Hazardous to health e. Food additives in food and their effect on human health

After reading this article, you will learn to recognize beneficial and harmful E supplements.

What is it nutritional supplements? These are various preservatives, leavening agents, thickeners that improve the aroma and taste of the finished product.

Additives are:

  • Natural – from plants; minerals and animal origin
  • Obtained in the laboratory, but similar in properties to natural ones
  • Synthetic, man-made, nothing like it exists in nature

At first glance, there is nothing wrong. But the problem is that artificial additives, while improving taste, can be harmful to the body, and no one knows how they will behave, for example, when heated.

Are E additives in food harmful?

E additives

To start decipher all food additives:

  • If after the letter E there is 1 and then 2 more numbers, this is a dye that gives a beautiful color to the finished product.
  • Number 2 is a preservative, protects the product from destruction by bacteria and fungi, and extends shelf life.
  • 3 – antioxidant, used to extend shelf life.
  • 4 – stabilizer, responsible for the consistency of the product.
  • 5 – emulsifier, helps the stabilizer maintain the beautiful appearance of the product and its uniform state.
  • 6 – aroma and taste enhancer.
  • 9 – defoaming agent that prevents the formation of foam.
  • All 4-digit numbers after E are sweeteners.

In order not to harm the body with additives, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

How not to harm the body with products containing E additives, and they are almost everywhere:

  1. Eat every day raw vegetables and fruits, fiber and pectins in them can remove toxins from the body.
  2. Do not eat unnatural foods when you are sick; when you are sick, your body is not able to fight like a healthy one.
  3. If you know that a product contains unhealthy additives, do not eat a lot of it.
  4. Avoid buying brightly colored foods.
  5. If you notice late that the product contains a harmful additive, then do not heat it, because when heated, some additives become even more dangerous, for example, aspartame (E 951).

Useful E supplements

Useful E supplements

Healthy Supplements:

  • E 100 – curcumin(yellow-orange dye). The supplement is especially useful for people after illness to restore strength, cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, helps with the functioning of the liver, intestines, and weight loss, and is a preventive measure for diabetes, arthritis, and tumors.
  • E 101 – riboflavin, vitamin B2(yellow dye). The supplement is needed for the breakdown of fat, the absorption of other vitamins and microelements, helps cope with stress, depression, is needed for skin elasticity, and is useful for pregnant women.
  • E 160a – carotene. Supplements E 160 are close to vitamin A - strong antioxidants. Using supplements: improves vision, prevents the growth of cancerous tumors, strengthens the immune system.
  • E 160d – lycopene.
  • E 162 – betanin(red beetroot dye). Needed to participate in the breakdown of proteins, improves liver and blood function, strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, the risk of heart attack, prevents the development of cancer, helps with radiation exposure.
  • E 163 – anthocyanins, natural dyes from extract and marc from grape skins, red cabbage juice, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Used for coloring cheeses, confectionery products, ice cream.
  • E 202 – potassium sorbate (sorbic acid). Antimicrobial agent, prevents the growth of mold fungi. The preservative additive is used in the production of sausages, other smoked meats, cheeses, and rye bread.
  • E 260 – acetic acid. Acid diluted to 6 or 9% is useful for breaking down fat and carbohydrates. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery products, various sauces, and mayonnaise. Acid with a concentration of over 30% is dangerous; even on the skin it can cause burns..
  • E 296 – malic acid. Helps the liver absorb medications, reduces blood pressure, and has anti-cancer properties. Used in winemaking, pharmacy, and confectionery production.
  • E 300 – pectin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The supplement strengthens the immune system.
  • E 306-E 307 – tocopherol (vitamins of group E). The supplement removes toxins from the body, increases the vitality of the body, thins the blood, accelerates the healing of wounds, and, without leaving scars, slows down the aging process of the body. Works better with additive the cardiovascular system, blood composition improves.
  • E 322 – lecithin. The supplement improves blood and bile, prevents liver cirrhosis, supports the immune system, and removes bad cholesterol. But the supplement is not suitable for everyone; in some people it can cause stomach and liver diseases. It is used in the production of dairy products, fats, spreads and baked goods.
  • E 406 – agar. The supplement is obtained from red-brown algae, is rich in vitamins PP and microelements, is useful for diseases of the thyroid gland, intestines, and removes toxins.
  • E 440 – pectin, ascorbic acid. A moderate amount of the supplement cleanses the intestines of toxins, protects and heals the intestinal and stomach mucosa, and reduces cholesterol. In large quantities may cause allergies.

Relatively harmless E supplements

Relatively harmless additives:

  • E 160b – annatto extract (vitamin A), improves vision and immunity, prevents tumors. This additive must be used with caution as it is a strong allergen..
  • E 170 – calcium carbonate (chalk). The supplement improves blood clotting, restores calcium deficiency, but overdose can lead to serious illness, which in severe cases ends in death.
  • E 290 – carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Add to drinks. Such drinks will not harm healthy people, but those with gastritis and ulcers should avoid them, as they may cause belching, flatulence, and stomach problems. Frequent consumption of carbonated water flushes calcium from the body.
  • E 330 – citric acid. As an additive it is harmless, since it is added in small quantities, but in large quantities it can cause irritation in the stomach and respiratory tract, including vomiting blood, and in rare cases provokes cancerous tumors.
  • E 410 – carob gum(natural supplement). The gum is harmless, enhances the gelling of the finished product, preserves the taste and prevents crystallization. Add to desserts, ice cream, processed cheese, bread and rolls, sauces, pates, canned vegetables and fruits.
  • E 412 – guar gum.
  • E 415 – xanthan gum.
  • E 420 – sorbitol(natural preservative and sweetener). With the help of the supplement, the body's consumption of B vitamins is reduced. Do not use it if you are on a diet, since it is higher in calories than sugar. Excessive consumption may cause bloating, upset, and nausea.
  • E 471 – monoglyceride and diglyceride of fatty acids(natural supplement). This is a natural emulsifier and stabilizer, does not pose any harm, is absorbed by our body, like all fats, Eating in large quantities can cause obesity. It is added when making pates, margarine, mayonnaise, and yoghurts.
  • E 500 – sodium carbonate ( baking soda) . The supplement is safe. Used as a leavening agent in the confectionery industry, and also prevents caking and lump formation in dry products.
  • E 967 – xylitol(natural sugar substitute). The supplement has a choleretic effect, is a non-carbohydrate sugar substitute, and is prescribed for diabetics. Used in dietary products. Overdose may cause diarrhea and flatulence.

Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food products with explanation

Additives are strong carcinogens and cause skin rashes:

  • E 131 – patented V(blue). Promotes cancer growth, leads to allergies. Can be found in meat products and drinks.
  • E 142 – green S. Promotes cancer growth, leads to allergies.
  • E 153 – black coal grows
  • E 210 – benzoic acid. Studies have shown that the additive causes cancer, severe allergies, nervousness, and a person becomes hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat or vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 212 – potassium benzoate. Studies have shown that the additive promotes the development of cancer, causes severe allergies, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and makes a person hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 213 – calcium benzoate. After research, it became known that the additive provokes cancer, causes severe allergies, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and a person becomes hyperactive. Found in canned meat, vegetables, juice, drinks, chips, ketchup.
  • E 214-E 215 – ethyl ether. It has a bad effect on children, causes cancer and allergies.
  • E 216 – propyl ether, contributes to poisoning. Unscrupulous business owners add additives to chocolate and candies, canned meat, and dry mixes for soups.
  • E 219 – methyl ether sodium salt. Promotes poisoning, especially in children, allergies, and cancer. Found in ketchup, mayonnaise, canned fish and caviar.
  • E 230 – biphenyl, biphenyl. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 240 – formaldehyde. Poisons like arsenic and hydrocyanic acid are deadly and toxic. Causes diseases: cancer, allergies, skin inflammation, has a bad effect on children. It is also found in sausage products, drinks, and sweets.
  • E 249 – potassium nitrite. Causes cancer and has a bad effect on children. Found in smoked meats.
  • E 280 – propionic acid. Causes cancer and has a bad effect on children. Found in dairy products, sauces, and bread.
  • E 281-E 283 – sodium, calcium, potassium propionate. It provokes cancer, migraines and vascular spasms, and has a bad effect on children. Found in dairy and bread products, sauces.
  • E 310 – drank gallate. Causes skin rashes.
  • E 950 – acesulfame potassium Artificial substitutes have more calories than sugar, and they cause appetite, so you won’t be able to lose weight on them.
  • E 952 – sodium cyclamate(artificial sugar substitute). Contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease.
  • E 954 – saccharin(artificial sugar substitute). Do not consume on an empty stomach. Chronic consumption of saccharin can cause cholelithiasis, and a large number is cancer.
  • E 957 – thaumatin(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 965 – maltitol(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 968 – erythritol(artificial sugar substitute).

There may be E additives here

Some supplements cause skin rashes

Additives that cause stomach upset:

  • E 338 – orthophosphoric acid and its derivatives provoke diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • E 339, E 340, E 341 – sodium, potassium, calcium orthophosphate.
  • E 343 – magnesium orthophosphate. Provokes disorders in the intestines and stomach.
  • E 450 – pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 461 – methylcellulose. It provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines and negatively affects the child’s body.
  • E 462 – ethylcellulose
  • E 463 – hydroxypropylcellulose. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 465 – ethyl methylcellulose. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 466 – carboxymethylcellulose. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of cheeses and other dairy products, mayonnaise, ice cream, and sweet products.

E supplements that cause stomach upset

Additives leading to skin diseases:

  • E 151 – black shiny BN(synthetic black dye). Causes stomach, skin, and allergies. Banned in many countries. Can be found in dairy products, canned fruit and vegetables, pasta, seasonings, sauces, confectionery, ice cream, and drinks.
  • E 160d – red lycopene.
  • E 231 – orthophenylphenol. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 232 – calcium orthophenylphenol. Causes allergies, skin diseases, promotes the growth of cancer, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 239 – urotropine. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children. Found in cheeses and canned caviar.
  • E 311 – octyl gallate. Provokes allergies, stomach diseases, nervousness and skin diseases.
  • E 312 – dodecyl gallate. Provokes allergies, stomach and skin diseases, nervousness.
  • E 320 – butylated hydroxyanisole. Increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys, and skin. It is used to slow down oxidative processes in fat mixtures, meat, and chewing gum.
  • E 907 – poly 1 decene hydrogenated. Promotes skin irritation and rash.
  • E 951 – aspartame(artificial sugar substitute). Frequent use leads to a deficiency of serotonin in the brain, the development of depression, panic, elements of violence, and convulsions. They are used in the production of sweet carbonated drinks (especially imported ones) and chewing gum. Contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria. When heated, unexpected reactions occur and death may occur.
  • E 1105 – lysozyme.

E supplements that cause skin rashes

There may be harmful additives E

Supplements that cause intestinal upset:

  • E 154 – brown. Promotes cancer, disorders, allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 626 – guanylic acid
  • E 627 – sodium guanylate. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 628, E 629 – potassium, calcium guanylate. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 630 – inisinic acid. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 631 – sodium inisinate. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 632, E 633 – potassium, calcium inisinate. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 634, E 635 – calcium, sodium ribunucleotides. Promotes intestinal disorders.

There may be E supplements leading to intestinal disorders

Supplements That Increase Blood Pressure:

  • E 154 – brown. Promotes cancer, stomach disease, allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 250 – sodium nitrite
  • E 252 – potassium nitrate. The additive has an irritating effect, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. It can be found when smoking meat, sausages, fish, bacon, in the production of ham, sausages.

There are E supplements that increase blood pressure

Additives that are harmful to children's bodies:

  • E 270 – lactic acid. The additive is a strong antioxidant, found in fermented milk drinks, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers. Lactic acid improves intestinal flora, carbohydrate absorption, and adds energy to the body. Used in the manufacture of medicines, cheeses, yoghurts, mayonnaise. Give small children foods containing the additive carefully and little by little, since intolerance to it is common.

Attention. Children under 5 years old should not consume products even with the safest additives.

Children should be given foods with E additives carefully so as not to cause harm.

Dangerous additives (many countries have banned their use in food; they are used in Russia and Ukraine), their effect has not yet been fully studied:

