What happens if you hit a woman in the chest. When a woman has a breast bruise, what should she do in this situation? Folk remedies

The chest is a protection for such important organs as the heart and lungs, so injury to it can have serious consequences. To protect yourself, you need to know what a bruise is, what its symptoms are, why it is dangerous and how to treat it?

What happens when there is a bruise?

Bruise is the most common type of injury. It can occur as a result of falling, squeezing, or hitting chest. When a bruise occurs, soft tissue damage occurs without violating the integrity skin.

Under the influence of pressure, blood vessels, muscles, nerve endings and the subcutaneous fat layer are injured. If the force of the impact is strong enough, the ribs may become displaced and, in turn, injure adjacent organs (for example, the pleura or lungs).

A bruise (or hematoma) appears at the site of the injury, which is a consequence of hemorrhage from damaged vessels. The blood coagulates and a lump forms.

In the damaged area, due to the accumulation of fluid, the formation of edema and swelling begins, then necrosis of not only the damaged, but also neighboring tissues can develop. When nerves are damaged, a sensation of pain occurs.

And if a detachment of the fascia or periosteum occurs, a permanent compaction may form, which in the future can cause pain, inflammation and will impede muscle function.

Symptoms of bruise

Let's list them:

  • The first symptom is pain, which occurs as a result of injury to nerve endings and intensifies when trying to take a breath. The degree and nature of the pain depends on the force of the blow and the size of the damaged area. If the bruise is not severe, the pain may subside after some time or appear when you touch the bruise.
  • Then a hematoma forms, which is a consequence of injury to the blood and lymphatic vessels, swelling appears.
  • With a severe injury, respiratory distress is observed, cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the skin, decreased blood pressure and pulse.

If the pain is very severe and it becomes very difficult to breathe, this may be a sign of a rib fracture.

If cardiac activity is disrupted, a person loses consciousness and may stop breathing. In this case, urgent resuscitation of the victim is necessary.

If the bruise involves the lungs or pleura, the following symptoms appear:

  • Subcutaneous emphysema, which is the result of rupture of the pleura and accumulation of air in the subcutaneous space. Swelling forms and a “crunch” is heard when you palpate the bruise. If the tears are minor, emphysema most often resolves over time and does not require separate treatment. And with deep and severe ruptures, air constantly enters the pleural cavity through the wound, which increases pressure on the heart. Pulmonary heart failure develops, the skin turns pale. The victim is coughing up blood.
  • Internal bleeding causes blood to accumulate in the pleural space, called a hemothorax. The accumulating blood compresses the lungs, it becomes difficult to breathe, resulting in acute respiratory and heart failure. If the blood clots, hemopneumothorax may develop.
  • In rare cases, when air enters the pleural cavity - pneumothorax, the victim experiences acute pain, his blood pressure decreases, breathing becomes difficult, and his skin may turn blue. If treatment is not started promptly, pneumothorax can cause cardiac arrest.
  • If the heart is contused, the victim loses consciousness and breaks out in a cold sweat. Breathing and pulse are weak, the skin turns pale. Blood may flow profusely from the wound.

Types of chest contusions

There are the following types of chest injuries:

  • Closed injuries

The most common type of closed injury is a rib fracture, which is manifested by an increase in all the symptoms of a bruise, these are: sharp pain, heavy breathing and the presence of a hematoma.

If you are hit in the chest or fall from high altitude a concussion may occur. When the chest is concussed, the victim experiences pain and difficulty breathing, as well as cyanosis and suffocation.

The person may experience shock or anxiety. But, damage internal organs, as a rule, no. In this case, the person will be helped by calm breathing and peace, and soon the victim’s condition will improve.

With a bruise that was not caused by a strong blow or fall, a hematoma and pain occurs. In such cases, treatment is not required. And with severe bruises, extensive hemorrhage in the tissues and cavities is possible.

Another type of closed injury is a compression injury, which can occur as a result of blunt objects squeezing the chest (for example, from a collapse).

Compression of the chest is characterized by impaired breathing, accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, pinpoint hemorrhages appear in the skin and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and the victim loses his voice.

Due to compression, blood under pressure enters the vessels of the head and neck, this manifests itself in the form of blue discoloration from the chest to the head. Read about it here.

In rare cases, a fracture of the sternum occurs. (for example, this could happen in a car accident). A mandatory symptom will be pain during inhalation and exhalation and during palpation.

Sometimes there is a crunch when moving, deformation and hematoma. If the heart, aorta, or trachea are damaged, the injury can be fatal.

  • Open injuries(eg gunshot wounds or penetrating wounds). With a small wound, air enters the pleural cavity and a small pneumothorax is formed. Such a wound heals itself and sticks together. And, if the wound is quite large, then blood clots can fly out of it, and a whistle can be heard when inhaling and exhaling. The patient is in serious condition, experiencing acute pain, his breathing is difficult, shallow, due to lack of oxygen, the skin and lips turn pale, work is disrupted cardiovascular system.

