What is the engine life of a Toyota Prado 150 diesel engine. Quality maintenance program services

Today in our review of the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150, that is, a win-win option for any Toyota dealer because Prado, because it’s not easy diesel, but with a volume of 2.8 liters, that is, a completely new power unit, and, of course, interesting.

The car is eternal, as it has been produced in this form since 2008 and invariably pleases customers.

They want him all the time and enjoy every little thing that Toyota does with him. Slightly different bumpers - interest. Other headlights with LED row - interest. Well, if you have already stuck a new turbodiesel under the hood, which is four horsepower and more powerful than it was in the previous version, it’s just pure delight!

What everyone loves about the 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado is that, at $3.5 million, it's very big, very black, very framed, and has huge ground clearance. If you search the market for something competitive, for the money, to our surprise, you will find very few options.

Interior and trunk

The 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado has a huge trunk. In the five-seater version, which is included in the review, 650 liters of usable volume. And that's a lot. The only thing that you might not like is the hinged version of the back door. Not a city thing, because in the parking lot you can neither put anything in the trunk nor get a large one.

The second row will allow passengers, even with an increase of almost 2 meters, to sit in such a way that there is enough free space. The main thing is that you can lower the backs of the seats of the second row, and in a wide range. Driving a car reclining? Easy. For comfort, you can throw off an even wider armrest.

In the five-seater version, there is no airflow deflector, three-zone climate control. But there is a 12-volt outlet and two cup holders. The handles are powerful with a microlift, similar to suitcase ones. Light bulbs are halogen.

The pieces of wood inserted for interior decoration look very shameful, as they are made of plastic. It would be better if they were completely removed, since they are very cheap.


The engine start button is groped with a knee. And it's not a joke. There is a special ledge next to it, probably made to make it more painful. A bruise on your knee will be provided to you by constantly driving this car. You will hate her.

In the car, the three-liter was changed to a 2.8-liter diesel. It has become much better - power and torque have increased, consumption has fallen. It would seem that we now have everything we need for happiness in a complete set.

True, the increase in both torque and horsepower turned out to be, to put it mildly, small. The increase is 4 horsepower and forty newton meters, that is, the torque is now 450 and 177 horses under our hood.

Tests show that even in highway modes, the Land Cruiser Prado 150 “eats” at least 11 liters.

And this despite the fact that you do not drive prohibitively fast, do not break the rules, and you will not be able to get less than 11 liters of consumption, in the best case - 10.7 liters.

The motor began to run quieter. Even when driving fast, you hardly hear it. He rumbles somewhere on the bottoms, but it's such a pleasant baritone. You will not notice any clatter or especially diesel sounds.

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 2017 has become more environmentally friendly. A five-speed gearbox works here, which provides greater completeness of fuel combustion and less emissions of harmful substances, and a particulate filter, which is interlocked with the catalyst. This is not very good in operational terms for the motor, but in terms of ecology, of course, a big plus.

Let's go!

MTS - Multi-Terrain Select, that is, with the help of a special “twist” you can select the modes that are displayed on the display: mud and sand, gravel, bumps, stones and dirt, and just stones.

The start of the car in normal mode is very unhurried. Acceleration to hundreds shows 13.6 s. Manufacturer's data - 12.7 s.

In sport mode, the car behaves a little more cheerfully, but the first movement, as if the car is getting out of a deep turbo lag. The indicator up to a hundred became a little worse - 13.7 s. From this we can conclude that starting from a place is not his element.

The deluxe package is equipped with a spring suspension, which will give a certain load on your spine. She handles asphalt holes very hard, which is plentiful on Russian roads. If the edges are sharp, stepped - it's just horror for him. Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 falls into pits, jumps out of them, stumbling over the edges.

But the picture changes dramatically on rough terrain or on the ground. In those places the road is rolled or goes in waves, you can go very fast. The suspension becomes very energy intensive. On a smooth asphalt road, everything is in order with the car. She rides, sways, and it seems to you that you have a very soft car.

The Land Cruiser Prado 150 is a big tall car.

You climb onto a chair and ride a meter off the ground. It would seem that there should be an amplitude, no! The car responds to the steering wheel, which is heavy here. But be prepared for the fact that the Toyota Prado 2017 is a brutal car, and you will have to deal with it brutally.

With the 2.8 engine comes a new 6-speed automatic transmission. Prior to that, there was a five-stage engine with a three-liter engine. The first gears in the six-speed automatic transmission are short, so that there is a peppy start.

The maximum speed is declared at 75 km / h, but in fact it already accelerates very hard at 160, although it has excellent stability at high speeds while holding a straight line. At 140, 150, 160 it goes almost the same - it floats over the road. The main thing is that it be even.


In terms of consumer qualities, the Land Cruiser Prado 150 diesel is a good buy. For such money, where to look? Touareg? If for comparable fillings, it will be more expensive. Land Rover Discovery Sport? Prado more. And again, you need to focus on prices.

Toyota Prado 2016 - 2017 is practically a "thing in itself." You won’t spoil Prado with a new motor - such a saying to you. Everything remains in place, and the new diesel is quieter. It is a little more economical, a little faster, a little more powerful.

The only big minus in everything is that the Prado with such an engine has again become more expensive. In the deluxe version in a not very top configuration, it will cost 3,292,000. According to the stream, according to reviews, this fact does not stop Toyota Land Cruiser Prado lovers.


