What to do to be healthy. How to be healthy always. Ten easy steps

Many of us have already realized that it is time to think about our diet. However, the mere desire to take the path of changing the habitual type of nutrition is not enough.

Only those who are armed with knowledge and firmly believe in the correctness of the decision will be able to cope with the state of re-adaptation. And if in a moment of weakness you want to abandon the chosen path, then remember the words of G. Shelton: " The iron in your will is more important than the iron in your food.".

How to eat right?

A new food system should not be implemented all at once. In order not to harm yourself, the transition should be made gradual, smooth, otherwise sudden changes in nutrition can be harmful to health. Experienced nutritionists advise to alternate days with a regular diet and a new one, while comparing well-being and results.

Naturally, in youth it is easier to model a new nutrition program and follow it, making adjustments as necessary (after all, no two people are the same, and therefore there are no identical diets). Older people have a harder time: you have to break ingrained habits.

But do you really want to be healthy? So, you have to give up past preferences that can harm the body, and start eating right!

The cornerstone of nutritional science is the question: what and how to eat? Even the ancient Indian yogis came to the conclusion: you can’t eat everything in one meal - this leads to illness. Physicians said the same ancient east(for example, in the famous work "Yusuf's medicine").

In our days, all the studies of the ancients have found their final expression in the teachings of G. Shelton on the compatibility of products. A competent combination of them is the only way to achieve health without drugs. Always keep in mind the words of M. Gandhi: "In 999 cases out of a thousand, you can be cured with the help of the right diet" - yogis know what they are saying.

Many of today's nutritionists hope that the time will come when separate nutrition will become dominant. And wrong eating habits will become a thing of the past. Medicine will continue to focus on prevention. And people will maintain their health by relying on the internal forces of the body, which are much more powerful than all the medicines in the world.

G. Shelton bases his teaching on 30 years of medical practice as a promoter of natural hygiene. The medical institution "School of Health" founded by him cured thousands of seriously ill patients. He himself lived for about 100 years (died tragically), being until the last day full of creative ideas and distinguished by youthful strength, vivacity, and energy.

Therefore, the introduction by each person of Shelton's basic rules into his own recovery program will lead to very tangible results - the healthy life of the doctor himself and his patients is a guarantee of this.

So, the basic rules for combining products

1. Protein and starchy foods should be consumed at different times.

If this is a natural combination, then the digestion of such food is natural for the body (milk; cream; cereals; bread). But an artificial combination such as bread + meat; porridge + milk; potatoes + meat is absolutely unacceptable.

Proteins are digested in the lower part of the stomach, where the necessary pepsin, etc., are excreted (acidic environment). In the upper part of the stomach, starches are processed, where salivary digestion continues (with ptyalin, i.e. in an alkaline environment).

And if, with small volumes of food, the stomach can still carry out separate digestion, then it is difficult for it to cope with large volumes. So, heaviness in the body, drowsiness, even weakness are felt; subsequently, nausea, belching, heartburn, flatulence increase, and there it is already within easy reach of serious problems with the pancreas and liver.

2. Proteins and acids are consumed at different times

A common and adored by many combination of meat with mayonnaise, tomato sauce, lemon juice, vinegar, etc. - a terrible combination. Digestion is difficult: acids destroy pepsin, and food begins to rot. Even salads with similar seasonings cannot be combined in one meal with meat, eggs, fish. Those who believe that acids help digest meat and other proteins are deeply mistaken.

The exceptions are cheeses and nuts: a large amount of fat in them slows down decomposition.

3. Each type of protein is consumed at different times.

You can not combine meat with milk, or cheese, or nuts, or fish; milk with eggs, etc. (do you remember omelettes?). The body spends a lot of energy on the assimilation of such combinations. After all, for example, the digestion of milk requires one type of gastric juices, of which the most effective is released towards the end of the process. But with meat, the opposite is true: the most effective juice is released at the very beginning of digestion.

But two different types of meat, or nuts, or cheeses can be combined in one meal: the digestion of foods will not be disturbed.

4. Starchy foods and acids are eaten at different times

In no case do not combine porridge and sour fruits, potatoes or bread with tomatoes, citrus fruits, mayonnaise and other similar seasonings.

