen the abdominals, chest and back muscles).

In all classes, the number of pull-ups is taken into account; improve the result by 1 time.

8. Transition from support crouching to support lying(for the development of general endurance, strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdominals).

V VI classes. In the V class, the number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 10 times. In the VI class, the number of repetitions in 1 minute is determined; improve by 3 times.

VII VIII classes. In class VII, the number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 10 times. In the VIII class, the number of repetitions in 1.5 minutes is fixed; improve by 4 times.

IX XI classes. In grade IX, the number of repetitions is taken into account; improve by 10 times. In the X-XI class, the number of repetitions in 2 minutes is determined; improve by 6 times.

From the above description of the exercises, it can be seen that the students are tasked with increasing their result by a certain number of times from one control lesson to another. Grade "5" is given for the completed task. If there is no growth, the student receives a grade of "3". For the deterioration of the previously shown result, an unsatisfactory mark is put. All grades for homework are recorded in the class journal and are taken into account when grading for the quarter.

Control lessons for checking homework we hold in October, December, March and May, i.e. once every quarter.

It seems very important to us to evaluate the first control exercise (in October). We take into account that the exercises were given to students on summer holidays and that these exercises are somewhat modified in later classes. Therefore, in September we often include homework exercises in the introductory part of the lesson, we monitor the correctness of their implementation. We constantly remind students about independent work at home. The first grade is set based on the average result in the class, or dictated by the requirements of educational standards. Subsequent assessments are made in accordance with the above requirements.

In one control lesson, we check two exercises, most often using the method of mutual checking, dividing students into 2 groups.

The quantitative results of schoolchildren, as a rule, grow from test to test. The practice of our work shows that the increase in the result planned for the year is quite real. Some students, especially V-VI grades, in a number of exercises significantly exceed the established indicators.

Now a few words about homework during the passage of various sections of the program material (athletics, sports games, ski training, etc.).

V VI classes.

September - October, students receive temporary homework: run at a calm pace from 10 to 20 minutes; 3-4 times a week. In November and December, before the snow cover sets in, jump rope 3-4 times a week for 2-3 sets (until fatigue appears). In January, February and early March - ski at a calm pace from 30 to 60 minutes. 3-4 times a week to ride from the mountains. From mid-March to April, the task is given to jump rope (jumping stairs) 3-4 times a week to ride from the mountains. From mid-March to April, the task is given to perform jumping rope (jumping stairs) 3-4 times a week for 3-4 sets (until fatigue appears). In May - running at a calm pace for 12-20 minutes, 3-4 times a week.

VII - XI classes.

I-IV quarter

Athletics exercises.

    Running 1500 - 2000 m (control exercises for everyone).

    Jumping in step (6x 5).

    Running with high hips (4-6x 5-10 sec).

    Standing long jump.

    Running at a steady pace (7-8 min.)

    Throwing a small ball at a distance and at a target.

    Running with acceleration (4-6x 30-40 m)

    Throws of weighted objects (balls).

From the athletic exercises listed above, complexes are made up of 3 exercises each. For example, ex. 1,2,8. Homework assignments are designed for 1-2 weeks.

II quarter

For November and December, for circuit training by students of grades VII-XI, we give the following exercises designed for homework:

November (for circuit training, use exercises 2,3,4,5,6)

    Learning and performing a complex of morning exercises (on cards).

    From a supine position, lifting straight legs behind the head.

    From the stop, crouching jumps up.

    From the position lying on the stomach, the removal of the gymnastic stick behind the back with a deflection in the back.

    coordination exercises (by cards).

    I.p. - o.s. Emphasis crouching, emphasis lying in front, emphasis crouching, I.p.

    From a supine position, the transition to a sitting position, bending over.

    Standing legs apart with your back 0.5 m from the wall, with straight arms lift the stuffed (2 kg) ball up and touch the wall with it.

    From an emphasis lying in front turn in an emphasis lying behind.

    Squats on one (left, right) leg with support on one arm.

    Rope jumps with double rotations, with two to three intermediate jumps with one rotation.

III quarter.

    Self-skiing up to 10-30 km. in Week.

    Ice skating - up to 10 min. daily (improvement of technology).

The following compulsory types are included in the homework for the summer holidays: running, swimming 50 m (two ways), volleyball, handstand and "wheel".

VII XI classes.

The listed temporary homework assignments are given not immediately for the entire period, but weekly, with more specific and detailed recommendations on dosage, taking into account the passage of program material, weather conditions.

As a rule, for high school students, I constantly remind and explain the importance of self-control when doing homework. They should make entries in the diaries after each session, fixing their well-being, mood, weight, appetite, sleep, resting heart rate, heart rate during training and during the recovery period.

In order for students to conscientiously perform physical education tasks at home, they should be given more frequent consultations and instructions on how to exercise, when and with what load to exercise, so that the result is positive.

Let me give you a list of advice and wishes that we give to students and demand that they follow them when doing homework:

    Exercise regularly 3-4 times a week.

    The duration of homework for students of grades V - VI is 15-25 minutes, grades VII - VIII - 25 - 35 minutes, grades IX - XI - 35 - 45 minutes.

    Classes on fresh air(running, skiing, etc.) I advise you to conduct in groups of 2-3 students, attracting the most prepared students as organizers.

    With each subsequent performance of well-learned exercises, I advise students to do each exercise 1-2 times more than in the previous lesson. Constantly take into account the number of repetitions, measuring the distance traveled, if possible, record the time spent on running exercises.

    Independent exercises begin with a warm-up up to 5 minutes. (running + 3-5 general developmental exercises).

    Constantly monitor well-being.

    To educate the will, the desire to overcome difficulties, fatigue that has appeared.

If advice and for morning hygienic gymnastics. Morning exercises should be done systematically. Exercises should be selected simple, with a greater range of motion, breathing should be deep (through the nose), full chest. It is advisable to do exercises accompanied by music. After charging - water procedures.

The performance of these tasks is usually difficult for the teacher to supervise. We carry out such control by questioning 2-3 students at the lesson. Speaking about the benefits of independent physical exercise, we recommend that children who live close to each other unite in groups of 3-5 people to do homework in running and skiing, and also practice doing homework, if possible, with the whole class at the school sports site.

