What is 2 meters per second? Mikhail Rudberg: Simultaneous stepless move (doublepoling)

Since 1963, in the USSR (GOST 9867-61 “International System of Units”), in order to unify units of measurement in all fields of science and technology, the international (international) system of units (SI, SI) has been recommended for practical use - this is a system of units of measurement of physical quantities , adopted by the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960. It is based on 6 basic units (length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature and luminous intensity), as well as 2 additional units (plane angle, solid angle) ; all other units given in the table are their derivatives. The adoption of a unified international system of units for all countries is intended to eliminate the difficulties associated with the transfer of numerical values ​​of physical quantities, as well as various constants from any one currently operating system (GHS, MKGSS, ISS A, etc.) into another.

Name of quantity Units of measurement; SI values Designations
Russian international
I. Length, mass, volume, pressure, temperature
Meter is a measure of length, numerically equal to the length of the international standard meter; 1 m=100 cm (1·10 2 cm)=1000 mm (1·10 3 mm)
m m
Centimeter = 0.01 m (1·10 -2 m) = 10 mm cm cm
Millimeter = 0.001 m (1 10 -3 m) = 0.1 cm = 1000 μm (1 10 3 μm) mm mm
Micron (micrometer) = 0.001 mm (1·10 -3 mm) =
0.0001 cm (1·10 -4 cm) = 10,000
mk μ
Angstrom = one ten-billionth of a meter (1·10 -10 m) or one hundred-millionth of a centimeter (1·10 -8 cm) Å Å
Weight The kilogram is the basic unit of mass in the metric system of measures and the SI system, numerically equal to the mass of the international standard kilogram; 1 kg=1000 g
kg kg
Gram=0.001 kg (1·10 -3 kg)
G g
Ton= 1000 kg (1 10 3 kg) T t
Centner = 100 kg (1 10 2 kg)
Carat - a non-systemic unit of mass, numerically equal to 0.2 g ct
Gamma = one millionth of a gram (1 10 -6 g) γ
Volume Liter = 1.000028 dm 3 = 1.000028 10 -3 m 3 l l
Pressure Physical, or normal, atmosphere - pressure balanced by a mercury column 760 mm high at a temperature of 0° = 1.033 atm = = 1.01 10 -5 n/m 2 = 1.01325 bar = 760 torr = 1.033 kgf/cm 2
atm atm
Technical atmosphere - pressure equal to 1 kgf/cmg = 9.81 10 4 n/m 2 = 0.980655 bar = 0.980655 10 6 dynes/cm 2 = 0.968 atm = 735 torr at at
Millimeter of mercury = 133.32 n/m 2 mmHg Art. mm Hg
Tor is the name of a non-systemic unit of pressure measurement equal to 1 mm Hg. Art.; given in honor of the Italian scientist E. Torricelli torus
Bar - unit of atmospheric pressure = 1 10 5 n/m 2 = 1 10 6 dynes/cm 2 bar bar
Pressure (sound) Bar is a unit of sound pressure (in acoustics): bar - 1 dyne/cm2; Currently, a unit with a value of 1 n/m 2 = 10 dynes/cm 2 is recommended as a unit of sound pressure
bar bar
Decibel is a logarithmic unit of measurement of excess sound pressure level, equal to 1/10 of the unit of measurement of excess sound pressure - bela dB db
Temperature Degree Celsius; temperature in °K (Kelvin scale), equal to temperature in °C (Celsius scale) + 273.15 °C °C °C
II. Force, power, energy, work, amount of heat, viscosity
Strength Dyna is a unit of force in the CGS system (cm-g-sec.), in which an acceleration of 1 cm/sec 2 is imparted to a body with a mass of 1 g; 1 din - 1·10 -5 n ding dyn
Kilogram-force is a force that imparts an acceleration to a body with a mass of 1 kg equal to 9.81 m/sec 2 ; 1kg=9.81 n=9.81 10 5 din kg, kgf
Power Horsepower=735.5 W l. With. HP
Energy Electron-volt is the energy that an electron acquires when moving in an electric field in a vacuum between points with a potential difference of 1 V; 1 eV = 1.6·10 -19 J. It is allowed to use multiple units: kiloelectron-volt (Kv) = 10 3 eV and megaelectron-volt (MeV) = 10 6 eV. In modern times, particle energy is measured in Bev - billions (billions) eV; 1 Bzv=10 9 eV
ev eV
Erg=1·10 -7 j; The erg is also used as a unit of work, numerically equal to the work done by a force of 1 dyne along a path of 1 cm erg erg
Job Kilogram-force-meter (kilogrammometer) is a unit of work numerically equal to the work done by a constant force of 1 kg when moving the point of application of this force a distance of 1 m in its direction; 1 kGm = 9.81 J (at the same time kGm is a measure of energy) kGm, kgf m kGm
Amount of heat Calorie is an off-system unit of measurement of the amount of heat equal to the amount of heat required to heat 1 g of water from 19.5 ° C to 20.5 ° C. 1 cal = 4.187 J; common multiple unit kilocalorie (kcal, kcal), equal to 1000 cal feces cal