Test drive 2017 video

27 April 2013 → mileage 3000 km

Reflections on the Prado150 diesel 3l.


Since I was told more than once that being on the auto site, you need to write reviews, and not just laugh in the comments, I decided to check in. Moreover, it’s grown-up, long and tedious. I ask you to understand and forgive in advance ... I’ve only been driving for three months, the mileage is ridiculous, because this is more a reflection on a new car than a serious report. There are no special snot from the purchase. What he wanted, he got. The previous Opel Antara car with a 3.2 petrol engine loved the same as this one. Prado is my first Japanese car. It is no better and no worse than its European counterparts. He's just different. And thank God, we have the opportunity to choose.

First meeting.

In the spring of 2010, my friend and I came to the Toyota showroom to look at the new miracle of the Japanese automotive industry - the Land Cruiser Prado with an index of 150. In the middle of the showroom, next to the already familiar 200, there was something subtly reminiscent of it. Both cars were like two pregnant hippos with bulging eyes. At different stages of pregnancy. Inside then I liked it more: a comfortable fit and a sea of ​​​​places. Although a square block with displays, music and climate, in the middle of the front panel immodestly an eyesore. In general, the car was remembered as brutally impudent. What for we are such a handsome man, we thought and quietly dug.

Time passed, having bred in huge numbers on the roads, the car became familiar and no longer caused such rejection. Rather, she even began to like her courageous appearance. Truly, time heals. Yes, and this unisex in the guise of modern cars, frankly zadolbal in recent years ....

The agony of choice

What is car choice? This is a happy time when adult sexually mature people begin to run around car dealerships, meet at an agreed place, ask tricky, but in fact, idiotic questions, sit for hours on the Internet, trying to apply someone else's experience, and, finally, in the evening with a glass in hand, understand that all that was was in vain, life passes by and there is stupidly not enough money for what you like.

Criterias of choice

1. Price in the region of 2 with a little million maximum.

2. Reliability and liquidity. Songs that we live once and we have to try everything never really bothered me.

3. Clearance and permeability. All summer we are in the village. Forests, fields and roads of the Tver region are a fairy tale...

4. Spacious interior, large trunk, convenient transformation. In the city we live in a house with a plot. My wife loves plants and landscaping. No further comments. The van was sold, it costs more, it rusts and spoils the view.

5. The presence of the Official Dealer in the city. You never know what. At the time, I dashed off to Moscow for maintenance.

6. Warranty is better than 3 years. Usually something expensive falls off for 3 years. Sad joke.

7. Utility. So as not to sob over every bag of cement thrown into the trunk. Or a plant the size of a baobab. Or a dog with toxicosis .....

8. To climb into the garage without rebuilding the garage. And it would be nice if the doors inside did not open into the wall.

And my wife, each time peering anxiously into my face, twisted from the torment of choice, quietly asked: - So that not for 3 years, but for longer ... And so that in the forest straight to the mushrooms, and not to the first hole ...

The choice was not so great for me. First, as always, the Tour and Prado. German school against Japanese. Of course, the Tour is good. Moreover, the discounts at the end of the model year ranged from 200 to 500 thousand. The lemon was thrown off for the hybrid in the Major. But only the initial gasoline 3.6 on springs, but with beautiful tsatska in the cabin, got into my crumbs. But I wanted a diesel engine with an off-road package and pneumatics, with which, in my opinion, the Tuareg becomes a real Tuareg. IMHO. Such less than 2.5 did not come across. Without all this, the car turns into an ordinary comfortable crossover, harsh on the go, with its own jambs. It drives well, but if you want to steer, then there is a BMW for this. Well, a 2-year warranty in our time of a sharp increase in quality is nothing at all. In short, it did not grow together and I do not regret it. Happy for those who ride it and happy. I have the pleasure of seeing them nearby in no small number. Periodically ride, share joy and problems.

Outwardly still delighted with the new Grand Cherokee. Inside, of course, it is thinner, but still a huge progress, But the dealer is new and muddy, with reliability and liquidity, too, is not clear. In short, I decided to admire from the side.

Remained Hai and Prado. What can I say? High is made purely for America, and Prado is not even sold there. Different priority markets and, accordingly, finishing and equipment. And in general, cars from different classes: crossover and SUV. Similar only to the price and nameplate Toyota. Hai is, in fact, a large passenger station wagon with increased ground clearance, permanent all-wheel drive with a free center differential. Previously, if necessary, the diff was blocked by a viscous coupling, but on the last generation it was removed, replacing it with electronic imitations of blocking. Save. Removed the lock button. The driver can only turn off the traction control system and watch someone's electronics try to slow down. That is, he sat down like that, And it's better not to hang out the wheels, Can get up, Purely a road car.

But inside there is a sea of ​​​​places, an interior in the spirit of Camry, wild wood inserts and 14 cup holders. Outwardly, I like it, fit and sporty. I want to load a whole car of relatives with children, distribute hamburgers and cola to everyone, and leave for Disneyland along a straight highway that goes beyond the horizon .... But the upcoming body change at the end of the year crosses out all the advantages. Again, tax, consumption, short-stroke suspension and mirrors that need to be folded manually ....

