What is tongkat root and what is its effect? Origin and Composition

Eurycoma longifolia is a shrub native to many Asian countries. Eurycoma extract, obtained from the root of this plant, has been widely used in Asian folk practice for many centuries, it has been used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antipyretic agent, as well as to increase male sexuality. At the same time, as current research has shown (in particular, the work of A. Farouk and M. Ridzuan), the biological effects of Eurycoma extract are much more extensive.

In the field of sports, supplements based on eurycoma root extract have become widespread in last decades, after Dr. H. Ang conducted a series experimental research on animals, which were later confirmed by testing the substance on humans (a study by Professor S. Hamzah conducted in 2008 in Kuala Lumpur).

The work of H. Ang and S. Hamzah showed that eurycoma extract stimulates the production of the main male hormone, the natural result of this process is an increase in libido and self-confidence, greater satisfaction from sexual intercourse, as well as a comprehensive increase in strength and endurance in the context of physical training. However, it is worth noting here that the biochemical mechanism of the influence of eurycoma has not been fully studied; all current theories are only assumptions. However, research in this area is actively continuing.

Research and Effects of Eurycoma Extract

As part of the research by Professor S. Hamzakh, two groups of subjects actively trained in the gym for four weeks, with the first group receiving 100 mg of pure eurycoma root extract, and the second receiving a placebo. At the end of the month, the first group experienced an increase in strength indicators by 7% compared to the placebo group, an increase in lean muscle mass was also observed (on average by 2 kg) and a decrease in total fat mass by 3% (in the placebo group this figure was 1 %). The results of the study raise doubts among experts only for the reason that this moment no one tried to repeat the experiment.

Proposed mechanism of action of Eurycoma

However, in the practice of bodybuilding and powerlifting, Eurycoma root extract is becoming increasingly popular, which is partly due to the practical results that athletes receive from taking the supplement. It is also worth noting that stimulation of the main male hormone (albeit in small volumes) is far from the only property of eurycoma that is widely known. In 2013, Dr. M. Shaw published “The Effect of Tongkat Ali on Stress Hormones and psychological condition human” (note that eurycoma extract is known under the name “tongkat ali” in many Asian countries; in addition, this concept is used in the names of a number of supplements). This study showed that the extract was able to suppress cortisol by an average of 16%, resulting in a decrease in the level of aggressiveness and irritability by approximately the same percentage.

In other words, it is likely that Eurycoma extract increases the body’s resistance to stress, which is very important given the modern rhythm of life in big cities. M. Schau concluded that eurycoma has a beneficial effect on the psychological state and hormonal profile. It is curious that athletes who took supplements based on eurycoma extract noted a general improvement in well-being, increased tone, and faster recovery after a hard workout. However, it is also fair to note that in 20% of cases, athletes report the absence of such effects, which, however, may be due to individual characteristics, because, as already noted, the mechanism of action of eurycoma is still being studied.

What can Eurycoma extract be used for?

In the practice of Asian countries, eurycoma extract is currently incredibly popular, and more so as an antioxidant and immunomodulator (which manufacturers explain by its features chemical composition extract). Eurycoma can reduce the incidence of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (but cannot replace targeted drugs prescribed by a specialist). As a result, eucryoma root extract can be recommended in situations where the following problems are needed:

    increasing the effectiveness of the training process;

    increase in strength and endurance;

    faster recovery after training;

    increased sexual activity and self-confidence;

    getting more satisfaction from sexual intercourse;

    improvement of tone and general condition of the body.

The aphrodisiac properties of eurycoma, probably based on the processes of stimulating the production of the main male hormone, make this supplement popular specifically among men. On the other hand, women also took part in the already mentioned study by M. Schau; they experienced stabilization of hormonal levels and improved mood.

In general, due to the complexity of its effects, Eurycoma can be recommended not only to professional athletes, but also to ordinary people who want to make their lives brighter and more eventful. It is also worth noting that no side effects from taking the supplement have been recorded in absolutely healthy people if the recommended dosages are observed.

The offered product is an absolutely pure extract extracted from the root of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (botanical name Eurycoma Longifolia Jack). Please note that there are no additional ingredients in this product. Some manufacturers combine Eurycoma with other extracts or vitamin complexes, which, however, has one specific nuance - a person who wants to take the supplement may be intolerant to individual components. That is why pure product may be preferable.

Physically, the product is a fine powder of pale yellow color with a characteristic odor. The proportion of extract content is 1:100, that is, 1 kg of extract was obtained from 100 kg of raw materials. It is important to note that in many supplements the source of the raw material is of fundamental importance; for example, leaf or root extracts may have different levels of alkaloids. In this case, the root was used, it is in it that the concentration of active substances is maximum and it is the root that is traditionally used in folk practice in Asian countries.

As for the recommended dosage, it can be extremely individual. You should start using the supplement with a serving of 1100 mg, dividing it into three doses throughout the day at approximately equal intervals. Over time, to achieve optimal effect, the dosage can be doubled to 2200 mg per day.

The course of treatment is completely variable. Theoretically, the supplement can be taken constantly, but experts recommend doing this in courses - alternating one month of use with several months of rest from the supplement.

Please note that eurycoma extract (also known as tongkat ali) is not a pharmaceutical drug and cannot act as one (or as a replacement for it). In addition, despite the absence of side effects declared by the manufacturer, it is impossible to exclude cases of individual intolerance to the additive and special pathologies that make it impossible to take it. That is why it is not recommended to take the supplement without first consulting a specialist.


Please note that this product belongs to the category of dietary supplements, it is not medicine and cannot replace pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a specialist. The supplement cannot be used for the treatment or prevention of diseases and injuries of any origin.

It is recommended to use this product only after consultation with your doctor, sports physician or targeted medical specialist. This is necessary because the use of any product (not only those classified as dietary supplements) may be unacceptable in the event of individual intolerance to individual components or other pathological conditions.

The supplement is not intended to replace a natural diet, but can serve as a supplement to it. The use of the supplement is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 16 years of age. It is also not recommended to exceed the indicated daily dosage, as this may result in side effects that could be harmful to your health.

Tongkat Ali Root Extract 1,200 Powder Introduction

Tongkat Ali extract, also known as Long Jack, has an ancient reputation as an herbal aphrodisiac. Its name means "Ali's staff or cane" due to its effect on men's sexual health. In numerous scientific research Shows the benefits of Tongkat Ali, male fertility and sexual function.
Rainforest Herbs was the first in the world to develop Tongkat Ali in a modern dosage form and registered with the Ministry of Health, and thus we have more in our understanding of the effects of this most outstanding herb on human health practical experience than anyone else!

With its unique biochemical composition, Tongkat Ali promotes the secretion of more hormones, androgens, progesterone, etc., which can regulate the secretion of the human body, balance the yin and yang in the body, improve blood circulation and metabolism, increase renal strength and prolong the vitality of the kidneys by 50 years to make people healthier and longer.

product information

Specification of Tongkat Ali root extract 1 200 powder



Analysis (HPLC)

100: 1, 200: 1


Brown or pale yellow or off-white powder

Extract Solvent

Ethanol and water

Damage due to drying out

≦ 5,0%

Ash content

≦ 5,0%

Residual solvent


Total heavy metals









Total number of plates


Total Yeast and Mold


Main functions

1. It has many effects, such as increasing physical fitness and control, maintaining strong energy, reducing stress and anxiety, relieving depression;

2. Improve blood circulation and metabolism, improve kidney dynamics and reduce drug damage to the kidneys;

3. Improvement of human sexual function and rapid restoration of strength;

4. Increase human fertility and improve male sperm production, improve sperm production;

5. Repair and nutrition of the human gonads and reproductive system, influence on the elimination of prostatitis symptoms;

6. Prevention and treatment of malaria. It has been proven to have great potential for treating cancer.

Effect of Tongkat Ali Extract:

1. Anti-depression, anti-fatigue, improve fitness and control, and maintain strong energy.

2. Strengthen blood circulation and metabolism in humans, reduce the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction.

3. Improve autoimmune ability, anti-virus, anti-malaria, can be used as an aid to treat cancer and AIDS

4. Relieve symptoms of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gout and rheumatism.

5. Increasing the body's own secretion of testosterone, 4 times higher, and stimulating human muscle growth.

6. Improve sexual indifference, improve the sexual performance of middle-aged and elderly people, prolong sexual time, increase the number of sexual phenomena and pleasures, and quickly restore physical strength after sex.