Viscosity (dynamic) Poise is a unit of viscosity in the GHS system of units; viscosity at which in a layered flow with a velocity gradient equal to 1 sec -1 per 1 cm 2 of the layer surface, a viscous force of 1 dyne acts; 1 pz = 0.1 n sec/m 2 pz P
Viscosity (kinematic) Stokes is a unit of kinematic viscosity in the CGS system; equal to the viscosity of a liquid having a density of 1 g/cm 3 that resists a force of 1 dyne to the mutual movement of two layers of liquid with an area of ​​1 cm 2 located at a distance of 1 cm from each other and moving relative to each other at a speed of 1 cm per second st St
III. Magnetic flux, magnetic induction, magnetic field strength, inductance, electrical capacitance
Magnetic flux Maxwell is a unit of measurement of magnetic flux in the CGS system; 1 μs is equal to the magnetic flux passing through an area of ​​1 cm 2 located perpendicular to the magnetic field induction lines, with an induction equal to 1 gf; 1 μs = 10 -8 wb (Weber) - units of magnetic current in the SI system mks Mx
Magnetic induction Gauss is a unit of measurement in the GHS system; 1 gf is the induction of such a field in which a straight conductor 1 cm long, located perpendicular to the field vector, experiences a force of 1 dyne if a current of 3 10 10 CGS units flows through this conductor; 1 gs=1·10 -4 tl (tesla) gs Gs
Magnetic field strength Oersted is a unit of magnetic field strength in the CGS system; one oersted (1 oe) is taken to be the intensity at a point in the field at which a force of 1 dyne (dyn) acts on 1 electromagnetic unit of the amount of magnetism;
1 e=1/4π 10 3 a/m
uh Oe
Inductance Centimeter is a unit of inductance in the CGS system; 1 cm = 1·10 -9 g (Henry) cm cm
Electrical capacity Centimeter - unit of capacity in the CGS system = 1·10 -12 f (farads) cm cm
IV. Luminous intensity, luminous flux, brightness, illumination
The power of light A candle is a unit of luminous intensity, the value of which is taken such that the brightness of the full emitter at the solidification temperature of platinum is equal to 60 sv per 1 cm2 St. CD
Luminous flux Lumen is a unit of luminous flux; 1 lumen (lm) is emitted within a solid angle of 1 ster from a point source of light having a luminous intensity of 1 light in all directions lm lm
Lumen-second - corresponds to the light energy generated by a luminous flux of 1 lm emitted or perceived in 1 second lm sec lm·sec
A lumen hour is equal to 3600 lumen seconds lm h lm h
Brightness Stilb is a unit of brightness in the CGS system; corresponds to the brightness of a flat surface, 1 cm 2 of which gives in a direction perpendicular to this surface a luminous intensity equal to 1 ce; 1 sb=1·10 4 nits (nit) (SI unit of brightness) Sat sb
Lambert is a non-systemic unit of brightness, derived from stilbe; 1 lambert = 1/π st = 3193 nt
Apostilbe = 1/π s/m 2
Illumination Phot - unit of illumination in the SGSL system (cm-g-sec-lm); 1 photo corresponds to the illumination of a surface of 1 cm2 with a uniformly distributed luminous flux of 1 lm; 1 f=1·10 4 lux (lux) f ph
V. Radiation intensity and dose
Intensity Curie is the basic unit of measurement of the intensity of radioactive radiation, the curie corresponding to 3.7·10 10 decays per 1 second. any radioactive isotope
curie C or Cu
millicurie = 10 -3 curies, or 3.7 10 7 acts of radioactive decay in 1 second. mcurie mc or mCu
microcurie= 10 -6 curie mccurie μC or μCu
Dose X-ray - the number (dose) of X-rays or γ-rays, which in 0.001293 g of air (i.e. in 1 cm 3 of dry air at t° 0° and 760 mm Hg) causes the formation of ions carrying one electrostatic unit of quantity of electricity of each sign; 1 p causes the formation of 2.08 10 9 pairs of ions in 1 cm 3 of air r r
milliroentgen = 10 -3 p mr mr
microroentgen = 10 -6 p microdistrict μr
Rad - the unit of absorbed dose of any ionizing radiation is equal to rad 100 erg per 1 g of irradiated medium; when air is ionized by X-rays or γ-rays, 1 r is equal to 0.88 rad, and when tissue is ionized, almost 1 r is equal to 1 rad glad rad
Rem (biological equivalent of an x-ray) is the amount (dose) of any type of ionizing radiation that causes the same biological effect as 1 r (or 1 rad) of hard x-rays. Uneven biological effect with equal ionization different types radiation led to the need to introduce another concept: the relative biological effectiveness of radiation - RBE; the relationship between doses (D) and the dimensionless coefficient (RBE) is expressed as D rem = D rad RBE, where RBE = 1 for x-rays, γ-rays and β-rays and RBE = 10 for protons up to 10 MeV, fast neutrons and α - natural particles (according to the recommendation of the International Congress of Radiologists in Copenhagen, 1953) reb, reb rem

