Determination of the purpose of the project of its structure. Project structures at the service of its management

All projects have common properties: include the coordinated execution of interrelated activities; have a limited duration in time, with a definite beginning and end; Everyone is different and unique in some way. The project involves a set of interrelated goals. A precise definition and formulation of goals is assumed, starting with top level, with gradual detailing at lower levels. If the synchronization of interrelated tasks (operations) is disturbed, when some cannot be started if others are not completed, the entire project can be jeopardized. Relationships can be both obvious and represent more complex nature interactions. "A project is a complex system consisting of interrelated dynamic parts that requires a special approach to management" The project ends when the main goals are achieved. A significant part of the efforts is aimed precisely at ensuring the timing of the project.

The difference between a project and a production system lies in its one-time and uniqueness. The degree of uniqueness of projects can vary greatly for different projects. Sources of uniqueness can be of a different nature, including in the specifics of a particular production situation. The degree of uniqueness is usually determined by the ability to use past experience.

Among the main features of the project are

uniqueness and uniqueness of the goals and activities of the project;

· coordinated performance of interrelated works;

focus on achieving final goals;

limited in time (the presence of a beginning and an end);

limited resources.

Any project does not exist in isolation, but surrounded by many different subjects and - accordingly - under the influence of their influence.

The project has a number of properties: it arises, exists and develops in a certain environment, called the external environment, the composition of the project does not remain unchanged in the process of its implementation and development: new elements (objects) can appear in it and other elements can be removed from its composition.

"Project participants are the main element of the structure, as they ensure the implementation of the plan" Each participant has his own functions, the degree of participation and the degree of responsibility for the fate of the project.

Structuring the project

To manage the project, it should be divided into hierarchical subsystems and components. In terms of project management, the project structure is a "tree" of project product-oriented components represented by equipment, works, services and information obtained during the implementation of the project. We can say that the structure of the project is the organization of connections and relationships between its elements. The formation of the project structure makes it possible to present it in the form of much smaller blocks of work, up to obtaining the smallest items that can be directly controlled. It is these blocks that are transferred under the control of individual specialists responsible for achieving a specific goal achieved in the implementation of the tasks of this block.

In order to structure a project, it is necessary to ensure the separation of project product components, life cycle stages, and organizational structure elements. The structuring process is an integral part of the overall process of planning a project and defining its goals, as well as preparing a consolidated (master) project plan and a matrix for distributing responsibilities and duties. Thus, the main tasks of structuring should include the following:

breaking down the project into manageable blocks;

distribution of responsibility for various elements of the project and linking work with the structure of the organization (resources);

· an accurate assessment of the necessary costs - funds, time and material resources;

creation of a single base for planning, budgeting and cost control;

· linking the work on the project with the accounting system in the company;

the transition from general goals to specific tasks performed by departments of the organization;

Definition of work packages (contracts).

The process of project structuring is, in fact, the construction of a hierarchical work structure (WBS), that is, a consistent multi-level splitting of the goal into the work that needs to be done in order to achieve the goal.


The following principles must be observed when constructing an IRS:

lower-level works are a way to achieve upper-level works;

Each parent job can have several child jobs, the achievement of which automatically ensures the achievement of the parent job;

Each child job can have only one parent job;

Decomposition (partitioning) of the parent work into children is carried out according to one criterion;

· at the same level, child works that decompose the parent must be equivalent;

· when constructing a hierarchical structure of work at different levels, different decomposition criteria can and should be applied;

· the sequence of work decomposition criteria should be chosen in such a way that as much as possible of the dependencies and interactions between works is at the lowest levels of the WBS;

· at the upper levels of work must be autonomous.

An important circumstance is also that the decomposition of works stops when the works of the lower level satisfy the following conditions. First of all, the work should be clear and understandable to the manager and project participants, that is, they should be quite elementary. The end result of the work and how to achieve it should also be clear. In addition, time characteristics and responsibility for the performance of work must be clearly defined.

Consideration of the process of structuring as an integral part of nature project activities showed that, firstly, the process of project structuring is quite important, and in some cases even a necessary condition for the implementation of the project. Secondly, structuring here serves more effective project management (“this is change management, an activity aimed at implementing the project with the greatest possible efficiency under given constraints in time, money (and resources), as well as the quality of the final results of the project” http: / /, as well as to facilitate the work on the project. And thirdly, it is clear that in addition to everything else, the structuring of the project is also a means, a toolkit that ensures the achievement of the goals of the project.

Project classification

For a fairly holistic view of the nature of the project, I consider it necessary to consider its various types in order to consider their features.

Each specific project is determined by 4 classification features: scale; terms of implementation; quality; limited resources. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the place and conditions for the implementation of the project.