Homework material in our school is planned for the entire academic year. This is reflected in the graphic annual and quarterly plans and is deciphered in the lesson plans.

As experience shows, without support and control from the family, independent work of students at home is rarely complete. To help their children, parents need to know everything they need to know about school physical education. Meetings with parents are organized with us at the beginning of the school year (class parent meetings). Talking with parents on the issues of physical education of children, we introduce them to the curriculum, to the requirements that apply to independent physical exercises at home. We teach them and the system of monitoring the performance of children's homework. For parents of students in grades V-VI, using the example of well-prepared children, we demonstrate a complex of morning hygienic gymnastics and homework exercises for the development of motor qualities.

We especially urge parents to set a personal example in physical exercises. We advise them to go skiing with their children as often as possible, run in the forest, do morning exercises.

We advise which one to buy Sports Equipment. We also say that parents should definitely encourage their children to exercise independently at home and in various sports sections.

We have been using all the described forms and means of homework for students in our school for many years and we can say that positive results are evident. Doing homework improves the physical fitness of schoolchildren, they began to get sick less, their leisure turned out to be more filled.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Homework as a means of reinforcing the studied material
  • 1.1 Types of homework, their scope and content
  • 1.3 Disadvantages of student homework
  • 1.4 Homework in physical culture as one of the forms of independent activity
  • 2. Features of the organization of independent and home studies
  • 2.1 Content of self-study
  • 2.2 A set of exercises for physical education homework
  • 2.3 Recommendations for conducting and recording homework in physical education
  • conclusions
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliographic list
  • Annex A
  • Annex B
  • Annex B


The current state of education is characterized by a tendency to increase the amount of information that requires successful and reliable assimilation. One of the opportunities for the success of such assimilation is the students' homework.

The importance of homework is that students consolidate and expand the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom and master the methods of independent work. Home independent work instills a sense of responsibility of students for the task assigned, increases confidence in overcoming the difficulties encountered and prepares them for self-education after graduation. With all this, one should not go to extremes and transfer the center of gravity in learning from the lesson to homework. Homework cannot replace the lesson, it must flow from it and serve its needs.

Parents should know the sanitary standards: a maximum of 2 hours is allotted for doing homework in the 2nd - 3rd grade, in the 5th grade - no more than 2.5 hours, in the 6th - 3, after the 7th - 3.5 , but taking into account that each item will take no more than 30 minutes.

True, there is a pattern: the time that strong and weak students spend on preparing homework is correlated as 1:6, i.e. if a strong student copes with the lessons in 3 hours, then a weak one will need 18! Therefore, homework should be differentiated. Do teachers take this into account? Not always. In elementary grades, most students, even those who do well, cannot do their homework without the help of adults.

Increased attention to the need for the development of physical culture and activities of an active-motor nature in the system of general education. If there are conditions (personnel, premises, inventory, software and methodological support) for organizing physical education and sports educational institutions it is recommended to organize additional classes for those who wish in the afternoon.

In order to normalize the workload of schoolchildren, a special line “Maximum volume of compulsory homework” (measured per hour / day) was introduced into the plan table. The time limits indicated in it refer to the mandatory part of the homework that all children must complete. Therefore, each teacher needs to carefully consider the composition of homework, distinguish between those tasks that each child needs to complete (to consolidate the basic algorithms, or repeat basic definitions, basic information, etc.), and tasks that an inquisitive child or a student studying individual program, can perform additionally.

It is also necessary to carefully correlate the time that the teacher plans to complete the mandatory part of the homework with real time its implementation by children; adjust the amount of homework on this basis, accustom children to the rational organization of homework.

The relevance of the work - doing homework in physical education as a way to consolidate the material being studied, the impact on the health and development of the student.

The purpose of the course work is to study the features of homework in physical education.

Work tasks:

To study the features of homework, their effectiveness in consolidating the material;

Consider homework requirements;

To analyze the effectiveness of the impact of doing homework in physical education on the development of a student.

The object of work is homework in physical education classes.

1. Homework as a means of reinforcing the studied material

1.1 Types of homework, their scope and content

Currently educational plans impossible without homework, but without sufficient effectiveness of the lesson itself, homework has no educational value. The habit of regular independent work, the performance of tasks of varying complexity - this is what relates to the goals that we pursue when giving homework. It is impossible to approach the problem of homework without taking into account the accumulated positive experience. This includes, for example, the principle of the unity of teaching in the classroom and homework of students.

Special studies show that the problem of increasing the effectiveness of teaching can be successfully solved only if the high quality of lessons is supported by well-organized homework of students. In the lessons, no matter how well they are conducted, there is a concentrated memorization, and knowledge is transferred only into operational, short-term memory. To translate them into long-term memory, students need to carry out their subsequent repetition, that is, it requires the organization of their homework. It is also of no less importance for the education of students, since it contributes to the formation of their diligence, independence, and serves as a means of reasonable and meaningful organization of extracurricular time. Thus, schoolchildren's homework is a very important part of the learning process and is one of the essential forms of its organization. Homework of students consists in the independent fulfillment of the teacher's tasks for the repetition and deeper assimilation of the material being studied and its application in practice, the development of creative abilities and talents and the improvement of educational skills and abilities. As follows from this definition, homework in mastering the material being studied is characterized by two main features - the presence of a learning task given by the teacher, and independent work of students to complete it.

Homework assignments include:

a) assimilation of the studied material from the textbook.

b) performing oral exercises (inventing examples for the rules being studied in the language, determining signs of divisibility of numbers in mathematics, memorizing a chronological table in history, etc.).

c) performing written exercises in languages, mathematics, physics and other subjects.

d) performance of creative works in literature.

e) preparation of reports on the studied material in high school.

f) conducting observations in biology, geography, physics.

g) performance of practical and laboratory work in physics, chemistry and biology.

h) production of tables, diagrams, diagrams for the studied material, etc.

Along with the general, for all students are often given individual homework. They are designed to overcome gaps in students' knowledge on certain topics, to strengthen training exercises to develop practical skills. In addition, tasks of increased difficulty are given for well-performing schoolchildren in order to develop their creative abilities and inclinations.

