13 weeks obstetric what happens. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

13th week of pregnancy from conception

4th month of pregnancy

Fetal (fetal) period of pregnancy.

On early stages During pregnancy, many women suffer from toxicosis - a painful state of intoxication caused by exposure to toxins and harmful products metabolism, as well as disorders in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. With nausea and vomiting, the body lets the expectant mother know which foods to stay away from. Eating foods containing large amounts of protein can cause poisoning by protein breakdown products and increase nausea, vomiting and headaches. A proper diet will help alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis during intoxication. In serious cases, doctors can also often prescribe absorbents and hepaprotectors to pregnant women.

The quality of nutrition even before the start of pregnancy begins to have a significant impact on the formation of a healthy environment for the development of the unborn child. After all, during pregnancy, the unborn child eats everything that his mother eats.

Clean drinking water is the most important building element. At birth the child is 90 % consists of water, and in the early stages of pregnancy - 99 %. In addition, survey results show that the well-being of the expectant mother depends on the quantity and quality of water consumed. Check if you are drinking enough water?

The 13th obstetric week of pregnancy has arrived, when the expectant mother’s emotional background normalizes, toxicosis passes and the most difficult and dangerous time of gestation is left behind.

The placenta has finished developing, so the blood pressure of the expectant mother may be below normal. Progesterone is produced, which reduces the tone of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the process of blood circulation between mother and child is facilitated.

Progesterone also relaxes the digestive organs. Therefore, for a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort and constipation are frequent companions. The first trimester of pregnancy ends with a significant growth of the mammary glands of the expectant mother, which are preparing for lactation. Therefore, a woman may experience chest pain during this period.

Uterus at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Nowadays, most women have a significantly enlarged uterus: it continues to grow into the hip area. Now this important organ is located in the lower abdomen.


The uterus can be easily felt by feeling the abdomen at 13 weeks of pregnancy. The expectant mother feels as if she has a smooth, soft ball inside. At the same time, a woman, as a rule, begins to gain weight steadily and her belly grows.


At this time, the baby grows even more intensively. Facial features already have individuality. Facial expressions gradually develop: now the baby can smack his lips. The gums contain the rudiments of baby teeth.

The fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy develops intensively in the area nervous system. The brain is now responsible for the baby’s reflex movements. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, and bile is formed from the gallbladder. The baby’s vocal cords are improved and the costal bone tissues are strengthened.

The head begins to grow more slowly, and the body becomes larger. The size of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is 8-10 cm. The skin of the baby is developing, but it is still thin, with visible vessels. Digestive villi have already appeared in the intestines.

In girls, the ovaries continue to form, in boys the prostate gland is improving. The yolk sac stops working, so it is often not visualized on ultrasound at 13 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

Now the spleen and bone marrow take part in hematopoiesis. Previously, this function was performed by the liver. Until the 13th week of pregnancy, the child had allantoic blood circulation through the protrusion of the primary intestine. Now the placenta will take over this function.

The baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid. According to some scientists, they smell like the food that the expectant mother eats.

When performing an ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy, KTR no longer performs an informative function. The baby's condition is determined by:

  • abdominal circumference;
  • length of the femur;
  • biparietal size.


Now comes a pleasant period for the expectant mother. She literally comes to life, because toxicosis and all the unpleasant sensations at the 13th week of pregnancy are left behind. However, not all women go smoothly: some expectant mothers still experience toxicosis. This is possible if your diet includes many harmful foods.

Also, toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy can continue if a woman has a multiple pregnancy or physiological characteristics that are conducive to it.

Many expectant mothers tolerate pregnancy so easily that they don’t feel it at all. This is quite normal if the gynecologist easily listens to the baby’s heartbeat. Sometimes pain in the lower back appears at the 13th week of pregnancy, which is also quite natural. However, if the pain intensifies and is aggravated by pulling sensations in the abdominal area, you should immediately consult a specialist.

At this stage, the mother does not yet feel her baby’s movements, however, there are exceptions. Now the woman does not experience irritability and becomes calm and joyful. Drowsiness disappears, strength and vigor appear.

