How Hrushevsky invented Ukrainian history. Grushevsky Mikhail Who is Mikhail Grushevsky

Date of death: A place of death:

Monument to Mikhail Grushevsky in Lviv

Hrushevsky's estate in Lviv, where he lived until 1914, now the Hrushevsky Museum

Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky(ukr. Mikhailo Sergiyovich Grushevsky) (17 (September 29) - November 25) - public and political figure Ukraine, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian national movement, historian of Ukraine and Austria-Hungary, professor at Lviv University (-). Grushevsky is the author of "History of Ukraine-Rus", a work that covered the history of "Ukraine-Rus", that is, Kievan Rus, Chervona Rus and Little Russia from antiquity almost to the period modern for the author.


Mikhail Grushevsky was born in Kholm (now - eastern Poland). His father was the author of a Church Slavonic textbook accepted by the Russian Ministry of Education and repeatedly reprinted. The copyright for this textbook brought the family, and later Mikhail Grushevsky himself, a stable income that allowed him to focus on historical research.

The claims of historians (including modern ones) to Grushevsky are connected, first of all, with the fact that many of his conclusions are based on the political pamphlet of the 18th century. "History of the Rus", which has been repeatedly criticized for bias and partiality. At the same time, the well-known Ukrainian writer Nechui-Levytsky criticized the language in which Mykhailo Hrushevsky wrote his works, calling his work "the destruction of the Ukrainian language."

One of the most irreconcilable opponents of Grushevsky was the famous orientalist A.E. Krymsky, among the more tolerant opponents who partially shared his ideas, one can name A.P. Ogloblin. In 1929 Grushevsky was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.



  • History of Ukrainian Literature (History of Ukrainian Literature)

About Hrushevsky

  • R. Ya. Pirig. Problems of preparing a scientific biography of Mikhail Hrushevsky

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See what "Grushevsky Mikhail" is in other dictionaries:

    Sergeevich (1866 1934) public and political figure in Ukraine. Grushevsky, Mikhail Yakovlevich (b. 1964) actor, TV presenter, pop parodist ... Wikipedia

    Mikhail Grushevsky Birth name: Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky ... Wikipedia

    Historian, professor at Lviv University in the Department of History, was born in 1866 in the town of Kholm, where his father was a teacher at the Greek Uniate gymnasium. He spent his youth in the Caucasus and graduated from the course of the Tiflis gymnasium. In 1886 he entered the philological ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - [Mikhailo Hrushevsky, 1866] Ukrainian historian, historian of literature and writer. Genus. In the family of a teacher, he spent his youthful years in the Caucasus, where he studied at the Tiflis gymnasium. In 1890, G. graduated from Kiev University with a degree in history and philology ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (1866 1934) Ukrainian historian, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1924), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 1917 18 Chairman of the Central Rada. Since 1919, an emigrant, a Smenovekhovian, returned to the USSR in 1924. The main work is the History of Ukraine Rus (10 volumes, in 13 books, 1898 ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ukrainian bourgeois historian and historian of Ukrainian literature, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist movement. In 1890 he graduated from the historical-philological ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Grushevsky, Mikhail Sergeevich- GRUSHEVSKY Mikhail Sergeevich (1866 1934), Ukrainian historian. In 1917 18 Chairman of the Central Rada. Created a holistic concept of the history of the Ukrainian people. In 1919 1924 in exile. The main works “History of Ukraine Rus” (10 vols., in 13 books, 1898 ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1866 1934), historian and politician, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1924), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 1917 18 Chairman of the Central Rada. Since 1919, an emigrant, Smenovekhovets. In 1924 he returned to the USSR, headed the section of the history of Ukraine of the historical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

About M.S. Hrushevsky is often said to have invented Ukraine and its history. However, we can only partly agree with this, because. Ukraine was invented long before him. But it was Grushevsky who created the history for Ukraine. And he did this by simply renaming everything Russian into Ukrainian. We'll talk about this.
100 years ago Mikhail Grushevsky was elected President of the Central Rada

Mikhail Grushevsky

The great Ukrainian writer-humorist Ostap Vishny has simply wonderful lines: “Once upon a time, as you know, there was Professor Grushevsky of an unkind, bearded memory. With his scientific intelligence, he finally and convincingly proved that this is the monkey from which, according to Darwin, man originated - so that monkey was from the Ukrainians. And what do you think, it could be so, because during excavations near the Vorskla River, as Professor Grushevsky says, they found two hairs - one yellow, the other blue. So the yellow hair is from that monkey's right ear, and the blue one is from the left. You can't fight facts."