The main disadvantages of homework for schoolchildren. School practice shows that there are significant shortcomings in the homework of students. Firstly, when preparing homework from a textbook, many students stray into semi-mechanical reading of the material being studied, do not know how to divide it into separate semantic parts and do not exercise self-control over the assimilation of knowledge. Secondly, the lack of homework for many students is the inability to organize their working time, the absence of a firmly established regime associated with doing homework. This leads to haste in work and superficial assimilation of the studied material. Thirdly, the performance of written assignments by many schoolchildren is carried out without prior assimilation of the theoretical material on which these assignments are based. As a result, students make significant shortcomings and errors in the tasks performed. Overloading students with homework also has a negative effect. Overload is often caused not only by a large amount of homework, but also by poor preparation of students in the classroom for its implementation.

Rules for homework of schoolchildren.

First: Students need to know that the process of understanding and mastering knowledge should be dispersed. This means that for a comprehensive understanding and solid assimilation of the program material, one should carefully study the lessons not in one “sit down”, but refer to their study several times over a period of time.

Second: Homework assignments must be completed on the day they are received. The essence of the matter is that the material learned in the lesson is intensively forgotten in the first 10-12 hours after perception. During control checks, it turned out that after an hour the subjects could reproduce about 44% of these words, and after 2.5 - 8 hours - only 28%.

Third: Starting to prepare homework assignments, it is imperative to create a psychological mood for their accurate implementation and solid assimilation of the material being studied. How to do it? You need to think in detail about the goal that you need to achieve when doing homework. It’s one thing when you want to complete it and go for a walk as soon as possible, and another when you set a goal to complete the task as best as possible, not to show haste and strive for deep understanding and assimilation of the material.

Fourth: If homework includes mastering the material from the textbook and performing various exercises, then its preparation should begin with work on the textbook. The order of work with the textbook is as follows: first you need to try to remember what is left in your memory from the lesson. Then you should carefully read the paragraph of the textbook, highlighting the most important provisions, rules, conclusions in it, striving for their deep understanding and assimilation. After that, you need to apply the techniques of reproduction and self-control: retelling the material aloud or to yourself, drawing up a plan for what you have read, answering textbook questions, etc. If difficulties arise in the process of self-control, it is necessary to work with the textbook again and achieve free and complete reproduction of the material being studied. This technique applies mainly to the junior and middle classes. In high school, it changes significantly: along with the textbook, students often use additional sources of knowledge (texts of fiction, popular science literature, historical documents, etc.). But in general, the general system of homework here retains its features, which were discussed. Equally important in the senior grades is the use of self-control techniques. Moreover, with a significant increase in the volume of homework, their role in the solid assimilation of knowledge becomes even higher.

Psychologists have found that the assimilation of knowledge and methods of activity is much stronger if it is dispersed in time. The primary perception and consolidation of knowledge in the classroom, with any arbitrarily effective organization of the educational process, must necessarily be supported by subsequent reflection, application of new knowledge, linking the new with the old, its creative processing. Only that knowledge becomes a person's beliefs that he independently thought out, experienced. And if the initial perception and consolidation of knowledge can be frontal, then subsequent work should be individual, independent, in the volume and pace that each student needs for a complete and lasting assimilation of the material. This is possible only in conditions of independent study at home.

The success of the study as a whole often depends on how well the preparation of homework goes. But the organization of schoolchildren's homework is perhaps the most difficult link in the educational process. Many aspects of this problem require the closest attention.

It is determined that homework should be given taking into account the possibility of their implementation within the approximate limits:

· In the first class - up to 1 hour;

· In the second class - up to 1.5 hours;

· In the third-fourth grades - up to 2 hours;

· In the fifth-sixth grades - up to 2.5 hours;

· In the seventh grade - up to 3 hours;

· In the eighth-eleventh grades - up to 4 hours.

Homework overload also occurs if students are poorly prepared for their implementation, do not understand the purpose and meaning of the task, if it is too large in volume and not sufficiently related to the content of the lesson, if they are monotonous training in nature from lesson to lesson, do not affect the interests of the student.

Organization of home study work - part common problem improving the educational process at school. The content, nature, and functions of homework cannot be considered in isolation from the content, nature, and methods of teaching a lesson. It is in the classroom that conditions are created for the successful completion of homework. Many components, stages of the lesson are directly related to the subsequent completion of homework: checking homework, assignment of lessons at home, independent work of students in the lesson, directly related to the content of homework. The combination of these components should be such that at the lesson at school the student is fully prepared for doing homework, so that the lesson and subsequent independent study work are a single process.

Homework - This is an independent educational work without the direct guidance and assistance of a teacher. Therefore, the formation of independence in the educational cognitive activity- one of the leading functions of homework. It is especially important that independence in educational and cognitive activity is a condition for the formation of independence as a personality trait. Only at home, a student can try different types of self-control and choose the most effective one, identify the features of memory and, depending on them, learn a lesson “silently”, aloud or at the same time making notes, sketches, diagrams.

We must not forget that the requirement of the time is the education of initiative, activity, those qualities without which creative work is impossible. To promote a creative attitude to business is one of the tasks of homework.

Homework should be a means of bringing learning and self-education closer together. Indeed, the mastery of general educational skills and abilities, the development of interest in independent educational work, the formation of experience in creative activity - all these are the conditions for the formation of the need for self-education. Readiness for self-education is the most necessary quality of a school graduate, which manifests itself and can be formed not only in the older, but also in the youngest school age. The ambiguity of the role of homework, the significance of its functions determine its necessity as an organic part of a single educational process at school.

In school practice, the following types of homework are used:



· creative;


One for the whole class

Doing homework for a roommate.

Individual academic homework is assigned, as a rule, to individual students of the class. In this case, it is easy for the teacher to check the level of acquired knowledge of a particular student. Such work can be done on cards or using printed notebooks.

When doing group homework, a group of students perform some task that is part of a common class assignment. For example, when studying the topic “Price. Quantity. Cost ”schoolchildren are invited to collect material on the prices of various goods: one group finds out the prices for educational supplies, the other - the prices of food, the third - for toys. Homework in this case prepares students for the work that will be done in the upcoming lesson. It is better to set such tasks in advance.

Differentiated homework - one that can be designed for both a "strong" and a "weak" student. The basis of a differentiated approach at this stage is the organization of independent work of younger students, which is implemented through the following typical methods and types of differentiated tasks.

