Jacob Schiff, Jewish banker, general sponsor of the Jewish Revolution. Biographies, stories, facts, photos Jacob Schiff study of the Jewish leadership of America

Before the revolution, the Jews had complete control over the tsarist government, just as they controlled the English government of Asquith and Lloyd George through Cassel, Spayer, Mond & Co.

Lloyd George, David (1863-1945) Photo from the book: The 20th century a chronicle in pictures. new york. 1989.
When Asquith's government fell, the Jews came to control Lloyd George through their brethren placed in literally every department in England and every place of any interest. At the same time, not only pure Jews work for the Jews, but also half-Jews and hidden Jews, in exactly the same way as it happened in Russia.
The Jewish danger is no longer a danger, it is already a fait accompli of the total Jewish dictatorship established over the whole world. Jews throughout the world are in complete control of all wealth, money, minerals and information. The sooner the British learn this fact for themselves, the better it will be for them, because until recently no one has prevented the Jews from carrying out the program of world control set out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Victor Marsden. "Jews in Russia"
America's anti-Russian policy has been going on since 1904, when the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff financed the Japanese in the war against Russia, because it seemed to him that the Jews in Russia were treated without proper subservience.
Yakov Schiff, using his own money, organized a training camp in Japan for the training of revolutionary terrorists from among the Russian prisoners, among whom there were many Jews.
President Wilson's real boss at the Versailles Conference was the Jewish multimillionaire Bernard Baruch, who was the real head of the American delegation at the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris. This conference was by no means peaceful, as it was disguised. Bernard Baruch brought with him 117 Jewish specialists who, with the help of their compatriots in other delegations, shredded Europe in such a way that a new European war is indispensable.
How the Jewish Bull Terriers were set against Russia is clearly shown in Henry Ford's International Jewry, which contains a letter taken from official sources and addressed by a Russian Jew, Furstenberg, in New York, to a Jew named Rafael Scholan. The letter is dated "Stockholm September 21, 1917". The letter claims that Max Warburg, a Jewish banker from Hamburg, opened an account for Comrade Trotsky's enterprise, and that another person is responsible for supplying arms and ammunition and transporting weapons to their destination.
American newspaper "Jewish Chronicle" of April 4, 1919:
“The fact that there are so many Jews among the Bolsheviks simply reflects the fact that the ideas of Bolshevism in many places are also the most best ideas Judaism".
Another American newspaper, The American Hebrew, writes in its issue of September 20, 1920:
“The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction, Jewish planning, the goal of which was to create a world Jewish order. What was done in Russia in such an excellent way, thanks to Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction and Jewish planning, then, soon through the same Jewish mental and physical qualities become a reality all over the world.
Let's listen to the French. This is an excerpt from the correspondent of the French "L Illustration" R.Vaucher from the book "L Enfer Bolchevik a Petrograd" 1919.

“When we lived in close contact with the officials of the Bolshevik government, the fact that practically all of them are Jews is immediately evident. I am far from anti-Semitism, but I must confirm that everywhere: in Petrograd, in Moscow, in the provinces, in all the commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in former ministries, in the Soviets, I met Jews and only Jews. The more you study this revolution, the more you become convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement.”

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Jacob Henry Schiff
Jacob Henry Schiff
Name at birth:

Jacob Schiff


banker, philanthropist and social activist

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Date of death:
A place of death:

Teresa Loeb


Son Mortimer and daughter Frieda

Awards and prizes:

Order of the Sacred Treasure
Order of the Rising Sun

Schiff, Jacob Henry(Schiff, Jacob Henry; 1847, Frankfurt am Main, - 1920, New York) - American banker, philanthropist and public figure.


Having received an excellent Jewish as well as a general education, Schiff emigrated to the United States at the age of 18 and became a partner in a brokerage firm.

In 1875, he married the daughter of S. Loeb, the head of the Kuhn-Loeb banking house, and entered the business of his father-in-law, and in 1885 he headed the firm, which, thanks to his outstanding abilities, soon became one of the largest banking houses in the United States .

Work in the economy

Under the leadership of Schiff, the bank invested heavily in steel, electrical, telephone, telegraph companies, and especially in the expansion of the railroad network, thereby contributing to the rapid industrialization of the United States at the end of the 19th century. - early 20th century

The firm also actively participated in international financial transactions, provided loans to the governments of the United States and a number of other countries. Schiff was especially famous for issuing bonds in the amount of 200 million dollars in favor of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War.

