How to find out if you need to thin the blood. Simple folk remedies to thin the blood instead of aspirin

Drowsiness, general malaise and rapid fatigue are the first and main symptoms of increased blood viscosity.

With further deterioration of health, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, tingling in the heart area occurs.

Among the frequent concomitant manifestations are visual impairment, memory impairment, headaches and dizziness, irritability, temporary loss of coordination of movements, and bloating.

Such conditions serve as an alarming signal of PWS disease (high viscosity syndrome), which, when exacerbated and in a chronic form, has extremely serious consequences. Having suspicions, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, undergo a diagnosis, identify the causes and take health measures as early as possible.


Causes and counteraction of FPV

Thickening of the blood is associated with various diseases, unhealthy habits, side effects of drugs. Common reasons:

    temporary acute PWS occurs when intestinal infections by type of dysentery as a result of diarrhea and vomiting, dehydrating the body; the main remedy for acute dehydration: drink plenty of water with a small addition of salt ("coarse sulfur", without harmful additives);

    also, temporary acute PWS occurs with extensive burns - the body produces a lot of leukocytes and platelets, suffers from an excess of damaged protein that dissolves in the blood, the person is thrown into a fever, he sweats; we also recommend lightly salted water;

    chronic overeating of sweets, potatoes, vermicelli and acidification and slagging of the body developing on this soil, diabetes; recovery consists in changing the menu from the rejection of "refined" and easily digestible carbohydrates, replacing them with natural and not fully digestible carbohydrates that have cleansing properties (for example, vegetables and fruits with pulp, sea ​​kale, krill paste);

    various diseases that cause disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands and kidneys; diagnosis and treatment of these diseases eliminate the cause of thickening of the blood;

    diseases accompanied by an increase in protein in the blood, as well as erythremia (excessive production of red blood cells and other blood elements);

    hepatitis of various nature; we treat "jaundice" - we get rid of the problem;

    pancreatitis of the pancreas; often we eat moderately, we are treated;

    diuretics, contraceptives, hormones, Viagra and other drugs - to reconsider, are they really necessary?.

Occasionally, among the causes of PWS, thrombophilia and varicose veins are indicated; we believe that these are effects, not causes.

A person with increasingly thick and sticky blood naturally increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, heart attacks and high blood pressure, blood clots, and sometimes varicose veins (more often in women).

Treatment and prevention

In the treatment of thick blood, it is absolutely not worth relying only on medicinal preparations and procedures. Lifestyle and proper nutrition are very important.

So, in severe forms of PWS, when there are already problems with the heart, blood vessels, after a stroke, intense physical activity is contraindicated, but small ones are mandatory and very useful. It is worth trying to perform at least a few regular activities, exercises, and the blood will naturally become more fluid, adding many good quality years to life!

It is useful to drink 8-10 glasses of liquids daily (unsweetened teas, water, preferably infused with shungite or silicon, spring water). Refusing fine white salt with harmful additives, moderately consume rock or other salt.


    exclude or limit in the diet chokeberry, leafy and green vegetables, bananas, as well as buckwheat, soy products, products with trans fats (margarine, mayonnaise, chips), marinades;

    white bread and long loaf, pasta is better to replace with gray and black bread, cereals;

    avoid salty foods and smoked meats, overcooked fatty foods;

    give up smoking and alcohol;

    sugar and sweets literally thicken and sticky blood - they are avoided.

What to do? Take aspirin?

The problem can come when you are quite young, after forty and fifty years. This is a known fact that has led to the widespread daily use of aspirin to thin the blood. However, after being published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 2012; 307:2286-94 this practice is increasingly criticized.

Then a study of more than 370,000 patients showed that people who take low doses of aspirin daily have a 55% increased chance of serious brain or intestinal bleeding (hemorrhage). The real risk of aspirin-induced bleeding was 5 times greater than previously estimated. The serious risks of even taking low doses of aspirin are forcing many, if not to abandon aspirin-containing drugs, then to reduce the doses taken, to turn to "natural treatment".

In modern medical practice, the leadership of aspirin in terms of the universal treatment of thick blood is challenged by at least two drugs - Nattokinase-Serrapeptase and Warfarin or Coumadin (a herbal preparation from sweet clover, blocks the action of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting). Aspirin-containing "Agrenox", "Heparin", "Enoxaparin", "Plavix" continue to be used.

The course of taking drugs based on aspirin and sweet clover is supposed to be accompanied by a certain diet; all of them are quite effective, but dangerous with intestinal bleeding.

Black stool indicates bleeding in the intestines.

There are also more "sparing" ways of recovery and treatment. Among the specialized drugs: to improve the condition of the veins, Aspercard, Curantil and Aescusan are recommended, and Cardiomagnyl is recommended for regular use by elderly patients in order to prevent a heart attack.

Still popular are diets consisting of natural products, with a constantly updated assortment.

In the past, bloodletting was widely used to thin the blood, but now it is usually avoided or replaced by donation. By the way, normally a white person is blush; usually the absence of a blush indicates either anemia and anemia, or, on the contrary, thick and viscous blood. After donating blood, donors prone to anemia turn pale, and those prone to thick blood turn pink (the doctors prefer to take blood from them).

The fashion for hirudotherapy is returning - treatment with medical leeches. Hirudin (a group of biologically active substances injected into the wound by a leech), in addition to blood thinning, has a number of other useful properties:

    hypotensive effect facilitates the work of the kidneys, promotes the outflow of lymph, relieves swelling;

    anti-sclerotic effect allows you to get rid of the stagnation of venous blood, prevents ischemia and cancer;

    bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating effect improves the general condition and well-being, promotes the disposal of toxins, relieves neuralgia.

Thinning blood at home

At the household level, we pay special attention to nutrition and the "natural pharmacy".

Garlic, onions (common onions, leeks, shallots, and green onions) contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

A regular menu of wild fatty fish (trout, salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel) saturates the body with omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.

Unclarified vegetable oil, germinated wheat germ, nuts thin the blood not only with Omega-3 fats, but also with the presence of an active agent against blood clots - vitamin E.

