Heart line between index and middle finger. What does an ideal trait mean? Revealing the secrets of the future

Feelings and emotions play a vital role in our lives. Someone knows how to “keep them in check”, not allowing them to influence decisions made. And for some they occupy a dominant position, blocking all reasonable and rational arguments. There are also those whose sensitivity and emotionality are poorly developed; it is almost impossible to touch such people with anything; they are, in principle, incapable of experiencing strong and all-consuming feelings.

It is this area of ​​human life that is responsible for the nature and quality of love, friendship, and family relationships. And since it is the question of relationships that worries people most of all, in most cases they turn to palmists for help precisely in order to find out how their personal life will develop, whether they are destined to be together with this or that person, and so on.

Heart line meaning

The heart line can tell about the sensual and emotional side of a personality. It is considered one of the four main lines on a person's hand. In addition to the fact that it tells about a person’s emotions and his sensuality, it can also tell about generosity, the ability to compassion, loyalty and fortitude (or the lack of these qualities).

In India, the life line is considered the main one, and when studying the hands, they look first at it. They say that if a person does not have the correct outline, then a Hindu palmist may completely refuse to further examine the palm.

Photo with description

Where is the heart line? It comes from the edge of the palm (below the marriage lines) and, crossing it across, passes under the tubercles of the fingers, thereby separating them from the rest of the palm.

It can end in different places: in the middle of the palm, and on the hill of Saturn, and on the hill of Jupiter, and in the space between the finger of Venus and the finger of Jupiter. Its interpretation also depends on how and where the heart line ends.

Types of heart line: spiritual and physical

The heart line is divided into two types: physical and spiritual. They differ in their shape and location. The physical line of the heart ends either on the Mount of Jupiter, or on the Mount of Saturn, or in the area between them. Holders of the physical heart line express all their feelings and emotions well, and do it beautifully.

They are not inclined to suppress them and accumulate them. They are resilient and love life, and when any shocks occur in their lives, they do not stay in a depressed mood for a long time. They are open and find nothing shameful in discussing their feelings, even if we're talking about about the most secret ones. They are capable of truly loving and caring for someone.

The spiritual line of the heart runs across the palm in a straight line and does not curve toward any of the fingers.

A distinctive feature of people with a spiritual heart line is their tendency to suppress their feelings and not show them to others. They can experience real emotional storms within themselves without saying a word.

It is problematic for them to openly discuss their feelings, however, with proper self-development, these people can achieve the point where their hearts open, and then they will be able to express everything that has accumulated in their souls.

From the outside, such people may seem detached and indifferent, but no one suspects how sensitive and sentimental they really are. They do not avoid communication, but at the same time they need, like air, personal space and periodic solitude.

But it is worth saying that the spiritual line of the heart in its pure form is extremely rare.

End of life line

The end of the life line plays a huge role. It can end in different places, but it almost always begins from the same place - the edge of the palm.

If the end of the life line is located on the tubercle under the ring finger, this is evidence of a passionate nature. Such people love bright and intense feelings, but they quickly pass. These people are loving, but build long-term strong relationships They just can't do it.

Men with a heart line ending on the Mount of Apollo are greedy for the appearance of women; they evaluate, first of all, the shell, not the content.

Women with such a heart line tend to evaluate, first of all, a man’s wallet and financial capabilities, and not his inner world. Such people need to change their attitudes and values ​​if they want to build serious relationships.

If the end of the life line is visible on the tubercle under the middle finger, this is evidence that the person is charming and attractive. But at the same time, he can create the impression of a selfish and narcissistic person. And often this impression turns out to be true.

Such people tend to dominate and suppress, they want to be the center of attention and never give up primacy. In relationships they prefer to play a leading role; they have a sense of possessiveness, although they themselves defend their right to freedom.


If the line ends on a hill under the index finger, then this is a sign of a romantic nature, capable of sublime and deep feelings. The emotional component of relationships and their fullness of feelings plays a paramount role for them. At the same time, they are very vulnerable, which can cause some difficulties.

People with this life line are in search of true love and are ready to wait a long time to meet it. They cannot date a person they do not love - they will prefer loneliness instead of entering into an empty and meaningless relationship.

But a meeting with a soul mate illuminates their world with light and new colors. They have every chance of finding true happiness in love.

If towards the end the heart line begins to bifurcate, this indicates a rich and complex inner world of a person. They have an unusual view of things, they do not think narrowly, they are ready to look at problems and life situations from different positions. This helps them cope with failures relatively easily, since they can find something good even in a negative situation.

Such people are also called lucky in love, because thanks to their character and sensitivity they can build long-term, strong and happy relationships with their soulmate.

Heart line shape

A clear heart line is a favorable sign

No less important information You can learn about a person, his fate, and character traits by studying the very shape of the heart line.

A favorable sign is considered if the line of the heart is clear, deep and without breaks. But this does not happen as often as we would like. Various breaks and chains often disrupt the integral shape of the heart line.

A broken or chain-shaped line indicates that a person is fickle in his feelings and prone to adultery. Usually, before starting a long and strong relationship, these people change a considerable number of partners.

There is also a situation where the heart line is clear and uninterrupted, but at the same time it is very thin. This reflects the subtle mental organization of a person. He loves children and pets, knows how to care and show tender feelings.

If the heart line has a bend, this is evidence that this is a good-natured, sympathetic person. He is always ready to help and will never betray.

A double heart line is also a favorable sign. Such a person has a gentle character, he cannot be indifferent to someone’s sorrows, and always tries to make the other feel better.

However, the second line of the heart should not be confused with the main line, which can bifurcate and branch. The second line is a continuous and distinct stripe.

If the heart line is very long, then this is a sign of true romantics who put feelings above everything else in life. This attitude towards the world can bring chaos into their lives, since too bright and strong feelings are not compensated for and are not muffled by the collected and reasonable voice of reason.

They should understand that, despite their extreme sensitivity, they need to listen more often to reasonable arguments, both those given by others and those dictated by their own reason.

If the heart line is short, this indicates that a person, although capable of experiencing strong feelings, still does not have that incredible romance and sublimity, which is evidenced by a long life line. These people are more practical, able to think sensibly, and their feelings often boil down to physical attraction.

An extensive heart line speaks of a person’s indifference. He is able to calmly accept the blows of fate, but not because he worked hard on himself and developed immunity to these blows. He just basically lacks the ability to take everything to heart. But this is not always good. Indifference and coldness in relationships often pushes partners away from such people.

The depth of the heart line tells about the generosity of a person. The deeper the line, the more generous the person is. Such people are capable of selfless acts and even self-sacrifice in the name of great truths.

If the heart line is difficult to see in the palm of your hand, this indicates that the person is intolerant, both towards the people around him and towards life itself and what it brings with it. Such people need to engage in spiritual development, study spiritual literature, since it is in these sources that one can find the truth about how important acceptance is in our lives.

By learning to accept people as they are, a person with this type of heart line will significantly improve their relationships with others. And his quality of life will improve, since the high demands placed on life often lead to disappointment. And as soon as a person loosens his grip, life begins to improve and delight with new colors.