Expectant mother must understand that she has a huge responsibility. At the same time, she must adhere to certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy should contain a large amount of vitamins. Vitamin E is especially important. If you have low hemoglobin, you should diversify your menu with beef, liver, and pomegranates.

Alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea are not allowed. You should still refrain from salty, fatty and fried foods, even if the 13th week of pregnancy is not accompanied by toxicosis.

Eating large quantities of baked goods and confectionery products is also undesirable for the expectant mother. Now her weight is increasing, and extra pounds during childbirth are extremely undesirable.

A woman needs micro- and macroelements, which are found in fruits, berries and vegetables. If the expectant mother is still worried about toxicosis, then she should limit herself to eating light foods.


At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the expectant mother continues to take vitamins. Their composition is practically no different from last week. You should continue taking:

In addition, the pregnant woman should start taking calcium: now the baby’s bones are strengthened and future teeth are formed. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor will recommend taking Magnesium B6.


The risk of miscarriage is reduced, and the expectant mother feels much better. Therefore, now is the right time for the intimate life of spouses to flourish.

The woman accepts pregnancy calmly and does not experience the same fears as at first. However, if the expectant mother is not feeling well, it is best not to take risks and temporarily refuse sex at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Restrictions are also introduced if there is a threat of miscarriage or a woman has a multiple pregnancy.

Physical activity

If pregnancy proceeds without problems, then at 13 weeks certain physical activity is necessary. Thanks to them, muscles are strengthened and good blood supply is ensured. This allows the baby to receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

A woman should perform gymnastics characteristic of this period. The obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you about it in detail at the next appointment.

The expectant mother should still take half-hour walks on fresh air. However, it must be remembered that it is better to avoid heavy loads. If you feel tired and tired at 13 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to spend some time at rest.

Medicines and medical procedures

Various drugs and certain medical procedures are extremely undesirable for the expectant mother. But if they are necessary, only an obstetrician-gynecologist can make the final decision on taking medications. You should not self-medicate, because there is always a risk for the baby.

Colds and fever

If possible, a cold during the 13th week of pregnancy should be treated by a specialist. When the temperature rises to 38 degrees, you can take a children's antipyretic, for example, Nurofen. However, you should not abuse it, and it is even better to use folk remedies. For example, lingonberry juice works well to reduce fever at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Possible problems

At the obstetric 13th week of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage decreases, and the expectant mother can breathe a sigh of relief. However, you should not relax completely; you still need to be attentive to your health.


If a woman experiences severe and unpleasant pain in the side and lower back during the 13th week of pregnancy, she should immediately inform the doctor. Abdominal tension and nagging pain should also be a cause for concern.

If pain or cramps occur in the legs, a woman should increase the amount of calcium and potassium.


You should still pay attention to the discharge. Yellowish, white or clear mucus in small quantities and without a strong odor is normal.


Bloody, brown, green or profuse watery discharge should be a reason to contact a specialist. If there is bleeding at 12 weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy at the 13th week at an early stage practically does not manifest itself in any way - it can be noticed on an ultrasound or examination. At a later stage, due to intoxication of the body, weakness, nausea, bleeding and high fever may appear.

And although the risk of a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks is already quite low, the pathology can be provoked by:

  • genetic abnormalities in the fetus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • so-called bad habits mothers: smoking, etc.;
  • developmental abnormalities and diseases of the uterus;
  • poisoning by vapors of harmful substances.


Alcohol during the 12th week of pregnancy can cause fetal death. You should avoid any harmful substances during this period.

Tests and screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The 13th week of pregnancy means that the expectant mother is probably already registered at the antenatal clinic. Now she will have to take a general blood and urine test every two weeks.


If a woman has not yet undergone an ultrasound before the 13th week of pregnancy, then she should definitely do so. She may not yet know the gender of the baby, but she will be able to make sure that the baby is developing correctly.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Using an ultrasound, a specialist will conduct anthropometric measurements, diagnose cervical pathology, and identify Down syndrome in the unborn baby, if it is present.

