Scenario scenes on the theme of the night before Christmas. Scenario New Year's performance for students "The Night Before Christmas

Lopasova M.I., teacher of the MOU-SOSH p. Karpenko, Krasnokutsky district, Saratov region

New Year's script for high school students in grades 8-11.

"Christmas Eve"

(based on the story by N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas")

Song "5 minutes"
Presenter 1 : The world changed instantlyIn a fairy taleEverything is like in a snow templeEverything is admirable.While people were dreamingWinter has come to my native landCreated and createdThe tower was erected.Host 2: Sleepy whispered in the windowsShe conjured over the patternDecorating pines with frostI glided along the river in a waltz!Snow covered the gardenAnd the roads and the avenueI even allowed the birdsLacy leave a mark.Presenter 1 : looking around carefullyThe sun didn't lastStretched, smiledAnd laughed with happiness.Waved a golden rayNeedlewoman winterAnd burst into flamesSparkled in white!Host 2: The scenery is readyCome on, honest people.Hello miracle updateThe secret of reincarnationHello long-awaited holidayFairy tale - New Year.
Song "The Night Before Christmas" Offstage voice: The last day before Christmas has passed. The clear winter night has come. Stars looked. The moon majestically rose to the sky to shine for good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling. It was freezing colder than in the morning. It was so quiet that the creak of frost from the boots could be heard very clearly.Dance of the Stars Offstage voice: Suddenly small spots appeared in the sky. They were approaching very quickly. Don't know right away what it was...
Dance "Devil" (at the end of the dance, the moon and the stars appear, and all the devils, except for one, run away)Devil: Here I will arrange a festive evening for them. I'll take and steal a month (a month is enough). It must be so hot, but it's okay, somehow I can handle it! Ay! (blows on fingers) Oh! (grabs a month and drags backstage).
Offstage voice: It became so dark all over the world that nothing could be seen, even up close.
Forelock: (they walk down the street with Kum) Tell me, kum, so you haven’t been to the deacon in the new hut yet? There will now be a good booze! How could we not be late! (adjusts sash) What the hell? Look, Panas!Qom: What else? Forelock: Like what? There is no month!Qom: What an abyss! In fact, there is no month! It must have been! Sitting in the hut, he looked out the window: the night is a miracle. And I didn’t have time to go out - at least gouge out my eye!Forelock: So, shall we stay at home?Qom: No, you can't, you have to go.Forelock: Well then let's go.
Song "White Snow" Offstage voice: Let's see what the beautiful Oksana does when she is left alone at home.Oksana: (spinning in front of the mirror) Why do people want to praise that I'm good? People lie, I'm not good at all. Are my eyebrows and eyes black? HM!Are my braids good? They can be frightened in the evening, as long as snakes. No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle!Blacksmith: (entering the room) Wonderful girl! And she has little to boast about. He stands for an hour, looking in the mirror, and even praises himself out loud!Oksana: (shouting) Why did you come here? Do you want to be kicked out the door with a shovel? What, is my chest ready?Blacksmith: Will be ready, after the holiday will be ready. Do not be mad at me. Let me have a look at you!Oksana : Who forbids you? Speak and look.(knock on the door. Girls run in)1 girl: Oksana, hurry up, it's time to go caroling!2 girl : It's so cold outside, frosty.3 girl: And for some reason the month is not visible. Surely someone hid it.
(All dance togetherdance) Offstage voice: The frost increased. But this did not frighten the witch, who decided to take a walk in the sky that night.
Dance of the Witch Voice behind the scene: Having walked through the sky, Solokha decided to return home, it became painfully chilly in the sky. Right behind her, the devil also followed, who also took a walk and was rather cold.Meanwhile, flying after Solokha into the chimney, the devil, turning around, saw Chub in the arm with his godfather. In an instant, he flew out of the pipe and began to tear heaps of frozen snow. A blizzard rose, the wind began to cut right in the eyes ..
Dance "Snowflakes" Forelock: Wait, godfather, it seems we are not going there. I don't see any houses. Oh, what a blizzard!Qom: The evil spirit will pull to drag along such a blizzard. Oh, what a pile of snow has thrown into the eyes of Satan.
(to the music of the girl, they fill up a bunch to Oksana)Oksana: Hey, Odarka, you have new slippers! Oh, how good, with gold! Good for you, Odarka!Vakula Blacksmith: Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears.Oksana: You? I'll see where you can get such slippers that I could put on my leg. Will you bring the very ones that the queen wears?1 girl: Look what you want!Oksana: Yes! Be all witnesses. If the blacksmith Vakula brings the same slips that the queen wears, I will immediately marry him! (laughs). (leave with the girls)Vakula: Laugh, laugh! I laugh at myself. I don't think she loves me.
Song (on stage Solokha, preening. A knock is heard)clerk : (entering the room) Good evening! And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha? (touches hand)Solokha: Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich.Deacon: And what do you have, dearest Solokha? (grabbing his neck)Solokha: As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich! Neck, and on the neck - monisto.Deacon: And this is what you have, incomparable Solokha! (rubbing his beard)(A knock is heard on the door)Solokha!: Get into the bag. (hides Dyak)Forelock: (enters the room) Hello, Solokha! You may not have expected me: Maybe you were waiting for someone? It's so windy outside. God sent such a night before Christmas.(a knock is heard on the door)Forelock: Someone knocks. Listen, Solokha, take me wherever you want, I don’t want to appear in front of anyone for anything in the world.Solokha: Get into the bag.(Vakula enters) Vakula: Why are these bags here? It's time to get them out of here. Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is all sorts of rubbish in the hut. I'll go and take them to the forge.(picks up the bags and takes them out the door)
Dance "White Snowstorm" Vakula: Who is it? Heck: This is me, your friend. I will do everything for you. Oksana will be ours today.Vakula: Carry me now on yourself, carry me like a bird.Heck: Where? Vakula: Petersburg, straight to the queen.
Song Voice behind the scene: And Vakula, meanwhile, flew to St. Petersburg. The whole city shone in front of him in lights. My God: knock, shine, thunder. He felt like the whole city was looking at him. The devil brought him straight to the Cossacks.
Dance "Ukrainian Hopak" Vakula : Hello sir!1 Cossack: Hello, fellow countryman, why did God bring you?Vakula: Take me with you to the queen!2 Cossack: Let's take it, really, brothers?3 Cossack: Maybe we'll take it. Went! It is time!
Pompom dance.
Voice behind the scene: Vakula received from the queen the most beautiful gilded slippers and rushed back to Dikanka with all his might. Morning has come. Returning home, after sleeping until dinner, Vakula put on his best dress, took the gifts and went to Chub.Vakula: Have mercy, father, do not be angry! Give Oksana for me!Forelock: Good, send matchmakers.Oksana: Ai. Vakula: Look at the slippers I brought you, the very ones the queen wears.Oksana: Not! Not! I don't need slippers (lowers his head)(the blacksmith takes Oksana by the arm and leaves)
Voice behind the scene: Everyone helped make the dream come true.But time goes by very fastWe scrolled through the whole storyNow we must part.There are many fairy tales in the worldDon't waste your time kidsRead different booksopen the beautiful worldTreasure true friendshipYou create miracles!
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come out and say congratulations.
Final song (all performers sing)

List of used literature.

    Gogol N.V. Night before Christmas from the cycle "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka",M.: 1982. Cartoon "The Night Before Christmas" on DVD - disk (output data unknown - brought by children)

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New Year's Impromptu Musical (Script)


Ukrainian girls, French and Latin American dancers, evil spirits.