The fact is that saliva processes food, leaving little work for the stomach and pancreas. One or two spoons of, for example, vinegar instantly stops salivary digestion, eliminating the action of ptyalin. This stops the digestion of starch. And the stomach must suffer ...

5. Both protein and starchy foods are consumed at different times with sugars.

And who doesn’t take ice cream cake for dessert after a hearty meal, or, at worst, a glass of compote or sweet tea with a cheesecake? But sugar is absorbed only in the intestines! So you need to eat sweets 20 minutes before meals. Then sugar, which does not need either salivary (in the mouth) or gastric processing, will immediately enter the intestines, where it will be safely absorbed.

Sugars taken with proteins or starches get stuck in the stomach for a long time, starting the fermentation process with the corresponding consequences. Do not eat porridge with sugar at a time; bread with raisins, jam, sweet fruits; milk with sugar, biscuits, etc. All this delays digestion for several hours, forcing the body to literally sit up, digesting the indigestible.

6. Proteins and fats are consumed at different times

Oh, it's fried meat! Who doesn't love him... Like cutlets, leave such a dish for a rare holiday - boiled is better for a daily diet.

The presence of fat (any) seriously inhibits the process of digestion. The effects can be mitigated by fried meat(eggs, fish) with raw green vegetables and herbs in large quantities.

There are some more nuances of use different types products (especially milk). But at least apply these basic laws of food pairing. And you will soon feel a forgotten feeling of cheerfulness and lightness in the body. Always repeat when you get tired of fighting with yourself: there are no boundaries in the pursuit of perfection - there are only obstacles!

Sometimes you need to make one small lifestyle change to dramatically improve your health. To be healthy, follow these 18 rules.

If you start with small changes in your habits you will find it much easier to stick to your goals and create new behavioral changes to be healthy. For example, instead of trying to rearrange your entire diet, just make one change by adding one more healthy vegetable per day.

As you manage to create one new healthy habit, you will be motivated to add healthier behaviors and cut habits that undermine your health and well-being.

Here are 18 healthy lifestyle tips you can start using right now to improve your well-being and overall health.

What should be done to be healthy?

  1. Replace soda water with plain water

  2. Most carbonated drinks contain high level sugar and chemical substances which do not suit us. If you need sugar bubbles, get them from the natural sugar found in fruits.

    Water is an essential part of human nutrition. When we drink enough water, we remain energized for daily activities and plans.

    Replace baking soda with water and soon you will feel much better.

  3. Get enough sleep

  4. Adults should receive an average eight hours of sleep per night. If you don't get them, you may feel a little tired during the day. Your mood will be on the edge, and the work will be difficult.

    Sleep is critical to feeling rested, rejuvenated and healthy. Lack of sleep can cause us to make mistakes we don't want to.

    Try to go to bed at a reasonable hour so your body can get everything it needs. If you are a night owl, start with a reserve time - go to bed fifteen minutes earlier, increasing the time every week.

  5. Meditate

  6. Meditation is a great way to relax and clear out your mental clutter. The average person has 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day so it's fair to say that some time to rest our brains can help us break away from erratic mental activity.

    Popular meditation techniques such as mindfulness and transcendental meditation are backed by scientific research showing positive effects on our brain function and overall well-being.

    At least try to meditate once a day for twenty minutes to be healthy and improve your lifestyle. You can start with a short five-minute meditation that flows smoothly into the goal of reaching a 20-minute meditation.

  7. Choose the exercises you like

  8. Exercise can be stressful and challenging for many of us, so it's important that you choose exercises that you enjoy.

    To be healthy, you need to do exercises that you enjoy. Among the many exercises and workouts available, it makes sense filter out them and find the ones you like. If you have fun doing a certain exercise, you will do it more often.

  9. Eat more fruits and vegetables

  10. After a hard day at work, it's easiest to go home and heat up the semi-finished products in a pan. However, the time it takes to cook frozen food is about the same as it takes to cook something fresh like pasta and vegetables.

    It is widely known and recognized that fruits and vegetables are beneficial to health and should be consumed as part of healthy eating. If you find it difficult to include them in your diet, find recipes that will make them more interesting for you.

    Make a fruit salad for dessert or an appetizer. Use spices and herbs with vegetables to give them flavor.

  11. Get rid of processed food

  12. Processed foods are easy to find in the store and are convenient to prepare. However, while it saves time by consuming such foods, you are not doing your body any good.