Seafood and ginger contain taurine, which is an excellent blood thinner.

Solanaceae (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) are an excellent thinning agent.

Mint, honey, various berries and fruits, fruit vinegar and cider are sources of salicylates that thin the blood.

To thin the blood in terms of proteins helps the lack of overeating and therapeutic fasting, physical exercises.

Vitamin C intake or food rich in it, such as citrus fruits, peppers, kiwi, berries. The benefits of this vitamin are by no means limited to the simple prevention of a cold - it also consists in ensuring the removal of excess proteins from the blood and in creating high-quality collagen and elastin. They help you look good, strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and strokes.

It is better to replace meat with poultry, eggs, whitefish.

Raspberries in any form, wheat germ, and horse chestnut peel tincture in vodka are excellent blood thinners.

  • Diphtheria is an acutely contagious infectious disease that occurs with symptoms of general poisoning, lesions of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and mucous membranes.
  • Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, or sinuses, of the nasal cavity. Symptoms: sinusitis is characterized
  • Blood-thinning drugs (most often these are tablets) should be kept nearby for those people who have a tendency to disorders in the composition of the blood. For example, in you, as a result of which the blood thickens, clots may form, followed by blockage of blood vessels.

    Since blood performs the most important functions of nourishing the cells of tissues and organs of the body, stopping its access to them due to blockage can lead to death. It is blood-thinning pills that will help bring the blood back to normal until the cause of the hematopoietic disorder is removed.

    The process of blood clotting may indicate the presence of a variety of pathologies associated with the functionality of the heart and blood vessels. Very often, for blood thinning, patients are prescribed a special group of drugs, which has its own specific classification.

    All drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring blood viscosity, are divided into the following groups:

    • Anticoagulants. Medicinal complexes, the action of which is aimed at preventing blood clotting and further formation of blood clots. They are divided into several subgroups:
      • direct - therapy is carried out in a limited period and under the control of laboratory tests, the most popular drugs include Clexane, Fraxiparin and Cibor;
      • indirect - used as prophylactic agents after suffering a heart attack or stroke, this group includes the following drugs: Syncumar and Warfarin.
    • Antiplatelet agents. They stop the formation of platelet aggregants, thereby protecting the body from the formation of angina pectoris. These drugs are also called antithrombotic drugs. The most common drugs include Aspirin, Cardiopyrin, Magnecard and Lamifiban.

    It is important to note that if it is necessary to use blood-thinning drugs, it is necessary to consult a specialist who determines the duration of therapy, dosage and method of administration based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    All blood-thinning tablets should be selected strictly depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, while it is important to take into account the main indications and the severity of the existing disease.

    Attention. All blood-thinning drugs are used primarily to provide first aid to your body. The disease itself should be eliminated by combating the concomitant disease.

    These may be:

    • high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus),
    • hepatitis (in all its forms),
    • cirrhosis of the liver.

    Important. If you fight only with excessive blood density, then this is not able to lead to positive results, since simultaneously with the diseases present, the blood will gradually return its excessive viscosity.

    Aspirin for blood thinning

    Patients diagnosed with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as a rule, always carry Nitroglycerin and Aspirin to thin the blood. This is due to the fact that an attack can occur at any time, and the presence of medicines on hand will make it possible to stop it in time.

    Aspirin for blood thinning is indicated for patients who may have the following pathological changes:

    • thrombosis of important blood vessels;
    • transient ischemic attack;
    • ischemic stroke;
    • pulmonary embolism.

    The dosage of the drug used mainly depends on the severity of the disease. Note that in case of excessive use of Aspirin, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur, so it is important to know the dosage that can both prevent an attack and not harm your stomach.

    A fair question: how to take aspirin to thin the blood, which is exactly what is asked about its possible side effects. It should be noted that Aspirin itself as a blood thinner has lost its former popularity among patients.

    Currently, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid are increasingly being used. This substance is able to eliminate the manifested disease in minimal quantities, while not having a detrimental effect on individual organs and systems of the whole organism.

    Here are the most common drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid:

    • Aspirin cardio(recommended to take over a long period of time). Applied 100-300 mg once a day before meals. Among the disadvantages, the same side effects are distinguished as those of Aspirin.
    • Aspecard. The recommended dosage is 0.5 g two to three times a day. Many patients note the inconvenience of this scheme of application.
    • Cardiomagnyl. It is currently considered the most popular remedy in the fight against too thick blood. It must be used throughout life at a dosage of 75 mg once a day.
    • Thrombo ASS. It is necessary to use before meals in the amount of 50-100 mg. This complex is well tolerated among patients and can be used prophylactically to prevent myocardial infarction.

    For reference. Often these drugs are positioned as blood-thinning drugs without aspirin, but this is not entirely true. In fact, they contain acetylsalicylic acid in the minimum required amount.

    For example, Aspecard tablets contain only 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. Excessive intake of Aspirin tablets as a side effect can lead to diseases diagnosed with "aspirin" asthma or "aspirin triad". That's just Aspecard will allow you to get away from this problem.

    Additional drugs that contribute to blood thinning and include small amounts of acetylsalicylic acid in their composition include:

    • Curantyl- especially indicated for patients who have a tendency to form blood clots, the drug is able not only to thin the blood, but also improves the process of cerebral circulation, in some cases it can be used as a prevention of vascular insufficiency;
    • Phenylin- the main effect of the drug is to slow down blood clotting while increasing vascular permeability, the possibility of long-term use due to the presence of a large number of side effects and contraindications;
    • warfarin- can be used in conjunction with Aspirin, implies a preliminary consultation with a doctor due to the large number of contraindications;
    • Exusan- is used in diagnosing venous insufficiency and varicose veins in a patient, helps to eliminate pain, swelling, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities.

    If, nevertheless, Aspirin, even in the form of acetylsalicylic acid and in a small amount, the body does not perceive, then you can try
    clopidogrel or its analogues:

    • atherocardium,
    • trombonet,
    • plavix,
    • cardogrel.

    Although these are far from cheap drugs.