Mikhail Hrushevsky in Ukrainian national mythology is an outstanding personality. Firstly, since it was he who originally created this mythology, and, secondly, because he is considered the “first president of Ukraine” (which, by the way, is fundamentally wrong). That's just about the details of the biography of the "great Ukrainian" today in Kyiv they really do not like to talk. But in vain. After all, it was just a sea of ​​​​everything interesting. In particular, it allows us to understand where the "ancient Ukrainians" and the state "Ukraine-Rus" came from in modern school textbooks...

Mikhail Sergeevich was born in 1866 in Kholm (today it is the territory of Poland) in a respected family. His father was a Russian language teacher and author of a textbook on Church Slavonic, officially accepted by the Ministry of Education. Russian Empire. Mikhail inherited from his father the copyright to the book, which allowed him to lead a comfortable life, engaging in socio-political and scientific activities at the expense of the state treasury. In his youth, Grushevsky lived for several years in Tiflis, after which he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Kyiv University, from which he graduated in 1890. Thanks to diligent study and the patronage of some teachers, Mikhail remained at the university after graduation, where he defended his master's thesis in 1894, after which amazing metamorphoses began in his life.

Mikhail Grushevsky (sitting first on the right) with his parents, brothers Zakhary and Fyodor, sister Anna. Stavropol, 1876.

Here it is necessary to make the necessary reservation. The term "Ukraine", known from chronicles since the 12th century, has been used exclusively as a common noun for centuries. He designated "borderland". "Ukraine" were both Kyiv and Chernihiv, and Ryazan, Amur. As a more or less established name in relation to the territory of modern Ukraine, it began to be used only from the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. Moreover, without any ethnic load. Even in "Kobzar" Taras Shevchenko does not have the term "Ukrainian" in principle. The idea of ​​“otherness” of the population of the territory of modern Ukraine arose in the first half of the 19th century at the suggestion of Polish and Russian revolutionaries, who were trying to weaken the Russian autocracy in such a simple way. The “broad masses of the people” clearly identified themselves with the Russian people.

The turning point in what would later be called "Ukrainization" occurred in the middle of the 19th century in Austria. The leadership of the empire realized that the Russian population of Galicia and other lands controlled by Vienna gravitate towards Russia. Therefore, from local Russians, using the method of carrots and sticks (threats and generous promises), they began to forge a new ethnic community - for a start, Rusyns or Ruthenians.

Official Vienna directly conveyed to the Slavic population subject to it that it can count on any support only if it refuses to share ethnic identification with the Russians. Gradually, the Austrian authorities came to the conclusion that they could try to use the “national question” to expand their own borders at the expense of their eastern neighbor. The harmless simplified alphabet - “Kulishovka”, created for teaching peasant children to read and write, was transformed into the Ukrainian national alphabet. On the territory of Little Russia, they began to finance the creation of "cultural and educational organizations" that promote the "otherness" of the population of the southwestern regions of the Russian Empire. They began to explain to the inhabitants of the Carpathians that they are “one people” with the inhabitants of the Dnieper region, but not Russian and not Russian, but some completely separate one. At the same time, representatives of the “newly minted ethnic group” were called differently: Ukrainians, Little Russians, Rusyns, South Russians. The idea of ​​the Austrian government was also liked by the authorities of rapidly growing Germany, which began to show a lively interest in the events taking place in Kyiv.

At this stage, Mikhail Grushevsky was involved in the big propaganda game. In 1894, the Austrian authorities sent him to Lvov, gave him a chair at a local university, and allocated generous funding. Grushevsky, commissioned by sponsors, almost immediately brings to the surface the concept of continuous ethnogenesis of Ukrainians since the existence of Ant tribes and the Old Russian state, which, according to the scientist, was a “Ukrainian power”.

He publishes several small studies on the "history of Ukraine" and sits down to write a multi-volume "History of Ukraine-Rus". In the "competition" for the best "toponym and ethnonym" the terms "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians" win. Grushevsky argues that the term "Ukraine" became a proper name as early as the 16th century, although he does not bother to provide at least some convincing evidence to support his words. From the works of Grushevsky, this unproven statement will wander through the mass of textbooks and manuals ... According to Russian counterintelligence, Grushevsky has been receiving generous rewards from the Austrian special services all this time. With these funds, he produces printed materials, registers public organizations, and takes part in the work of the Ukrainian National Democratic Party.

At the same time, the professor, who retained his Russian passport, is increasingly beginning to visit the empire, where he is actually “under the hood” of counterintelligence officers. In 1910, the gendarmes record Grushevsky's constant contacts with the Austrian consul in Kyiv, to whom the scientist passes some materials. During a search of his apartment, it is established that Grushevsky kept anti-Russian literature and accounting records testifying to his subversive activities against Russia for Austrian money.

Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky

In 1914, against the background of the approach and the outbreak of the First World War, Grushevsky sharply activates anti-Russian and pro-Austrian propaganda. During the next visit to Kyiv, he is detained by gendarmes. During a search of Mikhail's place of residence, printed materials with anti-Russian content are again found and he is sent into exile in Simbirsk. However, Grushevsky did not stay there for long. The liberal-democratic intelligentsia is massively supporting him, flooding St. Petersburg with their messages in support of the pro-Austrian professor.

First he was transferred to Kazan, and in 1916 to Moscow. After the February Revolution, he immediately returned to Kyiv, where by that time he had already been elected in absentia to the post of chairman of the Ukrainian Central Rada. Formerly a notorious liberal, Grushevsky “turns to the left” before our eyes and becomes one of the founders of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. On April 19-21, at the All-Ukrainian National Congress, he was re-elected President of the Ukrainian Central Rada. At the same time, he was not any “president of Ukraine”: his position itself was called differently, and Ukraine at that time did not even have autonomy within Russia.

In November 1917, Grushevsky was elected from the Kyiv district to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. In January 1918, he literally spent several days as a virtual “head of state” (the Ukrainian People’s Republic, which already existed only on paper, proclaimed its independence). In early February 1918, representatives of the Central Rada signed a peace treaty with Berlin and Vienna, according to which Ukraine was occupied by Germany and Austria-Hungary.

In April Pavel Skoropadsky at the suggestion of the Germans, he dispersed the Central Rada, but Grushevsky's career did not end there.

In 1919, the “ex-president of the Central Republic” moved to Austria and even founded a sociological institute, but things were “not very good” for him there (for obvious reasons, the former sponsors were no longer up to him). Therefore, once the head of the anti-Bolshevik resistance, Grushevsky began to ask to be allowed to return to Russia. In the USSR, at that time, a campaign for “indigenization” was unfolding, and the proposals of the fugitive professor turned out to be just in time. In 1924, he was allowed to return, given a professorship at Kiev University, made him a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and appointed to a number of scientific posts. From his submission, the concept of the presence of a separate Ukrainian ethnic group migrated to Soviet textbooks (although not from the time of the Ants, as he would have liked).

In 1931, Grushevsky was detained on charges of "counter-revolutionary activities", but was soon released. But after that, his students and employees were massively repressed. Some historians argue that it was the “ex-president” who could hand them over.

Grushevsky died in 1934. His work in connection with the curtailment of the indigenization policy was banned. Grushevsky's family was subjected to repressions at the denunciation of his own student, Konstantin Shteppa, who was first a White Guard, then an NKVD informer, during the war years an agent of the Nazi SD, and after it was completed, an employee of the CIA ...

Grushevsky's works have always been subjected to fierce criticism from the scientific community. Mikhail Sergeevich usually refused to participate in discussions when he was required to rely on facts (as was the case with Ivan Linnichenko, the creator of the concept of Ukraine simply avoided polemics with him). Both the individual facts cited by Grushevsky, and his concept as a whole during the years of the Great Patriotic War were actively used for propaganda purposes by the Nazis, and after 1991, without additional verification, they were transferred to Ukrainian school and university textbooks. And now, on the basis of Hrushevsky's ideas about "ancient Ukrainians" and "Ukraine-Rus", a new anti-scientific Nazi ideology is being forged.

Hrushevsky's portrait flaunts on the Ukrainian 50-hryvnia banknote, a street in the center of Kyiv is named after him, and a monument was erected to him in the Ukrainian capital. But they do not like to remember some details in his biography in Ukraine, as mentioned above. Well, how to explain to schoolchildren and students why the "great Ukrainian" humbly asked to be taken back from "enlightened Europe"? How to comment on the facts of his work for Austrian intelligence? And then - strange loyalty to him on the part of Soviet law enforcement agencies?

Grushevsky's contemporaries did not like him. The writer-humorist Ostap Vishnya devoted a sarcastic material to the anti-scientific ideas of Mikhail Sergeevich under the eloquent title "Thirty Pieces of Silver", a few phrases from which we quoted at the beginning of the article.

Before Grushevsky, the “Ukrainian concept”, which was promoted by the Austro-Hungarian and German secret services, was not harmonious and monolithic. In his science-like fiction, Mikhail Sergeevich tritely deceived people, forcing them to believe in facts he himself invented. Then his concept was adopted by Bandera, who cut under the stories of the former greatness of "Ukrainian Russians", women, children and the elderly on the orders of the Nazis. Today, thanks to fairy tales paid for by the Austrian special services more than a hundred years ago, Ukrainian schoolchildren throw up their hands in a Nazi salute, and blood is shed in the Donbass. If the Austrians chose someone else to replace Hrushevsky, would he be able to act just as effectively? It is not known ... The role of the individual in history should not be underestimated ...

