Knowledge lesson in first grade. Lesson script

September 1, 2017 topic class hour set by the teacher. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Education gives recommendations every year on what to talk about in class with children. Agree that September 1, regardless of the age of the student, is an important and special event.

The first of September is only nominally the first day of school; in fact, it is a holiday when children dress beautifully, buy flowers and go to the formal assembly. It is clear that on September 1, no school conducts serious lessons, but it should be noted that academic year So the ceremonial class hour has arrived.

In Soviet times, the first one was always the Lesson of Peace; today the topic is not strictly defined. Of course, many try to stick to the classics and conduct open lessons on this topic. What to tell the children? About how important it is to live in peace with each other and try to avoid war. Because peacetime is an opportunity to get an education, happy life, creating a family. Children can be shown photographs from those parts of the world where military operations are currently taking place. Ordinary people and, of course, children suffer from the battles of states.

2. It would be great if we could hold some competitions to develop children’s creative abilities. This approach is especially relevant and interesting for children aged 9-13 years.
3. As for older children, grades 7-8, you can talk with them about the rules of behavior, communication with peers and older people. Only the lesson should not look like a notation; you need to find a creative way to convey information to children, but at the same time not lose their attention.
4. In 9th grade, you can safely teach a lesson about preparedness for a friend and defense. Children are already getting older and thinking about what exactly awaits them in the future, what profession to choose. So, the teacher can safely discuss this topic; you can invite representatives of different professions to the lesson so that they talk about their work.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to conduct a class hour as a regular lesson. Plus, on September 1st the school still smells like paint. You can conduct a lesson outdoors, on a sports ground, organize a holiday or event in a cafe, in a park, or in nature. An excellent format for a modern lesson is a conference or round table. You can also arrange an exhibition, a concert, or hold a local KVN game. On festive table can be done

What will be the theme of the class on September 1, 2017, we will consider in this material. Of course, everyone knows and remembers that the first of autumn is an important day for schoolchildren and teachers across the country. Many people are faced with school schedules again when they send their children to school. Be that as it may, the younger the students, the more important September 1st is for them, and teachers try to do everything to re-engage students from the first minutes of school.

Here the teacher must understand that some topics for each year are recommended by the Ministry of Education, however, they are not strictly mandatory. That is, you can safely act depending on the interests of children in each specific situation. All topics that are indicated above are purely advisory in nature and only the teacher can set the right direction for the first lesson at the beginning of the school year. For example, it happens that over the summer a student from the class will perform some heroic act, for example, saving a drowning man - the topic of the class hour can be safely devoted to this feat.

About the form of the event

For teachers and students, September 1 is an important holiday, so a class hour on this day does not have to be conducted in the form of a lesson. If you want to make the lesson creative and interesting, then you should not neglect this. For example, someone is teaching a lesson on fresh air, others hold holiday concerts, some schools even organize festivals, exhibitions, and games in the spirit of KVN.

IN recent years An important national idea in our country is the revival of patriotism, which is associated, first of all, with the great victory in 1945. This is a great merit of the entire people and every person in our country has something to be proud of. This topic can also become the main one in an open lesson; you can remember the times of the Cold War.

2017, the topic of the class hour should be chosen carefully by the teacher. After all, the first of September in every family where there are students is a big holiday. School plays an important role in raising a child to be reasonable, wise, and kind. The teacher, investing the maximum in his students, educates the future generation of our country.

According to a long-established tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will be held in all Russian schools. On the day the new school year begins, boys and girls different ages They will sit at their desks and carefully listen to the material prepared by teachers about how important it is to maintain a peaceful life on the planet and what contribution every person can make to this great cause, from first-graders and high school students to adults.

The topic of the first lesson on September 1 for 1st grade students primary school It is better to choose the most simple and understandable one. It is appropriate to introduce children to the general meaning of the word “peace”, talk about its main symbols and visually show them to the children in the form of bright, colorful posters. In addition to oral speech, you can show children a short video presentation. A visual video will help you concentrate on the topic and make it possible to better remember the information presented.

