How to remember foreign ones. How to remember foreign words and certainly live to see a situation where they will come in handy? Tips to improve your English vocabulary

Memory training
> How to remember foreign words

One of the main conditions for good command of a foreign language is large vocabulary. A good level of language knowledge is considered to be mastery of more than 15 thousand words, and mastery of 50 thousand words is considered an excellent level.

There are a huge number of different methods for learning foreign languages, including those specifically designed for memorizing foreign words. In this chapter we will touch upon precisely this problem. What can be summarized as the main recommendations for improving (increasing speed and strength) memorization of foreign words?

MBBO method

The first recommendation or the first method (MVBO method) is especially important for those who want to learn to communicate fluently in a new language. It is an undeniable fact that when there is a lively conversation going on (especially if more than two people are participating in the conversation at the same time), it is important to be close to thinking in this language, otherwise you and your interlocutors will feel discomfort, the conversation may drag on, etc. .

To be close to thinking in language means that, having a sufficient vocabulary, one must be able to automatically compose phrases, which means that the time for remembering the words themselves is reduced to zero. If words don't come to your mind automatically, you will lose the spontaneity needed to communicate fluently in a foreign language. Of course, spontaneity can (and will) come with prolonged experience of communication, but how to speed up this process?

First of all, remember that the main thing for this is NOT to remember a foreign word as a translation of a native word. It is necessary to immediately associate a foreign word directly with its corresponding concept. That is, you don’t need to remember by repeating many times, for example, butter - (bata) - butter, butter - oil, butter - butter..., placing emphasis with your voice either on the English word or on its translation (as the process most often happens learning foreign words). Instead, you need to visually imagine the image (picture) of the butter itself, and, holding it before your eyes, repeat only one foreign word: butter, butter, butter, butter...

In this case, your memory will directly associate the very concept of “butter” with the English “butter” that denotes it. Thus, “butter” becomes a concept, and not just a translation, which, by the way, with ordinary mechanical memorization can easily be replaced by another - after all, for it in this case there is no so-called sensory, material basis, but only a set of letters. In other words, you only need translation to know what to present.

It’s even better if you not only visualize the image of the memorized word, but also involve other senses (hearing, touch, smell, etc.) in memorizing. That is, you can use method of co-feelings. It would be nice to remember something special from your personal, individual experience associated with this word.

In the case of “butter,” I would suggest imagining how you, for example, spend index finger a slightly melted piece butter, feel its softness, temperature, see the path that is left on a piece of butter from your finger. Then you can imagine licking your finger, tasting the oil; you can imagine how you cut off a small piece of butter, again feeling its hardness or softness, and eat this piece, while being aware of all your sensations. You can imagine an oil stain on clothing or a towel.

You can try to hear how it sizzles in the frying pan or what sound it makes when it hits the floor. After all, probably at least once in your life it fell in front of you or before your eyes; it’s slippery. You can imagine porridge with a piece of butter that has not yet melted, or remember the wise remark that if a sandwich falls, it will definitely fall butter side down, and smile. It would be nice to remember something from your life related to butter, for example, how it once melted in your bag... In short, imagine what is closest to you. At the same time, you need to try to remember and feel as much as possible of what you associate with this or that concept.

I deliberately spent so long listing what can be imagined in connection with only one concept. It is important for me that you understand the diversity of how you can “feel” the word “butter” - (bata) (as, indeed, any other foreign word). In fact, visualization, the use of the method of co-sensations and autobiographical memories does not take much time, as it may seem, no more than 1.5-2 minutes, and the effect is noticeable. The main thing with this whole “procedure” is not to forget for a second to repeat, preferably out loud: butter, butter, butter... The same operations are applicable for memorizing verbs, and for adjectives and for other parts of speech, the main thing is to be able to highlight the essential aspects in memorable words.

Why is this method so effective? The fact is that it is similar to the pattern of concept formation in a child’s native language. The mother says to the child: “Take a chair.” At the same time, she points at him with her hand, explaining what exactly needs to be taken. After all, for now, for a child, the word “chair” is an empty space, a set of sounds. But then he takes it, carries it, feels the dimensions, weight, material from which it is made, the smell of wood or fabric, sees its shape, etc. Then the situation with the chair arises again, the mother asks: “Move the chair.”