    Important! Before replacing drugs, you should consult with a specialist who can choose the most suitable option, since acetylsalicylic acid analogues are not limited to the list above.


    This is a separate class of drugs used to thin the blood. If antithrombotic drugs are designed to prevent and prevent thickening of the blood and the formation of clots, which are gradually converted into blood clots, then thrombolytics are designed to dissolve clots and blood clots.

    For dissolution!

    The class of thrombolytics belongs to biotechnological preparations, the production of which is particularly difficult. It is the complexity that determines the price of these drugs for consumers.

    However, the importance of thrombolytics is exceptional in strokes and heart attacks. For this reason, thrombolytics such as Metalyse and Actilyse are used in the practice of ambulances, despite their high cost. Today, these are imported drugs, which determines the high cost.

    For reference. However, there is good news for Russia. The pharmaceutical company NPO Petrovax Pharm is setting up its own production in the Russian Federation. It is planned to release 30-50 thousand packs of new items this year. And by 2019, it is planned to launch a full production cycle.

    Recall that Metalyse is indispensable for heart attacks, and Actilyse, in addition to a heart attack, also blocks a stroke.

    Blood thinning during pregnancy

    A woman's body during pregnancy deserves special attention, since it is at this time that a representative of the weaker half of humanity may face the problem of excessive blood viscosity. In this case, there may be several reasons, for example, a change in hormonal levels, internal changes in the body and malnutrition.

    During pregnancy, it is recommended to protect yourself from the use of various kinds of pills, as they can adversely affect further development child, so it is better to use a special diet. This method will not only restore blood viscosity, but also saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

    To the most suitable products nutrition include:

    • fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, onions;
    • fruits and berries;
    • it is better to exclude pomegranates from the diet, as it helps to increase hemoglobin, and, consequently, increase blood density;
    • mint, birch buds and its sap, willow bark and dandelion are considered especially useful;
    • black chocolate;

    It is not excluded the use of special dietary supplements containing garlic and vitamins of groups A, E, C. Fatty fish and seafood are not bad at thinning the blood. It is important that the diet is as varied as possible, this will allow the body to receive all the necessary substances for proper functioning.

    Stir-fried dishes containing a large amount of pepper and salt should be avoided. This also includes smoked dishes and canned food.

    Especially useful during pregnancy is the use of multivitamin complexes in the form of tablets. However, before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    For reference. Particular attention is paid to fluid intake during the period of bearing a child, since an excessive amount of it can lead to edema. It is better to replace the consumption of plain water with fruits and some vegetables. When choosing food, do not forget about the possible manifestations of allergic reactions, especially for those women who are addicted to certain products.

    Folk remedies for blood thinning

    Regarding the use traditional medicine, then phytotherapy is mainly preferred. The most popular medicinal herbs include yellow sweet clover, mint, lemon balm, vase leaf meadowsweet and meadow clover. There are a huge variety of recipes based on these herbs. At the time of preparation of medicines, valerian, wild rose and red hawthorn can also be added.

    For reference. The easiest way is to add mint and lemon balm to tea, which can give the drink a mild and rather pleasant taste. Rosehip is great for making decoctions, while it can help fight many diseases due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C.

    In most cases, recipes based on willow bark are used to thin the blood, especially since this component is not capable of adversely affecting the gastric mucosa and can be used even in the treatment of pediatric patients.

    For cooking, one tablespoon of the bark is required, which must be poured with boiling water in the volume of one glass. The resulting mixture is boiled for the next quarter of an hour and after that it is infused and decanted. The last step is to add boiled water to the original volume. It is recommended to use the resulting remedy before meals several times a day, two tablespoons each.

    Yellow sweet clover is considered especially effective, but this plant is not considered completely harmless and harmless. That is why it is better to consult a doctor before use, and if approved for the preparation of the drug, it is better to resort to purchasing a ready-made version, which can be found at any pharmacy.

    To prepare a healing infusion, you will need to add a teaspoon of herbs to a glass of boiled water at room temperature and let it brew for several hours. The resulting mixture should be used in a day, so the total amount should be divided into two parts.

    It should be noted that the consumption of medicines based on sweet clover has several contraindications. So, for example, it is extremely contraindicated for women who have abundant critical days and patients with hemorrhoids.

    Another effective way combating thick blood is considered gerudotherapy. The procedure is carried out using special medicinal leeches, which contain the enzyme hirudin in saliva, which helps to reduce blood clotting and at the same time prevent the formation of clots in the vein area.

    Attention. There are some components, the application of which should be carried out with special foresight. For example, Apple vinegar has high acidity and can provoke problems in the stomach. Before using this or that remedy, you should carefully study all the information, and it is better to consult a doctor.

    Blood is the most important component of the body, since its main function is to ensure its normal functioning and protection from various adverse factors. Its movement is provided through blood vessels.

    Often situations arise when the blood begins to thicken, which becomes dangerous to health. In this case, specialists prescribe drugs to thin the blood. They will be discussed further.

    Danger of thick blood

    Most people do not attach importance to the fact that a violation of the flow of fluid into the body can provoke various negative consequences. Specialists have identified several pathological processes that directly depend on blood viscosity:

    • hypertension, characterized by a steady increase in blood pressure;
    • ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
    • heart attack;
    • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • varicose veins;
    • thrombus formation.

    The development of each of these diseases can not only provoke disability, but also end in death.

    Help drugs

    The appointment of any medication should be carried out only by the attending physician after carrying out diagnostic measures. In addition, throughout the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to regularly do tests to monitor the state of health.

    It is important to remember that blood-thinning pills are not anti-clotting agents.. They are not able to dissolve already formed clots. However, due to their properties, it is possible to reduce the viscosity of thick blood and prevent the development of thrombosis.

    What kind of medicine to take and in what dosage, the specialist decides in each case individually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age category of the patient, the severity of the condition and many other factors.

    Groups of medicines

    All drugs that prevent thrombosis are divided into two groups:

    1. Antiplatelet agents. Contribute to the suspension of the formation of blood clots, which prevents angina pectoris.
    2. Anticoagulants. These are medicines that have the ability to prevent increased blood clotting and thrombosis in the future.

