How to boost your immune system. How to quickly boost your immunity and maintain your health

Remember that bad habits- This is the worst enemy of immunity. Try to completely stop smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks. Tobacco contains poisons and toxins that destroy the body. Do not use drugs under any circumstances, as they reduce the level in the blood that resist viruses.

If you are unable to quit tobacco and alcohol, at least reduce their use to a reasonable minimum.

Sports and immunity

Doctors have proven that physical exercise strengthens the body. Do physical exercise and sports. But dose the load wisely, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause harm to the body. Try to exercise at fresh air, since classes in a stuffy room can cause oxygen deficiency, and this, in turn,.

Boosting immunity through walking

Get outdoors as often as possible. Working in the country, a picnic outside the city, a walk in the park - this is not only good for health, but also brings positive emotions and calms the nervous system. And this, in turn, helps strengthen the immune system.

Psychological state of a person

If you want your immunity to be high, try to avoid stress and unpleasant situations if possible. Avoid discussing negative topics (disasters, terrorist attacks, incurable diseases, etc.). Think about the bad as little as possible, enjoy life.

Healthy lifestyle

Follow a daily routine, make sure that you have sufficiently long sleep (at least 8 hours a day), and that the sleeping area is well ventilated. During the day, if you feel tired, rest. Don't overload your body.

Vitamins and the immune system

Healthy nutrition is the basis of good immunity. In order for the immune system to be in order, it is necessary to provide the body with all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. A deficiency of one substance can severely affect immunity. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Immunity boosting foods

Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. They are not only tasty, but also rich in a number of beneficial substances that have the ability to neutralize the effects of free radicals. Eat nuts. Maintain your intestinal microflora. To do this, consume fermented milk products, especially natural yogurt.

Foods that lower immunity

Minimize the share of “heavy” fatty foods in your diet - pork, lard, sausages, smoked meats. Likewise, reduce your intake of sugary foods that contain large amounts of sugar.

Even if you really love this kind of food, show willpower, because we're talking about about your health.

Selection of healthy products

Do you want to restore your immunity? Try to buy products only from reliable, trusted manufacturers. It is no secret that many types of commercially available meat contain antibiotics, and many vegetables and fruits contain pesticides and herbicides.

Drug enhancement of immunity

To boost your immunity, take immunostimulants. The body's most important protector is vitamin C. But you should not overuse it (the daily dose should not exceed 1.5 g). Your body also needs amino acids, such as arginine. In any case, a drug aimed at enhancing the body should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

Increasing the activity of the immune system is a difficult task that not every specialist can cope with. But to rid yourself of viruses and infections, it is not necessary to seek the help of specialists. Simple tips will help you cope with the problem at the initial stage of development. So, how to increase the immunity of an adult and what needs to be done for this?

Why does the immune system weaken?

There are several factors that can influence the state of the human immune system, most often the protective functions weaken against the background of:

  1. Nervous shocks and experiences (stressful situations).
  2. Incorrect or untimely treatment of viral or infectious diseases.
  3. Long-term inflammatory processes in the body.
  4. Serious digestive problems, prolonged diarrhea.
  5. Use of immunostimulating drugs.
  6. Lack of vitamins and beneficial elements in the body.
  7. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.

Stress, nervous experiences and shocks provoke the production of stress hormones in the body. Against the background of instability of the nervous system, the body's protective functions weaken, which leads to frequent infections.

Untimely treatment of diseases of infectious or viral origin leads to the fact that the immune system works in emergency mode. This condition negatively affects a person’s well-being, leading to weakness and loss of strength. To avoid consequences, it is recommended to start treatment when the first signs of the disease appear.

If there is a hidden source of infection in the body, then the regular production of antibodies weakens the immune system. To correct the situation you will have to get rid of the inflammation, for this you need to consult a doctor. Indigestion leads to the fact that beneficial vitamins and microelements are poorly absorbed. To correct the situation, you will have to start taking medications: sorbents, prebiotics, etc.

Taking medications that stimulate the immune system is necessary only if the patient has indications. Uncontrolled use of immunostimulants leads to a decrease in immune activity. For this reason, it is not advisable to abuse such medications. Some vitamins and microelements are responsible for the functioning of the immune system and participate in metabolic processes. Their deficiency leads to various kinds of disorders and the first thing that suffers is the immune system.

