How to learn to get up early. How to learn to get up early and get enough sleep in the morning

Large flows of information, daily stress, changes in climate and seasons can knock us out of our usual daily routine. It’s good when such a regime exists at all. All of the above primarily affects our sleep - an important element of health. We’ll talk about how to wake up if you haven’t slept much, without much effort and, most importantly, early - in this article.

Morning. A metro train carries passengers to work. Their faces express dissatisfaction, they themselves are rumpled and sleep-deprived. How to avoid becoming one of them?

There is a whole range of actions on how to start the morning correctly. You can choose those that suit you, you can combine them, you can do one thing if it works. We will list them progressively: from the moment you just opened your eyes to complete awakening. For example:

  1. Turn off the alarm clock, if it continues to ring, it has already completed its main function.
  2. Turn on the lamp at your head- bright light will work to gradually awaken the body.
  3. Stretch or yawn, if there is such a need. In fact, we yawn when we want to cheer ourselves up, not the other way around. Therefore, yawning in the morning is a very useful thing.
  4. Smile and try to set yourself up in a positive way. The coming day is just beginning, and there will be a lot of good things in it only if you set the mood yourself.
  5. Glass of water. A very important and useful action. In order to wake up faster and normalize fluid levels after sleep, the body needs at least one glass of water in the morning.
  6. Do some exercise. There is no need to invent complex exercises or install a barbell and a set of weights at home. It’s enough just to stretch your muscles and do a little stretching - this way your body will wake up and tone up faster.

For greater effect, you can perform a set of morning yoga exercises - they can be found freely available on the Internet, but it is better to consult with experienced teachers.

  1. Wash your face with cold water or take a contrast shower - that's another thing good remedy, to cheer up, and after charging it will be very useful.
  2. The right start to the morning - good breakfast . It will give you energy for the whole day. This is the most important of all meals. Oatmeal with fruit, yogurt, eggs and chicken are ideal breakfast foods. Choose and create your diet. It's better to do this a week in advance.
  3. Avoid eating fatty and spicy foods in the first half of the day, do not add syrups and remember that satiety comes after 10 minutes from the start of the meal - wait until what you eat is absorbed.

  1. At any of the stages described above, you music will help to wake up - an energetic and favorite composition or a playlist at once.
  2. The advantage will be the opportunity walk in the morning. Walking after sleep will strengthen all the measures taken previously, and you will wake up completely.

Let's start with the fact that the optimal time for this is at least 7 hours. If you sleep less than three, then no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to wake up easily. Between three and seven hours of sleep, there is a chance of waking up comfortably, but the body will be exhausted and get tired quickly. Seven hours is the minimum, and you should not experiment with your health.

What to do if there was no daily routine and now you need to get up early? There are a number of measures that are simple and straightforward.

Prepare yourself in advance for waking up in the morning:

  1. Two hours before bedtime, you must avoid any food intake. This is especially true for fatty and spicy dishes, alcohol and coffee - if you don’t want to toss and turn half the night and not get enough sleep again, forget about them after six in the evening.
  2. Try rehearsing your morning awakening. It sounds funny, but it works. Set your alarm a few minutes in advance. Lie down on the bed and imagine that you are sleeping. When the alarm clock rings, immediately turn it off and get up. Do this several times - your body will develop a habit and over time it will begin to wake up easier and faster.
  3. Playing with an alarm clock - place the mechanism away from you, for example, in the far corner of the room - on the table. Thus, to turn it off, you will have to get out of bed.
  4. Ask a friend or relative to call you in the morning and wake you up.
  5. At night, place a glass of water at your head so that when you wake up you don’t have to go to the kitchen.
  6. Make a to-do list for the day. There will be a feeling of upcoming work, and you will not be able to sleep for a long time.