Set. Director, group of actors. Screen adaptation of N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas".

Action I. Ukrainian option.

Dance of the witch (Solokha) with the Devil and evil spirits. Abduction of the month. Chub and Panas appear.

FORELOCK: So you, godfather, why don't you have a clerk in a new hut? There will be a good party there! Sho tse take? Breathe, Panas, miss nema!

PANAS: How so nema?

FORELOCK: So nema! Shovil a month, filthy Democrats!

PANAS: Well, good, sho shovali! Better wake up. They beat you to hell!

Oksana's room. The girl is sitting in front of a mirror.

OKSANA: Shaw, show me, am I a garna maiden chi no? Oh, garna, hefty garna!

VACULA(appears on the threshold): Oksana, my heart, marvel, I have secured gifts for you!

OKSANA: Well, sho tse take? Tse OK irons!

VACULA: We know it, irons! I'm a blacksmith, not a jeweler!

OKSANA(pouting his lip): Maybe he would have some kind of pebble ... Why am I, a horse, walking in iron?

VACULA: Well then tell me what you're up to...

OKSANA: What do the women say? .. To the right of Versace, doha polohmache ... or here! Hefty men hunting new cherevichki!

VACULA: Cherevichki? Sho tse take?

OKSANA: Model shoes, cormorant! Do you understand Ukrainian?

VACULA: So then you need to joke in the store! Five hvilin - and I will return!

OKSANA: Where did you go? Meni treba special cherevichki. Iakie herself Jennifer Lopez on her feet to carry.

VACULA: Oh dear mother! Where can I get this Jennifer?

OKSANA: And do not move me!

VAKULA'S SONG: ("Chervona Ruta") There is one girl
Shaw charmed me.
All hearty out
Tore me to pieces. Ridna Oksana, so I kohai!
You are one with me, tilki you believe!

Let's chat with you until dawn! I will get you
Golden laces
And I'll get it from nebes
The best bird! Ridna Oksana, so I kohai!
You are one with me, only you believe!
Garna Oksana, come out to the barn,
Let's chat with you until dawn!

Upper room in Solokha's hut. Solokha accepts the Devil.

HECK(dancing around Solokha):
You said on Wednesday
Let's go to the neighbor. I came - you are dumb ... Pidmanula-pidvela!
You are a mene, you are a mene pidmanula, You are a mene, you are a mene pidvela, You are a mene, you are a mene, young, You have driven you crazy!

Knock on the door. The devil gets into the bag, Solokha opens the door.
Head enters.

HEAD: You said on Saturday: Let's go to work together! I came - you are dumb ... Pidmanula-pidvela!
You are a mene, you are a mene pidmanula, You are a mene, you are a mene pidvela, You are a mene, you are a mene, young, You have driven you crazy!

Knock on the door. Solokha hides the Head in a bag, opens the door.
Diak enters.

DYAK: You said Monday...

PRODUCER: Stop stop!! No it's not that! Out of date, irrelevant! Who cares about the life of the Ukrainian village now? What about Ukrainian folklore? No, let's move the scene to Paris! All actors will be French; love a la france! – ah! So, get out of the bags, the same scene again.

Action II. French variant.


The boudoir of the famous actress Solange. The DEVIL enters.

You entered my sick soul.
I will break your peace today.
The beast,
The unbridled beast lives in me again.
Solange, old woman, I'm tired of wanting you.

Even without a cross, but I'm a guy anywhere -
Hellfire is like cool water to me,
I am a former angel, even with a curse on my forehead,
I have the right to be happy on Earth!
In your arms I will find peace
And I'll give my soul to myself - it's not the first time for me!

HECK: Solange, ma belle fille, tu m'ais compri, you understand...

Knock on the door.


Mayor enters.

MED: Oh Solange! Ma contesse, ma petit Blanchenaige! Cette chansone est pour toi!

MAYOR'S SONG ("Belle"):
Here in Paris, everyone is afraid of me,
I have an hour to enjoy life!
May -
Let flowers bloom in a rough heart!
You will be rewarded for everything! On rainbow wings I will return to the mayor's office,
I will plunge into the affairs of life with a sigh.
It's a pity,
That all week it’s advice, and then a banquet,
I've been sick of the smell of cutlets for a long time.
But once a week I find peace
When I meet you backstage.
MED: Solange, quel bon surprise!

Knock on the door.

SOLANGE: Silence! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

The PRIEST enters.

SOLANGE: Onjour, padre!

PADRE: Bonjour, ma fille! Comment ca va?

Bags toss and turn, Solange tries to cover them. Drowning out the sounds coming from inside, sneezes loudly, blows his nose, etc.

PADRE: Comment? Tu est malade?

SOLANGE: Yes…. oui… produlo…

PADRE SONG ("Belle"):
You are like a magical and sinful dream,
My church incense will scatter -
Ringing -
Buzzing in the ears and again the heart beats the alarm:
The poor old abbot fell in love with a witch! Holy maiden, you can't help me
Forbidden love I can not overcome.
Don't leave me, lovely Solange,
Let me once, well, at least once, take revenge! And even in the church I can not find peace,
Probably, I was born like this in my dad ...

Knock on the door.

Will -
Will be the best
The very newest
New New Year!!

Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

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New Year's performance for students

"Christmas Eve"

(The text sounds in the recording. The curtain is closed) The last day before Christmas has passed. Winter, clear night arrived. Stars looked. The month majestically rose to heaven to shine for good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and glorifying Christ. It was freezing colder than in the morning; but on the other hand it was so quiet that the creak of frost under a boot could be heard half a verst away. Not a single crowd of lads had yet shown under the windows of the huts; the moon alone peeped furtively into them, as if urging the dressed-up girls to run out into the squeaky snow as soon as possible. Then smoke fell in clubs through the chimney of one hut and went in a cloud across the sky, and together with the smoke a witch mounted on a broom rose up.

Meanwhile, the witch rose so high that only a black speck flickered above. But wherever a speck appeared, there the stars, one after another, disappeared in the sky. Soon the witch had a full sleeve of them. Three or four still glittered.

Picture 1. Street.

/ The girls and boys are walking, singing carols, throwing snowballs... When the last guy leaves, the Devil runs in the background. The guy thinks that it seemed to him, he spits in the direction of the Devil and runs away /

Heck - To the people! Strives to spit, or even cross! Normal, right? It remains for me to roam the world for the last night, and they are here with their holiday! .. I will arrange a holiday for you !!! / climbs after the moon, burning ... / Hot, beautiful .. but not practical ... I'll take it - I'll take it to the witch Solokha - she loves everything bright ...
(The devil runs away. Chub and Panas appear)

Forelock. So you, godfather, have not yet been to the deacon in the new hut? There will now be a good booze! As long as we don't be late.

What a devil! Look! look, Panas!

^ Panas. What?

Forelock. Like what? no month!

Panas. What an abyss! In fact, there is no month.

Forelock. It’s something that isn’t there, ”Chub uttered with some annoyance at the invariable indifference of his godfather. - You don't even need to.

Panas. What should I do!

Forelock. It was necessary, - continued Chub, wiping his mustache with his sleeve, - that some devil, so that he didn’t happen to drink a glass of vodka in the morning, a dog, intervene! through the window: the night is a miracle! It is light, the snow shines during the month. Everything was visible as if it were daylight. I didn’t have time to go out the door - and now, at least gouge out my eye!

Having finished the scolding, he turned again to his godfather:

^ Chub. So no, godfather, a month?

Panas. No.