    Often such injuries are accompanied by lung damage, as evidenced by hemoptysis, pneumothorax and hemothorax.

  • Injuries with fracture
  • Injuries without fracture.

Diagnosis of a chest contusion consists of an external examination (assessing the degree of damage, chest deformation, condition of the skin), palpation (for closed injuries), listening to breathing, measuring blood pressure and pulse. The doctor must interview the patient to find out under what circumstances the injury was sustained and what pain the patient experiences.

To confirm the diagnosis, radiography, tomography or bronchography are prescribed. An x-ray will show whether there are any fractures or cracks in the ribs, as well as the presence of hemo- or pneumothorax. Additionally, an endoscopic examination (for example, pleural puncture) may be prescribed.

Treatment includes the following activities:

  • The hospital will apply a tight bandage (if this was not done before arriving at the hospital), which will help reduce pain when breathing.
  • The cold continues to be adjusted for several hours.
  • With strong pain syndrome painkillers (analgin) are prescribed.
  • For severe damage, treatment can be performed surgically.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures will help relieve swelling and inflammation and reduce pain.

Folk remedies for treating bruises

Compresses made from herbs infused with alcohol have an analgesic and decongestant effect.

Here are some recipes for such compresses:

  • Tincture with violet and burdock. Pour the mixture of herbs with 1 liter of alcohol (vodka). Required: 30 g of tricolor violet, 30 g of burdock root, perea rhizome - 20 g and the same amount of veronica herb. Leave for five days, strain. Apply compresses at night.
  • Tincture with oregano and coltsfoot. Pour these herbs (20 g each) with half a liter of alcohol. Infuse for three days, then strain. Soak a bandage in the resulting tincture and apply to the area of ​​concern overnight.
  • Compresses from wild rosemary and nettle. 100 g of wild rosemary and 100 g of nettle must be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, after 4 days add 2 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice and let stand for another two days. Strain before use.
  • St. John's wort compresses are also used.(30 g), oak bark (20 g) and marshmallow leaves (also 20 g). Pour the above herbs with alcohol (400 g) and leave for four days.

There are also folk remedies that can be used for bruises:

  • Vinegar with honeygood remedy for resorption of hematoma.
  • Grated horseradish root- pain reliever. Used in the form of compresses.
  • For pain relief, you can drink cilantro tincture. It is prepared like this: 50 g of cilantro fruits are poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes, then filtered. Drink 2-3 cups a day.
  • Crushed plantain leaves are applied to the site of injury to relieve pain and swelling. You can also use plantain juice and ointments based on it, which are sold in pharmacies, for rubbing.
  • Bodyaga powder. Mix the powder with water (2 to 1) and apply the resulting mass to the bruise. Bandage the top. Leave for half a day, then change to a new one.

Therapeutic massage

Massage is done for bruises, when there is bruising and swelling, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised. It is best to start massage in the first days after a bruise so that the effect is quick.

Massage helps reduce pain, restore motor functions and speed up the process of hematoma resorption.

The first 4-5 sessions massage only the areas around the bruise, and then only move directly to the damaged area.

During a suction massage, blood flows out of the injured area, which promotes recovery. In parallel with massaging intact tissues, it is necessary to massage the cervical and lumbar regions spine.

The duration of the massage starts from 5 minutes, and when pain decreases, it is increased to 20 minutes. The effect of the massage will be better if you also use compresses and ointments with medicinal plants.

Ointments for chest bruises

The use of ointments is possible if there are no open wounds. Ointments help resolve bruises, reduce swelling and inflammation, and eliminate pain. Various gels have a faster effect. Read about here.

For chest contusion use:

  • Ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Diclak, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen). The ointment is applied 4 times a day or more, depending on need.
  • Ointment based on badyagi– eliminates pain, relieves swelling and inflammation, resolves bruises.
  • Ointments with heparin. Heparin reduces the inflammatory process, promotes healing, as well as the resorption of blood clots. Has a local anesthetic effect.

A chest bruise can have serious consequences, since it contains very important organs, damage to which can even lead to death.

In case of such a bruise, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo additional examination, since damage to internal organs may not appear externally.

In case of open injuries, it is especially necessary to be able to provide first aid, which can save a person’s life. For treatment and recovery after a bruise, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed.

You can also use folk remedies based on alcohol and medicinal injuries and various ointments. To prevent chest injuries, you should always be careful, especially if you have a dangerous job or work at heights.

Closed injuries to internal organs are always insidious. They rarely present with significant symptoms, but can lead to serious consequences. Breast bruises in women are quite common, but most patients do not attach any importance to it. Let's consider why it is necessary to consult a doctor even with minor injuries to the mammary gland.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

A closed injury has one main sign - no damage to the skin. Such injuries include bruises, which most often occur in everyday life:

  • Falling on blunt objects(furniture, children's toys).
  • Impacts on door frames and corners in the house and on the street.
  • Ball injuries when playing with children.
  • The result of hitting the steering wheel in car accidents.
  • Breast injuries after rough sex.