The tasks are the same for everyone in content, but different in how they are done, for example: “Cut out rectangles of the same area equal to 36 cm 2 from checkered paper, but with different sides.” Having received such a task, each child individually approaches the implementation: some can cut out one rectangle, others - two or three or more options. At the same time, the activity of students is exploratory in nature.

Tasks that include several options with the right to independently choose any of them.

One for the whole class is the most common type of homework, originating from pre-revolutionary times and preserved to this day. Permanent application Such tasks do not lead to the development of students' creative abilities, however, one should not rush to exclude them from the arsenal of pedagogical tools, since in the course of their implementation, students develop various skills, skills are formed.

Compiling homework for your desk mate is an innovative type of homework. For example: "Compose two tasks for your neighbor similar to those considered in the lesson."

Creative homework must be assigned not the next day, but several days ahead.

If the teacher does not always single out homework assignments as a separate item in the plan, then checking homework is traditionally part of the lesson.

Thus, the importance of independent work of students in teaching can hardly be overestimated. Only those knowledge, skills and abilities can be strong and meaningful, which are acquired through hard work.

1.3 Disadvantages of student homework

School practice shows that there are significant shortcomings in the homework of students. The most common of these are the following.

Many students, when preparing homework from a textbook, stray into semi-mechanical reading of the material being studied, do not know how to divide it into separate semantic parts and do not exercise self-control over the assimilation of knowledge. The main thing in the preparation of homework should be the comprehension and assimilation of the material being studied, and not the semi-mechanical reading of the textbook. It is necessary to highlight the main thing in the material being studied, to apply self-control techniques in preparing lessons.

Another shortcoming of homework for many students is the inability to organize their working time, the absence of a firmly established regime associated with doing homework. This leads to haste in work and superficial assimilation of the studied material.

The performance of written assignments by many schoolchildren is carried out without prior assimilation of the theoretical material on which these assignments are based. As a result, students not only make significant shortcomings and errors in the tasks they perform, but also do not comprehend the connection that exists between theoretical material and practical exercises.

Significant shortcomings are associated with overloading students with homework. Some teachers, in an effort to ensure that students work more in their subject, give too voluminous or overly complicated assignments. But overload is often caused not only by a large amount of homework, but also by poor preparation of students in the classroom for its implementation.

A significant shortcoming in the formulation of home independent work of students in a number of schools is its monotony. Often this work is limited to consolidating what was learned in the lesson from the textbook. Meanwhile, in the practice of the work of advanced schools, various types of it have long been formed: reading textbooks and books in order to comprehend and consolidate the studied material in the lesson; performing various kinds of exercises aimed at acquiring skills and abilities and achieving the greatest strength in mastering knowledge; conducting various kinds of observations, experiments and practical work in the interests of developing observation, inquisitiveness, labor and polytechnical skills and abilities, preparing reports, abstracts, essays that help expand and deepen knowledge and master the skills of creative work by students; reading fiction, scientific and technical literature, expanding the general educational and technical horizons of students, etc.

Thus, the main disadvantages of homework for students are:

Secondly, the lack of homework for many students is the inability to organize their working time, the absence of a firmly established regime associated with doing homework. This leads to haste in work and superficial assimilation of the studied material.

Thirdly, the performance of written assignments by many schoolchildren is carried out without prior assimilation of the theoretical material on which these assignments are based.

As a result, students make significant shortcomings and errors in the tasks performed.

Overloading students with homework also has a negative effect. Overload is often caused not only by a large amount of homework, but also by poor preparation of students in the classroom for its implementation.

1.4 Homework in physical culture as one of the forms of independent activity

The urgent need for the organization of independent physical activity is dictated by the fact that in a modern school, students have signs of a small motor regime in terms of volume. The reason for this is the insufficient number of physical education lessons, high class occupancy, lack of places for classes, equipment, inventory, insufficient interest of children in independent physical exercises, a small amount of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. At present, the opportunities for children to go in for physical culture and sports are being reduced, since sports sections are mainly operated on a commercial basis, the level of payment in which is not available to certain categories of families with children.

Unsatisfied need for motor activity negatively affects the harmonic physical development, motor fitness of schoolchildren.

Upon admission to school, the dynamic stereotype that has developed during the preschool period of education is broken, which leads to a violation of the state of health, most pronounced in first-graders. One way to get out of this situation is physical exercises performed by schoolchildren on their own. But schoolchildren do not have enough skills for independent use of physical exercises, dancing, jogging, walking to relieve fatigue, get out of a stressful state. One of the ways to solve this problem, in our opinion, is the independent work of students in physical education.

In order to increase the motor activity of students in the current conditions of the school, independent physical exercises should be used. It is especially important to change the educational process in such a way that any academic subject would be a lesson that contributes not only to the intellectual development of the student, but also preserves physical and somatic health. So that school classes do not reduce, but increase the adaptive abilities of students, increase their health reserves. To solve this problem, a physical education lesson should have a pronounced instructive focus on organizing an independent learning activities students.

Thus, the teacher, realizing the instructive orientation of physical culture lessons, forms the skills of students' independent activity. The teacher determines the goal, objectives, content, principles, methods, forms and means, as a result of this, the students develop skills, skills of independent physical exercises through the acquired amount of knowledge.

In the process of organizing self-study, the following conditions are observed:

1. Exercises should be simple in coordination and not requiring insurance.

2. It is necessary to strive for the conscious performance of exercises by children, intelligibly explaining the goal of each.

3. Students receive assignments in physical education after familiarizing themselves with the educational material in the lesson.

4. Each task should be explained in detail so that the students clearly understand the content and technique of the exercise.

5. For self-fulfillment, exercises are selected, the quantitative results of which, if systematically performed, increase after a certain time.

6. According to the execution time, tasks are divided into short-term and long-term ones. Asked individually and in groups. According to a survey of teachers, individual physical education tasks are more effective than group tasks, according to a survey of teachers.

7. Control over their implementation is carried out in the classroom by a teacher of physical education, at home by adults.