Forelock. Wonderful, right! Let me sniff some tobacco. You, godfather, have glorious tobacco! Where do you take it?

Panas. What the hell, glorious! - the godfather answered, closing the birch tavlinka, punctured with patterns. - The old hen won't sneeze!

Forelock. I remember, - Chub continued in the same way, - the late tavern maker Zozulya once brought me tobacco from Nizhyn. Oh, there was tobacco! good tobacco! So, godfather, how should we be? it's dark outside.

Panas. So, perhaps, we will stay at home, - the godfather said, grabbing the door handle.

If the godfather had not said this, then Chub would surely have decided to stay, but now it was as if something was pulling him to go against the grain.

^ Chub. No, mate, let's go! you can't, you have to go!

Picture 2. Oksana's house
/ Oksana admires herself in the mirror /

Oksana- And why did people take it into their heads to praise that I'm good? .. People lie, I'm not good at all! Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What good is that upturned nose? And in the cheeks? And in the lips?.. As if my black braids are good?.. No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! Yes, lads, do you like me? You look how smoothly I perform ... And what ribbons on my head! My father bought all this for me so that the best fellow in the world would marry me ...

/spinned and saw Vakula come in/

Oksana– Why did you come here? Do you want to be driven out the door with a shovel? ..

^ Vakula- Do not be mad at me! Let me at least talk, look at you!

Oksana- Who forbids you, speak and look! .. /goes to the window/ For some reason, the girls don’t come ... It’s time to guess and carol. I'm getting bored...

^ Vakula“God be with them, my beauty!”

Oksana- No matter how! With them, right, the lads will come. This is where the balls come in. I can imagine what funny stories they will tell!

^ Vakula So do you have fun with them?

Oksana- Yes, it's more fun than with you ...

/ girlfriends enter /

Oksana- Hey, Odarka! You have new boots! Ah, how good! And with gold! It’s good for you, Odarka, you have such a person who buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such nice little slippers.

^ Vakula- Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears.

Oksana- You? I'll see where you can get slippers that I could put on my leg. Can you bring the very ones that the queen wears.

^ 1st See what you want!

Oksana- Yes! Be all of you witnesses: if the blacksmith Vakula brings the very little slippers that the queen wears, then here is my word that I will marry him.

Scene 3. House


The witch herself felt that it was cold, despite the fact that she was warmly dressed; and therefore, raising her hands up, she put her foot aside and, having brought herself into such a position as a man flying on skates, without moving a single joint, she descended through the air, as if along an icy sloping mountain, and straight into a pipe.

/Solokha dreamily lays out cards/

Heck- Mamzel Solokha! You are the most beautiful witch I have ever seen...

^ Solokha"You're damn smart...

Heck“Do you know what gift I brought you, Pani Solokha?” /takes out a month/

Solokha- A month ... This is what you, brother, have figured out ...

Heck- I, Pani Solokha, love in all its scope!

Solokha“Well, what am I going to do with your gift now?”

^ Damn- Hide it.

Solokha- Where?

Heck- Well, for example, in a bag ...

Solokha- It is not good to keep a month in a bag ...

Heck- Why not?

Solokha- Why yes?

^ Damn- Why not?

Solokha- Why yes?

Heck- Yes..!

Solokha- Not!

Heck- Yes!

Solokha- Heck!


Solokha- Well, that's all!

Heck- Well, that's all!

/ Knock on the door / / The devil, frightened, rushes about. Solokha calmly gets up, looks down at the Devil, grins, silently throws a bag to him, he quickly hides./

Solokha-/preening/ I'm going!

(Solokha ran to open the door, and the nimble devil climbed into the lying bag. The head, shaking off the snow from his drops and drinking a glass of vodka from Solokha's hands, said that he did not go to the deacon, because a snowstorm had risen; and seeing the light in her hut, turned to her, with the intention of spending the evening with her. Before the head had time to say this, a knock was heard at the door and the voice of the deacon.)

Head Hide me somewhere... I don't want to meet the deacon now.

. (Solokha hides her head)

(The clerk came in, groaning and rubbing his hands, and said that he had no one and that he was heartily glad of this opportunity to walk a little with her and was not afraid of a blizzard. Here he came closer to her, coughed, grinned, touched her with his long fingers naked full hand and said with a look that showed both slyness and self-satisfaction:)

^ Diak And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha?

Solokha Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich! - answered Solokha.

clerk Hm! hand! heh! heh! heh! said the clerk, cordially pleased with his beginning, and walked up and down the room.

clerk And what do you have, dearest Solokha? - he said with the same air, approaching her again and grabbing her lightly by the neck with his hand, and jumping back in the same order.

^ Solokha As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich! - answered Solokha. - Neck, and on the neck monisto.

clerk Hm! on the neck monisto! heh! heh! heh! And the clerk again walked around the room, rubbing his hands.

Solokha And what is this with you, incomparable Solokha? .. - It is not known what the clerk would now touch with his long fingers, when suddenly a knock was heard at the door and the voice of the Cossack Chub.

clerk Oh, my God, a third-party face! - the deacon shouted in fright. - What now, if they catch a person of my rank? .. It will reach Father Kondrat! ..

But the clerk's fears were of a different kind: he was more afraid that his half would not recognize him, who, with her terrible hand, made the narrowest of his thick braids.

clerk For God's sake, virtuous Solokha," he said, trembling all over. - Your kindness, as the scripture of Luke says the head of the trine ... trine ... They knock, by God, they knock! Oh, hide me somewhere!

(Solokha hides the deacon)

Forelock. Hello Solokha! Maybe you weren't expecting me, were you? really didn't expect it? maybe I interfered? Maybe you were having fun with someone here? .. maybe you hid someone already, huh? Well, Solokha, now give me a drink of vodka. I think my throat is frozen from the damn frost. God sent such a night before Christmas! How I grabbed it, you hear, Solokha, how I grabbed it ... my hands ossified: I won’t unfasten the casing! how the blizzard caught ...

^ Blacksmith Open up! came a voice from outside, followed by a push on the door.

Forelock. Someone is knocking, - said Chub, who stopped.

Blacksmith Open up! shouted louder than before.

Forelock. It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha, where you want to take me; I don't want for anything in the world to show myself to this damned degenerate, so that he runs into it, the devil's son, under both eyes there is a bubble the size of a mop!

(Solokha hides Chub. Vakula enters)

Vakula - / enters with bags / Forgive me, it’s so late ... I walked past, I look, it’s light in you, I decided to go for advice ...

Solokha - Speak faster, blacksmith, otherwise I was going to sleep here.

Vakula - They say about you, Mrs. Solokha, that you ... it's ... how should I put it better ... Well, that you are, in a certain way, a witch.

Solokha - You have to, huh..! What people in the village are talking about ...

^ Vakula- Well, I thought - to whom, if not to you, to go with such a delicate question ...

Solokha - What's the question?

Vakula“Where can I get slippers like those of the queen herself?”

^ Solokha- Well, you are wonderful, blacksmith! It can be seen that he fell in love so much, that his mind went beyond reason ...

Vakula“So what am I to do, dear Pani Solokha?”

Solokha- If you already decided to get slippers for your bride - get it! But you need to go to Petersburg, to the queen ...

Vakula- How can I get there?

Solokha“But I don’t know that ... The protection of the royal palace is such that you can only slip through astride the line ...

/^ The blacksmith waves his hand, takes the bags - one with the Devil - on his shoulder /

Vakula- Yes, I already agree and make friends with the devil, but how can I find the devil?

Solokha- And whoever wears the devil behind his back, it will not take long to look for him.