  1. Give yourself a reward for getting up early: buy clothes for exercise or a dressing gown, prepare a delicious breakfast in advance and leave it overnight, watch a delayed episode of your favorite TV series or read a chapter of a good book.
  2. Don't go to bed with confused thoughts, doubts, resentment or anger. The body will not be able to sleep due to stress and anxiety. Try to resolve all the exciting issues in the evening.
  3. At least an hour before bedtime, put your gadgets aside, close social networks and turn off the TV. It’s better to read something neutral or light to tune in emotionally to good dreams.
  4. Meditate or do evening yoga exercises. Your muscles will relax and it will be easier to fall asleep.
  5. A cool shower will also have a good effect on the body's condition. Precisely cool, because after it you will wrap yourself in a warm blanket and fall asleep.
  6. Don't like the cold? Hot bath with essential oils will relax you and make your sleep peaceful and easy.
  7. Do not overload yourself - proper rest will restore strength and performance.
  8. A light massage will help you get to the kingdom of Morpheus faster. In case of insomnia, do special massage exercises - they can be easily found on the Internet.

If, despite your best efforts, you may need to see a doctor.

Stick to your sleep schedule - wake up and go to sleep at the same time. This way you will strengthen the habit and months later you will be able to wake up without an alarm clock. But if drowsiness appears earlier than usual, don’t worry - go to bed.

Another important point: Your awakening depends on how quickly you can fall asleep. As you know, we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes. During this hour and a half, a person manages to be in both the REM and slow-wave sleep phases. We will not go into detail about what each of the phases entails, but let’s turn to the calculations.

To wake up alert and full of energy, you need to do this at the end of the cycle, that is, if you go to bed at 23.00, then it will be better to wake up at 06.30 or 08.00. This way you will maintain the length of the cycle, and it will be easier to open your eyes than if you set the alarm clock for 07.00. To wake up on time, calculate this moment - set the alarm clock at the right time.

To fall asleep faster, remember the position in which you wake up. This is the most comfortable position for your body, and in it you will fall asleep earlier than in others.

Doing your usual routine before bed every day, without putting stress on your brain and muscles, will set your body up for the night. Brushing your teeth, lightly tidying up your room, playing with your pets, or something else is best here. The main thing is to do this constantly, so that over time the body begins to get used to them as preparation for sleep.

Quite often, musty or dirty air in the room prevents you from falling asleep quickly. This is due to the fact that the body allocates additional forces for proper air exchange. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly monitor the air quality in the room or apartment. Check if it is working properly, ventilate the rooms just before going to bed, try not to smoke or ask your neighbors to do this in other places.

If you still find it difficult or unpleasant to breathe as a result, invest in an air purifier. And even better - a breather. It is a compact supply ventilation with the ability to heat and purify air and control parameters from a smartphone.

If you want to get more done during the day, then getting up early in the morning is for you. You don’t have to start applying all the tips right away; you can add only the ones you like into your life, and they can help you feel the benefit of getting up early.

1. Don't make sudden changes. Start changing your wake-up time slowly by waking up 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to it within a few days. Then advance the rise time by another 15 minutes. Do this gradually until you are able to achieve your goal.

2. Allow yourself to go to bed earlier. It is often difficult to get up early because yesterday we watched TV until late last night or worked on the Internet. We suggest you start going to bed at least a little earlier, for example, at 11 o’clock in the evening, then at 10.30, then at 10. If you go to bed at 10 o’clock, you can easily start getting up at 5-6 in the morning and do the things you planned earlier.

3. Set the alarm clock far from your bed. If it's next to your bed, it's easy to turn it off and continue sleeping. If it is far away, you will have to get out of bed to turn it off. After this, it is important not to give up and not go to bed again.

4. Leave the bedroom as soon as you turn off the alarm. Do not allow yourself to sit back on the bed, much less “lie down for 5 minutes.” Just force yourself to leave the room, go to the kitchen, put the kettle on or drink a glass of water, wash your face with cold or lukewarm water and you will finally wake up and be able to start your day earlier.

5. Change your thinking. If you allow your brain to tell you that you woke up too early and didn’t get enough sleep, then you will have a hard time finding morning vigor with that attitude. Try to wake up with positive thoughts and enjoy the morning rise, the sunrise, the singing of birds, the silence in the house.