As a result of all the gestures, an ash-gray Prado was purchased with a 3-liter diesel engine in the Elegance configuration on velor, still of Japanese assembly. The price is 2,174,000. This is no longer empty Comfort, but already practically Prestige Plus, only without leather, a rear diff lock and a number of electronic gadgets that are not particularly needed, such as a surround view system and JBL music. Of all this wealth, the rear lock is the most pitiful. Prestige plus pulls 350 thousand more. It was knocked out by mixing a discount for last year of 60 thousand. Practically nothing, but this is an event for Toyota. Now actually about the car.

The majority of motorists perceive the Prado 150 as a kind of iron monster with a controversial design and an overpriced price. People constantly compare it with crossovers for a similar price, which in principle is not correct. A crossover for comparable money will in any case be more comfortable and with brighter tsatskami. Because there is something to save on. In the Prado, the money is mainly for the filling and for the opportunity to be, and not seem, a serious SUV. Again, there is room for maneuver, because the Prado can be prepared for off-road, and not just hung with chrome towel racks.

The car is equipped with a full-time all-wheel drive system (full time) with a 3rd generation asymmetrical Torsen center differential (40:60 in favor of the rear wheels, it shifts back up to 70% during acceleration) and the ability to block the central and rear diff (only the center in my configuration), plus reduced. On a slippery winter road, a feeling of firmness and stability. Well, this is if you have not forgotten to put good winter tires. On all the latest machines in the winter there was a Nokia with spikes. This time I decided to try KontiIceKontakt with glued spikes. Liked. The rubber is quiet, comfortable, and behaves well on asphalt too. But Nokia rows better in the snow.

In fast corners, the KDCC system helps. When banks are detected, it clamps the stabilizers with hydraulic locks, and on the country road, on the contrary, dissolves it. You enter the turn almost without braking. Unless, of course, accelerated to the speed of light. In which case, the anti-skid strangles everything in the bud. The main thing here is not to forget that the Prado is 2.4 tons of iron with a high center of gravity, so someone periodically flies away. Into the space....

The brakes, compared to the 200, are excellent for such a car. The only thing I did not like was the emergency assistant. Too persistently helps in case of something. Well, at least not all the time.

I haven’t ridden in large kaki yet, I’m running in. But I tried it on broken roads and snowdrifts, once I fell into a ditch. The feeling is super, it would be something to cling to. In general, on more expensive versions there is also an off-road driving mode selection system with an all-round visibility system, but somehow I don’t need it. In his youth, five years in the field, so some skills remained. By the way, when I took a test drive, straight nostalgia surged. Still, permanent all-wheel drive can not be confused with anything.

I'm comfortable in the city. The visibility is excellent: I sit high - I look far away, huge mirrors, in the cabin with auto-dimming, a rear-view camera and normal parking sensors. Plus, the car is quite compact: both Hai, and Tuareg, and even Murano take up more space on the ground. Lighting is also on top: swivel xenon, the main beam is generally scary to turn on, it burns not like a child, plus excellent foglights. There are no daytime running, as usual. Yes, I never had them. The rain sensor periodically lives its own life, but not critically. The start button is a good thing, the main thing is not to forget to put the keychain in your pocket. On a muffled car, you just can’t turn on the radio, you need to poke the start, while the steering wheel leaves. Nonsense. My brain of a Soviet engineer rebelled at first, then got used to it.

In motion, the car is imposing. Pits, rails, everything is swallowed. Of course, this is not pneuma, you feel that something has passed, but there is no doubt about the energy intensity of the suspension. Due to the frame, the body does not shudder. In general, in a car in motion: the feeling of a light tank. Which rushes along any road. The rear axle is light, but still felt. Pneuma, trying to level it, unfortunately comes in expensive versions. At the same time, compared to the 200, the Prado 150 steers sharper. But the Tour is certainly far away. There are no rolls or wobbles. Yes, Antara also went with me. The only smarter one. And not on such gully. But the Prado has a smaller turning radius, which is surprising.

Well, now let's move on to a sore subject: Prado is a vegetable, the car does not drive. I don’t know, I always have enough in the city. It jumps from a place, then it starts to rest, but it’s not critical. On the highway from 120 you will not accelerate much. On the other hand, the car is still running. For the first three days, I cried. After 230 horses in a small crossover, 173 even diesel ones, these are tears for such a fool. But little by little everything is getting better and back to normal. If at first I was sure of installing a box that increases power and torque, now I find it difficult to answer whether it is necessary or not. My driving style has changed, I'm getting older, and, frankly, the traffic situation has changed recently. In traffic jams, power is not needed, and the entire Moscow highway was hung with cameras. By and large, there are a couple of places left where you can accelerate for a while, and then again to the side of the road, avoiding traffic jams. And then diesel, this is primarily a moment. 410 nm, of course, is not the highest indicator, but for comparison, a 4-liter engine has 380. There is not much point in spinning a diesel with a slipper on the floor, the main thing is to keep the speed in the zone of maximum torque. In the case of the Prado, this is up to 3000 rpm. In traffic jams with climate eats 13-14 liters. I traveled to Moscow for 400 km with traffic jams - the average consumption is 9 liters. A trifle, but nice.