Scene 4. Street

(Voice behind the scene) Noisier and noisier the songs and shouts rang out through the streets. The crowds of the jostling people were enlarged by the arrivals from neighboring villages. The lads were naughty and furious enough. Often, between the carols, some cheerful song was heard, which one of the young Cossacks immediately managed to compose. Then suddenly one of the crowd, instead of a carol, would release a carol and roar at the top of his voice:

^ Shchedryk, bucket!

Give me a dumpling

Porridge breast,

Kilce cowbaski!

/ Oksana and her friends pull full bags, sit on them to rest /

Girlfriend 1- Oh, those lads! They don't give a pass at all...

Girlfriend 2“But Kuzma looked at me like that, he almost pierced his eyes ...

^ P.1- Kuzma looked at me, and Sashko looked at you!

P.2 And Sasha too...

P.1– Do you like the blacksmith, Oksanka?

Oksana- To me? Blacksmith? Say it too! I need a groom who can get a star from heaven! What about a blacksmith? - he will shoe a horse or paint the devil - that's all the feats for the sake of a beautiful lady ...

^ Oksana- Who is it?

P.1- Your own blacksmith / laugh /

Vakula Hello, Oksana...

Oksana- We saw each other recently ... Why are you following me, Vakula?

P.2- Well, we'll go, Oksanka, and you catch up ...

Oksana- Well?

^ Vakula“Because of you, Oksana, the lad is dying…

Oksana- What dude? Are you what? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, Vakula? /runs off laughing/

Vakula- Oh, Oksana, if you knew what's going on in my soul ... / notices the bags / And they left the bags ... / takes the bags, leaves /

Scene 5. Street

(Voice behind the scene) However, the devil, who was sitting in the sack and already rejoicing in advance, could not bear to see such a glorious prey leave his hands. As soon as the blacksmith lowered the bag, he jumped out of it and sat astride his neck.

^ Damn It's me - your friend, I will do everything for a comrade and friend! I'll give you as much money as you want. Oksana will be ours today.


If you please, for such a price I'm ready to be yours!

^ Damn Well, Vakula! You know they don't do anything without a contract.

Blacksmith I'm ready! You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket!

^ Damn Wow, what a joker! Well, enough, enough to be naughty!

Blacksmith Stop, dove! - shouted the blacksmith, - but how does it seem to you? - At this word, he created a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb. - Wait, - he said, pulling him by the tail to the ground, - you will know from me to teach good people and honest Christians about the sins! - Here the blacksmith, not letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross.

Heck Have mercy, Vakula! - the devil groaned plaintively, - I will do everything that is necessary for you, only let your soul go to repentance: do not lay a terrible cross on me!

^ Cher t Where? said the sad devil.


To Petemburg, straight to the queen!

And the blacksmith was stupefied with fear, feeling himself rising into the air.

Scene 7. Petersburg

Heck: Now it's time!

Vakula: Your Majesty, do not execute

Say mercy.

^ Guys (Cossacks) Where are you, Vakula?

Queen: Leave it!

Vakula: From what, not in anger, your grace will be told, the laces are made, what are on your feet? What if my wife put on such laces!

^ Queen: Really, I really like this simplicity.

Scene 8. Street

Oksana These guys are strange! Either they follow you, or they disappear somewhere ... But Vakula, after all, is a nice little guy. Not a prince, of course, but he fell in love like a princess! .. Where could he go? Have you heard what they say in the village?

^ P. 1- Well, why are you listening to all this gossip? These gossips will weave such ...

P. 2- Oh, yes, there is your blacksmith! Snoring now, probably somewhere on the stove ...

Oksana- Or maybe he left the village completely? .. And all because of these ill-fated little girls! .. I should have blurted out such nonsense ...

Vakula - /runs in/ Oksana! Look what slippers I brought you! The very ones that the queen wears! ..

Oksana- No no! I don't need slippers!.. I'm without slippers ... / stretches out his hands to Vakula, approaches, puts his head on his shoulder /


Scene one:

(a witch appears on the stage on a broomstick, she collects the stars and puts them in a sleeve or a bag. It is necessary to make it glow in the sleeve and bag, the stars are attached to strings and on the curtain.)

On the other side, the devil stalks, with a goatee, horns and a tail. The devil creeps slowly towards the moon, stretched out his hands, grabbed him, burned himself, sucked his fingers, dangled his leg and ran from the other side, and again jumped back and jerked his hand away, but he ran up and grabbed it with both hands, grimacing and blowing, throwing it from one hand to the other, finally hurriedly putting it in his pocket and, as if nothing had happened, ran further.

It suddenly became dark, the witch screamed, and the devil grabbed her by the arm and began to whisper in her ear, and they leave the stage.


On the stage, godfather Panas - thin, with long hair and a pigtail on his beard with him Chub - Oksana's father, they go out of the door of Chub's house.

Chub- So you are a godfather, have not yet been to the clerk in a new hut? There will now be a good booze! How could we not be late. (Chub straightened his belt, pulled his hat tightly on, clutched the whip in his hand, looked up and stopped.)

W- What the hell! Look, look, Panas!

Kum Panas - What? (lifting head up)

C - Like what? There is no month!

Kum - What an abyss! In fact, there is no month. (indifferently)

Ch - Something that is not (with annoyance) You probably don’t need it.

K - What should I do?

H - (stroking his mustache) - It was necessary for some devil so that he would not have a chance, a dog, to drink a glass of vodka in the morning. Really, as if something for laughter ... On purpose, sitting in the hut, he looked out the window: the night is a miracle! It is light, the snow shines during the month. Everything was visible as if it were daylight. I didn’t have time to go out the door - and now, at least gouge out my eye. (they walk in the dark and stumble upon a wattle fence)

Ch - So no, godfather, a month?

C - Wonderful, right! Let me sniff some tobacco. You have a nice tobacco! Where do you take it?

K - What the hell, glorious! (closing the pouch) - The old chicken will not sneeze!

Ch - I remember the late shinnar Zazulya brought me tobacco from Nizhyn. Oh, was there tobacco? Good tobacco! So godfather, how should we be? It's dark outside.

K - Let's just stay at home. (said, grabbing the door handle, they)

C - No, godfather, let's go! You can't, you have to go!

the devil noticed that Chub and Kum were close to the house, he immediately flew out) - the devil ran across their path and began to tear the snow at them from all sides. A blizzard has risen (Sounds of a blizzard or wind) Snow flies on the eyes, hair, beards, they twisted, separated, the devil turns and confuses them, then the devil returned to the witch again.

Chub pushed his hat on his head deeper, the travelers turned back, nothing was visible in the snow.

INSERT THE DAMN UNDER THE MUSIC, HOW HE TWISTS THEM WITH SNOW, then the devil leaves the stage satisfied. Rub palms.

Chub - Stop Kum, we seem to be going in the wrong direction. (looks into the hall) - I don't see a single hut. Oh, what a blizzard! Turn around, Kum, a little to the side, if you find the way; and in the meantime I'll look here. The evil spirit will pull, to drag along such a blizzard! (disperse)

Don't forget to scream when you find your way. Ek, what a heap of snow, Satan let in his eyes! (godfather steps aside, they leave the stage)

(It seemed to Chub that he had found the way, he began to shout at the top of his voice, he saw that Kum was not coming, he decided to go himself. Kum and Chub go backstage, in different directions.

Chub comes to his house where Oksana and Vakula..)


Oksana and the Blacksmith

Oksana is alone in the house, the house should unfold like a book. She dresses up, spins in front of the mirror.