This may be a completely different chair, and it is needed in order to stand on it and get something, and not sit down, but the mother again called this object a chair, and the baby is learning more and more about the concept of “chair”, gets acquainted with its functional application. He compares the essential signs and gradually a moment comes when the child’s concept of “chair” has already been formed. Now he no longer needs to point his hand at it, he knows himself what a chair is. (By analogy with this, in the situation of learning foreign words, when the concept has been formed, you will no longer have the need to spend time remembering or looking in the dictionary.)

You, too, can imagine yourself as a child exploring the world, and, getting acquainted with the next foreign word, perform with it all the operations that I spoke about above, gradually ensuring that this word turns into a concept for you. By memorizing words in this way, you can ensure that they automatically appear in your memory at the right moment, that is, you will be close to thinking in the language. I conventionally call this method By the interaction of all sensations, abbreviated MVVO.

*** Exercise 15.

Connect the sounds of English words with their corresponding concepts using the MVVO method. How to do this? Let me remind you that you need to associate a foreign word, for example, WINDOW - (window) not with its translation - the word "WINDOW", but with "window" as a concept, in other words, with the image of a window, moreover, with the image obtained through the interaction of all sensations .

So, without ceasing to repeat (and better out loud) window, window, window..., you must simultaneously imagine a window, try to remember and hear the sound of a broken window or any other sound associated with it, for example, its rattling in a strong wind. Imagine how you touch the window, realize your sensations from the touch. Remember some situation from your personal life related to the window, preferably pleasant or funny, etc. Do not forget to repeat the memorized foreign word at intervals of 3-5 seconds.

Here are the English words, their transcription and translation.
Try to apply the MVBO to each of them.


In the literature devoted to the study of foreign languages, one can often find two more methods of memorizing words that have something in common with MVVO. And although they are significantly inferior in efficiency to MVVO, we will still briefly dwell on them.

1. Surely you have already heard that it is useful to attach pieces of paper (a kind of tag) with words denoting them in the language being studied to all possible objects. (Closet, table, shelf, glass, window, kettle, towel, hanger, lamp, calendar, wire, curtains, etc.) It is believed that by frequently meeting your eyes with these objects and, accordingly, with words, you quickly and learn them firmly.

The advantage of this method is that, using it, you also remember a foreign word not as a translation of a native one, but immediately as an image-concept. But the limitations of this method are visible to the naked eye. How many items can you attach these tags to? By 100-200, no more. You will have at your disposal only those objects that surround you at home and at work.

But what about the rest? A significant drawback of this method is that when it is used, only vision works, and the interaction of all senses does not have a positive effect. In addition, such a mechanism for learning new words is not fixed in childhood experience. As you already know, concepts in a child’s native language are formed in a completely different way.

Although, if you first apply the MVVO method to the memorized words, and then attach tags to some objects, then they may serve as a good reminder, a repetition of what has already been learned. Thus, this is rather not a method of memorizing foreign words, but good method their repetitions.

2. Another widespread method of memorizing foreign words is the method of memorizing them using pictures that show the basic meanings of words. There are countless picture dictionaries, sets of cards of varying sizes and varying degrees of artistry. These dictionaries and cards usually come with various instructions on how to use them.

This method is really popular all over the world. And it's popular for good reason. Its effectiveness compared to ordinary memorization of words is obvious. But it is not difficult to notice that it is only the first part of the MVVO method described above, a part that can conventionally be called “visualization”. That is, looking at a picture depicting the meaning of a word is a kind of analogue of the mental representation of a word in MVVO.

It is important to note that for those who cannot imagine images of words mentally, cards with their images will even be necessary. The card will help you form an internal mental image of the word. They can serve as a starting point for all further work to activate other sensations associated with the word. Cards (unlike dictionaries) are also convenient because they allow for a large number of exercise options.

And yet, your own image of the memorized word is preferable to someone else’s (in this case, the artist’s), since the formation of the concept occurs more effectively on the basis of personal experience, and your image of the object may differ significantly from that of the artist. However, there are words whose visual image does not immediately appear in your mind. These may be abstract concepts, as well as words denoting objects that you have never seen - not only in reality, but also in the picture. In these cases, the artist's picture will help you form a visual image.

Another well-known recommendation for memorizing foreign words is that It is advisable to memorize words as part of phrases. Thus, in order to better remember a word, it must be included in a phrase. For example, for the word "butter" it is enough to compose the phrase "Don"t eat much butter!" (Daunt um mach bate) (Don't eat a lot of butter!) or "I like bread with butter very much." Mach.) (I really like bread and butter.) Now make sure that the phrase is grammatically correct. After this, you need to say it out loud several times, imagine the situation described by the phrase. Singing the phrase to some well-known motive helps a lot in memorizing.

The good thing about the method of memorizing in context is that you not only learn a new word, but also once again repeat the words you already know that make up the sentence, as well as the grammatical rules used in it. It is also important that with frequent use of this method, the fear of speaking decreases. foreign language and the corresponding skill is developed, the skill of using familiar words in phrases - a necessary condition for free communication in the target language. (Surely you have met people who know many words of a language, but are afraid to speak this language, and often simply are not able to.)

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Luca Lampariello

Italian polyglot. Knows 11 languages, including German, Russian, Polish, and Northern Chinese. Lampariello has become a well-known figure in the language learning community. Currently lives in Rome.

Association retrieval is the process by which new information is associated with existing knowledge.

One piece of information can have thousands of associations with memories, emotions, experiences and individual facts. This process occurs naturally in the brain, but we can take conscious control of it.

To do this, let’s return to the above-mentioned words: “gene”, “cell”, “synapse”, “skeleton”... If we remember them separately, we will soon forget everything. But if we learn these words in the context of a sentence, it will be much easier for us to put them together in our minds. Think about it for 10 seconds and try to connect these four words.

You might end up with something similar: “Genes influence the development of elements as diverse as the skeleton, brain synapses, and even individual cells.” All four words are now united by a common context - like pieces in a puzzle.

Approach these exercises progressively. First, try combining groups of words that share a specific topic like physics or politics. Then try to build more complex associations between unrelated words. With practice you will get better and better.

3. Repetition

More than a hundred years ago, the German physicist Ebbinghaus came to the conclusion that we forget information according to a certain pattern, which he called the “forgetting curve.” We remember perfectly everything we recently learned. But this same information disappears from memory in a matter of days.

Ebbinghaus discovered a mechanism to combat this phenomenon.

If new information is repeated at precise intervals, it will become increasingly difficult to forget. After a few spaced repetitions, it will become embedded in long-term memory and will likely stay in your head forever.

You need to regularly repeat old information while working on new information.

4. Recording

The ancient Romans said: “Words fly away, but what is written remains.” That is, in order to remember information, you need to record it in a permanent format. When you learn new words, write them down or type them on your keyboard so you can save them and come back to them later.

Faced with something new useful word or phrase while talking, watching a movie or reading a book, write them down in your smartphone or laptop. This way, you can repeat what you wrote down at any opportunity.

5. Application

Use what you learn in meaningful conversations. This is the essence of the last of the basic methods for effective word learning.

University of Montreal researchers Victor Boucher and Alexis Lafleur discovered Honor Whiteman. Repeating words loud to another person increases memory recall. that using words in conversation is more effective in terms of memorization than saying them out loud to yourself.

In other words, the more you communicate with other people, the better your linguistic memory works and the faster your language proficiency grows. Therefore, always use the learned material in real conversations. This method will greatly improve your skills and give you experience using new and long-learned words.

Let's say you read an article on a topic that interests you. You can choose unfamiliar words from it and use them later in a short conversation with a language partner. Can be noted and learned keywords, and then use them to retell the contents of the article. See how well you understand the material after the conversation.

Divide the words into semantic groups: cars, girls, parties, and so on. Write a few new words 5-10 times along with the translation on paper and at the same time pronounce them out loud.

Learn a few words every day and be sure to repeat the old ones.

Write down the newly learned words in three lists on three sheets of paper. In each version, the word order should be different.

After you understand that you remember everything, demonstrate your knowledge to yourself: take sheets with lists, fill them with translations (from memory, of course), and then check the result with a dictionary.

Don’t save paper: there really should be three sheets so that you can consolidate the meanings of words without being tied to their sequence.


If words are forgotten quickly, and no one else speaks Japanese in prison, play with your entire vocabulary in antonyms (white - black) and chaining (bus - soup - police).

English learners will be interested in visiting This is an online game with different levels of difficulty, where you need to choose a synonym for the proposed English word (options are attached). And since the site is run by the UN World Food Program, every correct answer you give brings 10 grains of rice to starving people. Before you, only Bruce Willis could save the world as deftly.


Don’t forget about the mnemonic method of memorizing, finding sound associations for words in a language that you already know well (not necessarily your native one). For example, the word “sleep” is consonant with “to stick together.” Association - “eyes stick together.”

Many people remember associations easier if they go beyond reality. For example, when the English “neck” (“neck”) is associated with something like “Nekrasov had a trained neck in his stable.” And so on...


Associate words with specific objects or people. For example, your neighbor Daniil Petrovich always reminded you of the green Niva.

Take advantage of this image and associate three words with it: “green”, “neighbor” and “car”.


If you pretend that you do not have a perverted fantasy and you do not imagine your neighbor in the form of a Russian car, connect the words into logical chains, the links of which seem to resonate only with you: TV - cinema - popcorn - pregnancy - metro.


Get a notebook and draw a picture for the word you want to learn, and under it write the word itself with translation and transcription.

Firstly, during this activity you will have time to memorize the word so much that you will have time to curse it three more times. Secondly, you will be able to think in images that you have created yourself. And this is not forgotten.

The human brain is designed in such a way that it is much easier for him to remember something familiar or associated with something already familiar. Otherwise, any foreign word will be perceived as some kind of “abracadabra”, which, of course, can be remembered, but this is much more difficult to do. To facilitate the process of memorizing foreign words, we use some techniques to make the words of a foreign language more familiar and “make friends” with them.

Find similarities

Every language has a number of words that resemble words in its native language. The closer the languages ​​are, the higher the percentage of such words will naturally be, which will make it easier to learn foreign vocabulary. Similar words can be divided into several groups.

Words of the original language. Thus, for languages ​​that are based on the so-called Indo-European proto-language (and this includes English, German, French, and other languages ​​of Eastern and Western Europe), it is quite easy to find words that are similar in sound and have a common or very similar meaning. As a rule, this is the name of family members (cf. Russian “brother” and English “brother” - words identical in meaning; Russian “uncle” and English “daddy” (dad) - words different in meaning, but denoting close male relatives) . Such words also include designations of natural phenomena (Russian “snow” - English “snow”), human actions (Russian “beat” - English “beat”), and other words that have ancient primordial roots.

Words borrowed from Russian. Of course, in German and French such words are found most often. But, remembering these words, you need to be careful, because... the meanings of a Russian and a foreign word can either partially coincide (English “character” is translated into Russian not only as “character”, but also as “character”), or not coincide at all (English “original” - Russian “initial”). Although in the latter case the logic of borrowing such words is clearly visible, it is easy to find associations that allow you to remember the correct meaning of a foreign term.

Actually international words. As a rule, these are scientific terms, as well as designations of instruments, professions, etc., which were borrowed from Greek by both Russian and, for example, other European languages. The words “philosophy” and “television” are understandable without translation.

Come up with associations

If a foreign word does not resemble Russian in any way, the memory can be “deceived” in order to learn it faster and better. To do this, you need to find your own, bright and witty associations that will be inextricably linked for you with this word and will help you quickly recall it in your memory if necessary.

This method, for example, is actively used by A. Dragunkin, known for his method of quickly learning a foreign language. So, to remember the English “he” (he) and “she” (she), Dragunkin uses the following cheerful association: “He is Frail, and she is GORGEOUS.”

Just memorize

And finally, there is no escape from simple mechanical learning of foreign words. To speed up this process, words must be repeated as often as possible at the stage of their primary assimilation.

The following technique helps many: on a card there are several words with transcription. A person carries a card with him throughout the day, periodically looking at it and pronouncing new words for himself. As a rule, after 20-30 repetitions, words are firmly entered into the passive vocabulary. But in order to introduce new lexical units into the active vocabulary, it is necessary to use them as often as possible in speech.

When learning a foreign language, almost every person has a question about how to memorize foreign words quickly. Currently, there are many methods and techniques that will help expand foreign vocabulary easily and quickly, without resorting to tedious cramming, which is often not useful.

Method of interaction of sensations

This method works most effectively when used in combination with other methods and techniques for memorizing words.

The method of interaction of sensations shows how to better remember foreign words through sensory perception. It is based not on simple mechanical memorization of a word or phrase, but on their presentation and comparison with any sensations. This approach helps you use the words you’ve learned more confidently. colloquial speech and don’t waste extra time just remembering them. With just the mention of a person, object, action or phenomenon, previously used sensory associations will automatically remind the brain of the necessary word.

An example is English word cup, translated into Russian as "cup". When using the method of interaction of sensations, you should not just memorize the “word - translation” pair, but also imagine the cup itself, the manipulations that can be performed with it, as well as the sensations that can be associated with it.

The method of interaction of sensations can be combined with mnemonics, based on searching for consonances in the native language and incorporating sound associations and translation into a common, easily memorized phrase. The English word cup is very similar to the Russian "cap". Based on a consonant association and translation, it is easy to create a phrase like: “Water drips from the tap into the mug: drip-drip-drip.” This combination of techniques perfectly shows how to memorize foreign words quickly and effectively. Mnemonics helps to transfer a word into long-term memory, and the method of interaction of sensations helps to consolidate it in memory and remind the brain of it when necessary to use it.

Cards and stickers method

Based on repeating 10-20 words throughout the day. Small rectangles are cut from thick paper or cardboard. Words in a foreign language are written on one side, and Russian translation on the other. Words are looked up at any free moment: at breakfast, lunch or dinner, in transport, at work, etc. You can view both foreign words and their translation in Russian. The main thing is when viewing, try to remember the translation of the word or its original sound and spelling in a foreign language.

Lessons with cards can be made more effective if carried out in several stages:

  1. Familiarization with new words. Pronunciation, search for associations, initial memorization.
  2. Memorizing new foreign words. Restoring the translation into Russian in memory, constantly shuffling the cards until all the words are learned.
  3. A stage similar to the previous one, but in reverse order - working with words in Russian.
  4. Consolidation of learned words. Repeat words as quickly as possible using a stopwatch. The goal of this stage is to recognize words without translation.

An original version of the card method is the use of stickers. With their help, you can learn the names of surrounding objects and the actions that can be performed with them. For example, you can stick the English “door” on the door, and “push” on its handle on the side from which the door needs to be pushed, and “pull” on the side from which the door is pulled.

Another option for working with stickers is to stick them in those places where the student can most often see them. This could be a place near the computer (including the screen), a mirror in the bathroom, kitchen shelves, etc. Any foreign words can be written on stickers. The main condition is that the stickers should often catch your eye.

The use of stickers clearly shows how to memorize words of a foreign language using visual information.


This is a very interesting and simple way of learning that is suitable even for kids. Methods of lexical or phonetic associations talk about how to memorize foreign words using Russian words consonant with them. At the same time, foreign and consonant with it Russian word must be connected in meaning. If such a semantic connection is not clearly visible, you should come up with it yourself.

For example, the English word palm translated into Russian means “palm” and is consonant with the Russian “palm”. To remember the meaning of the word palm by association, you should think of the leaves of a palm tree as looking like human palms with outstretched fingers.

Don't think that there are exceptions to association methods. For one foreign word it is quite easy to find similar-sounding words in Russian, while another is completely inconsonant with anything. However, for any foreign word you can choose either a consonant variant, or divide it into its component parts and look for a similar phrase in the Russian language.

Or divide one compound word into two simple ones already known to the language learner, and by combining their translations form a single association. For example, the English word butterfly (butterfly) is easily divided into butter (butter) and fly (fly, fly). Thus, butterfly is easily remembered through associations such as “fly on butter” or “butter flies.”

Association methods are described in many works of professional linguists and are widely used in the practice of language schools. Some of the most interesting works and effective methods were proposed by Igor Yurievich Matyugin - developer special technique, developing attention and memory. To make it easier to understand how to memorize foreign words, I.Yu. Matyugin presented to the world a book containing 2,500 English words with vivid and interesting associations.

Yartsev method

It is best suited for those who perceive information more easily visually. This method will not tell you how to memorize hundreds of foreign words a day, but it will definitely help to significantly expand your vocabulary, consolidating it in long-term memory.

The essence of Yartsev’s method lies in the specific writing of words. A regular notebook sheet is divided into 3 columns. In the first the word is written, in the second - its translation. The third column is for synonyms and antonyms, as well as examples of word combinations and phrases in which the word being studied will be present.

The nice thing about using this technique is that there is no cramming. The written words should be re-read from time to time, thus gradually consolidating them in memory. But reading alone will not be enough. Words, in addition to lists, should also appear in articles, films, etc. Thus, they need to be activated in memory.

Grouping Methods

This technique helps you figure out how to quickly memorize foreign words. Combining them into groups can occur:

  • By meaning.
  • According to grammatical features.

In the case of grouping by meaning, words that are synonyms or antonyms are collected together. The purpose of this grouping is to maximize the enrichment of vocabulary. An example would be the following group of words translated into any foreign language:

good, wonderful, wonderful, great, bad, unimportant, etc.

There can be a lot of options for grouping words based on grammatical features. When composing groups, you can rely on words with the same root, nouns of the same gender, verbs with a certain ending, etc. This grouping helps not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to improve your understanding of the basic grammar of the language.

Mnemonic associations

Mnemonics takes a creative approach to the question of how to remember foreign words and put them into long-term memory. According to this method, for each foreign word it is necessary to come up with a consonant Russian word that will be associated with the foreign original. Then the sound association and translation are combined into a phrase or story that needs to be remembered. The repetition algorithm looks like this:

  • Foreign word.
  • Consonant association in Russian.
  • Phrase or story.
  • Translation.

As part of the methodology, the algorithm for each word is spoken 4 times a day for two days. The result is the exclusion of the “association” and “story, phrase” stages from the algorithm and the movement of the “foreign word - translation” pair to the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory.

Initially, the story gets into it, but the translation lingers in quick memory for only 30 minutes. In the future, at one glance at a word, a sound association will pop up in memory, a phrase will be remembered with it, and then a translation will be extracted from the phrase. The algorithm will also work in the opposite direction: the translation helps the brain remember the phrase, and from it or the story a sound analogy is extracted that reminds of the original foreign word. Thus, the mnemonic association technique shows how to effectively memorize foreign words, leaving them in memory for a long time.

An example is the English word puddle, translated into Russian meaning “puddle”. The sound association for him would be the Russian “fell”, and a suitable phrase would be: “Nikita fell into a puddle many times.” The word repetition algorithm will look like this:

  • Puddle (original foreign word).
  • Fell (sound association).
  • Nikita fell into a puddle many times (a phrase or story containing a consonant association and translation).
  • Puddle (translation).

Using the method of mnemonic associations, in order to easily remember foreign words, it is not necessary to come up with consonances and examples of phrases yourself. Currently, there are a large number of information resources that offer ready-made algorithms for memorizing foreign words and phrases.

Spaced Repetition

The spaced repetition method also suggests learning foreign words using flashcards. Its main difference from the card method is that it suggests how to memorize foreign words. The spaced repetition method requires that the words on the cards be reviewed and spoken at specific intervals. Thanks to this repetition algorithm, the foreign words being studied will be consolidated in the long-term memory department of the brain. But without the absence of repetition, the brain will “remove” unnecessary (in its opinion) information.

The spaced repetition method is not always useful or appropriate. For example, when studying frequently used words (days of the week, frequent actions, etc.), which are constantly heard and regularly used in speech, repetition of words will become a natural process - they will often appear in conversations, when reading and watching videos.


This method will ideal option for those who like to listen to music or any information. It is based on listening to foreign words, which must be pronounced correctly, as well as repeating them. The materials can be either special educational audio recordings or a variety of videos with a detailed analysis of words, phrases and sentences.


When deciding how to memorize foreign words, books, articles, and other printed materials in the target language can be of great help. Learning words while reading texts in a foreign language is appropriate when a person learning a language already knows about 2-3 thousand words. It is with the presence of such a vocabulary that comes understanding of simple texts.

The best option for memorizing through reading would be to write down unknown words from texts. In this case, you do not need to write out all the incomprehensible phrases in a row. Attention should be paid only to those without which it is impossible to understand the general meaning of the sentences. Surely they will be useful in the future use of a foreign language. Such memorization will be much more effective, since new information is “extracted” from the context, forming more vivid and pronounced associations in memory.

The number of words written out should also be limited. To replenish your vocabulary without interrupting reading, it is enough to write out just a few of them from one read page.

If you wish, you can do without writing it out, since your vocabulary is replenished even in the process of continuous reading. But learning words and consolidating them in long-term memory in this case occurs much more slowly.

Watch video

Learning new words from videos also requires the learner to have certain knowledge of the language. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to understand what foreign word, still unknown to the student, was uttered. Watching a video in a foreign language allows you to achieve two results at once: expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension skills. oral speech by ear.

The simplest approach in this technique is to watch the video without being distracted by writing out unknown words. But the most positive result will be achieved only if you stop the film while watching, take notes and analyze words and phrases that are new to the language learner.