It is customary to distinguish the following main types of projects:

1. investment;

2. large-scale (small, mega-projects);

3. defect-free;

4. multiprojects;

5. single projects;

6. modular;

7. international.

For investment projects, it should be taken into account that investments can cover both the full scientific, technical and production cycle of creating products (resources, services), as well as its elements (stages): research, training, reorganization of production, etc.

For short-term projects, it is typical that the customer usually goes to increase the final (actual) cost of the project, since he is most interested in completing it as soon as possible. For defect-free projects, higher quality is used as the dominant factor, and therefore their cost is usually very high. An example is the project for the construction of a nuclear power plant. The term "multi-projects" is used in the case of the implementation of several interrelated projects.

In project management, an important role is given to the development of the organizational structure of the project.

Organizational structure of the project - a temporary organizational structure appropriate to the project, including all its participants and created for the successful management and achievement of the project goals.

The need to develop an organizational structure is explained by the fact that a project team is created to carry out the project - new temporary work team of professionals various structural divisions companies on the part of the Contractor and on the part of the Customer. As with any new team, it is necessary for project team members to define project roles (temporary positions), functions, duties, responsibilities, authorities and rules of interaction, as well as an organizational chart that reflects subordination relationship. At the same time, it does not matter for what period of time the project team will be created - for several months or for several years. The structure of the project is determined by the complexity, scale of development and implementation of IS, the number and specialization of the project team members. The project team can include specialists, both full-time and part-time.

If the implementation of the information system is carried out with the involvement of a third-party organization - the Contractor, then for successful implementation it is necessary to form a project team not only from the Contractor, but also from the Customer, and then determine the permissible interactions between members of the teams of the Contractor and the Customer (who, with whom, on what issues interacts), that is, establish the rules of interaction.

When forming the organizational structure of the project and deciding on subordination, it should be remembered that it becomes difficult to directly manage more than ten members of the project team. Ideal option: five to seven people.

We especially note that when creating the organizational structure of the project, the staffing table of the company should not change. It should not be forgotten that the project temporary an event at the end of which the project team is dissolved and the specialists begin their functional duties in accordance with the regular organizational structure of the company or move to the next project, where their functions and powers may be different.

A well-formed organizational structure of the project will ensure its effective management, planning, execution on schedule, at a certain quality level.

The first task in forming the organizational structure of a project is to decide what type of structure the best way suitable for this project. Different types of structures have certain advantages.

The main types of organizational structures

Functional organization(Functional Organization) (Fig. 1.9). A hierarchically built organization in which each employee has one direct supervisor, employees are divided into groups (departments) according to areas of specialization. Each group (department) is managed by one person who has competence in this area - a functional leader (department head).

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Matrix organization(Matrix Organization) (Fig. 1.10) - any organizational structure in which the Project Manager shares with functional managers (heads of departments) the responsibility for setting priorities and managing the work of persons assigned to the project.

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Project organization(Projectized Organization) - any organizational structure in which the Project Manager has sufficient authority to set priorities, use resources and direct the work of persons assigned to the project, as well as financial authority within the project budget.

In order to understand the essence of various types of organizations, let's look at a conditional example of how the work on the development and implementation of IS can be built when organization structure shown in fig. 1.11.

Main Functions of the Programming Department: programming algorithms for calculation, data analysis, integration solutions; development of report forms, development of screen forms, work with IS databases.

Main Functions of the Business Intelligence Department: development of calculation algorithms, data analysis, integration solutions that comply with business rules, financial accounting requirements and legislation.

The main functions of the Consulting and IP settings department: setting up IS modules using ready-made algorithms, screen forms and reports, providing advice to IS users.

Key Functions of the Marketing and Sales Department: sales of IP and services for its implementation.

Project structure.