As a result, blood vessels in the mammary gland rupture and a hematoma forms. The adipose tissue is also damaged, forming a compaction in the gland along with the hematoma.

Symptoms of breast tissue bruise

Women's breasts are characterized by resistance to external influences, so bruises rarely cause severe symptoms. This is why injury is dangerous - the woman does not go to the doctor, believing that the bruise on her chest will resolve on its own. And after some time, serious complications arise, which we will discuss a little later. Symptoms of a bruise are as follows:

  • Hematoma. Has typical signs - bluish skin different sizes, tissue compaction and slight pain when pressed. If the bruise is localized on the nipple, the pain is intense, making it difficult to wear underwear and occurring even with a light touch.
  • Pain . The mammary gland is well innervated, so at the time of injury there is severe pain, which usually passes quickly. In some cases, when the areola area is involved, painful shock may occur.
  • Nipple discharge. If the ducts of the gland are damaged, there is an outflow of clear or bloody fluid, which quickly goes away on its own.
  • Temperature . It occurs either immediately after injury as the body’s reaction to massive tissue necrosis, or after a few days, which is associated with the development of inflammatory complications.
  • General condition. Severe chest bruises are accompanied by dizziness and weakness.

The severity of all symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. With strong exposure the picture is bright. For minor household injuries, some symptoms may be absent altogether.

Any hematoma on the chest that appears after a traumatic impact should be a reason to contact a mammologist.

Necessary chest examination after a bruise

After a chest injury, you should first conduct an independent examination of the breast and armpit. It's better to do this in front of a mirror. At the same time, the gland is palpated sequentially in sectors with fingers. What may attract attention:

  • Blue skin color, coinciding with the compaction upon palpation. By its size one can judge the degree of damage to the organ. Over time, the bruise changes color to yellowish-greenish and pale yellow.
  • Deformation or retraction of the nipple.
  • Increase in breast volume due to tissue swelling.

Sometimes, with a deep bruise, changes are not detected upon examination. This is the most dangerous situation, since the woman goes to the doctor late.

The mammologist also begins examining a woman with an examination, but does it more professionally. At the slightest suspicion of tissue injury, he prescribes an additional examination.

Ultrasound examination

This method identifies areas of decreased echogenicity that correspond to soft tissue swelling. A hematoma on ultrasound looks like a homogeneous echo-negative structure, in which positive areas of fibrous tissue appear over time. Only with the help of this method can the extent of tissue damage be definitively determined.


An X-ray examination, which is prescribed in the case of a woman’s late visit to the doctor, when after an injury alarming symptoms persist for a long time (pain, hardening, deformation of the gland). In the picture you can see the smallest compaction, which is not detected by visual inspection and palpation. For differential diagnosis of a tumor, mammography is indispensable.

Treatment of uncomplicated breast contusion

With timely assistance, this type of injury has a favorable prognosis. It is important to know the sequence of assistance to a woman.

First aid at home

Immediately after the injury, the chest must be fixed in an elevated position. To do this, apply a fixing bandage from improvised means (towel, sheet, ideally a wide bandage).

For minor bruises, it is enough to drink a regular painkiller and anoint the hematoma with absorbable ointment: heparin, “Rescuer” and others. The ointment is applied several times a day until the swelling and hematoma disappear completely.

Medical assistance

In case of severe injuries with extensive organ damage, the doctor first of all applies a professional immobilizing bandage. The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • Painkillers, including injectable retromammary blockade.
  • Heparin and troxevasin ointments.
  • Antibiotics for high risk of hematoma infection (large size, fever).

Physiotherapy procedures speed up the process of hematoma resorption.

Treatment can take up to 30 days, but the woman must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Only this will avoid serious complications.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods“work” well for minor bruises. It is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf after straightening it with a rolling pin. The sheet is changed every hour.

Anti-inflammatory herbs are also effective: calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow. Fatty ointments are prepared with them and the affected areas are treated. To reduce the hematoma, the usual potato starch, which is slightly diluted with water before use. All traditional methods of treatment must be agreed with a doctor.

Possible complications and principles of their treatment

A breast bruise is dangerous not in itself (except for the development of painful shock), but because of complications that develop with improper treatment or late seeking medical help. Let's look at the most common options.


Any soft tissue injury with the formation of areas of edema and hematoma can lead to the formation of a purulent abscess due to the addition of a bacterial infection. In the mammary gland, this process develops especially quickly due to the peculiarities of its structure. The woman notes a sharp increase in pain, an increase in body temperature, and a deterioration in her general condition. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment, the volume of which depends on the degree of suppuration.


At the site of tissue destruction, a fluid-filled cyst may form. Its symptoms will be incessant pain, compaction in the tissues. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of additional research methods (ultrasound, puncture biopsy). The decision on the method of treating the cyst is made by the doctor on an individual basis.