Also at week 13, the doctor will prescribe biochemical analysis, if the woman did not do it at 10–12 weeks. During this procedure, preventive measures are used to maintain pregnancy.

Video of the thirteenth week of pregnancy

The beginning of the second trimester is considered to be the 13th week from conception. Every expectant mother wonders what awaits her next. This period is characterized by calm. After all, toxicosis recedes, hormonal changes also pass.

Interestingly, during this period there is an increase in blood circulation. This process can be explained by the growth of the uteroplacental circle of the blood circulation process. Blood accumulates in the venous vessels.

Hemodilution is observed due to these processes. That is, the blood is diluted due to an increase in volume, which exceeds the formed elements in quantitative terms. Because of this, quite often during pregnancy, women suffer from nosebleeds, lack of air, or the inability to breathe normally. There is no need to be alarmed by such symptomatic manifestations. After all, iron levels decrease at the beginning of the second trimester. This indicator must be carefully monitored.

It is also worth noting an increase in the volume of a woman’s respiratory movements by 40%. This means that the minute breathing volume is up to 11 l/minute. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, a constant flow of air should be ensured. To do this, regularly ventilate the room, try to be in the fresh air. They note the special need for ventilation in winter.

Experts also note that temperature regime Women can change during pregnancy. This process can be provoked by a cold or an infectious disease. An increase in temperature of 0.5-1 degrees, for no apparent reason, is considered normal.

Woman's feelings

During pregnancy at the 13th week, a woman suffers from light, thick discharge. They often have a specific, slightly sour odor. To control this condition, it is necessary to evaluate them. Use a panty liner for these purposes.

The baby develops depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. Some representatives of the fair sex have a clearly defined rounded belly. Other women have the same thin waist. At this time, the uterus protrudes above the womb by 1-1.5 cm. You can feel this yourself; it will not affect the development and health of the baby.

In addition, the woman suffers from constipation. Reduced peristaltic activity is observed in the intestines. The main reason for constipation is hormonal changes. Because of this, food masses move through the intestinal area with particular difficulty. Then they linger and acquire a denser texture.

Another reason for constipation is the growth of the uterus in size.

To overcome this unpleasant symptom, you should:

  1. Adjust your diet. That is, increase the consumption of those foods that produce a laxative effect. These products include grated beets or their juice. Helps in this case seaweed, consumption wheat bran. Plum puree has a similar effect.
  2. You need to increase your fiber intake in your diet. Thanks to this, the intestines will begin to work with redoubled force and fulfill their functional duties.
  3. Minimize the consumption of pears, poppy seeds or bird cherry jam in your diet.
  4. It is worth increasing your mobility. Best for the well-being and general health of the expectant mother hiking, visiting the pool. Light physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman.

If, even after following all the recommendations, you suffer from symptomatic signs of constipation, then you need to contact a qualified specialist. Your doctor may prescribe you a natural laxative.

It should be noted that the 13th week of pregnancy from conception is characterized by a number of changes in the development of the fetus. At this time, the spleen and bone marrow begin to take part in the process of hematopoiesis. Before this, functional work of this nature was assigned to the liver.

During this period, the fetus already has red blood cells, as well as components that are responsible for immune system body - lymphocyte cells. Blood circulation of the allantoic type disappears, because the basic needs of the unborn baby are provided by the placenta.

During this period, the expectant mother must undergo a number of examinations:

  • It is necessary to determine the level of electrolytes. A sharp decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus is possible. And these elements are key in building the baby’s bones.
  • It is important to determine the B subunits of hCG. In normal conditions, the value is approximately 14.1 ng/mg.
  • The norm is a decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning. Moreover, this figure may be lower than before pregnancy. Hypoglycemia can occur even when the glucose level is not outside the norm (3.3 mmol/l).
  • It is important to know the concentration of iron, because this element passes to the fetus to make fetal hemoglobin. In women, the concentration of this indicator most often decreases to 10.6.
  • In rare cases, progesterone is present. For decoding, consultation with a specialist is required.