Help for the Jews of Russia

For Schiff himself, the meaning of this loan went beyond the financial transaction. He helped Japan because he hated the tsarist regime for its anti-Semitic policies. Schiff repeatedly refused to participate in loans for the tsarist government and dissuaded other financiers from doing so. At the same time, he provided generous assistance to Jewish self-defense groups and the victims of the pogroms of 1903-1905. in the Russian Empire.

Not limited to monetary support, Schiff, who had access to the highest political circles in the United States, including presidents, used his influence to protect Jews in other countries, including in Eastern Europe. In 1906, he became one of the founders of the American Jewish Committee and was actively involved in its efforts to defend the rights of Jews in the United States and abroad.

Thus, in 1911, Schiff played a prominent role in the struggle for the denunciation of the trade agreement between Russia and the United States of 1832 (see also United States of America. The period of mass emigration) due to the anti-Semitic policy of the Russian authorities and their discrimination against Jewish citizens of the United States, in in particular, the refusal to recognize their American passports.

Only after the February Revolution of 1917 did Schiff change his attitude towards Russia and, in an effort to support the Kerensky government, provided him with a large loan.


During World War I, Schiff donated large sums to the American Jewish Relief Committee to alleviate the plight of Jews in warring Europe. In 1914, he was one of the initiators of the creation of the Committee for the Distribution of Funds for Assistance to Jews Affected by the War (since 1931 - Joint).

Schiff's colossal philanthropic activity, for which he allocated a tenth of his income, covered many areas of life in the United States. He supported Jewish community, educational and religious organizations of various directions. Belonging to the reformist community "Immanuel", Schiff retained the norms of behavior absorbed from childhood associated with Orthodox Judaism.

He was an ardent supporter of the establishment of the Jewish Theological Seminary, seeing in it the source of the development of a "moderate orthodoxy" that met the needs of the mass of Jewish immigrants, and subsequently provided serious support to the seminary, as well as to other centers of conservative Judaism.

Schiff also received financial support from higher educational institutions of the orthodox (Rabbi Yitzhak Elchanan Theological Seminary, later Yeshiva University) and reformist (Hibru Union College) directions.

Schiff's reverence for the book in Judaism was expressed, in particular, in the encouragement of publications and translations: he financed a new translation of the Bible into English by Jewish scholars; established a fund to produce a series of translations of the classic works of Hebrew New Literature; participated in the financing of the Jewish Encyclopedia in English (in 12 volumes, 1901-1906, New York-London and the acquisition of Jewish book rarities for the Library of Congress and the Jewish Theological Seminary, the creation of a Jewish department in the New York Public Library.

In view of the changed international situation after the First World War, Schiff became more positive about the Jewish settlement of Eretz Israel and, speaking to members of the League of Jewish Youth in April 1917, recognized the need to create a religious and cultural center in Eretz Israel Jewish people.

Schiff welcomed the Balfour Declaration, although he disapproved of the Zionist line of establishing an independent state. He was even ready to enter

– george_ha

In July 1918, Jacob Schiff, an American Jewish banker and philanthropist, sent a message to the Russian Bolsheviks through US diplomatic channels ordering the extermination of the former Emperor Nicholas II and his family.

This well-hidden historical fact, as well as the process of deciding to kill the royal family, is described in the book Under the Sign of Scorpio by Yuri Ling. The following is a brief excerpt from that book:

“The order to kill the king and his family actually came from New York. Lenin said almost nothing about this issue. The Bolsheviks were forced to flee Yekaterinburg so hastily that they did not have time to destroy all the telegraph tapes. After the capture of Yekaterinburg by the "whites", these tapes were discovered in the telegraph building by Nikolai Sokolov [the author of a detailed investigation conducted in 1919 under the leadership of the leader " white movement» Alexander Kolchak], who collected them, but could not decipher them. The decryption was carried out by a group of experts in Paris only in 1922. Sokolov discovered that the telegrams were of a very revealing nature, since they were directly related to the murder of the tsar and his family.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Yakov Sverdlov sent a telegram to Yakov Yurovsky informing him that after he informed Yakov Schiff in New York about the approach of the White Army to Yekaterinburg, he received an order from Schiff to liquidate the tsar and at the same time his family. This order was delivered to Sverdlov through the American representation, which at that time was in Vologda.

Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But the next day, Yurovsky decided to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or only to the former emperor. Sverdlov confirmed that the whole family should be destroyed, and Yurovsky was appointed responsible for the execution of the order.