Location of the heart line on the palm

The heart line can be higher or lower on the palm, and also occupy different locations relative to other lines. The interpretation of the heart line also largely depends on this.

The higher the heart line is in the palm, the more passionate a person it is. These are passionate people. Moreover, we can talk about either passion for another person or some kind of hobby.

In the first case, a person becomes so absorbed in feelings for the object of his passion that he blindly follows his passion, trying to achieve reciprocity. In the second case, this indicates that a person is ready to devote himself to some business, hone his skills in it, immerse himself in it headlong and, as a result, has every chance of achieving considerable heights in this matter.

People whose heart line is relatively low are distinguished by their stubborn disposition and spiritual coldness. In this case, you should pay attention to how developed the hills are in the palm.

If they are convex, then this indicates that the person firmly follows religious requirements. Perhaps of his own free will, or perhaps because he was raised that way. In any case, such a person is meek, religious and inclined to suppress and reject everything that contradicts the dictates of his faith.

Interaction between the heart line and the mind line

What a person relies on in his actions - reason or emotions - will be shown by the interaction of the line of the heart and the line of the mind.

Ideal option A pattern on the palm is considered to be such that these two lines are approximately the same length, run parallel at the same distance, forming a figure resembling a rectangle. This mutual arrangement of the line of the mind and the line of the heart speaks of the harmony of a person’s inner world, that his mind and feelings are balanced, and he does not go to extremes.

If the line of the heart gravitates downward or, conversely, the line of the mind is located above the norm, then this is a sign that the person is overly restless. He often feels internal tension, and he is constantly visited by doubts about whether he is doing the right thing. This tension leads to the fact that a person becomes hot-tempered and irritable, causing him to have conflicts with others.

If the line of the heart is at a great distance from the line of the mind, then this indicates a person’s tendency to withdraw into himself and not let anyone too close. Despite the fact that they are characterized by the ability to think deeply and broadly, they almost do not share their observations and conclusions with others. Therefore, they give the exact opposite impression - they seem too superficial to people and sometimes even uninteresting.

Often there is a pattern on the palm in which the line of the mind and the line of the heart come together only in the middle, and at the edges, on the contrary, they move away from each other. The figure formed by this combination can be compared to an hourglass.

Such a sign suggests that at a certain time a person will be faced with a difficult task, when feelings and reason will enter into a serious struggle. However, if this task is successfully resolved, life will return to its previous course.

If the line of the heart initially runs parallel to the line of the mind, and at the end the distance between them increases, this is a sure sign that in his youth the person felt great, was full of ideas and inspiration, but this positive attitude faded with age.

Perhaps this happened due to various hardships and disappointments that I had to endure in life. But such a person needs to believe in himself again, find a source of inspiration and not give up on his life. He should remember that every age is beautiful in its own way, and also believe that everything in life happens for the better. And then so it will be.

If at first there is too much distance between the line of the heart and the line of the mind, this indicates that in youth the person has no attachments and is not inclined to build serious relationships. He is also quite cold towards others, and many consider him callous and insensitive.


However, with age, he comes to understand that warm, sincere relationships, a cozy family nest - this is what real happiness is. And then, if a person manages to rearrange his priorities and learns to treat his partner carefully and reverently, he has every chance of becoming a happy family man.

If at the very beginning the two lines are too close to each other, this is evidence that at a young age the person will be bothered by self-doubt. He is too sensitive even to little things, so he shows nervousness and sometimes even aggression. Such a person puts too high demands on himself and is afraid of not meeting them.

If later on the palm the line of life and the line of mind begin to run parallel, it means that the person will cope with his youthful maximalism and will be able to direct his life in a calm, harmonious direction. But if these two lines, on the contrary, diverge to the sides, moving away from each other, then this means that the person will not be able to cope with the problems and anxieties of young age and will become detached and withdrawn.

Signs on the heart line

Island. In most cases, this sign is found at the beginning of the life line: either under the finger of Mercury or under the finger of Apollo. He says that in a relationship a person always tends to meet his partner halfway and find compromise solutions to problems.

This is good if the partner is also wholeheartedly interested in strengthening the relationship. However, he can also take advantage of your flexibility and compliance, then you will not even notice how completely you have submitted to him and his whims. You should learn not only to give, but also to receive.

If the island is observed on the heart line after its downward branches, this indicates the difficulties that you will experience after failure in love relationships. Such downward branches always signal problems with a partner or even the end of a relationship.

The island, in turn, indicates that it will be extremely difficult for you to return your life to its previous course after a difficult relationship.

Dashes. Small branches emanating from the heart line and directed upward speak of great bright and happy love. Well, if they are directed downward, then this, as already mentioned, is an unfavorable sign, warning of unhappy love and a broken heart. But these lines may disappear from the palm over time.

Breaks. A break on this line shows that a person is in dire need of love and because of this he feels bad. If there are several such breaks along the entire line, then this is a sign that the person is disappointed in the opposite sex and in love relationships in general.

Rhombus. If there is a rhombus on the heart line, then this foreshadows various problems and obstacles that may arise on the life path and greatly slow down a person’s growth and development. It is very important here to calculate exactly when they arise in order to be able to take the necessary measures in time and thereby protect yourself.

Dot. The dot also carries a negative meaning, indicating that the person will face difficult trials that will affect his emotional health. He should try not to take what is happening too personally. But the point at the intersection of the life line and the heart line favors the person, saying that these trials will bypass him.


Star. A star on the heart line is a good sign, indicating that you will not know the bitterness of unrequited love. Such people are loved by their partner and have every chance of building a strong relationship with him.

Cross. The sign of the cross, which crosses out the line of the heart, carries a negative meaning. It warns a person about the possibility of serious mental trauma, which will affect his subsequent life.

However, do not be afraid and think that fate is predetermined and you are just a puppet of higher powers. Everything is in your hands. You should never consider yourself a victim of circumstances.

As you know, the lines on the palm tend to change when the person himself changes. Palmistry plays here the role of an indispensable assistant who can tell you what needs to be changed in your life in order to avoid various shocks and problems.

The patterns of lines on the hands can tell the palmist what fate predicts for a person and what events can play an important role in his life. The Heart Line is one of the main lines in the palm. The case when the heart line bifurcates is interpreted in relation to where exactly the branching is located.

Line location and meaning

The Heart Line is located above the Head Line. It runs from the inner edge of the palm to the outer, going around the hills.

Based on how the line flows, the palmist determines the emotional beginning. Analysis of the structure and configuration of the line allows us to identify the state of mind, events and sensations in the love field. Also, through this trait, the state of a person’s cardiovascular system is determined.

Sometimes it may seem that the Heart line is missing. In reality, everything is not what it looks like. This means that a person’s Head and Heart lines merge. This symbolizes determination, the ability to rely on oneself.

If a person has a double Heart line, this indicates a pleasant and easy-going character. He is distinguished by constancy and fidelity in sensual attachments. Such people try to find a partner who is equal to themselves, neither superior nor inferior in position and status. People who have this pattern strive for their family and home to be a corner of their personal paradise. This is a sign that indicates love, devotion, and bright emotional impulses. Two Heart lines on the hand also indicate an experimental character in terms of intimate life.