7. Repair and nutrition of human gonads, reproductive system, as well as significant elimination of prostatitis symptoms

8.Improving male sperm production, increasing sperm motility and increasing fertility.

9. Antioxidant, anti-aging, improve cognitive ability, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease

10. Delay of menopause, postpartum nutrition and acceleration of uterine contractions

11. Regulate the endocrine system, antiulcer, antiallergic reactions, antipyretics, analgesics, tuberculosis, jaundice, etc.


1. Health care product, it has good effect for cardiovascular diseases

2. Pharmaceutical field, mainly used as pharmaceutical material for the treatment of renal asthenia, impotence, spermatorrhea, prospermia, colds, acroanesthesia or seizures, etc.

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Tongkat Ali (Eurecoma longifolia)

Eurycoma longifolia, commonly called Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi, is a flowering plant of the Simaroubaceae family, native to Indonesia, Malaysia and, to a lesser extent, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. The plant is also known by the names penawar pahit, penawar bias, bedara merah, bedara putih, lempedu pahit, payong ali, tongkat baginda, muntah bumi, petala bumi (Malay); bidara laut (Indonesian); babi kurus (Javanese); cây bá bệnh (Vietnamese) and tho nan (Laotian). Many of the plant's names refer to its medicinal use or unusually bitter taste. "penawar pahit" translates to "bitter charm" or "bitter medicine". Older sources, such as an article in the Environmental Journal from 1953, indicate that the name "penawar pahit" is common throughout Malaysia. According to numerous indications, Eurycoma (Tongkat Ali, Long Jack) stimulates fertility and acts as an aphrodisiac, and can also lower estrogen levels and increase potency. There is no evidence of an increase in testosterone levels.

basic information

Eurycoma longifolia is the official name of the plant, which is more commonly known as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, or Long Jack. As an aphrodisiac, Eurycoma has a fairly strong effect on many animals. There is limited data on the effects in female rats, but they appear to be similar to the effects in males. It is difficult to conduct a comparative analysis of herbal aphrodisiacs that increase potency, however, as research shows, eurycoma is one of the best. In addition to its effects as an aphrodisiac, eurycoma can also speed up sperm production and strengthen erections. At least one molecule in Eurycoma (9-hydroxycanthine-6-one) has been linked to delayed ejaculation as well as increased erection (although it is not certain whether this molecule will work after taking Eurycoma extract). It appears that at the hormonal level, Eurycoma can have significant anti-estrogenic effects in vitro and, after administration of the active ingredient, acts similarly to tamoxifen. However, there are currently no human studies being conducted, nor are there any studies on oral administration of Eurycoma extract. When it comes to testosterone, the scientific literature is unreasonably optimistic. There is no documented evidence that Eurycoma increases testosterone levels in healthy humans or rats, but many researchers cite reports by M.I. Tambi, which state the opposite. None of Dr. Thambi's research presented at scientific conferences has been included in the Medline medical database, and the claims made in them cannot be proven. Other names: Long Jack, Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, Longjack, Kay Ba Bin, Pasak Bumi, Langir Siam, Tung Sawa. Notes:

    Eurycoma longifolia can increase libido and sexual desire, but has no other stimulating effect

    May reduce anxiety, but this effect is not well studied

    The active ingredients in eurycoma give it a bitter taste.


    Testosterone booster


It has an enhanced effect when taken together with:




Eurycoma longifolia is a small evergreen tree reaching a height of 15 m (49 ft) with spiraling, pinnate leaves 20–40 cm (8–16 in) long with 13–41 leaflets. The flowers are dioecious, male and female, growing in large panicles, each flower consisting of 5-6 very small petals. The fruits are green, dark red when ripe, 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide.

Tongkat Ali: instructions for use

The standard dosage of Eurycoma longifolia is 200-300 mg of extract in a ratio of 100:1 (depending on the content of Eurycoma), which, in its effectiveness, is equivalent to taking 20-30 mg of the dry root of this plant. This daily dose is usually taken either at one time or divided into two parts, but it is not yet known exactly whether it is optimal.

Action of Tongkat Ali

In 2010, an ethnopharmacological study of Eurycoma longifolia was conducted, which showed that "parts of the plant have traditionally been used as an antimalarial, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an aphrodisiac..." Although Eurycoma longifolia can be used in many fields of medicine (as can be seen from the quote above), most people in Southeast Asian countries use it to improve sexual function. As early as 2001, researchers in Malaysia released reports on the effectiveness of Eurycoma longifolia on laboratory rats, stating that “Eurecoma longifolia, known as Tongkat Ali, is known among Malaysian men as a symbol of the male ego and male power because it can help increase male strength and sexual performance during intimacy.” The authors of an article published on the website of the scientific journal Nature call Eurycoma longifolia "the homegrown Malaysian Viagra" and say that after its use there is an "increased sexual desire, increased productivity and overall well-being." This article then also appeared on Medline. Some scientific studies have shown that the plant increases sexual performance in rodents. Other laboratory animal tests have yielded positive results of increased sexual activity in adult rats, including arousal, sniffing and mating mechanisms. In an experiment conducted on rats, it was shown that Eurycoma longifolia can increase sperm count. The authors also reported that testosterone levels in plasma extracted from rats that consumed Eurycoma longifolia "were significantly higher compared to the control and infertile groups." Another group of scientists confirmed information that Eurycoma longifolia can “reverse the inhibitory effect of estrogen on testosterone production and spermatogenesis.” IN magazine article Medline states that "Eurecoma longifolia has effects similar to those of testosterone replacement therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis." Italian Eurycoma longifolia researchers noted that the plant increased sexual performance in laboratory animals and concluded that “this effect may be explained by an increase in testosterone levels.” After the effects of Eurycoma longifolia on sexual performance were established, and it was established that sexual effects go hand in hand with increased testosterone levels, sports medicine scientists began to explore the anabolic potential of the plant. In a placebo-controlled study of healthy young men undergoing a resistance training program, “there was a significant increase in lean body mass in the treatment group, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p = 0.012)” " In addition, “the increase in strength in the drug group was greater than in the placebo group (6.78% and 2.77%, respectively) ... The average upper arm circumference in the drug group increased by 1.8 cm ... in while no significant increase was observed in the placebo group.” The study results were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The anabolic effects of Eurycoma longifolia have been confirmed in animal studies, where the size and weight of a single muscle was measured in treated and untreated rats of the same size. “The results showed that when 800 mg/kg of butanol, methanol, water and chloroform fractions of Eurycoma longifolia were co-administered, there was a significant increase (p<0,05) мышцы, поднимающей задний проход…» Из-за того, что Эврикома длиннолистая имеет потенциал увеличивать уровни тестостерона, она была включена, по крайней мере по названию, в состав многочисленных добавок, продающихся в первую очередь для использования в мужском бодибилдинге. В таких формулах минимальная доза Эврикомы длиннолистой не может являться терапевтической по любым стандартам, так как квассиноиды Эврикомы длиннолистой характеризуются плохой биодоступностью. Исследователи сделали вывод: «Результаты показывают, что эврикома обладает плохой биодоступностью при пероральном приеме… Абсолютная биодоступность соединения была снижена на 10,5%… малая биодоступность может быть связана с плохой проницаемостью мембран в силу низкой ценности P и/или в связи с высоким пресистемным метаболизмом». Были проведены исследования эврикомы в естественных условиях с использованием лабораторных животных, употребляющих 250, 500 или 1000 мг порошка корневищ в расчете на кг массы тела, либо от 200 до 800 мг/кг два раза в день, или 50, 100 и 200 мг экстракта Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела. При приеме более высоких доз (800 мг воды/хлороформ-/метанол-/ бутанол- извлеченная фракция Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела), эффект выражался как в плане повышения сексуальной мотивации, так и в увеличении размера мышцы, поднимающей задний проход. Наряду с эффектами, связанными с тестостероном, были зафиксированы также противомалярийные, антибактериальные, жаропонижающие, противоязвенные, противоопухолевые и цитотоксические свойства растения. Тайваньские ученые выделили 65 биохимических соединений из корней Эврикомы длиннолистой, из которых десять указаны как соединения с «сильной цитотоксичностью» к ракомвым клеткам легких и к линии раковых клеток молочной железы. Наряду с более известными квассиноидами, эта же группа ученых также выделила алкалоиды бета-карболина, некоторые из которых обладали активностью против раковых клеток легких и молочной железы. Исследовав активность 24 квазиноидов Эврикомы длиннолистой против раковых клеток, включая клетки, вызывающие рак легких, японские ученые обнаружили, что эврикомалактон в той же мере эффективен в борьбе против раковых клеток, как и уже существующий противораковый препарат доксорубицин. Та же группа исследователей также обнаружила несколько новых биохимических соединений в Эврикоме длиннолистой и исследовала их цитотоксические свойства. Они пришли к выводу, что различные фракции эффективны против различных видов рака. Еще одно исследование подтвердило, что экстракт Эврикомы длиннолистой стимулирует апоптоз у раковых клеток груди. С этих пор экстракт был запатентован совместно правительством Малайзии и Массачусетским Технологическим Институтом. В рецензируемых юридических журналах уже давно идут дебаты о том, что природные вещества, о свойствах которых в совершенстве знают представители коренных народов, могут быть интеллектуальной собственностью этих народов или даже национальных правительств.