The appearance of cancer after breast injury has not been conclusively proven. But cancer often occurs in women with a history of organ bruise. The likelihood of malignant cells appearing increases if nodular mastopathy is initially present. Then a bruise of the mammary gland can provoke cell degeneration. Treatment of this formidable complication is carried out according to general principles therapy of oncological diseases.


Extensive tissue damage does not always result in complete restoration of the structure. Part of the gland may be replaced by fibrous tissue. Such scars deform the shape of the breast, leading to serious cosmetic problems requiring treatment by a plastic surgeon.

Complications during breastfeeding

A chest bruise during guards causes a lot of trouble. Even minor damage can cause lactostasis due to compression of the ducts by edema and hematoma. E if the integrity of the ducts is not compromised, Doctors recommend not to stop breastfeeding. On the contrary, it promotes faster recovery of the mammary gland.

If the ducts are damaged(there is bloody discharge from the nipples), You can't feed the baby. A woman is usually prescribed antibiotics, since in such cases there is a high risk of purulent complications.

Breast injury is a serious condition. Even a small bruise on the skin can result in purulent or other complications.

A chest contusion should never be taken lightly!

You should definitely consult a mammologist.

How is breast ultrasound performed and what can be detected?

Various injuries to the female mammary gland are quite rare in the practice of a surgeon or mammologist. Among all diseases of the female breast, injuries account for no more than 2% of cases. But, despite its rarity and apparent simplicity, such a pathology can be quite dangerous and fraught with various complications.

Injuries to the mammary gland are mainly of two types: open and closed injuries. Open chest wounds in women are quite varied. This includes cut, stab, gunshot, and bitten wounds to the surface of the mammary gland, as well as burns.

Closed injuries to the female breast are usually represented by bruises and hematomas of the mammary glands. Hematomas are diagnosed by specialists at the location. There are premammary, intramammary and retromammary hematomas. Also, breast injuries can be diagnosed simultaneously with other injuries to the female body, for example, rib fractures. Such mixed injuries account for approximately 35% of all mammary gland injuries.

The causes of such pathology are mainly of a domestic nature. Road accidents, active sports, various external influences and simply a lack of sense of self-preservation can lead to breast problems. In this regard, one should be surprised low percentage similar pathology, taking into account the location of the organ.

One of the features of the mammary gland is its high innervation and high tissue saturation with blood vessels and capillaries. Therefore, most bruises of the mammary gland are usually accompanied by internal hemorrhage and the formation of hematomas, often reaching quite large sizes.

If the bruise of the soft tissue of the mammary gland is minor, then the hematoma, or, as people say, a bruise, resolves on its own. In this case, the color of the damaged area gradually changes from dark purple to a blue tint and, subsequently, to yellow.

However, it should be taken into account that even if the hematoma resolves on its own, an area of ​​fat necrosis may form at the site of the former injury. In addition, blood that enters the breast tissue from damaged capillaries tends to suppurate, which can lead to the development of breast cancer.

When the mammary glands are damaged, there is always a pronounced pain syndrome, the strength of which depends on the size of the bruise. In addition, if during the injury there was damage to the milk ducts, then for a long time the woman will be bothered by pathological discharge from the nipple, often with a hemorrhagic component.

The area of ​​the mammary gland that has been exposed to external influence becomes dense to the touch, and an increase in local temperature is noted. All this indicates violations of the integrity of the tissues of the female breast.

The female mammary gland is a fairly cancer-dependent organ, so any traumatic damage can lead to the formation of benign and even malignant tumors. For any damage to the breast, a woman should seek advice from a specialist. If it is a bruise, a ball formed at the site of injury is felt, and there is no opportunity to immediately get examined, you should smear the damaged area with Traumeel S or Troxevasin ointment up to 5 times a day, covering the damaged area with a towel or gauze.

Breast examination after injury

First of all, any woman after receiving a breast injury should independently examine the damaged area for open wounds and bleeding. The entire mammary gland, armpit, as well as nearby lymph nodes are subject to examination.


If an external examination reveals areas of tissue compaction, changes in the normal shape of the breast, an inverted nipple and other deviations from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor. Sharp pain in the mammary gland, swelling, severe hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin are also indications for a more in-depth examination.


Bruises of the mammary gland that lead to internal damage are most often detected by specialists during instrumental examination methods. It deservedly takes first place in the list of such methods. Using this study, it is possible to detect areas of hemorrhage that can become infected and lead to purulent mastitis. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to determine the location of ruptures and damage to the vessels of the mammary gland and ducts. With a high degree of probability, this study allows doctors to predict the possibility of capsule formation around a hematoma, and also to choose the correct tactics for treating a breast contusion.

Mammography and other examinations

Equally important and informative is mammography for breast injuries. Distinctive feature This diagnostic method is that by using various sensors, specialists can detect post-traumatic disorders at almost any point in the mammary gland. In addition, this study with almost 100% guarantee allows for differential diagnosis of the consequences of breast trauma and the presence of oncological changes in the mammary gland.