Note. Multiple and submultiple units of measurement, with the exception of units of time and angle, are formed by multiplying them by the appropriate power of 10, and their names are added to the names of the units of measurement. It is not allowed to use two prefixes to the name of the unit. For example, you cannot write millimicrowatt (mmkW) or micromicrofarad (mmf), but you must write nanowatt (nw) or picofarad (pf). You should not use prefixes to the names of such units that indicate a multiple or submultiple unit of measurement (for example, micron). To express the duration of processes and designate calendar dates of events, the use of multiple units of time is allowed.

The most important units of the International System of Units (SI)

Basic units
(length, mass, temperature, time, electric current, light intensity)

Name of quantity Designations
Russian international
Length Meter - length equal to 1650763.73 wavelengths of radiation in vacuum, corresponding to the transition between levels 2p 10 and 5d 5 of krypton 86 *
m m
Weight Kilogram - mass corresponding to the mass of the international standard kilogram kg kg
Time Second - 1/31556925.9747 part of a tropical year (1900)** sec S, s
Electric current strength Ampere is the strength of a constant current, which, passing through two parallel straight conductors of infinite length and negligibly small circular cross-section, located at a distance of 1 m from each other in a vacuum, would cause between these conductors of force, equal to 2·10 -7 n for each meter of length A A
The power of light A candle is a unit of luminous intensity, the value of which is taken such that the brightness of a complete (absolutely black) emitter at the solidification temperature of platinum is equal to 60 sec per 1 cm 2 *** St. CD
Temperature (thermodynamic) Degree Kelvin (Kelvin scale) is a unit of measurement of temperature on the thermodynamic temperature scale, in which the temperature of the triple point of water**** is set to 273.16° K °K °K
* That is, the meter is equal to the indicated number of waves of radiation with a wavelength of 0.6057 μm, received from a special lamp and corresponding to the orange line of the spectrum of the neutral gas krypton. This definition of the unit of length makes it possible to reproduce the meter with the greatest accuracy, and most importantly, in any laboratory that has the appropriate equipment. In this case, there is no need to periodically check the standard meter with its international standard stored in Paris.
** That is, a second is equal to the specified part of the time interval between two successive passages of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun of the point corresponding spring equinox. This gives greater accuracy in determining the second than defining it as a part of the day, since the length of the day varies.
*** That is, the luminous intensity of a certain reference source emitting light at the melting temperature of platinum is taken as a unit. The old international candle standard is 1.005 of the new candle standard. Thus, within the limits of ordinary practical accuracy, their values ​​can be considered identical.
**** Triple point - the temperature at which ice melts in the presence of saturated water vapor above it.