Origin and Composition


Eurycoma longifolia is also known as tongkat ali, long jack or Malaysian ginseng (which, however, does not belong to the Ginseng family). Eurycoma longifolia belongs to the Simarubov family, which is characterized by four main types of plants (according to the shape of the leaves): short-pointed, double-pointed, broad-leaved and long-leaved, of which only the last are used for medicinal purposes. Eurycoma longifolia is also called Tung Sawa (Thailand), Pasak Bumi (Indonesia), Kay Ba Binh (Vietnam) and Langir Siam (Bahrain). Bioactive substances differ depending on the place where the plant grows, which makes us approach the issue of standardization extremely carefully.


Eurycoma longifolia contains:

For the most part, Eurycoma longifolia is based on "quassinoid" triterpenoid structures, of which eurycomanone is the main one. Other bioactive substances include the cantin-6-one class and possibly eurypeptides, which increase sexual desire. The effects of the remaining constituents are unknown.

Patented and research hoods

LJ100 is a proprietary formulation of Eurycoma longifolia (where LJ stands for Long Jack) that is 22% eurypeptides and 40% glycosaponin. This composition is an extract in a ratio of 100:1, 1g of which is the bioequivalent of 100g of dry weight of Eurycoma longifolia, which contains both of the above-mentioned substances. TAF 273 is a quassinoid enriched extract containing 23.6+/-0.9% eurycomanone, 6.4+/-0.1% 13α(21)-epoxyeurycomanone, 0.8+/-0.1% 13α,21-dihydroeurycomanone and 4.8+/- 0.2% eurycomanol. TAF 273 is enriched with eurycomanone and related molecules.


After oral administration to rats of 50 mg/kg concentrated extract of eurycomanone, Cmax reached 0.33+/-0.03 µg/ml, and Tmax reached 4.40+/-0.98 h, which indicates better oral bioavailability compared to injections - by 10.5%. The volume of distribution of eurycomanone after injection of 10 mg/kg was 0.68+/-0.30 l/kg. Injection-induced elimination kinetics in the first hour are always 0.88+/-0.19, half-life is 1.00+/-0.26 hours, and immune clearance is 0.39+/-0.08 l/h/kg.

Neuroscience and the brain


Eurycoma longifolia is of greatest interest for study due to its effects as a sexual stimulant, which is the main reason for its use by humans. It is believed that it is the glycoprotein that is part of Eurycoma that gives it its stimulating properties (and partly eurypeptide, by increasing testosterone levels), but this opinion was expressed at the conference and has not yet received a single official review. These claims are based on the patent description of LJ100, a concentrated extract of glycoproteins and eurypeptides. The mechanism of action is largely unknown and possible descriptions are unreliable. In animal studies, sexually flaccid male rats given 500mg/kg Eurycoma longifolia daily for 6-12 days had a decreased ejaculation latency. However, after the first administration of the drug, no significant differences were found in the frequency of mounting, intromission, post-ejaculatory interval, but both the post-ejaculatory interval (24.1% decrease) and the latent period of ejaculation (45.2%) showed more successful results if the drug was continued for 6 days. However, no further improvement was observed over the next 12 days. The frequency of seizures also increased from the initial rate of 0% (before the initial administration of the drug), to 25% in 6 days and to 37.5% in 12 days. It is believed that these indicators are achieved indirectly through an increase in testosterone levels. This model of sexually flaccid rats was subsequently used at 200-800 mg/kg for 10 days, however, despite the promising results obtained, the quality of this study is questionable, since the measurement of arousal levels was not carried out properly (not the most common drug used). biomarker of aphrodisia), although the study authors themselves claimed that the indicators were reliable. The first study showed no improvement in a mate choice test, which was inconsistent with previous studies in rats. The authors of the study noted that the use of a different species of rat could be the reason, since this study used sexually flaccid individuals, while previous studies involved virgin and experienced rats, rats that were unable to copulate with a female ready to mate, and also sexually - healthy middle-aged individuals. Perhaps most notable is the aphrodisiac effect in virgin and castrated rats, in which, after administration of 200-800mg/kg of the drug for 10 days, all measured parameters of sexuality increased, but the result was still lower than after administration of 15mg/kg testosterone. The best results were observed in rats that independently positioned themselves next to females; they sniffed the anus more often (both of which are signs of aphrodisia), and a greater number of cages were also noted. Data on reductions in ejaculatory latency and post-ejaculatory interval (the time between ejaculation and the first intromission of the next session) are less reliable, but still indicate significant improvement over the course of the study. The aphrodisiac, which proved effective in animal studies, and its aphrodisiac effect were patented without any problems. According to a self-report study, a 300mg Eurycoma-enriched aqueous extract taken daily for 6-12 weeks can increase libido by 8.4-10.8% (relative to baseline).

Excitement and stress

During tests conducted in an open area and in a maze, various extracts of Eurycoma longifolia, administered before the test in a volume of 0.3 g/kg, showed an improvement in all measured parameters of arousal (defecation, limited mobility, errors in passing the cascade maze) - indicators of limited mobility decreased from 31.2% to 36.3%, depending on the drug extract used. With active control, Diazepam was slightly more effective, which, when administered at 1 mg/kg, reduced limited mobility to 25.9%. A study was also conducted on mice born from consanguineous matings and those that fought more than 5 times - electrical pain, during which Eurycoma longifolia reduced the number of cases of aggression from 18.0 +/- 0.4 to 5.3-6.2, but the results obtained were again slightly inferior to the effect Diazepam (3.5+/-0.2). At the moment, only one study has been conducted, and it showed the anxiolytic properties of the drug. Eurycoma may potentially promote aphrodisia by reducing the likelihood of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. According to data obtained from the subjects themselves, people who are usually susceptible to stress become calmer after taking Eurycoma daily for four weeks.

Sexuality and genitals

Erectile function

Either in the background or in conjunction with the aphrodisiac effect of Eurycoma longifolia, an increased and increased erection can be observed. According to one study on castrated (to somehow monitor the effects of testosterone) rats that were administered various Eurycoma extracts equal to 200, 400 or 800 mg for 10 days, it was shown that all extracts used (aqueous, butanol, methanol and chloroform) were equally effective in increasing the frequency of erections and there were only nonsignificant differences depending on the dosage. A subsequent study using the same dosages of the four extracts in castrated rats and rats pre-treated with testosterone for 12 weeks found that in testosterone-free, uncastrated rats, the levator ani muscle increased in size by 13.2-23.4% with all extracts. , which indicates the androgenic effect of the drug. Eurycoma longifolia (namely 9-hydroxycanthine-6-one) appears to be a bioactive compound. In laboratory conditions, 9-hydroxycanthine-6-one was able to induce relaxation of epinephrine-contracted corpora cavernosa with an EC50 of 6.7+/-0.9µM. It appears that neither nitric oxide nor alpha-adrenergic receptors were involved in this process. The release of Ca2+ appears to be inhibited, causing penial contractions (an anti-erectile indicator). In vivo tests on rabbits found that injections of 0.2 mg of this compound increased intracavernosal pressure, and injections of 1 mg/kg in rats were as effective in delaying ejaculation as clomipramine, as demonstrated by testicular pressure. glands. The drug can cause erections and may be able to delay ejaculation (the latter claim requires further research).