The engine itself, the so-called kadeshka D-4D. What they say is time-tested, although you can simply say - long-standing. They changed it by putting the common rail system on the old hardware. Then they set the most sparing regime and slightly strangled it under the euro. As a result, the resource is enough for children, but there is not much power. By installing a tuning box, the power is increased to 190-204 horses, and the moment from 410 to 480, by simply replacing the signal coming from the brain. It's tempting. but the officials do not welcome it as before. They scare the horrors of voiding the warranty. The box itself can be easily removed, returning the factory settings, before the race, say, for maintenance. At first, those who installed cheap versions of the chips had problems with the Dzhekichans, but lately everything seems to have settled down. It's likely that the life of the engine suffers. But learns about it, most likely the second or third owner. By the way, the same engine is coming to Europe, but with 190 horses. We are stuck as always. It also helps that the engine is aggregated with a very good automatic transmission. Pyatistupka, but nimble and quick-witted. There is a manual mode. Of course without paddle shifters.

Regarding hellish rattling. At idle, yes. There is much less inside. In motion, it hums pleasantly, which, together with the valiant whistle of the turbine, makes it clear that you are not in a passenger car. It is incorrect to compare with modern German diesel engines. They are from different times. Accordingly, according to the resource, too, only in favor of Toyota.

And last but not least, the interior. I would say it does not contradict the general philosophy of the machine. Modest but decent. Above are soft plastics, below - what remained in stock ... Everything is monolithic, without crickets and gaps. Many parts in the spirit of Toyota are painted with silver. Carbon inserts. For me, anything but a cheerful tree. In my configuration, a very decent velor, covers even on snakes. It is practical and convenient both in winter and summer. The skin, I believe, should be ventilated. What Toyota offers as leather is a decent G .... I really like the steering wheel, the optimal section with thickenings, grippy. The seats are comfortable like home chairs with electrically adjustable lumbar support. What is most interesting, all other adjustments are mechanical. It will not work to get down on the floor, but the range is considerable. If you want an electric one, take a leatherette in Prestige Plus. Between the front seats there is a healthy refrigerator. Behind - places the car, backs are regulated on an inclination. The trunk is a song, there is even a 220 outlet. There are 2 huge batteries under the hood. Music is good for those who just listen to the radio. Noise isolation is mediocre, I will refine over time. The tailgate opens to the side, in the wrong direction. Japan.

To buy or not to buy. If only for the city - definitely not. For this money, any crossover will be more comfortable and better to steer. We need mud, off-road, snowdrifts to the waist. It is there that you understand why Prado was created. By the way, our whole region is like that. The meaning of gasoline 2.7 arises if: you want, but do not have enough money for a diesel engine, you are not sure about the quality of a solarium, or in winter it is just very cold for a diesel engine. All the same, a diesel engine heats up longer, and it’s cooler in traffic jams. In winter, there is a magic button that allows you to warm up the engine and interior. In all other respects, diesel is preferable. I see the point of taking 4 liters of gasoline only in the Prestige for 2.5 million. It’s more expensive to buy a Lexus, which is better in everything. The most annoying thing is that if you sit in exactly the same body with the Lexus badge, you will get everything at once, including a six-speed, nice little salon, pneuma, and Mark Levinson. But a million more. This is Toyota's policy. Apparently it needs to work better. In general, Toyota does not particularly like us. A rather meager choice of models and equipment, engines that are not deformed under our legislation, a small interval between maintenance. Until recently, a diesel 200 weave was driven there every 5 thousand, tin. Thank you for doing it in 10. I am silent about the prices. Gradually, Kruzaks from working horses turn into something inaccessible for money. It just doesn't make them premium.

But I still like my iron friend. He is a simple and honest guy. As one Prado owner said: -Every time I get behind the wheel, my smile gets wider. From myself I want to add: the roads are becoming smoother, and fellow countrymen are more friendly. What else is needed for happiness?

If someone has read it - low bow. Thank you for your attention. And good luck on the road.

Guest 9 years

Brothers, I bought a Prado 150 diesel and installed a power booster. I go not overjoyed, the car is super. Consumption of 10 liters, you don’t get tired for the whole day, the steering wheel becomes stiffer at speed, the body doesn’t roll when cornering, it doesn’t bite or dive when braking and accelerating, visibility is excellent for long-distance super, the whole garden is just class. The Japanese have plastic, body coating, interior just very, very. Prada I say, prado) . For example, disk 3 is a real wiring, you will not leave the stations free and honest. And the prado will not be able to break, it is not difficult to love and sell at a higher price. Thank you.

Sergey 9 years

Bought a 3 liter prado 150!! Options prestige plus. The color is dark steel (dark grey), although that is what the dealer calls it. The actual color is dark blue metallic. There is little blue in it and only in the sun, in other weather the prado is completely black! Worried about the dynamics because of the feedback on the forums. So, I drive mostly around the city and I don’t notice how the speedometer is already 80-90 km / h, and in the mirror there is a stream of cars that have just started from the traffic lights! Automatic with a delay, a dynamic start must be done either at half-pedal, or by squeezing a kick-down 1.5 seconds before the green traffic light. Otherwise, the acceleration is even and smooth, the speed is not felt, the lane changes are accurate, the kdss system works fine - there are few rolls. At speeds from 5 to 50 km / h, you will not notice them at all! But having entered a sharp turn at a speed of 90 km / h, I felt a significant roll, got upset, but remembered that I was driving a frame jeep and I would have to forget some light addictions! Instead, the owner of the Prado 150 gets excellent cross-country ability, diesel fuel economy (so far the consumption is 17-22 per 100 km), dynamic handling in the city, respect in the traffic stream, funny (compared to gasoline) transport tax and a lot of driving pleasure!! PS for those who still doubts to take a diesel: take into account the status of the car: speed racing is not for the Prado, but the dynamics of a diesel engine for quick acceleration, driving ahead and changing lanes will be enough for you. The owner of the Prado, in my opinion, is an accomplished person with a stable mind