6. Allow yourself to sleep during the day. If at first there is a constant feeling of lack of sleep, try to sleep a little during the day so as not to be too tired by the evening. The recommended time for daytime sleep is from 30 minutes to one and a half hours.

7. Make a reward for getting up early. If you give yourself even a small gift for being able to get up early, then next time it can serve as an incentive to get up early again in the morning. The reward could be a cup of coffee, reading a book, cooking delicious breakfast, meditation, watching the sunrise. Find something nice for you and allow yourself to give it as a gift.

8. Take advantage of the extra time. Try to use the saved time to benefit you or your family. You can cook breakfast for your family, read the news on the Internet, plan your day, do exercises, etc. Over time, you will see the benefits of starting to wake up early, and you will no longer want to waste this precious time.

9. Set your alarm for the same time every day. If you get up early in the morning at the same time for several weeks, you can develop a habit that will be easy to maintain. Gradually, with the help of your internal clock, you will be able to get up in the morning without an alarm clock.

10. You need to want to get up early. Now many people already know the power of thoughts and desires. If you can cultivate a strong inner desire to get up early, it will help you a lot.

11. Do exercises. When not to do exercises in the morning? Certainly not late at night after work. By doing exercises after sleep, you will invigorate your body and you will not be so drawn back to bed. Plus, it will keep you charged for the day.

12. Cold shower. Few things can restore your vigor after sleep as quickly as a cold or contrast shower. But you still need to decide on it. I advise you to try a cold shower at least once after sleep, who knows, maybe you’ll get the hang of it.

At first, you may find it difficult to change your lifestyle by getting up early in the morning. But if you follow the tips above and appreciate all the benefits of waking up early, then waking up early will soon become a habit.

I admit: for me, getting up early is something very attractive, but... does not yet exist in life. I am an owl. No, of course, if I need to catch a train at 5 am, I will get up and make it on time. But to get up early every day, and even of your own free will, you need to work very, very hard. There are periods when I get up really early for a week or two - and then I’m terribly proud of myself)), but I haven’t been able to do this all the time yet. Do you have it too? Then we're on our way. I suggest you read it today useful tips that will help you learn to get up early in the morning.

Learning to get up early in the morning - why do I need this?

Firstly, psychologists advise us to figure out: why, exactly, in my life do I need early rises? This is especially true for those who work or study in the afternoon or have a flexible work schedule - that is, theoretically, they have the opportunity to get up earlier or later. So, why exactly do I and exactly in my life need to learn to get up early in the morning?

The answer should be clear:
“I want to lead a healthy lifestyle and will get up earlier to do exercises/go for a run in the morning”
“I want to learn to get up early in order to devote more time to my hobby and development, morning - better time for this"
“I want to spend more time outdoors, so I’ll start my morning with a walk.”
“I want to strive for harmony with nature”
“I want to learn how to get up early in the morning to start the day with prayer or meditation.”

Let the goal be extremely specific and serious, otherwise your fuse for early rises will last for a week or two.

It doesn’t matter if the goal for which you want to learn to get up early in the morning is not global. The main thing is that it is important to you: hobbies, exercise, etc.

Getting up early and getting enough sleep are mutually exclusive concepts?..

At first glance, it may seem that the concepts of “getting up early” and “getting enough sleep” are mutually exclusive: either there will be little sleep and we will get up early, or we will sleep well, but, unfortunately, getting up will not be so early). I can’t offer you any miraculous ways to sleep 4 hours a day and stay alert - and I don’t think there are any. But the methods that you will find below can improve things - even for hopeless night owls like me)).

How to learn to get up early in the morning?

  • Play some sports

A day that starts with a run and a contrast shower actually goes more cheerfully - I tested it myself. If you are just starting out, it is not necessary to immediately set records of 10-15 km, a 15-20 minute run at a slow pace is enough. Choose a comfortable pace for yourself (you can start with fast walking or jogging).