Seed characteristics

It is possible that Eurycoma longifolia's mechanism of action to increase sperm count and spermatogenic cells works through estrogen suppression, and sperm motility appears to be influenced by other mechanisms. It is not yet known what affects the amount of sperm itself. After long-term administration of eurycomanone to rats, it was found in their seminal glands. This confirms that the drug is able to reach them and accumulate. In laboratory tests, 2.5 µg/ml of Eurycoma (based on oral administration of 200 mg of the drug to a man weighing 80 kg) had no effect on sperm viability, did not trigger either oxidative processes (via ROS) or the acrosomal reaction, and when taking doses up to 20 µg /ml no reaction occurred. After taking 200 mg of Eurycoma longifolia, both the viscosity of a healthy person's sperm and the number of sperm can increase to a quantity sufficient to fertilize a woman. This study found that 200mg of the drug increased sperm concentration by 65.5% over 9 months (lower results were shown at months 3 and 6), while the concomitant 19.3% increase in sperm count was not statistically significant because in the ninth month, approximately twice as many sperm showed normal morphology - starting from 5.28+/-0.66 before the start of the study and up to 10.29+/-2.52 in the ninth month (similar results were already in the sixth month). Almost the same increase in sperm count was found in wild boar, although over a shorter period, but the results of this study are somewhat distorted by the use of Tribulus terrestris (an annual herbaceous plant) and Leuzea safflower (a perennial herbaceous plant). May increase sperm count and sperm itself. Results regarding increases in sperm concentration are mixed due to previous changes in sperm count. Apparently increases fertility in men.

Tongkat Ali in bodybuilding

Human trials

In a pilot study of Eurycoma longifolia involving 14 men who took 100 mg of the drug extract and underwent circuit training every other day (10 exercises, two sets, each of which - ten repetitions, a break between exercises - 1 minute), it was found that participants The experimental group gained lean body mass over 5 weeks (from 52.26+/-7.18 kg to 54.39+/-7.43; an increase of 4%), while the placebo group showed no increase in lean mass. The strength of the participants in both groups increased, and in those who took Eurycoma, this increase was much more significant, but the difference in the loss of fat mass in both groups was insignificant. A pilot study suggesting Eurycoma's potential to enhance strength in healthy weightlifters was presented at the conference and has not been repeated. Studies were carried out on the drug "AgroMas", which is a solution containing 0.1 mg/100 ml of a water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia and 2 mg/100 ml of Chinese cinnamon. In addition, the composition includes sulfuric acid, sodium fluoride, potassium and phosphate. All this was administered to the subjects at the rate of 3 ml/kg every 20 minutes, which, on average, equates to 0.67 mg of eurycoma per person. Tests of oral administration of this drug showed that although the drug increases endurance by 3.4% in drink form, this is statistically insignificant. Due to the small amount of the drug taken, another study was conducted with the participation of 12 athletes who were given 150 mg of Eurycoma daily for 7 days. The last dose of the drug was given an hour before the test on day 8 (60 minutes of running on a treadmill at 60% VO2max, followed by 20 minutes of cycling), but this test showed no improvement in either breathing while running or in performance, nor in any physiological reaction at all - be it temperature, heartbeat, glucose or lipid levels in the blood. During cardio training, no significant benefits of the drug were found.

Impact on the skeleton and bones

Androgen-dependent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis caused by androgen deficiency (sometimes seen in older men) is associated with a higher mortality rate in men than in women (about 31%). There have been several studies examining the effects of Eurycoma on musculoskeletal and bone mass. A comparative study was also conducted in which one castrated elderly mouse was administered 8mg/kg regular testosterone, and another was administered 4mg/kg testosterone along with 15mg/kg Eurycoma containing 1.6% Eurycomanone (a research model of androgen deficiency). In a study after 6 weeks, it was found that these two drugs affect the body in the same way, which allows us to conclude that eurycoma can be used as an adjuvant to reduce the required doses of testosterone.

Interaction with hormones


The now widely known ability of Eurycoma longifolia to increase testosterone levels is due to its content of eurypeptide, which is believed to enhance the action of the enzyme CYP17 (17 α-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase), which is responsible for the frequency of conversion of pregnenolone precursors to dehydroepiandrosterone and subsequent androgens. . This claim was made in a university thesis (University of Malaya) by Ali and Saad (1993) entitled “Biochemical effects of Eurycoma longifolia on sexual behavior, fertility, sex hormone and glycolysis.” This dissertation is not available online. The mechanisms of action are not described in the literature; they can only be found in the descriptions of patents. Administration of a concentrated extract of eurycoma to healthy rats at a rate of 15 mg/kg (22% eurypeptides, 1.6% eurycomanone) did not increase testosterone levels for 6 weeks. According to the calculations of the study authors, this dosage is equal to oral administration of 100 mg of the drug by a healthy person. The only similar study conducted in healthy, uncastrated male mice used much higher dosages of 200-800mg/kg, which resulted in an increase in the size of the levator ani muscle, indicating an increase in androgen production. This study did not measure serum testosterone levels. In sexually lethargic animals and animals with an underdeveloped reproductive system, on day 12 after administration of 500 mg/kg Eurycoma longifolia, serum testosterone levels increased by more than 50% (from just under 2ng/ml to more than 3ng/ml; data derived from chart) . A similar study in castrated rats did not show any changes in testosterone levels, but the dosage used was lower than in the above study, in which testosterone levels increased in rats with underdeveloped reproductive systems. Based on these studies, we can conclude that the drug helps rats with an underdeveloped reproductive system (hypogonadism) and sexually lethargic individuals. There are no data on the effects on healthy rats. In individuals with late-onset hypogonadism, Eurycoma longifolia (namely, its water-soluble extract at a dose of 200 mg) effectively increases libido and serum testosterone levels. This study was conducted in a clinic in Malaysia over a 4-year period, involving 320 men with serum testosterone levels below 6 µmol/L (clinical hypogonadism) and noted that after one month the mean testosterone level increased from 5. 66+/-1.51 µmol/L to 8.31+/-2.47 µmol/L (an average increase of 46%). This study did not include a placebo group. Some studies are based on 4 articles not available online published by M.I. Thambi at various conferences. M.I. Thambi does not hold the patent for the extract used (LJ100), and a subsequent independent trial on healthy men did not show an increase in testosterone levels. Studies on infertile (hypogonadal) people have shown a slight increase in testosterone levels, but the only study done on healthy people without any disorders showed no increase.


Two quassinoids from Eurycoma, 13α,21-Dihydroeurycomanone and Eurycomanone, were studied in a biological assay using 17α-ethinylestradiol (an antiestrogenic in vivo assay). After administration of 2.44 µmol/kg of the drug, an anti-estrogenic effect was stimulated, and although both of these quassinoids showed some results, eurycomanone was more potent and was similar in effect to tamoxifen of the same molar volume. However, due to the low oral bioavailability and low eurycomanone content of eurycoma, it is difficult to determine the effects of the drug in an in vivo study. Based on the molar mass of 408.39916 kg/mol, which is equal to the administration of 996 µg eurycomanone (or 906 µg Tamoxifen), and the bioavailability of 10.5%, we can conclude that this dosage must be increased almost 10 times for the drug to become bioequivalent. And 30 mg of tamoxifen could theoretically be the bioequivalent of 313 mg of eurycomanone (approximately 20 g of plant dry weight). This effect may presage Eurycoma's anti-cancer properties, given its in vitro ability to slow the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells that are overly responsive to estrogen. Moreover, these anti-estrogenic properties may enhance spermatogenesis (sperm production) in males. This is evidenced by the results of a study in which estrogen-treated male rats were given low doses of Eurycoma longifolia (8 mg/kg) and within 14 days Eurycoma blocked the suppressive effect of estrogen, resulting in increased production of spermatogenic cells and sperm (by their normalization to the control level), and Eurycoma itself, without parallel administration of estrogen, continued to increase the number of sperm. Estrogen did not have any negative effect on sperm motility, but eurycoma improved it. Finally, a study was conducted on females who were injected with testosterone (which caused failure of estrus cycles and polycystic ovaries), and then were injected with 50mg/kg Eurycoma longifolia (a concentrated extract of TAF 273 with 23.6% eurycomanone), which blocked the negative effects of testosterone, normalized the number of healthy ovarian follicles and contributed to the improvement of the disrupted estrous cycle (improvement from 10-30% to 40-62.5%, with an initial indicator of 100%). The study authors hypothesized that this was due to anti-estrogen effects to reduce testosterone conversion, but the connection between these phenomena was never established. Although its effectiveness in vitro is currently unknown, Eurycoma longifolia appears to have estrogen-suppressing properties due to its eurycomanone content.