What can the branches on the line indicate?

The Heart Line, like all the main arches in the palm, can be divided into several at the end. Palmistry identifies several branching options, each of which has its own interpretation.

A large number of small diverging stripes indicate a person’s dynamic character, brightness and charm. Such people can achieve a lot because they are under the auspices of good luck.

If the Heart line at the end forks downwards at the end, this is not a very good sign. It testifies to disappointments and failures in love affairs.

Palmistry considers the following branching options. The Heart Line branched double at the end can be:

  1. At the small hill of Mars.
  2. Several branches directed towards the fingers on the hand.
  3. Downward strokes.
  4. To the hill of Mercury.
  5. To the hill of Apollo.
  6. Under the index and middle fingers.
  7. Near the Mount of Jupiter.
  8. Near the Mount of Saturn.
  9. Near the hills of Jupiter and Saturn.
  10. A branch that abuts the line of the Head.

Each of these types of branching indicates certain distinctive features of a person’s character. Palmistry reveals these aspects.

Interpretation of branches directed to the hills

The multiple branches with which the line ends in the area of ​​the small hill of Mars on the right hand indicate how many love affairs there have been. The presence of the same pattern of dashes on the left hand indicates that the person is loving and is able to experience a feeling of deep affection for other people.

If the line of the Heart ends with a branch towards the Mount of Mercury, then in front of the palmist there is an individual with a purposeful character. In any field of activity there comes a time when he knows his business better than others. Thanks to innate business qualities, supported by ambition, the owner of this Heart trait achieves a good position in society.

The presence of a branch directed towards the Mount of Apollo indicates success both in business and in love. Such people experience a special uplift in the second half of life, when they manage to meet their soul mate.

Ramifications in the area of ​​the Mount of Jupiter indicate great moral potential. The owner of such a line is able to provide worthy resistance to difficulties and life's ups and downs. Other people are drawn to someone with this trait configuration because he understands their feelings. Quite often they are energy donors who share their energy during communication.

If the Heart line branches in the area of ​​the Mount of Saturn, this indicates such traits as:

  1. Consistently high level of activity.
  2. Craving for unknown questions and problems.

Such people overcome difficult situations well and easily. Unexpectedly emerging problems spur him to deal with the circumstances as soon as possible and turn events in the right direction for him.

Branching in the area of ​​the hills of Saturn and Jupiter is a very good sign. When a trait ends in such a configuration, it indicates a large energy reserve, which helps to overcome difficulties quickly and without much difficulty. From birth, the owner of such a line is endowed with business acumen and flair. In his youth, he will experience a strong feeling that he will not be able to forget throughout his life.

Other fork options

People whose Heart line has several branches directed towards the fingers on their right hand are distinguished by their intelligence and flexible character. They are charming enough to attract people who need support.

A certain number of small strokes extending down from the Heart line is a sign of impermanence. This quality is especially pronounced in men. They can easily confess their love, and after a short time they do not notice the girl to whom they voiced the confession. Those with this form of trait stand out from the crowd and attract glances.

A fork pointing its ends towards the index and middle fingers indicates a desire to lead.

Such people feel uncomfortable as a subordinate. They achieve a high position in society through the implementation of the most complex plans and ideas.

Also in the practice of palmists, there are cases when the lines of the Head and Heart flow parallel to each other. If both of these lines have a similar bifurcation, then we can expect a period of rethinking of existing relationships and social connections. This happens in the second half of life. During the same time period family relationships will face another crisis.

The branch from the Heart line, which abuts the Head line, deserves special attention. Palmistry claims that such people have innate qualities:

  1. Initiative.
  2. Energy.
  3. Great mind.

The only reason for caution can be that the owners of this trait configuration are more concerned about the level of material gain. Also, this feature can undermine relationships with a loved one.

The heart line on the hand is very important; it is responsible for the emotional component of a person’s life and interaction with other people. The line is located in the upper third of the palm. It starts at the edge, below the tubercle of Mercury, and extends to the index and ring fingers. The length, thickness and shape of the branch vary. The point at which it ends and its interaction with other signs is of great importance. Without analyzing this important branch on the hand, not a single fortune-telling in palmistry is possible.

Two types of heart line

The study of the heart line on the hand begins by determining its type. Based on this feature, you can say a lot about the character and mental make-up of a person. Palmistry distinguishes 2 types of cardiac branches:

  • physical;
  • spiritual.

When determining the type, attention is paid to the shape and flow of the trait, its end points. It also happens that there is no heart line on the hand at all. Or rather, it completely merges with the branch of the mind. Such a hand is called a monkey's hand. A person with such a pattern either completely subordinates emotions to reason, or, conversely, is guided exclusively by feelings.

Physical line of the heart

Such a branch bends or rounds, ending between the index and ring fingers or at their base. What does the physical heart line mean? A person with this pattern on his palm is open, he knows how to express his feelings and emotions. He survives shocks easily and quickly gets into shape. He knows how to show sympathy and empathy.

Spiritual line of the heart

The spiritual line of the heart is horizontal and completely straight. It stretches from one edge of the palm to the other with virtually no curves. The owner of such a hand is a secretive person who does not know how and does not want to show his emotions. Often such people are very romantic natures, their feelings prevail over reason. But it also happens that they are cold, calculating and selfish.

Among the owners of the spiritual line of the heart there are monogamous people and owners. They deeply experience failures and successes, but do not show it, which is why they often suffer from heart disease and nervous breakdowns.

Main characteristics of the heart line

As already mentioned, the heart line begins at the edge of the palm and ends between the ring and middle fingers with different variations. Like other branches on the hand, it is characterized by the following basic parameters:

  • length;
  • thickness;
  • depth;
  • Form.

A long heart line says that a person is emotional and comprehensively developed. He has many hobbies and does any work with deep feeling. Such people know how to empathize and come to the aid of others. A short heart line, interrupted in the middle of the palm, belongs to a conservative and reserved person. Its owner is guided in life by logic, not by feelings. It happens that he becomes dependent on other people's opinions.

A wide line is a sign of indifference, a slow emotional reaction to certain events. Such people are slow to get excited, but can experience stress for a long time. A narrow line indicates frequent mood swings, energy and nervous instability.

The deep line of the heart in the palm has a special meaning. People with this pattern are truly sensual and emotional.

If the line is narrow, its owner has an explosive character. When the band is wide, a person is prone to very deep and lasting experiences. An inconspicuous, superficial line is a sign of a meager spiritual world and intolerance. The owner of such a heart line does not know how to sympathize, listen to other people, or seek compromises. A double line is a good sign: a faithful and loving spouse will appear in life.