Project structures are hierarchical decompositions of the project into component parts (elements, modules) necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of the project management process in the interests of its various participants.
Understanding a project as a structured (informational) object, subject to logical judgments and formal rules, is the basis of professional project management methods. To identify and understand the goals, composition and content of the project, organize planning and control of project implementation processes, it is necessary to determine and build the structure of the project work using decomposition methods.
Structural decomposition of project work(WBS) is a graphical embodiment of the project and is a collection of interrelated elements of the project of varying degrees of detail.
A project's work breakdown structure is a central tool for defining the work to be performed within a project. The description of the work (work packages) should include: the content of the work, the expected results, the possibility of measuring and evaluating the degree of their implementation. The two most commonly used types are:
Functional Decomposition(project product and its components). The decomposition of a system integration project is given below as an example. The main product of the project is an information system, which includes intermediate products: local network, workstations and servers, DBMS, system and application software.
Chronological decomposition(project life cycle).
When managing a project throughout its life cycle, other structural project models are also used, most of which are based on the WBS. The most significant of them are:
Tree of goals and results- the first structural model of the decomposition of the project goal into its component parts by the time of development. The goal tree can be built according to the project structure. At the top of the tree, a common (general) goal is set, on the subsequent tiers of the branches, decomposed goals of the corresponding level are located in hierarchical subordination, down to the goals of the lowest level, corresponding to elementary events and actions in the project.
Task Tree- development of a structural model of the project to decompose the tasks of the project into its component parts. The composition of the project tasks is determined from the goals of the project, the final result and the pre-project state of the subject component of the project - a product, business function or service. The systematic approach in defining the tasks of the project is similar to the approach in defining the goals, using the technologies of hierarchical decompositions in the form of a tree. At the top of the "tree" is the most important task of the project, at the bottom - elementary tasks (works, activities) of the lower level. Such techniques - breaking the project into smaller tasks - allow you to present it in the form of fully manageable components.
One of the main tasks of the WBS is to determine and verify what is included or not included in the subject matter of the project, i.e. fixing the boundaries of the project.
The more detailed the low-level tasks are reflected in the WBS, the higher the transparency of the project can be ensured. Worked out in detail and transferred to real execution, the WBS is an effective tool for project management. At the same time, experienced managers pay special attention to fixing measures that transfer the results of the previous task (tasks) to the input of the next (subsequent) ones, which is carried out by means of milestones that fix the conditions for transferring results, achieving current goals and the documents necessary in this case. Clear and systematic definition of milestones in WBS ensures high quality feedback in project management and control of its execution, since the main part of milestones contains requirements for reporting on the status of tasks. This technique allows you to effectively take into account deviations from the planned parameters of tasks and manage project changes.

Structural model of the project by life cycle phases
The main approaches to building a structural model of the project:
Structural model of the project organization (or project office), representing a hierarchical decomposition of the organizational and production structure of the project.
The matrix of responsibility and distribution of work by performers, which is built on the basis of structural models of project work and project organization.
A network model of a project, or a hierarchical system of network models of a project, with a given degree of detail of work that meets the requirements of various levels of management and project participants, which is built on the basis of WBS, a goal tree, a project organization structure and a responsibility matrix.
Resource tree - a structural decomposition of the required resources to complete the project.
Cost tree is a structural decomposition of the cost indicators of the project, which is built on the basis of the WBS, resource tree and data on the cost of project elements.
Structural decomposition of contracts by project work.
Project risk distribution tree.
On the basis of the composition of various structural and information models, it is possible to build other additional compositional structural models necessary for solving the problems of project management by its various participants.
The adopted project structure with a hierarchy of stable elements highlighted in it forms the basis of the information language of the project, in which all project participants communicate and documentation is carried out. Therefore, the adopted structure, and only it, should be used throughout the entire life cycle of the project, although the structure itself may change during the course of the project. In this case, related changes must be made in all project documentation.

Material Source: Abdikeev N.M. Information management. Textbook. Publisher: Infra-M. 2010, - 400 p.

Understanding a project as a structured information object, subject to logical judgments and formal rules, is the basis of professional project management methods.

The project structure is its main parts (elements) necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of the project management process.

The construction of structural models of the project is carried out according to certain principles and methods. To identify and understand the goals, composition and content of the project, organize planning and control of the processes of its implementation, it is necessary to determine and build the structure of the project work using decomposition methods.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a graphical representation of the project, i.e. a set of interrelated elements of the project various degrees detail. The number of levels of detail depends on the class and complexity of the project, as well as on the developers and performers.

The adopted project structure with a hierarchy of stable elements identified in it forms the basis of the information language of the project, in which all its participants communicate and documentation is carried out.

Depending on the type of project, various structural models are developed and used. The most significant of them are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Project structure

  1. Tree of goals and results (built in accordance with the main purpose of the project).
  2. Project budget (based on the calculation of the need for financial resources).
  3. The matrix of distribution of work in time and by performers (built in accordance with the directive time for the implementation of the project and the set of possible performers).
  4. Network model of the project (built on the basis of the logical order of execution of the project work and algorithms for developing network models).
  5. Risk distribution and mitigation matrix (indicates possible risks and ways to minimize them).
  6. Resource schedule (structural model of resources required to perform work).
  7. Project financing schedule (indicates the amount of funds needed to implement the project in a certain period of time).
  8. Responsibility distribution matrix (based on the matrix of work distribution by performers).
  9. Structural decomposition of contracts (based on the matrix of distribution of work by performers).
  10. Structural model of the project organization (represents the decomposition of the organizational structure of the project).