A love of physical exercise helps normalize heart rate, optimize body function, and provide oxygen flow to blood cells. If a person leads a passive lifestyle, then the immune system suffers from this.

Addiction to bad habits: nicotine and alcohol have no effect in the best possible way on the protective functions of the immune system. If a person regularly drinks alcohol, then his risk of contracting such serious diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and hepatitis increases significantly. But not only an unhealthy lifestyle and sedentary work are the reason for the decrease in the body’s protective functions; it also affects the state of the immune system:

  • use of antibiotics, especially uncontrolled;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases of various kinds, including HIV;
  • pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Attention! The immune system is several organs whose coordinated work provides a person with protection against viruses and bacteria. If the immune system weakens, then there is a compelling reason that requires seeking help from a specialist.

There are a number of drugs that, to one degree or another, can affect the activity of the immune system. Adults often resort to the help of such medications, believing that they will help avoid infection or cope with the disease more easily.

Name of the medicine: Specifications: Contraindications: Price:
Aflubin It has an antiviral and stimulating effect on local immunity. Used to treat diseases of inflammatory and infectious origin. Often prescribed as part of the prevention of flu or colds. Hypersensitivity to the components of the product, individual intolerance. 553 rub.
Arbidol It is considered an antiviral agent. In practice, it helps reduce the duration of a viral infection. Often prescribed as part of prevention or during complex therapy. Arbidol increases cellular immunity and helps avoid complications. As a result, the disease progresses more easily, and the likelihood of developing consequences is significantly reduced. The patient is a child (up to 2 years), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation. 994 rub.
Kagocel Helps increase the concentration of interferon in the body. Moreover, the effect of taking the pill lasts for 4–5 days. The drug is used for acute respiratory infections, viral infections, colds, and is suitable for the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age. According to doctors, the drug is most effective as part of preventive procedures. Individual intolerance, hypersensitivity, children under 3 years of age, pregnancy. 215 rub.
Immunal They are classified as natural medicines. They are used in the treatment of uncomplicated infectious diseases, as well as in cases of colds or decreased immunity during antibiotic therapy. Suitable for treating children, used in pediatrics. Do not use the drug if there is intolerance to the components. In the case of diagnosing diseases of an autoimmune nature, for infections with a complicated course. 450 rub.

Help: It is better to coordinate the intake of medications with a doctor, otherwise the effectiveness of therapy will be questioned, and taking the drug may lead to undesirable consequences.

Non-drug therapy

In addition to pharmaceutical products, there are other means that normalize the functioning of the immune system. To reduce the risk of encountering viruses and colds, doctors recommend:

  1. Avoid potentially dangerous situations that could lead to infection.
  2. Avoid dietary restrictions and normalize your intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Take walks in the fresh air.
  4. Monitor the state of the immune system and body.

If the seasonal peak has arrived, a flu epidemic is approaching, and the number of infected people is steadily growing, then it is better to avoid visiting potentially dangerous places. When a person with a weakened immune system gets into crowded places, he will certainly encounter pathogenic microorganisms. His body will be subject to attack, and this situation will end in illness.

Therefore, in spring and autumn it is better to avoid shopping unless absolutely necessary. Avoid clubs, cafes and restaurants, as well as rooms with poor ventilation. This will help minimize risks.

Attention! But hospitals pose the greatest threat to health, as they house a large number of infected people. And going to the clinic is fraught with serious consequences.

Strict diets and food restrictions lead to the body weakening. It cannot provide an adequate response to viruses and pathogens. The immune system reacts too late or does not respond sufficiently. In addition, the lack of vitamins and beneficial elements negatively affects the functioning of the spleen.

Doctors say that walking in the fresh air for 30–40 minutes will help optimize the functioning of the immune system. It is recommended to take walks daily.

The presence of systemic diseases, problems in the functioning of vital organs or systems leads to the fact that the body does not produce antibodies in the required quantities upon contact with infectious agents.

There are other ways to increase the body’s protective functions; they are considered folk and have questionable effectiveness compared to medications.