Svyatoslav Knyazev

Svetlana Pankova

Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky(17 (29) 09.1866; Hill, now Chelm, Poland - 11/24/1934; Kislovodsk, Russia) - historian, literary critic, writer, publicist, public figure and statesman. Academician of VUAN (since 1923) and Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929).

Mikhail was born into the family of a graduate of the Kyiv Theological Academy, teacher, organizer of public education, author of the "First educational book of the Church Slavonic language" Sergei Fedorovich Grushevsky. The family of the father came from the Cossacks Grush, the family of the mother - from the Greek Catholic priests Oputskevich.

He graduated from the Tiflis Gymnasium (1880-1886), the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of St. Vladimir (1886-1890) in 1891-1894. - professorial fellow for the title of master of history at the university. Student of V.B.Antonovich. Prepared under his guidance competitive work"Essay on the history of the Kyiv land from the death of Yaroslav to the end of the XIV century." (1891), awarded a gold medal, and a master's thesis "Bar Starostvo" (1894).

In 1894, Grushevsky moved to Lvov and took up the post of professor at Lvov University. At the university, he headed the department of "world history with special emphasis on the history of Eastern Europe" - the first department of the history of Ukraine in Ukrainian lands, and held this position until the outbreak of the First World War (1914).

Grushevsky's scientific contacts with Lvov began as early as 1892. Since 1893, he was a member of the Scientific Society. Shevchenko in Lvov, and in 1897-1913 he was the chairman of the Society. Under the leadership of Grushevsky, the Society developed as a scientific institution similar to Western European academies, it was to become the core of the future Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Under the editorship of the scientist in 1895-1913. 113 volumes of "Notes of NTSH" were published.

Grushevsky initiated the work on collecting sources on the history of Ukraine, which were published in serial publications of the Archaeographic Commission of the NTSh: “Sources on the History of Ukraine-Rus”, “Monuments of the Ukrainian Language and Literature”. In 1906, he began publishing the Ukrainian-Russian Archive. In 1898, together with O. Makovei and I. Franko, he founded and edited the literary and journalistic journal "Literary and Scientific Bulletin", in 1899 he was one of the organizers of the "Ukrainian Publishing Union".

Historical Seminar of the University Department and the Scientific Society. Shevchenko became the organizational centers of Hrushevsky's scientific school, from which emerged a galaxy of famous Ukrainian historians - V. Harasimchuk, I. Dzhidzhora, M. Korduba, I. Krevetsky, I. Krypyakevich, O. Terletsky, S. Tomashivsky and others.

These large-scale historical studies were supposed to serve as the basis for the main scientific work of M.S. Hrushevsky - the multi-volume "History of Ukraine-Rus". Its first volume was published in Lvov in 1898. Grushevsky considered writing such a story a matter of honor for his generation and stubbornly continued to work on it in various, often very unfavorable conditions. The last, tenth volume (dedicated to the events of 1657 - 1659) was published after Grushevsky's death - in 1936.

The "History of Ukraine-Rus" remained unfinished, since the plan chosen for it exceeded the possibilities of one human life. Therefore, in parallel with the work on the fundamental multi-volume history, he compiled concise one-volume essays on the history of Ukraine (“Essays on the History of the Ukrainian People”, 1904, “Illustrated History of Ukraine”, 1913)

In 1897, in the newspaper Delo, Grushevsky launched the cry “We are striving for our university!”, and since then he has led a long-term struggle for the creation of an independent Ukrainian university in Lviv. In 1906, he came up with a program to create Ukrainian departments at all universities in sub-Russian Ukraine. Hrushevsky was the initiator of the creation in Lviv of a public organization - the Society of Supporters of Ukrainian Literature, Science and Art (1904), which contributed to the development of Ukrainian culture and science, supported the creative intelligentsia from all Ukrainian lands.

After the revolution of 1905, censorship conditions in the Russian Empire were eased, the Emsky Decree of 1876, which banned the Ukrainian language, was canceled. Grushevsky sought to take advantage of new opportunities and spread his scientific and social activities in the Dnieper Ukraine. In 1907, he was elected chairman of the newly created Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv, edited its publications - "Proceedings of UNT in Kyiv", "Ukraine". In 1907, he moved to Kyiv the editorial office of the Literary and Scientific Bulletin, the printing of his works. On the initiative and with the participation of the scientist in 1909-1912. popular illustrated national newspapers "Derevnya" and "Zasev" were published.