    Processed foods often contain sugar and high fructose corn syrup. They also contain artificial ingredients such as preservatives and colorants, and many of them are high in refined carbohydrates that turn into sugar.

    Some of the processed foods you consume have trans fats and processed vegetable oils, which can increase your risk heart disease.

    Try organic and natural products that are processed with fewer chemicals and are much healthier. Fresh vegetables, legumes, lean meats and fruits you need to make staples in your diet to be healthy.

    There is a common myth that it takes more effort to prepare real food, but this is not always the case. Steaming or sautéing vegetables is quick and easy, and baking an apple is as easy as baking cookies.

    It is also worth noting that you can prepare meals in advance and store them in the refrigerator or freezer.

    Start by replacing one of your processed foods with a healthy alternative. Then continue to replace the processed food products over time.
    This is one of the small changes that you need to make to be healthy and improve your well-being.

  13. Love yourself

  14. It is important to build your life on the basis of positivity and compassion. To achieve this, you must first learn to love yourself unconditionally.

    Doesn't mean you become selfish and self-absorbed; it means taking care of yourself physically and mentally. It also means being able to accept yourself the way you are – with all the flaws.

    Giving yourself complete love and attention usually results in you treating people with more respect and compassion. You will also see that people start to like you better.

    Everything you do starts with you and how you feel. When your self-esteem is high, you have the ability to create a positive environment in your environment.

    Start all your actions from the point of self-love and understanding. This will build your self-confidence and help you see how you contribute to the world.

  15. Remove negativity from your life

  16. Negativity can seriously affect your health, it can seep into your life through many holes. He may be in the form thoughts, come from other people or even mass media.

    If you want to be healthier, try to avoid contact with people who constantly escalate the situation. They infect you with their negative, unhappy thoughts and words. As a result, you will find yourself further spreading this negativity by passing it on to others.

    Learn to be aware of your thoughts and select those people who do not create anything positive for you. Challenge your negative, anxious or fearful thoughts that prove otherwise and replace them with more realistic positive thoughts.

    Reduce the amount of negative media you consume so you don't plant unpleasant ideas and images in your subconscious mind. Spend time in creative and interesting activities that inspire you.

  17. Take deep breaths

  18. Obviously breathing keeps us alive, but how much attention do you pay to how you breathe?

    Short breaths can cause worry and anxiety, but by learning to control your breathing, you can improve your mood almost instantly.

    Taking a deep breath from the diaphragm instills a sensation tranquility and inner peace pumping enough oxygen into the blood.

    Understand how you can breathe faster and deeper so that you can more effectively and constructively control your mood and productivity, and therefore be healthy and energetic.

  19. Don't Overeat

  20. On average, our brain needs about twenty minutes to feel full when we eat. This is a scientific discovery that eludes most people.

    Overeating is one of the main reasons weight gain which can lead to various diseases. If your diet is not healthy, start with the fact that overeating can be a real danger for you.

    If you want to be healthy, you need to learn to eat slowly, chew your food and take your time enjoying the taste and aroma.

    Give your brain time to figure out how full you are so you don't risk overeating. Once you feel full, stop eating as this will be your body's signal telling you not to eat anymore.

  21. Live a passionate life

  22. Life is meant to be enjoyed - it shouldn't be seen as a series of unintentional actions that you mindlessly accept.

    Figure out what you love to do and base your lifestyle around it. It could be a career change, or something you do outside of work hours.

    When you find your hobby, you activate your senses and evoke enthusiasm and energy that will spread to all other areas of your life, including relationships, work, and overall health.

  23. Watch your posture

  24. The way you sit or stand has a profound effect on your mood.

    Research has shown that your body position can make you feel more or less confident. The way we are positioning our body, can trick our brain into thinking about how we feel in a certain direction.

    For example, wide open positions taking up space will enhance your feelings of confidence and personal power. They also make other people believe that you are more confident.

    But if you are sitting leaning on the table and bending the elbows, and hands supporting the head you create a negative impression.

    While straight vertical posture of the back and the smile on your face tells people that you feel comfortable and confident.

    If you feel negative, try to improve your posture. This will help lift you out of a bad mood and boost your self-confidence.