Additional and derived units

Name of quantity Units of measurement; their definition Designations
Russian international
I. Plane angle, solid angle, force, work, energy, amount of heat, power
Flat angle Radian - the angle between two radii of a circle, cutting out an arc on the circle, the length of which is equal to the radius glad rad
Solid angle Steradian is a solid angle whose vertex is located at the center of the sphere and which cuts out an area on the surface of the sphere equal to the area of ​​a square with a side equal to the radius of the sphere erased sr
Strength Newton is a force under the influence of which a body with a mass of 1 kg acquires an acceleration equal to 1 m/sec 2 n N
Work, energy, amount of heat Joule is the work done by a constant force of 1 N acting on a body along a path of 1 m traveled by the body in the direction of the force. j J
Power Watt - power at which in 1 second. 1 J of work done W W
II. Amount of electricity, electrical voltage, electrical resistance, electrical capacitance
Amount of electricity, electric charge Coulomb - the amount of electricity flowing through the cross-section of a conductor for 1 second. with strength DC in 1 a To C
Electrical voltage, electrical potential difference, electromotive force (EMF) Volt is the voltage in a section of an electrical circuit through which 1 k of electricity passes through which 1 j of work is done. V V
Electrical resistance Ohm - the resistance of a conductor through which, at a constant voltage at the ends of 1 V, a constant current of 1 A passes ohm Ω
Electrical capacity Farad is the capacitance of a capacitor, the voltage between the plates of which changes by 1 V when charging it with an amount of electricity of 1 k. f F
III. Magnetic induction, magnetic flux, inductance, frequency
Magnetic induction Tesla is the induction of a uniform magnetic field, which acts on a section of a straight conductor 1 m long, placed perpendicular to the direction of the field, with a force of 1 N when a direct current of 1 A passes through the conductor tl T
Magnetic induction flux Weber - magnetic flux created by a uniform field with a magnetic induction of 1 tl through an area of ​​1 m 2 perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic induction vector wb Wb
Inductance Henry is the inductance of a conductor (coil) in which an emf of 1 V is induced when the current in it changes by 1 A in 1 second. gn H
Frequency Hertz is the frequency of a periodic process in which in 1 sec. one oscillation occurs (cycle, period) Hz Hz
IV. Luminous flux, luminous energy, brightness, illumination
Luminous flux Lumen is a luminous flux that gives within a solid angle of 1 ster a point source of light of 1 sv, emitting equally in all directions lm lm
Light energy Lumen-second lm sec lm·s
Brightness Nit is the brightness of a luminous plane, each square meter of which gives in the direction perpendicular to the plane, luminous intensity of 1 light nt nt
Illumination Lux - illumination created by a luminous flux of 1 lm with its uniform distribution over an area of ​​1 m2 OK lx
Lighting quantity Lux second lx sec lx·s

This guide has been compiled from various sources. But its creation was prompted by a small book from the Mass Radio Library, published in 1964, as a translation of O. Kroneger’s book in the GDR in 1961. Despite its antiquity, it is my reference book (along with several other reference books). I think time has no power over such books, because the fundamentals of physics, electrical and radio engineering (electronics) are unshakable and eternal.

Units of measurement of mechanical and thermal quantities.
The units of measurement of all other physical quantities can be defined and expressed through basic units of measurement. The units obtained in this way, in contrast to the basic ones, are called derivatives. To obtain a derived unit of measurement of any quantity, it is necessary to choose a formula that would express this quantity through other quantities already known to us, and assume that each of the known quantities included in the formula is equal to one unit of measurement. A number of mechanical quantities are listed below, formulas for their determination are given, and it is shown how the units of measurement of these quantities are determined.
Unit of speed v- meter per second (m/sec) .
Meter per second is the speed v of such uniform motion in which the body covers a path s equal to 1 m in time t = 1 second:


Acceleration unit A - meters per second squared (m/sec 2).

Meter per second squared

- acceleration of such uniform motion, in which the speed changes by 1 m!sec in 1 second.
Unit of force F - newton (And).


- the force that imparts an acceleration a equal to 1 m/sec 2 to a mass t of 1 kg:

1н=1 kg×1m/sec 2 =1(kg×m)/sec 2

Unit of work A and energy- joule (j).


-work done by a constant force F, equal to 1 n, on a path s in 1 m, traveled by a body under the influence of this force in a direction coinciding with the direction of the force:


Power unit W -watt (Tue).


- power at which work A equal to 1 J is performed in time t=-l sec:


Unit of heat quantity q - joule (j). This unit is determined from the equality:

which expresses the equivalence of thermal and mechanical energy. Coefficient k taken equal to one:


Units of measurement of electromagnetic quantities
Unit of electric current A - ampere (A).

The force of an unchanging current, which, passing through two parallel straight conductors of infinite length and negligibly small circular cross-section, located at a distance of 1 m from each other in a vacuum, would cause between these conductors a force equal to 2 × 10 -7 newton.

Unit of quantity of electricity (unit of electric charge) Q- pendant (To).


- charge transferred through the cross-section of the conductor in 1 second at a current strength of 1 A:


Unit of electrical potential difference (electrical voltage U, electromotive force E) - volt (V).


- the potential difference between two points of the electric field, when moving between which a charge Q of 1 K, work of 1 J is performed:


Unit of electrical power R - watt (Tue):


This unit is the same as the unit of mechanical power.