Nutrient interactions


Propranolol is a non-selective beta blocker that is sometimes used to treat hypertension. After taking 200 mg of Eurycoma longifolia aqueous extract along with propranolol, it was found that Eurycoma longifolia significantly reduced the bioavailability and effects of propranolol. This study found that AUC decreased to 28.7%, Cmax decreased to 42.02%, and Tmax decreased to 86%. These results, together with the slightly different half-life values, suggest that an inhibition process was observed at the uptake level. The study authors hypothesized the possibility of P-glycoprotein induction, but did not provide any evidence. Eurycoma longifolia may slow down the effects of propranol

Safety and toxicology

It has been established that the lethal dose of eurycoma is more than 5000 mg/kg for rats, and a dose of 1200 mg/kg causes pathological changes in the liver similar to the changes observed in the human body taking 1200 mg eurycoma daily.


Counterfeit products claiming to contain Eurycoma longifolia have been withdrawn from sale in several countries but are still being sold online, mainly from the UK. A medical journal article published in March 2010 noted that “experts estimate that the proportion of counterfeit drugs sold online has increased from 44% to 90%” due to the popularity of sexual dysfunction drugs. Buyers of Eurycoma longifolia should request comprehensive information and evidence from online sellers regarding where the product was manufactured. In Malaysia, the general use of Eurycoma longifolia as a food and drink additive, coupled with the widespread use of products using cheap synthetic drugs instead of Eurycoma longifolia quasinoids, has led to the invention of an electronic tongue to help detect the presence and concentration of genuine Eurycoma longifolia in products claiming to contain it. On the other hand, consumers who do not have the sophisticated electronic equipment to understand the language invented in Malaysia to test for the presence of Eurycoma longifolia in a substance, but want to know whether the product they received is actually Eurycoma longifolia or is it a counterfeit, can use your own tongue to test the contents of the capsule for bitterness. Quasinoids, biologically active components of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia, are very bitter in taste. They are named after quasin, a bitter element extracted from the cassia tree. Quasin is considered the most bitter substance in nature, 50 times more bitter than quinine. Anything that does not have such bitterness, but is just as strong, cannot contain Eurynoma longifolia quasinoids. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration has banned numerous products, such as Libidus, that claim to use Eurycoma longifolia as the main ingredient, but instead rely entirely on illegal prescription-only drugs or even worse, analogues of prescription drugs that have not even been tested for safety, such as acetyldenafil. In February 2009, the Food and Drug Administration warned of nearly 30 illegal sex-enhancing supplements, but the names of these products change more often than the FDA can investigate them. Libidus, for example, is now marketed as Maxidus, still claiming Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) as the main ingredient. The Malaysian government has banned numerous counterfeit capsules that use sildenafil citrate instead of Tongkat Ali. Fraudsters selling fake Tongkat Ali from Malaysia use different names for their products. The governments of Canada and Singapore have issued warnings regarding XP Tongkat Ali Supreme, which contains tadalafil, which may be life-threatening. Various products are sold that claim different ratios of Eurycoma longifolia extract - 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200. Traditionally, Eurycoma longifolia is extracted with water rather than ethanol. However, Eurycoma longifolia extract used commercially is based on an extraction rate, which can be confusing and not easily verifiable. Expecting a competitive advantage, some manufacturers are talking about standardizing the extract based on specific ingredients. The stated standards/markers contain glycosaponin (35-45%) and eurycomanone (>2%). While eurycomanone is one of the many quasinoids of Eurycoma longifolia, saponins, known to ethnobotany primarily as fish poison, play no role in scientific studies of the plant. A large number of Malaysian products containing Eurycoma longifolia (36 out of 100) have been shown to be contaminated with mercury above legal limits.

Scientific research

Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological state in people exposed to moderate stress

Eurycoma longifolia is a medicinal plant commonly called Tongkat Ali (TA) and "Malaysian Ginseng". TA roots are a traditional anti-aging remedy, and modern TA supplements are designed to improve libido, energy, athletic performance and weight loss. Previous studies have shown that, when used correctly, TA can stimulate the release of free testosterone, promoting increased sexual desire, reducing fatigue and improving well-being.


Stress hormones and mood were assessed in 63 patients (32 men and 31 women) who were screened for moderate stress and additionally given standardized TA extract or placebo (PL) for 4 weeks. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with value set at p<0,05, использовался для определения различий между группами.


Significant improvements were observed in the TA group on the Tension (-11%), Anger (-12%) and Confusion (-15%) scales. The stress hormone profile (cortisol and testosterone levels in saliva) was significantly improved by TA supplementation with reduced cortisol exposure (-16%) and increased testosterone levels (+37%).


These results indicate that daily supplementation of tongkat ali root extract improves stress hormone profiles and certain mood parameters, suggesting that this "ancient" remedy may be an effective approach to protecting the body from the detrimental effects of "modern" chronic stress, which may include everyday stress. , as well as stress from dieting, sleep deprivation and exercise.


Eurycoma longifolia is a herbal medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Java, Sumatra, Thailand). In Malaysia, it is commonly called tongkat ali and the plant is believed to have a number of medicinal properties and is used as a general tonic, including improving physical and mental energy levels and overall quality of life. The roots of Tongkat Ali, often called "Malaysian ginseng", are used as an adaptogen and as a traditional "anti-aging agent" that helps older adults adapt to conditions of decreased energy, libido and low mood that often occur with age. In modern dietary supplements, Tongkat Ali is found in a variety of products designed to improve libido and increase energy, restore hormonal balance (cortisol/testosterone levels), enhance athletic performance and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of tongkat ali extract on stress hormone (cortisol/testosterone) balance and psychological well-being in individuals exposed to moderate stress. In men and women, testosterone levels peak at age 25-30 and then gradually decline by about 1-2% per year. At age 60, testosterone levels are usually only 40-50% of youth levels and may be lower due to stress and related lifestyle issues such as diet, exercise and sleep. The benefits of maintaining high testosterone levels include increased muscle mass and decreased body fat, increased psychological energy (mental/physical energy) and overall improved health. Eurycoma contains a group of small peptides called "eurypeptides" that have been shown to improve energy status and sexual desire in rodent studies. Tongkat Ali's effect on restoring normal testosterone levels appears to have less to do with actually "stimulating" testosterone synthesis and more to do with increasing the rate of release of "free" testosterone from its binding hormone, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Thus, Eurycoma can be considered not so much a testosterone “booster” (like anabolic steroids, for example), but rather a means of maintaining normal testosterone levels and restoring normal testosterone levels (from low to normal range). This makes Eurycoma especially beneficial for people with low testosterone levels, including those on a weight loss diet, middle-aged people suffering from fatigue or depression, and intensely training athletes.

Traditional use

Decoctions of Tongkat Ali roots have been used for centuries in Malaysia and Southeast Asia as an aphrodisiac for loss of sexual desire and impotence, and to treat a number of ailments including postpartum depression, malaria, high blood pressure and fatigue. In Malaysia, Tongkat Ali is called "homemade Viagra." The Malaysian government invests heavily in licensing, developing and supporting research into the potential health benefits of Eurycoma longifolia through various government organizations, including the Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia.

Modern extracts

Some commercial Tongkat Ali supplements purport to contain "extract ratios" ranging from 1:20 to 1:200, without providing information about the bioactive components, extraction method (e.g., ethanol or aqueous), or extract purity. Eurycoma ethanolic extracts have been studied in mice relative to the antimalarial effects of concentrated eurycomactone, but toxic effects have also been observed at high doses (LD50 at 2.6 g/kg), precluding safe use in humans as a long-term dietary supplement. In contrast, hot water root extracts standardized to contain known bioactive components (1% eurycominone, 22% protein, 30% polysaccharides, 35% glycozaponin) were extremely safe at high doses and long-term consumption. Standardized hot water extracts have a distinctly bitter taste due to the presence of quasinoids, which are recognized as some of the most bitter compounds in nature. Tongkat Ali extracts that do not have a bitter taste are either not true roots of Eurycoma longifolia (there are many commercial examples of "fake" Tongkat Ali extracts) or they are ineffective in terms of bioactive components and are therefore also expected to have low efficiency. Due to Tongkat Ali's reputation as a libido enhancer, there are several examples of dietary supplements labeled as Eurycoma longifolia that do not actually contain the roots, but instead contain prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction, including tadalafil/Cialis, and vardenafil/Levitra.