Oksana - What did people decide to glorify if I'm good? People lie, I'm not good at all. Are my black eyebrows and eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? And in the cheeks and lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow! You can be frightened of them in the evening: they are like long snakes, intertwined and wrapped around my head. I see that I'm not good at all. (pulls mirror away)

(The blacksmith looks out the window)

Oksana - No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one to whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself. He'll kiss me to death!

Blacksmith - Wonderful girl! And she doesn't have much to brag about! For an hour he stands looking in the mirror and does not look enough, and still praises himself aloud. (he quietly sneaks and enters imperceptibly into the hut, she continues to show off in front of the mirror)

Oksana - Yes, guys, do you like me? You look at me, how I smoothly act, my shirt is sewn with red silk. And what ribbons on your head, you will never see richer for a century! My father bought all this so that the best fellow in the world would marry me! (she grinned, turned around and saw the blacksmith, screamed and sternly stopped in front of him. The blacksmith lowered his hands, embarrassed. She has sternness and mockery on her face)

Oksana - Why did you come here? Do you want to be kicked out the door? You are all masters to drive up to us. In a moment you will sniff out when the fathers are not at home. Oh, I know you! (strictly) - What, my chest is ready?

Vakula - My heart will be ready, after the holiday it will be ready. If you only knew how much you fussed around him: for two nights he did not leave the blacksmith; but not one priest will not have such a chest. And as it is painted, red and blue flowers will be scattered all over the field. They will burn like fire...

Don't be angry with me, Oksana! Let me at least talk, at least look at you!

Oksana - Who forbids you, speak and look! (here she sat down on a bench in front of the mirror and began to straighten her braids, she is pleased)

Vakula - Let me sit next to you too!

Oksana - Sit down. (satisfied)

Vakula - Wonderful, beloved Oksana, let me kiss you! (an encouraged blacksmith said and pressed her to him, intent on grabbing a kiss, but Oksana turned her cheeks and pushed him away)

Oksana - What else do you want? When he needs honey, he needs a spoon! Go away, your hands are harder than iron, and you yourself smell of smoke, I think you have smeared me all over with soot. (she looks prettier at the mirror again)

Blacksmith - (departs) - She does not love me, she has all the toys; and I stand in front of her like a fool and keep my eyes on her, and she admires herself, torments the poor me.

(Oksana turned sharply and said)

Oksana - Is it true that your mother is a witch? (and laughed)

Vakula - What do I care about my mother? You are my mother and father, everything that is dear in the world. If the king called me and said: “Blacksmith Vakula, ask me for everything that is best in my kingdom, I will give everything to you. I will order you to make a golden blacksmith for you, and you will forge with a silver hammer "-

“I don’t want, I would say to the king, neither golden stones, nor a golden forge, nor your whole kingdom: give me better my Oksana!”

Oksana - (grinning slyly) - You see what you are!... However, the girls don't come... what would that mean? It's high time to carol - I'm getting bored.

Vakula - God bless them, my beauty!

Oksana - No matter how! The lads will surely come with them. This is where the balls come in. I imagine what funny stories they will tell!

Vakula - So you have fun with them?

Oksana - Yes, it's more fun than with you.

Scene four:

Chub - This is my hut, open the daughter Oksana !!! (He knocks backstage, enters the stage, goes to Vakula. Vakula came out)

Oksana - Ah, someone knocked; That's right, girls with lads. (She looks out the window.

Vakula - Wait, I'll open it myself.

(Oksana remains to preen herself at the mirror, in the background. THE BLOWING HOOL, VAKULA AND CHUB DESIGN YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING)

Vakula- What do you want here? (Vakula shouted sternly, Chub, recognizing the voice of the blacksmith, stepped back to the forefront)

Chub - E. this is not my hut, a blacksmith will not climb into my hut ...

Vakula- Who are you and why are you hanging around under the doors? 9 uttered the severity of the former)

Chub- (into the hall) - No, I won’t tell him who I am - what good else will he nail, damned geek! (and changing his voice answers the blacksmith) - It's me, a good man! I came to you for fun, to carol a little under the windows.

Vakula- Get the hell out of here with your carols! (Vakula shouted angrily)

Chub- What are you really screaming like that for? (speaks in the same voice)

I want to carol, and it's full!

Vakula- Hey! Yes, you won’t get tired of words! .. (he hits Chub on the shoulder)

Chub-Yes, that's you, as I see you are already starting to fight? (he said stepping back)

Vakula - Let's go! Let's go! (the blacksmith shouted, rewarding Chub with another blow)

Vakula - Let's go! Let's go! (the blacksmith shouted and slammed the door)

Chub- Look how brave you are! Do you think I can't find control over you? I will not see that you are a blacksmith and painter.

Chub- Wait, you demonic blacksmith, so that the devil beats both you and your blacksmith, you will dance with me! - (insight) - However, the witch is now sitting alone. Hm... it's not far from here; would go! The time is now such that no one will catch us ... (writhes in pain) - Look how painfully the damned one beat. (leaves the stage)

SCENE FIVE:(Oksana moved away from the mirror to the knock)

Oksana - Oh, someone knocked! Probably girls with guys! (looks into the hall as if through a window)

Vakula - (in the foreground speaks)

What can I expect more? I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe. Wait, I'll open it myself.


Oksana- Hey, Darka! You have new boots! Ah, how beautiful! It’s good for you, you have a person who buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such slippers!

Blacksmith - Don't grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears.

Oksana - you? I'll see where you can get some boots that I could put on my leg. Will you bring the very ones that you wear

Girl - See what you want! (the crowd of girls screamed with laughter)

Oksana - Yes! (continued proudly) - Be all of you witnesses: if the blacksmith Vakula brings the very little slippers that the queen wears, then here is my word that I will marry him the same hour.

(everyone gathers, Oksana puts on clothes and goes outside, followed by Vakul, he comes to the edge of the stage, and the girls laugh and talk a little to the side)

Vakula- (into the audience) - Laugh, laugh! I'm laughing at myself! I think, and I cannot think where my mind has gone. She doesn't love me! Well, God bless her! There is only one Oksana in the whole world. No, come on, time to stop fooling around. (a crowd passes by him with fun, but he does not notice anyone)



To hell with Solokha, he kisses her hands, takes hold of his heart, groans, she almost agreed, but suddenly there is a knock on the door. Solokha ran to open the door, but the devil hesitated and quickly climbed into the sack.

Witch - Vakula brought it, let him take it out himself!

Goloava - (shaking off the snow from the hat and drinking a glass of vodka from Solokha's hands)

I did not go to the deacon, dear Solokha.

Solokha- Why?

Head - Because a snowstorm arose, and when he saw the light in your hut, he turned to you. (did not have time to say, as the deacon knocked on the door)

Hide me somewhere (he whispered) - I don't want to meet the deacon now.

(Solokha rushed about, didn’t know where to hide him, then poured out the coal from the bag and he climbed in with his head. She opens the door, meets, the clerk came in, groaning and rubbing his hands)

Dyak- Somehow no one came to visit me and I am sincerely glad for this occasion, to take a walk with you.

(here he came closer to her, touched her bare arm, with slyness and pleasure)

Diak- And what is it with you, incomparable Solokha? (said and jumped back)

Solokha - Like what? Hand, hand Osip Nikiforovich.