Pay attention! Screening can be done in the second trimester. It is necessary to allocate time so that you definitely visit a gynecologist. The procedure continues the studies that the doctor began in the first trimester. Using an integral test, the main indicators are determined.

The baby is actively growing at this time. The growth rate is 7-10 cm, the weight of the fetus is approximately 14-30 grams. In general, this period is characterized by relative calm.

In the first trimester, a woman’s condition is aggravated by hormonal changes, toxicosis, and a host of other negative symptoms. In the last, third trimester, a woman suffers from weight gain, constant fatigue and anxiety. In the third trimester, a woman is awaiting the upcoming birth.

The second trimester is considered the most optimal middle when you can calm down and enjoy your pregnancy.

At week 13, the baby begins to feel light, warmth, pain, and is quite active during this period. The development of muscles that are responsible for the appearance of the sucking reflex is observed. It is also interesting that the baby learns to smile at this time. Women observe the following pattern: when the mother sneezes or coughs, the child begins to become active.

Ultrasound indications

At this time, the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus ceases to perform in required volume informative function. The development process of the unborn baby can be assessed according to some signs:

  • this is the circumference of the abdomen, which is 7.2 cm;
  • the assessment is also based on the length of the femur, the indicator is 1.6 cm;
  • as well as biparietal size, the value of which is 2.8 cm.

Often women during this period suffer from pain in the legs, which have a pulling, aching character. The woman gets tired in a fairly short period of time, and swelling is observed. Venous dilatation of the veins appears. This disease complicates the life of a pregnant woman and worsens her well-being. To avoid negative consequences, treatment must be used. Both surgical and conservative treatment are suitable.

If a woman suffers from pain in the lumbar region, then it is necessary to check the organ. Before going to the attending physician, the patient must undergo a urine test.

There are no contraindications for sex. If the woman feels well, there are no prohibitions from the doctor, then physical intimacy is possible.

Separately, it is worth considering a woman’s diet. During this period, she should consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. This applies to a greater extent to vitamin E, because it is directly involved in the course of pregnancy.

In order for hemoglobin synthesis to occur properly, it is necessary to add vitamins C, B, B12, B2, PP. You should also include folic acid intake.

Are prohibited alcoholic drinks. After all, alcohol can easily pass through the placental barrier.

At the turn between the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy (13th obstetric week or 14th embryonic week), a period begins that expectant mothers call the most best time or "golden times". And for that there is good reasons. Now completely unpleasant signs of toxicosis are becoming much weaker, or even disappearing: nausea, weakness and dizziness, emotional instability.

At the thirteenth week, the expectant mother already feels much better and can fully enjoy her new status and position. Waking up in the morning becomes easy and without annoying nausea and vomiting. The reaction to odors becomes less strong. Blood pressure doesn't increase and you don't feel dizzy.

A pregnant woman begins to feel a surge of strength, an increasingly positive mood, and positive emotions. Sleep and appetite are normalized. The feeling of constant fatigue and drowsiness disappears.

And the best thing now is the opportunity to go shopping for yourself, purchasing maternity clothes for your wardrobe. Narrow and tight clothes and stiletto heels will now have to wait in the closet for quite a long time.

An exciting activity is already emerging - looking at your slightly rounded tummy in the mirror and imagining what the long-awaited future baby looks like inside.

At this stage, many women notice how their appearance, tormented by toxicosis, gradually turns into simply blooming. The expectant mother, although not yet burdened by a large belly, is already beginning to move differently: more smoothly and carefully. This is a natural reaction of the body - it tries with all its might not to harm the unborn child and protect it from possible injuries.

Fetal development at 13 weeks of gestation

By the end of the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus becomes comparable in size to a peach. This is approximately 6.5 - 7.8 cm from the crown to the tailbone, 10-12 cm full height. The future baby now weighs about 20-30 grams. The head increases in diameter to almost three centimeters.

At this stage, the embryo is already protected by the placenta, which not only protects the fetus, but also produces substances necessary for normal development and growth - estrogen and progesterone.

Now the thickness of the protective cocoon is approximately 16 mm. The placenta allows blood to flow from the mother to the fetus, but acts as a filter to retain all harmful substances that can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

What happens to the baby at the thirteenth week of pregnancy:

  • The face is already clearly visible. Ultrasound images can show the features of the unborn baby. True, the eyes are still set quite far apart and are gradually moving closer together. The eyeballs are already covered with eyelids. The head is already slightly raised above the sternum, so the chin, nose and brow ridges are visible. The auricles and earlobes have already been outlined.
  • The skin is still very thin; blood vessels can even be seen through it. The baby's skin is now wrinkled. This is because there are no fat cells yet. But on the surface of the skin the embryonic fluff is already visible, which will remain for some time after birth.
  • The bone skeleton is actively developing and strengthening. Calcium is deposited, arms and legs become longer, the skull and spine harden. The ribs lag behind, they form and strengthen a little late.
  • The brain is developing by leaps and bounds. This progress is noticeable in the behavior of the embryo: the fetus moves and moves more and more. During periods of wakefulness (and they are not very long, because the baby sleeps more and more), the baby reflexively clenches his fists, makes grimaces, wrinkles his nose and pulls his finger into his mouth.
  • During this period, baby teeth are formed - there are already about twenty such rudiments.
  • The respiratory system has practically formed. The diaphragm makes training movements that will allow the baby to inhale air at the time of birth. Now the mouth is still closed, but it happens that the baby swallows amniotic fluid. Especially when he lacks oxygen.
  • Significant changes also occur in the gastrointestinal tract: the pancreas begins to produce insulin. And villi appear in the intestines.

What complications may arise at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Basically everything possible complications at this time may be caused by insufficient amounts of certain beneficial substances and microelements in the expectant mother’s body. So, for example, a lack of calcium (and the fetus now actively takes it for the development and strengthening of bones) can negatively affect a pregnant woman - varicose veins are dangerous and not so easy to treat later.

Pay attention to vitamin D - its deficiency may well provoke rickets in a baby.

Changes in a woman’s body at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The hormonal storm has subsided, the restructuring of the female body to carry a pregnancy is almost complete. All that remains is to wait and prepare for an important event - the birth of a child. At this stage, all the organs of the unborn baby are already formed. The embryo grows and develops, and the bond between mother and fetus becomes stronger.

The entry into the female body of substances that suppress the immune system (to avoid fetal rejection) is stopped. The embryo is already firmly established in the uterus, it is surrounded by a protective membrane - the placenta. The uterus itself grows along with the baby, so the tummy is steadily increasing and the figure is rounded.

A hormone such as somatotropin helps improve the appearance of a pregnant woman. This substance seems to highlight facial features and give the expectant mother an attractive appearance.

At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, and in some cases very significantly. The mammary glands are preparing for feeding. The nipples remain very sensitive. The areola around them becomes large and darkens.

It is worth saying that at this time the body is almost ready for pregnancy. Main task now - to provide the fetus with everything it needs for its normal development. This is why blood volume increases significantly. After all, it is through the blood that the fetus receives beneficial substances from the mother. Also. The rate of metabolism in the body of the expectant mother also increases.

Tests and medical examinations

Usually, by this time, a diligent pregnant woman has already registered for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic. After all, after the 12th week, a woman already loses the right to receive a lump sum pregnancy benefit.

By the 13th week, the pregnant woman has already passed the entire necessary set of tests, and now all that remains is to come for examinations as prescribed by the gynecologist. At this time, you can also make visits to doctors of other specialties (ENT, dentist, therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, etc.). This is especially important if you have any chronic diseases. Doctor’s supervision is a kind of safety net against all unwanted complications.

At 13 weeks, the doctor will measure the pregnant woman’s weight and abdominal circumference. Controlling your weight gain is important. After all, the current good appetite can lead to unwanted fullness and even obesity.