Sergey 9 years

I drove this car today and I’ll say that the interior and the exterior are on a solid 3 and it’s only $ 84 thousand. I was just shocked after driving this car and forgot to say that there is good noise and good off-road qualities, in principle, a person can buy it who is throwing money left to right and he is us ... what will his friends say or a person without taste can still buy this car ... well, for example, a blonde like this, choose either a good car for that kind of money or wow ... oh how this PRADO


Uncle 9 years

I agree with Sergei, the impression is that the Prado buyer is a fashion designer or a deputy or a singer. Not a word about overcoming shit, fishing and hunting, for them they removed the plastic body kit from both Kruzaks, what for it is necessary if you don’t leave the city ...

Pavel Donetsk 9 years

3 months on the Prado 150. Arab 2.7 Before that, there was a Santa Fe diesel 2.2. I just don't get excited! The car is just a "THING"! Why haven't you looked at Toyota before? I refuel 98 while the consumption in the city is 11.2-12.0 179 km / h on the highway easily! would have gone more, the system turns off the supply of gasoline, so only the limit is 180! It's a pity! It stands rooted to the spot, 90 degrees turn easily 160!!! This is not 120 Prado, rare filth! I'm for prado! White mother-of-pearl color, even cats turn around! I advise you do not lose! 7 seats 2 conders velor, refrigerator, headlight washer, etc... 48 c.u.

+1 -1

val 9 years

2.7 old engine and its consumption is greater than that of the new 4.0 This is not 11 or 12, but all 18-22! Gasoline from A90. What is 98 for? For show off? 98 differs from 90 in the degree of compression and the engine will not notice the difference!


Sergey 9 years

I drive 3 months 150 2.7 a beautiful car in terms of dynamics, of course, it’s not a race, but it’s not a vegetable either, consumption is enough 13 14l excellent design, which I won’t say about 120. 4l is certainly faster, but 1 million rubles is a lot for a small difference in acceleration, and I think the tax is logical.

Dmitriy 9 years

Prado 4 liters and Prado 2.7 are completely different cars. Not only for overclocking. A completely different interior and completely different opportunities for off-road driving. As for the statements that this is Mr., so I will say that Mr. this is Lada Kalina and the entire Russian auto industry. Mr. Japanese don't. The design of the prado is controversial, for an amateur, I'm like a resident Far East I did not find an alternative for myself in the idea of ​​a European car. I need to put my skis, stroller in full height etc. On the sea on the sand with a scooter. I can do everything. I don't need to show off my looks. The car is reliable and passable. Appearance is ok. I hung tuning yaos and the car has changed. A matter of taste and imagination.

Ser 9 years

I respect the opinion of everyone, but I would like to add, Prados, 4.0 is super ... really a car of the 2nd century, everything suits, except of course the fuel consumption and its supply, because. I live in Kazakhstan, where distances are measured in hundreds and thousands of kilometers. therefore, it is necessary to take care of the availability of fuel in advance, and most importantly, its quality. As for ergonomics, Toyota is at the height of everything is convenient and technologically advanced, but I would like the seats with more lateral support. How do extras help? the camera in traffic jams when parking and so on is just super ... So, Prados will not regret taking people, and if you need comfort, then Lech with the most screwed-up configuration there, the interior trim is generally lovely ...


Guest 9 years

18 thousand km replacement of all stabilizer struts front and rear. they are not covered by the warranty. 120 prado did it for 100 thousand km. so now it's not prado, it's Chinese and in appearance and suspension. I am silent about the engine, the four feels like at 120 ohms - 2.7. only gasoline is a little less. those who went to 120 will be disappointed

Guest 9 years

Hello. I appeal to those drivers who have TOYOTA PRADO 150, diesel D4D. I'm interested in such a question. When driving a car at a speed of 40-80 km and a tachometer indicator of 1400-1900 rpm, there is a resonance (detonation) of the whole car. After 80 km, the resonance disappears. Wanted to know who can tell. Is this considered a proper car robot. Thanks in advance.

Basil 9 years

The Prado 150 is a great car for long distances, has a good trunk and works well, consumption on the highway is 8.5-8.9 at a speed of no more than 120, pleasant to drive. I traveled from Surgut to Ukraine and back, I enjoyed the ride.

MOTOR 8 years

Hello, I bought a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150. 4.0., drove 20000 km. In wet weather, something knocks in front. Who knows tell me please!