Laboratory and animal studies

Bath and Karim conducted an ethnobotanical and pharmacological review of Tongkat Ali, noting that laboratory studies, such as cell analysis studies, offer possible mechanistic support for various traditional uses of Tongkat Ali, including as an aphrodisiac, antimalarial, antimicrobial, anticancer, and antidiabetic. facilities . There are numerous rodent studies demonstrating decreased anxiety and improved sexual performance after use of Tongkat Ali, with the effects believed to be due to the restoration of normal testosterone levels. The anxiolytic effects of Eurycoma have been demonstrated in a variety of behavioral tests including the elevated plus maze, open field and pugnacity, suggesting an equivalent anti-anxiety effect to diazepam. Animal studies have shown that many of the extract's effects are mediated by its glycoprotein components. The mechanism of action of bioactive complex polypeptides (“eurypeptides” with 36 amino acids) has been shown to activate the enzyme CYP17 (17 alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20 lyase), increasing the metabolism of pregnenolone and progesterone to produce more DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and androstenedione, respectively. . This glycoprotein water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia is shown to provide anti-aging and anti-stress benefits due to the way it balances testosterone levels. Oral toxicity studies (Wistar rats) determined the LD50 of tongkat ali root extract to be 2000 mg/kg body weight (short-term) and the NOAEL (maximum dose not causing detectable adverse effects on human health) to be greater than 1000 mg/kg body weight (28-day intake), resulting in a Category 5 (safe) classification according to the United Nations International System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. In addition to the very good safety profile demonstrated in rodent toxicity studies, there were no adverse effects in the studies. For example, one two-month trial on twenty healthy men (age range 38-58 years) found that high doses of Eurycoma longifolia extract (600 mg/day) had no effect on blood profiles (hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cells, etc.) or any harmful effects on liver or kidney function tests. Typical dosage recommendations based on traditional use and available human scientific evidence, including data from nutritionists and athletes, call for 50-200 mg/day of Tongkat ali root aqueous extract standardized to 22% eurypeptides.

Human studies

Based on a history of traditional use and confirmation of biological activity through cell culture and animal studies, several human studies have been conducted to evaluate the potential benefits of Tongkat Ali for sexual function, exercise performance, weight loss, and strength (mental/physical energy). In general, all human trials used the same aqueous extract of standardized Eurycoma root, which was patented jointly by the Malaysian government and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US Patent No. 7,132,117). The patent discloses a method in which the roots of Eurycoma longifolia are subjected to aqueous extraction combined with HPLC and size exclusion chromatography to obtain a bioactive peptide fraction (a glycopeptide of 4300 daltons with 36 amino acids) that is responsible for its effect on maintaining testosterone levels. The bioactive fraction of Eurycoma longifolia root provides the ability to increase testosterone levels, muscle size and strength, improve overall well-being, accelerate post-workout recovery, enhance weight loss, reduce stress and reduce symptoms of fatigue. Based on a long history of traditional medicinal use as an "anti-aging agent" and a series of animal and human studies investigating the effectiveness of its use as a means to improve physical and mental performance, a study was conducted on the effects of supplementing Tongkat Ali root extracts in subjects undergoing moderate stress. The hypothesis was that Tongkat Ali supplementation would influence anabolic/catabolic stress hormone balance and mood parameters in a group of volunteers exposed to moderate stress.


All procedures, measurements, and informed consent processes were reviewed and approved by an external third party (Aspire IRB, Santee, CA). Subjects were recruited in Salt Lake City, Utah. Approximately 75 subjects with moderate levels of psychological distress were screened. The goal was to complete the study with 60 subjects (30 subjects per treatment group). A screening test was used to identify individuals with moderately elevated levels of perceived stress. Subjects scoring 6 or more on this screening survey indicated eligibility for the additional study (a score of 6–10 indicates moderate distress). 64 subjects (32 men and 32 women) were randomized to receive Tongkat Ali (TA, 200 mg/day Physta™, Biotropics Malaysia Berhad, 32 subjects) or a similar placebo (PL; 32 subjects) for 4 weeks. A duration of 4 weeks was chosen as more representative due to long-term changes in mood that may result from superior hormonal balance, as opposed to short-term changes in emotions that may be more closely related to stressors of daily life. At baseline (week 0) and post-supplementation (week 4), mood and hormone profiles were assessed as primary outcomes. Secondary measurements were performed on liver enzymes (ALT, alanine aminotransferase, and AST, aspartate aminotransferase, Alere Cholestech, Waltham, MA), body weight, and percentage body fat (Tanita, TBF-300A, Arlington Heights, IL). Mood (energy, depression, anger, confusion, fatigue, and anxiety) was assessed using a validated Profile of Mood State (POMS) survey. Hormone profiles (cortisol and testosterone) were assessed in saliva samples collected at three time points on each collection day (morning, afternoon and evening). Saliva samples were analyzed for free cortisol and free testosterone using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Salimetrics, State College, PA). Results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with significance set at p<0,05. 63 испытуемых (32 мужчины и 31 женщина) завершили исследование, при этом одна женщина в группе добавок не вернула окончательные образцы.


Three subjects reported unusual fatigue during the first two weeks of the study (two subjects in the TA group and 1 subject in the placebo group). No other side effects were observed. There were no significant changes in liver function markers (AST/ALT), body weight, or body fat percentage during the period of TA supplementation. Mood measures showed mixed results (Figure 1), with no effect observed between groups on measures of depression, energy or fatigue, while significant improvements were observed in the TA group on measures of tension (-11%), anger (-12%) and confusion (-15%) compared with placebo. There was a non-significant trend (p=0.083) towards overall improvement in well-being in the TA group (+3% global mood scale).


The present study found that daily supplementation of Tonkat ali root extract (200 mg/day) improved the stress hormone profile (decreased cortisol levels, increased testosterone levels) and several mood parameters (low tension, anger and confusion). These results are consistent with several recent human trials of the supplement, suggesting that Tongkat Ali may be effective in protecting the body from the harmful effects of chronic stress, weight loss dieting, sleep deprivation and intense exercise. Previous research has shown that Eurycoma longifolia contains a group of small peptides called "eurypeptides", which are known to have effects on improving energy status and sexual desire in rodent studies. The exact mechanism by which eurypeptides or tongkat ali root extract restores normal testosterone levels is unknown, but it has been proposed that it affects the rate of release of "free" testosterone from its binding hormone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). In two recent studies of young men undergoing a heavy training regimen, Tongkat Ali supplementation (100 mg/day) increased lean body mass, abdominal strength, and arm circumference to a significantly greater extent compared to placebo. In a recent 12-week study of Eurycoma longifolia supplementation (300 mg/day), men (aged 30-55 years) showed significant improvement compared with placebo for physical functioning in the SF-36 quality of life study. Additionally, libido was increased by 11% (week 6) and 14% (week 12), and abdominal fat mass was significantly reduced in patients with a BMI >25 kg/m2. In men with low testosterone levels (mean age 51 years), one month of daily intake of Tongkat Ali extract (200 mg/day) resulted in a significant increase in serum testosterone levels and improvements in quality of life parameters, suggesting a role for Tongkat Ali as an “adaptogen.” against stress associated with aging. Another study of healthy adult men (average age 25 years) taking 100 mg/day of Tongkat Ali extract during an intensive training program (every day for 8 weeks) showed significant increases in muscle mass, decreases in fat mass, and increases in abdominal strength and arm circumference compared to the placebo group. These results indicate that Tongkat Ali extract is capable of increasing muscle mass and strength gains while accelerating fat loss in healthy athletes and thus this extract can be considered a natural ergogenic aid for athletes and nutritionists. One study of middle-aged women (45-59 years old) found that two weeks of strength training plus 100 mg/day of Eurycoma longifolia extract for 12 weeks increased lean body mass to a greater extent, compared with women following the same strength training program and taking placebo. Additional studies of dieters and athletes have shown that 50-100 mg/day of Tongkat Ali extract may help restore normal testosterone levels with dieting (versus the typical drop in testosterone levels with a diet without taking Tongkat Ali) and in athletes (versus the typical a drop in testosterone levels in athletes who did not take tongkat ali). In one trial of endurance cyclists, cortisol levels were 32% lower and testosterone levels were 16% higher compared to placebo, indicating a more favorable biochemical profile of tongkat ali in promoting an "anabolic" hormonal state. Dieters should expect an increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in testosterone levels after several weeks of dieting. This change in hormonal balance (increased cortisol and decreased testosterone) is a major factor leading to the habitual "plateau" that many dieters experience (where weight loss slows/stops) after 6-8 weeks on a weight loss regimen. By maintaining normal testosterone levels, a dieter can expect to maintain muscle mass and metabolic rate (versus falling to lower testosterone levels), while continuing to lose weight without plateauing. For an athlete, the same increase in cortisol levels and drop in testosterone levels are an early warning sign of “overtraining,” a syndrome characterized by decreased performance, increased incidence of injury, suppressed immune system activity, increased appetite, moodiness, and weight gain. Maintaining normal cortisol/testosterone levels in eurecoma users may prevent or reduce some of these overtraining symptoms, as well as help the athlete recover faster and more fully from daily training. These results indicate that daily use of a standardized tongkat ali root extract supplement improves stress hormone profiles and certain mood parameters, indicating that this “ancient” remedy may be an effective approach to protecting the body from the detrimental effects of “modern” chronic stress that may include general daily problems, stress from dieting, lack of sleep and excessive exercise.