Options for ending the heart line

Palmistry on the heart line especially carefully reads the meaning of the endings. By this sign you can learn about a person’s character, his attitude towards life, and other people. There are several ending options:

  • The heart line on the palm ends under the index finger. The owner of this branch is energetic, a little fussy, and ambitious. He carefully chooses his friends and life partners, and often places excessive demands on them. He rarely gets attached to people and doesn’t let him get close to him. Such a person’s feelings are superficial.
  • The branch ends under the ring or middle finger. This pattern is typical of egoists who think only about themselves and pay little attention to the feelings of others. They are promiscuous and make casual acquaintances that do not last long. Owners of this type of heart line are sexual, but they prefer a short-term physical connection rather than an emotional union.
  • The heart line is clear and ends between the index and middle fingers. Here is a sincere and honest person you can trust. He values ​​real feelings and strong connections, is true to his principles, and knows how to help others. Such people have happy marriages, they have excellent relationships with parents and children.
  • A fork at the end is typical for people with a complex mental organization, capable of comprehensive analysis and complex assessments of any events. If one branch ends under the index finger, it means that this is a very kind and slightly romantic person.
  • The fork is located on the line of the heart, and its tips reach the base of the index and ring fingers. The owner is a leader by nature; he does not accept a subordinate position. When the fork has a more pronounced intersection with the middle finger, its owner is fixated on himself. If it is in more contact with the index finger, it means that the owner is ready to cooperate, but only in a leadership position.
  • A branched heart line with several endings in the palm is characteristic of positive and emotional people. Sometimes such a sign at the end is called the “lucky mark”. Its owner enjoys the love of all loved ones, he has excellent relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The line of the heart goes down and ends on the branch of the mind. This means that its owner is energetic, proactive and lucky. But he measures success only by material profit, and does not trust people, even those closest to him.

If the flow of the heart stripe is smooth, without twists or turns, it means that its owner is constancy, faithful to his family, loved ones, and loved ones. If the line is winding, there is a potential traitor in front of you. Even family people with such a heart line on their hand are looking for love affairs on the side.

Interaction of the line of the heart, head and life

To read fate by hand, it is very important to know how the two nearby stripes of the head and heart interact. One of them is responsible for the intellectual component of life, the other for the emotional. Depending on how two energies influence each other, character and destiny depend. The options are as follows:

  • An elongated heart line with a short head line. This option is typical for emotional and spiritual people, for whom the emotional side is more important than the rational. Often the owners of such a hand are short-sighted and live for today.
  • Shortened heart branch with a long head line. The picture is typical for pragmatists, accustomed to looking at life rationally, with stingy feelings. They are always guided by logic, not feelings, and are sometimes too selfish. Their spiritual energy is weak, but it is fully compensated by mental abilities.
  • When the heart line connects with the head branch, the emotional and mental spheres are very dependent on each other. It is human nature to act recklessly. At the same time, he cannot completely let go of his emotions. If there is only one branch, an impulsive decision will be made that will significantly affect fate.
  • A straight and clear line connecting two branches. For men, this is a sign of falling in love. For women, such a sign often means affection for people of the opposite sex. They remain faithful to their chosen one even when he pushes them away or cheats on them.
  • If the lines of the heart on the palms partially converge with the branches of the head, it means that their owner is always guided by emotions when making decisions. This does not allow him to achieve success in life, since feelings often prevail over reason and force him to perform spontaneous actions. The situation is aggravated by the lines crossing the branches.
  • The space between the branch of the head and the heart is shaded, there are lines crossing both stripes. The owner of such a drawing is a very vulnerable person who often suffers from loneliness. If the gap is clear, the owner of the palm is prone to individualism and does not know how to interact with the team.
  • The gap is shaped like a lyre. This pattern means that its owner is very conscientious and responsible. He knows how to compromise in small things, but in matters of principle he shows unusual firmness.
  • The space between the branches resembles a square. Excessive compliance forces a person to betray his principles and suffer after that. He is easily influenced by others.
  • A small space between two branches, they run almost like a double line. The owner of the hand is shy, indecisive, and has difficulty overcoming problems.

Sometimes the heart line and life line can interact with each other. They are connected by strokes or long processes. This pattern means that its owner is very attached to his parents. This often prevents him from building his personal life and his own family. When these two branches are connected by multiple strokes, you see a very secretive person hiding his true nature from everyone.

Palmistry: Heart Line. Love experiences



Palmistry line of the soul - heart (part 3)

Interaction with other lines and hills on the hand

The meaning of the heart line in the palm largely depends on how it fits into the overall pattern. If the line is located high, under the fingers themselves, it means that the owner is a passionate nature. He strives to live up to the ideal, looking for partners to match himself. The low position of the branch is characteristic of stubborn, emotionally cold people. If the hills in the palm are well developed, this means a very religious person.

What palmistry says about the heart line and its interaction with other branches. Let's look at some examples:

  • The line connects the Mount of Jupiter under the index finger and the Mount of Mercury under the little finger. Before you is a hunter of the opposite sex. He has numerous love affairs, but very short-lived ones. If such a line also branches, the person is very amorous, deeply feels every relationship, but does not know how to love for a long time.
  • Branches to the mound of Mercury. This means that the owner has a real goal, he is ambitious, achieves success and wealth through talent and hard work.
  • A process going to the tubercle of the Sun. The trait of lucky people is that such people are lucky in everything. If the line then branches out, this is a talented and multifaceted personality.
  • The straight line of the heart reaches the Mount of Jupiter and there branches into many branches. The owner of the palm is very talented, courageous, and knows how to deal with life’s difficulties. Even other people are charged with his energy.
  • Bifurcation on the Mount of Saturn. Good ability to deal with difficulties and overcome unexpected obstacles along the way.
  • Branches from the heart line go to the fingers. A sign of an intelligent, flexible and charming person. People are drawn to him and come looking for support and advice.
  • The branch of the heart is connected to the line of Apollo (luck or the Sun), forming an angle. Such people have many friends and are very sociable, but there is always a risk that they will miss a true faithful life partner.
  • Combination with Venus belt. It is typical for people who are quick-tempered and irritable and do not accept other people’s opinions.
  • The intersection of the lines of fate and the branch of the heart speaks of a person’s suspiciousness and excessive sentimentality. He is ready to defend his ideas, even if they are initially untenable. If the branch of fate descends from above, rests on the heart and does not go further down, it means that its owner will have a good personal life and the marriage will be happy.
  • Multiple streaks and branches extending down or across a branch. It means a frivolous character, inconstancy, a tendency to deceive and fail to fulfill promises. The picture is enhanced if the intersection is connected to the gap.

Any branches and interactions with other branches on the hand should be read very carefully, because such lines can be barely noticeable. It is best to look at various examples of the heart line in photos and videos or seek clarification from an experienced palmist.

Signs on the heart line

The signs on the heart line are very important. They warn of difficult turns of fate, mental and emotional turmoil, and serious dangers. Some signs can play a protective role. It also matters where the signs are located. Let's look at this issue in more detail.


Any break in the heart line indicates uncertainty and mental tossing. If it is in the middle, doubts and suspicions have no basis. The life of the owner of such a palm is quite successful, but internal discomfort does not leave him. Multiple breaks crossing the entire strip are a sign of a good, calm, but slightly boring person.