  25. Get out into the air more often

  26. Being indoors for long periods of time can make you feel withdrawn from the outside world and nature.

    To be healthy, it is important to go outside at least once a day even if it's just a short 20 minute walk.

    Interacting with other people and spending time in nature is so important to our well-being.

    Communication helps us stay connected and refresh our lives with new opportunities and situations. Go out with friends, family, or go on dates if you're not in a relationship.

    Time in nature can reduce stress, lift your spirits and help you feel more connected to the world around you.

    Make it a daily goal to go outside for a short walk in the woods, a nearby park, or just your own backyard.

  27. Surround yourself with healthy people

  28. According to psychologist Jim Rohn a person's personality and habits are made up of the personalities and habits of the five people with whom he interacts the most. This is due to the influence of our environment.

    If you want to be healthier, you need to associate with people who are going in the same direction as you.

    Being among people who have already reached their health goals will help you faster achieve your goals.

  29. Reduce your caffeine dose

  30. If you consume more 500-600 milligrams of caffeine per day, you can negatively affect your health.

    Muscle tremors, insomnia, nervousness and restlessness are just some of the symptoms you will experience when consuming too much caffeine.

    Even if you don't reach 500-600 milligrams per day, you may still experience some of these unhealthy symptoms. One cup of coffee contains almost 100 grams of caffeine, so try not to drink more. 2-3 cups a day, to be healthy.

    If you don't want your sleep to be disturbed, don't drink caffeinated drinks 4-6 hours before bed.

  31. Cut down on alcohol

  32. Alcohol is a widespread and frequently consumed drink that is part of many traditions and holidays. Enjoying a glass of wine or beer or the occasional cocktail is an enjoyable and fun part of socializing.

    However, it is also common knowledge that drinking large amounts of alcohol is detrimental to our health.

    Too much alcohol can lead to addiction and various health problems such as liver failure, brain damage and memory loss.

    Beer contains a huge amount of sugar and chemicals that cause severe hangovers.

    If you drink alcohol and want to keep doing so, learn to digest what you are consuming and cut back as much as possible.

  33. Take Regular Breaks

  34. Only our senses can provide increased and concentrated performance. It is vital that you allocate free time from tasks and problems that require a lot of attention in order to soothe your feelings.

    For example, if you work with computers or monitors, every hour you should take eye breaks from five to ten minutes.

    Breaks help us to be healthier, refresh creativity, motivation and mental energy.

  35. Follow your thoughts

  36. Learn to pay close attention to your thoughts so you don't let negativity consume your attention and energy.

    Everything we do starts with a thought, which turns into action, which then leads to the results that we see in life.

    If you want to improve your life and be healthy, you need to become aware of your thoughts before engaging them in action. If you notice a negative thought, let it pass like a cloud.

    In practice, by developing this skill, you will notice that you are not your thoughts, but they control your life, only if you let them.


Even if you are only implementing a few of the above healthy lifestyle rules, you need to take changes in your life which will help you to be healthy and improve your well-being.

Start with minimal changes. Maybe start getting outside more often or taking frequent breaks from work, which will help you feel younger, more energized, and therefore healthy.

Try some of the items on this list and over time you will feel that it takes very little to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Start making changes in your life today.

Thoughts about the need to take action so that the body feels exceptionally vigorous and healthy, as a rule, arise when health problems already arise. At the same time, if thoughts about healing prevail, and not about treatment, then time has not yet been lost. What is needed for this? Of course - start living according to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, changes in habits and preferences should be treated from a positive position, welcoming our own progress, but not feeling like a victim of circumstances, ecology, genetics and other factors on which we often seek to shift our own guilt and laziness.

A fairly common situation is when a person, in order to get rid of a threatening illness, is forced to change to take measures that would help improve his health. However, not everyone is able to continue to follow the rule of expediency and benefit, yielding to their weakness and bad habits. The transition to health becomes the easiest, if the changes are not radical. If you move in small steps and gradually, the result will be much more likely. For example, it is much easier to get rid of one or two harmful habits, compensating for them with a couple of useful ones, than to set yourself a goal that is practically impossible in the long term - to lead exclusively healthy a life, and if there are already problems, then treat them in the best clinics in Germany, for more details follow the link http://medeu.de/charite-clinic .