Eurycoma longifolia root (Tongkat) 50 g buy at a favorable price in the online store "Tik-Shop" with delivery in Moscow and Russia.

Mode of application


1 g of root is infused in boiling water (200 ml) for about 4 minutes. You can drink it with tea. Take 2 times a day.


Vodka (1.5 l) + crushed eurycoma root (100 g). Duration of infusion - 2 weeks. Single dose – 1 tbsp. l. Take half an hour before meals. The course lasts a month and is repeated after 7 days.


The root of Eurycoma longifolia is used to produce biologically active extracts that are used in medicine and sports (bodybuilding and powerlifting). Eurycoma longifolia has a wide range of positive effects; it is used to treat malaria, stomach and duodenal ulcers, tumors, as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, and as an antipyretic. Eurycoma longifolia gained the greatest popularity in sports, where it is used to increase testosterone production and gain muscle mass, as well as to enhance libido, as an aphrodisiac.

Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat) is one of the few plants used in bodybuilding as an anabolic agent that has proven effectiveness. Scientific studies have demonstrated that Eurycoma longifolia root extract increases endogenous testosterone production, resulting in increased sex drive, increased physical endurance, strength and muscle mass. Eurycoma longifolia not only increases testosterone levels, but also suppresses its inactivation in the body.

Athletes who take supplements based on this plant also note an increase in tone, improved well-being, faster recovery after training, and elimination of joint problems (due to increased production of synovial fluid).

As a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator, Eurycoma longifolia reduces the incidence of colds and protects muscles from destruction. Some athletes note a decrease in fat mass after the course.

What are the benefits of Eurycoma root?

  • is a powerful aphrodisiac, increases testosterone production;
  • increases and maintains male potency at a high level;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and colds;
  • accelerates recovery after physical activity;
  • no side effects when using root preparations.

Buy Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat) inexpensively in Moscow with delivery throughout Russia!

Eastern folk medicine is rich in recipes based on unique medicinal plants. Sometimes they turn out to be more effective than medications or other modern techniques. One of the most popular plants, on the basis of which various food additives, dietary supplements, and even medications are prepared, is Eurycoma longifolia; it is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy.

The shrub grows in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. Its height reaches 15 meters. The rhizome of the plant is especially valued. Tongkat root is a natural aphrodisiac and is used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. You can buy tongkat from us in different types: regular and red.

It is very difficult to buy Eurycoma longifolia root in a pharmacy. The plant is rare and expensive, as its cultivation requires special conditions. Scientists have proven that the root contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body (a total of about 65 biochemical elements).

In medicine

Tongkat is effective for various diseases, enhances drug therapy, and improves general condition. During clinical trials, it was found that the active components contained in the root of the plant help destroy cancer cells. Tongkat root can be used for the following conditions:

  • cold;
  • indigestion;
  • decreased immunity;
  • low testosterone levels in the blood;
  • impotence;
  • male infertility.

Eurycoma longifolia has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy the root of this plant in a pharmacy, so do not miss the opportunity to order it on the website of the official supplier.

In cosmetology

Tongkat root is often the main ingredient in cosmetics. Anti-aging creams and serums, anti-cellulite preparations, tonics, and skin care lotions are produced on its basis. You can prepare a mask or face cream from Eurycoma longifolia at home; to do this, you need to order the root, grind it, and add other ingredients.

In sports

Tongkat root is used as an anabolic agent, so preparations based on it are very popular among athletes and bodybuilders. Eurycoma root extract is the main component of sports nutrition.

The effect of the medicinal plant in this direction is as follows:

  • increasing the level of endrogenic testosterone in the blood in men;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • muscle mass gains faster;
  • endurance improves.

Athletes who use nutritional supplements based on eurycoma root can exercise on exercise machines much longer, then they are not bothered by muscle pain, and the person does not feel tired. It is worth buying Eurycoma longifolia for men who cannot conceive a child, because the plant’s ability to increase sperm activity has been clinically proven.

How to take Eurocoma longifolia (Tongkat)?

The root of the exotic plant is recommended for use by weightlifters, bodybuilders, athletes, and men who have problems with potency. Girls who play sports can also buy Eurycoma longifolia, but for them the dose will be smaller. Men are recommended to consume 2 grams of crushed powder per day, 1 gram twice a day. There are no adverse reactions after consuming the product, since the root of the plant has only a positive effect on the body.

Where to buy Eurycoma?

If you decide to buy Eurycoma longifolia root at the pharmacy, it is better to abandon this idea. Firstly, it will be very difficult to find it there, and secondly, the price can be greatly inflated. It will be much easier and cheaper if you buy tongkat root in our store. You can buy natural Eurycoma longifolia root from us at an affordable price. The catalog contains other remedies that are widely known in Eastern folk medicine. When ordering from us, you receive 100% high-quality goods, high-quality service, fast delivery and competitive prices. Hurry up and buy tongkat root at a discount!

The Tik-Shop store is always ready to offer the best price for Eurycoma longifolia root (Tongkat) 50 g, compared to Moscow pharmacies.

We are also ready to deliver orders to the following cities: Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia.

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack ), or the root of Eurycoma longifolia, also known as Pasak Bumi and Ali's Staff. This plant is especially respected in Asia - thanks to its ability to increase testosterone levels in the body by up to 440%!

Mental fatigue

Although testosterone has a very diverse effect on the human body, publications available on the Russian-language Internet primarily highlight the effect of eurycoma root on sexual health and its strengthening. But hormonal balance affects not only libido and the ability to have heirs, it is also important for tone and endurance; it plays one of the main roles in the fight against mental stress, which is not such a rare phenomenon in modern life full of stress.

A little about testosterone.

The general reduction in the activity of a person’s life is usually explained simply by age. But what directly causes aging? It is believed that the aging process is directly related to the level of testosterone in the blood. It is highest at puberty and very high until about age 25, and then gradually decreases over time. Clinical studies confirm that after reaching the age of thirty, the rate of decline in testosterone levels reaches 2% per year. It should be noted that the rate of decline in the level of this hormone depends on various factors, the lifestyle and nutrition of the individual. It has been proven that alcohol and smoking significantly interfere with the natural production of testosterone, that is, they accelerate aging.

If the body’s ability to produce testosterone at 25 years old is taken as 100%, then by 35 years old it will drop to 70-75%, 65-70% at 40 years old, 60-65% at 45 years old, 55-60% at 50 years old, 50 -55% at 55 years old and 45-50% at 60 years old. If we take into account that in the next ten years the retirement age in Latvia will reach 65-67, or even 70 years, it becomes clear that the need to think about lifestyle and reconsider your attitude towards your health is becoming more acute, since this will most directly affect on the quality of life in advanced years.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the testes. This hormone plays a vital role in a man’s life. One of the main functions of testosterone is to promote muscle growth: the higher the concentration of testosterone in the blood, the larger and stronger the muscles become. Therefore, with low testosterone levels, there is no need to talk about high achievements in sports.