    Medicines of the second type, in turn, are classified into:

    • indirect drugs that are used as prophylaxis after a stroke or myocardial infarction;
    • direct action, used during temporary therapeutic measures under the control of laboratory studies.

    All medications aimed at thinning the blood, first of all, must be taken in order to provide first aid to the body. The pathological process itself can be eliminated only as a result of the treatment of the underlying disease.

    Who is shown the application

    It is necessary to take measures to promote blood thinning only on the basis of relevant test results or in the event of the appearance of characteristic symptoms. As a rule, depending on the type of laboratory study, the indicators may vary.

    With a hematocrit value of more than 0.55, the body is in serious danger. When conducting a general blood test for clotting disorders, an increase in the concentration of red blood cells to 6 or more per liter will be seen. If, when analyzing for viscosity, the value of the indicator is higher than four, then we can talk about a threat.

    The corresponding symptoms will also indicate the excessive density of the blood fluid. These include:

    • feeling of dryness in the oral cavity;
    • distraction;
    • increase in pressure;
    • heaviness and cold in the lower extremities;
    • headache.

    In addition, one of the main symptoms is tingling and numbness in some areas of the body. With thickening of the blood, a constant depressive state of the patient will be noted.

    Effective remedies for people of any age

    The most effective and commonly used blood-thinning drugs include the following:

    1. Heparin. The same active ingredient is present in the mucus of leeches, which enters the bloodstream during a bite.
    2. Dabigatran. It is a thrombin inhibitor. Helps to achieve an active level of coagulation.
    3. Warfarin. It is in second place in terms of popularity.
    4. Trental.
    5. Aspecard. Helps control blood clots.
    6. Rivaroxaban. Refers to highly selective inhibitors. Relatively new medication.
    7. Aescusan. Contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the veins, strengthens the vascular walls.
    8. Fenilin. It has an effective effect within a short period of time. Because the this remedy has many contraindications, it is used in exceptional cases.
    9. Magnesium hydroxide preparations (Cardiomagnyl). They control the thickening of the blood fluid.
    10. Multivitamins. Contribute to the restoration of the vascular structure and prevent the formation of blood clots.
    11. Aspirin.

    All of the above means should be used only as directed by a doctor. Self-treatment can provoke negative consequences.

    After 40-50 years

    After the age of 40, every person should undergo regular medical examinations, even if he does not suffer from chronic pathologies. Gradually, the body weakens, which is much more dangerous in the development of any pathological process.

    Drugs that are prescribed by experts to thin the blood to patients after 50 years of age prevent the development of thrombosis, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels. At all times one of the best drugs considered aspirin.

    In addition, other medicines have recently become widely used. The list of medicines recommended for use at a more mature age:

    • Heparin;
    • Exantha
    • Aspirin Cardio.

    Also suitable for adults:

    • Aggregal;
    • Clopidogrel;
    • Cardiomagnyl.

    What can be used during pregnancy

    During the bearing of a child, it is not recommended to use blood-thinning drugs alone. Their appointment should be dealt with exclusively by the attending physician and only after an appropriate diagnostic examination has been carried out.

    In addition, for preventive purposes, it is not worth using medicines during pregnancy.

    Women in position are most often prescribed Curantyl. The action of the drug helps to strengthen the vascular walls, improve blood flow and prevent the formation of blood clots.

    In stationary conditions, Heparin can be administered. It does not have a negative effect on the fetus, because it is not able to cross the placenta.

    However, it is worth remembering that when using it, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases. In order to avoid such complications, it is necessary to take this remedy only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

    Inexpensive funds

    The best cheap drugs are presented in the following list:

    • Thrombo ASS;
    • Aspirin Cardio;
    • Cardiomagnyl;
    • Fenilin.

    It is necessary to take any of the funds only after consulting a doctor.

    The use of drugs in diseases

    With the development of some pathological processes, taking drugs that help prevent thrombosis is simply necessary.

    So, with varicose veins, you need to pay increased attention to the composition of the blood and make sure that it does not thicken. A gel called Lyoton has good properties.

    Dipyridamole or Curantyl tablets may also be prescribed. With the development of this pathology, the use of anticoagulants will not be superfluous. It can be Fraxiparine or Clexane in the form of injections, which are low molecular weight analogues of Heparin.

    If there is a tendency to thicken the blood fluid, it is important to pay attention to the state of health, which will prevent the formation of blood clots. To solve this problem, Heparin and its analogues are often used. To prevent the formation of new blood clots, warfarin is prescribed. In case of extensive thrombosis, Alteplase can be used.


    Before deciding on the use of a particular remedy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, since each of the drugs has significant contraindications.

    Among the most common of them are:

    • predisposition to bleeding;
    • hemorrhage in the brain;
    • acute forms of ulcers or erosions in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe renal failure;
    • the period of bearing a child (1st and 3rd trimesters);
    • lactation;
    • allergic reactions;
    • nasal polyposis;
    • gout;
    • individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid;
    • age less than 18 years.

    It is not recommended to independently choose drugs that contribute to blood thinning.. Given the multiple limitations, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only a doctor will be able to correctly select the remedy and prescribe the required dosage.

    Side effects

    Since the majority medications contain potent substances in their composition, often patients experience the development of side effects:

    • disruption of the digestive system;
    • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
    • ulcers when taking funds for a long time;
    • gastrointestinal bleeding;
    • rash on skin;
    • stool disorder (diarrhea).

    To prevent this, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions, and you can not independently increase or decrease the dosage of the medicine.

    Prevention of complications

    To maintain normal blood viscosity and prevent negative consequences it is necessary to control the drinking regime and the quality of food.

    It is also important to adhere to some simple rules of prevention:

    • reduce the amount of food high in cholesterol and sugar in the diet;
    • eat more seafood
    • give up alcohol and smoking;
    • spend more time relaxing and walking fresh air;
    • exercise;
    • do not expose the body to stressful situations.

    Means of blood-thinning action - drugs with high efficiency. Thanks to their effects, the chance of preventing the development of many serious diseases increases.