The benefits of herbs and plants are not disputed by modern medicine, but the effectiveness of therapy carried out using natural components is cumulative. This means that you will be able to get results after a long course of treatment.

Some healthy recipes, to increase immunity in the table:

Honey with walnuts. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, let the medicine sit for several hours, and then use as directed. Eat nuts with honey in the morning, 1 teaspoon each. The duration of the course of therapy is 2–3 months. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the components.
Ginseng in tincture. The herb is ground in a blender or coffee grinder and filled with alcohol. For 500 ml of vodka you will need 30 g. dry raw materials. The tincture is kept in a glass container; it will be prepared for 14 days, then the drink is filtered. It is recommended to take it drop by drop. A course lasting 25–30 days will help improve immunity. The optimal dosage is up to 50 drops.
Kefir with ginger. Ginger root is peeled and grated, then a pinch of spice is added to a glass of kefir. The drink is drunk before bedtime. You can supplement it with honey to improve the taste.
Honey with lemon. Grind 1-2 lemons along with the peel in a blender or using a knife. Add a glass of honey to the mixture. It is considered a natural antiseptic and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The medicine will be ready in a day; it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. It is useful to take 1 teaspoon per day, frequency of administration: up to 5 times.

Herbal remedies that help improve the body's immune response:

If a person is concerned about the weakening of the body’s protective functions, then he should pay attention to the state of the body as a whole. Frequent infectious diseases, colds and a constant runny nose can be regarded as a sign of serious health problems. Therefore, if none of the methods described above helps, there is a serious reason to contact an immunologist.

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This article will discuss methods of boosting immunity without medications.

Winter is the season for various colds. But, as immunologists say, such ailments can be avoided if you strengthen and enhance your immunity. After all, our immune system in the literal sense of the word is the defense of our body, which repels harmful substances. But there are many factors that weaken it, and in most cases the strength of our protective barrier depends on our lifestyle.

The most important enemies of our immunity are infectious diseases, seasonal hypovitaminosis and stress, poor nutrition, alcohol and cigarette abuse, as well as self-prescription of antibiotics.

Proper nutrition to strengthen the immune system

  • An important step to boost immunity is proper balanced nutrition. After all, if the body receives all the necessary substances from food, a person is in good shape and prepared to fight infections.
  • Must be present in the daily diet vegetables, fruits, meat products, cereals, as well as dairy products. It is these products that contain all the necessary nutrients that should be supplied to the human body daily.
  • Also important is water balance. Immunologists recommend starting your day with a glass of warm water, and drinking another glass every 2-3 hours throughout the day. True, its total amount depends on your weight - 30 ml is needed per 1 kg. Water enriches our body with oxygen, flushes out toxins and stabilizes metabolic processes.
  • By the way, you can read about all the value of water in our material
  • It is advisable to give up alcohol and reduce sugar and salt intake.

Vitamins take pride of place to boost immunity

  • IN citrus and apples contains a large amount of iron and vitamin C, which help strengthen the immune system.
  • Our protective barrier also requires an element of group E, which is rich in vegetable oil. Especially, it is worth focusing on the olive product.
  • Don't forget for garlic and onions– these are the first defenders who stand guard over our barrier. They do an excellent job not only as a preventive measure, but also for treating harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Honey, lemon juice, as well as viburnum, raspberries and currants– this should be in your diet to maintain immune protection. Don't forget for the miraculous ginger, which not only improves immunity, but also normalizes the functioning of the entire body.

Note: You can make lollipops with melted honey and lemon juice. To do this, boil 300 g of honey for an hour, pour in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and pour into molds to set. It would not be superfluous to add 1 tbsp at the beginning of cooking. l. grated fresh ginger.

  • You can find out more homemade candy recipes in our article.
  • Cereals, In particular, coarse cereals are very rich in B vitamins.
  • But selenium is located in grain bread and meat products, namely in veal, beef, turkey. These products contain the most of it, so they should be included in your and especially your children's diet.
  • Zinc, essential for our immune system, is mainly concentrated in beer yeast and bread products, and the largest share is in oysters.