In 1907, Grushevsky submitted his candidacy for a competition to fill the position of head of the department at the University of St. Vladimir, but because of the chauvinistic mood of the university administration did not receive enough votes.

Grushevsky gained experience public figure still in his student years in Kyiv under the leadership of Konissky and Antonovich as the head of the Ukrainian community at the Kyiv Theological Seminary. During his stay in Lviv, he, as a subject of the Russian Empire, did not have political rights in Austria-Hungary, but he was constantly interested in politics and was one of the organizers of the first political association in Galicia - the Ukrainian National Democratic Party (1899). In 1905-1906. actively collaborated with the Ukrainian Duma faction in the 1st and 2nd State Dumas of Russia and its printed organ, the Ukrainian Bulletin. He was among the founders and members of the Council of the Ukrainian political party in the Russian Empire - the Society of Ukrainian Progressives (1908).

The beginning of the First World War caught Hrushevsky on vacation in the village of Kryvorivnya (now Ivano-Frankivsk region, and then the territory of Austria-Hungary). With great difficulty, Grushevsky managed to return to Kyiv, where he was arrested on charges of Austrophilism. After a five-month imprisonment in Lukyanovskaya prison, he was sent to Simbirsk. In the autumn of 1915, thanks to the petition of authoritative Russian scientists, he received permission to move to Kazan, a year later - to Moscow. In exile, he continued his scientific work, in Moscow he actively collaborated with the well-known socio-political publication "Ukrainian Life". Only the February (1917) revolution and the fall of the autocracy in Russia allowed Grushevsky to return to Kyiv.

With the creation of the Ukrainian Central Rada in Kyiv in early March 1917, Grushevsky was elected its chairman in absentia. By secret ballot, he was re-elected to this position by the All-Ukrainian National Congress on April 8, 1917. Under the leadership of the recognized, authoritative leader of the Ukrainian movement, the Central Rada in a short time went from the slogans of national-cultural autonomy to the proclamation of the sovereign Ukrainian People's Republic (January 1918) and its Constitution (April 1918). Hrushevsky was the author of the main political documents of the UCR, the main conceptual provisions of the Ukrainian revolution. He worked closely with the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, founded in April 1917.

After the hetman's coup, Grushevsky withdrew from active political activity. In 1919-1924 he was in exile (Prague, Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Vienna). Grushevsky's scientific and publishing activities were concentrated in the Ukrainian Sociological Institute he founded, socio-political - in the leadership of the "Foreign Delegation" of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, editing its printed organ "Fight - Fight!", Creation of the Hungry Ukraine Committee.

In exile, Hrushevsky began work on another scientific project - the multi-volume History of Ukrainian Literature. Its first volumes were printed in 1923; the last, 6th volume, devoted to the literature of the first third of the 17th century, remained in manuscript and was published only in 1995.

In March 1924, Grushevsky returned to Ukraine to continue large-scale scientific research and complete the writing of the fundamental "History of Ukraine-Rus", which could not be done without domestic archives and library collections. Objectively, with his scientific and scientific-organizational activities, the scientist opposed the Bolshevik regime in Ukraine. In 1924-1930, he headed all the main historical organizations of the VUAN: the Department of the History of the Ukrainian People at the Historical and Philological Department, the Historical Section with numerous commissions, the Archaeographic Commission. The newly created Research Department of the History of Ukraine became the center of his historical school. Under the editorship of the scientist during this period, 80 books were published, among them periodicals and serials: "Ukraine", "Scientific Collection", "Studies on the History of Ukraine", "For a Hundred Years", collections of commissions for regional study of the history of Ukraine.

In 1929, Grushevsky was elected an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The result of the organizational, structural, ideological and personnel destruction of scientific institutions headed by Grushevsky was the liquidation at the end of 1930 of the commissions of the historical section, the research department of the history of Ukraine, and the closure of all publications. In 1931-1934. Grushevsky formally headed only the department of the history of the Ukrainian people in the era of commercial capital. During these years, Grushevsky became the object of ruthless unbridled "criticism" (or, simply, persecution), inspired and carried out by the Bolshevik leadership. "Critics" in civilian clothes, without choosing expressions, accused him of various scientific and political "sins".

At the beginning of March 1931, Grushevsky was forced to leave for Moscow, which was officially considered a scientific trip, in fact, an “honorable exile”. Archival sources testify that the organs of the GPU-NKVD began total surveillance of the scientist from the first days of his return to Ukraine; this culminated in the arrest in March 1931 and the charge of leading a fabricated so-called. "Ukrainian National Center" (UNC). A short time after interrogations in Kharkov, Grushevsky was released. An open trial in the UC case did not take place. To date, no documents have been found to unambiguously clarify the circumstances and explain the motives for the release of the scientist.