A branch torn under the tubercle of Apollo is characteristic of impulsive people who find themselves in various unpleasant situations. At the same time, they are quite capable of dealing with them successfully. If the gap is under the mound of Mercury, the owner of the line is a good leader, assertive, but often too kind with his subordinates. Tears on a man's hand characterize a womanizer, on a woman's hand they speak of disappointment in love.


A lonely island on the heart line means separation in love. If after the mark the line continues and remains clear, the mental trauma will be overcome. If it breaks, the heart attack will be fatal, the owner of such a palm will be lonely all his life. If there are multiple islands on the heart line, it means that failures in your personal life will haunt you throughout your life.

A continuous chain of islands on the heart line, reminiscent of rice, speaks of a silent and withdrawn personality. Such a person is a good performer, but a lack of initiative and leadership qualities complicates his career and complicates the path to success.


Strokes crossing or passing through a branch can tell about a person who seeks harmony in everything. He is interested in art, music, and has a fine spiritual organization. But such people have absolutely no will to win, no desire to change their destiny, they prefer to go with the flow.


A trident or triangle warns of vision problems. Sometimes the owners of such a sign are too unscrupulous in people, they are often deceived or used for their own selfish interests.


Multiple crosses above our heart line indicate repressed feelings and emotions. This often happens due to outside influence. When there is only one cross, located on the line itself, its owner can achieve a lot in the scientific field, but for this he may have to sacrifice his personal life and put an end to his family.


Palmistry interprets the meaning of a star in different ways. In some cases, she says that the mark portends serious heart disease. In others - a happy marriage and family life. If a trait begins with a star, its owner strives for perfection, reaching the top. He has the strength, ability, and self-control to do this, and he copes well with any difficulties.


A small dot on the heart line indicates disappointment in your personal life. If there are multiple points on the heart line, it means that you will not be lucky in love for long. This will lead to mental suffering. Sometimes people, after such suffering, become callous and withdraw into themselves. A mole has similar properties. She also warns about heart problems.


A diamond or square on the heart line may indicate disappointment in love. Fortunately, the mental wound will heal very quickly and does not affect future life. Sometimes a square protects against the adverse influence of other signs. It all depends on where it is located. If you're just on a branch, the protection is very weak. If he takes a bad branch into a kind of circle, its influence is reduced to zero. Sometimes the diamond on the hand resembles a heart. This means that true love awaits you. True, to build a relationship you will have to go a long way and overcome many difficulties.

Decoding fate along the heart line

The heart line and deciphering fate along it require more analysis than just examining the branch and the signs on it. You need to know which hand to read the prediction on. The drawing on the left palm speaks of the karma that is given to a person from birth. It can only be changed by a serious effort of will. The picture on the right hand is more under our control. The lines and signs on it talk about how we influence our own lives.

Time on the heart line can leave its marks. Signs appear here that speak of disappointment in love, emotional stress, and mental tossing. The marks may disappear if we manage to solve the problem. In order to be prepared for any twists of fate, it is important to calculate the time of this or that event, your approximate age at that moment.

Dating on the heart line is simple. The line corresponds to 75 years. It is conditionally divided first into 3 segments, 25 years each. Then each of them is divided into 5 more sections. It is hardly possible to guess an event more accurately, because palmistry is not such an exact science.

The heart line is associated with relationships with people, but nothing in the world is absolute. You can always influence yourself, fate and the world around you. You need to be above your own weaknesses and negative predictions. In the end, you can find a way out of any situation. If you strive upward, towards light and perfection, and believe that failures will not break you, even the most unfavorable karma will change.

The ancient Indian science of palmistry provides answers to many questions. Her knowledge is based on centuries of experience and research. The heart stripe is one of the main ones in determining a person’s karmic purpose. If the Heart line bifurcates, it is better to consult a specialist and get an accurate prognosis.

Line shape and location

Emotionality in character depends on the heart trait - its appearance and location. The palmist will determine what kind of relationship the owner has with others.

Sometimes it is not possible to find this beam on the hand. This phenomenon is associated with the combination of two lines into one: Heart and Head. In this version, the owner is a very smart and purposeful person. He is capable of responsible actions for the sake of his partner.

The science of palmistry considers the arc of the Heart to be the main one. It is located close to the base of the fingers. By turning the palm edgewise, it is easy to see its beginning under the little finger. The ending is located between the index and middle fingers. This fold goes across the entire palm.

The end of the strip lies between the finger of Jupiter (index) and the finger of Saturn (middle).

To correctly interpret this stripe on your hands, you need to take into account its characteristics:

  • length;
  • width;
  • depth;
  • additional signs;
  • duality;
  • double stripe.

There are two types of lines: physical and spiritual. The physical one is rounded at the end. Owners of this stripe are eloquent in expressing their feelings. The spiritual streak does not end at the end. People with this line are sensitive, but find it difficult to talk about their emotions.

Double line meaning

The double line of the Heart is common. Sometimes it ends with a branch at the end. The second thread serves as a reinforcement of the first. In cases of defects, breaks or additional marks, it can neutralize or enhance their effect.

For an accurate interpretation, palmists always consider the two lines of the Heart on the hand in conjunction with the accompanying signs.

There are cases when one palm has such stripes, but the other has no branches from the Heart line. It is necessary to decipher both hands and then give a conclusion.

The second thread of the heart speaks of the duality of a person’s nature, his inconstancy in relationships with a partner. He may have several connections at once. One marriage will be replaced by another. Such behavior can be a sign of frivolity or selectivity. A person deceives himself with vain hopes and is in a hurry to enter into another marriage.

Fate warns of difficulties by making the heart line double. A woman should behave with dignity in pursuit of a prince on a white horse. You cannot stoop to humiliation in front of the groom and blindly follow him.

If the Heart line is double and ends at different points, a man should pay more attention to his health so that the selfless search for his beloved does not affect his well-being. The closeness and clarity of the Life line indicates many years with one woman. A clear line of the Mind will ensure cold calculation in marriage.

If the first thread is well marked, and the one next to it is the same in shape, the owner will be happily married all his life. Even the thought of betrayal will not arise.

Meaning of a branched line

Ideal location - the Heart line branches at the beginning and clearly connects at the end. The power of this person's love will help create a strong union. Compatibility will be perfect, partners will show care for each other in any situation. In this case, an experienced palmist will definitely want to look at the palms of the man and woman (whether there is a fork there) for a complete and accurate analysis.

A person whose Heart line bifurcates at the end is multifaceted. His life is complex and interesting. He takes a comprehensive approach to solving any problem.

If such ramifications are observed more than three times, this means that romantic relationships carry an emotional burden for the owner and do not always end peacefully. In most cases, this is the sign of a lucky Don Juan who is lucky. He gains love experience and in the end builds a happy family life. Marriage will be based on love and mutual understanding for the owner of such an interesting trait.

If the branch is directed towards the line of Fate and rests against it, then there will be a wedding. If the tip does not touch the line, then the wedding is canceled or the marriage will not last long.

Additional signs on the line

The interpretation of the code for a heart double or bifurcated trait is influenced by the signs along its path. Their interpretation depends on the form:

  • islets;
  • dashes;
  • triangle;
  • cross;
  • star;
  • dot;
  • mole.