Thus, Lenin did not take part in making this decision. Historian Edward Radzinsky, a Jew by origin, is trying to argue that it was Lenin who gave the order to kill the tsar and his family. But no such telegram was found in the archives. Radzinsky's explanation that Lenin's telegrams were destroyed does not stand up to scrutiny, since a huge amount of material has been preserved that compromises Lenin in other respects. Why did he have to destroy only this particular telegram, not paying attention to other incriminating documents?

In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to publish these sensitive facts. They have been removed from the publication. Sokolov showed his friend the original telegraph messages and their transcripts. A month later, Sokolov died suddenly. At the time, he was scheduled to travel to the US to testify for the auto magnate Henry Ford, who was being sued by Kuhn, Loub & Co. for the publication of the book International Jewry.

Sokolov's book "The Murder of the Royal Family" was published in Berlin in 1925 without the above information. These facts were made public only in 1939 in the periodical The Tsar's Messenger. The role of Jacob Schiff in the murder of the royal family became known to the Russian public only in 1990.
(End quote, pages 276-277).

This revealing and extremely dangerous information about the true perpetrators of communism is probably the main reason that the book "Under the sign of the Scorpio" was actually under an unspoken ban, since it cannot be bought in bookstores, and Amazon.com restrains its sale with an extremely high prices (now $157.95). However, the ban applies not only to the book itself, but also to its author.

Jüri Lina, a former Estonian citizen now living in "liberal" Sweden, has found that freedom of expression, at least for him, is of very limited use. Now he is again faced with the need to conduct semi-underground lectures for small groups, as was the case in the “old times” in Soviet Estonia, before the KGB gave him a choice: either emigrate or be imprisoned.

Reference: Nikolai Alekseevich Sokolov was born in Mokshan, not far from Penza, in 1882. After working as a law teacher in Kharkiv, he was a judge and magistrate. After the October Revolution, he fled to Omsk. As a monarchist, he took part in several unsuccessful attempts to free the Romanov family. On February 7, 1919, he was officially appointed by Admiral Kolchak as an investigator in the case of the murder of the royal family.

In 1920, after the defeat of the White Army, Sokolov left Russia and settled in the small town of Salbri in France. Sick and penniless, with a young wife and two small children, he devoted himself to working on the results of his investigation, until his death on November 23, 1924. In the same year, his book Enqu?te judiciaire sur l'assassinat de la famille imp? riale Russe” (“The murder of the royal family. From the notes of the judicial investigator N. A. Sokolov”; approx. mixednews) was published by the Payot publishing house. In this book, he concluded that the entire Romanov family was killed in the Ipatiev House, and their bodies were cremated.

Jacob Henry (Jacob Heinrich) Schiff(Eng. Jacob Henry Schiff, German. Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847, Frankfurt am Main - September 25, 1920, New York) - American banker of Jewish origin, philanthropist and public figure.


Born in Frankfurt am Main into a distinguished rabbinic family associated with the House of Rothschild, which gave him an excellent religious and secular education. In 1865 he emigrated to the USA. Worked at the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. In 1875, he married the daughter of one of the owners of the bank (Solomon Loeb) - Teresa - and entered the business of his father-in-law, taking the post of bank manager in 1885. The bank became one of the most successful in the US and was involved in the financing of many large projects in various industries and in the construction of railroads.

Schiff was one of the leaders of the Jewish community in the United States, funding many projects such as the creation of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebru Union College, the Jewish Department at the New York Public Library. Schiff's philanthropic activities extended to a range of non-Jewish institutions and projects; he donated large sums to American universities, the American Red Cross, the Boy Scouts of America, etc. Schiff was vice president of the US Chamber of Commerce, was a member of the New York City Board of Education, and held many honorary posts.

Participation in politics

In 1904, Schiff received an audience with the English King Edward VII.

For his support of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War, in 1905 he was awarded the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, and in 1907 - the Order of the Rising Sun.

He supported William Taft in the 1909 presidential election.

In 1914 he became one of the founders of the American Jewish Distribution Committee ("Joint").

He opposed Zionism, considering this idea utopian, however, when the British government published the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Schiff supported it.

Schiff and Russia

Most of the authors who addressed the theme of the Jewish movement and American-Russian relations of the late 19th - early 20th centuries characterize Jacob Schiff as a fierce opponent of the Russian autocracy, which was primarily associated with the policy of the tsarist government towards Jews. To put pressure on the Russian authorities in order to force them to stop infringing on the rights Jewish population Schiff actively used his authority and influence in the American banking and financial sector, blocking Russia's access to foreign loans in the United States, participated in financing the Japanese government during the Russo-Japanese War, and also came up with foreign policy initiatives that could lead to a deterioration in US-Russian relations. relations.