    How not to get bogged down in platelets

    “Human blood is not water,” says an ancient Slavic proverb. And advanced modern researchers, who are not inclined to poetize this “red liquid”, call blood the most important substance, the internal environment of any living organism. Arguing that there is not a single living bloodless creature on Earth, it is blood that is involved in all vital processes of the body. It carries both oxygen and nutrients through the vessels to all tissues and organs, regulates body temperature, heat delivery ... To perform all these difficult functions, blood must first of all be fluid ...

    So what should be the composition of human blood in order for homo sapiens to live long and not get sick? So that he could avoid at least fatal vascular catastrophes - heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, gangrene of the legs ... Many of us, as they say now, “do not worry” about this and do not even consider it necessary to think about it. Blood is taken for granted. Hematologists, specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases, perceive blood in a completely different way.

    This mysterious acid-base balance...

    - Blood clotting is definitely a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis of large vessels and the development of strokes, - said in an interview with MK, the head physician of the Blood Transfusion Station of the Moscow Health Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Olga Andreevna MAYOROVA. - Hence all the problems in the body: organs and tissues suffer. Our internal environment is a single whole: if one thing fails, it affects the work of other components of the body.

    In order to prevent blood clotting, thrombosis, it is very important to eat rationally. Vegetable products contribute to blood thinning, especially the so-called watery ones: cucumbers, watermelons, etc. Normal blood fluidity is also ensured by sufficient consumption of water and other drinks. Water, by the way, is very good at thinning the blood. In addition, if there is little water in the body, then there is nothing to form blood from. It is also necessary to drink a lot of water for those who are consciously losing weight. If a person loses weight and drinks little water, then his blood also becomes viscous.

    By the way, in ancient times, bloodletting was used to thin the blood. And today science does not deny this method. In practice, local bloodletting is used in case of blood stagnation, inflammation of certain organs and parts of the body. Someone uses leeches to thin the blood. All this is done, including for the prevention of thrombosis, lowering blood pressure.

    In this sense, donation is very useful, if you donate blood regularly, the blood will be more fluid.

    Alas, these wishes are not new. But who, tell me, is serious about the recommendations of even the most experienced nutritionists, researchers proper nutrition, all the more so with regard to the state of the blood? And absolutely in vain. It must not be allowed to thicken. The most interesting thing is that today there are all possibilities for this. Even additional finance is not required. But a person is such a creature that he allows himself everything in food: he eats a lot of protein food until diseases begin to press him against the wall. Acidifies the body, the blood becomes less fluid. And thick blood is already conducting its destructive action on all fronts.

    Space doctor technique

    In fact, the creator of space medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich NEUMYVAKIN spoke about the same thing - about the importance of maintaining acid-base balance in the body - in our editorial office two years ago.

    “The degree of acidity is an important chemical characteristic of blood and other body fluids,” Ivan Pavlovich explained. - It is evaluated on the pH scale. The body constantly monitors the acid-base balance of the blood, since even a slight deviation from the normal pH values ​​\u200b\u200bcan have a serious impact on the functioning of many organs. Today, in most people, the acid-base balance system is tense due to increased neutralization of poisons that enter the body with water, food, air, and synthetic drugs.

    And as a neutralization of acids, the creation of acid-base balance, the legend of space medicine and the creator of many methods of natural healing of the body Neumyvakin proposed ... ordinary drinking soda. It is soda, in his opinion, that thins the blood well, increases its alkaline reserves. He devoted a lot of time to this topic, turned to the experience of scientists and researchers who had already applied soda in practice.

    “The blood-thinning effect with the internal use of soda in the form of a solution has been recorded by many researchers,” says Neumyvakin. - This is due to the fact that bicarbonate, after being absorbed from the stomach and intestines, is concentrated directly in the blood, shifting the pH to the alkaline side. In such an environment, its density and the risk of blood clots in the vessels are significantly reduced. But it is important that there are no contraindications for alkalizing the body. Therefore, before using soda as a remedy, you need to check the pH of the blood. If it turns out that the indicator tends to be acidic, then you can safely start drinking soda solution.

    Check your blood:

    if pH 7.35-7.45 is the norm, the blood has a slightly alkaline reaction;

    if the pH is less than 7.35 - there is an increased acidity of the body. You can start taking soda (from 5 g to 40 g per day);

    if the pH is less than 7.25, the acidity is greatly increased;

    if the pH is less than 6.8, the most severe form of acid-base imbalance is evident. Very serious health problems are possible.

    “Another important point when prescribing such therapy is the confidence that it is needed,” our experts warn. - After all, a person may have a slight acidification, but at the same time a low ability of the coagulation system. In this case, you should not experiment with blood thinning. The body environment should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Its changes in both the acidic and alkaline side can be harmful. This is especially dangerous for people with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, when the secretion of hydrochloric acid is increased. Its production can be protective in nature, saving the body from excessive acidification. In response to the use of soda, acid begins to be produced to an even greater extent, which aggravates the disease of the stomach. This must be taken into account before using soda as an anticoagulant.

    Recipe from Neumyvakin:

    - You need to take soda on an empty stomach (1/5-1/4 teaspoon per glass of hot milk, 30 minutes before meals, so as not to disrupt the action of hydrochloric acid secreted by the cells of the stomach). A remarkable property of soda is that its excess is easily excreted by the kidneys. But even for general health improvement and disease prevention, it should be taken starting from small doses.

    By the way, soda can also be used in the treatment of cancer, tobacco and alcohol addiction, drug addiction and substance abuse. And also to carry out the prevention of radioactive contamination of the body.

    Blood clots come at night

    Another blood clotting fighter is aspirin. Almost everyone has heard of him too. But it is one thing to know and quite another thing to use to thin the blood. Ask your friends: has anyone seriously thought about using it? It is unlikely that you will receive a positive response. But advanced Europeans have long been using aspirin and preparations based on it to fight platelets. Available! Cheap! Just! Thin the blood and sleep peacefully. The fact is that (and this is known for certain) the formation of blood clots occurs precisely at night.