Andrey 8 years

Good day to all. In addition to all that has been said ... the car is actually very worthy. Of the minuses - very expensive (good equipment 2.5 million); - high wheel arches contribute to the fact that the car quickly gets dirty (I don’t like it). + The back door throws all the water in a puddle, draining it. - the engine is a bit old - obsolete morally. (but it can be a plus) proven unit. The location of the rear door handles is sloping and high. Not everyone is comfortable with opening. Not very convenient cruise control. (I pressed the button, then push down, why so many movements, it's not clear?) Too much electronics. From pluses (I will add): - disposes to quiet driving. But the speed is picking up imperceptibly. (maybe not a plus). - very comfortable fit. (in the sense of climbing comfortably) - The skin has become thicker and rougher ... Noticeably thicker .. As it manifests itself, it will be seen in 3-5 years. From the unknown: Why was the opening of the glass in the 5th door at such a height made. Gently, only a 2-meter person can put luggage in the trunk. The rest just have to throw inside .. At the same time, do not forget to remove the curtain in advance. And so everything is on the level .. I advise.

Ruslan 8 years

Good day to all! I want to buy Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 diz. 3.0. I was offered an official flashing to increase power to 230 hp. WHO KNOWS ABOUT THIS PACKAGE?! And yet, one of the accessories is a "cleaner" for diesel. fuel? I will be very grateful to you for the GOOD ADVICE! THANK YOU!

Ruslan 8 years

Officially??? If a car is bought from an office dealer and even a flashing is done at a company service, then it will still be removed from the guarantee !!! Now about fuel consumption: different literature writes differently, but in most cases the consumption increases (in many cases the reason is not pumping, but the human factor - once pumped, then you need to drive). The motor resource of the engine will decrease (also keep in mind that our diesel at gas stations is not European). But if you have money and you do not take a car for the rest of your life, but for 2-3 years, then why not!

Natalia 8 years

Cool car, before Pradik owned an x-trail, Honda CR-V, now on Pradik. Someone for hunting, fishing, but I needed, first of all, a BIG and RELIABLE car. Diesel 3.0! Options prestige +. I am perplexed about the squeak on the right in the dashboard, but I found the answer on the forum. I'll go to MOT - they'll fix it. Good luck to everyone on the road!

Yaroslav 8 years

Good day PRADOVODY! and not only I own the car for 1 month, I got to the Crimea! Like the machine! Such a good machine! I can compare with Pogero II so only positive about the cabin. Of the minuses, the iron is thin as a body and suspension. In Padzherik, everything is thick for centuries, but here everything is without fanaticism, but practical. Yes, I also open the hood at gas stations, yes, the review is worse. But, PEOPLE - what kind of sayings: “it’s impossible to overtake long-length vehicles” I didn’t feel any particular shortage when overtaking on a padzherka of 125 mares (more on a flat road when everyone spurs their horses) but on the prado you have to wait a little when the box comes to its senses but not critical. It can be seen that the lack of driving experience and the inability to clear the road situation pushes people to make such statements. Another of the remarks is very imperceptibly picking up speed, you can fly into a fine under the sign easily and not noticeably. The kiss system works correctly without fanaticism, bumps, cuts inventively in terms of density, the car looks like a TIGUAN to anyone, I don’t care, it’s not the stiffness, as many say, but the density of the suspension! Rigidity is when - Bach broads guts out, but here everything is worthy! After Padzherik, a very low-speed diesel seems to be. He sings merrily on the padzherik, but here if you don’t hurry, you won’t see tah tah tah above 1800 rpm, but if according to the rules it accelerates to 60-70, it’s all 1200. So, a lot of emotions!

Based on the impressions of motorists, we can conclude that the appearance of the fourth generation Prado 150 is far from perfect. At the same time, the rear view causes the maximum number of complaints. Many argue that the predecessor of the model in the 120th body looked much more elegant and harmonious.

Due to its overall dimensions, which are 4760 x 1885 x 1845 mm, the updated version seems a little “bloated” and voluminous, which causes some concern among motorists who do not have experience in “communicating with SUVs”. It seems that to cope with such a "colossus" is very problematic.

Although this deliberate "rudeness" and "brutality", inherent in Japanese-made SUVs, turns out to be only external. The quality of the body metal leaves much to be desired (when driving, you can even see how the “flimsy” hood vibrates). The shape of the headlights is incomprehensible and incomprehensible, and the thresholds are recessed into the body too much, which is why clothes get dirty in bad weather.

Another remark regarding the body part of the car is the low quality of its paintwork, which becomes unusable with minimal external influences. Any branch or knot, touching the car, leaves its “trace” on it, so it’s better to be as careful as possible in the forest. The same can be said about the quality of stock glass, which is rather quickly covered with chips, which is why it has to be changed after 25 thousand km of operation.

However, the outer side of the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150, according to its owners, is still not without merit. First of all, there is a good clearance of the car, which is 220 mm. Also among the undoubted advantages were noted folding mirrors of impressive size, providing excellent visibility. In addition, most of the car owners noted the high reliability of its design and good build quality in general.

Regarding the interior of the Toyota Prado 150, you can hear mostly positive opinions. And, its main advantage, of course, is its excellent capacity, which is a great pleasure on long journeys. Also, the strengths of the car were ranked: the presence of a seat memory function, a Russian-language menu and good music.

However, in terms of ergonomics, the interior of the car is far from the height that you expect to see here. Obvious cons:

  • uncomfortable design of the driver's seat, which has insufficient width and irregularly shaped back;
  • ill-conceived location of the start button, to press which you have to push the chair back strongly;
  • a small amount of storage space;
  • unbalanced operation of the climate control system, when turned on in automatic mode, an uneven distribution of air flows occurs.
  • coarse leather quality.