Deak- Hmm! Hand! Heh! Heh! Heh! (pleased said and walked around the room)

And what is it with you, dearest Solokha! (stepped closer to her and touched her neck with his hand and immediately jumped back)

Solokha - You don’t see it, Osip Nikiforovich! - Neck, and on the neck monisto,

Deak- Hmm! Monisto on the neck! Heh! Heh! Heh! (he again walked around the room) - And what is this with you, incomparable Solokha? (he stretches his hand to her chest, when suddenly there is a knock on the door and Chub's voice)

Dyak - For God's sake, virtuous Solokha (he says trembling with his whole body)

Your kindness, as the scripture of Luke says, the head of the trine ... trine ... (knock again) - They knock, by God they knock! Oh, hide me somewhere.

(Solokha poured coal from another sack into a basin and the clerk climbed into this sack.

(Solokha opens the door, Chub enters)

Chub- Hello Solokha! Maybe you didn't expect me, huh? Maybe I interfered?... Maybe you're having fun with someone here! Have you already hidden someone? (looks everywhere, Chub laughed, found nothing and says very pleased)

Well, Solokha, give me a drink now, I think my throat is frozen, from the damned frost. God sent such a night before Christmas! Oh, cold, ossified hands.

Blacksmith - Open up!

Chub- (froze as if rooted to the spot) - Someone is knocking

Blacksmith - Open up! (screaming louder than before)

Chub- This is a blacksmith! (confessed clutching his head)

Chub- Hear, Solokha, where you want to take me; I wouldn't want for anything in the world to show myself to this damned freak, so that he would run into it, the devil's son, under both eyes a bubble the size of a mop!

(Solokha got frightened and herself rushes like a kugarelaya and showed Chub flattery in a bag where the clerk was already sitting)

(The blacksmith entered without saying a word, sat down on the bench without taking off his hat, there was another knock on the door, it was the Cossack Sverbeguz, and she put on her fur coat and went out with him into the garden.

It is necessary to replace paper bags to make it easier to carry, and leave the devil in the bag)

Blacksmith- Why are these bags here? It's time to get them out of here. Through this stupid love, I'm completely stupefied, Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is all sorts of rubbish in the house, I'll take them to the blacksmith! (he came up and tied the bags and said)

Blacksmith - Won't it get out of my mind, useless Oksana, trying to pick up the bags, thoughtfully)

Blacksmith- Why the hell did the bags become even heavier than before, is there really something else besides coal? (trying to pick it up) - No, what a woman I am! Don't let anyone laugh at you! At least ten bags, I'll lift everything (and took the bags on my shoulders) - Take this one, in which my tools are. (picked up and went backstage)


(carols on stage, people have fun)

Girls-1 - Shchedryk, bucket!

Give me a dumpling

Breast of porridge

Kiltse sausages!

(grandmothers serve bagels, pies, sausage, noise, fun, throw snow, tear bags from each other, the blacksmith remains with the bags, listens to see if Oksana is in the crowd, suddenly, as if he heard, he threw two bags, and the devil left on himself and went to the crowd in which Oksana is standing)

Oksana- Ah, Vakula, you are here! Hi! (said with a smile)

Well, did you do a lot of caroling? Hey, what a small bag! And the little slippers that the queen wears, did she get? If you get the slippers, I'll marry you!

(and laughing, she ran away with the crowd, the crowd makes actions, the blacksmith moves to the edge of the stage)

Blacksmith - No, I can't; no more strength ... But my God, why is she so damn good? No, it's time to put an end to everything: goodbye soul, I'll go drown myself in the hole, and remember your name.

(resolutely approached Oksana)

Farewell, Oksana! Look for yourself what kind of groom you want, fool whom you want; and you won't see me anymore in this world.

(Oksana was surprised, wanted to say something, but the blacksmith waved his hand and ran away)

Boy- Where, Vakula?

Blacksmith - Farewell, do not remember dashingly.

Old gossip woman

Lost soul! I'll go and tell you that the blacksmith hanged himself. (runs away from the stage, and the crowd continues to have fun. SCENE PLAY, then the crowd runs off the stage, the blacksmith appears)

Blacksmith - Where am I really running? As if everything is already gone. I’ll try another remedy: I’ll go to the Cossack, pot-bellied Patsyuk, they say he knows all the devils and can do anything he wants. (leaves the stage)


Grandmas run, gossip with buckets and rockers.

1-Oh, old ladies, they heard the news, the blacksmith drowned himself ...

2-Yes, he did not drown himself, but hanged himself.

1 --- Yes, he didn’t drown himself, but hanged himself

2-And I say drowned

1-Yes, he didn’t drown himself, but hanged himself

3-Yes, he is alive (scared, shows) - There, look, he is walking like he is alive.

(grandmothers get scared and leave with the verdict "keep me away")

1-The blacksmith is risen!!!... (shouts) he goes to meet them. Grandmas run away from the scene

(blacksmith on stage alone)

Blacksmith-- So he went to the Cossack, Patsyuk, but he didn’t understand anything why he said that the road to hell is so close (thoughtfully) - he doesn’t need to go far, he has the devil behind his shoulders ... (suddenly there is a stir in the bag, he puts the bag and jumps out from there and jumps on Vakula from behind)

Damn, it's me, your friend, I'll do everything for a comrade and friend! I'll give you as much money as you want. Oksana will be ours today. (he speaks in the right, then in the left ear)

Blacksmith-Let me, for such a price, I'm ready to be yours. (the devil was delighted and began to run on his ears, jumps on Vakula again)

Damn-- Well, Vakula! You know they don't do anything without a contract.

Vakula - I'm ready! - You, I heard, sign with blood, wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket! (here he put his hand back and grabbed the devil by the tail)

Damn, what a joker! (shouted the devil laughing)

Well, enough, enough to be naughty!

Vakula-Wait, my dear! (the blacksmith shouted) - And here it is, as it seems to you (at the same time, he created a cross, or got it on his neck)

(the devil became quiet as a lamb, then the blacksmith, without letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross)

Damn- (mournfully) - Have mercy, Vakula! Everything that is necessary for you, I will do everything, just do not put a terrible cross on my soul.

Damn-(sadly) -Where...?

Vakula-To Petersburg, straight to the queen.

(the blacksmith was stunned when the devil makes the movements of the plot, music sounds, they crawl away backstage, the grandmas will pretend that the devil and Vakula are flying in the air)

1-Look, the devil took Vakula to the next world.

2-(surprised) - Look, Vakula, as if alive, waving his hands ...

3-And I think he set his sights on ...

(here the crowd demolishes them with fun, noise)

Girl-Look, Vakula forgot his bags. He did not carol in our way, I think they threw a whole quarter of a ram here; but sausages and breads, it’s true that there is no count.

Girl - 2 - Luxury! Whole holidays you can overeat.

Oksana - These are Kuznetsov's bags! Let's drag them to my hut as soon as possible and separate them well. (everyone approved of her proposal)

Girl-3- But we won't pick them up! (tries to move)

Oksana - We need to bring the sled, let's go after them. (run off stage)

(one bag starts walking, Kum appears on the stage)

it seems to him that from drunken eyes they seem to be, frightened)

Kum-- Look, what bags someone threw on the road! (he said looking around) - There must be pork here. After all, someone was lucky to carol all sorts of things. Drag quickly, so that no one notices. (tries to load, but too hard, Tkach appears on the stage)

Kum-No, it will be hard to bear alone, but here is how the weaver Shapuvalenko walks on purpose.

Hello Ostap! (to the weaver)

Weaver - Hello. (saying stopped)

Kum- (sitting on the bags) - Where are you going? (cunningly)

Weaver-Yes, so I go where my legs go.

Kum-Help kind, carry the bags!