The method of radiothermometry cannot be ignored. Its use makes it possible to identify areas of inflammation deep in the mammary gland at the early stages of the process.

Treatment of breast contusion

If the patient has suffered a mild injury to the mammary gland and the bruises do not pose a threat to health, the use of painkillers and cosmetics is generally indicated. To reduce swelling and speed up the resorption of the hematoma, there is a wide selection of medications in pharmacies. We can recommend the use of heparin ointment, “Rescuer” ointment and other similar products. Even folk tea lotions, cabbage compresses, and ice will significantly alleviate the condition.

In more severe cases, it is recommended that all victims seek help from a doctor. In case of severe bruise, immobilization of the mammary gland with a tight gauze bandage is indicated. The chest is in an elevated position. To reduce pain, retromammary blockade is performed with local anesthetics. Physiotherapy methods, heparin and troxevasin ointment can be used. Treatment of such bruises lasts about a month.

The use of antibiotics is indicated for extensive hematoma and a high probability of the formation of a septic area in the mammary gland. However, such treatment methods may not give the desired effect.

If a purulent abscess forms in the lumen of the mammary gland at the site of the patient’s bruise, surgical intervention is indicated. The volume and complexity of the operation completely depend on the type of mastitis that has arisen in the mammary gland after the injury. If it is simply abscessation of the hematoma, they prefer to limit surgical treatment to puncture, aspiration of pus and the introduction of antibiotics and disinfectants into the resulting cavity.

When the inflammatory process spreads to a large part of the mammary gland, doctors often have to perform a sectoral resection. This method surgical treatment more traumatic than an abscess, requiring a long postoperative rehabilitation period.

Given this surgical intervention histological and cytological examination the obtained material for early detection of a possible post-traumatic oncological process.

Even small bruises and minor injuries to such a delicate organ as female breast, can lead to disastrous consequences. It is recommended that all women treat their mammary glands with care and respect, since this is not only an object of their beauty, but also a rather problematic organ. And if a chest injury occurs, seek help and advice from a specialist. The consequences of self-medication of any mammary gland injuries can be extremely unpleasant and dangerous.


According to statistics, injuries to the chest organs due to bruises occur in 15% of traumatic cases. The problem is dangerous because of its consequences, which can seriously harm human health. The chest protects vital organs (heart, lungs) from injury. Violation of their integrity can lead to death, so everyone should know how to provide first aid in such a case and where to turn.

What is a chest contusion?

In medical terminology, this concept usually refers to mechanical damage to soft tissues as a fast-acting, severe factor, accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. When a bruise occurs, the integrity of the chest wall is violated, and injuries to the heart, aorta, and lungs are possible. These conditions can cause changes in the configuration of the sternum, rib fractures, which can lead to rupture of vital organs. Clinical manifestations of chest trauma have pronounced local symptoms in the area of ​​application of the traumatic force.


The chest is damaged due to a strong blow. It may be caused by the following reasons:

  • A car accident in which a person receives multiple injuries, including a bruised sternum.
  • Sports – blows plague athletes of many sports, but more often they are cyclists and representatives of contact martial arts.
  • A fall from a height or injury from an object falling on the chest - the degree of damage depends on the severity of the object and the height of the fall.
  • Domestic cases - chest injuries occur during a fight or impromptu street fighting.


The classification of types of thoracic bruise consists of several elements. These include:

  • external and open injuries;
  • rib fractures;
  • vascular injury;
  • crushing of the sternum;
  • injury to the heart muscle;
  • dislocation, curvature of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • damage to nerve endings, spinal cord;
  • deformation of organs located next to the injury (abdominal wall trauma).

According to the degree of localization, contusion of the soft tissues of the chest can be of two types. These should include:

  • Contusion of the chest on the right - can cause damage to the lung, resulting in a risk of organ rupture with internal bleeding.
  • Left-sided bruise - especially difficult cases, can cause injury to the heart muscle, including cardiac arrest and death.


Signs of chest injury depend on the severity of the injury and the time it was received. Symptoms are divided into general and local. The latter include:

  • Acute pain when pressing or sudden movements.
  • Swelling of the tissues at the site of the bruise due to the accumulation of lymph in them.
  • Constant pain syndrome is characterized by aching, pulsating sensations when coughing or talking.
  • Formation of a hematoma due to damage to small vessels, subsequent hemorrhage into the soft tissue.

Symptoms of injury may increase. This happens when the lungs and pleura are damaged. The condition refers to general signs of complications of a bruise. Symptoms:

  • slow heart rate;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased temperature due to the inflammatory process;
  • pale skin;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • hemothorax, pneumothorax, traumatic shock.


The diagnosis is made by a surgeon or traumatologist. The standard procedure consists of the following methods:

  • Questioning the patient about his condition, time, and reasons for the injury.
  • Examination - to study the shape, size of the chest, the presence of deformation.
  • Palpation is carried out with careful movements to determine the condition of the ribs.
  • X-ray – study of the bone structures of the chest cavity.
  • MRI is a visual examination for damage to the chest organs, assessing the condition of soft tissues and blood vessels.
  • CT is prescribed after radiography to accurately diagnose bone structures.