To boost your immunity, choose the right drink

  • Among the drinks you should give preference green and red teas. But do not forget that hibiscus affects blood pressure. Therefore, we don’t get too carried away with it!
  • Helps cleanse toxins, thereby increasing immunity, rose hip. But you should drink it very carefully, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Don't forget about the grass Echinacea. True, alcohol tincture retains much more useful substances, but it should not be given to children!
  • Frequent use tomato juice increases the concentration of carotenes in the human body, which, in turn, helps fight various diseases and infections.

Normalize your sleep to boost your immunity

  • Like diet, rest and healthy sleep have a beneficial effect on the body. For the normal functioning of the body it is necessary sleep 7-8 hours a day. But you shouldn’t sleep more than this time - fatigue and even overwork of the body may occur, which will not have the best effect on the immune system.
  • It is also favorable having a specific schedule– It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Moreover, it is noted that it is better to go to bed no later than 10 o’clock. But it’s worth waking up with the rays of the sun.
  • Such harmony with nature will allow you not only to increase your immunity, but to receive energy from the Universe. Therefore, longer than 6, maximum 7, you should not bask in bed for a long time. And how to learn to get up in the morning, going to bed early, you can see in our topic
  • Under such conditions, immunity will not fail. We also recommend ventilate the room before going to bed or light aromatic lamps with soothing scents like lavender or bergamot.

Sports and physical education will not only increase immunity, but also put your figure in order.

  • Physical activity helps keep your immune system in good shape. In this case, the type of sport does not play a role - any physical activity has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It is also useful to exercise in the morning, as soon as you wake up - exercise or a morning jog is perfect.
    • An interesting fact is that infections can be beneficial for your body. Just as the body is trained by physical activity, the human immune system is strengthened by exposure to viruses. The body begins to develop defense mechanisms, which helps to overcome viruses in the future.
  • At the same time, do not forget that there should be active warm-ups during the day. This is especially true for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Make it a rule - Take at least 5-10 minutes of active breaks every hour. Moreover, it will also help you fall asleep faster and normalize your sleep.

Important: Every day you need to spend 1.5-2 hours in the fresh air. Make it a habit to walk for at least half an hour before going to bed. This boosts your immunity, fills you with energy, and lifts your spirits. But keep in mind - choose quiet places that are as close to nature as possible.

Pinning will increase immunity

  • Hardening procedures perfectly help strengthen the immune system of our body. But everything needs to be done in moderation and start gradually.
  • Children should be taught this no earlier than 4-5 years old.
  • You can try rubbing with a damp towel, gradually reducing the temperature. At contrasting soul It’s also worth not making very sudden temperature changes.
  • A similar procedure It is recommended to do it in the morning, lasting a couple of minutes, and must be finished with cool water.

Pinning and sports are the best friends of the immune system

A positive attitude and laughter not only prolong life, but also increase immunity!

  • Therefore, we avoid stressful situations as much as possible and protect our nerves. And so that support the nervous system as well as immune, we focus on greens and dark green vegetables. To maintain the immunity of the whole family, do not forget to add basil, sage, spinach and all types of cabbage to your food.
  • Watch comedy films and any pictures that can cheer you up.
  • Our material will help you learn how to constantly maintain yourself in a positive mood.
  • Wouldn't hurt master meditation or simply learn to focus your vision on third-party objects when observing one point. This action helps to expand the nerve channels and calm down. And the absence of anxiety increases the body's protective ability.

As you can see, you can boost your immunity at home. On your own and without any antibiotics or medications. It’s enough just to regulate your diet and rationally allocate time for rest and walks.

Video: How to boost immunity?

The immune system is interconnected with the nervous and endocrine systems. It is impossible to quickly increase the immunity of a working adult who is in a state of chronic stress by simply taking medications. What needs to be done to boost immunity, how to improve the health of an adult, what foods and pills increase the body’s resistance to infections?

Before moving on to medications that can be taken to boost immunity, let’s look at when it is considered insufficient in an adult. Let's look at how to restore immunity for an adult, and whether it's worth running to the pharmacy for immunostimulants the first time.

Per year an adult with good health can get a respiratory infection up to 4 times. If infections occur more frequently and are severe, lasting for weeks, then we can talk about a weakening of the body’s defenses.

An appearance even once a year can be considered an indicator of a malfunction of the immune system. If herpes appears more often, then this is already an alarm bell, signaling a health problem.

Nervousness and poor sleep indicate that the brain does not receive enough oxygen, microelements, and amino acids to function properly. There are plenty of factors that negatively affect immunity. Here and poor nutrition, unhealthy environment, disrupted circadian rhythm, family history, acquired diseases, stress.

Let's dwell on the stress factor that depresses the immune system, find out how to raise it for an adult, and how you can improve your health with drugs and folk remedies.

What affects immunity

Strong negative emotions and physical overload cause the release of stress hormones in the human body. One of them is cortisol.

In the morning, when its quantity is maximum, it helps to wake up and move from sleep to wakefulness. In the evening, the natural level of cortisol in a healthy person decreases, causing sleep.

But if there is no evening decrease in cortisol levels, the amount of the hormone in the blood is much higher than normal, then deep disturbances occur in the body, weakening the immune system.

A person becomes susceptible to respiratory infections and easily catches colds and flu.

The negative effect of the hormone on the immune system is manifested:

  • decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • inhibition of cellular immunity;
  • suppression of the humoral response of local mucosal immunity to the introduction of infection.

Nutrient supplements that help fight stress can help reduce cortisol levels in the body:

  • B vitamins;
  • macro-, microelements Ca, Mg, Cr, Fe;
  • coenzyme Q;
  • alpha lipoic acid.

Cortisol blockers are:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • protein-carbohydrate foods;
  • antioxidants – vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, Se, Zn;
  • omega 3.

All of the listed nutrients must be present in the daily diet; this is the basis of a strong immune system. To strengthen the immune system, an adult needs to provide the body with amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.

Only under this condition can one expect a positive effect from the use of immunostimulating drugs. If you provide everything you need to build your own immunoglobulins, it will be much easier to survive the cold season.

How to increase the immunity of an adult, can this be done very quickly, what medicines, folk remedies to use?

Strengthening the immune system with drugs

The immune system is stimulated by preparations prepared on the basis of bacterial lyalysate - destroyed fragments of microorganisms.

These drugs include Ribomunil - a complex that stimulates specific immunity, especially effective for frequent respiratory tract infections, used in adults, and children - from 6 months. Likopid, Imudon, IRS-19 have a similar effect.

Interferons are used in the first 3 days of illness. You can improve immunity in an adult with medications such as Viferon, Interferon, Intron, Betaferon, Reaferon, Roferon-A.

The group of inferonogens includes drugs that stimulate the production of its own (endogenous) interferon - Arbidol, Amiksin, Cycloferol, Neovir, Curantil (dipyridamole), Kagocel, gasolidone.

The use of herbal immunostimulants (adaptogens) increases the stability of the immune system:

  • Mylife;
  • Apollo Willow;
  • Atlant-Iva;
  • Marina;
  • Immunorm;
  • Petilam;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Estifana tablets;
  • Tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis;
  • Aloe preparations;
  • Kalanchoe juice.

The Russian-made adaptogenic remedy Milife increases the body’s ability to resist colds.

The basis of the drug is the mycelium of the fungus Fusarium sambucinum. Milife contains B vitamins, essential and non-essential amino acids, including tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, glutamic acid.

The drug contains micro and macroelements, organic acids, ubiquinones, and unsaturated fatty acids necessary to enhance immunity.

Adaptogens of animal origin include drugs that are obtained from animal organs, these include:

  • Pantohematogen Altamar;
  • Thymusamine;
  • Tsypagan;
  • Epifamin;

Among the medicinal synthetic adaptogens with an immunostimulating effect is the well-known anthelmintic drug Dekaris (active ingredient levomisol). This group includes medications:

  • Dibazol is a vasodilator;
  • Diucifon is an anti-tuberculosis drug;
  • Galavit is an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Glutoxim is an immunomodulator, hemostimulant, hepatoprotector;
  • Gepon – immunomodulator, antiviral agent;
  • Alloferon is an immunomodulator, antiviral drug;
  • Polyoxidonium is an immunoprotector and antioxidant.

All of the listed drugs to boost immunity in adults can only be used as prescribed by a doctor., since these products were not created to strengthen the immune system, but to treat certain diseases. The immunomodulatory properties of drugs have been discovered in practical use.

Homeopathy for adults

The mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines is not fully understood. It is also not known why drugs in this group affect people differently.

But, if you are not allergic to the components, you can resort to homeopathy, which is not prohibited traditional medicine, although its effectiveness has not been proven.

What homeopathic medicines increase protective properties immune system, what should an adult drink to boost immunity? Medicines recommended by homeopaths to strengthen the ability to resist respiratory infections include:

  • Echinacea Compositum;
  • Aflubin;
  • Antigrippin N;
  • Engystol;
  • Influcid;
  • Immunar;
  • Delufen;
  • Dr. Theiss for influenza;
  • Mucosa Compositum;
  • Engystol;
  • Edas 308;
  • Edas-131;
  • Edas-150;
  • Galium-Hel.

For children and adults, Aflubin absorbable tablets are used. Exactly how the drug works has not been established, but manufacturers claim that the use of Aflubin stimulates local immunity.

The drug Mucosa Compositum (Germany) has a positive effect, as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug, on the condition of the mucous membranes, increases immunity in cases of damage to the intestines, stomach, and ENT organs.

Folk remedies

Foods high in amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will help boost your immunity. Walnut satisfies almost all of the above requirements.

This one is exceptional useful product contains B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium. This natural medicine for immunity is enough for an adult to take 5-8 nuts daily.

Recipe 1

An excellent folk remedy for increasing immunity in adults is walnuts with honey. To prepare this medicine, you just need to peel (preferably immediately before cooking) the nuts and pour honey over them.

Another, no less tasty, folk remedy that is very quick to prepare and does not require cooking is a great way to help an adult increase and strengthen their immune system. To prepare it you will need, in addition to walnuts, almonds, pine nuts.

Recipe 2

Take 200 g, crush, mix well:

  • nuts in equal parts - walnuts, pine nuts, almonds (all together 200 g);
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • lemon with zest;
  • raisin.

The resulting mass is poured with honey and stored in the refrigerator. Daily dose – 3 tablespoons. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, before meals.

Garlic does not lose ground at all in strengthening the immune system. This vegetable is not just a natural antiseptic, it is an important supplier of selenium - an antioxidant, without which the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted.

There are many folk ways to boost immunity using garlic. One of them is a mixture of garlic and lemon.

Recipe 3

  • Chop the lemon and zest very finely;
  • Peel the head of garlic and crush it;
  • mix;
  • pour the mixture with water so that it covers the mixture by 0.5 cm;
  • leave in a dark place for 4 days;
  • keep in the refrigerator.

Take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Berries for immunity

Products containing ellagic acid have high antioxidant activity and the ability to enhance immunity. There is especially a lot of this acid in raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, and blackberries.

Preparing berries for the winter in the form of jams and preserves is a well-known folk remedy for strengthening the immune system in adults and children. And, as it turned out, our grandmothers did everything right.

The amount of ellagic acid in strawberry jam only increases during storage, which is believed to be due to the gradual extraction of ellagic acid from the seeds.

Ginger, honey, garlic, rose hips, mumiyo, and propolis have immunostimulating activity. Use of these products in the autumn and winter will support the immune system, strengthen the defenses of an adult in the fight against viral infection, and protect against stress.

Adults benefit from moderate exercise to strengthen the immune system. When drawing up a training plan, you must take into account both your age and health status, since overtraining is a severe stress for the body.

What is important to remember

When using immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system, we must not forget that any extremes are harmful to the body. Including too active immunity. Hyperfunction of the immune system can be even more dangerous than decreased immunity.

Before using any remedy to enhance immunity, you should visit a doctor and consult on this issue.

Nature carefully takes care of our body, protecting it from aggression environment with the help of the immune system. Ideally, the attack of foreign cells should be reliably blocked by the body’s forces, and the “aggressors” should be destroyed.

However, there are more and more factors that weaken a person - stress, air pollution, bad habits, an abundance of infections and uncontrolled use of available antibiotics. Under their influence, resistance to infections and viruses gradually decreases, which is manifested by endless ARVI, excessive fatigue, insomnia and many other, no less unpleasant, symptoms.

The immune system needs support and strengthening, and this is quite easy to do if desired.

Folk remedies

Immunostimulants from the pharmacy are not a panacea for weakening the body's defenses. Their independent use is fraught with unpredictable consequences; “stimulating” the immune system does not lead to the desired result and is not acceptable for everyone. Much easier and more efficient to use natural ways. In addition to walks in the fresh air, hardening procedures and a healthy lifestyle, there are many time-tested folk remedies- garlic and honey prepared in a special way, natural juices and walnuts.

The most effective and easy to prepare are decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures of various herbs. Due to their healing properties, safety in use and the ability to restore the body’s defenses, they are the optimal way to strengthen the immune system. It is only important to choose the right one and carefully follow the recommendations for its preparation and administration.

Herbs that boost immunity

Among the most popular and effective natural remedies, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. . A beautiful perennial plant that increases the number of phagocytes in the blood and thereby helps get rid of dying cells and bacteria. By acting comprehensively on the immune system, Echinacea stops the proliferation of insidious influenza and herpes viruses, streptococci and staphylococci, and E. coli.

    The tincture is often used to improve memory, reduce appetite in case of obesity, in the treatment of infertility and to enhance potency. Herbal tea is effective against colds, stimulating the immune system.

  2. . A traditional favorite remedy of Siberians and Chinese for increasing resistance to stress, replenishing energy and strengthening the body's protective functions. The properties of the unique plant are compared with the healing power of ginseng, recognizing, however, the milder effect of the former.

    The natural substance tones and successfully copes with the symptoms of fatigue, is used during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses, stimulates mental abilities and motor activity. However main feature plants - successful resistance to infections.

  3. . For more than 5000 years, the “root of life” has been giving humanity its unique properties. It contains many active ingredients that can help cope with even a serious illness. The plant is widely used to strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat many diseases.

    The biologically active substances included in its composition normalize blood flow and gas exchange, improve activity cardiovascular system, cope well with depression and decreased performance.

  4. have excellent immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The rich composition of the plant successfully solves the problems of immunodeficiency:
    • phytosterols serve as a substrate for the formation of vitamin D, steroid hormones, and bile acids;
    • flavonoids stimulate the antitoxic function of the liver;
    • resins fight bacteria;
    • riboflavin is an active participant in the body’s immune activity;
    • Vitamin C activates the production of interferon, fights viruses and actively strengthens the immune system.

    Microelements, of which there are more than a dozen in the plant, also contribute. Decoctions and tinctures of Manchurian aralia roots are used as a general strengthening and tonic that increases the protective function of cells and strengthens the immune system.

  5. . This adaptogen plant is called the “golden root” for its unique properties. It contains antioxidants, stimulants of the immune and nervous systems, enhancing collagen synthesis. Rhodiola helps to endure increased mental and physical stress and stress without harming the body.

    A powerful energy tonic makes it possible to successfully cope with the consequences of taking antibiotics, chronic fatigue, serves as an excellent preventative against viral diseases caused by decreased immunity.

  6. . A medicinal plant, the fruits of which are recognized as the undoubted leader in ascorbic acid content. Delicious and useful infusion, rich in microelements and vitamins, is recommended to increase immunity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels during ulcers, uterine bleeding, and gastritis.

    The best remedy for viruses and colds improves the body's resistance and removes waste and toxins from it. The natural product is widely used to strengthen the immunity of pregnant women and children, it is affordable and effective.

  7. - a real storehouse of useful ingredients. Antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils, minerals reliably relieve many ailments and strengthen the immune system.

    The plant has pronounced antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces fever and accelerates recovery from colds, increases the body's resistance in adults and children. Gingerol, which is part of the natural product, has a bactericidal effect. To boost immunity, tea with honey, lemon and ginger is often used.

  8. . The thin membranes of the tasty delicacy contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid and many necessary for the body substances - iodine, glucosides, organic acids and alkaloids. They have antimicrobial, antibacterial and strengthening properties.

    Natural immune defense, strengthened with healing decoctions from septums walnut, will help avoid seasonal diseases and various infections.