Weaver Bags? What about bags?

Kum-Yes, I think everything is there.

Weaver - Where will we take it?

Kum-We will take him to my hut, no one will interfere with us, Zhinka is not at home.

Weaver-- (carefully) Are you sure you're not at home?

Kum-Thank God, I'm not completely crazy yet, the devil would bring me to where she is. I think she'll drag herself with grandmothers to the light. (carry and talk, approach the house and hear a voice)


Kumov's wife - Who is there?

Weaver - (stupefied) Here you go! (drops hands)

(the godfather's wife comes out, although she does not see well, she noticed the bag)

Kumov's wife - That's good! It's good that so many carols have been done so much ... (shrugs his hands, with an air of joy of a hawk) (godfather and weaver walk with their backs to the bags, circling her, they don’t let her in with the bags)

Show me this hour! Hear, show your bag this very hour!

Kum- The bald devil will show you, not us! (said hands to hips)

Weaver - What do you care? - We caroled, not you.

KUMOV'S WIFE - No, you will show me, you worthless drunkard! (the wife screamed, hitting him on the chin, making her way to the sack, but the peasants defended the sack and she stepped back. She quickly went into the house and grabbed the poker, hit her husband on the hands, and the weaver on the back, and stands with her back to the sack, and they get scared)

Kumov's wife - (unties and looks in) - Eh, yes, there is a whole boar! (she rejoices and claps her hands)

Weaver-Boar! Do you hear, a whole boar! (pushing the weaver godfather) - And all of you are to blame!

Kum-What to do? (said, shaking godfather)

Weaver-how h.? What are we standing for? Let's take the bag! Well, get started! Went away! Let's go! This is our boar! (jumping)

Kum - (advancing) - Go, go, damn woman! This is not your good!

(the wife took the poker again, but at that time the CHUB got out of the bag! Stretching. (Kum's wife screamed and hit her hands on the floor, everyone opened their mouths)

Kum - (backing back) - Well, she is a fool saying: a boar! It's not a boar! (goggling eyes)

Weaver-Look, what a man was thrown into the sack! At least say what you want, at least crack, and not without evil spirits ...

Kum is Chub! (screamed as he looked)

CHUB - And who did you think? - (Chub said grinning) - What a nice joke I threw with you? And you probably wanted to eat me instead of pork? - And I will please you, there is something else in the bag, if not a wild boar, then a pig for sure. Something was constantly moving under me.

(Kum, wife, weaver again to the bag and try to get it)

Weaver-Here's another one! (the weaver cried out with fear) - The devil knows how it has become in the world, THE HEAD IS RUNNING ... No sausages, no meadows, but people are thrown into bags!

Chub-This is a clerk! - (in amazement) - Here are those on! Oh yes Solokha! Put them in a sack... That's what I see, she has a hut full of sacks, now I know everything, she had two people in each sack. And I thought that she was only for me alone ... Here are those Solokha! (as if speaking, they enter the house talking, or backstage.)

girls with sleds appear on the stage behind a bag that is on the stage, they are taken to Oksana's house. They take, untie the bag)


Girl-1-t Let's see, something lies here,

(a HEAD sits in a bag, he starts to smack and cough at the top of his lungs)

All-Ah, someone is sitting here! (everyone screamed and from the bag in different directions)

(here Chub comes up to them!

Chub-What the hell! Where are you running like crazy?

Oksana-Oh, dad! Someone is in the bag...

Chub-In a bag? Where did you get this bag?

The All-Smith left him in the middle of the road...

Chub-What are you afraid of? Let's see Well, cholovich, please do not be angry that we do not call by name and patronymic, get out of the bag! (Head came out)

Girls-- Ah! (shouted)

Head-- (embarrassedly addressing Chub) - It must be cold outside ...

There is Chub-Frost, but let me ask you, what do you grease your boots with, lard or tar?

Head-(climb out of the bag) - Tar is better! Goodbye Chub! (put on his hat and left the stage, Oksana throws the bag into the corner)

Chub- (on the edge of the stage) - Why did I ask a fool what he smears his boots with? Ah yes, Solokha, to put such a person in a bag! ... Look at the damn woman! And I'm a fool ... But where is that damned bag?

Oksana - I threw him into a corner. There's nothing else!

Chub-- I know these things, there is nothing! Give it here, there's another one sitting there! Shake it well ... (shaking) - What is not? ... Look, damned woman! And look at her like a saint. (leave the stage or behind the house)


Grandmothers appear with buckets and a yoke

1---- Drowned! By God, drowned! That's what I wouldn't leave this place if I didn't drown.

2-Well, am I a liar? Have I stolen a cow from someone? Have I jinxed anyone that they do not have faith in me? (shouted the woman waving her arms)

So that I don’t feel like drinking water, if the old Pereperchikha didn’t see with her own eyes how a Ukrainian hanged himself!

(Chuba Golova appears on the stage from the house, went up to the crowd)

Head-Blacksmith hanged himself? Here are those on!

    Pereperchiha-weaver-Tell me better that you don’t want to drink vodka, old drunkard!

    You have to be as crazy as you to hang yourself! He drowned! He drowned! Drowned in a hole!! I know this as well as the fact that you were now at the tavern!

3-Sramnitsa, you see what began to reproach! (angrily objected) - The wretch would be silent! Don't I know that the clerk comes to you every evening. (to number 2)

1- (the weaver flushed) - What is the clerk? To whom is Dyak? What are you lying?

Deacon - (pushing the crowd, in a coat of hare fur_ -Deacon? I will let the deacon know! Who is the deacon speaking?

2-But to whom the clerk goes! (points to number 1)

Dyachiha-So it's you (approaching No. 1) the witch that fogs him up and gives him an impure potion so that he would go to you?

1-Get rid of me Satan ... (the weaver said backing away)

Deachikha- Look damned witch, Ugh! (spit in the eye)

1-(I also wanted to spit at the sexton, but then the Head leaned out and she spat into his unshaven beard

Head - Oh, nasty woman! - (shouted the head, wiping his beard with his hand and raising the whip, Everyone fled with curses)

So the blacksmith drowned! My God, what an important painter he was,

What strong knives, sickles, plows, KNOWLEDGE FORGING. What a power it was! Yes, (thinking) there are few such people in the village, Here's a blacksmith for you! It was, but now it isn't! And he was about to shoe his pock-marked mare! ... (and quietly left the stage in his thoughts)


(shouted, grabbing:(the devil and Vakula fall out from behind the scenes, the rooster crowed, the devil quickly wanted to run away, but Vakula by the tail)

Vakula- Where? (shouted, grabbing the devil by the tail) - Wait, buddy, there's more to come: I haven't thanked you yet. (the blacksmith snatched the reed from the fence and the devil retreated three times, and the devil began to run like a mad man backstage)

(Vakula dusted himself off, adjusted his new outfits from St. Petersburg, went to Chub's house, knocks, Chub comes out)

Vakula-Have mercy, father! Don't get angry! Here's a whip for you:

Beat as much as your heart desires, I surrender myself, I repent of everything, beat, but don’t be angry

Chub-(beats) - Well, it will be with you, get up! Let's forget everything that was between us! Well, now tell me, what do you want?

Vakula-- Give, father, Oksana for me!

Chub - (thinking, looked at Vakula's outfits) - Good! Send matchmakers!

Oksana-- (enters) - Ai! (looks with joy and tenderness)

Vakula-Look! What little slippers I brought you! The ones the queen wears.