Palmists call the islands a bad sign that predicts failure in love or divorce.

If the lines look down, then the illusions will melt away like smoke and the person will change. If directed upwards, then there will be a long, strong relationship. A large number of lines looking at the Mount of Jupiter indicates imminent wealth.

If the mark looks like a triangle and is located on a double stripe, there are vision problems in both eyes.

The sign of the cross always frightens the owner with its appearance. On a branched line, he only warns that a certain obstacle must be overcome in order to achieve reciprocity.

Small tears in several places on the double line are a bad omen. You will have to wait a long time for manifestations of love from your partner. Such men become disappointed in their companions and leave them. Women with stripes are angry at all masculine because the previous relationship was unsuccessful.

The owner of the star sign experienced a strong love shock. The owner will not recover from such psychological trauma soon.

If there is a dot on the double line, then the unhappy relationship is still ongoing. The redder or darker this sign, the deeper the mental trauma. Palmists can interpret such a sign differently: physical violence against one of the partners. If there are several points, then there were many facts of violence - the person is constantly being persecuted.

The black color of the dot on a forked line indicates an owner who is tormented by a love situation, cannot make a choice, or suffers from loneliness.

Double line intersects on a mole - soul mate it's already underway towards your destiny. The union will be happy. The owner will have all his romantic dreams come true.

Palmistry cannot be called simply fortune telling by hand. There is nothing similar to what a gypsy can tell. All meanings of lines and signs have been researched and empirically verified over many centuries. The science of palmistry states: you should know your destiny, but you can always try to change it. You need to look for love, strive to create a strong marriage, even if the Heart line predicts loneliness.

The upper horizontal line on the palm is the line of the heart. It reflects the activity of the heart as a physical organ, and also as a spiritual organ that generates emotions and feelings. By its drawing you can determine the type nervous system and the presence of such qualities as loyalty and kindness, responsiveness, sacrifice, love of love, sexuality, it is not for nothing that it is also called the Line of Love. Eastern palmists consider the heart line to be the main line on the hand.

Let's apply the already tested assessment scheme: first, the nature of the line itself, its position on the palm, then we will analyze the beginning and end, and, finally, we will pay attention to defects and small signs.

A deep, uniformly full line indicates constancy in affections, a serious attitude towards the feelings of oneself and those of others. Subtle hints at sophistication, but also superficiality of feelings on the verge of indifference. Wide - on their dispersion between different objects, the difficulty of choosing a partner. The chain line symbolizes shallow feelings, excessive caution in relationships, fear of strong emotions, difficulties in love. Intermittent, consisting of individual links, emphasizes emotional instability, a tendency to flirt, just like wavy. Wide and fragmented, weak, poorly expressed can mean indifference to the opposite sex. A sagging line is a variety of experiences that are perceived inadequately and interfere with acceptance. right decisions in matters of the heart. A line with spikelet-like strokes means philanthropy and kindness: it both receives attention from others and gives generously.

The qualitative line of the heart moves smoothly across the palm, slightly bending towards the center. But the one drawn harshly and arrogantly communicates the owner’s lack of emotionality and coldness. The heart must be open so that feelings can flow freely. The line, closed in its banks, weakly responds to external “stimulants”: other people, life events. The flexibility of the line emphasizes the connection with emotions, and the tendency towards straightness indicates the predominance of reason.

If the heart line is located low, leaving a wide field between itself and the base of the fingers, it thereby increases the heart space. For such a person, the emotional coloring of everything that happens is extremely important. If the line runs high enough, feelings are less significant for its owner.

The beginning and end of the line.

Some researchers believe that the heart line comes from under Jupiter, but most are inclined to think that it comes from under Mercury. For me the situation is clear: the line of the heart begins under the little finger, the finger of Mercury. This is supported by observation as well as logic. The start of the main lines looks similar for most people, while the finish varies considerably. In addition, Mercury symbolizes youth, while Jupiter symbolizes maturity.

So, the beginning of the heart line. In rare cases, it does not start from the edge of the palm, but later. Almost always this indicates a congenital heart pathology, which has been compensated over the years. If the source of the line is slightly shifted towards the Mount of Mars, that is, it is underestimated, a person is active in love and sex from a young age, and if there is a noticeable process going down there, this may indicate early childbirth.

Often, until the age of 20, the line looks shaggy and island-like. (We calculate 20 years by dropping a perpendicular from the space between the little and ring fingers.) This is explained by the fact that emotions young man have not yet been built, there are behavioral complexes, but over the years, for the majority, this phenomenon goes away on its own.

Important information is gleaned from the ending of a love affair. Options: it can reach the Mount of Jupiter, stop under the Mount of Saturn or in the space between the two above-mentioned hills, in extreme cases it can only reach the ring finger. The rule by which the completion of the heart line should be assessed is as follows. Jupiter gives generosity and emotional warmth, Saturn gives coldness and reasonableness in feelings, the Sun emphasizes the aesthetic side of love.

The heart line, ending on Jupiter, takes on the sublime properties of this hillock, testifies to sensitivity, kindness, perhaps some sentimentality; Such a person approaches love from the spiritual side. But if it rises to the base of the index finger, then this is excessive idealism, inflated demands on the partner and on oneself. A person with such a line rarely feels happy: his heart’s needs are difficult to satisfy. The tendency to idealize relationships can lead to incorrect assessments and actions of the owner of the heart line, ending in the middle of the Mount of Jupiter. When the line descends to the lower part of this hillock, it feeds its owner with unrealistic hopes and, having been deceived, he is able to go to extremes. Another option: the long line of the heart tends with its end or appendage to the line of life, in some cases descending into the zone of lower Mars. This is a sign of disappointment in love. The fear of being deceived gives rise to distrust and aggressiveness; a person resorts to rationality where sensitivity is simply needed. He seeks to protect himself from what he considers to be futile experiences by closing himself off from love, not believing in it, and no longer waiting.

A rigidly drawn line, resting on the same Mount of Jupiter, testifies to pride and ambition, including in love. This is the ambitious line of the heart. May indicate marriage to a person of high social status.

If the line only reaches the mound under the middle finger, in relationships with the opposite sex a person is more interested in physical satisfaction, and in feelings he is selfish. Saturnian love knows what desire and passion are, but this desire is only for physical satisfaction. Saturn gives sexuality, but does not give spiritual openness. Truly such a person loves the only creature in the world - himself. If the line rises high on the mount, it speaks of realism in the approach to love, prudence and caution. If it remains in its lower part, it reports an inability to have a deep and lasting feeling; love is perceived as a game, entertainment or sport. If it is interrupted unexpectedly, looks scanty, short, then it may indicate a threat to a loved one.

A heart line that does not reach Saturn indicates “heart failure” of its owner both in terms of health and emotions. A very short line of the heart, ending under the Mount of the Sun, indicates sex appeal, an exceptional attachment to pleasure. Feelings may be intense, but not deep. A man admires love.

The line of the heart, “throwing” down and crossing the line of the head, is a very bad sign. This may indicate cardiac arrest at an age corresponding to the fall of the line.