First aid for chest contusion

In an emergency situation, the victim requires first aid until the medical team arrives. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The victim must be provided with complete rest; it is better to place him in a “half-sitting” position.
  2. If a rib injury is suspected, apply a pressure bandage - ask the victim to inhale, then wrap tightly around his chest and secure the bandage to a healthy area of ​​the body.
  3. Apply an ice pack to the bruise to reduce swelling.
  4. In case of severe pain, you can give the victim a local analgesic (Kitanov, Baralgin).


Methods and methods of therapy depend on the severity of the injury. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Mild bruise - treatment at home with limited motor function, using traditional and traditional medicine.
  • Moderate degree - the patient can be treated at home with general normal condition. If there is a suspicion of the development of complications, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  • Severe - immediate hospitalization for life-saving measures.

Treating a bruise at home

For 2 days after injury, cold compresses should be applied to relieve swelling and pain. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes 5 times a day. On the third day, the compresses should be warm, which promotes the resorption of the hematoma. Apply a tight bandage all the time after an injury - it will allow the treatment process to proceed more efficiently and reduce pain.

Such injuries disturb the victim's sleep. To prevent pain from interfering with sleep, a pressure bandage is attached as you exhale, and a large pillow should be placed under the lower back. The mattress must be rigid, so the spine will not be deformed and the pain will become less pronounced. You should take a pain reliever at night. Physical exercise is limited, but it is possible to do breathing exercises so that phlegm does not stagnate in the lungs. Magnetic therapy and electrophoresis procedures, which can be prescribed by a doctor, are useful.

Drug therapy

Treatment of chest contusion due to a fall, blow or accident is characterized by: an integrated approach. The following forms and groups of drugs are effective:

  • Painkillers (ointments, gels, tablets) - Baralgin, Tempalgin, Diclofenac, Spazmalgon.
  • Anti-inflammatory (tablets, ointments) – Ibuprofen, Nise.
  • Thrombolytic (ointments, gels) – Lyoton, Troxevasin. The drugs promote the resorption of the hematoma.

Drug treatment is often carried out using ointments. They can be classified as follows:

  • Ointments with non-steroidal components (Voltaren, Diklak) - eliminate external and internal inflammation.
  • Ointments based on badyagi (Comfrey, Larkspur) - resolve bruises and reduce pain.
  • Heparin ointments (Lavenum, Trombless gel) – relieve pain and have an antithrombic effect.

Gels and ointments for chest bruises are used more often than other remedies. For this reason, it is necessary to take a closer look effective drugs to treat a bruise. One of them is Finalgon:

  • Combined product for external use. It has a warming, vasodilating effect on bruises.
  • It is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment 2-3 times a day for 10 days.
  • The advantage of the product is its rapid action and wide range of uses.
  • Cons: many side effects, use only from 12 years of age.
  • Gel based on troxerutin, which strengthens blood vessels, is an antioxidant. The product has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pain and swelling after bruises, thrombophlebitis.
  • The gel is applied to the damaged area in the morning and evening for 6-7 days.
  • An undoubted advantage of the drug can be considered a small list of side effects.
  • Disadvantage: cannot be used if the integrity of the skin is damaged.

For chest bruises, treatment is supplemented with systemic medications. Example of Flogenzyme:

  • The tablets consist of enzymes of animal and plant origin. They prevent the formation of edema, blood clots, inflammation, and have immunostimulating and analgesic properties.
  • The list of indications is huge. For bruises, take 3 tablets three times a day for 14 days.
  • The advantages of the drug lie in its systemic effect on the body.
  • The downside is the high cost of the tablets.

Heparin ointment is considered the most popular among people for bruises. Her description:

  • The drug belongs to the class of anticoagulants and painkillers. Relieves pain, inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • The ointment is used for bruises and hemorrhoids. To speed up the resorption of the hematoma, a course of treatment is prescribed from 5 to 15 days. The product should be applied 2-3 times a day.
  • The main advantage of the ointment, besides the price, is its rapid absorption and speed of onset of action.
  • Negative aspects include the condition of controlling blood clotting during prolonged use of the ointment.

The final product in the review is the Badyaga cooling gel. Its characteristics:

  • The gel is based on powder made from protozoa - river and lake sponges. The product accelerates the resorption of bruises, heals damaged vessels and capillaries, and relieves swelling.
  • The scope of use of Badyagi is enormous, but for bruises, the gel is prescribed 4 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Advantages: low cost, the gel can be used even by newborns.
  • The drug has no disadvantages; individual intolerance to the components of the gel may occur.

Surgical intervention

Situations often arise that require resuscitation or surgical assistance in a hospital setting with subsequent rehabilitation. Such situations are possible in cases where complications arise after a bruise. These include:

  • hemothorax;
  • subcutaneous emphysema;
  • heart failure;
  • hematoma for more than 1 week;
  • thromboembolism;
  • pneumothorax.