In a Peace lesson in high school, you can raise questions about the causes of wars on the planet and invite the children to discuss this topic. Let students express their position and try to suggest how best to avoid armed conflicts and what policy the state should pursue in order to prevent armed clashes on its territory.

During a Peace lesson dedicated to Knowledge Day, it is worth discussing such modern concepts as “terrorism”, “civil war” and “interracial conflicts” with 11th grade students. The teacher must tell his students that all people on earth have equal rights and it is absolutely unacceptable to encourage their infringement. It is necessary to convey to schoolchildren that it is impossible to show aggression towards representatives of another nationality or religion. For clarity, it is worth supplementing these speeches with videos about the consequences of terrorist attacks and the terrible losses that civil wars lead to.

The event needs to end on an optimistic note. To do this, it makes sense to include a video for children dedicated to friendship between different states, a calm, prosperous life and family values. After all, only such concepts as love, mutual understanding and tolerance will help restore everything that war destroys and preserve the wonderful, but so fragile peace on the planet.

How to conduct a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in 1st grade in an interesting and informative way - ideas for presentation

In order for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in 1st grade to be successful and memorable for the children for a long time, you need to prepare a script in advance and think through every detail. Don't drag out the event for too long. Children who have crossed the school threshold for the first time will find it difficult to concentrate and sit in one place for a long time. It is better to limit yourself to the standard duration of the lesson, then the boys and girls will not get tired and will listen to the teacher with great attention. To enhance clarity, you can add oral speech suitable thematic presentation. Seven-year-olds already perceive visual images perfectly and remember video information much better than text.

Examples of presentations for a Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in 1st grade

    • "Why do we need peace"- a bright and impressive presentation. He talks in detail about the different meanings of the word “peace”, describes its main symbols and shows how children live happily in those countries where there are no armed conflicts. After watching, first-graders think about what they personally could do for the sake of peace on the entire planet and share their impressions of the film with their teacher and classmates. This helps to establish a warm, friendly atmosphere and encourages further communication.

    • "Children of the Earth"— a musical presentation developed as part of the art project “A World Without War.” The song about peace is performed by a combined ensemble of the most talented children living in different countries. With touching and gentle lines, the young artists urge adults to become kinder and gentler, to stop all wars on earth and save the planet for future generations.

September 1, 2017 in elementary school - the topic for the first lesson of Peace in grades 2, 3, 4

Where did the tradition of holding a Peace lesson on Knowledge Day come from? You can talk to elementary school students on September 1, 2017. After all, not all children from 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades know that on the first day of autumn back in 1939, one of the bloodiest modern wars began - the Great Patriotic War. It was in memory of this terrible event that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended holding a Peace lesson every year in schools and introducing the younger generation to the darkest pages of the history of their people in an accessible, understandable form.

During the event, schoolchildren are told about the most significant battles of World War II and shown slides of destroyed European cities. From this example, children learn to understand how much grief and horror any armed conflict brings with it and how important it is for every person to do everything to never allow such events to happen again.

What is the theme of the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - ideas for holding the event

For students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 can be structured in the form of a debate. The teacher will tell his students about countries where wars are taking place even now, and children, instead of going to school and gaining knowledge, hide in basements, fall asleep to the sound of exploding shells and do not know whether tomorrow will come for them. It is worth noting separately what a huge number of human victims a change of regime in a state entails and how irresponsibly large, strong powers sometimes act, for the sake of their own ambitions and strengthening of dominance, trying at any cost to crush under themselves, and sometimes even wipe out smaller ones from the face of the earth , weak countries.

It is quite natural that during such a conversation the question will arise of how to avoid armed conflicts and return peace and prosperity to every home on earth. The teacher's answer will be very simple and elementary. To make life on the planet better, you must first change yourself. By cultivating tolerance for other people's opinions, respect for another religion or another government system, each person takes a small step towards a more comfortable, calm and pleasant life not only for his family, but for all people on the planet. This is not an easy and long path, but if you turn away from it, at some point a disaster will definitely happen and people will die again. Therefore, people should cultivate such qualities as kindness, understanding and love. Only guided by these generally accepted human values ​​will we be able to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations and will never come armed to the doorstep of our brothers and sisters.