The most common option is the end of the line between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn. He is also the most favorable. This is the golden mean between idealism and common sense, romanticism and practicality. A person is able to comprehend the spiritual essence of love and at the same time realizes his responsibilities in the material world. He is reserved, but his feelings are strong; he is reliable, constant in his affections, knows how to be faithful, and appreciates his partner’s devotion. It is especially good if the end of the line rises slightly upward and divides into two bright branches. This is a symbolic manifestation of “two hearts”, because in love there are always two sides: “I” and “you”. A well-formed fork on the heart line means the power of love, sincerity, the ability to love and the ability to evoke love, spiritual and sexual components merged together. A sign of a happy family life, general everyday well-being.

Sometimes the heart line splits into three branches at the end, forming a trident. The owner of such a pattern is a loving, compassionate nature, distinguished by the depth of insight. This design is called the “missionary sign”; it reflects the willingness to help all those who suffer. However, if the end of a love line looks like a twig with small twigs, most likely we are talking about the dispersion of emotions, multiple interests, difficulty in choosing, and inability to find the “one” or “one.”

The end of the line rises up - the heart is open. The end of the line lowers down - caution and doubt, the heart is squeezed.

The ideal heart line is deep, slightly curved, running smoothly and evenly across the palm, giving small impressions along the way, ending with a fork in the space between the index and middle fingers, without islands, crosses or stars.

Defects and signs on the heart line.

Rupture indicates cardiac shock, sometimes heart disease. Let's see where it happened. Under the little finger - heart disorder in youth, under the ring finger - disturbances in love due to pride, vanity in middle years, under the middle finger - problems in love due to fate, karma in adulthood. If there is a gap, but the lines overlap each other - a meeting after separation, restoration of emotional balance. A tear under the ring finger often indicates severe heart disease.

The islands identify periods of depression and the presence of psychological complexes. The stars indicate serious cardiac shocks and heart disease. Crosses, secants - emotional losses, crises, experiences. A short line running parallel to the end of the heart line is a happy sign and indicates a long-term relationship. Such people need not be afraid of lonely old age. The predominance of ascending filamentous processes is an optimistic perception of life, even if you are not always lucky. The predominance of downward threads is the feeling of being a victim in personal relationships, when any experience is viewed as negative.

Many years ago, Larisa Nikolaevna had a dot formed on her heart line from a burning match that fell into her hand. The mini-burn remained forever and grew over the years. Figuratively speaking, the woman “burned her heart.” She literally barely survived after breaking up with her husband, and since then men have not interested her. The woman underwent stenting surgery: now there are three stands in her vessels that allow the heart to work, and three clear crosses are indicated above the heart line.

Let's look at several special and, nevertheless, often encountered drawings of the heart line and other signs on a love theme.

So much heart!

There is a heart line that crosses the entire palm. In this case, the main thing for a person is love, passion, for the sake of it he is ready to do anything. He goes to extremes in his emotions. He may spend most of his time expressing love for people who are not worthy of it, which is what he himself suffers from. It is also a sign of jealousy. Some researchers call this line “the bankruptcy of all enterprises”: emotions are so strong that they suppress reason. You can often see how the head line breaks under the weight of such a heart line. A person incorrectly reflects reality, makes mistakes in both love and professional matters. This is "too big a heart." Since the line runs straight across the palm, it expresses a certain straightforwardness, harshness of feelings, rudeness, tactlessness, intractability, and harshness in the expression of emotions. Tendency to excess: the line moves from edge to edge of the palm, love overflows.

When there are two heart lines on the hand. The emotional world of such a person is extremely rich. In spiritual life he is able to achieve a lot. His feelings go beyond the boundaries of attachment to an individual, he loves all of humanity, strives to help near and far, and becomes a missionary. But sometimes the sublime interpretation does not work, a person simply experiences affection for two people at the same time, distributes his feeling between two objects over the course of many years.

The other extreme is the absence of a heart line, when instead of two horizontal channels there is one on the hand, the so-called “monkey line” (read more about it in the chapter Line of the Head and Mind).

lonely heart

We are “doomed” to pairing. The search for a close heart is natural for a human being, although not always successful. Why is this happening? Someone blames fate: they say, they are unlucky. Not without this, of course. But there are signs in the hand that reliably indicate when a person is to blame for his troubles.

In recent years, the concept of “Lonely Heart” has become relevant. The picture looks like this: the line of the heart is deep, without branches, moves straight across the palm, then sharply rounds and goes into the space between the index and middle fingers. She cuts off part of the palm and, as it were, closes the person to himself - a “closed heart.” This is a sign of inner loneliness, even if the owner of the hand is married. But very often it also means difficulties in getting married.

No matter how many times I saw such a drawing, it corresponded to people who were self-sufficient and emotionally closed. They could be outwardly sociable, but internally locked up: by character or because of fear of heartache. It is difficult for potential companions to break through such armor. While protecting from misfortune, a hoop on the heart “protects” from happiness. The person is encapsulated and does not open himself to new meetings and relationships. The position of loneliness is enhanced if the number of curls on the fingertips is more than five, which in itself is a sign of an individualist.

The positive thing is that it is definitely easier to come to an agreement with yourself than with fate. The heart line can change if awareness and targeted work with emotions occurs.

Fatal love

“He fell in love with her in childhood and forever, but fate did not allow them to be together”... A similar plot is often contained in a clear, clearly visible cross at the top of the Mount of Venus. Previously, this cross was called “the sign of fatal love.” I think that now we should refrain from such expressively pompous terms. It would be more correct to define a palm pattern as a symbol of a feeling that is important to a person and has influenced his life. There is a feeling of bitterness, even tragedy, in the sign, because if the feeling is not realized, not satisfied, it leaves marks on the heart and on the hand.

If in your youth you loved a woman (man) very much, your paths diverged, but you are still unconsciously looking for someone similar, most likely you have a similar mark. Surprisingly, “secretive”, uninformative male palms contain this sign more often than female palms that are “chatty” in other matters.

When exactly the love drama happened or will happen, the cross of fatal love will not tell. The approximate time of an important meeting can be guessed from the line of influence that intersects the line of fate and has a cross-shaped pattern at the intersection point. If both signs are present - that is, on the hand - then their owner will have to bear his love cross...

Vampires and donors

I have never seen vampires who drink blood except on television, where they are private guests. But there are any number of vampires around us who drink energy. It is clear that this term is conditional and denotes a person with whom communication is devastating. Each of us has probably been in a situation when, after talking with someone, we felt a loss of strength. Energy therapists, who claim that life is an exchange of energies, divide people into vampires, those who take more, and donors, those who give more. Is it possible to distinguish the first from the second?

There are many signs in the hand on this topic. Again, we start with the heart line. If it is wide, has many outflow threads directed downwards, and at the end it splits into three branches, we have a classic donor. Add to this the clearly expressed sign of the Samaritans, a sign of sympathy (several small oblique lines between the little and ring fingers), fingers that are excessively flexible in the joints, and it becomes clear that if the owner of such a design does not realize his openness of heart professionally (raising children, caring for the sick) , helping animals), then others will “use” him. They will be professional too, but at least he will get money for it, and money is also energy.