If fluid, blood or air accumulates in the pleural cavity, the patient is given a drainage. It will help remove unnecessary components from the pleura. Then intensive care measures are carried out. If the hematoma lasts 7 days or more, the help of a surgeon is necessary. He makes a puncture in the damaged area, through which the stagnant blood comes out. Damage to the lungs, heart, and large vessels requires immediate extensive surgery under general anesthesia.

Traditional methods of treatment

For mild bruises, folk therapy in the form of compresses, wraps, ointments, and alcohol tinctures is effective. Helps relieve pain well herbal tea from horsetail, hernia, knotweed, cornflower flowers, bearberry, birch buds and bean pods. All components are taken in equal proportions - 20 g each. The resulting mixture must be poured with 250 ml of vodka, left for 3 days and compresses applied to the damaged part of the body.

There are many traditional medicines for treating bruises. Effective are:

  • Soap ointment. Laundry soap should be finely grated and mixed with chicken yolk. The ointment should be applied to the damaged area 2-4 times a day.
  • Table vinegar should be mixed in equal parts with honey. Soak a napkin with the resulting mixture and apply it to the hematoma. The procedure must be done for 3-5 days, 2 times a day.
  • Cilantro for pain relief. 50 g of greens should be brewed with a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes. Take the strained infusion in a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Finely grate the horseradish root and apply it to the hematoma twice a day for a week.


Possible consequences of a bruise in the thoracic area occur immediately or after some time. In this case, the risk of the following dangerous conditions increases:

  • Fracture of the ribs, which entails damage to blood vessels and soft tissues.
  • Violation of the integrity of the pleural tissue - pneumothorax, which leads to air getting between the lung and the pleural layer.
  • Midline fracture of the sternum.
  • Compression of the lung when blood enters the pleural cavity is hemothorax. The condition is caused by rupture of large vessels.

For women, a bruise is dangerous not only because of the above-mentioned consequences. The fair half risks damaging the mammary glands, as a result of which the risk of lumps increases. Fibrous hematomas can provoke the development of malignant tumors. Regardless of gender, bruises can cause stroke, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac arrest.


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A breast contusion is an injury that causes damage to the breast in the form of a hematoma or lump. This condition is accompanied by pain. You can get a chest bruise both in everyday situations and when playing sports or in various accidents.

There are several types of chest injuries - open, closed, isolated or combined. The main danger of these injuries is the risk of future tumor formations.

Causes of chest injury

Breast injuries are divided into open and closed. The first type includes stab wounds, cuts, gunshot wounds, various bites and burns. Such damage not only leads to hematomas, but also creates tissue damage that requires antibacterial treatment to prevent infections.

Closed injuries involve maintaining the integrity of the skin, but the development of a hematoma. There are:

  1. premammary bruise - superficial hematoma;
  2. intramammary bruise - damage to adipose tissue, which leads to swelling and a purple tint;
  3. retromammary contusion - damage to the cellular space behind the mammary gland.

The causes of bruises can be associated with household injuries - a fall, a blow to a blunt object, damage during active games with a child. They can often be found in various sports involving a ball, puck, martial arts and sports equipment. Also, a large percentage of bruises occur in accidents, sometimes accompanied by rib fractures.
Unfortunately, a woman runs the risk of getting a blow to the chest in any of the above situations, and in some cases this leads to bruises and other damage.

Symptoms of breast injury

If a woman has chest pain from a blow for a long time, then she needs to pay attention to other symptoms:

  • swelling, discoloration, and compactions are visible in the areas where the bruise is located;
  • discharge of clear liquid mixed with blood from the nipple if the milk ducts are damaged;
  • increase in temperature at the site of injury.

Development of necrosis after hematoma, which leads to septic mastitis.

If a woman’s breast hematoma is small, it will resolve on its own. But if the damage is greater localization or deep penetration, the risk of developing benign and malignant neoplasms increases. Therefore, if some time after the injury your chest hurts, you should immediately contact a mammologist.

Chest examination after injury

The initial diagnosis of a bruise can be carried out independently. To do this, you need to examine the mammary glands for the presence of lumps and swellings. You need to carefully check every centimeter of the breast and armpit with your fingers.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of the following changes: compaction, swelling, pronounced venous network, depression of the nipple, severe pain when pressed with a finger.

If at least one of the symptoms is present, you need to contact a specialist.


An experienced mammologist will conduct a visual examination and prescribe a series of studies, which includes an ultrasound of the breast. This examination is also prescribed if a woman has hit her chest and is experiencing pain, but the doctor’s palpation does not reveal anything. Ultrasound easily reveals recent hematomas that have a homogeneous echo-negative structure, their location, size, and also allows you to detect vascular ruptures or damage to the ducts. Information about the hematoma not only facilitates the prescription of an accurate method of therapy, but also allows us to anticipate the possible formation of a capsule around the hematoma.