Naomi Wiener Cohen, Jacob's biographer, called Schiff's attitude towards tsarist Russia a kind of "personal war that lasted from the 1890s to 1917 ... which intensified over the years and turned into an all-consuming passion, the causes of which lay much deeper ... The banker persistently compared the situation of the Jews in Russia with biblical history The Egyptian Exodus, and, no doubt, he saw himself as a new Moses ... and it is to the crusade against Russia that Schiff owes his rise to a height never seen before by a Jewish leader. At the same time, it is noted that after the February Revolution, Schiff's attitude towards Russia changed - he welcomed the Provisional Government, which abolished religious restrictions, and provided financial support for his military loan.

A number of sources indicate the possible involvement of Schiff in financing the Russian revolution at the beginning of the 20th century. Especially widely, in the words of the modern researcher A. Mindlin, this topic was discussed by "right-wing monarchist emigrant circles." He also notes, however, that sources that could convincingly prove or refute these accusations were never presented. Moreover, the French historian Leon Polyakov pointed to the existence of falsified materials aimed at proving Schiff's participation in the financing of Russian revolutionary organizations. British historian Norman Cohn recounted that in September 1919, one of the monarchist newspapers in Rostov-on-Don printed a forged document, according to which the Bolsheviks allegedly received a multimillion-dollar subsidy from Schiff, which helped them bring the revolution to a victorious end.

On his "stronghold", Wall Street, he became the leader of all Jews, marking the so-called "Schiff Era". Jacob did not remain aloof from all the questions and problems of our time, among which he was especially upset by the plight of the Russian Jews under the tsar. Schiff knew how much Jewish immigrants needed protection, and also worried that the rise of Zionism was gaining momentum, diverting the Jewish working masses from the revolutionary struggle. And yet, while opposing Zionism, he supported the Balfour Declaration when the British government issued it in 1917.

Among other things, Jacob was a director of several important corporations, including the National Bank of New York and the Fair Life Insurance Society in the United States.

Jacob Hirsch Schiff was born on January 10, 1847 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Son of Moses and Clara Schiff. Educated in Frankfurt schools, Jacob first entered the banking and brokerage business in 1861 as an apprentice. After the end of April 1865 ended Civil War in the United States, Schiff emigrated to America, where on November 21, 1866 he received a broker's license, and in September 1870 - citizenship.

On May 6, 1875, Schiff married Teresa, daughter of Solomon Loeb, one of the owners of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The couple had one son, Mortimer, and one daughter, Frieda. In 1885 Jacob headed the bank. Following this, he became the financier of numerous Jewish projects, including the construction of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebru Union College and the creation of a Jewish department at the New York City Public Library and the American Jewish Committee. Feeling a strong connection with the Jewish people, Schiff made efforts to help Jews affected by the pogroms in Russia.

However, the boundaries of his philanthropic activities extended to the non-Jewish community. Jacob donated money to various American universities, including the Tuskegee Institute; Boy Scouts of America, the American Red Cross, the American Geographical Society, and others, and also fought against bureaucracy and defended the rights of the underprivileged.

Through the bank "Kuhn, Loeb & Co" Schiff in 1904 and 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War, he extended the already critical loans to Japan. On the one hand, his anti-Russian mood was explained by the Anglo-Japanese alliance, on the other hand, Yakob probably decided to take the opportunity to take revenge on Tsarist Russia on behalf of the Jewish people for the official policy of anti-Semitism and the recent pogrom in Chisinau.

This loan attracted the attention of the whole world and led to serious consequences. Largely thanks to Schiff's financial support, Japan won the war, showing the strength of the Jews and their devotion to each other in any country in the world, and proving the truth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In 1905, Jacob was awarded the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, in 1907 - the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun and a gold and silver star. An American banker became the first foreigner to be publicly presented with the Order of Emperor Meiji at the Imperial Palace.

During World War I, Schiff continued to see Russia as an enemy of the Jews, which led him and Otto Kahn to campaign for Germany. Even when most of the other Jewish bankers took the side of England and France, and at the beginning of the war Kahn himself crossed to the "other shore", Jacob still remained loyal to Germany.

Jacob Schiff died in New York on September 25, 1920, leaving behind a successor, Mortimer's son Leo Schiff, who headed Kuhn, Loeb & Co.