How long to study banking after 11. How to enter an economics college as a correspondence student

You can start vocational training after 9th grade. Despite common stereotypes about vocational education, going to college sometimes makes more sense. After all, a college student receives several advantages at once:

  • saving time. While peers are studying in high school, they are already gaining professional knowledge in college. You can enter the labor market earlier;
  • practical experience. College students psychologically feel more independent; many are still looking for work during their studies and have the necessary experience by the time they graduate;
  • financial independence.

Admission to the university after 11th grade in “Banking” is carried out for undergraduate programs.

Pay attention, first of all, to the opportunities that the educational institution provides. The official partner of Synergy - "GSHP" offers students a choice different shapes training. The most current on modern stage- remote. This system allows students to receive education from anywhere in the world. Saving time and money, freely planning your schedule, combining with work - these are the advantages that attract many applicants today.

Speciality -"Banking".

Specialty code - 38.02.07

Received qualification banking specialist

Diploma of Education– state diploma of secondary vocational education, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FEC turns 24 years old

The learning process at the College of Finance and Economics

Education at the College of Finance and Economics in the specialty "Banking" is conducted by highly professional teachers and practitioners, helping students gain theoretical and practical skills in the field of implementation, accounting and control banking operations on attraction and placement cash, as well as providing banking services to clients in credit system organizations.

The College of Finance and Economics does not stand still and is constantly improving educational process with the active and direct participation of social partners - representatives of the banking community. For the purpose of targeted training of specialists according to agreed programs, the Open Department of Sberbank was created at the College of Finance and Economics, the activities of which are aimed at training certified specialists for the West Ural Bank Sberbank. All this allows us to fully satisfy consumers with the quality of general and professional competencies of graduates.

The College of Finance and Economics is developing partnerships with banks operating in Perm. In interaction with the college, banks act as senior comrades - they advise teachers, help take into account their needs, which need to be paid attention to in the process of teaching students. As a result of this attitude, banks receive well-trained specialists, and students of the College of Finance and Economics have excellent job prospects.

The lucky ones who managed to enroll in the College of Finance and Economics to major in Banking undergo internships in such well-known banking institutions as Sberbank, BINBANK, UralSib, VTB 24, Uniastrum Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Home Credit and Finance Bank, Ural FD and many others.

Most graduates of the College of Finance and Economics with a degree in Banking receive higher education at universities in the areas of Economics (profiles “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting”, “Taxes and Taxation”) and “Management”.

Interesting subjects in the learning process: Economics of an organization, Finance, money circulation and credit, Accounting in banks, organization of credit work, Management.

Forms and terms of training:
full-time based on 9 classes 2 years 10 months
full-time based on 11 classes 1 year 10 months
correspondence based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months
correspondence based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months
correspondence (using distance educational technologies) based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months
correspondence (using distance educational technologies) based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months

Specialty: Banking after 9th grade. Specialty Banking after 11th grade.

Federal State educational standard by specialty: Download

Word to the teachers

Are there any budget places at the College of Finance and Economics?

Dear applicants and parents!

Since the establishment of the college in 1995, recruitment for all specialties has been carried out exclusively on on a paid basis. This allows us to form a team of successful and talented students.

At the College of Finance and Economics available tuition fees and monthly payment.

Based on our experience, it is paid training motivates students and their parents are responsible for the learning process!

College or technical school? What to choose?

College or technical school? Where to get education?

In our opinion, in the modern “table of ranks” a college ranks much higher than a technical school. Therefore, in our opinion, the choice is quite obvious.

College of Banking: enroll after 11th grade. The Economic Business College of Moscow offers the economic specialty Banking. Take preparatory courses after the 9th, 10th and 11th grades of school.

  • Admission without exams
  • Dormitory with Internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

Specialty 02/38/07 “Banking”

Advantages of the Banking major

Students are taught by high-level professionals

The profession is quite in demand and prestigious

Practice in famous banks of the country

Possibility of admission to specialized universities

Qualification: Banking specialist

The banking industry is constantly developing and changing, so the need for competent banking specialists remains high level. Professions in the field of banking are considered prestigious and highly paid, and every year more and more people want to obtain the necessary knowledge in this area in Moscow colleges.