In 1931-1934. Grushevsky lived in Moscow under constant surveillance by the Bolshevik secret police. He worked on the tenth volume of the "History of Ukraine-Rus", which was prepared for publication by his daughter Ekaterina and published after the historian's death in early 1937. He died in Kislovodsk after a series of surgical operations. He was buried in Kyiv at the Baikove cemetery.

Despite the fact that Grushevsky was not formally repressed by the Soviet authorities, during the entire period of its domination until 1991, his works were not republished; previously published works were removed from libraries and destroyed or transferred to special stores, his name was hushed up in every possible way, and where it was impossible to be silent, he was dishonored by such labels as “enemy of the Ukrainian people”, “Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist”, “Austro-German spy” , "a falsifier of the history of Ukraine". Grushevsky's scientific heritage was not studied at that time, and even references to Grushevsky's long-published and formally not forbidden works were not allowed.

The Soviet academician experienced such blessings from the Soviet authorities - for the fact that he was the personification of Ukraine's desire for an independent state existence.

Only in independent Ukraine did it become possible to objectively cover the figure of Mikhail Grushevsky, to properly assess his contribution to Ukrainian science and statehood, publishing his works and honoring his memory. Our website is our contribution to this holy cause.

Hill of the Lublin province, now the city of Chelm, Poland - 11/25/1934, Kislovodsk; buried in Kyiv], historian, politician, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1923) and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). From a teacher's family.

He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of St. Vladimir in Kyiv (1890; student of V. B. Antonovich). In 1894, on the recommendation of Antonovich, he took the chair of general history at Lviv University (Austria-Hungary) “with a special review of the history of Eastern Europe”, which Grushevsky later turned into the actual chair of the history of Ukraine. Chairman of the Scientific Association named after T. G. Shevchenko (1897-1913; from 1894 he headed its historical and philosophical section; in 1895-1913, 111 volumes of the Notes were published under the editorship of Grushevsky). In 1898 he organized a monthly journal in Ukrainian, Literary and Scientific Bulletin, in Lvov (from 1907 in Kiev), until 1908 he participated in its editing (along with I. Ya. Franko and others). In 1899 he founded the Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union. He argued that the Ukrainian people is an independent nation, advocated the creation of the Russian Federal Republic and the autonomy of Ukraine in its composition, giving Ukrainian language state status on the territory of Ukraine. One of the ideologists of the creation of the Ukrainian National Democratic Party in Galicia (1899), soon left it. Since 1908, one of the leaders of the liberal political party, the Association of Ukrainian Progressives. He headed the Ukrainian Scientific Association (Kyiv, 1907-14; from 1908 he edited his "Notes").

His scientific views are closely connected with Grushevsky's political convictions. They were expressed in the main work of Hrushevsky - "History of Ukraine-Rus" [in Ukrainian; volumes 1-10 (books 1-13), 1898-36 (exposition brought to 1658); the manuscript of the 2nd part of the 10th volume was prepared for printing, but lost; the work was completely republished in 1994-2000 in 11 volumes (12 books); the 1st volume was published in Russian in 1911]. In this work, Grushevsky rejected the generally accepted scheme of the history of the Eastern Slavs in Russian historiography. He believed that the features of an independent Ukrainian ethnos appeared already in the 4th century among the Ants tribe. Highlighted the following public entities Ukrainian people: Kievan Rus (proved its local, non-Norman origin), Galicia-Volyn land, the state of B. M. Khmelnitsky, Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR). He argued that the "Ukrainian tribe" did not have common roots with the Russian, and Muscovite Rus was not the successor to Kievan Rus. Grushevsky believed that Ukrainians throughout their history had weakly expressed class contradictions, which allowed them to fight against the Poles, and then the Russians. In various works, he defined in different ways the essence of the decisions of the Pereyaslav Council of 1654 (protectorate, temporary agreement, military alliance). Published "History of the Ukrainian Cossacks before the connection with the Muscovite state" (volumes 1-2; 1913-14). He saw the origins of the Cossacks in the nomadic population of the border steppe regions of the Old Russian state, noted the participation of the boyars and petty gentry (along with peasants and townspeople) in its formation, the evolution of the Cossacks into a separate estate. He believed that Hetman I. S. Mazepa led the last significant outbreak of Ukrainian autonomism. He believed that the development of the state is determined by economic, cultural and national factors, gave the history of the people (nation) of paramount importance. Introduced into scientific circulation a large number of new sources on the history of Ukraine, some of them published in the collections "Sources on the history of Ukraine-Rus".