The following criterion will help determine the correct pace: if while running you can say a short phrase out loud without shortness of breath or a long break, this is your pace. It is not the running itself that is tiring, but the incorrect pace: strength quickly runs out, the body becomes exhausted and loses moisture, and the temperature rises. After jogging at a pace that suits you, you will feel more energetic and healthier, and not exhausted and exhausted.

Jogging can be replaced with a bike ride. And if you are not a supporter of jogging and cycling, do exercises - at home with music or on the street.

Exercising at home or outside, jogging or cycling in the morning will help the body wake up and set you up for an active day.
  • Adjust your diet

Do you feel like you can't learn to get up early in the morning easily because of your own laziness or reluctance? This may be one of the reasons, but not the only one. Often there are physiological reasons behind the impossibility of getting up early. Thus, late and heavy dinners almost always prevent you from falling asleep quickly, and if you do fall asleep, you often wake up or sleeping on a full stomach is not refreshing.

At night you should not eat fatty and high-calorie foods such as meat, fried fish, pasta, bakery products, sweets. Let the food before bed be light: berries, fruits, juices, boiled vegetables, kefir. Then a slight feeling of hunger will help you wake up in the morning.

  • Act strictly

This method is not for everyone - only for those who want to learn how to get up early in the morning in a short period. Go to bed at whatever time you want, but get up promptly at 7:00 a.m. (or whatever time you plan to get up early). The main thing is to hold out for the first few days: after sleeping for several hours, you will inevitably feel tired and weak, but by the 2-3rd day you will definitely fall asleep before midnight. If you choose this method, do not allow yourself to sleep for a long time during the day - no more than 1.5 hours.

Sometimes the stick method is the most effective ;-)
  • Change your routine gradually

If the scheme above is not your option, and you soberly assess the situation (for example, you are used to sleeping until lunch, but now you want to no later than 7.00), then small steps will help you learn to get up early in the morning. Set your alarm 20-30 minutes earlier than yesterday. Then get up at the same time for 3-5 days. Then set the alarm another half hour earlier - and again secure the result. Do this until the rise time reaches the desired point. Gradually, the time of falling asleep will adapt to the new regime.

  • Use affirmations

Affirmations are short phrases that will also help you learn to get up early in the morning with ease. “Picture” your early rise first in your head: imagine a large clock with at the right time and say mentally or even out loud “I get up at 7.00 cheerful, fresh and in a good mood. Getting up at 7:00 gives me energy and strength.” Avoid particles “not”, construct the phrase positively: “Waking up at 7.00 does not annoy me” - bad, “Getting up at 7.00 makes me happy, I feel full of energy all day” - good. Psychologists explain the benefits of affirmative phrases by the fact that your words and reality diverge - because of this, the brain begins to “glitch”, and in the end it is forced to adapt to your words - after all, they are pronounced in the already perfect tense.

  • Promise yourself to get some sleep during the day.

Sometimes only the carrot method will help you learn to get up early in the morning - promise yourself that if you open your eyes and get up right now, then allow yourself to sleep for 1-1.5 hours during the day. But no more - you risk not falling asleep on time in the evening.

In the morning, do you simply live “automatically”? You can force yourself to get up early in the morning by promising your body sleep after lunch.
  • Protect the time before bed from temptations

For example, if you know that no force will pull you away from the screen if you start watching an interesting movie, or that you will never stop on time if you decide to sort out your wardrobe in the evening, move these tasks to tomorrow. Having started something interesting, it’s easy to go to bed again much later than midnight. Well, then it started: no early falling asleep - no early rise.

Are there any special ways that helped you learn to get up early in the morning?

You will need

  • - Good lighting in the bedroom;
  • - daily routine;
  • - physical activity in the afternoon;
  • - light protein dinner.


Provide good lighting. It's no secret that getting up early in the morning in the summer is much easier than getting out of bed when it's half-dark outside. When your eyes say that it’s still dark outside and you should sleep, your body intensively produces the hormone melatonin, which fills you with fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness. So, when you wake up, turn on the most powerful lamp.