Can jump blood pressure. A slight fluctuation in the indicators is not dangerous. But sharp jumps in blood pressure are a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

At this time, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations. Such, for example, as a double biochemical test to determine PAPP, ultrasound or a blood test for b-hCG. These studies will show how high the risk of any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities or diseases is.

Sometimes a biopsy (sampling of chorionic villi tissue) or amniocentosis (puncture of the amniotic sac with sampling of amniotic fluid) is prescribed. However, it is worth remembering that these tests carry certain risks, because there is direct intervention in the uterus. Therefore, such studies are prescribed only strictly according to medical indications and only with the written consent of the woman. The results (which, however, take quite a long time to determine) will reveal the presence of many serious pathologies (Down syndrome, for example). But early diagnosis will allow you to correct the development of the fetus and reduce the risk of even greater complications.

A test for the level of hCG in the blood may also be prescribed. But it should be remembered that now the number of units is gradually declining. The norm at this time is 20900-291000 mIU/ml. a decrease in hCG leads to a weakening of the unpleasant sensations of toxicosis in pregnant women.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is prescribed upon registration at the antenatal clinic. During this period, the ultrasound specialist will look to see if the placenta is positioned correctly, listen to the heart rate of the embryo, and check whether the motor activity of the fetus is high enough.

Now an ultrasound examination is used to determine the collar zone. After all, this important indicator to detect genetic abnormalities.

To diagnose isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the condition of the uterine pharynx is examined.

Now the whole life of a pregnant woman is focused only on how to carry and give birth to a child without complications. The expectant mother is both physically and mentally preparing for the fact that now she will do everything only for the benefit and normal development of the fetus. After all, every mother wants her baby to be born healthy and strong.

As already mentioned, the formation of all fetal organs has already occurred. Now the main thing is to provide the embryo with all the substances necessary for growth and development. Therefore, special attention is paid to proper and nutritious nutrition.

Take the time to sit down and create a diet for yourself in accordance with the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists.

Pay attention to vaginal discharge. They should normally be transparent or slightly whitish, perhaps a little more abundant than before. But the appearance of an unpleasant odor, curdling, itching, discoloration, inclusions of blood - this is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

All bad habits remain prohibited as before. And although the placenta now protects the fetus, it will not be able to filter out all harmful and toxic substances entering the blood. Therefore, definitely no alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, toxic paints, aggressive household detergents and cleaners, or ionizing radiation exposure.

Of course, no one conducted experiments on pregnant women that could show in what doses alcohol would not harm the unborn child. However, observations of children born to mothers who abused cigarettes and alcohol show a rather depressing picture. Agree, it’s simply scary when a newly born baby is already experiencing “withdrawal” from a lack of ethanol or nicotine in the blood.

So, what is prohibited for a expectant mother in the thirteenth week of pregnancy:

  • Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs)
  • Uncontrolled reception medicines and self-medication in case of any disease. The same, by the way, applies to folk remedies– herbs and tinctures
  • Harmful working conditions
  • Physical fatigue
  • Stress
  • “Wrong” foods in large quantities: fatty, salty, fast food, etc. Don't overeat on sweets, which will cause unnecessary wrinkles on your sides and stomach.

Sex at 13 weeks pregnant

The ban applies only to cases where there is a risk of miscarriage or placenta previa is observed.

If everything is normal, toxicosis has gone away, then why not enjoy the pleasant sensations of sex. Moreover, many pregnant women say that sexual relations now seem to take on new colors and emotions and become more intense.

Sports and physical education

We continue to engage in moderate physical activity. We do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women, swim in the pool.

The main thing is that there should be no overwork and overload. Therefore, stop extreme sports and professional sports.

Vitamins and medications at 13 weeks of pregnancy

As mentioned above, taking medications is not recommended now. Or only for strict medical reasons and after consultation with a doctor. Medicines can cause enormous harm if taken uncontrolled.

As for folic acid, the 13th week is the last week when it should be taken. Vitamin complexes or iodine-containing preparations are not prohibited. You just have to make sure that there is no excess of substances - hypervitaminosis.