In August 1914, in connection with the outbreak of World War I, Grushevsky left Lvov and arrived in Kiev through Italy and Romania, where he was arrested in November 1914 and deported to Simbirsk in March 1915 "as a propagandist of Ukrainian separatism." At the request of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Grushevsky was soon allowed to move to Kazan, and in 1916 to Moscow. After the February Revolution of 1917, he was elected chairman of the Central Rada formed in Kyiv (CR; March 1917 - April 1918). He joined the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries and was elected a member of its Central Committee. He condemned the October Revolution of 1917 and announced the non-recognition of the Council of People's Commissars, advocated the independence of Ukraine and its union with other national states created on the territory of the former Russian Empire. The author of the 4th universal of the CR [adopted on 11(24).1.1918], which proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. After the liquidation of the UNR, he ceased political activity.

Since 1919, in exile (Czech Republic, France, Austria), where he worked mainly in the field of sociology [“The Origin of Society (Genetic Sociology)”, in Ukrainian, 1921] and the history of Ukrainian literature, he began to write the “History of Ukrainian Literature” (in Ukrainian language, fully published in 1993-96, volumes 1-6)]. At the expense of the Ukrainian diaspora, he founded the Ukrainian Sociological Institute in Vienna (1919). He was sympathetic to the formation of the USSR on a federal basis. In 1924 he returned to Kyiv. Until 1930, he headed the Historical and Philological Department at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He supervised the training of scientific personnel (among Grushevsky's students were O. Yu. Germaize, F. Ya. Savchenko). In 1931, he was arrested on charges of leading the Ukrainian National Center organization, and was soon released (this was facilitated by the petition of Grushevsky's cousin, G. I. Lomov); in connection with the ban on living in Ukraine, he lived in Moscow, continued to work on the "History of Ukraine-Rus".

In 2000, the State Memorial Museum of M. Hrushevsky was opened in Lviv. The Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies in Kyiv bears the name of Hrushevsky. Grushevsky's portrait is depicted on the banknote of Ukraine with a face value of 50 hryvnias, issued in 2006.

Op.: Schodennik (1886-1894 pp.). Kiev, 1997; Illustrated history of Ukraine. M., 2001; Create: U 50 tons. Lviv, 2002-2006. T. 1-7.

Lit .: Sokhan P. S., Ulyanovsky V. I., Kipzhaev S. M. M. S. Grushevsky i ACADEMIA. Kiev, 1993; Vinar L.M. Grushevsky: Historian of the Nation’s Budivnichestvo. Kiev; N.Y., 1995; Mikhalchenko S. I. M. S. Grushevsky // Historians of Russia. Biographies. M., 2001; Shapoval Yu., Verba I. M. Grushevsky. Kiev, 2005.

S. I. Mikhalchenko.

1 Biography
1.1 Theory of the ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian people
1.2 Hrushevsky and the Russophiles
1.3 Period after the February Revolution of 1917
1.4 The fate of the family

2 Memory


Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky (Ukrainian Mikhailo Sergiyovich Grushevsky) (September 29, 1866, Kholm, Kingdom of Poland - November 25, 1934, Kislovodsk) - a public and political figure in Ukraine, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian national movement, chairman of the Ukrainian Central Rada, historian of Ukraine and Austria Hungary, professor at Lviv University (1894-1914), academician of VUAN. Hrushevsky is the author of "History of Ukraine-Rus", a work that covered the entire history of Ukraine.

1. Biography

Mikhail Grushevsky was born in Kholm (Poland, now Chelm, Polish. Chelm). His father was a teacher at the Greek Uniate gymnasium. He spent his youthful years in the Caucasus, where he studied at the Tiflis Gymnasium.

In 1886-1890 he studied at the philological faculty of Kyiv University. For his student work "Essay on the history of the Kyiv land from the death of Yaroslav to the end of the XIV century." received a gold medal and was left at the university.

After graduating from the university, Grushevsky published articles in "Kyivskaya Starina", "Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society", published two volumes of materials in the "Archive of South-Western Russia" (part VIII, vols. I and II). The preface to these materials was Grushevsky's master's thesis, entitled "Bar Starostvo" (Kyiv, 1894).

1.1. The theory of ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian people

In his works, Grushevsky developed his theory of the origin and development of the statehood of Kievan Rus and its people.

1.2. Grushevsky and the Russophiles

In 1894, the department of general history was opened at Lviv University with a special review of the history of Eastern Europe, which Grushevsky took.