  • E 101a, E 106 – sodium salt, sodium phosphate. The additive causes allergies, impairs vision, and kidney disease. Found in dry baby food, dairy products, sweet products, and drinks.
  • E 102 – tartrazine. Causes asthma, food allergies, migraines, and vision impairment. It is added to sweets, confectionery, drinks and ice cream.
  • E 103 – alkanine. Provokes the manifestation of cancer. Found in a pastry shop.
  • E 105 – durable AB. The additive promotes the growth of malignant tumors and is toxic. Can be found in confectionery and drinks.
  • E 110 – yellow “Sunset” FCF. A very dangerous additive, carcinogenic, causes nausea and allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Can be found in dairy products, crackers, sauces, seasonings, canned food, and sweet products.
  • E 111 – alpha-naphthol. The additive is carcinogenic.
  • E 120 – carminic acid. The danger is medium. Causes allergies. Used in sausages, yogurt and other dairy products, drinks, candies and sauces.
  • E 121 – citrus 2 red. The additive promotes cancer and is very toxic. Can be found on the packaging of ice cream, candies, drinks, and on the skins of oranges.
  • E 124 – red Ponceau 4R. The additive is a carcinogen and causes allergies.
  • E 125 – Ponceau red
  • E 126 – red 6R ponceau. Promotes the development of cancer. Dangerous.
  • E 127 – red erythrosine. Dangerous due to allergies, especially in children.
  • E 129 – charming AC. Carcinogenic.
  • E 130 – indanthren RS. Leads to the growth of cancer cells, stomach diseases, and negatively affects children.
  • E 143 – durable FCF. Promotes cancer growth. It is found in canned food, vegetables and fruits, sauces and seasonings, ice cream, and sweet products.
  • E 150a, E 150b, E 150c, E 150d – sugar color I-IV. Causes stomach diseases. Found in ice cream, chocolate butter, drinks, sauces, and sweet products.
  • E 152 – black coal(artificial). Leads to cancer and stomach diseases. Found in cheeses and confectionery.
  • E 155 – chocolate brown HT. A dangerous additive that provokes allergies in adults and children.
  • E 180 – ruby ​​lithol VK. Promotes liver diseases and allergies. Dangerous.
  • E 201 – sodium sorbate. Provokes allergies. Dangerous for children. It is found in cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, dumplings and confectionery, during the processing of vegetable oil.
  • E 211 – sodium benzoate. The additive leads to cancer, causes severe allergies, nervousness, and the person becomes hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 221 – sodium sulfite(preservative). Promotes stomach diseases, allergies, irritation in the respiratory tract, especially dangerous for children. Used to disinfect boxes.
  • E 222 – sodium hydrosulfite
  • E 223 – sodium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing products containing the additive is broken, death. It is found in canned fruit, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wines, and is used in the processing of dried fruits.
  • E 224 – potassium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing the product containing the additive is broken, death. Found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wine, and used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 228 – potassium hydrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, then asthma, stomach diseases, and if the instructions for preparing products with E-shka are not followed, death. It is found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals (mashed potatoes), tomatoes, wine, and is used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 233 – thiabendazole. Dangerous. It provokes cancer, skin diseases, allergies, and has a bad effect on children. Used to treat vegetables and fruits against mold development.
  • E 242 – dimethyl dicarbonate. Dangerous, but allowed.
  • E 251 – sodium nitrate. Used as a dye, preservative and seasoning. It has an irritating effect on the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, and for making ham, sausages and sausages.
  • E 321– butyl hydroxytoluene. It provokes diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, allergies, and increases bad cholesterol. It is used in the production of spreads, canned fish, and beer.
  • E 400 – alginic acid. Very dangerous.
  • E 401 – sodium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 402 – potassium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 403 – ammonium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 404 – calcium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 405 – propane 1,2 diol alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 407 – carrageenan. Causes stomach and intestinal diseases. Used in the production of sausages, dairy products, ice cream, and sweet products.
  • E 501 – potassium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 503 – ammonium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 620 – glutamic acid. Causes allergies, especially dangerous for children.
  • E 636 – maltol. Very dangerous.
  • E 952 – cyclamic acid, salt. Highly toxic. It is used in the production of ice cream, dietary products, sweets and chewing gum.

Types of E additives

Types of E additives

Additives prohibited in Russia.

About 200 types of harmful additives are banned in Russia, many of them are listed in this article.

Supplements, poorly studied, suspicious:

  • E 104 – quinoline(yellow and yellow-green). Causes allergies and intestinal diseases, especially in children. It is used for smoking fish, making drinks, sweets, and chewing gum.
  • E 122 – carmoisine, azorubine. A very dangerous additive that causes allergies and stomach diseases. Used in drinks and sweet products.
  • E 141 – green(synthetic dye). Causes stomach diseases. Found in dairy products.
  • E 173 – aluminum metallic. Promotes liver diseases.
  • E 241 – guaiac resin. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 477 – propane diol fatty acid esters.

E additives

The most harmful food additives in foods, bread, sausage, chocolate, dried fruits: list, codes

Very dangerous additives that stimulate the growth of cancer cells are banned throughout the world, but are still sometimes used by unscrupulous industrialists:

  • E 123 – amaranth. The additive causes various pathologies in an unborn child, in adults - liver disease, kidney disease, skin rashes, chronic runny nose. Found in dry mixes for desserts, jellies, muffins and puddings, and ice cream.
  • E 510 – ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride(confectionery improver). Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes upset, liver disease. Used in the production of yeast, flour, seasonings, sweets and dietary products.
  • E 513 – sulfuric acid. Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes upset, liver disease. Used in the production of yeast and drinks.
  • E 527 – ammonium hydroxide. Very dangerous, banned in many countries. Causes diarrhea and liver failure. Used if you need to obtain a homogeneous state from non-mixable products - water and oil.

Food additive E 171, E 220, E 250, E 450, E 451, E 452, E 621: harmful or not?

Meat products with E additives

There are different additives, harmful and not so:

  • E 171 – titanium dioxide. Promotes liver and kidney diseases, especially in children. Found in dry formulas and powdered milk.
  • E 220 – sulfur dioxide. Dangerous, especially for people with kidney diseases and children, causes stomach diseases, allergies, and irritates the respiratory system. The additive disinfects containers for dried fruits and is also used in the manufacture of canned meat and fruit.
  • E 250 – sodium nitrite. Used as a dye, preservative and seasoning. The additive has an irritating effect on the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, and for making ham, sausages and sausages.
  • E 450 – pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 451 – triphosphate. It provokes inflammation in the stomach, and cancer, and accumulates bad cholesterol. The additive is almost universally used to make sausage, especially boiled sausage, because it retains moisture and the sausage doubles in size.
  • E 452 – polyphosphate. The additive can seriously harm your health: it accumulates in the body, and then causes allergies, and, together with bad cholesterol, can turn into cancer. It is found in processed cheese, dry and condensed milk, and canned food.
  • E 621 – monosodium glutamate (sodium salt). This salt occurs naturally in legumes, algae, and living organisms, like protein. If there is a small amount of it in food, it is safe. The danger is the constant consumption of chips, condiments and sauces with additives. This can be expressed in the form of blurred vision, allergies, nervous conditions, headaches, increased heart rate and general weakness.

So, by at least learning about healthy supplements, you will know which products you can buy in the store and which you cannot.

Video: E supplements

List of harmful food additives E...

Designations of food additives starting with the letter E appeared on all food packaging in Russia after 1996.
The inscription on the packaging “E124 is a safe food additive approved by ES standards” does not guarantee the safety of the additive! Firstly, this does not mean that this supplement can be consumed in any quantity.

Secondly, not everything that is permitted in Europe is permitted in Russia.

The results of new scientific research lead to the creation of some and the restriction of the consumption of other additives, even those previously considered safe.

E 100 - 199 - dyes
Products with red and yellow dyes, such as tartrazine E102, often cause food allergies. This dye is used in candies, ice cream, confectionery, and drinks.

E127 has a toxic effect, causing thyroid diseases.

E 200 - 299 - preservatives
The infamous sodium nitrites and nitrates are E250 and E251. They are still used everywhere, despite the fact that they cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headaches, liver colic, irritability and fatigue.

Substances designated by code E231 and E232 are harmful to the skin. These additives are used in the production of various sausages, meat products with a long shelf life and canned food.

Dyes and preservatives have a bad effect on immune system, disrupt the natural intestinal microflora. And functional disorders of the intestine sometimes lead to cancer and cardiovascular pathologies. Metabolism and liver suffer. On February 22, 2005, the use of additives with the index E216 and E217 was prohibited in Russia in order to prevent the threat of mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) of the population. Scientists speak out more harshly - these substances can provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors. Previously, these additives were used in the production of meat and confectionery products.

E 300 - 399 - antioxidants
Antioxidants (also called antioxidants) slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil emulsions. Fats thus do not go rancid and do not change their color over time.

E311 can cause allergies and asthma attacks. An asthma attack can also be triggered by the supplements E320 and E321 (found in some fatty foods and chewing gums). E320 retains water in the body and increases cholesterol levels.

E 400 - 499 - thickeners, stabilizers
Thickeners and stabilizers increase viscosity. They are almost always added to low-fat products - mayonnaise and yoghurt. The thick consistency creates the illusion of a “quality product”. May cause diseases of the digestive system.

E 500 - 599 - emulsifiers
Emulsifiers create a homogeneous mixture of immiscible products, such as water and oil. They have a negative effect on the liver and cause stomach upset. Emulsifiers E510, E513 and E527 are especially dangerous in this regard.

E 600 - 699 - taste enhancers
“Miracle seasoning” allows you to save on natural meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and seafood. A few crushed fibers of a natural product or even its extract are added to the dish, generously flavored with an enhancer, and you get a “real” taste. The additive successfully masks the low quality of the original product, for example, old or low-grade meat. The flavor enhancer is found in almost all fish, chicken, mushroom, and soy semi-finished products, as well as in chips, crackers, sauces, various dry seasonings, bouillon cubes and dry soups. Not a single recipe in a fast food restaurant is complete without flavor enhancers. In this case, the permissible standards may be exceeded; the maximum dosage of this additive should create the illusion of a “quality product.” May cause diseases of the digestive system.

The most famous flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate E621. There has been fierce controversy surrounding this supplement for many years. American neurophysiologist John Olney discovered in the mid-70s that monosodium glutamate can cause brain damage in rats. And Japanese scientist Hiroshi Oguro recently proved that this food additive has an adverse effect on the retina. 30% of people who frequently eat foods with monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, increased heart rate, muscle weakness, fever and bloating in the chest. This additive is especially often used in oriental cuisine Therefore, experts have combined the described symptoms with the term “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamine. There is a lot of it, for example, in celery root. This amino acid and its salts are involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, have a stimulating effect and are used in psychiatry. IN pure form This substance has neither taste nor smell, but enhances the taste of any dish. To a person who often consumes monosodium glutamate, natural food seems tasteless because taste recognition receptors lose sensitivity. This is how a person becomes dependent on the “tasty seasoning.” In order not to scare away the buyer, manufacturers do not always call the E621 seasoning by its name. It is often referred to as “flavoring additive” or “taste improver.” Sometimes this formulation also hides E622 - monopotassium glutamate, which is prohibited for use in Russia. Of the 18 known flavor enhancers, 6 are allowed in Russia, but they can hardly be considered useful.

E 900 - 999 - defoamers, glazing agents, sweeteners, disintegrants.
These additives prevent or reduce the formation of foam, create a shiny, smooth shell, provide the product with a sweet taste and make the dough more fluffy. Defoamers, glazing agents and disintegrants do not pose a great danger to the body.

The most serious claims are made against the sweetener aspartame.
It is included in more than 6,000 products. At 30 degrees Celsius, aspartame begins to break down into methanol (methyl alcohol) and formaldehyde, which is considered a carcinogen. Chronic use of aspartame often causes headaches, ringing in the ears, allergies and depression.
Another sweetener, cyclamate, has been banned in the USA, France, Great Britain and some other countries since 1969. It is believed to cause kidney failure. These sweeteners are widely used in the production of soft drinks. They increase appetite and cause thirst.

E-additives banned in Russia
E121 - citrus red, dye
E123 - red amaranth, dye
E240 - formaldehyde, preservative
E-additives allowed in Russia, but considered dangerous
Causes the growth of malignant tumors: E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152,
E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.
Cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466.
Allergens: E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-313.
Causes liver and kidney diseases: E171 173, E320-322.

Recently, people are increasingly using various nutritional supplements. They are a simple and cheap way to improve the color and appearance of the finished dish, as well as enhance its taste and extend its shelf life. The European Community decided to simply call such additives the letter E with a number. The international classification system identified numbers and divided all additives into groups, depending on the principle of action.

Effect on the human body of E supplements from tables with permitted and harmful substances

Many people think that if a product or dish contains additive E, then the product is necessarily harmful. Actually this is not true. Therefore, all elements are divided by the Ministry of Health according to tables into dangerous E additives in products and useful ones. Some elements have a dual effect, while others bring only benefits:

  • Firstly, these substances help to increase the shelf life of products, which significantly saves consumers time and money.
  • Secondly, they help improve the taste of dishes.

In most cases, the negative effect on the human body is the difficulty of digesting E-substances. The synthetic component of additives damages organs and causes irreparable harm in large quantities.

You can completely avoid using harmful E-additives in products from the tables of permitted and harmful substances. But those who use them in moderation receive much more benefit than those who completely abandon them.

Some E supplements are only harmful when consumed in large quantities. But you should pay special attention to substances called carcinogens. They have a very harmful property - they accumulate in the human body and negatively affect human health, causing problems with well-being at a certain point, and so on.

It should be remembered that any change in products or dishes (modification) increases their potential health hazard. Eating foods that have artificially (synthetically) enhanced taste or color is deceiving your body.

The distribution of E-additives by hazard class was introduced not so long ago, so the official ban on the use of some of them was also introduced recently. However, most manufacturers have not stopped adding these substances to products.