In fact, it is not difficult to get on the path of health and vigor. Train yourself to start day with charging. You will get great pleasure not only because your body will become slimmer and more flexible, but also from the energy that you will feel after charging and showering. Choose the sport that you like. Whether it will be running, walking, cycling, gym, dancing, swimming pool or something else depends on your own preferences. However, take into account the fact that if your weight exceeds 95 kg, then running and sports that require active jogging are not recommended for you, as there is an increased load on the joints.

Eat right. Modern world provokes us to neglect our own health. But it is not necessary to succumb to provocation. Natural food without snacks and passion for high-calorie foods will be the key wellness and health. Don't neglect the need to drink water. Almost everyone knows that we often confuse the body's signals of thirst with hunger. Help fight overeating by frequent meals in small volumes. Do not forget about the benefits of tea, it contains antioxidants that magically affect the immune, cardiovascular system that improve metabolism and reduce the risk of cancer.

commit walks outdoors. Let your body get oxygenated. By doing this, you not only train the respiratory system, but also heal the nervous system. Carefully and reverently treat the nervous system. Avoid stress, try to abstract from the impact of your own and other people's strong negative emotions. It's no secret how destructive anger, irritation, anxiety, and strong resentment are for our body. Our reaction to a negative situation is quite natural. But its effect is sharply negative. Health is, first of all, harmony: with oneself, surrounding people and nature. In striving for harmony, we thereby strive for both physical and psychological health.

Each of us wants to be healthy and live a long life without wasting it on various kinds of ailments. In general, if we consider all the secrets of how to become healthy, they can be grouped into four groups. It is these groups that we will consider in detail in our article.


General health

First of all, pay attention to the general rules.
  • Provide yourself, as it is an integral part of a healthy life. The fact is that against the background of chronic lack of sleep, a lot of diseases can actively develop, since, first of all, lack of sleep affects the decrease in the immune function of the body. Go to bed before midnight and sleep a full 8 hours a day and then you will not only be healthy, but also cheerful and with a positive attitude.

  • Necessarily, since it is the guardian of our body, which is always on protection from pathogenic microbes, infections and bacteria.

  • Maintain hygiene, most germs and bacteria enter the body through dirty hands and poorly washed fruits and vegetables. Be sure to wash your hands as soon as you come home or are going to eat or prepare food.

  • Take a hot bath or sauna at least twice a month. Slags and lactic acid are excreted through the skin along with sweat, which helps to rejuvenate the body and improve human well-being, as well as remove skin acne and pimples.

  • Refuse self-treatment, it will not lead to anything good. IN difficult cases try to find a good specialist and follow his advice. Listen to your body, the sooner you identify and rule out health problems, the better it will be for your health. The doctor can help only based on your well-being and feelings.

  • Try to be in nature more often, it brings harmony into our lives. As for the microclimate of the apartment, this is facilitated by fresh air, cleanliness, correct temperature, as well as planted flowers and other house plants.

Physical activity

Some tips for physical activity.
  • Give the body physical activity, do gymnastics, visit the pool or gym, do hiking they help increase your vital energy.

  • Try to move more, walk on the street, this will improve the general condition of the body. Physical education will increase the saturation of tissues with blood and oxygen. Prolonged lying on the couch or sitting at the computer will lead to impaired blood flow and health problems.

  • Do morning exercises every morning, or at least a little warm-up.

  • Do "vascular gymnastics" by taking a contrast shower.

Proper food

Healthy food is an integral companion of human health, which has its own rules.
  • Chew your food thoroughly slowly. It should melt in your mouth, which greatly facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increases its efficiency.

  • Steam to maximize the nutritional value of foods, vitamins and minerals. Try to avoid fried vegetable oil food. Arrange a fish day at least once a week, fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, so necessary for our body - they will prolong your youth and improve your well-being. Refuse fried food, such food is dangerous to health. Fried potatoes or meat should be an exception and should not be consumed more than once or twice a month.

  • Be sure half of your daily diet should be vegetables. Make a variety of salads with cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Fill them with vegetable or olive oil and eat them at the beginning of the meal. Have breakfast with cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and semolina) boiled in water with a minimum addition of salt and sugar and you will not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Include in your diet sea ​​kale, it is a "storehouse" of useful substances and trace elements, eat at least 400-500g of it per week, as it helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

  • Drink without sugar, it will reduce the risk of cancer, it contains a lot of beneficial to the body trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Green tea useful in obesity and cardiovascular diseases, it prevents inflammation and aging of the skin. Use well-purified raw water, as tap water is not of very good quality, it is better to buy and drink bottled water. The water contains necessary for the body trace elements.

  • Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet, as the body receives them in sufficient quantities with food, and an excess of them is guaranteed to lead to health problems. Limit the consumption of red meat, it ages our body. It is better to eat poultry and fish, try to add them to the finished dish to a minimum. Give up white bread, give preference to black bread, in which whole grains or bran are added.

  • Remember that fruits and vegetables grown in the area where you live are better absorbed by the body. Vitamins from apples brought from afar, only 30% of vitamins are absorbed.

Psychological attitude

Harmony with your own Self is important, these rules also need to be taken into account in order to be absolutely healthy.
  • Have positive thinking, envy, anger and fear will lead you to nervous breakdowns, and they, in turn, give rise to and, which also reduce immunity and give rise to a huge number of ailments. The best medicine from stress - communication with friends, loved ones. It normalizes blood pressure, improves mood, helps to overcome life's hardships.

  • Find a source of positive emotions and impressions, do what you love, which brings satisfaction. Negative thoughts will inevitably lead to illness.

  • Do not fuss, trying to embrace the immensity, trying to do a lot of small things that you consider urgent. Fuss contributes to the stress of the body and, as a result, premature aging.

  • Give your brain a job to keep your mind clear. Read books, solve crossword puzzles, watch interesting programs and films - “mind gymnastics” will help you maintain vigor and good health for many years.
As you can see, the tips are quite simple and uncomplicated, while you do not need any medications and expensive healing procedures. Be healthy!

We are all born practically healthy and in youth we do not think about the state of our body. Instead of taking care of our health, we lead the wrong way of life, we eat harmful products We abuse alcohol and spend a lot of time at the computer. And when symptoms of some diseases appear, we turn to a doctor. But it's so easy to maintain health, following the basic rules every day. What should be done to be healthy?
First of all, each person must move a lot during the day. Muscles require a certain load. This is necessary so that the internal organs receive a good blood supply, which means they work better. Never sit in one place.
Even if you have a sedentary job, find an opportunity to stretch. During your lunch break, be sure to go outside and take a walk. Find opportunities to exercise. A daily 20-minute jog will be enough to stay healthy for years to come.
The second rule that you need to follow in order to be healthy is to eat right. It's about about a balanced diet, consisting of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins, the supply of which must be replenished daily. Avoid fatty, salty foods, carbonated drinks and fast food, do not abuse sweets.
If there are “right” foods on your table, which include vegetables, fruits and herbs, this will greatly increase your chances of always being in good shape. Foods rich in fiber are especially useful, as they help digest food, reduce blood pressure and normalize blood pressure.
Every day an adult should drink 2 liters of water (about 10 glasses). This is very important, because such a habit will help the intestines work and cleanse.
The third important condition for maintaining health is the habit of finding positive aspects in everything and enjoying every day. Remember that optimists are not born, they are made. Force yourself to smile and you will feel your mood lift immediately. Positive emotions support immune system and protect against disease, so get negative thoughts out of your head and be less moping.
To stay healthy for many years, our ancestors followed certain rules. For example, they forced children to wash their ears in the morning. Eastern healers have proved that there are numerous biologically active points on the auricles, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the work of all internal organs. In addition, there used to be a tradition of carefully drying hands after washing. But this is no accident, since the biopoints are also on the fingers.
An important rule for maintaining tone is walking. The best place for walking will be forests and alleys. Fresh air and sunlight have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as strengthen the immune system and give strength. You need to spend two to three hours outside every day.
The key to good health, of course, is purity, both spiritual and physical. By observing personal hygiene, cleaning your home daily and airing the apartment, you are on the right path to maintaining health and warn yourself against many diseases.

A necessary condition for good health is a healthy lifestyle, which involves getting rid of such bad habits like smoking and alcohol abuse. Try to contact chemicals as little as possible.
Chronic sleep deprivation causes serious harm to the body. An adult should sleep 6-8 hours a day to feel alert and full of energy.
Now that you know what you need to do to be healthy, put your best effort into it, develop positive habits in yourself, and for this you will be rewarded with excellent health!