Learn spoken English on your own. How to learn English at home: step-by-step instructions Ways to learn English on your own

There is no secret method to learn a language in a month. If someone promises you a miracle, don't believe it. But the process can be accelerated in order to overcome the barrier in six months and finally speak English. Life hacker and experts from the online English school Skyeng share simple tips.

1. Study online

Online classes help you learn quickly. You can be too lazy to drive to the other end of the city in bad weather, but the Internet is always at hand. Adapting your schedule to the course schedule, making agreements with teachers, wasting time on the road - all this gets boring and slows down the process. Choose online courses. What makes life easier increases motivation.

Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to courses, decide that they can live without English.

Rid yourself of reasons to miss classes - create a convenient personal schedule. At Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can study whenever you want, even in the middle of the night.

Online classes are also good because all materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the website. And homework is checked automatically as you complete it.

2. Study at your leisure

Don't be limited by lesson time. Learning a language is not just about doing exercises. You can improve your skill by listening to songs and podcasts or reading English-speaking bloggers.

Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and TV series with English subtitles, but not everyone is aware that there are special educational applications for this. Skyeng online translators are linked to the app of the same name on your phone, so you can repeat new words at any time.

For example, if you install a special extension in the Google Chrome browser, you can read any text in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately see their translation. The same goes for subtitles for online cinemas. Each word individually can be translated directly as you watch. These words are added to your personal dictionary and sent to the mobile application, where you can repeat and memorize them in your free time.

Surely, while still a schoolchild, you were tormented by the question “How to quickly learn a lesson about Queen Elizabeth and her endless relatives, so that your mother will fall behind and let you go for a walk?” It’s a pity that back then there weren’t such devices for learning English as there are now.

Today you are an adult, self-sufficient person. The treasured certificates and diplomas have long been received. But, you must admit, it will be a shame if it is not you, but a colleague, who is sent on an important business trip abroad for your career, because his level of English is higher. What if potential business partners who own a large international company are planning a visit to you, and your English is somewhere between “London is the capital of Great Britain” and “One cola, two beers, please”?

Situations that will make you tense up and frantically search for an answer to the question: “How? How to learn quickly English language? Maybe mom was right...

I would, of course, like to offer you red and blue pills. Choose the first one - you will wake up the next morning with the Upper-Intermediate level, the second - with the Advanced level. But no. There is no fastest way as such. However, there are accelerated learning methods that may well help in mastering new material or enhancing a couple of existing knowledge cases.

It’s paradoxical, but in order to quickly and easily learn English, you need to know it. Know at a level where there is no need to consult a dictionary for every second unknown word or ask the teacher to speak more slowly because you cannot keep up with his speech.

Today there are many schools, courses and language centers that are full of advertisements: “Quick learning English! From beginner to advanced level in 3 months!” or “Are you going on an important business trip abroad? Only in our school you will learn English on your own. fast way! These are standard intensive course promotions. We will definitely talk about them (they are also very useful), but a little later.

How to quickly learn English on your own

Self-education is a good thing. But when you decide that you can handle it on your own, without resorting to the help of teachers, you must clearly understand:

  • you will have to work a lot;
  • no one will come to your aid when some point is unclear (except Google);
  • you should have a heightened sense of responsibility and self-discipline;
  • you must be self-critical and objectively evaluate your successes and “failures.”

So, if all of the above does not stop you, we suggest you pay attention to a few key points that will help you master the language faster.

Setting a goal and making a plan

Just as a teacher prepares for his lesson, you too need to create a clear teaching plan. You should start from the goal you are pursuing:

  • move from one level to another;
  • significantly expand vocabulary for a specific situation;
  • relieve internal tension that arises when speaking with a native speaker;
  • increase your ranking among candidates for the desired position.

Don't set yourself impossible tasks. 100 new words every day will not give the desired result. A grammar topic that has not been fully worked out will confuse you even more. Your plan must be realistic, that is, one that will not force you to sleep for 3 hours, live on caffeine and end up going on a long-awaited business trip with a nervous breakdown.

Modern methods of learning English

Take advantage of what education offers today. And here we are not talking so much about language courses and numerous textbooks, how much about modern methods. They are great for self-education.

Mobile applications. With their help you can significantly increase your level. The main advantages of mobile applications:

  • can be installed on any device;
  • it’s convenient: you can study at any time and anywhere;
  • your lessons in the application will be tailored to you, because first there is always a test to determine your language level;
  • different applications are designed to practice different skills: vocabulary expansion, grammar tests, etc.;
  • There are applications with huge collections of your favorite films and TV series: you can watch them with the original translation (don’t be alarmed, subtitles will come to the rescue).