Capacity unit WITH - farad (f).


- the capacitance of a conductor, the potential of which increases by 1 V if a charge of 1 k is applied to this conductor:


Unit of electrical resistance R - ohm (ohm).

- the resistance of a conductor through which a current of 1 A flows with a voltage at the ends of the conductor of 1 V:


Unit of absolute dielectric constant ε- farad per meter (f/m).

farad per meter

- absolute dielectric constant of the dielectric, when filled with a flat capacitor with plates of area S of 1 m 2 each and a distance between the plates d~ 1 m acquires a capacity of 1 lb.
Formula expressing the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor:

From here

1f\m=(1f×1m)/1m 2

Unit of magnetic flux Ф and flux linkage ψ - volt second or weber (vb).


- magnetic flux, when it decreases to zero in 1 second, an e-wave appears in a circuit coupled with this flux. d.s. induction equal to 1 V.
Faraday - Maxwell's law:

E i =Δψ / Δt

Where Ei- e. d.s. induction occurring in a closed loop; ΔW - change in magnetic flux coupled to the circuit during time Δ t :


Recall that for a single turn of the concept of flow Ф and flux linkage ψ match. For a solenoid with the number of turns ω, through the cross section of which flow Ф flows, in the absence of dissipation the flux linkage
Unit of magnetic induction B - tesla (tl).


- the induction of such a uniform magnetic field in which the magnetic flux φ through an area S of 1 m*, perpendicular to the direction of the field, is equal to 1 wb:

1tl = 1vb/1m 2 = 1vb/m 2

Unit of magnetic field strength N - ampere per meter (a!m).

Ampere per meter

- magnetic field strength created by a rectilinear infinitely long current with a force of 4 pa at a distance r = 2 m from the current-carrying conductor:

1a/m=4π a/2π * 2m

Unit of inductance L and mutual inductance M - Henry (gn).

- inductance of a circuit with which a magnetic flux of 1 Vb is connected, when a current of 1 A flows through the circuit:

1gn = (1v × 1sec)/1a = 1 (v×sec)/a

Unit of magnetic permeability μ (mu) - henry per meter (g/m).

Henry per meter

- absolute magnetic permeability of a substance in which, at a magnetic field strength of 1 a/m magnetic induction is 1 tl:

1gn/m = 1vb/m 2 / 1a/m = 1vb/(a×m)

Relationships between units of magnetic quantities
in SGSM and SI systems
In electrical engineering and reference literature published before the introduction of the SI system, the magnitude of the magnetic field strength N often expressed in oersteds (uh), magnitude of magnetic induction IN - in Gaussians (gs), magnetic flux Ф and flux linkage ψ - in Maxwells (μs).
1e=1/4 π × 10 3 a/m; 1a/m=4π × 10 -3 e;

1gs=10 -4 tl; 1tl=10 4 gs;

1μs=10 -8 vb; 1vb=10 8 μs

It should be noted that the equalities were written for the case of a rationalized practical MCSA system, which was included in the SI system as component. From a theoretical point of view, it would be more correct to O In all six relationships, replace the equal sign (=) with the correspondence sign (^). For example

1e=1/4π × 10 3 a/m

which means:

a field strength of 1 Oe corresponds to a strength of 1/4π × 10 3 a/m = 79.6 a/m

The fact is that units uh, gs And mks belong to the SGSM system. In this system, the unit of current is not fundamental, as in the SI system, but a derivative. Therefore, the dimensions of quantities characterizing the same concept in the SGSM and SI systems turn out to be different, which can lead to misunderstandings and paradoxes if we forget about this circumstance. When performing engineering calculations, when there is no basis for misunderstandings of this kind
Non-system units
Some mathematical and physical concepts
used in radio engineering
Just like the concept of speed of movement, in mechanics and radio engineering there are similar concepts, such as the rate of change of current and voltage.
They can be either averaged over the course of the process or instantaneous.

i= (I 1 -I 0)/(t 2 -t 1)=ΔI/Δt

When Δt -> 0, we obtain instantaneous values ​​of the rate of change of current. It most accurately characterizes the nature of the change in value and can be written as:

i=lim ΔI/Δt =dI/dt

Moreover, you should pay attention - average values ​​and instantaneous values ​​can differ tens of times. This is especially clearly seen when a changing current flows through circuits with a sufficiently large inductance.
To evaluate the ratio of two quantities of the same dimension in radio engineering, a special unit is used - the decibel.

K u = U 2 / U 1

Voltage gain;

K u[db] = 20 log U 2 / U 1

Voltage gain in decibels.