Our Moscow College of Banking trains basic level professionals. They gain applied knowledge that will help them in performing a number of important banking operations. College students majoring in Banking are taught by experienced teachers, specialists from leading Moscow banks. Graduates of our college will be able to attract and control financial cash flows, serve clients with settlement and credit transactions and carry out other banking transactions.

What do banking college students study?

  • statistics;
  • audit;
  • financial mathematics;
  • banking;
  • accounting, etc.

Our college of banking in Moscow not only provides theoretical knowledge, but also makes it possible to consolidate them in practice in various banking institutions. Banks where our students do internships: Sberbank, VTB, Otkritie Bank, LetoBank, Interkommertsbank, Military Industrial Bank and other large banks in Moscow.

Is it possible to go to college for Banking in Moscow after 9th grade?

Students in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory courses that will help them enroll in the Banking major at our college.

Having entered the specialty “Banking” after 11th grade, a college student will receive the necessary knowledge in 1 year 10 months.

Currently, the specialty “Banking” is taught in many colleges in Moscow. The key argument when choosing educational institution is the level of theoretical and practical training of students and prospects for further employment.

MGOK offers schoolchildren after finishing 9th or 11th grade to master the specialty “Banking” SPO (secondary vocational education) .

Duration of training

Full-time form:

  • Based on 9 classes: two years ten months.
  • Based on 11 classes: one year ten months.

Correspondence form:

  • Based on 11 grades: two years ten months.

Future qualification: banking specialist.

Future profession: sales manager of banking products, credit manager, specialist, operator, auditor.

The manager's task is to study the market for corporate clients and offers from partner financial organizations. Based on the data obtained, a database of potential clients is formed, who will be offered active or passive banking products in the future. Active products are loans, guarantees and letters of credit, and passive products are deposits, transfers, cash management services, etc.

What will be taught to students majoring in Banking?

Training in the specialty “Banking” involves a comprehensive study of aspects of the activities of banking organizations. The educational program includes the study of the securities market, the principles of operation of the foreign exchange and credit markets, methods for assessing the financial and economic activities of enterprises and the creditworthiness of legal entities and individuals.

Student practice

The most important part educational program is an industrial practice for students. During practical classes, students practice the following skills:

  • Carrying out credit operations. TO this species activities include assessing the solvency of clients, processing and issuing loans with their subsequent support, conducting operations in the field of interbank loans.
  • Conducting settlement transactions using various types of payments. Students must learn to carry out settlement and cash services, interbank settlements, international settlements for export-import transactions, and handle settlements using various payment cards.

Job prospects

MGOK graduates can work in banks, trade and commercial enterprises, and financial and credit organizations.

The college implements the economic specialty BANKING

College graduate qualifications- banking specialist.

After studying at college, a banking specialist can work in banks, investment planning departments, financial institutions, banking institutions, economic departments, credit organizations, and stock exchanges.
When studying at a college in the basic professional educational program in the specialty of Banking, the graduate is ready to perform financial, credit, accounting and operational activities in accordance with the qualification characteristics.

The specialty Banking provides a complex of knowledge in the field
banking operations
finance and money circulation
accounting in banks
economic analysis
accounting and economics of an organization (enterprise)

Duration of training
when entering college on the basis of 9 classes, 2 years 10 months;
when entering college on the basis of 11 classes, 1 year 10 months.

College of Banking

The quality of education determines the level of income in the life of every person seeking to find a prestigious job. The College of Banking provides comprehensive teaching to applicants of a full course of study and compliance of the appropriate level of training of students with all objective criteria required by the state standard of the educational program. Particular attention is paid to practical activities and internships for students who undergo them in accordance with their chosen specialization in organizations that enjoy unconditional authority in their field of activity.

When teaching subjects, fresh educational materials are used - methodological material, licensed equipment and the latest reports of situations occurring in the field of the foreign exchange and financial market and trading business. During the training process, experienced teachers convey comprehensive professional knowledge of banking document flow and operations, relevant for any qualified banker. Our college will teach each applicant those useful skills and practical techniques, which will certainly become effective prerequisites for the career of a successful bank employee. The diploma issued by the institution allows graduates to find employment in any banking, financial and credit organizations in the country.

Our other specialties