Among the app reviews, you are sure to find one that you like.

Podcasts for learning English. Podcasts can be compared to a radio show. They are short-lived, and in terms of convenience and attractiveness they are on par with mobile applications. The main advantage of the podcast is that you can find absolutely any topic that interests you:

  • innovative technologies and education;
  • politics and history;
  • current news;
  • health and the environment;
  • art and music.

There are podcasts for beginners, where the speaker’s speech is not quick and clear, but there are more complex ones for the more advanced.

Choose for your health!

How to quickly learn English at home

You can also successfully study English at home, the main thing is to know which method will lead to progress in business faster. Training on Skype- an excellent alternative to classes with a tutor.

This is definitely an option for you if:

  • no time to keep up with a whole group;
  • you need an individual approach because you are limited in time;
  • you are diligent and can concentrate on one activity for a long time.

Don't rush to laugh, but cartoons They will also help you learn the language on your own. Naturally, we are talking about cartoons in English. The beauty is that the speech in them is very easy to recognize: the people who voice them pronounce the words clearly, are in no hurry and rarely use slang words and dialect. So feel free to choose your favorite cartoon and enjoy.

Attending intensive courses

It’s worth mentioning right away that this type of course is not suitable for everyone. The format of such classes includes the following:

  • voluminous and intensive flow of information;
  • quite large homework assignments;
  • classes in a group where there will be no opportunity to get individual advice (whoever gets up first gets the boot, as they say).

The main feature of the intensive course is conversational practice and the development of specific vocabulary. Here everything is thought out for you: you will participate in debates and linguistic games, stage plays and watch films in the original, immerse yourself in risk situations in order to be able to react correctly to non-native speech in a foreign country.

Intensive courses are suitable for you if:

  • you have a goal to master a certain topic by a certain date;
  • you are constantly on business trips and in touch with foreign partners;
  • The exam to confirm your level is coming soon, but you don’t have time to prepare 100%.

How to learn spoken English quickly

Of course, you don’t have to teach, but use Google translator or a phrasebook. But you must admit, it will look unprofessional. Especially at some serious event such as a meeting with an international delegation or when concluding an agreement to export super expensive and super English equipment.

That's why best way To show off fluent English is to practice it endlessly:

  • Conversations with native speakers. If you don’t have a suitable English-speaking friend, use mobile apps, podcasts, and Skype classes.
  • Constant replenishment of vocabulary. And here we are not talking about mindlessly learning 100 new words every day, but about memorizing entire phrases and sentences at once. It’s best if these are just those phrases that are related to your field of activity.
  • Attending intensive conversational English courses, which we talked about just above. Difficult, but very effective way learn to speak fluently on everyday topics.

As you can see, there are enough ways to quickly learn, or, more precisely, ways to speed up the process of learning English. The main thing is your goal, motivation and desire, especially when these methods are so modern, interesting and not boring!

When people just start learning any foreign language, the first thing they face is the serious question of choosing a method and method of learning. I would like to say right away that there is no universal technique that will suit everyone.

Some of us remember individual words better, some prefer classic teaching methods, while others find it easier to perceive information by ear. This means that you need to choose a method and method of study based on your personal characteristics. Best option- is to try several different methods and understand which one is right for you.

In this article we will talk about what methods of learning English there are, which one is right for you, and how to distinguish effective learning of English from ineffective ones.

Methods and ways of learning English

Before talking about what methods there are for learning English on your own, it is impossible not to mention what options generally exist for a person who is determined to learn a new language.

  • Language schools and group lessons

One of the most popular methods all over the world, preferred by most people. These can be either local language schools in your city or schools abroad. In large Russian cities there is a fairly large selection of offline schools for learning English, including official branches of world-famous schools. You can choose a school based on reviews from other students and take classes with teachers who have proven themselves well. True, sometimes the abundance of choice confuses beginners, and confused students may simply abandon the idea.

In small towns, the choice of schools is much smaller, but even in them you can find a decent option with professional teachers and convenient schedule.