8. Checking is carried out by the current, frontal method. The correctness of the exercises is checked, the increase in quantitative indicators is assessed. Therefore, it is important at the initial stage to accurately determine the maximum possibilities of students in performing the exercise proposed for independent performance in order to be sure that the increase in the result is the result of independent activity. With diligent, systematic performance of tasks, almost every student can improve his result, regardless of the level of motor training. Given the level of physical fitness, tasks become more difficult over time.

9. To form a positive attitude of students to the independent performance of physical exercises, a constant, positive motivation for physical culture is necessary, since the attitude of students to physical education lessons, interest in independent exercise is one of the important conditions for the effectiveness of independent learning activities.

10. In parallel with the formation of motivation for independent physical exercises, interest in physical culture is brought up.

11. Of great importance in the formation of interest in physical education is the position of the student's family in this matter. Interest arises and becomes persistent, provided that parents involve children in physical education classes from primary school age.

12. Every child needs approval for his activities, encouragement for the achievements that have become the result of his own work.

Homework in physical education, especially in elementary school, increases interest in the subject of "physical culture", contributes to increasing physical fitness and fostering independence, a sense of responsibility.

2. Features of the organization of independent and home studies

2.1 Content of self-study

Now let's move on to the content of self-study, what exercises can (and should) be recommended to students for self-study.

But first you need to find out the difference between self-study and homework. Giving assignments at home, the teacher tells the students what exercises to do, how many times to repeat them, with what intensity, sequence, for what period (week, month or more) the task is calculated. In addition, the teacher tells the students under what conditions the given exercises should be performed and how to create these conditions. After a specified time, the teacher checks the quality of mastering the exercises and, taking this into account, gives other tasks.

Independent tasks schematically represent the following. A specific goal is set for the student, for example, to fulfill the standard in pull-ups. The student must choose the means himself, plan training, provide himself with appropriate conditions, independently control his condition, load, change in preparedness at each lesson, and analyze his activities at intervals determined by him. The teacher can recommend to the student exemplary sets of exercises for self-study, but the student must choose from these complexes what is necessary, taking into account his individual characteristics.

When performing complexes in self-study, students should build classes according to the following scheme. At the beginning of the lesson, preparations are underway for the implementation of the complex - general developmental exercises such as a warm-up: arm movements with gradually increasing amplitude, tilts and circular movements of the body, squats and alternate swings of the legs forward, to the side, back, slow running or jumps in place, walking in place. Each warm-up exercise is performed 6-8 times. If there are particularly difficult exercises in the complex, you should specially prepare for them. In the main part of the lesson, it is advisable to plan the following sequence: exercises for the development of speed, flexibility, agility, strength and endurance. At the end of classes, it is imperative to provide for exercises that contribute to the gradual restructuring of the systems and functions of the body from intense activity to a calm state.

Orienting schoolchildren to independent physical education classes, it is necessary to recommend that they do it at least twice a week. The duration depends on the content and intensity of the training (but not more than one and a half to two hours). Gradually moving from specific homework to more and more general tasks, the teacher should create conditions for students so that difficulties do not cool their desire to study. For this, various options are used. For example, use a gym for your own purposes. Thus, he can advise schoolchildren, helping them resolve their doubts and correct mistakes. Another option is to unite the guys in small groups, when there is a leader - a qualified athlete, a public instructor.

Physical education teacher A.N. Khomutovsky secondary school No. 7 in Mozyr introduces homework among students in grades 1 - 6, and starting from the 7th grade - independent physical exercises. He developed a system of tasks: common for boys and girls (the same exercises, but different loads); common only for young men; common only for girls; individual - depending on readiness.

Students perform exercises common to all on a daily basis, including them in exercises, in physical culture breaks between preparing homework in other subjects, and in independent training sessions. Students are offered a list of exercises from which they choose 3-5 exercises for each day at their own discretion.

Individual tasks are directed, as a rule, to prepare for the delivery of educational standards, to eliminate the backlog in the development of motor qualities. Therefore, in each case, they are planned specifically, for certain periods of time.

General tasks are calculated for a month. After repeating them during this time, they are updated, the load changes. At the end of each quarter, the effectiveness of self-study is determined - the indicators of the motor fitness of each student are compared with the specially developed requirements for students of this school, which are reflected in the tables.

It is recommended to include exercises that strengthen the main muscle groups, develop manual dexterity, flexibility and other qualities that form correct posture, contributing to the preparation for the development of complex motor skills in the lessons. A training session should include 2-3 series of 4-8 exercises each. You need to do 2-3 times a week.

The efficiency of completing tasks is significantly increased with collective exercises. In this case, the emotionality of classes increases, students have the opportunity to receive urgent information from their comrades. In addition, group activities have a beneficial effect on shy, insecure students who find it difficult to train regularly on their own.

It is impossible to ignore such a favorable time for self-study as the summer holidays. Practice shows that if schoolchildren passively spend their summer holidays, their results, reflecting their readiness, significantly decrease, despite an increase in height and weight. Therefore, it is very important to convince the children of the need for summer classes for them.

The content of such classes should be general developmental exercises such as charging. But due to the fact that in the summer the daily routine of schoolchildren is not saturated with various obligatory tasks, as during the school year, it is possible to increase the number of repetitions of exercises and diversify them. Each student needs to at least maintain his level of development of strength, endurance, systematically performing the appropriate exercises.

To maintain speed, running speed, and dexterity, it is necessary to convince boys and girls of the advantage of outdoor activities, to recommend them to play sport games: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, handball. One of the leading didactic principles on which physical culture and sports classes (including independent ones) are built is the gradual increase in loads and the regularity of their implementation. With excessive load, there will be no increase in fitness, but fatigue will accumulate. This state can be determined by subjective indicators. With fatigue, as a rule, a feeling of fatigue is noted, working capacity decreases, and the quality of movement performance deteriorates.

In order to prevent the undesirable negative impact of self-study, it is advisable to use self-control methods. Self-control is a systematic independent observation of a schoolchild involved in physical exercises and sports for changes in his health, physical development and physical fitness. It is important to explain the importance of self-control during independent physical exercises to schoolchildren and parents, to interest them, to involve them in this important means of educating purposefulness and diligence, a responsible attitude to one's health.

As indicators of self-control, as a rule, subjective and objective signs of a change in the functional state of the body under the influence of physical activity are used.