Regarding the soundproofing of the cabin, there are also many criticisms. Some car enthusiasts called it "rattling", noting that everything in it "lives" its own life, making some sounds and noises, from the rear seats to the door trim. Especially in this regard, the back door “sins”.

Surprising is the absence of important sensors, such as "oil level indicator" and "washer fluid level". But the presence of access and start without a key and a 220 V outlet in the luggage compartment is the most pleasant experience.

In general, you involuntarily expect something more “perfect” and high-quality from a car of this class, although if you do not impose any special requirements on it, the picture of the internal arrangement is quite positive.

Technical content

In terms of technical equipment, the Land Cruiser Prado 150 is distinguished by reliability and practicality, as it should be for a Japanese-made car. At the same time, its main drawback, according to most motorists, is a “weak” engine that does not correspond to a powerful frame structure. This refers to a 2.7-liter gasoline engine, created exclusively for a calm, measured meal without any “feints” and overtaking on the highway.

In relation to the 4.0-liter power unit, many complaints were also made. First of all, the dissatisfaction of some motorists was caused by insufficient acceleration dynamics. With such a sound from the engine, you want some unprecedented power and high-torque, but, alas, this is not at all the case. The Prado with a 4.0-liter “heart” accelerates smoothly and sedately, as befits a solid and respectable car with an expressive and “serious” appearance. At the same time, compared with its predecessor in the 120th body, the car with this engine has become less “gluttonous” by about 10%. However, one should not build special illusions about this, expecting special efficiency from the Prado. A 4-liter engine is a fairly serious unit that needs to be “fed”.

Toyota Prado 150 diesel also has a calm nature, which affects the nature of its behavior on the track. The dynamics of the engine in this case is characterized as “sufficient”, but those who want to “chase” with someone on the track should keep in mind that winning in this case is unlikely, so it might not even be worth trying. Among the shortcomings of the diesel 3.0-liter engine, motorists noted its "noisiness". In addition, during its operation, vibration is clearly felt in the body part and on the steering wheel. In the “set” with an automatic transmission, it works quite smoothly and smoothly, although, with a sharp increase in speed, you can feel a slight jerk.

In general, given the above, it is difficult to say something truly negative and negative about the Prado engines of the 150th series. They are good and reliable, as before. Yes, and who said that a car with such characteristics and excellent cross-country ability should still “drive” on the roads? The purpose of its creation was diametrically opposed, so this fact should be taken into account when purchasing a car.

The steering of the car deserved positive feedback, however, you need to get used to the presence of a function that varies with speed. In addition, there is one not very pleasant feature in his work: if there is a minimum slope of the roadway to the right, you need to turn the steering wheel to the left by several degrees. The greater the deviation, the more it is necessary to turn the steering wheel, and this has to be done in the process of driving and at a decent speed.

The automatic transmission works quite clearly and accurately, but still a little “lazy”, which is why, even paired with a “serious” 4.0-liter power unit, it manifests itself rather “medium”.

Separately, it is worth "dismantling" the suspension of the car, which most car owners called "too stiff", which is why all the "charms" of off-road are given in the cabin with jolts and longitudinal swaying.

It is worth mentioning the possibility of equipping the car with a pneumatic type suspension. Of course, it does not add reliability to it, and this option is not cheap, but its installation justifies itself. The reason for this is the insufficient strength of the conventional suspension, which breaks through to the bumpers during operation. With the "pneumo" function, this does not happen. In addition, the pneumatic system “swallows” all the imperfections of the roadway well, as a result of which the driving experience improves significantly.

Handling and ride quality

As befits a real SUV, the 150th Prado shows itself quite worthy on “difficult” road surfaces. Such small obstacles as "speed bumps" and dents in the road are "just dust" for him.

But, frankly, the off-road qualities of this car are somewhat embellished. For example, the presence of cross-wheel locks can be seen only in the most "charged" modifications, the cost of which significantly affects the contents of the pocket.

But on the asphalt of “average” quality, the Prado is simply magnificent. At the same time, many car owners speak out especially warmly about its exchange rate stability system, which allows minimizing all kinds of deviations and rolls while driving.

In general, behind the wheel of such a car you involuntarily feel like a representative and influential person. It affects the high landing, which provides good visibility, as well as solid dimensions, which inexperienced motorists cause real excitement and awe.

The 150 accelerates calmly and smoothly, so you should not expect a swift jerk from it. And behaves in the traffic flow accordingly. Of course, you can try to "show off" by selecting the "SPORT" mode, but you will not get much pleasure from such a ride, given the solid mass of this "handsome".

On slippery surfaces, the off-road assistance function works well. When it is turned on, the car passes through the mud without any slips and problems, calmly and confidently performing the task assigned to it. Although, of course, you should not get too carried away in this regard, but for serious off-road it makes sense to choose more reliable specialized equipment.

The steering wheel of the 150 is quite responsive and informative, although when accelerating it begins to noticeably “heavier”. As for the possible acceleration, even at 190 km / h it holds the road well, but, according to the sensations, this high-speed mode is not very comfortable for it. The optimal (“cruising”) speed is 120 km / h.

If we sum up the general conclusion under the above, we can see that the 150th Prado is a fairly reliable, practical car for "quiet driving around the city and periodic trips to rough terrain."