Previously, any product contained a composition that was clear to everyone, including the additives used from group E. Now the name of the additive with a code is not directly indicated on cans, bags or bottles. Instead, manufacturers write on the packages in the composition column foreign names that are incomprehensible to the average person for well-known elements of category E.

Such tricks are used by manufacturers because the official Latin names of the elements are difficult to read and remember. Therefore, when visiting stores, it is best to take with you a phone to write down the name, a phone with a camera, or just a pen and a piece of paper to write down unclear names and check their decoding.

Since recently most people have smartphones with Internet access, you can go online right in the store and check the composition of the product you are purchasing.

Additive groups

All E additives from the tables of permitted and harmful substances are divided into the following groups:

  • E100 - E182. This group includes dyes used as food coloring substances.
  • E200 - E299. The group includes preservatives that increase the shelf life of products and prepared meals.
  • E300 - E399. It contains antioxidants, which, along with preservatives, slow down the oxidation processes in products and protect them from spoilage.
  • E400 - E499. The group contains stabilizers that help maintain the consistency of the finished product.
  • E500 - E599. Includes substances similar to stabilizers that maintain the structure of dishes and products.
  • E600 - E699. The group includes elements that enhance the aroma and taste of products.
  • E700 - E899. There are no elements contained here. Numbers are reserved for new items.
  • E900 - E999. The group includes anti-flaming agents (defoamers, sweeteners) and other substances.

Preservatives, dyes and stabilizers

The complete table of E-additives, consisting of two parts (allowed and harmful substances), contains elements included in the groups of preservatives and dyes and stabilizers. The need for preservatives is due to the need to preserve products by destroying the bacteria contained in the products.

Even without studying the composition of products or sold ready-made meals, the presence of preservatives can be determined. Long-storable and non-perishable products obtain such properties only by adding preservatives to them. Otherwise, their shelf life would be reduced to a minimum.

In pickled mushrooms, jams, compotes, juices, etc., formaldehyde (preservative E with number 240) is most often present. Along with this substance, stabilizers act as antibiotics.

Among the dyes, there are also harmful substances in the table of food E-additives. These include red citrus dye E121 and amaranth dye E123. They are found in non-recommended sweets, carbonated soft drinks and ice cream (colored). These substances belong to the category of prohibited E-additives in the hazard table and can cause a malignant tumor.


They include both harmful and beneficial food E-additives from the table of permitted and harmful substances. The most commonly found substances are minerals. These include:

  • sodium bicarbonate (soda) E500,
  • hydrochloric acid (E507),
  • sulfuric acid (E513).

The group of useful E-additives from the table of permitted and harmful substances also includes potassium and sodium nitrates (E250, E252, E251). For example, they return the pink color to minced sausage that has lost its color during processing and prevent stomach bloating when eating cheeses. Substances are also found in sprats, smoked fish and canned herring.

These E-additives from the table of harmful and permitted substances are considered harmful only for people with intestinal diseases, liver diseases, cholecystitis or dysbacteriosis. Once in the body affected by the disease, the substances become toxic and form nitrosamines - potent carcinogens.


Many people use E supplements from the table below as sweeteners in products. This group includes the following substances:

These elements, being both harmful and beneficial food E-supplements from the table, are useful for people suffering from diabetes, but at the same time harm the liver.

People who have had hepatitis should exclude such supplements from their diet for six months after the illness.

General list of harmful substances

The hazard table for additives E can be presented without indicating the names of the elements.

Particularly harmful or prohibited, as well as particularly dangerous substances (according to information from the Ministry of Health) include the following:

Characteristic Additive code

Very dangerous

E123 E510 E513 E527
Dangerous E102 E110 E120 E124 E127 E129 E155 E180 E201 E220
E223 E224 E228 E233 E242 E400 E401 E402 E403
E405 E501 E502 E503 E620 E636 E637
Carcinogenic E131 E142 E153 E210 E212 E213 E214 E215 E216 E219
E230 E249 E280 E281 E282 E283 E310 E354
Causing stomach upset E338 E339 E340 E341 E343 E450 E461 E462 E463 E465
Provoking skin diseases E151 E150 E231 E232 E239 E311 E312 E320 E907 E951
Causing intestinal upset E154 E626 E627 E628 E629 E630 E631 E632 E633 E634
Causing disturbances blood pressure E154 E250 E252
Dangerous for children E270
Prohibited E103 E105 E111 E121 E123 E125 E126 E130 E152 E211
Suspicious E104 E122 E111 E171 E173 E241 E477

All of the listed substances, for various reasons, are classified as harmful E-additives in the table.

Most Used Healthy Supplements

According to the degree of danger, food E-additives from the table of permitted and harmful substances can be divided into useful, neutral, harmful to humans or prohibited by the Ministry of Health.

There are also supplements of a beneficial-neutral type. These are a number of useful E supplements from the table below that do not harm the human body. However, even these substances are not recommended for use by persons under five years of age.

Additive code

Substance name

Curcumin (dye)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Carotene, annatto extract and lycopene

Beetroot betanin

Calcium carbonate

Lactic acid

Ascorbic acid

E306, E308, E307, E309

Tocopherol (vitamin E)

Succinic acid (acidifier)

Magnesium carbonate (raising agent)

Thaumatin (sweetener)

The useful E supplements from the table include the following substances:

  1. Dye E100 (official name - curcumin). The substance is found in sauces, curries (powdered), jams, cooked rice dishes, fish spreads or candied fruits. This element helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, increases hemoglobin, and helps prevent the development of diabetes, cancer and arthritis. It also has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines (helps normalize microflora, restores the liver at the cellular level, helps in the fight against intestinal infections and ulcers, etc.).
  2. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) E101. The vitamin is involved in protein and fat metabolism and redox reactions. It promotes the synthesis of other vitamins in the body, helps maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin, helps the normal formation and development of the fetus and the growth of the child. Riboflavin effectively helps with psycho-emotional tension, depression or stress.
  3. Carotene, annatto extract and lycopene (E160a, b, d). These E160 group substances have strong antioxidant properties. They also help preserve and improve vision, help strengthen the immune system and protect against cancer-related diseases. Moreover, these elements are strong allergens.
  4. Beetroot betanin (E162). It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, lowers vascular tone and reduces pressure in the arteries, which helps reduce the risk of heart attack. Betanin improves the digestibility of plant and animal proteins, synthesizes choline and stimulates cellular function in the liver. The element does not allow cancer to develop and does not allow tumors to develop from benign to malignant.
  5. Calcium carbonate (E170) is a well-known chalk. It affects blood clotting, is involved in muscle contraction, and is the main element in teeth and bones. Moreover, its overdose causes milk-alkali syndrome.
  6. Lactic acid (E270). As an element that makes up dairy products, it helps normalize intestinal microflora and promotes carbohydrate absorption.
  7. Ascorbic acid (E300) - vitamin C. Few people know that the decoding of food additives E from the table of permitted and harmful substances contains information about the presence of a beneficial vitamin among the “harmful” elements. It helps strengthen the immune system and is a strong antioxidant, which allows the body to be protected from free-type radicals.
  8. Tocopherol (E306 - 309) - vitamin E. It helps accelerate skin regeneration, protects the skin from toxins, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, thinning the blood and stimulating the activity of red blood cells.
  9. Lecithin (E322). Enters the caviar egg white and milk. The element has a positive effect on the immune system, calms the nervous system, reduces cholesterol levels, improves hematopoiesis and bile composition, and slows down the development of cirrhosis.
  10. Acidifier (E363) - succinic acid. Included in soups, desserts, broths and powdered drinks.
  11. Agar (E406) is an element of algae composition. It contains vitamin PP, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and iodine in large quantities. Has a gelling effect, which is useful for confectionery or Food Industry. The increased iodine content helps stimulate the thyroid gland, removes waste and toxins, and improves intestinal function.
  12. Pectin (E440). The element is found in grapes, apples, citrus fruits, and plums. The substance helps remove waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body and helps cleanse the intestines. It also protects the gastric mucosa from damage, relieves pain and heals ulcers, and lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, there is still a small degree of harm from the dietary E-additive from the table. It is a strong allergen.
  13. Baking powder (E504) - magnesium carbonate. It includes table salt, cheese, chewing gum.
  14. Sweetener (E957) - thaumatin. Contained in dried fruits, ice cream, and sugar-free chewing gum.

Neutral additives

There are many neutral food additives E with a breakdown in the table of permitted and harmful substances.

The action of these substances is as follows:

  • E140 - chlorophyll (dye). Promotes green coloring of products. The element is not harmful to health, according to some experts it is useful (helps eliminate toxins, heal wounds and eliminate unpleasant odors from the body)
  • E202 - sorbic acid. The substance inhibits the growth of mold in products due to its powerful antimicrobial effect. Used in cheeses, sausages, smoked meats and rye bread. Is safe for health.
  • E260 - acetic acid. This E additive from the table is the most common acid regulator. A small dosage is beneficial by breaking down carbohydrates and fats. An increase in concentration above 30% has a negative effect on the E additive from the full table, causing skin and mucous burns. The element is present in sauces, mayonnaise, canned vegetables, meat and fish, and confectionery products.
  • E330 - citric acid. It enhances the taste of foods and prepared dishes, regulates acidity and is a preservative. Like other types of acids, it does not cause harm in small doses. In concentrated form, it can cause a burn to the mouth, stomach, esophagus, as well as irritation of the skin and respiratory tract.
  • E410, 415, 412 - gum. Present in desserts, ice cream, processed cheeses, canned fruit and vegetables, pates, sauces, flour products as a natural additive. The substance is known for its jelly-like properties and preventing the crystallization of products. The element is safe for the body, and at the same time has a beneficial property - reducing appetite.
  • E471 - di- and monoglycerides of acids (fatty). The substances are natural stabilizers and emulsifiers. They are present in pate, mayonnaise, and yogurt. Excessive consumption leads to weight gain.
  • E500 - baking soda. Used as a leavening agent for bakery and confectionery products, preventing the formation of lumps and caking of finished products. Does not harm human health.
  • E917, E916 - potassium and calcium iodides. Additives that are in the group have not been fully studied. Hypothetically stimulate the functioning of the gland (thyroid), protect against radiation radiation. Taking a large amount causes poisoning.
  • E951 - aspartame, E950 - acesulfame potassium, E952 - sodium cyclamate, E957 - thaumatin, E954 - saccharin, E967 - xylitol, E965 - maltitol, E968 - erythritol (sweeteners and sweeteners). Found in carbonated drinks, desserts, candies, chewing gum and some low-calorie foods.

Decoding E-additives from the table (harmful and beneficial) remains a matter of debate. Despite the identification of a group of neutral substances, some still consider them dangerous. But, like any substances, even neutral elements, if abused, can cause Negative consequences.

Dangerous food additives and their effect on the human body

Some substances, despite their harmful properties, are used in the food industry.

According to the danger, food E-additives from the table presented above are divided into the following most well-known elements:

  1. E104 - yellow-green quinoline (dye). It is present in sweets, chewing gum, carbonated drinks, groceries, smoked fish, etc. The substance can cause a severe allergic reaction or diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a special effect on the children's body.
  2. E210, E212, E211, E213 - benzoic acid with derivatives. These substances cause severe harm to human health, especially harming children. The elements can cause allergic reactions, the development of cancerous diseases, and nervous overexcitation. Acids can also have a negative effect on the respiratory system and intellectual abilities of a person. Despite this, harmful substances are found in many products. Such products include ketchup, chips, canned meat or vegetables, carbonated drinks, juices, etc. Moreover, these E-additives from the table are not prohibited by the Ministry of Health of many countries.
  3. E221, E223, E222, E224, E226, E225, E228, E227 - sulfites. The group of these poorly studied and dangerous food additives includes many quickly prepared dishes (canned vegetables and fruits, instant mashed potatoes, tomato paste, wine, starch and many others). Containers are disinfected with sulfites and all dried fruits are processed. The harmful properties of the substance are that they cause a strong allergic reaction and provoke, by irritating the bronchi, asthma attacks in the bronchi and diseases of the stomach and intestines. If products containing sulfites are prepared improperly, their consumption can be fatal.
  4. E239 - urotropine. A special feature of the action is the ability to increase the shelf life of canned caviar and cheeses. The strong carcinogenic effect allows this substance to be classified as harmful to human health. In addition, methenamine is a strong allergen that promotes the development of skin diseases.
  5. E250, E252, E251 - nitrates and nitrites. These substances are included in sausage products to give the product a rich pink color. The beneficial effect of nitrates is to protect products from the effects of microbial agents and from oxidation. Others useful properties the elements do not. The danger of nitrates and nitrites lies in their strong carcinogenic effect, which causes intestinal and lung cancer to develop. Some people experience an allergic reaction in the form of choking. In addition, the substances affect the heart and vascular system, causing pressure surges in the arteries due to a sharp narrowing and dilation of blood vessels. In the area of ​​nervous activity, these elements cause other actions (headaches, lack of coordination or convulsions).
  6. E280, E282, E281, E283 - propionates (preservatives). These substances are present in dairy products, baked goods and various sauces. The negative effect of substances is manifested in the appearance of spasms in the blood vessels of the brain. Excessive consumption contributes to migraines. The elements are prohibited for use by children.
  7. E290 - gas (carbon dioxide). Most often present in carbonated drinks. The harmful properties include the ability to wash calcium out of the human body, which is especially harmful for children, as well as causing belching, flatulence, exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis.
  8. E510 - ammonium chloride. Improves dough when used as a component of yeast, bread, baked goods, diet food or flour. The negative impact is expressed in harmful effects on the intestines, liver, stomach and intestines.
  9. E621 - sodium glutamate. This substance is one of the most famous food additives. It is an important element of seaweed, legumes and soy sauce. It enhances the taste by being part of chips, seasonings, sauces and semi-finished products. A small amount of the supplement is harmless to humans. But its systematic or excessive use contributes to the accumulation and deposition of sodium salts in various organs. This can lead to the development of tachycardia, decreased visual acuity, general weakness, severe headaches, nervous agitation, allergic reactions in the form of itching of the skin and facial hyperemia.