    “The effective action of aspirin for blood thinning has been proven for a very long time,” commented therapist Vera MOLOKOVA. - Today, this drug (and its analogues) is a first aid for such dangerous diseases as heart muscle infarction and pulmonary embolism. It is no coincidence that cardiologists advise: every heart patient should carry aspirin along with nitroglycerin. Indeed, aspirin begins to act so quickly that, in case of emergency, a positive effect in terms of blood thinning can occur in a few minutes. The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: once in the bloodstream, aspirin affects the blood cells responsible for triggering the formation of clots - platelets.

    Aspirin should be taken in small doses for prevention. Better - courses and at bedtime (due to the increased risk of thrombosis at night). The standard single dose for adults is 75-150 mg (3 grams daily). No more needed: this will not increase blood thinning, but is fraught with the development of complications. In emergency cases, the dose of aspirin is similar to prophylactic, but it can be increased to 300 mg. The tablet must be chewed and kept under the tongue for faster absorption. Enteric aspirin is available in 50, 100, 300 mg.

    Contraindications. Aspirin is also harmful. One of the negative consequences is irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. It happens quite often, especially if the doses of the drug are violated. The consequence may be ulcers, ulcerative bleeding, erosion. There are other side effects, but they are less dangerous.

    Acetylsalicylic acid

    Acetylsalicylic acid has also recently been used as a blood-thinning agent - in fact, this is the same aspirin. "It Chemical substance today it is part of many modern drugs used to thin the blood, both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, our experts explain. These drugs also do not affect the clotting factors produced by the liver. But on the other hand, they block the ability of platelets to stick to the walls of blood vessels and stick together: it is this reaction that underlies the formation of blood clots. Platelets inactivated by acetylsalicylic acid decrease in size and move freely with the blood stream even in the most constricted areas of blood vessels, which maintains the blood in a relatively liquid state.

    Contraindications. The systematic use of acetylsalicylic acid in pure form undesirable due to pronounced side effects, this is manifested by irritation of the stomach. Today, many drugs based on this substance have been synthesized, which do not have such a negative effect at all or it is minimized. By the way, numerous studies have proven the safety of taking them as a prevention and treatment. The dose is 75 mg in terms of the pure substance of acetylsalicylic acid. But ... When taking these drugs, you must follow some rules. If you started, you need to maintain the course (a single dose does not give anything). It is best to drink these funds in the evening, before going to bed. But not on an empty stomach, so that the gastric mucosa does not suffer. And be sure to periodically take a blood test for clotting.

    Just one glass of juice and net problems

    Blood viscosity can also be reduced with the help of various vegetable and fruit juices. As our experts explain: it's all about the vitamins and microelements contained in them, which are responsible for the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems. Water, which is in any juices, also helps. One glass of freshly squeezed juice a day - and there will be no big problems with blood clotting. It can be both fruit and vegetable juices or their mix. Mixed juices will bring the greatest effect: grapefruit, orange and a little lemon (lemon helps not only thin the blood, but also cleanse the entire lymphatic system and liver). No less, and maybe more, tomato juice is useful (among other things, it is also an excellent antioxidant). Gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry juices, from which juices are made, have the same effect. But, in principle, “loners” will also help - carrot, apple, orange, cranberry, pineapple, pomegranate and others juices. They are very good at reducing blood clotting, however, if you drink them regularly.

    The most common products that reduce blood viscosity, experts include cranberries, lemon, garlic and ginger. Seafood, vegetables and fruits, fish, greens have a slightly weaker effect.

    Ordinary drinking water also has an unusual property for reducing blood viscosity. Our experts believe that you need to drink up to one and a half liters of water per day. This is the norm. In case of blood thinning, it can help no worse than any medicine.

    ... Since ancient times, blood has been given great importance as a medicine. For example, in Egyptian papyri, treatment with one's own blood was recorded - healers recommended using it for the most serious diseases. Also, with the help of blood, they tried to rejuvenate the elders and resurrect from the dead.

    Today, experts talk about blood as a kind of tireless supplier: it runs all its life through the entire branched network of arteries, veins, capillaries and carries oxygen and nutrients into cells. And in order for the blood to become more active and fluid, doctors, among other things, recommend that a person lead a more mobile lifestyle. And live positively!

    The rheological properties of blood affect the quality of blood circulation, tissue nutrition and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. One of the important indicators is blood viscosity, which should normally be 4.5-5.0.

    The thickening of the main body fluid makes it difficult to move through the vessels, complicates the metabolic process and eventually leads to serious consequences.

    Blood thinners (anticoagulants) prevent excessive blood clotting and ensure good fluidity. They are used only as prescribed by a doctor and after passing certain tests.

    It is believed that with age, the blood tends to thicken. This is influenced by various factors, including a decrease in the amount of fluid you drink.

    Blood thinners are recommended by cardiologists for all people over 50 years of age. Some patients who have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease may need anti-clotting drugs and more early age e.g. at 30 or 40 years old.

    Normally, human blood consists of 80% of the liquid medium. Thickening of the blood leads to a slowdown in its movement, the difficulty in the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the tissues, and the deterioration in the removal of toxins from the internal organs.

    Circulatory problems may result in the following symptoms:

    • fast fatiguability;
    • constant sleepiness;
    • the appearance of signs of varicose veins;
    • memory impairment;
    • slowing down of analytical and mental abilities;
    • deterioration in general well-being.

    At first, such manifestations are not very pronounced, so a person may not attach much importance to them. But over time, it leads to more serious problems and deterioration in the functioning of many organs.

    Increased blood viscosity contributes to the development of thrombosis and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. In turn, this can cause the development of ischemia in a certain area and the deterioration of the work of the whole organ.

    Thus, blood-thinning drugs are recommended for both prevention and treatment of the following conditions:

    • thrombosis;
    • progressive angina;
    • thrombophilia;
    • heart attack;
    • stroke;
    • postoperative complications.