In addition, language schools abroad are increasingly popular, accepting students all year round. In them you can how to prepare for the test international exams, or simply take an intensive English course with full immersion and an emphasis on spoken language. This is quite an interesting and unusual experience, because such schools bring together students from different countries world, which will allow you to fully immerse yourself in an international environment and develop your listening comprehension of different accents. As a rule, a week or two is the minimum period for which schools in Ireland, Great Britain, the USA, Malta and other countries take students. The maximum period of study has no restrictions and depends only on your individual goals and financial capabilities.

Like any other, this method has its pros and cons.

Among the advantages are quite reasonable prices for training compared to individual lessons, the opportunity to communicate with other students, healthy competition in the group, a variety of lesson formats and, of course, the opportunity to learn not only from your own, but also from others’ mistakes.

One of the main disadvantages is the lack of an individual approach, personal attention and the ability to analyze your questions in more detail. This is due to the large number of students in the group, and some students may even experience a socio-psychological barrier and be afraid to open up. Also, the class schedule may not always be convenient for the student due to work and other daily activities.

In general, the group language learning method is suitable for sociable and communicative people, especially for children and adolescents. But it will be quite difficult for closed and always busy people with a busy schedule to attend such schools.

  • Private tutor

Those who are not suitable for group classes, but need someone to control and thoroughly analyze incomprehensible material and grammar, should opt for an English tutor.

The main advantage of this method is an individual approach. You analyze in detail only those topics that are unclear or difficult for you. Moreover, you sort it out “to the bitter end.” A tutor can work with you for as long as he wants, if the financial side of the issue allows it. The cost of one academic hour of lessons with a tutor is higher than that of group lessons. But the usefulness of this method is also higher, because the classes will be built on the basis of your level and capabilities, you can choose your own pace or focus on one of the topics. For example, study hard for exams or improve your speaking skills.

One of the disadvantages is the long search for your teacher, who will suit you on all points (location, schedule, cost, program). It is also important to find a tutor who will really be interested in studying with you and will give his all: prepare new material, use different approaches, offer a variety of tasks and, of course, will develop himself.

  • Self-study

Modern technology allows a person to access information anywhere and anytime, and this is wonderful. Those who want to learn English, but do not have the time or opportunity to attend group classes or hire a tutor, prefer independent study.

This includes studying at home using books and manuals, independent work with dictionaries and textbooks, audio lessons, video lessons, watching films and TV series in the original language, memory games and much more.

This method is used today by an increasing number of people, because its advantages are obvious: no need to travel to the other end of the city, the ability to study at any convenient time, and others. The biggest disadvantage of such classes is the need to have high level self-organization, because no one from the outside monitors your progress and cannot correct mistakes in pronunciation.

But if a person has motivation and desire, he will find time to devote at least 15-30 minutes a day to learning and constantly develop and improve his level. For example, in Puzzle English you will find a large number of simulators for learning vocabulary, video lessons and materials in the original language with a detailed analysis of sentences and phrases, as well as many others useful ways learn English on your own.

Remember that you don’t have to stick to just one method or method if it doesn’t work. If the method of learning English on your own is not suitable for you, because you need motivation from a teacher, it is better to start with language courses. And also, if you want more individual lessons and interesting content, you need a tutor or sites and applications for language learning. It’s up to you (Only you can decide).

Popular English learning systems

As the famous expression says: “How many people - so many opinions.” But few of these people actually developed their own unique methods for learning English and promoted them to the masses. These techniques are used not only by those who learn the language on their own, but also by teachers in language schools around the world.

In fact, all these methods are full-fledged language teaching systems that can be used not only for English, but also for any other language. But with one important caveat: with any of these methods you can only learn a language to a certain level. To continue to develop comprehensively and master the English language more deeply and fully, it is better to use different ways: independent study, group work, watching original films, conversation circles and much more.

  • Pimsleur method

This proprietary technique, developed by Paul Pimsleur, is patented and widely known throughout the world. He has developed a series of audio courses, each consisting of 30 lessons, each lasting 30 minutes. Russian version - Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers. According to Pimsleur's idea, it is during this period of time that the human brain is able to absorb information most effectively.

The training takes place in the form of dialogue, and each lesson is voiced by both a native speaker and our compatriot. In addition, for each lesson there are tasks that are voiced by speakers. This way, you not only listen to the dialogue, but also take part in it and learn to pronounce words and phrases. Thanks to this form, the student is able to quickly master spoken language and remember the maximum number of different expressions.

The advantage of this technique is that it is available at any time and anywhere - you can listen to the audio course on your smartphone, in the car, at home while preparing dinner, and so on.