The above list is incomplete. It contains only the most harmful and dangerous additives, which are very often used.

Prohibited additives

Prohibited but frequently used substances include the following:

  • E102 - tartrazine yellow. It is used to color ice cream, sweets, carbonated drinks and yoghurts. The element may cause serious allergic-type reactions, migraines or nervous agitation. In most countries, it is prohibited for use and is extremely dangerous to the health of children.
  • E121 - red citrus dye. This substance is added to hard candies, carbonated drinks and hard candies. Has strong carcinogenic properties. In most countries around the world it is prohibited for use.
  • E123 - amaranth (dark red dye). It is used in all children's favorite jellies, desserts, puddings, ice cream, breakfast cereals, muffins and more. This chemical food additive affects the kidneys and liver, provokes the development of severe allergic reactions, runny nose (chronic) and diseases in the field of oncology.
  • E240 - formaldehyde. This substance is a preservative that is present in prepared sausages and meat products, various drinks, desserts, jellies, candies, chewing gum and similar products. It has strong carcinogenic properties, causing allergic reactions and malfunctions nervous system and intoxication in the body.
  • E924b, E924a - calcium and potassium bromates. These substances help improve product quality and oxidation of products in the production of bakery products, and are also used as defoamers for carbonated drinks. These substances have strong carcinogenic properties. In most countries around the world, these additives are prohibited by order of the Ministry of Health.

Tables of harmful and beneficial E-additives contain a large number of elements, many of which do not benefit to the human body neither benefit nor harm, affecting only the characteristics of the food product. At the same time, excessive consumption of any, even the most useful substance from the list of E-supplements, can lead to health problems. Therefore, before consuming any products, you must carefully read what they contain. If it contains substances from the category of harmful E-additives, it should be consumed either with caution or not at all.

In this section we will consider food additives prohibited in food production.

Officially, the use of only 8 E is prohibited in Russia:

  1. E121 – citrus red 2 (synthetic dye). The World Health Organization classifies the dye as a toxic substance. According to the results of test tests, it is recognized as a carcinogen; it has a negative effect on the human urinary system and lungs - it activates the growth of cancer cells and the formation of malignant tumors.
  2. – amaranth (artificial coloring). Has carcinogenic properties: increases the likelihood of the formation of malignant tumors; is the cause of fetal growth retardation and intrauterine defects.
  3. E128 – red 2G (artificial dye). It has an adverse effect on the human nervous system: it causes memory impairment, coordination, and a state of general malaise. Based on the results of experiments on animals, it is classified as a carcinogen.
  4. Dye E128 has been banned since 2007 by G.G. Onishchenko (Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation). Until 2007 it was used in the production of sausages and frankfurters.

  5. E216 – propylparaben (preservative). It is believed that the preservative is a strong allergen, causes infertility in men and provokes the formation of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands of women. There is no scientific evidence.
  6. E217 – sodium salt of propyl ether para-hydroxybenzoic acid (preservative). Contraindicated for people prone to allergies and asthmatics. The preservative causes headaches, disrupts digestive functions, and causes the growth of malignant tumors.
  7. E216 and E217 were previously included in the list of permitted ones. It was believed that they do not have a detrimental effect on the human body. Excluded in 2005 by resolution of G.G. Onishchenko.

  8. – formaldehyde (preservative). It provokes the occurrence of cancer, in particular of the nasopharynx. The lethal dose of oral administration is 60-90 ml.
  9. E924a – potassium bromate (baking improver). It has carcinogenic properties and has a toxic effect on the urinary system.
  10. E924b – calcium bromate (baking improver). Toxic to human skin and mucous membranes, the cause of the rapid growth of malignant tumors.

Setting safety standards

The official document permitting the import and use of food additives is Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Health dated April 18, 2003 No. 59.

The resolution put into effect SanPiN, Appendix 1 of which contains the List of additives permitted for import and use in industry.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Rospotrebnadzor periodically conduct analyzes.

When, according to research results, an additive is useful for the human body, it is subject to exclusion from the List. In this case, a resolution “On the prohibition of the use of food additives” is issued.

The List does not contain any prohibited additives or those that are not approved in Russian Federation. Unauthorized are those that pose a danger or whose safety has not yet been proven by scientific research (they are currently being carried out, or have not been carried out at all). For example, E925 – chlorine (bleach); E233 – thiabendazole (preservative).

Reasons for the ban

There are the following criteria for the ban on the import of products containing them into the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the ban on their use in the food production process:

  • has carcinogenic properties: it causes the formation of malignant tumors in the human body;
  • adversely affects human health: disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, digestive and urinary systems, reproductive system, neurovascular system;
  • causes allergic reactions;
  • has a toxic effect on the human body.

Now that you know which impurities are prohibited in the Russian Federation, let's talk about those that are allowed in Russia.



Category Classification code Products with added
Food coloringsConfectionery, liqueurs, processed meats, breakfast cereals
Preservatives-E203Confectionery, canned vegetables, fish products, soft drinks
Antioxidants-E312Chewing gum, sauces, mayonnaise, margarine, baked goods, chocolate, processed cheese, sausages, Coca-Cola
StabilizersE400-Marmalade, ice cream, cream cheeses, sauces, marshmallows, fruit fillings, candies
Emulsifiers-E501Confectionery, cheeses, milk powder, cottage cheese, canned vegetables, chips
E620-E637Meat and fish semi-finished products, chips, canned food, sauces, products instant cooking(soups, noodles)
Glazing agentsE900-E905eChewing gum, candy, dried fruit, confectionery for diabetics, ice cream, sauces, canned fruit, alcohol
Sweeteners, raising agents, acidity regulatorsE1200-E1204Sausages, cheeses, breath fresheners, confectionery
E1400-E1405Bread, pasta, yogurt, canned fish, chewing gum, baby food
Chemical solventsE1503Spirits, kvass, kefir, non-alcoholic beer, confectionery

Availability in food products is not a reason to throw any treats into the trash bin. It’s definitely worth avoiding 8. Remember that the list of approved products is quite wide.