Although, given the very extensive list of "problem areas" and shortcomings, objectively it should cost at least 10-15% cheaper. Currently, you can buy a Toyota Prado 150 for an amount of about 2.5 million rubles. and higher. In general, it is quite good, although manufacturers would do well to eliminate the gaps made in the design and production of the model. Still, you want to buy a car justifies the money invested in it ...

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 is one of the representatives model range Land Cruiser fourth generation. Their history dates back to 1986 and continues to this day. The fourth generation Prado, especially the 150, first rolled off the assembly line in 2009. Replacing its predecessor of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation, it was supposed to embody what was a flaw in previous models. Whether she succeeded, let's find out by reading this article.

Overall dimensions and appearance

Compared to previous models of the lineup, the Prado 150 received a more attractive and modern appearance. The sharp geometric shapes inherent in Land Cruisers have been replaced by more streamlined ones. The same applies to optics. Instead of square headlights, the 150th had headlights of a more unusual shape, in the form of a drop, tapering at the edges.
The rear optics has also undergone significant changes. Their placement became slightly higher on the body, which reduced the chance of contamination, especially when driving off-road. The shape of the taillights became more elongated, and had a slight expansion towards the bottom.
Mirrors have become more inflated and voluminous, and also received an additional turn signal. The radiator grill has also undergone minor changes. Its vertically arranged partitions have become more massive, emphasizing that this car is a full-fledged SUV.

Reviews about the Land Cruiser Prado 150, especially about her appearance, are quite positive.

As for the dimensions, they also increased significantly. For example, the length of the car from the edge of the front bumper to the edge of the rear is 4780 mm, which is significantly more than the average crossover or SUV. The same is with the width: from the edge of the left rear-view mirror to the edge of the right, the distance reaches 1885 mm. With such dimensions, it is quite inconvenient to maneuver in dense city traffic or in narrow lanes.
The height of the car is quite impressive - 1890 mm, which is slightly higher than the average height of a person. 220 mm from the height is occupied by ground clearance - clearance. This is quite enough to overcome any obstacles on the road.

Diesel engine Prado 150

As practice shows, reviews of the Toyota Prado 150 diesel are quite good. Despite the fact that diesel engines often do not cause positive emotions among motorists, this unit has a large number of fans.
The design of the engine consists of 4 cylinders arranged in a row, with a working volume of 2982 cubic centimeters. Each cylinder has 4 valves (2 intake and 2 exhaust). The maximum power that this unit is capable of delivering is 173 horsepower or 127 kW at a crankshaft speed of 3400 rpm. The maximum torque, in turn, reaches 410 N / m at crankshaft speeds from 1600 to 2800 rpm.

Unlike the gasoline counterpart, this engine has a direct fuel injection type, and an additionally equipped turbocharger.

With such indicators specifications Prado 150 is quite high. For example, the maximum speed of the car is 175 km / h, and acceleration to hundreds takes about 11.7 seconds. Considering the fact that the weight of the car reaches 2 tons, such acceleration dynamics is simply amazing for an SUV.
It is also worth noting that the fuel consumption of the Prado 150 diesel is quite small - only 8.1 liters in the combined cycle. This type of engine is equipped with only one transmission option - a 5-speed automatic.


The interior of this model has quite impressive dimensions and can be used both for cargo and passenger transportation, and for exclusively freight or passenger transportation. In the first version, two rows of seats are installed in the cabin: 2 front and 1 rear, capable of accommodating 5 average people without any problems. At the same time, the volume of the luggage compartment will be equal to 621 liters, which is quite a lot.
In the cargo-only version, the rear row of seats folds down completely, freeing up a large amount of free space in the luggage compartment, and its volume increases by more than 3 times: from 621 liters. up to 1934 liters. Well, if you only need passenger transportation, then an additional row of seats can be installed in the luggage compartment. Thus, 7 people can freely fit into the car interior.

As for the interior trim and equipment, it is not inferior to modern cars at all. For example, high-quality genuine leather is used for seat upholstery in this model.

The panels and pillars are sheathed in soft plastic, and the door cards are trimmed with a material that feels like suede to the touch.
For convenience and comfort, a special block with buttons is installed on the steering wheel, which allows you to control the audio and video devices of the car without removing your hands from the steering wheel. As a multimedia system, the Prado 150 uses a high quality video and audio player with a 7-inch LCD screen. In a word, the interior of this model is made with the latest technology.

Equipment and price

The basic equipment of a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 with a diesel engine costs about 1,725,000 rubles. This amount is quite tolerable, given that such a package includes:

  • ABS;
  • ESP;
  • Full set of airbags;
  • On-board computer;
  • Parking assistance system;
  • Steering wheel adjustable for reach and height.

To these options, if desired, you can also add: cruise control, air pressure sensor in the chambers, climate control, the ability to start the engine with a button, access to the salon without using a key, a registrar that rotates 360 degrees, a rain and light sensor, as well as heated seats with memory. But for the maximum configuration, you will have to pay a substantial extra, since its cost is approximately 2,854,000 rubles.


It is worth noting that the Prado 150 model is equipped with an independent type hydraulic suspension, the same as on the rest of the Toyota Land Cruiser models. It gently swallows bumps and small obstacles when driving off-road. Due to the high ground clearance, it is possible to overcome large obstacles, as well as small rivers and fords.

On asphalt, the car feels amazing. Due to the large weight, it does not sway or tip over due to the wide wheelbase.