Peace lesson September 1, 2017 in high school - sample class plan

In high school, during the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, it is worth touching on the versatility of the concept of “peace” and asking young men and women to describe their feelings from this word. Let the guys tell how, in their opinion, “peace”, “war”, “conflict” differ and what associations they evoke.

Additionally, we can discuss such a modern threat as terrorism. This terrible phenomenon quietly penetrates peaceful cities and, at the most unexpected moment, claims the lives of innocent children and adults. The horror is that because of terrorism, people cannot feel confident even in those countries that do not conduct military operations and show tolerance towards representatives of other faiths and nationalities.

At the Peace lesson, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that sometimes people themselves provoke the emergence of various conflicts, ranging from everyday ones to ethnic ones. The teacher must convey to his students that under no circumstances is it acceptable to show aggression towards representatives of other nationalities, laugh at a different skin color, or speak disrespectfully about the religious characteristics of other faiths.

After all, sometimes one thoughtless word can leave a deep mark in a person’s heart, which in the future will give rise to resentment and a desire for revenge. To prevent this from happening, you must restrain your emotions and think very carefully before speaking.

You need to end the class hour on a high, optimistic note, for example, the whole class should sing some beautiful song about peace and friendship between peoples. Or watch a video clip about civilian peacekeeping missions, where representatives of different countries work together to bring medicine and humanitarian aid to states ravaged by wars or affected by terrorist attacks. This will be a worthy finale to the Peace lesson and will show schoolchildren that together people can achieve a lot and even defeat the military threat.

By tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will open the new school year. Cool watch, the topics of which will be devoted to maintaining peace on our planet and preventing war, will be held in elementary schools and high schools. For grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, teachers will choose and prepare everything for Knowledge Day themselves. Students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 can handle this on their own.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Presentation for 1st grade

By September 1, 2017, the first teacher will prepare a lesson on Peace for his new students entering first grade. First-graders will become familiar with the meaning of the word “peace,” its symbols, the Russian flag and the meaning of its three colors. Using a presentation, video and slides, the teacher will explain to schoolchildren how even the youngest children can help adults avoid another war. The guys themselves will try to answer the question of why the absence of even the slightest threat of war is so important for each of us living on this planet.

Examples of presentations in 1st grade for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017

The topic of the first lesson in 1st grade is always peace on the planet. Even before September 1, 2017, the teacher will prepare a presentation for the Peace lesson that is understandable for first-graders. Its purpose will be to introduce children to symbols related to peace and explain the reasons that cause wars in different countries. By listening to the teacher and looking at the photos, videos and slides he shows, girls and boys will better remember the concepts of “peace” and “war” and understand the meaning of each of the three colors of the Russian flag. Perhaps for the first time, schoolchildren learn that white denotes the purity of thoughts of our people and peace, blue - truth and heaven, our seas and rivers, red - life and courage. The most active schoolchildren will read aloud poems about our planet.

Peace lesson in elementary school - September 1, 2017 in grades 2, 3, 4

What could Knowledge Day 2017 be dedicated to? Children in primary school, in grades 2, 3 and 4 are already familiar with the meaning of the word “peace”. However, not everyone realizes why the Peace lesson always takes place on September 1st. The teacher will tell schoolchildren about the bloodiest war in the history of mankind, the Second World War. Its beginning coincided with the first autumn day. During the lesson, the teacher will introduce the boys and girls to materials related to the battles of 1939 - 1945. Comparing the grandeur of European cities before military devastation with the terrifying ruins that remained in their place after numerous military battles, he will say what exactly causes wars.