Oksana-No! Not! I don't need cherries! (waving his arms) - I’m without cherevichi ... (she was embarrassed, blushed)

(the blacksmith came closer, took her by the hands, she lowered her eyes, the blacksmith kissed her softly)

maybe a crowd of girlfriends and friends run in to have fun and dance the final dance, maybe grandmas along the edges of the stage with treats.




Dramatization of an excerpt from the story can be both a fragment of the lesson and an independent event. Children are happy to prepare costumes, learn Christmas carols, draw posters, create decorations. The script was written a long time ago, it was used more than once in the work.


The last day before Christmas has passed. The clear winter night has come. The stars came out. The moon rose majestically into the sky to shine for good people and the whole world...

Fun music sounds. All the characters (except the Devil and the Dyak) go on stage, sing carols. Girls say generous.

The generous one was generous,

fell to the end:

“What are you, aunt, baked,

bring us to vikna!

Sho cold, fuck you

but warmly bring us.

While my aunt brought

took care of the arms and legs.

Girl 1:

Shchedryk, bucket!

Give me a dumpling

porridge breast,

kilce kowbaski!

Girl 2:

Carol, carol, carol!

Goodness with honey meadow,

but without honey, ne taka,

give me, auntie, a fiver!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate you on the New Year! Hello, Happy New Year!

I sow, I sow, I sow

Happy New Year!

I shower you with grain,

so that your house is rich!

Odarka (sings and dances):

Oh, my shoes, my socks are lined.

Didn't want to dance, jumped out!

Oh, Odarka, what pretty slippers you have! And with gold! It’s good for you, you have a person who buys everything for you, but I don’t have anyone to get such slippers!

Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers that a rare lady wears!

Oksana (haughtily):

You? I'll see where you can get slippers that I could put on my feet! Are they the ones the queen wears?

Girls (laughing):

Look what you want!

Oksana (proudly):

Yes! Be all of you witnesses! If the blacksmith Vakula brings the very little slippers that the queen herself wears, then here is my word: I will marry him right away!

Dance music plays. Solokha enters the circle. Dancing, showing off.

Head (stroking mustache):

Well, Solokha!

Damn it! Good grandmother!

Girl 1:

Witch! She is a witch! She has a tail too!

Girl 2:

Yes, with a woman's spindle!

They are lying, women are lying!

Everyone except Solokha leaves the stage to the music. Solokha lays a tablecloth on the table, cleans the hut, sings:

I was tipsy

And flew on a broom

Even though I don't believe myself

These superstitions!

Walked along the forest side

The devil followed me.

Thought it was a man

What the hell is this!

The window opens, the Devil jumps into the hut.

Solokha (happily):

Oh, how you scared me, tailed one!

Fast music is playing. The Devil and Solokha are dancing, they are having fun.

Solokha, if you do not love me, I will throw myself into the water, and send my soul to the very hell! Love me! Or are you waiting for someone?

Well, what are you, tailed! Today, all eminent Cossacks are called to kutya to Dyak, and Vakul's son is somewhere toiling about his Oksana, looking for her little shoes.

Salokha, open up! It's me!

The Devil and Solokha fuss, The Devil nimbly climbs into the sack.

Includes Head:

Good evening, dear Solokha!

Come on Head! Hello, Gavrila Petrovich!

Well, and a blizzard ... God sent such a night before Christmas! How it seized ... ek, my hands ossified: I won’t unfasten my jacket!

Solokha helps to remove the kuzhuh.

The Head takes out a handkerchief and throws it over Solokha's shoulders:

Happy holiday, dear Solokha! Accept a gift!

Oh, thank you, Gavrila Petrovich! Sit at the table!

I will not refuse, otherwise my throat is frozen from the damned frost.

Pours and drinks a glass.

I’ll buy a toby hut, that other blue harvester, and a milky, and stakes, and a cherry garden.

You don’t need a hut, a harvester’s tai, a mill, a barn, a cherry orchard!

Diak (playfully):

Soloshechka! It's me! Open!

Head (scared):

Ouch! Hide me somewhere! I don't want to meet Deak!

Solokha hides it in a bag. Diak enters, grunts and rubs his hands.

Hello, incomparable Solokha! In such a frost, the Cossacks did not come to me: the blizzards were frightened. And I'm glad! I think I'll go for a walk. (Tries to hug her.)

Solokha coquettishly dodges. The clerk takes out beads, holds them over Solokha's outstretched hand and says...

And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha? (He touches his hand.)

Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich!

Hm, hand! He, he, he! (Puts on beads and touches the neck).

And what is it with you, trembling Solokha?

As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich! Neck, and on the neck monisto!

And what is this for you? (He lowers his hands to the hips of Solokha).

There is a knock on the door.

Oh my god! Outside face! What will happen if a person of my rank is found here?! (He is baptized) Lord, save and have mercy! (Gets into bag.)

The Cossack Chub enters.

Chub (fun):

Hello Solokha! Maybe you weren't expecting me?

Hello, dear one! Hello long-awaited!

Maybe I interfered? Maybe you were having fun with someone? Maybe you've already hidden someone, huh?

Solokha (kindly and affectionately, closing the sacks with a hem):

Well, what are you, dear Chub! You are one with me, disconnected!

Head, Dyak groan in bags. Chub sits down at the table, pours himself a cup in a businesslike way, takes a cucumber, is very pleased with himself.

Solokha revolves around him and sings:

Honey, I forgot everything

I even opened the door

And I was at home all evening.

Honey, I was very sad

And I loved you

And I was waiting for you.

The Head, the Devil and the Deacon in the sacks grunt at these words. Solokha kicks them slowly.

Chub gets up and sings along with Solokha:

Oh, maiden, make noise guy,

Whom do you love, forget, forget!

Oh girl, my heart

What are you going for me?

Stop making noise, high buzz

Whom I love, my will be!

There is a scream.

Chub (angrily):

And who is this?

Open soon! Mamo!

It's Vakula! The son has arrived!

Solokha! Hide me wherever you want! I don't want to show myself to him. (Hides in a bag).

Vakula enters.

What are you not opening? And what a mess you have here! Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. I'll throw it all out on the street!

Solokha (rushing about):

Oh no, son! Oh, yes high cost!

Vakula (angrily):

I'll throw it away anyway!

Vakula approaches the bag with the Devil, opens it. At this time, Solokha backs away with the words ...

Ouch! Wait a minute! Ouch! What will happen! (Leaves the room and looks out the window.)

Vakula (pulling out the Devil by the ear):

ABOUT! and how did you get here?

Oh oh! Let go! Ouch! Painfully! Ask for any ransom! Let go!

Ransom? That fits me. Get out such slippers that the queen herself wears, or I’ll tell you ...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Now! Now!

He climbs into the bag, searches for and takes out the slippers. Gives it to Vakula and jumps out the window.

Enter Solokha.

Oh, yaki beautiful cherevichki! And for whom?

Well done son!

At this time, there is a knock on the door.

Girl 1:

Let go caroling!

Come in, come in, girls!

The girls come in, Oksana is ahead.

Oksana! I kept my word! (Gives her slips.)

Oksana (shy, satisfied):

Ouch! Vakula, yes, you love me even without little laces!

The girls approach the bags.

Ouch! Vakula, how much you caroled, give me this bag!

Girl 2:

And this one for me! There is probably a whole wild boar here, and if not a wild boar, then some kind of living creature, for sure!

Girl 1 (opens bag and squeals):

Ouch! Yes, it's the head! Hello! Happy New Year!

Head (displeased, with a feeling of awkwardness):

Happy New, Happy New! Yes, gray hair in the head, and a demon in the rib!