    Separately, it is worth considering pregnant women, they may be given injections in the stomach during the period of bearing a child (usually it is Heparin, Clexane, Fraxiparin). The thing is that when the body prepares for childbirth and the upcoming blood loss associated with them, blood clotting increases. Basically, this goes unnoticed by a woman, but in some of them, due to the presence of pathologies, this can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, injections are given, sometimes droppers are given.

    Briefly about the mechanism of blood coagulation and the action of drugs

    The process of blood coagulation consists of several stages and is quite complicated.

    For a general understanding, we will analyze only the main points:

    • Under the action of the enzyme thrombokinase and various coagulation factors, prothrombin is converted to thrombin. At this stage, there is an increased activity of platelets, on the surface of which there are special complexes called internal factors coagulation.
    • There is an increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood and the transformation of soluble blood protein into an insoluble form of fibrin.
    • Then the fibers of a physiological thrombus are formed, which firmly adheres to the vessel wall or clogs the site of injury.

    Drugs that help thin the blood from blood clots can be divided into two groups:

    • anticoagulants;
    • antiplatelet agents.

    The first group inhibits the coagulation process at the stage of fibrin production. They prevent the transition of fibrin into an insoluble form. The indisputable advantage of this group of drugs is the absence of a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, because they do not contain aspirin. This factor is important in clinical practice because all blood-thinning drugs require long-term administration.

    Antiplatelet agents inhibit the adhesion of platelets to each other and prevent platelets from attaching to the vessel wall, preventing the formation of a blood clot. Most representatives of antiplatelet agents contain acetylsalicylic acid in their composition. Known to all, acetylsalicylic acid really has a pronounced blood-thinning effect if taken in small doses. But with prolonged use, aspirin has a damaging effect on the gastric mucosa, provoking gastritis or peptic ulcer.

    Only a doctor should determine what a patient has and prescribe a specific drug. Self-medication in the field of cardiology is strongly discouraged. Despite this, some pharmaceutical companies offer several over-the-counter products that can be taken to prevent strokes and reduce blood viscosity in patients on their own.

    Direct acting anticoagulants

    This includes funds based on Heparin or its derivatives. Their pharmacological effect is manifested due to the ability to inhibit the work of the main factors involved in the coagulation process, as well as inhibit the formation of insoluble forms of thrombotic proteins - thrombin and fibrin.

    Heparin is considered the standard anticoagulant and additionally:

    • slows down the process of adhesion and activation of platelets;
    • reduces vascular permeability;
    • relieves spasm of the vascular wall, which is also one of the mechanisms for stopping bleeding and the clotting process.

    Heparin is available in pharmacies in various formulations. For the treatment of serious systemic disorders, the drug is used by injection. In the form of an injection, intravenous injections, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections can be given. Such manipulations are performed by a medical worker when the patient is on inpatient treatment.

    List of names of injectable anticoagulants based on heparin derivatives:

    • Fraxiparine.
    • Clexane.
    • Fragmin and others.

    Local application of heparin has a less pronounced effect and is characterized by shallow penetration into tissues.

    Viscosity-reducing drugs based on heparin:

    • Heparin ointment.
    • Lyoton.
    • Venitan.
    • Venolife.

    Topical preparations are often prescribed to relieve fatigue in the legs with varicose veins, as well as to reduce pain in hemorrhoids.

    Direct thrombin inhibitors

    These include drugs that stop the clotting process by directly blocking thrombin. The mechanism of action can be compared to the enzyme hirudin, which is naturally produced by leeches. Due to this, synthetic hirudin - bivalirudin and its natural analogues - lepirudin, desirudin, have found their use in medicine.

    The list of such funds is not very wide. The most popular representative is Arixtra, based on fondaparinux and sodium hydrocitrate. The latter has anticoagulant properties, but is used only in laboratory conditions for blood conservation.

    Indirect anticoagulants

    These drugs affect substances that are involved in the process of blood clotting. They reduce the amount of proteins or coagulation factors, which indirectly affects the process of thrombosis.

    Among them, the following subgroups can be distinguished:

    • Preparations based on phenindione. Representative - Fenilin. Available in tablets, intended for regular use, the maximum effect is observed in about a day. It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with some hypoglycemic agents.
    • Derivatives of coumarin. These include herbal products and synthetic analogues of natural coumarin. Representatives: Warfarin, acenocoumarol, Sincumar, Neodicumarin. Coumarin anticoagulants show a fairly strong blood-thinning effect, so the treatment regimen and dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor.

    The pharmacological effect develops within a day after taking these drugs.

    The treatment regimen involves regular use at the same time. An increase in the blood-thinning effect is observed when taken simultaneously with drugs for gout (Allopurinol), antibiotics (Cefuroxime, Norfloxacin, Azithromycin and others), hormonal agents (Testosterone, Tamoxifen) and others. In combination therapy, it may be necessary to reduce the dose of anticoagulants.

    What is MNO?

    The international normalized ratio is an indicator that must be determined before starting a regimen that includes Warfarin. After the use of medications, repeated measurements of this indicator allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. The value is calculated as the ratio of the prothrombin time of a particular patient to the standard indicator. The higher the result, the worse the patient's condition. The norm is 1.0 or a slight deviation from one.

    During therapy with Warfarin, they try to achieve a ratio of 2. This is usually achieved within 10 days of treatment. After that, the indicator is monitored every 2 weeks.

    New generation anticoagulants

    Warfarin, as one of the typical representatives of anticoagulants, is quite difficult to select doses. For correct maintenance therapy, it is necessary to constantly measure the INR and take into account the individual sensitivity of the patient to this active substance. Pharmaceutical companies have come up with more advanced drugs that lower blood viscosity.

    There are three main drugs:

    • Xarelto. Very good drug with minimal risk of bleeding. It is one of the safest, does not require INR control. Designed for long term use.
    • Apixaban (Eliquis). This thinner is used for venous thrombosis, as well as pulmonary embolism. After a week of treatment with the initial dosage, the drug should be drunk in maintenance amounts for life.
    • Pradax. Often prescribed by doctors in the treatment of ischemic strokes. It can be used as a prophylactic for some surgical interventions and prosthetics.