As a result of a survey by The St. Louis ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in Aged Males) it was found that the following symptoms indicate decreased testosterone levels in men:

1. Weakening of sexual desire(libido).

2. General lethargy.

3. Decreased endurance, fatigue.

4. Reduced growth.

5. Lack of cheerfulness.

6. Constant boredom or grumpiness, memory loss, anxiety.

7. Deterioration of erection.

8. Decreased athletic performance.

9. Drowsiness after dinner.

10. Decreased performance.


Testosterone promotes the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow. Their deficiency can lead to anemia with all the ensuing consequences.

Testosterone promotes the burning of fat and prevents its storage, which is why many older men (with a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood) begin to develop a belly: in men, fat is deposited mainly in this area, but fat can also be deposited in other areas, for example, on the thighs , which makes the figure feminine.

National Geographic explores the testosterone factor (video):

Reduced testosterone levels can be the cause of increased hair loss or slow beard growth: it’s not for nothing that they say that a real man shaves his beard twice a day, because a beard has been a symbol of masculinity for a long time. Hair growth in the nose and ears also increases.

Testosterone is also important for increasing life expectancy, as it lowers blood levels of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, thereby reducing the risk of developing angina. When the level of this hormone decreases, changes in the skin are also visible: the skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear, and the man looks much older than his age.

Perhaps many men will experience the problems described above, but there is no reason to panic - the level of testosterone in the blood can be adjusted (of course, within physiological norms) in accordance with age and general physical condition.

What are the improvements after normalizing testosterone levels:

Protein biosynthesis improves (at the same time, muscle mass gain accelerates), red blood cell formation increases, skin regeneration accelerates, metabolism and fat burning improve, the ability to withstand stress increases, brain function and memory improve, and libido increases.

Let's note some more risks associated with low testosterone levels:

Osteoporosis and pelvic bone fractures, heart disease and myocardial infarction, blood vessel diseases, prostate cancer, Senile dementia ( senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease).

How does Tongkat Ali affect testosterone levels in the body:

Bioactive substances contained in the root of eurycoma and responsible for the formation of testosterone and its function send signals to glands located in the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This is how Tongkat Ali differs from synthetic testosterone (when using anabolic steroids, the body receives doses of testosterone, but the testes stop performing their function, since with an artificial increase in testosterone levels, sex hormones (androgens and estrogens) give a stop signal to the hypothalamus and pituitary glands). The body's ability to produce its own testosterone is weakened or completely lost - this is called negative feedback. Tongkat Ali does not produce such negative feedback signals, allowing the testes to continue producing testosterone at full capacity.

Tongkat Ali in the Malaysian rainforest (video):

As Tongkat Ali has gained popularity in the Western world in recent years, its abundance in Malaysian rainforests has declined dramatically. Although Tongkat Ali is a source of income for the local population, the local government was forced to take measures to reduce its logging in order to preserve this plant.

Growing demand gives rise to a varied supply, often of poor quality and even dangerous to human health. Seekers of easy money sell a useless substance with small additions of real Tongkat Ali root.

Which is better - root or extract?

The specific content of active components in the root of Tongkat Ali is very low, one might say negligible. In a report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) about the study “Quantitative measurement of the content of chemically and biologically active substances in Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali)" states that "the content of bioactive substances is less than 0.005%." Therefore, they are not readily available for further research and commercial needs. The plant requires a significant period of growth to produce secondary metabolites, whose compounds may explain the biological activity of Tongkat Ali.

This means that to obtain 50 mg of biologically active substances, 1 kg of root is needed. In addition, only ten-year-old and older bush roots are suitable for obtaining bioactive substances. The ruthless deforestation of Tongkat Ali has led to its production being strictly limited in Malaysia. It should be noted that in Indonesia there is still enough 10-20 year old plant in the wild, making this region the main supplier of Tongkat Ali.

Typically, to prepare one serving of the drink, you need to boil 20-50 grams of the root for at least 30 minutes to extract the active substances. This is one of the most effective ways to use Tongkat Ali. The root of an adult, 10-20 year old plant weighs 3-7 kg, and given that the effective dose is 50 grams, it turns out that approximately 60-140 servings can be prepared from one root.Tongkat Ali grows in tropical jungles, and its root goes 1-2 meters deep. This means that extracting a single root requires hours of intensive work. Next, the root is crushed, and using special technology, a standardized extract is obtained, with scientifically proven effectiveness, but expensive.

At the same time, there is a huge offer of nutritional supplements with Tongkat Ali on the Internet, and in a wide price range! What do they actually sell in beautiful packaging? Most often it is ground powder of the root, which in its composition is mainly cellulose, a very light substance, so a standard capsule contains approximately 300 mg of Tongkat Ali powder. Usually the market offers bottles with 30-60 capsules, in the price range of 20-40 USD.

Basic arithmetic shows what can be extracted from such a purchase - 30 capsules when multiplied by 300 mg of powder give 9 grams. To get an effective dose (approximately 50 grams) you need to buy five and a half 30-capsule bottles, which will cost approximately 100 USD! Therefore, when buying dietary supplements with Tongkat Ali, you need to carefully monitor what the seller offers - powder or extract.

It’s not so simple with extracts either. Since there is no scientifically proven method for standardizing active substances yet, extracts are difficult to compare with each other. There are even more uncertainties with extracts than with powder, whose approximate potency and dosage can be estimated (assuming the supplier is in good faith providing a quality root powder). Due to the lack of standards, an extract can also be called a purified 2:1 powder, and this means that if you take even 10 capsules (300 mg) of such an “extract” per day, the required (effective) dose will still not be achieved, and a positive effect will be observed will not be. Therefore, manufacturers often label extracts as 50:1, 100:1, and even 200:1. These parameters indicate how many weight units of the root were used to obtain 1 weight unit of extract. But at the same time, these parameters do not provide any information about the content of active substances in 1 weight unit of the extract - for example, two 100:1 extracts can significantly differ from each other - both in the content of bioactive substances and in their effects.

You should not buy Tongkat Ali based on the appearance of the bottle and the price. As mentioned above, prices vary widely, and even if you buy the most expensive product, you are not immune from purchasing low-quality powder. It is best to make purchases based on your own experience or on experienced people you trust.

If you are faced with a choice about what to buy - powder or extract, you need to keep in mind that the extract is denser, so for the same size, the capsule with the extract will be heavier.

The extract is very hygroscopic; if you pick it up, it will leave a brownish sticky layer on the skin - this is not typical for simple root powder.

Since the online trade in nutritional supplements is not strictly regulated, unscrupulous traders take advantage of the buyer’s desire to purchase a valuable product at a low price and make large profits due to the gullibility of customers.

Buyers pay attention to beautiful packaging, product name, brand, but rarely pay attention to the composition and are not interested in therapeutic doses.

The same situation applies to other nutritional supplements and multivitamin complexes. For example, the description of a certain product may indicate that, along with other components, the capsule contains 10 mg of calcium and 10 mg of potassium. This is an example of an absurd situation, since half a glass of milk contains much more calcium and potassium, and the price in this case is much lower.

Therefore, when purchasing Tongkat Ali, it is advisable to:

11. Choose an extract rather than a simple root powder.

22. Among the extracts, choose those for which the ratio of the amount of the final product to the starting material is indicated: 1:50, 1:100 or 1:200. If a manufacturer merely mentions the word “extract,” they may be selling an ineffective but expensive powder with a 1:2 ratio.

33. Preference should be given to a manufacturer who guarantees that the extract is almost completely soluble in water - the solids content should not exceed 1%. The manufacturer must also indicate the content of active substances (e.g. saponins)

44. It is not recommended to choose complex nutritional supplements in which the expensive Tongkat Ali is mixed with much cheaper and less effective substances - such as arginine, damiana, muira puama or minerals (for example, zinc). For example, arginine costs 100 USD per kilogram, which is enough for 4000 capsules, and damiana, for example, is usually not extracted. When purchasing such complexes, the buyer receives less Tongkat Ali, but pays as for pure Tongkat Ali.

55. As Malaysian eurycoma becomes increasingly scarce, Indonesian Tongkat Ali is usually cheaper.

66. One of the two most popular extraction methods uses alcohol as a solvent. According to another technology, water acts as a solvent, and extract crystals are obtained through slow, 72-hour evaporation.

Another method (Freez dried) was developed in Malaysia itself with government support and in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This method ensures a very high content of active substances in the extract. It is clear that such products are correspondingly more expensive.