I draw the word PEACE

The sun is shining above the earth,
Children play on the grass
The river is blue, and here it is -
The ship is sailing along it.
Here at home - straight to the sky!
Here are the flowers, and this is mom,
Next to her is my sister...
I draw the word "peace".

Peace lesson in grades 2, 3 and 4 - Video September 1, 2017 in elementary school

Conducting a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in an elementary school, the teacher focuses on what war brings to all humanity. Schoolchildren already understand that only the desire for unlimited power rulers of some countries can cause a real tragedy on Earth. They know that only patriotism and love for the motherland and people, general disarmament can help maintain peace throughout the world. Children in grades 2, 3 and 4 often read poetry during the first lesson on Knowledge Day. The teacher shows the students a video about countries where there are currently wars.

Children of the World, join hands!

Children of the World, join hands!
You can hug the globe.
Stop the wars on Earth!
The world is subject to children's voices.

Dear boys and girls,
Teach adults to live peacefully.
Children's beautiful hands,
Try to save our world.

Our children, be brave!
Take a seat at the helm!
You will become a team as you grow up,
Our Earth ship.

He will float on the waves of the universe,
Happiness, illuminating everything around.
The horrors will go away during the war,
All the misfortunes, troubles and fear.

The world will become better and brighter
In the colors of cute children's eyes,
People will become cleaner and kinder.
Children! We count on you!

Peace lesson September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

The first lesson on September 1, 2017 is dedicated to peace - a state of harmony and stability. Telling students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 about countries where the sounds of exploding shells are still heard every day, the teacher will tell them that every child dreams of only one thing - peace in his native land. Of course, Russian schoolchildren know about the terrible Syrian “revolution” that killed almost 75 thousand people. How to prevent entire countries and peoples from being erased from the earth? How to return an atmosphere of harmony to every city? The teacher will tell the students a little secret - you should always start changing something for the better with yourself, developing tolerance and tolerance.

Peace lesson and class hour in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 September 1, 2017

Telling about peace and war to students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the class teacher will tell about the most terrible and long-lasting war, which affected not only many European countries, but America and Asian countries. He will also cite terrible statistics: in the last two decades alone, African countries have been embroiled in more than 20 civil wars. A few people's quest for power and wealth led to the deaths of millions of their fellow citizens, former friends and classmates. September 1, 2017 will be a lesson in kindness and love - qualities that, by cultivating in ourselves, we will never take up arms against our own brothers and sisters.

I think about the world

If we could connect,
All the guys should make friends,
If we united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would flow
Never on the planet!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone in this world
He spoke to us about peace.

Peace lesson in high school - Class hour September 1, 2017

When teaching a Peace lesson in high school, a teacher can touch on such scary topics as “terrorism” and “civil war.” By September 1, 2017, students in grades 9-11 can prepare a presentation. Their topics will be: “Terrorist attacks in Europe”, “The forbidden state of ISIS”, “Nuclear threat” North Korea", "War in Donbass", etc. Knowledge Day for high school students can take up to two hours. During this time, several schoolchildren can give presentations on the above topics. For teenagers, whose consciousness has not yet been formed, it is extremely important to know what terrible consequences civil wars and fratricidal “projects” lead to.

Video lesson Mira September 1, 2017 ― Class hour for high school students

Before September 1, 2017, high school students can prepare presentations with videos. They will be demonstrated by students in grades 9-11 at the first lesson dedicated to peace and the prevention of war. The kids can choose the topics for the class themselves. On Knowledge Day they will make presentations on civil war in eastern Ukraine, about terrorist attacks carried out in Russian cities, about the real number of their victims. Here the word “victim” means not only the dead, but also their relatives, friends, who have lost loved ones forever. Speaking about the consciousness of one's choice and patriotism, the teacher will also give a speech. He will tell teenagers how important it is to stop attempts to communicate with people who are aggressive towards representatives of other nationalities or religions. During the World lesson, he will show videos filmed in different parts of the globe. These videos can show nuclear tests, terrible executions, bombing of cities. In contrast to scary war films, at the end of the lesson you should show short films about peaceful life on the planet, the beauty of the Earth and nature, and family happiness.