In contrast to the donor, the line of the energy vampire’s heart is rigid, without “feathers,” and runs strictly horizontally across the palm. He also has a reddish life line, strong, without a depression, in the middle of the palm, the Campus Martius, and curls prevail on his fingertips. But the situations described are extremes; most people are capable of both taking and giving.

Gay orientation

Love polygon: she loves him, he loves her, she loves another... Everything is confused in the relationships of people at the turn of the millennium, the time of universal mix. Women and men often change roles in family, business and sexual life. Are there signs on the palms that indicate unconventional or ambivalent love interests?

I’ll say right away: there is no single, unambiguous symbol. Perhaps because the question itself is so ambiguous. However, observations of the hands of people with broad views on gender relations are reflected in the specialized literature. Let’s try to figure out how this non-norm is “written” on the palms.

The main significator here is the heart line. American Malcolm Wright believes that if the love channel at its end descends to the connection of the head and life lines and crosses them, this may mean a tendency towards representatives of the same sex. There is an opinion that any complex, confusing, defective heart line pattern indicates sexual difficulties, including orientation ones. Another sign: the line of the heart at its source is raised towards the little finger or a clear process extends from it, stretching to the finger of Mercury ( this planet has a dual nature): a person may experience a weakened craving for members of the opposite sex, see them exclusively as partners, or be homosexual or bisexual.

If a double loop in the form of the letter S (skin pattern, not lines) is visible on the Mount of the Moon, this may characterize a person with an extremely developed imagination, and sometimes refer to dual sexual orientation. Another papillary mark: on the little finger and on the thumb (necessarily in a pair) there is a curl. In addition to the above, there is a wave-shaped upper wrist bracelet, responsible for the sphere of reproduction. By the way, a homosexual does not necessarily have a full set of chirological symbols; one or two signs are enough.

A serious signal is a change in the number of joints on the fingers. When the little finger, instead of the three it should be, has only two joints, this indicates congenital abnormalities of a mental, psychological or sexual nature.

I will describe the hands of one “married couple” of lesbians. The one who plays the role of a woman in this union has typically feminine palms, with a high Mount of Venus, the only flaw is the complex pattern of the heart line intersecting with the line of the head. The male half (biologically this is also a woman) has palms that do not contain any deviations from the norm, they are simply typically male hands: large, hard, almost square in shape, with a small number of clear straight lines.

Now about gender reassignment. The instructive story of the “sexual castling” of a husband and wife in the film “Love is a Carrot” allows the two halves to better understand each other. It’s clear that these are the imaginations of directors and screenwriters, but life’s script also allows for similar plots. Today, gender change is talked about as a phenomenon, if not ordinary, then quite possible. I remember a situation from my own journalistic youth, which at one time amazed me. I once wrote about a representative of a non-female profession – tractor driver Valentina. A few years later, finding myself in the same area, I asked how my heroine was doing. The interlocutors hesitated, looked at each other and finally said that now it was him, the tractor driver Valentin.

The high level of male sex hormones in women and female hormones in men in the palm can be reflected, first of all, in its character. In such cases, women have hands close to men’s, strong, strong, tough, while men have gentle, subtle, artistic, receptive hands. But failures should only be reported if there are special signs. This, as with non-traditional orientation, is, first of all, a serious violation of the heart line. If it moves unevenly, with noticeable fluctuations and breaks, and suddenly drops down, it is highly likely that disturbances in hormonal and emotional spheres. But no matter what oddities the hand reports, if a person has a reliable head line, he can solve any problems consciously.

About compatibility

Sometimes you wonder what different people connects life. Fate has its own, higher logic, but everyone wants it to be not only “loving and dear” with a partner, but also easy and pleasant. What determines the compatibility of people in family life: the similarity of temperaments, views, habits, or their differences, when one person complements the other? Many psychologists believe that partnerships are more successful if they are based on similarities rather than complementary characters. However, some qualities, doubling, cause a resonance that can smash the temple of marriage to smithereens.

We can talk about compatibility between two people if their heart lines are close in outline, and the difference in other characteristics does not represent the extreme poles. Differences are allowed, as long as there is no fundamental difference! Some difficultly compatible combinations include the following. Two large and hard thumbs on hard palms (bilateral authoritarianism): their owners get along in one house - like two bears in one den. Diametrically opposed views on life, which do not create even a semblance of respect, and in the case of mutual intransigence leads to ridicule and contempt.

Family life is complicated by the situation when the high sexual needs of one partner collide with the low capabilities of the second. It may look like this: a long, “idealistic” heart line on a woman’s hand and a hard one, reaching only to the middle finger, on a man’s; with this combination, the wife’s need for warmth and tenderness will remain unsatisfied. Let's look at the mounds of Venus under the thumbs. It is also advisable for these “love zones” not to contradict each other: a raised and strong mound speaks of high sexual needs and capabilities, a low and smooth one indicates restraint.

To find out if people are suitable for each other, you can also look at fingerprints. If loops predominate in both spouses, it is easy for them to get along even with differences in character and views: loops indicate a high ability to adapt and internal flexibility. But those with a large number of curls will fight for leadership: a bright individual wants to have a person next to her who admires her, and not another bright individual. Curls plus loops are a good option for families, as are arches plus loops. Scientists describe such a curious phenomenon. “If one of the spouses has rare dermatoglyphic patterns on the palms or fingers, then they are most often noted in the other half. It’s interesting that owners of rare patterns find each other, no matter how rare these signs are,” we read in the Reader on Dermatoglyphics.

Who is the chosen one?

By and large, predictions like “You will marry a captain, and you will meet an elegant blond man who loves the arts” seem to be “gypsy fortune-telling.” Well, where is the blond or the man in uniform drawn on our hand? A significant meeting, an event - such milestones can be detected, but seeing the features of a captain or general is doubtful. And yet, sometimes it is possible to see the approximate appearance of the chosen one by looking at the hand, although quite rarely. Here are some options.

If powerful independent branches rise or fall from the heart line, they indicate the type of person who will leave a noticeable mark on your life. (Just do not confuse them with the lines of success or part of the line of fate!) The branch to Mars is a courageous person and, perhaps, professionally associated with the military or other law enforcement agencies. Branch to Jupiter - your satellite is ambitious and authoritarian. Branch to Saturn - he (she) is closed, but constant in his affections, perhaps a scientist. A branch on the Mount of the Sun - of course, this is an Apollonian type, a man of art. Well, the branch on Mercury means your partner is successful in business.

Love unions are depicted in different parts palms. They can be marked on the heart line as a branch growing out of it, as described above. Crossbars, crosses, and dots on a love line also mark stories of the heart, which mostly caused emotions, but did not influence the further course of fate. Signs of love unions are found on the line of fate in the form of lines of influence (more about this in the chapter Line of Fate). They can be seen on the Mount of Venus. The lines of affection and marriage are responsible for them (read in the chapter Additional lines).

Marriages are made in heaven, but lived on earth.