Ki[db] = 20 log I 2 / I 1

Current gain in decibels.

Kp[db] = 10 log P 2 / P 1

Power gain in decibels.

The logarithmic scale also allows you to depict functions with a dynamic range of parameter changes of several orders of magnitude on a graph of normal sizes.

To determine the signal strength in the reception area, another logarithmic unit of the DBM is used - dicibels per meter.
Signal power at the receiving point in dbm:

P [dbm] = 10 log U 2 / R +30 = 10 log P + 30. [dbm];

The effective voltage across the load at a known P[dBm] can be determined by the formula:

Dimensional coefficients of basic physical quantities

According to state standards It is allowed to use the following multiple and submultiple units - prefixes:
Table 1.
Basic unit Voltage
R, X
Size factor
T=tera=10 12 - - Volume - THz - -
G=giga=10 9 GW GA Gohm GW GHz - -
M=mega=10 6 MV MA MOhm MW MHz - -
K=kilo=10 3 HF CA KOM kW KHz - -
1 IN A Ohm W Hz Gn F
m=milli=10 -3 mV mA mOhm mW MHz mH mf
mk=micro=10 -6 µV µA mkO µW - µH µF
n=nano=10 -9 nB nA - nW - nGN nF
n=pico=10 -12 pV pA - pW - pGn pF
f=femto=10 -15 - - - fW - - fF
a=atto=10 -18 - - - aW - - -

Length and distance converter Mass converter Bulk and food volume converter Area converter Volume and unit converter in culinary recipes Temperature converter Pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus converter Energy and work converter Power converter Force converter Time converter Linear speed converter Flat angle Converter of thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in different number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Sizes of women's clothing and shoes Sizes men's clothing and footwear Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion converter (by mass) Converter of energy density and specific heat of combustion of fuel (by volume) Converter Temperature difference Thermal expansion coefficient converter Thermal resistance converter Thermal conductivity converter Specific heat capacity converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Volume flow rate converter Mass flow rate converter Molar flow rate converter Mass flow density converter Molar concentration converter Mass concentration in solution converter Dynamic (absolute) viscosity converter Kinematic viscosity converter Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Vapor permeability and vapor transfer rate converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level (SPL) converter Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Brightness converter Luminous intensity converter Illuminance converter Converter Resolutions in Computer Graphics Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Converter current density Electric field strength converter Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Electrical resistance converter Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. . units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing radiation absorbed dose rate converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Imaging Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Molar Mass Calculation Periodic Table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 meter per second [m/s] = 3600 meter per hour [m/h]

Initial value

Converted value

meter per second meter per hour meter per minute kilometer per hour kilometer per minute kilometer per second centimeter per hour centimeter per minute centimeter per second millimeter per hour millimeter per minute millimeter per second foot per hour foot per minute foot per second yard per hour yard per minute yard per second mile per hour mile per minute miles per second knot knot (UK) speed of light in vacuum first escape velocity second escape velocity third escape velocity speed of rotation of the Earth speed of sound in fresh water speed of sound in sea ​​water(20°C, depth 10 meters) Mach number (20°C, 1 atm) Mach number (SI standard)

More about speed

General information

Speed ​​is a measure of the distance traveled in a certain time. Speed ​​can be a scalar quantity or a vector quantity - the direction of movement is taken into account. The speed of movement in a straight line is called linear, and in a circle - angular.

Speed ​​measurement

Average speed v found by dividing the total distance traveled ∆ x for total time ∆ t: v = ∆x/∆t.

In the SI system, speed is measured in meters per second. Kilometers per hour in the metric system and miles per hour in the US and UK are also widely used. When, in addition to the magnitude, the direction is also indicated, for example, 10 meters per second to the north, then we're talking about about vector speed.

The speed of bodies moving with acceleration can be found using the formulas:

  • a, with initial speed u during the period ∆ t, has a finite speed v = u + a×∆ t.
  • A body moving with constant acceleration a, with initial speed u and final speed v, has average speedv = (u + v)/2.

Average speeds

Speed ​​of light and sound

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum is the highest speed at which energy and information can travel. It is denoted by the constant c and is equal to c= 299,792,458 meters per second. Matter cannot move at the speed of light because it would require an infinite amount of energy, which is impossible.