We have one Earth

We have one Earth, one
She's so blue.
She calls us to help,
So unprotected...

If you don't respond - at the same moment
She will accuse us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!

Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children are laughing on it alone,
And there is no more beautiful beauty,
And there are no doves on the planet.

She gave us joy
Gave dew and sunrises,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

The Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will introduce elementary school students - children in grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 - to such opposing concepts as “war” and “peace”. For Knowledge Day, high school students and children in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 can prepare independent presentations that introduce classmates to the history of wars and the restoration of cities.

First lesson in 3rd grade in the 2017-2018 school year on Knowledge Day “Love what you teach and learn what you love”

Gunya Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher primary classes Komsomolskaya secondary school 1-2 levels No. 2 of the administration of Starobeshevsky district of the Donetsk People's Republic
Description of material: Knowledge Day is a special holiday, kind, bright, optimistic. This is a holiday that sets the mood for the entire school year for students, their parents, and teachers. This is a holiday that gives the joy of new discoveries, communication, and joint activities for the benefit of society. That is why the theme of the First Lesson is so relevant - “Love what you teach, and learn what you love.” In this lesson, it is important to ask the right questions, even without receiving answers to them, to help students set the right goals for the coming academic year, to for the entire remaining period of study in a general education organization and, possibly, in organizations of secondary, higher and additional vocational education, to offer as many ways as possible to achieve these goals. And they can be guaranteed to be achieved only when a person is clearly able to determine for himself why he needs to study, how he needs to study and what he needs to learn. After all modern society It is not for nothing that it is characterized as information: the majority of its members are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. Illiterate in the 21st century, as the American philosopher E. Toffler accurately and succinctly defined, are considered not those who cannot write and read, but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and relearn. This material is suitable for teaching the first lesson in grades 3-4; the material can be used in a wide variety of forms, at the choice of the teacher.
Lesson objectives:
- development in students of a conscious, responsible attitude towards study as the main activity of the student;
- formation of positive motivation for self-education, promotion of successful adaptation and orientation of students in the modern information space.
Lesson objectives:
- educate students right attitude to study, science, literature as a source spiritual development personality, its socialization, cultural creation;
- to foster an active citizenship of students, to develop their initiative, dedication, and perseverance;
- stimulate the process of self-knowledge and self-education;
- contribute to the formation of the image of a competent, successful, competitive person.
Equipment: projector, interactive whiteboard, infographic poster, computer class with Internet access for using the platform, cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (Episode 55, - “Oh, I’ll give it a ride!”), a book with a poem by S.Ya. Marshak “The Cat and the Quirks”, ball, images of an owl for each student, forms with a ladder, glue, drawing set, cards with proverbs.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.
The bell has rung for us.
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.
I see that our class is no different.
We'll start the lesson, friends.
II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
- My little friends! Today we will talk about studying. The theme of our first lesson: “Love what you teach and learn what you love.”
III. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1.Introductory conversation.
“A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.”
- Children, how do you understand the words of the Persian poet Saadi? (Children's answers)
- Guys, why do you think we need to study?
Warm up. Exercise with the ball “I want to study in order to...”
- And now I will answer the question: “Why does a person study?”
The famous writer Jules Verne in his book “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” wrote: “Whoever knows from childhood that work is the law of life, who knows from youth that bread is earned by the sweat of the brow... he is destined for great things, because on the right day and hour he has there will be the will and strength to accomplish them.” Lazy people always look for and find excuses for themselves. They often make the excuse that they don't have enough time. But those who waste time complain about its insufficiency. To get involved in work, you first need to make a certain volitional effort, and then the mood will come. It is very important to cultivate the need to study conscientiously, conscientiously, honestly. Remember that you are gaining knowledge that you will need so much in life. And, of course, do not give up in the face of failure, but overcome the difficulties that arise, overcome laziness. But success comes only to hardworking people. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Patience and work will grind everything down.”
2. Make up a proverb. Work in pairs. (There are words on the desks from which you need to make an expression and read them).
learning and work live side by side
knowledge and wisdom adorn a person
teaching is light, not teaching is darkness
It's not a shame not to know - it's a shame not to learn
learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet
learning is better than wealth
You can defeat one with your hand, but you can defeat thousands with your head.
repetition is the mother of learning
Group discussion.
3. Exercise “Gymnastics for the mind.”
Analysis of the poem by S.Ya. Marshak "The Cat and the Quirks".
In the world today it is impossible not to study,
People, animals and birds learn.
They opened a forest school for lazy people,
With difficulty they were seated at their desks.
The wise cat teaches a lesson
Looks - the hippopotamus is dozing,
Zainka laughs
And the camel spits.
The old cat was surprised
Everything is the other way around for you -
Everyone wants to know a lot
You just need to rest.
The amount of information has increased
The time has come for computerization.
You don't know how to read and write,
You don’t know any craft,
You don't know how to read and write,
And you sit and yawn.
The loafers listen, nod,
At least they don’t understand anything.
The cat's speech is very simple,
But it’s empty for quitters.
When they want to study,
Then there will be a result.
- Children, why didn’t the old cat understand lazy people? (Children's answers)
- What, besides literacy, do you study at school? (Children's answers)
- Studying at school is the most important thing for a student. In the lessons you learn to read, write and count. You learn a lot of interesting things about people, animals, nature, and the world around you.
4. Work in groups using ICT.
Watching the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (Episode 55, - “Oh, I’ll give it a ride!”) followed by completing interactive modules using the application.
- Guys, let's watch the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” and complete an interactive task using the application.
Rules for working in groups.
The class is divided into three teams, each with a “tutor” and a “student council.” The “student council” discusses and selects the correct answers, and the “tutor” enters them into the module.
2) Group discussion of the cartoon
-What couldn’t wolves do?
- What did this lead to?
- How did Masha act?
- What skills did the wolves lack?
- What awaited them in the future?
- What advice would you give to the wolves?
5. Fostering positive motivation for learning.
Individual work
Exercise “Why am I studying?”