As subjective indicators of self-control, well-being, degree of fatigue, mood, sleep, appetite are most often used, and objective indicators are heart rate, body weight dynamics, hand strength, etc. Self-control indicators should be entered in a special diary.

Accounting for the content of the load and the mode of training, analysis of the dynamics of results and the growth of fitness in comparison with self-control data will help the teacher assess the correctness of the training session regimen, timely eliminate the negative impact of excessive loads, and the student himself to be convinced of the effectiveness of classes and their beneficial effect on physical development and health . Thus, self-control, regular and properly organized, can be of great help to the teacher in educating healthy and well-physically developed students.

2.2 A set of exercises for physical education homework

1. General developmental exercises in a standing position:

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle in different directions;

Exercises for the trunk and neck (tilts and turns, movements in an arc and forward);

Exercises for the legs (raising and lowering, flexion and extension in different joints, semi-squats, lunges, moving the center of gravity of the body from foot to foot).

2. General developmental exercises in a sitting and lying position:

Exercises for the feet (alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension, circular movements);

Exercises for the legs in the prone position and in emphasis on the knees (flexion and extension, raising and lowering, swings);

Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the supine position (raising the shoulders and shoulder blades, the same with turning the body, lifting the legs bent or straightening);

Exercises for the back muscles in the prone position and in the emphasis on the knees (a small amplitude of raising the arms, legs or simultaneous movements of the arms and legs with "stretching" in length).

3. Stretching exercises:

In a semi-squat for the back and front of the thigh;

In the prone position for the back, front and inner thighs;

In a semi-squat or in an emphasis on the knees for the muscles of the back;

Standing for pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle.

4. Walking:

Waving arms (brushes into a fist, fingers apart, etc.);

A combination of walking in place with various hand movements (simultaneous and sequential, symmetrical and asymmetrical);

Walking with claps;

Walking with advancement (forward, backward, diagonally, in an arc, in a circle);

Basic steps and their varieties used in aerobics.

5. Running - the same variants of movements are possible as when walking.

6. Jumps and jumps:

On two legs (in the flight phase, legs together or in another position) in place and with advancement in different directions (with caution, move to the sides);

With a change in the position of the legs: in a leg stand apart, on one leg, in a lunge, etc. (it is not recommended to perform more than 4 jumps on one leg in a row);

A combination of jumps and jumps in place or with movements with various hand movements.

Due to the fact that in recreational aerobics most of the movements put a load on the joints and spine, when choosing exercises, special attention is paid to the correct technique and safety of the conditions for performing. Many exercises that give a certain training effect, but selected without taking into account the preparedness of those involved in long, intense repetition, can pose a certain risk to health and lead to injury or damage. Consider the most important provisions that need to be considered when selecting exercises. In all exercises, ballistic "whip-like", "jerk" movements are prohibited.

2.3 Recommendations for conducting and recording homework in physical education

An important means physical education students are homework. Their fulfillment is one of the forms of independent work of schoolchildren, a characteristic feature of which is the lack of direct assistance and guidance from the teacher.

Practice confirmed the main purpose of homework - strengthening the health of schoolchildren, increasing their level of physical development and motor fitness, consolidating what they learned in the classroom. Homework in physical culture has become an integral part of the schoolchildren's daily routine, and contributes to the introduction of physical culture into everyday life. Today, students know that it is impossible to prepare for a health lesson in a hurry, having completed all the physical exercises assigned at home in one sitting. Preparing for a lesson means regularly doing morning exercises, not forgetting about physical training sessions and physical culture breaks during mental activity, every day to set aside certain hours for active leisure, including completing the tasks of a physical education teacher.

Homework helps students master the program material. A teacher of physical culture who introduces homework in his school should take into account that without their help the problem of educating schoolchildren in the habit of systematically engaging in physical exercises cannot be solved.

The first step on this path is the interest of the guys. Let homework, and hence the achievement through their fulfillment of certain goals, arouse special interest among schoolchildren.

What exactly should be done to raise the interest of children? To do this, it is necessary to give exercises that promote the development of motor qualities, including the qualities that this student has at a high level compared to other qualities, then in this case the student's interest in physical culture increases, his independent activity is activated. And this is understandable, because usually people are more willing to do what they are best at. Thus, the development of the leading motor qualities, contributes to the level increase and lagging behind.

It is best to introduce homework from grade 1, from the very beginning of schooling. The main argument in their favor should be the increased susceptibility of children of this age to the effects of physical exercise. Children easily develop the habit of daily activities, which is facilitated by a natural attraction to movement.

The homework system should contribute to the solution of the following tasks:

increase physical activity;

Strengthen the main muscle groups;

form the correct posture;

Promote the comprehensive development of motor qualities;

· mastering the correct movements in athletics, gymnastics and sports games.

To accomplish these tasks, the following tests-exercises can be introduced in the school:

Standing long jump.

The student performs 3 attempts, the best one is recorded in the protocol.

Leaning forward from a standing position.

A student performs exercises while standing on a gymnastic bench. Feet at the width of the foot, without bending the knees, performs three slow preliminary inclinations. The fourth slope is performed as a test and its result is counted on the fingertips that have reached the highest digital mark.

Shuttle run 3 x 10.

At the command "March!" the student touches the start line and starts running. Each time he approaches the start and finish lines, he must touch them.

Squatting on one leg.

The exercise is performed on the right and left legs alternately. Students in grades 1-6 perform exercises, holding on to the wall with one hand, and on the belt with the other. Pupils in grades 7-11 perform the exercise without support, hands - arbitrarily.

Raising the body for 1 min.

Raising the body is performed from a supine position, knees bent, hands behind the head. The partner holds the legs. The heels are at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the pelvis, the back is firmly pressed to the floor. The student raises the torso, bending it so that the elbows touch the knees, then lowers to the floor, touching the floor with the shoulder blades. The amount is fixed for 1 min. The exercise is performed on a mat.

Shuttle run 4 x 9.

At the command "March!" students touch the start line, start running, after 9 meters they touch the line and run back. The time is recorded with an accuracy of 0.10 sec.

Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis.

Starting position - hands shoulder-width apart, on the floor, the torso is straight, on command, the student, bending his arms, reaches with his chest to an object whose height is from 6 cm. up to 14 cm. depends on the contingent (class, gender).

forward bends from position« sitting» .