  • Schechter method

This methodology is based on rethinking the familiar model of teaching “from theory to practice.” In it, Igor Shekhter suggests studying foreign language the same way we mastered Russian speech in childhood. No one explains the rules of the language to young children; they learn them only later, at school, but by that time they already have a certain vocabulary and can form sentences, although not always correctly.

Training in the Schechter method is divided into three main stages: in the first (the easiest) only lexical units and expressions are given that need to be immediately put into practice, and already in the second and third stages grammar and pronunciation are corrected. At the last stages, the student loses the psychological barrier and fear of speaking, which language learners often encounter. From the point of view of educational psychologists, this technique is one of the most successful and effective in learning English.

  • Dragunkin method

Our compatriot Alexander Dragunkin has developed a unique method for learning English, which has been successfully practiced for many years. According to him, in order for a Russian person to effectively learn English, he first needs to focus on Russian.

In this method, the grammatical part and the rules for constructing sentences are simplified as much as possible, it is not overloaded with unnecessary information in the opinion of a specialist and is focused on quick learning foreign words and memorizing them.

Dragunkin not only has approaches depending on the student’s level of knowledge, but also his own network of schools. And besides this, it has its own vocabulary, rules, etc., so that English becomes more understandable to Russian people. As Dragunkin himself says, using his method you can easily master English verbs, articles and basic principles constructing sentences.

However, this technique also has many opponents who claim that the volume theoretical knowledge is insufficient and that the system teaches English from a Russian point of view, and this, in turn, interferes with the correct pronunciation and perception of foreign speech.

  • Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is the developer of one of the most effective methods of teaching English in Russia, “Polyglot”. According to Petrov's method, English can be learned from scratch in 16 hours. Certainly, we're talking about not about the fact that in 16 hours you will be able to easily and freely communicate with a resident of the UK on the topic of politics, but about some basic knowledge sufficient for understanding and fluent speaking.

The technique is based on artificial immersion in the English language environment. From the very first lesson, students communicate only in a foreign language, starting with the basics and moving on to more complex vocabulary and rules. To do this, at the beginning of each lesson, the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum for self-study, and the main part of the lesson is aimed at repeated repetition of speech structures and the use of vocabulary “on the spot”.

  • Frank method

It works like this: small excerpts of text are submitted along with the translation in brackets. That is, the text offered for study is not presented entirely in the text-translation format, but is divided into parts and immediately, visually side by side, the translation is given. In this way, the student can compare the original with the translation immediately and learn new words or speech structures from there.

Frank claims that such a learning system is much more effective than simple manuals with English texts, because the way of presenting information in it is similar to a dictionary, where a word and its translation also stand side by side.

One of the disadvantages of this technique is the development of only reading and translation and study skills new vocabulary, rather than spoken English, which is equally important. However, Frank's technique is well suited for those who want to increase their vocabulary.

  • Umin Method

Evgeniy Umin is the developer of a method for learning English based on motor and auditory engrams. This is what Umin calls “memory traces” that help a person assimilate new information and reproduce it later.

As in Schechter’s method, Umin took as a basis the principles of a child’s perception of the world around him and conducted additional research into the mechanisms of the human brain during learning.

His method is based on daily sessions lasting 15-30 minutes, during which the main emphasis is on memorization, recitation and repetition. The author claims that if you study not for 30 minutes, but for 1-1.5 hours a day, then within a year you can achieve a level of English proficiency sufficient for free communication with a native speaker.

  • Zamyatkin method

Nikolai Zamyatkin is the author of the book “It is impossible to teach you a foreign language,” the first publication of which took place back in 2000. He has developed his own manual for those who want to quickly and easily master the English language and offers a method of gradual immersion into the language environment for this.

The learning system consists of several stages, each of which immerses the student deeper and deeper into the English language. At the same time, each stage is worked out as carefully as possible, and it can take several days to analyze one material in a stage. First, the author suggests listening and acting out simple dialogues, the second stage consists of reading books, and the third - watching films in the original language.

This technique is considered quite effective, although it takes a lot of time and requires self-discipline. But real and lasting knowledge is not given without perseverance and regular practice, so the duration of training cannot be considered a minus. In addition, everything is quite individual both in this and in the methods described above.

So is it possible to unambiguously answer the question “What is the best method for learning English”? No, you can't. Although all these methods are quite universal and are suitable for everyone who wants to learn a foreign language, they are based on different principles and simply may not be suitable for a particular student. But this does not mean that you should immediately give up trying even to try the technique on yourself.