In Lvov, Grushevsky wrote and published his historical works “Viimki z zherel do istorii Ukrainya-Rus” (1895), “Descriptions of royalty in the Russian lands of the 16th century.” (1895-1903, 4 vols.), "Research and materials to the history of Ukraine-Rus" (1896-1904, 5 vols.) and began working on his main work - the eight-volume "History of Ukraine-Rus".

Gradually, Grushevsky became the leader of the entire scientific and cultural life of Galicia: from 1895 he worked as the editor of the Shevchenko Scientific Association Notes, and in 1897 he was elected chairman of this society. He hired the leaders of the national movement of Galicia - Franko and Pavlik - into the society. In 1899, Hrushevsky actively participated in the creation of the Ukrainian National Democratic Party in Galicia.

In 1906, Kharkov University awarded Grushevsky an honorary doctorate in Russian history. In 1908, while continuing to be a professor at Lviv University and chairman of the "Scientific Partnership", Grushevsky put forward his candidacy for a chair at Kiev University, but was refused.

In 1914, after 20 years of work at Lviv University, he moved to Kiev, where he led the activities of the "Scientific Partnership in Kiev", transfers the publication of the "Literary and Scientific Bulletin" here. Arrested in December 1914 on charges of spying for Austria-Hungary, and after several months in prison, he was expelled by order of the head of the Kiev military district to Simbirsk, as indicated in the order, “for the duration of the state of the areas from which he was expelled, under martial law.” While in exile, he wrote the historical drama “Khmelnytsky in Pereyaslav” and “Yaroslav Osmomysl”, the plot of which was an entry in the Ipatiev Chronicle about the expulsion of Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl by the Galicians in 1173 for marrying the daughter of a “smerd” while the princess was alive.

At the end of 1915, Grushevsky managed to obtain permission (with the help of Academician A. A. Shakhmatov) to move to Kazan, a year later - to Moscow, where he lived until the February Revolution.

1.3. The period after the February Revolution of 1917

After the February Revolution on March 4, 1917, representatives of the largest parties in Ukraine created the Central Rada in Kyiv. Grushevsky was elected its chairman in absentia and arrived in Kyiv on March 14.

In early April 1917, the Constituent Congress of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (UPSR) was held, one of the founders of which was Hrushevsky (together with N. Kovalevsky, P. Khristyuk, V. Golubovich, N. Shrag, N. Shapoval, etc.)

As chairman of the Central Rada, Grushevsky negotiated with the Russian Provisional Government on granting autonomy to Ukraine.

On November 25, 1917, according to the results of the general elections, Grushevsky was elected to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly for the Kyiv District No. 1 - Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionaries, Selyanska Split, Ukrainian Social Democrats.

At the end of March 1919 he left for Austria, created the Ukrainian Sociological Institute in Vienna - the ideological center of the Ukrainian nationalist counter-revolution. After several appeals by Grushevsky to the Ukrainian Soviet government, in which he condemned his counter-revolutionary activities, in 1924 the All-Russian Central Executive Committee allowed him to return to his homeland for scientific work. He was a professor of history at the Kiev state university, was elected an academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, head of the historical and philological department. He headed the archaeographic commission of the VUAN, the purpose of which was to create a scientific description of publications printed on the territory of ethnographic Ukraine in the 16th-18th centuries. Under this commission, on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of printing in Ukraine, a committee was created, whose secretary was V. Barvinok.

Beginning in 1930, Grushevsky was subjected to repression and persecution by law enforcement agencies. He was accused of "counter-revolutionary activities" and charged with participation in the anti-Soviet Ukrainian National Center, including demanding that he confess to organizing terrorist acts and assassination attempts on leading party leaders. Also, repressions seized most of his students, employees who worked with him during the 1920s. Almost all of Grushevsky's employees were repressed. From 1930 he worked in Moscow.

One of the most irreconcilable opponents of Grushevsky was the famous orientalist A.E. Krymsky, among the more tolerant opponents who partially shared his ideas, one can name A.P. Ogloblin. In 1929 Grushevsky was elected a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He died in 1934 from blood poisoning in Kislovodsk, was buried with honors.

1.4. family fate

"Repressed posthumously" - in the late 1930s, all his works were banned, many relatives (among them - his daughter, also a well-known historian) were repressed and died. In the persecution of members of the Hrushevsky family, the testimony of his former student (and at the same time an NKVD informer, and later a Ukrainian collaborator) K. F. Shteppa was used.

In Lviv, on the territory of the estate where he lived until 1914, today there is a museum of Hrushevsky. Monuments were erected to him in Lvov and Kyiv.

Mikhail Grushevsky is depicted on the 50 hryvnia banknote.


1. Mikhail Grushevsky - the first president of Ukraine?

2. Members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly

3. Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky