Plan – summary of a rhythmic gymnastics lesson in the junior group “Cartoons. Sports and recreational rhythmics program for younger ages Rhythmics project in the second junior group

Goal: exercise in normal walking, walking with small and wide steps, with a high rise of the knee, walking with the center of gravity transferring from one leg to the other, light running, perform previously learned general developmental exercises to music (dance - rhythmic complexes), develop activity and creativity in outdoor games, educate children in the ability to follow basic rules and coordinate movements.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Preparatory part

Walking in circles. Walking in small steps (stomping step) - "gnomes" , with a long stride - "giants" , with high knee lift "stork" , jumping forward - "bunnies" , walking with the center of gravity shifting from one leg to the other – "little bear" . Easy running - "butterflies" . Rebuilding in all directions. ("It's fun to walk together" )

2. Main part

Dance and rhythmic complexes

  • "Grasshopper" ,
  • "Chunga - changa" ,
  • "Cheburashka"
  • Grasshopper

(V. Shainsky - N. Nosov)

Introduction. I. p.: o. s., hands on the belt. V.: turns - springs.

A grasshopper sat in the grass, a grasshopper sat in the grass,

Just like a cucumber, it was green.

just like a cucumber.

Imagine, imagine, he was green.

I. p.: o. s., hands below.

V.: 1 – two springy half-squats with two punches to the knees.

2 - two springy half-squats and two clapping hands in front of you.

He ate only grass, he ate only grass.

He didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

Chorus. Imagine, imagine, I didn’t even touch the booger.

Imagine, imagine, and he was friends with flies.

I. p.: 1 - two springy half-squats with crossing movements of the arms ("scissors" ) .

2 - two springy half-squats with two fist-to-fist blows ("hammers" ) .

3 – smooth movements of hands up and down ("flies" ) .

But then the frog came, but then the frog came -

A voracious belly - and ate the blacksmith.

Chorus. Imagine, imagine

gluttonous belly

Imagine, imagine, and she ate the blacksmith.

I. p.: o. s., hands on the belt. V.: 1 - jumping around on two legs.

2 – stroke with the right (left) hand on your stomach.

3 – spread your arms to the sides and clap your palms.

He didn’t think, he didn’t guess, he didn’t think, he didn’t guess,

I. p.: legs apart, hands to the head. V: shake your head.

I. p.: legs apart, arms bent at the elbows up, palms to the sides.

V.: bend to the sides, shake your arms.

He never expected such an end.

I. p.: o. s., hands on the belt.

V.: turns right - left, arms to the sides.

Chorus. Imagine, imagine

he never expected

Imagine, imagine, such an end.

Losing. I. p.: legs apart. V.: jumping on two legs in one direction and the other.

Dance while sitting "Chunga - changa"

(to the song "Chunga - changa" from m/f "Katerok" )

(V. Shainsky - Yu. Entin)


V.: head tilts to the right - left.

Chunga - changa, blue firmament!

Chunga – changa, summer all year round!

IP: sitting on chairs, hands on knees.

V.: clapping your hands on your knees.

Chunga - changa, we live happily!

Chunga - changa, let's sing a song!

IP: sitting on chairs, hands on knees.

V.: clap your hands in front of you.

Living there is easy and simple!

Living there is easy and simple!

Chunga - changa!

IN.: "rattles" (imitation of playing with rattles) right and left.

Our happiness is constant:

Chew coconuts, eat bananas!

Chew coconuts, eat bananas!

Chunga - changa!

IP: sitting on chairs, arms bent at the elbows.

IN.: "piano" (imitation of playing the piano) right and left.

Chunga - changa, there is no better place!

Chunga - changa, we don’t know troubles!

IP: sitting on chairs, hands on knees.

V.: alternately put your foot forward - stomp.

Chunga - changa, who lived here for an hour!

Chunga - changa, will not leave us!

IP: sitting on chairs, hands on knees.

V.: claps to the right and left.

Losing. IP: sitting on chairs, hands in front of you.

IN.: "scissors" left and right.

I.p.: sitting on chairs, hands on the belt.

V.: stamp your feet to the rhythm of the music.

Chorus. Miracle - island! Miracle - island!

Living there is easy and simple!

Living there is easy and simple!

Chunga - changa! (same movements).


(E. Uspensky - V. Shainsky)

I. p.: heels together, toes apart, arms bent into arcs.

V.: rise on your toes, arms rhythmically rise up, lower your entire foot into a half-squat, lower your arms down.

Now I'm Cheburashka

I. p.: the same, hands put to the head, fingers spread ("Cheburashka's ears" ) .

V.: half squats to the sides.

I like every mongrel

I. p.: the same, half-bent arms forward, hands down.

V.: 1 – half squats to the sides.

2 – squats with hips rotated to the sides ("wagging his tail" )

3 – right and left hands forward, palms up ("gives paw" ) .

When meeting, he immediately gives his paw.

(same movements)

I was unlucky at first, and even this happened,

Nobody came to my birthday party.

I. p.: o.s., arms to the sides.

V.: right (left) foot on heel, tilt towards the foot, circular movements of the arms.

Now I'm together with Gena, he's extraordinary,

He is the best crocodile in the world!

I. p.: o. s., hands below, palms parallel to the floor.

V.: step from foot to foot with the torso tilted to the side for each step to the right and left.

Losing. I. p.: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt.

V.: small springs with turns.

I was once a strange, nameless toy,

Which no one will approach in the store,

Now I'm Cheburashka, every mongrel is mine

When meeting, he immediately gives his paw.

Now I'm Cheburashka, every mongrel is mine

When meeting, he immediately gives his paw.

(movements as in verse 1)

Outdoor games

"Heron and Frogs" ("Kwa-kwa" ) ,

"Jumping sparrows" ("Sunny bunnies" )

"Heron and Frogs" . All the players are frogs, one is a heron. To the cheerful music, the frogs begin to jump, croak, and have fun. As soon as the music stops, the frogs crouch and do not move. The heron takes those who move to her, and they help her catch the rest of the frogs. The most careful ones are announced “frog princesses” . The best heron stands out.

"Jumping sparrows" . There is a circle marked on the floor. In the center of the circle the leader is a crow. Behind the circle line, all the players are sparrows. They jump into the circle, jump around the circle, jump out of it. The crow tries to catch the sparrow when it is in a circle. The one who is caught becomes the driver.

Option 2. Sparrows do not jump in a circle, but only jump in and out; those caught remain in the center of the circle, and when there are 4-5 of them, a new driver is chosen.

3. Final part

Low mobility game "Butterflies" ("Song of the Butterflies" )

Improvisation of movements to a song. Children dance to the song on their own.

Nargiza Minakova

Educational area: “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Group:II younger

Form of direct educational activities: journey

Form of organization: subgroup.

Subject: "Fabulous clearing»

Target classes: development of artistry, inner freedom, disclosure

creative potential of the child through musical rhythmic and dance movements.



Consolidating the skills of accurately performing movements in accordance with the text.


Development of creativity, feelings rhythm, the need for self-expression in movement to music.

Develop logical thinking.

Formation of skills of circling in place, development of coordination, senses rhythm, accuracy and dexterity of movements, memory and attention.


Cultivating self-awareness through familiarization with dance, nurturing musical and movement culture. Bring up safe behavior in nature.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about flowers, viewing presentations about flowers and butterflies, learning dance moves, listening to a piece of music "Flight butterflies» .

Materials and equipment: Computer, multimedia equipment, wings butterflies, fairy wreath, floral clearing.

Integration of educational areas

"Artistic and aesthetic development"(music, fiction, "Social and communicative development"(play, safe behavior in nature, "Cognition" (ecology)

Psychological attitude

Progress of educational activities.

(The teacher leads the children to music in group in a semicircle).

Educator: Children, look, guests have come to us! What should we do when we see guests?

Educator: That's right, we'll say hello to our guests. But we won’t do it as usual, but say hello in the language of dance (Boys bow, and girls bow).

Motivational moment

Educator: dear boys and girls, and now I invite you to go with me to a fun clearing. But we remember how we should behave clearing. (you have to be careful, watch your step so as not to trample flowers and bugs)

Updating knowledge


It's not good for us to be lazy,

Remember guys

Even birds, even animals. Doing exercises. (children walk to the music of the march clearing where there are many flowers and continue to march).

Educator: But my toes are up

So as not to get tired. (Walk in a circle with your hands on your belt and on your toes)

And now on my heels (Walk in a circle, hands behind head on heels)

We saw butterflies

And they ran in circles (running in a circle, hands on the belt).

And the little sparrow woke up, (jumps)

And quietly perked up (step in a circle while inhaling and exhaling).

Perception and assimilation of new things

Educator: You guys are great, and now I want to tell you a riddle.

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,

Heart of gold. What is it? (chamomile).

At the snow-covered hummocks,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a small flower

Half frozen, barely alive. (snowdrop).

Parachutes over the meadow,

They swing like twigs. (dandelions)

Educator: Oh, what a great fellow you are, you guessed all the riddles. Please tell me snowdrop, dandelion, chamomile - what is this? How to call it in one word? (flowers). Right. And now I will turn into a fairy of flowers. (the teacher puts a wreath on his head).

Listen to another riddle.

It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

That's right guys, and now there will be another transformation.

Everyone gather in a circle and butterflies you will turn into! (children put on wings).

And now, I want to tell you a fairy tale about butterfly and her family. They often flew together clearing. And then one day, to make flying more fun, they came up with butterflies are something to do: They started clapping their hands, but how? Yes, that's it.

"one" "two" "three" "four" (eighth duration)

And then my mother heard them and suddenly said and I’m like this

"one and", "two and", "three and", "four and" (quarter duration)

Well, grandma, not to be outdone,

"one and two and", "three and four and" (half duration)

It's quiet here, great-grandmother said:

And I can do it too So:

Oh, how slowly she clapped!

"one and two and three and four and" (whole duration)

(All durations are slammed)

And we went home to rest.

So it's time to end the fairy tale.

Practical work

But, no matter what, they suddenly heard beautiful music. They closed their eyes and began to listen.

(Listening to an excerpt of a beautiful smooth melody). My dears butterflies what is this melody. (Beautiful, smooth, magical). What do you want to do to this music? (fly, flutter, etc.).Okay, you butterflies, I suggest you take each of your flowers. (Children stand on the flower) And they decided to dance, but how? Yes, that's it!

Our first move. Look at me closely (teacher demonstration). Starting position: arms at your sides, back straight, legs together. On "times and" we move our right hand smoothly to the side with a spring on "two and" return the hand to its original position. On "three and" We move our left hand smoothly to the side "four and" return the hand to its original position. We repeat everything 4 times. .

And then they wanted to do this. Starting position: arms at your sides, back straight, legs together. On "one and two and" We move our right arms smoothly to the side and the leg on the toe, turning the body to "three and four" we return to the starting position. The same goes for the left arm and leg. Repeat 4 times. (children perform the movement as they count).

And then they wanted to raise their hands up and spin around like that. Teacher's demonstration. Hands raised up and spinning smoothly. (children perform the movement as they count).

And now, we will do all this to our beautiful, smooth melody.

All these movements are performed to music.

And now butterflies having fun flying around glades.


And now butterflies sit around the clearing to rest.


Let's remember where we were? (on clearings) .

What did we do?

What tune were you listening to?

Teacher: You were all active today, did your exercises well, danced. Well done guys. Thanks everyone. Let's say goodbye to the guests.

(Bow, leave the hall).

Cherezova Tatyana Vitalievna,


MDOU kindergarten №99


Rhythmic gymnastics “Clock”

Musical accompaniment from the cartoon "Fixies" - Clock.

(for children of senior preschool age)

I. p. – standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands below.


For a “time”, sit your hands behind your back. Lower your head.

On "two" - and. repeat 4 times

1st verse

1 phrase: Tiki - jump on the right leg, elbow of the right hand to the left leg

Tiki - Jump on the left leg, elbow of the right hand to the left leg.

Phrase 2: On every count. Three jumps on two legs, arms along the body.

4-5 phrase – repeat 1-2. On the last “so” jump, legs apart

6th phrase: Bend forward, move your arms back. (For each count - 3 times)

Repeat twice.

“Tiki-tock” - three jumps to the right, arms along the body.

“Tiki-tock” - three jumps to the left, arms along the body.

8th phrase: Throw out straight right, left, right legs.

“no way” - jump legs together.

2nd verse:

1 phrase: i.p too. Step forward with your foot to the right, move your arm to the side, tilt your head to your right shoulder.

On two-i.p.

Phrase 2 – also in the other direction.

3-4 phrases - repeat 1-2.

Phrase 5: “once” An additional step to the right hand, I draw a circle from below.

On “and” - sit down, hands down.

Phrase 6: -repeat in the other direction.

7-8 phrase – repeat 5-6 phrase.


“Tiki-tiki” - step forward with the right foot, left arm bent forward at the elbow; step forward with the left naked, the right arm bent forward at the elbow.

“Tiki-tiki” - step back with the right foot, left arm bent forward at the elbow; step back with your left foot, right arm bent forward at the elbow.

“Tak-tak-tak” - three jumps on straight legs, arms along the body.

9th phrase:

“The clock is ticking” - three jumps to the right, arms along the body.

“The clock is ticking” - three jumps to the left, arms along the body.

10th phrase: Throw out straight right, left, right legs.

“no way” - jump legs together.


“Tiki-tak-” the girls squatted, the boys stood.

“Tiki-tock,” the boys squatted, the girls stood up.

“We don’t need…” - the girls squatted, the boys stood up.

“Nor...” the boys sat down. the girls stood up. – at the last “how” - the boys stood up.


IP-legs in sixth position, arms in front of the chest, fingers in a fist.

In which direction we move, that hand is on top.

For “one”, sit down with your right leg to the side, open the “window” with your hands.

Place your left foot on “and” and close the “window”.

On a count of 4, switch hands (now the left one is on top).

On “two” - the same thing in the other direction.

On “three, four” - repeat figure 1-2. Do it only 4 times in one direction and four times in the other.


“Tiki” - turn around by jumping, hands on the belt.

“So” - jump, fix the movements of the legs at shoulder width, arms below.

Repeat twice.

“We don’t need..” - We throw our legs forward, right, left, right.

“no way” - jump legs together with arms below along the body.


“Tiki-tiki” - step forward with your right foot, left arm bent forward at the elbow; step forward with your left foot, your right arm bent forward at the elbow.

“Tak-tak-tak” - three jumps on straight legs, arms along the body.

“Tiki-tiki” - step back with your right hand, left arm bent forward at the elbow; step back with your left foot, right arm bent forward at the elbow.

“Tak-tak-tak” - three jumps on straight legs, arms along the body.

“The clock is ticking” - I.p. legs in sixth position, arms below, hands moved to the sides.

At “one” - spring, right hand forward, left hand back.

On “two” - i.p.

On “three” - left forward, right backward, spring.

On “four” - i.p.

Repeat 16 times, on the last chord: Jump legs apart, bend forward, arms back.

Outdoor switchgear complex in a circle,

with musical accompaniment: composer - Vasily Bogatyrev “Skates” from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”

(for children of the second younger group)

"Spreading our wings"

I.P - O.S. We raise our arms up through the sides, stand on our toes; Lower down – I.P.

"Cleaning the wings"

IP - legs together, hands to shoulders. Turns to the right and left, waving our “wings”.

"Let's dance"

P. - hands below, feet shoulder-width apart. Turns right and left.

"Looking for grains"

I.p. hands below, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward.

"Peck the grains"

IP - hands below, feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down, arms across the sides, knock on the floor, say “Kluk-klu”

"Learning to Fly"

P. – O.S., hands to shoulders. Springs in place with a wave of the arms for 4 counts, alternating with walking. Restore breathing.

Rhythmic gymnastics with gymnastic sticks, to any rhythmic music.

(for older children)

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, stick in two hands at the bottom.

1-8 -One time - stick up, two - behind the head, three - up, four - starting position.

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, stick in front

1-2 - For one - turn to the right with a stick, for two - to the left.

3-4 – turn, with the stick moving the opposite leg.

Repeat 3 times

3. 1-2 – sit down, turn the stick.

3-4 – sit down, turn the stick in the other direction.

5-8 – repeat.

4. 1-3 - bend forward, stick forward.

4 - straighten up, stick up.

5 – stick to the chest.

Repeat 3 times.

4. I.p. - a stick vertically at the right leg, in the right hand, the left one behind the head.

1-8 – walk around the stick on your toes.

1-8 - in the other direction.

6.I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, stick at the bottom.

1- jump on the right leg, the left leg is moved to the side.

2- Jump on the left leg, the right leg is moved to the side

3-8 – repeat jumps

7.I. p. – the same.

1-8 – scissor jumps.

1-8 – scissor jumps, lift the stick up and lower it slowly.

8. 1-4 – steps in place of the stick below.

Compiled by: Choreography teacher of MADOU No. 9 “Rosinka” Naumenko Evgenia Sergeevna


contribute to strengthening the health of children and awakening the body for normal functioning.


Create a joyful emotional upsurge, “wake up” the child’s body, set it in an effective mood

Cultivate the habit of daily exercise

Develop all muscle groups and coordination of movements. Strength and endurance

Develop the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises to music in a timely manner.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator: Hello guys, today while exercising I suggest you go to the forest. You want? (children's answers). To get on the bus, we need to go to the stop.

Rhythmic music is turned on; children march in a column, one by one, enter the hall and walk in a circle.

Educator: here comes the stop! Get on the bus!

The musical composition “Bus” is turned on (Zheleznovy disc aerobics for kids)

Description of movements:

“Here we are sitting on the bus,” the children imitate the steering wheel with their hands, run in a circle, and turn the steering wheel.

“... looking back, looking forward” - walking on toes, arms extended upward, back straight (This is how big our bus is)

“Well, the bus is not lucky...” - arms to the sides, walking on heels (That’s such a wide bus)

“The wheels started spinning... forward we rolled” they fall to the floor, crawl on all fours in a circle one after another

“And we’re not just sitting here…” - they stood up, “took the steering wheel” and ran in a circle at an easy jog

“They turn the steering wheel” and honk their horn.

“Let our bus shake...” - gallop right and left side

To lose, children walk or run around the hall, “turning the steering wheel”

Educator: here we are, let's go to the forest.

Children walk in a circle to rhythmic music and regain their breathing.

Educator: Guys, different animals, birds and insects live in the forest - bugs, insects, worms. Let us become worms for a minute!? (children's answers)

outdoor switchgear: Dance of worms. (musical composition “Dance of the Worms” Zheleznova aerobics for kids)

Children dance standing in a semicircle facing the teacher.

Verse 1: “Even though we have...” - they twist their outstretched arms in front of them.

“And with us...” - arms are raised above the head or pressed to the body. They move their hips, make a spring, squirm.

Verse 2: “Let’s be a tail...” - hands move back (make a “tail”), move the “tail”

“Wiggle…” - the springs make, wriggle.

In the last verse the children dance, as in the 1st. Older children can be asked to come up with their own movements and show them during the 2nd half of the verse and during the loss.

Final part:

Educator: what funny worms we made. But it’s time for us to go back, get on the bus, we’ll go back to the group.

The song “bus” sounds, the children “turn the steering wheel” and step out of the hall, honking their horn.



Rhythmic lesson notes morning exercises for children 3-4 years old “On the bus to the forest” (second junior group)

Compiled by: Choreography teacher of MADOU No. 9 “Rosinka” Naumenko Evgenia Sergeevna

Target :

contribute to strengthening the health of children and awakening the body for normal functioning.


Create a joyful emotional upsurge, “wake up” the child’s body, set it in an effective mood

Cultivate the habit of daily exercise

Develop all muscle groups and coordination of movements. Strength and endurance

Develop the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises to music in a timely manner.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator : Hello guys, today while exercising I suggest you go to the forest. You want? (children's answers). To get on the bus, we need to go to the stop.

Rhythmic music is turned on; children march in a column, one by one, enter the hall and walk in a circle.

Educator : here comes the stop! Get on the bus!

The musical composition “Bus” is turned on (Zheleznovy disc aerobics for kids)

Description of movements:

“Here we are sitting on the bus,” the children imitate the steering wheel with their hands, run in a circle, and turn the steering wheel.

“... looking back, looking forward” - walking on toes, arms extended upward, back straight (This is how big our bus is)

“Well, the bus is not lucky...” - arms to the sides, walking on heels (That’s such a wide bus)

“The wheels started spinning... forward we rolled” they fall to the floor, crawl on all fours in a circle one after another

“And we’re not just sitting here…” - they stood up, “took the steering wheel” and ran in a circle at an easy jog

“They turn the steering wheel” and honk their horn.

“Let our bus shake...” - gallop right and left side

To lose, children walk or run around the hall, “turning the steering wheel”

Educator: here we are, let's go to the forest.

To the rhythmic music, children walk in a circle and restore their breathing.

Educator: Guys, different animals, birds and insects live in the forest - bugs, insects, worms. Let us become worms for a minute!? (children's answers)

outdoor switchgear : Dance of worms. (musical composition “Dance of the Worms” Zheleznova aerobics for kids)

Children dance, standing in a semicircle facing the teacher.

Verse 1: “Even though we have...” - they twist their outstretched arms in front of them.

“And with us...” - arms are raised above the head or pressed to the body. They move their hips, make a spring, squirm.

Verse 2: “Let’s be a tail...” - hands move back (make a “tail”), move the “tail”

“Wiggle…” - the springs make, wriggle.

In the last verse the children dance, as in the 1st. Older children can be asked to come up with their own movements and show them during the 2nd half of the verse and during the loss.

Final part:

Educator: what funny worms we made. But it’s time for us to go back, get on the bus, we’ll go back to the group.

The song “bus” sounds, the children “turn the steering wheel” and step out of the hall, honking their horn.

Musical lesson for children of the 2nd junior group

We will dance with the doll Katya. Summary of music lesson in 2- younger group.

Miklyaeva Rezeda Sirenevna, music director
Place of work: Secondary school No. 1231, preschool department, st. Pogodinskaya 20/3 building 1
- Develop musical and rhythmic skills, the ability to respond to the beginning and end of music
- Learn to move in accordance with the contrasting nature of the music (calm - dance), walk rhythmically to the music and run
Arouse in children an interest in musical activities, a desire to listen to music, and perform simple dance moves.

Progress of the lesson
A flock of children follows the teacher into the hall and stops.
Musical director
The kids have come to me!
How much you have grown over the summer!
You have become big -
Here you go!
Show off how big you have grown!
(Children smoothly raise their hands up.)
Musical director
Show me how your legs are
We learned to walk along the path!
A musical and rhythmic exercise is carried out: “March” by E. Parlov, “Who wants to run?”, arrangement by L. Vishkarev.

Children walk and run to the music
Musical director
Our legs are tired
We walked along the path.
Let's stroke our feet
And let's rest a little.
The exercise “Our legs are tired” is being carried out (music by T. Lomova, lyrics by E. Sokovnina).

The music director draws the children's attention to a doll sitting on a table near the piano.
Musical director.
The doll Katya came to us,
She called the children over.
Children listen to a song performed by the music director: “Doll Katya”, music by M. Krasev, words by L. Mironova

Musical director. Guys, our doll is not a simple one - it is alive. And he really wants to teach you how to dance beautifully. Guys, do you like to dance? (Children answer). Now the Katya doll invites you to go with her to a dancing land. We are at the Muzykalnaya station. Let's listen to some very beautiful music.
Listening: D. Rossini – O. Respighi “Tarantella”
Musical director
Did you like it? How we would like to dance to such beautiful music. Isn't that right guys?
Let's show our doll
How merrily we dance!
Children perform simple dance movements to cheerful music and as shown by the teacher: rhythmic clapping, stamping with one foot and two alternately, spinning on their toes, with “flashlights”.
Musical director
Guys, now let’s get on the train again, take our seats and move on!
The exercise “Past the rivers” is carried out.
The children walk at a stomping step.
Past rivers and fields
The train is rushing faster and faster.
Never mind that the path is long
We will arrive exactly on time.
Musical director.
We arrived at the Igrovaya station.
Guys, let's stand in a circle and play!
The game "Voltiki" is played.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, raised up (“collars”). Then the children lower their hands. The child remaining in the circle asks: “What should I do?” The children answer: “Dance.” To the music "Dance" the children clap their hands and the soloist dances. Then he chooses one of the children and the game continues.
Musical director
Well done guys, it turns out you can dance!
Now let's all dance together.
The dance “We became friends” by T. Vilkoreiskaya is performed

Musical director
Thank you, Katya! She taught us to dance! Come visit us again! Summary of a comprehensive lesson on cognitive development in the 2nd junior group “Journey to the Village”