    The latest generation of drugs make it possible to change the treatment regimen and switch from one drug to another. It is necessary to start treatment with a new drug after Warfarin after the latter is canceled and an INR result of less than 2.0 is obtained. With the reverse transition, Warfarin is added to the modern remedy, and then the unnecessary medicine is canceled.

    The process of blood clotting involves the step of agglutination of platelets, which leads to the formation of a primary clot and blockage of the wound. Antiplatelet agents exhibit properties that inhibit the agglutination process, thereby preventing the formation of a blood clot and preventing the stage of enzymatic blood coagulation.

    In medical practice, all antiplatelet agents are divided into two subgroups:

    • aspirin-containing and their analogues;
    • medicines that do not contain aspirin.

    Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid

    They occupy the widest segment of the antiplatelet group. They come in different brand names and are available to patients at very different prices.

    The most popular among them are:

    • Aspirin.
    • Aspecard.
    • Aspirin Cardio.
    • ThromboASS.

    The main group of such drugs is NSAIDs, however, when taken in doses below 300 mg, the tablets exhibit an anticoagulant effect.

    It should be noted that when taken orally, preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid are well absorbed in the stomach, and their pharmacological action develops after 20 minutes. At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs have an ulcerogenic effect, which makes them dangerous for the gastric mucosa with constant use. Doctors try to prescribe coated tablets for the prevention of gastritis and duodenitis.

    Combined products based on acetylsalicylic acid are also widely distributed on the pharmaceutical market. They contain an auxiliary component - magnesium hydroxide, which protects the gastric mucosa from the adverse effects of acetylsalicylic acid.

    The best of them are:

    • Cardiomagnyl.
    • Magnikor.
    • Thrombital.

    Agrenox is another combination remedy. In addition to aspirin, it contains a second antiplatelet agent - dipyridamole, which enhances the therapeutic effect.

    Medicines without aspirin

    The most popular drugs of this series:

    • Dipyridamole. The effect is approximately comparable to acetylsalicylic acid, however, in addition, dipyridamole exhibits a coronary dilating effect. The medicine is not very convenient to use, since it needs to be drunk 3 times a day. The advantage is the absence of an ulcerogenic effect. More often prescribed for angina pectoris and heart attack.
    • Ticlopidin. The activity of this active substance is several times higher than the standard Aspirin. The pharmacotherapeutic effect develops only after a few days of administration. Absorption is also fast and complete. Designed for long term use. For elderly patients, the maintenance dose is often halved to reduce the chance of side effects.
    • Clopidogrel. One of the most popular antiplatelet drugs, which rarely shows side effects. The strength of the effect is superior to Aspirin.
    • Pentoxifylline (Trental). It is used as a drug for blood thinning and not only. In addition to improving the rheological properties of blood, it contributes to vasodilation and better saturation of the myocardium with oxygen. Such properties help to establish metabolism in tissues and normalize blood circulation. It is prescribed for angiopathy, atherosclerosis, attacks of bronchial asthma, microangiopathy in diabetes mellitus.

    Drugs that are safest for the stomach

    Means based on NSAIDs can adversely affect the condition of the gastric mucosa.

    If there are problems in the field of gastroenterology, it will be better for patients to replace these drugs with others.

    In this case, treatment for a stomach ulcer or gastritis may include:

    • Clopidogrel.
    • Dipyridamole.
    • Pentoxifylline.

    It is also worth noting separately Cardiomagnyl, ThromboASS, Aspecard, Aspirin Cardio - these are drugs that contain a minimum amount of aspirin, so they practically do not have an ulcerogenic effect (do not cause problems with the stomach and intestines).

    Biological supplements are intended more for the prevention of strokes and thrombosis than for the treatment of existing pathologies. They should be taken with caution, not exceeding the recommended doses. Patients should not expect a quick and pronounced effect after taking such drugs either, they are simply not capable of thinning the blood.

    To prevent the formation of blood clots will help:

    • Flavopectin.
    • Blood pressure is normal - it is also prescribed for hypertension to reduce pressure.
    • Fucus Litoral - additionally increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthens them.
    • Pine pollen.

    What can be used during pregnancy?

    The decision to take blood-thinning drugs for pregnant women is made only by a doctor. Low molecular weight heparins (Fraxiparine and Clexane) do not pass through the placental barrier, and Warfarin injections are very dangerous for the fetus.

    For this category of patients, the use of heparin, Clexane injections, and the appointment of Curantyl are allowed. The dosage form (ampoules or tablets) is selected taking into account the patient's condition. Before the planned date of delivery, blood thinners are gradually withdrawn to reduce the risk of major bleeding.

    During the first trimester, blood-thinning agents are not recommended, since this period is very important for the development of all organs of the baby.

    Medicines for the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins

    With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, in addition to blood-thinning agents, it is necessary to use drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the inflammatory process.

    Blood thinning in this case is one of the mechanisms for getting rid of the underlying pathology.

    Such patients are prescribed venotonics (Detralex, Troxevasin capsules, Phlebodia) and anti-inflammatory drugs that spare the stomach.

    Drugs used for heart disease

    Blood-thinning agents are often part of complex therapy for various heart diseases.

    For example, heart failure is treated with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive drugs and anticoagulants, arrhythmia with beta-blockers, indirect anticoagulants, antianginal drugs.

    Warfarin, Sinkumar, Arixtra, Cardiomagnyl can be prescribed.

    Absolute contraindications and side effects

    Blood-thinning drugs are not prescribed to patients with:

    • tendency to bleed;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • severe disorders in the liver;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis.

    Some conditions (pregnancy and others) are relative contraindications and depend on the specific medication.

    Of the side effects of drugs in this group should be distinguished:

    • problems from the gastrointestinal tract;
    • bleeding;
    • allergic reactions;
    • headache, fever.
    • sensory disturbance, osteoporosis.

    People over 60 years of age, even in the absence of problems in the field of cardiology, are recommended to take drugs that help thin the blood.

    Their appointment can be asked from a doctor who will help you choose the most effective and modern medicine.

    Regular long-term use in minimal doses will ensure high-quality blood flow and several times reduce the likelihood of developing deadly conditions.