The best English course for self-study is the one that suits you one hundred percent. Don't forget that you can combine teaching methods with each other. For example, by registering on the Puzzle English website and getting full access to all our exciting puzzles, you can not only study them yourself for half an hour a day, but also consult with a tutor from time to time or attend conversation clubs at an offline school. By diversifying your training in this way, you will definitely not get bored and will be able to comprehensively develop the necessary skills.

Still, only through trial and error will you find the right one. best method learning English, which will get you off the ground and allow you to master the most popular language on the planet.

Well, we wish you success in studying, regardless of the method you choose!

We will definitely warn you that you need to start not with the poems of Shakespeare or even with the stories of Jack London. To improve your spoken English, first discover Alice in Wonderland or any fairy tales. In such literature simpler language, which will allow you to feel the level increasing. Read books like electronic version(electronic dictionaries can even help with translation), and in paper ones. At first, even fairy tales will seem difficult to you, but then you will see how easy it is to read in English, and how quickly you can read.

Most modern players on your computer allow you to remove the Russian track from the film and watch the film in English. To learn English and grammar, download subtitles for the film (you can easily find them in a search engine by name) and insert them into the film when watching (this can be easily done in Media player classic, and in Crystal Player, as well as in many others). Stop the movie if you see an unfamiliar word or expression, look it up in the dictionary. You can write it out and then repeat the phrase several times. All this will allow you to speak English fluently.

3. Read English newspapers and use the English-language Internet

Reading newspapers is significantly different from reading books (both grammar and topics are more complex). True, if you read English newspapers and look at English-language websites, this will give you the opportunity not only to keep abreast of events abroad, but also to understand what the language of English journalism sounds like.

4. Go to courses or see a tutor

I tried myself both here and there, so I know very well the disadvantages of each type of training. A tutor is an excellent tool for improving English grammar, because individual lessons always forces you to concentrate. However, courses will help improve your spoken English. With a tutor you are one on one, there is no feeling of spontaneous communication, group communication, while courses allow you not only to learn English vocabulary, but also learn to apply the grammar learned with the tutor.

5. Repeat

Remember how mothers teach their children to speak. Repetition of the same word several tens or hundreds of times, repetition of phrases and expressions. This is how any foreign language masters itself: there is no need to write out tons of words and memorize them. Just name all the surrounding objects in English. For example, imagine when you go to a store that you need to ask to see shoes not in your native Russian, but in English. Think about the phrase as you walk to the counter, repeat it to yourself several times. And every time now, when you approach the window, this exact phrase will pop up in your mind.

6. Listen to audiobooks

Listening to audiobooks will help you learn spoken English quickly. As a rule, actors who read the text, place accents and emphasis in the right places, speak clearly and correctly. You hear real live speech, however, it would be nice to have the text that is read before your eyes

7. Translate

Start translating books. Start small, and then translate more and more voluminous texts word by word, by pretext. This has several advantages: you will not only write out and learn new words, but also understand English grammar. Search and write down anything you don't understand, and then find the answers in dictionaries or grammar reference books.

8. Speak up!

This may sound a little corny, but better than conversation Nothing will help you improve your English level. Try to speak English even at home. If you want to eat, tell your family about it, first in English, and only then in Russian (if not everyone in the family speaks a foreign language). Even try to think in English when you walk or ride in public transport.

9. Get a pen pal

This tip is similar to the previous one, but more productive. A friend from an English-speaking country can help you learn English. Meet someone on ICQ if you don't have a friend in the US or UK. Correspond with him, which will not only improve your grammar and expand your vocabulary, but also remove the language barrier.

It’s important to just remember that English is, first and foremost, practice! Good luck!

Do you want to learn English quickly and easily without getting out of bed and without paying expensive tuition?

It's possible. This article contains a selection of modern ways to easily and quickly learn English on your own for the lazy or for those who have little free time that can be spent on affordable methods of learning English.

How to easily learn English on your own

A common mistake of many who want to master the English language at the first stage is an unbridled zeal to install all the available applications on their phone or tablet to learn English. Zeal, of course, is commendable, but there will be no effect from it. Numerous bookmarks and a bunch of different applications will not help you learn English easily and quickly, but will only create a mess in your head.

The thing is that each resource contains different techniques and ways of presenting information. As a result, instead of progressing in your learning, you risk completely losing the essence and not understanding which stages of learning should be paramount. Here it is important to spend time specifically identifying 1-2 sources that are optimal for you, on which you will spend a small part of your time every day in the future.