To wake up well, you need to sleep well. This simple truth is easily forgotten. Provide in fresh air, shade the window with thick curtains, refuse to watch television programs before bed. Your sleep will be sound and complete if you forget about late-night gatherings on the Internet or visiting noisy clubs. The bed should be comfortable, the linen should be fresh. It’s not difficult to follow these rules, the main thing is to want to.

Train yourself to wake up at the same time. Even if you have free time and periodically you can afford to sleep, don’t be lazy. Get up early every day. In the end, the body will stop perceiving early awakening as torture, and getting up at half past five in the morning will become habitual for you.

In the afternoon, exercise. This will increase the levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in your blood. It is this hormone that is simultaneously responsible for activity, good mood, energy and vigor. It also controls periods of REM sleep in the body, when awakening becomes very simple and almost instantaneous.

If problems with early awakening are combined with long-term prolonged depression, depression, feelings of melancholy and anger, visit a doctor. It could be your body's cortisol levels. This is a stress hormone that suppresses the production of DHEA.

Avoid sweets and starchy foods for dinner. Vegetables and fruits are also not suitable. All of these foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates entering the body increase insulin levels. Insulin, in turn, inhibits glyconeogenesis. This is the process of producing glucose from proteins and fats. It is thanks to him that the body is fully restored during sleep and between meals. Result high level insulin in the blood at night: fatigue, lethargy, fatigue.

Two hours before bed, eat a piece of lean meat or sea ​​fish, drink a glass of kefir. Cheese, cottage cheese, eggs for dinner will also contribute to proper rest and easy awakening. Protein is necessary for your body to recover during sleep.

Make your awakening as comfortable as possible. Prepare the clothes you plan to wear the night before. Instead of frantically rushing around the apartment in search of a second sock, it is better to drink coffee and read an interesting article in a magazine. Prepare a particularly delicious sandwich in the refrigerator on a separate plate in the evening, fill up the coffee maker or kettle, and place a beautiful cup on the table in advance. It will be much easier for you to drag yourself out of bed in anticipation of all these benefits of civilization.

Don't think about bad things when you wake up. The thought “Oh, how I don’t want to drag myself to this damn job, to see these dull faces of colleagues and stupid bosses” is absolutely unproductive and can kill any intention to get up in the morning. Think about something pleasant; surely some joys are expected during the day. For example, a new blouse that you will wear to work, or a pleasant meeting, or a long-awaited visit to the gym. Find any reason to open your eyes and greet the new day with delight.

Do you dream of getting up early every day, but nothing happens? Effective methods about how to learn to get up early here! Enjoy it for your health!

It's 6 am...

The alarm clock has been ringing heart-rendingly for 10 minutes now, and you can’t open your eyes!

A minute later, having somehow taken a vertical position, you wander into the bathroom in a gloomy mood and curse the whole white light.

Or you suddenly jump up for lunch and start making excuses for being late at work.

Situations familiar?

I think so.

After all, in modern world we must work, have fun, devote time to our wife (husband), and in addition, do not forget about our parents.

In most cases, it turns out that you have to get up at 6 am, while going to bed at 1-2 am.

Why does this happen and how to learn to wake up early, we will talk in today's useful article!

Benefits of waking up early

Getting up vigorously in the morning can provide its owner with a number of benefits.

  • Firstly, “early birds” manage to do many times more than their night owl colleagues in a day.
  • Secondly, in the morning hours the brain works most productively, and, therefore, you can generate much more cool and
  • Thirdly, you can look much better and younger.
  • Also in the morning you have the opportunity to eat a full breakfast and get to work without traffic jams.

If you think that get up early- this is hard labor, then you are mistaken.

You can get up in a wonderful and high spirits even at 6 am.

And now I will teach you how to achieve this.

However, I will warn you right away: in the article you will not find a magical method for jumping out of bed as if wound up.