Mammography and other methods

There are additional examination methods that significantly expand the picture of the development and consequences of chest contusion:

Mammography is an X-ray of the breast and supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes. it allows you to identify cystic neoplasms, benign and malignant tumors, anywhere in the breast.

Radiothermometry - analyzes the temperature level in different areas of the chest.
This procedure helps determine the presence of inflammation in the deep layers of tissue, and also identifies malignant tumors and allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

MRI of the breast - visualizes each layer and reveals the exact location of inflammation or neoplasm, its nature, the likelihood of metastases, and ruptures or expansion of the milk ducts.

What to do if you have a chest bruise

The mammary gland is the most cancer-dependent organ, and any severe damage can lead to the formation of a cyst or worse consequences.

If a woman has a mammary organ injury, she must provide first aid in accordance with the condition of the injury, call a medical team and follow all further instructions from the doctor.

First aid

Breast contusion can occur in almost any situation: a woman has fallen, bumped into a doorknob or corner of a shelf, been hit in the chest, or been in an accident. Each of these situations creates the likelihood of a hematoma, especially if the woman experiences severe pain.

Therefore, it is important to provide assistance before doctors appear:

  • the woman should be in a position that does not put pressure on the damaged organ and allows her to be at rest;
  • check the chest for open injuries;
  • it is necessary to apply a compression bandage to immobilize the breast;
  • To reduce swelling and stop internal bleeding, apply something cold;
  • Until the doctors arrive, the woman should be at rest.

Such manipulations will reduce the consequences of the injury. If a woman hits her chest and a small lump forms there, then before seeing a mammologist, you can apply a compress to the site of the injury with Troxevasin ointment.

Medical assistance

Treatment for a chest contusion is prescribed depending on the severity of the injury. For minor injuries, therapy can be carried out at home.

Using painkillers, as well as heparin-based hematoma resorption agents. With the approval of the attending physician, traditional medicine can be used.

For severe bruises, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. A fixing bandage is applied to the chest to reduce pain; in case of severe pain, a retromammary blockade is performed with local anesthetics. Additionally, physiotherapy and lotions are prescribed to resolve the bruise. To prevent suppuration of the hematoma, antibiotics are prescribed.

If a post-traumatic abscess develops, doctors perform puncture and aspiration of pus.

Folk remedies

As an additional treatment and for minor bruises, doctors allow the following procedures based on traditional medicine:

Applying a cabbage leaf. Before applying the compress, wash the sheet and lightly beat it on the side that will be adjacent to the skin. Secure the cabbage leaf. This compress can be done at night or continuously until the condition improves, changing only the sheets once a day.

Honey t It also allows you to resolve bruises; to do this, gently rub a tablespoon of honey into the area of ​​the hematoma.

Aloe juice and honey ointment effectively restores tissue after bruises. To prepare it, the ingredients need to be mixed in equal proportions and soaked in a gauze bandage. Apply it for an hour, the procedure is done daily.

Possible complications and dangers

After a severe bruise to the chest, a woman develops a bruise or hematoma. It is the accumulation of blood clots that can provoke the proliferation of pathogens. This condition can lead to suppuration or an abscess.

The lump that appears after the blow also has consequences for the woman. Often the appearance of a malignant tumor is a consequence of a hematoma in the past.

Cysts and tumors

A severe bruise of the chest can provoke the development of a lump, which can develop into benign and malignant neoplasms.

Less life-threatening diseases include:

  • atheroma is a neoplasm that occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous duct;
  • granuloma is an inflammatory-purulent neoplasm, which is a hollow capsule containing clear liquid or blood discharge.

A cyst is the result of abnormal proliferation of epithelial and connective components in glandular tissue.

Each of the tumors can be removed surgically, but the very fact of their occurrence indicates that they are at risk for breast cancer.

Fibrosis and others

The following tumors are considered the most dangerous neoplasms:

  1. fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the mammary gland of glandular origin, which is one of the forms of nodular mastopathy;
  2. Breast fibroma is a single dense node in the shape of a ball.

Severe bruising and trauma to the chest can lead to disruption of the lymphatic system, and as a result, lymphoma may occur - a malignant tumor that is dangerous due to widespread metastases.

Breast sarcoma is a malignant tumor of non-epithelial nature that forms in the tissues of the mammary gland. The phenomenon is very rare, but can occur as a consequence of an injury.

Complications during feeding

During breastfeeding, you need to take special care of your bust. Minor bruises of the mammary organ that do not cause pain do not affect feeding in any way.

But if the injury causes pain, then there is a risk of damage to the milk ducts, which can lead to blockage of the ducts or stagnation of milk. If measures are not taken in time, lactostasis may develop - milk retention in the ducts, and this will not only cause severe pain for the mother and the impossibility of normal feeding for the child, but also provoke mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland.

If a nursing mother has suffered a breast bruise that causes pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe medications suitable for breastfeeding.