The speed of sound is usually measured in an elastic medium, and is equal to 343.2 meters per second in dry air at a temperature of 20 °C. The speed of sound is lowest in gases and highest in solids X. It depends on the density, elasticity, and shear modulus of the substance (which shows the degree of deformation of the substance under shear load). Mach number M is the ratio of the speed of a body in a liquid or gas medium to the speed of sound in this medium. It can be calculated using the formula:

M = v/a,

Where a is the speed of sound in the medium, and v- body speed. Mach number is commonly used in determining speeds close to the speed of sound, such as airplane speeds. This value is not constant; it depends on the state of the medium, which, in turn, depends on pressure and temperature. Supersonic speed is a speed exceeding Mach 1.

Vehicle speed

Below are some vehicle speeds.

  • Passenger aircraft with turbofan engines: The cruising speed of passenger aircraft is from 244 to 257 meters per second, which corresponds to 878–926 kilometers per hour or M = 0.83–0.87.
  • High-speed trains (like the Shinkansen in Japan): such trains reach maximum speeds of 36 to 122 meters per second, that is, from 130 to 440 kilometers per hour.

Animal speed

The maximum speeds of some animals are approximately equal to:

Human speed

  • People walk at speeds of about 1.4 meters per second, or 5 kilometers per hour, and run at speeds of up to about 8.3 meters per second, or 30 kilometers per hour.

Examples of different speeds

Four-dimensional speed

In classical mechanics, vector velocity is measured in three-dimensional space. According to special theory relativity, space is four-dimensional, and the measurement of speed also takes into account the fourth dimension - space-time. This speed is called four-dimensional speed. Its direction may change, but its magnitude is constant and equal to c, that is, the speed of light. Four-dimensional speed is defined as

U = ∂x/∂τ,

Where x represents a world line - a curve in space-time along which a body moves, and τ is the "proper time" equal to the interval along the world line.

Group speed

Group velocity is the speed of wave propagation, describing the speed of propagation of a group of waves and determining the speed of wave energy transfer. It can be calculated as ∂ ω /∂k, Where k is the wave number, and ω - angular frequency. K measured in radians/meter, and the scalar frequency of wave oscillation ω - in radians per second.

Hypersonic speed

Hypersonic speed is a speed exceeding 3000 meters per second, that is, many times faster than the speed of sound. Solid bodies moving at such speeds acquire the properties of liquids, since, thanks to inertia, the loads in this state are stronger than the forces that hold the molecules of a substance together during collisions with other bodies. At ultrahigh hypersonic speeds, two colliding solids turn into gas. In space, bodies move at exactly this speed, and engineers designing spacecraft, orbital stations and spacesuits must consider the possibility of a station or astronaut colliding with space debris and other objects when working in outer space. In such a collision, the casing suffers spaceship and a spacesuit. Hardware developers conduct hypersonic collision experiments in special laboratories to determine how intense impacts the suits can withstand, as well as the skin and other parts of the spacecraft, such as fuel tanks and solar panels, testing their strength. To do this, spacesuits and skin are exposed to impacts from various objects from a special installation at supersonic speeds exceeding 7500 meters per second.

The interest of European scientists in Simultaneous Stepless Walking began in 2005, when a number of Austrian and Swedish specialists from the Universities of Salzburg and Stockholm studied the actions and movements of a group of Swedish juniors and seniors in classic moves on a roller ski stand with a slope of 1 degree.

Of the many angular characteristics and dynamometer indicators, the most obvious is the curve of changes in the axial forces acting on the stick when pushing off with the hands in the OBD. Strain gauges mounted under the handle were pre-calibrated with standard weights from 5 to 50 kg. The resistance to direct electric current changing under load was recorded at a frequency of 2000 times per second.

In the speed range from 21 km/h up to 30 km/h the total time of push-off with hands was from 0.34 sec up to 0.26 sec, total cycle time 1.2 - 0.9 sec. Peak maximum effort values ​​from 230 to 270 newton were achieved in 0.12 - 0.08 sec from the moment the pins are inserted.

At first it appears that the maximum axial force on each stick is 250 n fantastically great. However, in terms of application to two sticks, it means approximately 50 kg the weight with which the riders pressed on the support. In other words, with a good overhang of their feet, elite athletes lean on the poles approximately two thirds of its weight.

It is interesting to compare the graph of the change in axial force on each stick with the frames of P. Northug’s filmograms taken for example. Such a compilation allows us to approximately estimate the effectiveness of the athlete’s efforts depending on the angles of inclination of the poles in terms of his horizontal advancement.