No, you still need to develop the habit of getting up early!!!

How to get up early - instructions:

Step 1. Bring a little sport into life

It’s not for nothing that in kindergarten and school physical education is always the first lesson.

After all, in the morning the body is in a sleepy state and needs a shake-up. What can really shake up the body, charge it with endorphins and vigor?

Of course, sports!

That is why make it a rule to run in the morning.

Running will help you wake up and get into the mood for work.

If you don't like running, start doing simple exercises in the morning.

But the most effective way– buy a morning membership to the fitness club.

The money spent simply will not allow you to lie in bed until lunch!

Step 2. Start eating right

To learn to get up early, it is not recommended to fill your stomach right before bed.

Remember when you overeated at night?

It was difficult to fall asleep, right?

You tossed and turned from side to side, fell into a half-asleep and woke up again.

And only in the morning you managed to fall asleep.

And what kind of early rise can we talk about when you fell asleep only 2 hours ago?!

Difficulties with sleep arise precisely when your stomach is full of food. The body begins to spend energy on digesting all this mountain of food in your stomach and has no time for sleep.

If you want to fall asleep and wake up well, give up late meals! Have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime.

If you feel hungry before bed, eat yogurt or drink a glass of milk!

Step 3. Proper motivation

More than once we have talked about the usefulness of motivation in our lives.

Talking about how to learn to wake up early, you simply cannot do without motivation. You must clearly imagine the goal, why you need early rises, and only then begin to achieve it.

Aimless early awakenings won't last long anyway!

For example, by summer you want to lose 20 kg. To do this, you need to get up at 6 am and go for a run (or to the sports club).

Trying to achieve your goal, waking up early will no longer be a burden.

You can also plan all important things for the morning.

In this case, you simply will not be able to afford to sleep until lunch.

Step 4: Changing Habits

Deciding to start getting up early, you must understand that it will take you some time to develop the reflex.

If you always slept until 12, you shouldn’t jump up at 5 am the next day. Change gradually!

First, set your alarm for 10 am, then 9:30 am, and so on. During the retraining process, you can even cheat a couple of times, but make sure that hacking does not become a habit.

For example, when I retrained myself to get up early, at the initial stage I got up early every other day. The day my alarm clock rang at 6:30, the day at 9 am.

Then I reduced the 9-hour lifting to once a week, after which I eliminated it altogether.

Now, even without an alarm clock, my eyes reflexively open at 6:40.

Step 5: Go to bed early

We all know that the sooner we go to bed, the sooner we get up.

Memorize this rule and try to go to bed before 23:00!!!

Why did I indicate this particular time?

It's simple!

Biologically, our body can get proper rest only in the interval from 23:00 to 4 in the morning.

This is why it is important to sleep during these hours.

An hour before bed, try to complete all your tasks. Turn off your computer and stop using iPods and iPads.

It is important to spend an hour before bed in peace.

And a few more effective tips:

how to learn to wake up early,

in the following video:

Step 6: Alternative Methods

If none of the above methods help you, move on to the combat methods of getting up early.

By convincing yourself to wake up early, you can motivate yourself to take a nap during the day.

Now you will get up at 6 am, and at 1 pm you can take an hour’s nap.

If you have early risers around you, you can ask them to call you at a certain time.

Ask them to call you at home, which you place as far from the bed as possible.

As a last resort, buy yourself a hellish alarm clock.

Today, online stores are teeming with different models that imitate the howl of a siren or quickly roll across the floor.

Such an alarm clock will have to be caught first, and only then turned off.

Well, what kind of sleep is there after this?

There are also shredder alarm clocks.

You put $10 in the alarm clock.

If you don’t get up in the morning, the alarm clock shreds your money into small “spare parts”!!! 🙂

Finally, I would like to tell you that no matter what methods of getting up early you resort to, try to achieve your goal.

Immediately after waking up, try to get up and start doing some things.

Also, always reward yourself for waking up early and develop a consistent habit.

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