- And now, to answer the question “Why am I studying?”, everyone will build a ladder for themselves. (On each student’s desk there are forms with a ladder, glue and lines with possible answers to the question).
Sentences are written on pieces of paper; they must be arranged in the form of a ladder and glued to the form. At the very top level will be the most important thing for which you are studying. On the step below - less important, on the next step - even less important, and so on until you complete all eight steps.
Variants of phrases-motives (cognitive and social)
1. I study in order to know everything.
2. I study because I enjoy the process of learning.
3. I study in order to get good grades.
4. I study in order to learn how to solve problems myself.
5. I study in order to be useful to society and the Motherland.
6. I study so that the teacher is pleased with my success.
7. I study in order to please my parents with my successes.
8. I study so that my comrades respect me for my successes.
6. Work with the infographic poster “Qualities of a successful citizen.”

IV. Summing up the lesson.
1. Exercise “Set goals.”
Each student writes their goals on pictures of owls and pins them on the classroom corner while completing the following sentences (pre-written on the board):
I want to know...
At school I want...
At school I can...
I want home....
In the future I want...
2. Collective drawing “The future is as we see it...”
3. Final conversation.
- Guys, coming to the end of our lesson, I want to say that knowledge for a person is a source of creativity, inspiration and a tireless search for one’s place in the world, knowledge is a light for a person and society, knowledge is the path to self-development and self-improvement, knowledge- it is a tool for cutting talent, knowledge is the engine of progress, knowledge is the foundation of human civilization. Having received the knowledge you need, you will achieve all your goals in life. Each of you can become a professional in your work, and most importantly, contribute to the development of our young and strong Donetsk People's Republic. Become a successful citizen of your country. Therefore, “Love what you teach and learn what you love!” I wish you good luck, success in your studies and the joy of learning.