For beginners, you can easily learn English with the application Lingualeo. With the free version, you can independently learn new words, hear their pronunciation, learn to write the words you have learned, the program will check the correctness of their spelling, which is important. Free version Perfect for those who are learning a language from scratch.

A similar resource may include Duolingo. This is a free program in which, in addition to training, writing, there is also oral training (say new learned phrases).

How to easily learn English on your phone

Easy ten– an application with which you can easily learn 10 new English words per day. Every day during the day it displays cards with words and translations on the phone screen. In addition to translation, there is a function to view the application of these words. Examples are taken from recently published posts on Twitter, which makes it easier to immerse yourself in spoken language. A nice bonus is the opportunity to receive real prizes for successful training ( discounts on language courses and tutoring).

  • Only a minimum of common and convenient resources are provided. In fact, there are enough of them so that you can choose the one that is convenient for you.

To consolidate knowledge of the correct spelling of words, you can resort to international sites Interpals And Mylanguageexchange. To communicate, you only need basic knowledge of the language. This is a great practice for communicating with a native speaker at home, without having to travel to another country.

How to easily learn English words?

We are not talking about expensive trips abroad and training in special groups. To consolidate the learned words, live communication in English is simply necessary. Here you can resort to communicating via Skype. You can communicate with friends who are also learning the language or are already fluent in it. Any communication will not pass without a trace and will help consolidate the acquired knowledge.

An additional way to learn English is to listen to films without translation.

Choose movies that you like and have watched several times. Don't rush to turn on subtitles and don't be discouraged if you don't understand some words at first. At this stage it is important to create a perception colloquial speech. After watching the film after a few weeks of studying, you will be surprised at how much of the actors' speech you will begin to understand without difficulty. This easy way learn English on your own.

A good help are audiobooks in English. They can be downloaded to a tablet, smartphone or flash drive. It’s convenient because any free minute can be used for business. Waiting inin a car in traffic jams, in queues, traveling on public transport - these tiring moments will fly by unnoticed when listening to audiobooks and will become a useful pastime.

Don't ignore listening to your favorite songs in English.

There are groups on social networks for learning English, where songs with translation are constantly posted completely free of charge. In addition, it is worth trying to listen to the radio in English. This method is free and effective in honing your spoken language (the speaker's fluent speech is an excellent example).

You can try using the app English Daily, with which you will listen to the text in English, and the translation of unknown words will be visible on the screen. There's a little secret here. Once you begin to understand the text you are listening to without prompting, you must pronounce it out loud ( great practice for pronouncing words). This resource is effective due to the fact that, in addition to auditory memory, visual memory will also be involved.

Another way to easily learn English

To quickly master the English language, you still can’t do without reading literature. This stage follows only after studying the minimum basics on the same mobile applications. Basic knowledge of words is required.

You will come across a lot of new unknown words. You will need to translate them yourself. Yandex and Google translators are suitable for this, where, in addition to the meaning of the word, you can hear its pronunciation (do not neglect this, it is important to initially remember the correct pronunciation).

  • At first, reading will take a lot of time and the volume of pages read will be minimal. This is completely normal. Don't be alarmed. Here, as with watching films, practice will come with time. It is important not to give up when difficulties arise. Luckily, download e-book or buying it in the usual paper form is not difficult these days.

It is also necessary to study English grammar. This is the basis without which understanding of foreign speech will remain at the level of “ something seems clear, I caught half the words». This is the most difficult stage. You still have to learn the rules. But fortunately, in our time, progress has not left this point unattended. There is no need to buy a bunch of textbooks (unless you personally prefer reading books). Several tutorial applications have also been developed here. By installing them on your tablet or phone, you can learn new rules every day and return to repeating the ones you have learned. You can pin the information in the application Johnny Grammar, Grammar 2 And English Grammar in Use Activities. These apps help you master or further reinforce the use of verbs, articles, and nouns.

Learning English on your own can take a lot of time and perseverance. But here everything will depend on you.

Set a goal, don’t give up at the first difficulties and influxes of laziness, and use every free minute. Only you can decide for yourself what is more important to use per day 20-30 minutes free time to learn the language or spend this time watching social networks and kill time playing games.

Count how many minutes a day you spend wasting time and multiply by 365 days. Many? But this is quite enough to learn English on your own without large financial and time expenditures.

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