The student sits on the floor, legs apart 30 cm wide, two partners hold their knees, not allowing them to bend their legs. Three slow pre-tilts are performed. The fourth slope is performed as a test and its result is counted on the fingertips that have reached the highest digital mark.

Lifting the body from the position« lying on your back» .

Starting position - “lying on your back”, legs straight, hands behind your head. The student, raising his torso, does not raise his legs, does not open his arms.

Shuttle run for grades 1-6 - 4 x 10; for grades 7-8 - 6x10, for grades 9-11 10 x 10.

Running is performed from the start line, touching the start line and the line to which you need to run.

Control .

For all classes, it is necessary to develop a system of assessments for completing homework exercises.

Rates may increase every quarter. At the end of each quarter, classes turn in homework in blocks.

First block:

jump from a place;

tilts from a standing position;

shuttle run 9 x 10

Second block:

lifting the torso in 1 minute;

squat on the right and left leg;

shuttle run 4 x 9;

Third block:

flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position;

torso lifting

tilts from the "sitting" position;

shuttle run 4 x 10; 6x10; 10x10.

All results and grades are recorded in a special notebook of the teacher. All 10 homework grades are posted in the study journal.

If the student in this lesson did not cope with the exercise or he is not satisfied with the assessment, then he has the opportunity to complete the task later, during work sports section. If there is a third physical education lesson, this work can be carried out right at the lesson.

At the end of the school year, when performing control exercises for the curriculum and testing, students show positive results.

homework physical education student


When checking, not only the results of the student's independent work when doing homework are revealed, but also the fruits of his labor in the classroom. This is as it should be, since only in the close relationship of these two types of student activity can success in learning be achieved. When summing up the results, the most important thing is to notice a positive shift in the development of motor qualities.

The results of homework checks show that at the end of the school year, the level of students' motor readiness increases significantly. This contributes to the implementation of educational control standards, monitoring, successful completion of final exams in the subject "Physical Education" in grades 9 and 11 and participation in regional competitions in various sports.


The need to expand physical culture and sports work, improve its organization at the place of residence and study is one of the urgent problems of physical education at school. Of great importance here is the formation of students' desire for physical self-improvement.

In the main directions of the reform of the general education school, the question of the need to organize daily physical education classes for all students in the classroom and after school hours was reflected. The solution to this problem largely depends on the ability of students to use the means of physical culture to improve their health, maintain high performance, and self-study skills.

The understanding that the future of any country is impossible without healthy members of society has led to the strengthening of the role of physical culture and sports in strengthening the state and society and the active use of physical culture and sports in maintaining and strengthening the health of the population.

Concern for the development of physical culture and sports is the most important component of the social policy of the state, ensuring the implementation of humanistic ideals, values ​​and norms, giving wide scope for identifying people's abilities, satisfying their interests and needs, and activating the human factor.

Physical culture, being one of the facets of general culture, largely determines human behavior in education, at work, in everyday life, in communication, contributes to the solution of socio-economic, educational and health problems.

Physical exercises are motor, purposeful, conscious actions of a person associated with a number of mental processes: the idea of ​​movement, mental work, experiences. Our movements are extremely diverse, but not all of them are physical exercises. For example, walking and running only then become physical exercises when they are used for the purposes of physical education: how to teach running technique, develop endurance, and prepare for participation in competitions.

The relationship between physical exercises and physical labor is not that they can replace each other, but that physical exercises, having arisen from labor actions, have become an indispensable means of preparing for work.

Constant physical exercises improve the activity of all organs and systems, all the work of the human body is rebuilt. Together with hardening, physical exercises are the most important means of preventing diseases. In order for physical exercises to bring the greatest benefit, it is necessary to select physical exercises and loads that correspond to age characteristics.

Homework in physical education is one of the factors in improving the health of students and their development.

Homework in physical culture increases interest in the subject "physical culture", contributes to increasing physical fitness and fostering independence, a sense of responsibility. Homework helps students master the program material, achieve good results not only in physical education lessons, but also in sports in general.

Bibliographic list

1. Adaptation of the organism of adolescents to the training load / Ed. D. V. Kolesova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987. S. 336.

2. Anikina, T.A., Kovtun, L.G. et al. Selected chapters on age-related physiology / T.A. Anikina, L.G. Kovtun. - Kazan, Uni-Press. 1992.S.181.

3. Bolsevich V.K. Human physical activity / V.K. Bolsevich. - M., 1987. S. 271.

4. Bolsevich V.T., Zaporozhanov, P.D. age development physical qualities of a person / V.T. Bolsevich, P.D. Zaporozhanov. - M., 1992.S.98.

5. Bukreev L.O. Age features of cyclic movements of children and adolescents / L.O. Bukreev. - K., 1989.

6. Galik B.V. Training of young athletes / B.V. Galik. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984.S.264.

7. Gandelsman A.B., Smirnov K.M. Physiological bases of sports training methodology / A.B. Gandelsman. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1970.S.149.

8. Hygiene of children and adolescents: Textbook / Edited by G. N. Serdyukovskaya. - M.: Medicine, 1986.

9. Golovina, L.L. Physiological features of some functions and muscular activity of schoolchildren / L.L. Golovin. - Kharkov, ID "Ukraine", 1996.S.337.

10. Dolotina, O.P. Homework should be interesting / O.P. Dolotina // Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 6, 1989, p.23.

11. Ermolaev Yu.A. Age physiology / Yu.A. Ermolaev. - Kazan, 1985. P. 212.

12. Ivanov, A.N. On checking homework / A.N. Ivanov // Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 11, 1989, p.32.

13. Laptev, A.P. Age features of the body / A.P. Laptev // "Physical culture and sport", 1984. No. 8.

14. Lyakh, V.I. A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1 - 11 / V.I. Lyakh. - M., "Enlightenment", 1996. S. 244.

15. Maslennikov, S.M. Homework in grades 4 - 10 / S.M. Maslennikov // Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 12, 1986. p.20.

16. Matveev. L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture / L.P. Matveev. - M., Higher School, 1991. S.217.

17. Nabatnikova M.Ya. Fundamentals of managing the training of young athletes / M.Ya. Nabatnikov. - K., 1993.S.421.

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Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Homework is an important means of physical education for students. Their fulfillment is one of the forms of independent work of schoolchildren, a characteristic feature of which is the lack of direct assistance and guidance from the teacher.