  9. . Mountain tea, rightly called the drink of longevity, contains 300 useful ingredients - proteins, more than seven types of vitamins, iodine, fats, lipid sugars, theine. The plant grows in Crimea, and local residents consider it a panacea for many diseases.

    A decoction of ironweed instead of tea is an excellent opportunity to protect yourself from colds and infections, reliably strengthen the immune system and maintain the body's defenses at the proper level. The pleasant-tasting drink relieves insomnia and fills you with energy; it is not for nothing that it is considered a natural immunomodulator.

  10. . Modern medicine highly appreciates the beneficial qualities of the herb with a pleasant lemon aroma. Natural antioxidants and antiseptics, essential oils (80%) and ascorbic acid, B vitamins and various microelements are the main components of the plant, which increases resistance to infections and removes toxins.

    Lemongrass stimulates blood circulation, optimizes metabolism, eliminates symptoms of colds and fatigue, and strengthens the immune system. A pleasant drink tones and fills every cell of the body with energy.

  11. . An herbaceous plant with a huge amount of beneficial substances is widely used by Tibetan monks. A powerful biostimulant successfully competes with ginseng, featuring a milder effect and prolonged action.

    Infusions and decoctions from a healing plant actively strengthen the immune system, cleanse the blood of heavy metals and toxins, successfully fight bacteria and infections, normalize blood pressure and help recover after a stroke. In recommended doses, lofant stimulates the immune system, but exceeding them can have the opposite effect.

  12. Thuringian khatma. A beautiful plant with slightly fluffy leaves has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and is great for coughs and colds. Its unique properties are still being studied, but the presence of ascorbic acid in the leaves of the plant indicates the influence of khama on strengthening the immune system.

    Decoctions of the plant are effective for ailments of the respiratory system and colds; they have an expectorant and enveloping effect.

  13. - a tonic, restorative and immune-stimulating plant. Berries, roots, seeds, stems are literally saturated with useful substances, but their composition varies.

    Under the influence of bioactive components, immunity is increased, metabolism is normalized, and nervous system. Schisandra is called the elixir of youth and health, and this is quite justified.

  14. . The phytoncidal, bactericidal and insecticidal properties of the drug explain its popularity and demand. A large amount of ascorbic acid stimulates the production of interferon, so the herb is actively used as an immune-strengthening agent.

    During the season of raging ARVI, it is enough to add a pinch of medicinal herb to regular tea, protecting the body from environmental aggression. This tea will not only increase your defenses and create a reliable barrier against infections, but will also help in removing toxins and waste, and relieve nervousness and fatigue.

  15. . The healthy, aromatic berry is not the only advantage of the popular shrub. Its leaves are distinguished by a unique biocomposition - they contain salicylates (an analogue of aspirin) and organic acids, ascorbic acid and flavonoids, binders and mineral salts.

    Infusions from raspberry leaves reliably protect health during seasonal infections; in case of colds, they help get rid of fever, cough and sore throat. Raspberry leaves have a powerful immunostimulating effect, relieving unpleasant symptoms and increasing the body's defenses.

Methods of using medicinal herbs

Herbal medicine is relevant and in demand these days; unlike pharmaceutical drugs, natural preparations practically do not cause side problems and in most cases have no restrictions on use. It is only necessary to strictly observe the dosage and use medicinal plants correctly. They are used in various forms:

  • decoctions- the dry mixture is poured with boiling water, like regular tea;
  • infusions- to obtain it, the raw materials are placed in an enamel container and poured with boiling water. The contents are boiled over low heat for 5-40 minutes, then infused and filtered after cooling;
  • adding a small amount of herb to tea;
  • You can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself.


Despite the abundance useful properties, some natural remedies have limitations in their use. Before purchasing and using, you should carefully read the description of the plant and the attached instructions. The best option is to discuss with your doctor the advisability of a course of treatment or prevention with a certain natural remedy, adjusting the doses and duration of use recommended in the instructions.

Never violate the rules of administration specified in the instructions; in some cases this can lead to dire consequences. The expired shelf life of plant raw materials is a good reason for refusing it.

Herbs for immunity in children