Each of the project management functions presented in Figure 1 can be subjected to decomposition and internal structuring. Examples of the decomposition of the functions of ISP subject area management, conflict management, and project management in terms of time parameters are shown in Figure 2.

You can decompose any project management function, and the structure and levels of decomposition, the degree of detail depend on the goals and objectives of the project being implemented. For example, it is quite obvious that the decomposition of the ICP domain management function in housing construction will be different from the decomposition of the same function for the project of organizing the production of new materials for the aerospace industry.

The requirements for the project structure are as follows:

  1. The levels of decomposition should differ in the degree of detail. The set of elements of each level should represent the entire project.
  2. Based on the first rule, the total values ​​of the project characteristics (scope of work, cost, consumed resources, etc.) at each level of the project structure must match.
  3. Each level of decomposition should contain such elements of work, on the basis of which quantitative values ​​of the characteristics of work can be determined, necessary and sufficient for the operational management of the project at this level.

Responsibility for the structuring and decomposition of work rests with the customer, contractors, consultants and other project participants. The division of work into stages is the basis for managerial control in the process of project implementation.

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In order to manage a project, it must be broken down into hierarchical component parts.

In terms of project management project structure represents a "tree" of product-oriented components represented by equipment, works, services and information obtained as a result of the project.

They also say that the structure of the project is the organization of connections and relationships between its elements.

In general, project structures are called hierarchical decompositions of the project into component parts (elements, modules) necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of the project management process in the interests of various project participants.

The project structure is intended to define the products to be developed or produced and to link the elements of the work to be performed, both among themselves and with the ultimate goal of the project.

The essence of project structuring (Work Breakdown Structure - WBS) is as follows: the project is divided into manageable work elements for which it is easy to determine costs and build schedules for execution. A properly prepared and drafted project structure must meet the requirements of the project manager and the customer. Structuring the project helps the manager to give project participants responsibility for the implementation of specific technical tasks. It also allows you to create a simple system for tracking the progress of the project.

The formation of the structure begins with the division of the project goals into much smaller blocks of work up to the achievement of the smallest items to be controlled. This tree structure allows the overall scope of the project to be broken down into manageable independent units that will be placed under the control of individual professionals responsible for their completion. Thus, a logical relationship is established between the resources of the company and the amount of work to be carried out.

Structuring a project that seems so simple is not so easy to put into practice. For real projects, the project breakdown structure should combine the division into:

  • 1) product components;
  • 2) stages of the project life cycle;
  • 3) elements of the organizational structure.

In addition, the process of project structuring is an integral part of the overall process of project planning and definition of its goals, as well as the preparation of a consolidated (master) project plan and a matrix of distribution of responsibilities and duties. The implementation of this process is relatively easier in

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so-called tangible projects, for example in construction, than in projects related to, for example, software development.

The main tasks of project structuring:

  • definition of project work packages;
  • the transition from general, not always specifically expressed, goals to specific tasks;
  • linking project work with accounting and management accounting systems;
  • creation of a single database for planning, budgeting and cost control;
  • an accurate assessment of the necessary time, financial and material resources;
  • distribution of responsibility for various elements of the project and linking work with available resources and the structure of the organization;
  • breaking down the project into manageable blocks.

When structuring projects, various mistakes are often made. The most typical are the following:

  • omission of "intangible" end products such as services, information or software;
  • such a variant of project structuring, the results of which cannot be processed on a computer;
  • excessive or insufficient detailing of the developed structures;
  • lack of integration of the project structure with the accounting system;
  • repetition of the same elements of the structure;
  • misunderstanding that the project structure should cover its entire life cycle (as a rule, it is allowed to skip the initial and final phases of the project);
  • using only the functional areas or phases of the project or organizational units of the company as the basis for structuring, instead of focusing on the final products or resources used by the project;
  • skipping the project structuring stage and attempting a direct transition to the analysis and solution of project implementation problems.

The diagram shows the simplest project breakdown structure based almost entirely on life cycle stages.

It is not difficult to see the shortcomings of the above project breakdown structure. So, it meets only the second requirement for the breakdown of the project (that is, it takes into account the stages of the project life cycle) and practically does not take into account the first requirement (project product components) and the third requirement (elements of the organizational structure). This breakdown does not allow you to combine the elements of the project into a single whole. Therefore, it is difficult to manage the project on its basis.


How to properly structure a project? the main task when structuring a project - find real components project. This is reminiscent of the task of breaking down a book into chapters, a land area into sections, a computer program into modules. This is what they call subproduct structure.

Of course, the breakdown of the project into its component parts should take into account all final products project. However, the structuring process must also take into account project life cycle stages(process structure) such as planning, assembly, etc.