Practice has confirmed the main purpose of homework - strengthening the health of schoolchildren, increasing their level of physical development and motor fitness, consolidating what they learned in the classroom. Homework in physical culture has become an integral part of the schoolchildren's daily routine, and contributes to the introduction of physical culture into everyday life. Today, students know that it is impossible to prepare for a health lesson in a hurry, having completed all the physical exercises assigned at home in one sitting. Preparing for a lesson means regularly doing morning exercises, not forgetting about physical education and physical culture breaks during mental activity, every day to devote certain hours to active leisure, including completing the tasks of a physical education teacher.

Homework helps students master the program material. A teacher of physical culture who introduces homework in his school should take into account that without their help the problem of educating schoolchildren in the habit of systematically engaging in physical exercises cannot be solved.

The first step on this path is the interest of the guys. Let homework, and hence the achievement through their fulfillment of certain goals, arouse special interest among schoolchildren.

What exactly should be done to raise the interest of children? To do this, it is necessary to give exercises that promote the development of motor qualities, including the qualities that this student has at a high level compared to other qualities, then in this case the student's interest in physical culture increases, his independent activity is activated. And this is understandable, because usually people are more willing to do what they are best at. Thus, the development of the leading motor qualities, contributes to the level increase and lagging behind.

It is best to introduce homework from grade 1, from the very beginning of schooling. The main argument in their favor should be the increased susceptibility of children of this age to the effects of physical exercise. Children easily develop the habit of daily activities, which is facilitated by a natural attraction to movement.

The homework system should contribute to the solution of the following tasks:

  • increase motor activity;
  • strengthen the main muscle groups;
  • form the correct posture;
  • to promote the complex development of motor qualities;
  • mastering the correct movements in athletics, gymnastics and sports games.

To accomplish these tasks, the following tests-exercises have been introduced at the school:

Standing long jump.

The student performs 3 attempts, the best one is recorded in the protocol.

  1. Leaning forward from a standing position.

A student performs exercises while standing on a gymnastic bench. Feet at the width of the foot, without bending the knees, performs three slow preliminary inclinations. The fourth slope is performed as a test and its result is counted on the fingertips that have reached the highest digital mark.

  1. Shuttle Run 3x 10.

At the command "March!" the student touches the start line and starts running. Each time he approaches the start and finish lines, he must touch them.

  1. Squatting on one leg.

The exercise is performed on the right and left legs alternately. Students in grades 1-6 perform exercises, holding on to the wall with one hand, and on the belt with the other. Pupils in grades 7-11 perform the exercise without support, hands - arbitrarily.

  1. Raising the body for 1 min.

Raising the body is performed from a supine position, knees bent, hands behind the head. The partner holds the legs. The heels are at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the pelvis, the back is firmly pressed to the floor. The student raises the torso, bending it so that the elbows touch the knees, then lowers to the floor, touching the floor with the shoulder blades. The amount is fixed for 1 min. The exercise is performed on a mat.

  1. Shuttle Run 4x9.

At the command "March!" students touch the start line, start running, after 9 meters they touch the line and run back. The time is recorded with an accuracy of 0.10 sec.

  1. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis.

Starting position - hands shoulder-width apart, on the floor, the torso is straight, on command, the student, bending his arms, reaches with his chest to an object whose height is from 6 cm. up to 14 cm. depends on the contingent (class, gender).

  1. Leaning forward from a sitting position.

The student sits on the floor, legs apart 30 cm wide, two partners hold their knees, not allowing them to bend their legs. Three slow pre-tilts are performed. The fourth slope is performed as a test and its result is counted on the fingertips that have reached the highest digital mark.

  1. Lifting the torso from the supine position.

Starting position - “lying on your back”, legs straight, hands behind your head. The student, raising his torso, does not raise his legs, does not open his arms.

  1. Shuttle run for grades 1-6 - 4x 10; for 7 - 8 classes - 6x10, for grades 9-11 10x 10.

Running is performed from the start line, touching the start line and the line to which you need to run.


For all classes, a system of assessments for completing homework exercises has been developed (see. Appendices 1-11).

The numbers are rising every quarter. At the end of each quarter, classes turn in homework in blocks.

First block:

  • jump from a place;
  • tilts from a standing position;
  • shuttle run 9 x 10

Second block:

  • lifting the torso in 1 minute;
  • squat on the right and left leg;
  • shuttle run 4 x 9;

Third block:

  • flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position;
  • torso lifting
  • tilts from the "sitting" position;
  • shuttle run 4 x 10; 6x10; 10x10.

All results and grades are recorded in a special notebook of the teacher. All 10 homework grades are posted in the study journal.

If the student in this lesson did not cope with the exercise or he is not satisfied with the assessment, then he has the opportunity to complete the task later, during the sports section. If there is a third physical education lesson, this work can be carried out right at the lesson.

At the end of the school year, when performing control exercises for the curriculum and testing, students show positive results.


When checking, not only the results of the student's independent work when doing homework are revealed, but also the fruits of his labor in the classroom. This is as it should be, since only in the close relationship of these two types of student activity can success in learning be achieved. When summing up the results, the most important thing is to notice a positive shift in the development of motor qualities.

The results of homework checks show that at the end of the school year, the level of students' motor readiness increases significantly. This contributes to the implementation of educational control standards, monitoring, successful passing of final exams in the subject "Physical Education" in grades 9 and 11 and participation in regional competitions in various sports (see. Applications 12, 13).


  • Dolotina O.P. Homework should be interesting. Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 6, 1989, p.23.
  • Ivanov A.N. About checking homework. Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 11, 1989, p.32.
  • Litvinov E N. The program of physical education of students in grades 1-11, based on one of the sports (basketball); M., "Enlightenment", 1996.
  • Lyakh V.I. A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11; M., "Enlightenment", 1996.
  • Maslennikov S.M. Homework in 4-10 grades. Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 12, 1986, p.20.
  • Polyakov M.N. Homework in grades 1-4. Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 8, 1987, p.32.
  • Randruyt A.L. Homework in physical education. Journal "Physical culture at school", No. 8, 1984, p.29.