When the racer leans on the sticks, hand pushing force Ffell applied to the handles and then to the pins. The force of the reaction of leaning on the sticks is transmitted from the hands to the shoulder joints. It also affects them rider weight, directed vertically downwards. Summed up in magnitude and direction, these forces give the skier a horizontal component of repulsion with poles - acceleration forcePAzg, which, then transmitted to the foot, ensures that the skis with the rider on them move forward:

Unfold =cosa . Ffell

As the skier pushes off and moves away from the pins, the angle of inclination of the poles decreases - from 85 degrees to the horizon when setting to 25 degrees at the moment of separation. During the entire repulsion time, the proportion of force transferred on sticks to horizontal movement increases by 10 times.

However, the effort itself is applied unevenly by athletes.

SI: 1 newton is equal to the force imparting to a body weighing 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/s² in the direction of the force

The entire period of hand repulsion can be divided into three characteristic segments, approximately equal in time to 0.1 seconds each:

1. placing poles (85*) - pile (70*) - vertical stop (55*) - the average axial force in this segment is 200 kgf/sec2:

The rider thrusts the pins with a swing, bringing them 25-35 cm from the fastenings;

The force generated on the sticks initially drops as a result of its deformation and the shock absorption of the pose by bent forearms. The athlete drives up to the poles while working out the sagging of the body between the hands.

- “fast” muscle fibers develop maximum tension (their response time is 0.055-0.085 seconds). The skier pulls up the feet that are lagging behind when placing the poles.

2. - acceleration (47*) - stretching of the feet (40*) - the repulsion force increases, but due to the rider gaining inertia of movement, the pressure on the strain gauges begins to decrease, although on average it is the same 200 kgm/sec2 in the second segment:

- “slow” muscle fibers are connected to “fast” ones (reaction time 0.1-0.14 seconds). Skiers at moderate pole angles gain inertia, accelerating in the most efficient segment.

3. - push (33*) - take-off (25*) the angles of inclination of the poles are the most favorable, but the culmination of the push-off has passed and now occurs at increased speed when the push is performed in pursuit. The deformation of the sensors decreases, which indicates a decrease in resistance to muscle repulsion forces. The average axial force is 80 kgm/sec2.

Imp. Discussion 1= cos 70* (0.34) . 200 kg.m/sec2. 0.1 sec. 2 n = 13,6 kg.m/sec

Imp . Razg.2 = cos 47* (0.68) . 200 kg.m/sec2. 0.1 sec. 2p = 27,2 kg.m/sec

Imp. Ramp 3 = cos 33* (0.84) . 80 kg.m/sec2. 0.1 sec. 2p = 13,4 kg.m/sec

On the right top corner The figure shows a table of approximate calculations of the magnitude of the change in the speed of the rider as a result of pushing off with his hands. Based on the total impulse of force acceleration of the skier (Acceleration) along all three take-off segments 50-60 kgm/s, increasing the speed of the racer (change body impulse) is calculated as:

V1- V2 = Imp. Acceleration / Weight = 50-60 kgm/sec / 70-80 kg = 0.6 - 0.9 m/sec

Achieved in 0.3 sec such a change in speed corresponds to acceleration in 2 - 3 m/sec2. Accordingly, braking during free sliding during straightening and backswing 0.7 sec will be 0.9 - 1.2 m/sec2.

What practical conclusions can be drawn from this study?

1. In the classic Simultaneous Stepless Stroke, the end of push-off with poles does not make a significant contribution to increasing the horizontal movement of the riders - the readings of the strain gauges are recorded here descending effort values in the last third of the push-off with your hands.

2. The most “useful” part of the push-off from the point of view of the effectiveness of the application of muscle effort is the segment between the angles of inclination of the sticks from 60 degrees to 35. Before this the poles are too vertical and most of the athletes’ efforts are spent on creating emphasis in pulling their feet forward. After that At increasing speed, the riders do not have time to fully apply themselves to the slipping support.

3. Therefore, with an increase in the frequency of push-offs in OBH, as in KOOH, instead of pushing with the usual full extension of the arms, athletes “put a point” with their hands at the hips and take them forward in preparation for the next push-off.

At speeds of 7-8 m/sec, a full extension extension would help riders extend their push-off with their arms by another 25-30 cm, which, with a stride length of about 6 meters, would add an extra stride for about every 20 strides.

However, the additional movement of the hands and the delay in straightening the body will require extra time. A racer at a speed of 7-8 m/sec rushes 30 cm in 0.04 sec. It will take about the same amount of time to return your hands to the same “hands at the hips” position, i.e. total “back and forth” = 0.07-0.08 sec. Since the athlete will not be able to start the next step earlier, at ten steps the pushing will take up the time of an entire step. Thus, with OBX, the gain of one step for every 20 is per kilometer:

1000m / 120m(20step) . 6 m(1 step) = 50 m