It is compiled by government agencies interested in the health of the nation, based on research, and is systematically revised. Consumption of products containing approved additives does not pose a health risk.

We hope you will find the list of prohibited impurities we have prepared useful and you now know exactly which are prohibited in Russia and which are allowed.

food supplements with E in products

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) definition, food additives are natural compounds and chemical substances, which in themselves are not usually eaten, but are deliberately introduced into foods in limited quantities. IN different countries, about 500 food additives are used in food production.

Additives are developed by microbiologists and chemists, then tested from several months to several years. If the tests are successful, then the regulatory organization of the country where the additive was developed recommends it for widespread use.

What is the meaning or, more correctly, the function of additives? Additives regulate the moisture content of products, crush and loosen, emulsify and compact, bleach and glaze, oxidize, cool and preserve, and so on. They can even turn foods into foam.

The letter "E" is an abbreviation for "Europe" - Europe, as the European Commission on Food Additives labels chemical compounds contained in products. This is followed by a three- or four-digit number, in which the full name of the mysterious compound is encoded. The numbers began to be used in 1953 to shorten the names of chemical additives that are too long.

Thus, additives with code E-1** are dyes of artificial or natural origin.

The preservative code is E-2**, they prevent the development of bacteria in products.

Antioxidants (E-3**) prevent fat oxidation and prevent the development of toxic bacteria. Tocopherols and vitamin E are coded under E-306 and E-309 - these are safe additives, which cannot be said about the antioxidants BHA (E-320) and BHT (E-321).

Stabilizers and emulsifiers (E-4**) improve the texture and appearance of products. Sweeteners (E-4** and E-9**) are widely used and are approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar. Some of them (for example, E-952, a cyclamate used in carbonated drinks) are not safe enough. Flavor enhancers and other additives (E-2**, E-3**, E-5**, E-9**) are used both at the preparation stage and in the final products.

There are a lot of additives, and they differ in their effects. For example, nitrates (E-250 - sodium nitrite, E-251 - sodium nitrate and E-252 - potassium nitrate) are found in sausages, smoked fish, sprats, and canned herring. They are also added to hard cheeses, to prevent swelling. Products containing these additives should not be consumed by people suffering from liver diseases, intestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis, or cholecystitis. In such people, part of the nitrates entering the gastrointestinal tract, turns into more toxic nitrites, which in turn form quite strong carcinogens - nitrosamines. And E-620 - glutamic acid and E-621 - glutamate are used to enhance and preserve taste. Neither glutamic acid nor its salts can be called harmful compounds. On the contrary, the heart muscle and brain especially need this acid. By the way, if there is a shortage, our body itself can begin to synthesize it. But when there is an excess, it begins to have a toxic effect, especially on the liver and pancreas.

The bad news is that the packaging does not indicate the amount of additives contained, so it is difficult to determine the amount of product that is safe to consume per day.

There are also harmful food additives, previously there were only three of them - E-121 (citrus red dye), E-123 (amaranth dye) and E-240 (formaldehyde preservative). The first two are usually found in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream, and E-240 - from the category of preservatives - is present in canned food of any kind (mushrooms, compotes, jams, juices, etc.) It has already been scientifically proven that all three additives may contribute to the formation of malignant tumors. Interestingly, just a few years ago, banned additives, such as E-240, were used quite legally. In particular, such indices were on the wrappers of MARS chocolate bars, and formally the manufacturing company acted absolutely correctly - at that moment there was no ban on this additive. There are no prohibited indices on the wrappers of current MARS cars.

Now E-216 (para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester) and E-217 (para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester, sodium salt) have also been added. These preservatives were often used in the production of candies, filled chocolates, jelly coating meat products, pates, soups and broths.

In general terms:
A code starting with 1 means dyes; 2 - preservatives, 3 - antioxidants (they prevent spoilage of the product), 4 - stabilizers (preserve its consistency), 5 - emulsifiers (maintain the structure), 6 - flavor and aroma enhancers, 9 - anti-flaming, that is antifoaming agents. Indices with a four-digit number indicate the presence of sweeteners - substances that preserve the friability of sugar or salt, glazing agents.
Food additives E that do not have a harmful effect on human health when used for production food products. (SanPin. 2.3.2. 1078-01)

Food additives - dyes:
E-100, E-101, E-102, E-103, E-104, E-107, E-110, E-120, E-122, E-124, E-128, E-129, E- 131, E-132, E-133, E-140, E-141, E-142, E-143, E-150а, E-150b, E-150с, E-150d, E-151, E-152, E-153, E-155, E-160a, E-160b, E-160c, E-160d, E-160e, E-160f, E-161a, E-161b, E-161c, E-161d, E- 161e, E-161f, E-161g, E-162, E-163, E-170, E-171, E-172, E-174, E-175, E-181, E-182.
Food additives - preservatives:
E-200, E-201, E-202, E-203, E-209, E-210, E-211, E-212, E-213, E-214, E-215, E-216, E- 217, E-218, E-219, E-220, E-221, E-222, E-223, E-224, E-225, E-226, E-227, E-228, E-230, E-231, E-232, E-234, E-235, E-236, E-237, E-238, E-239, E-241, E-249, E-250, E-251, E- 252, E-260, E-261, E-262, E-263, E-264, E-265, E-266, E-270, E-281, E-282, E-283, E-290 ( gas for saturation of drinks), E-296 (malic acid - acidity regulator), E-297 (fumaric acid - acidity regulator).
Food additives – antioxidants:
E-300 (ascorbic acid), E-301, E-302, E-303, E-304, E-305, E-306, E-307, E-308 (synthetic), E-309 (synthetic), E-310, E-311, E-312, E-314, E-315, E-316, E-317, E-318, E-319, E-320, E-321, E-322, E- 323, E-325, E-326, E-327, E-328, E-329, E-330, E-331(substituted), E-332(substituted), E-333, E-334, E- 335(substituted), E-336(substituted), E-337, E-338, E-339(substituted), E-340(substituted), E-341(substituted), E-342(substituted), E- 343(substituted), E-345, E-349, E-350(substituted), E-351(substituted), E-352, E-353, E-354, E-355, E-356, E-357 , E-359, E-363, E-366, E-367, E-368, E-375, E-380, E-381, E-383, E-384, E-385, E-386, E -387, E-391.
Food additives – thickeners:
E-400, E-401, E-402, E-403, E-404, E-405, E-406, E-407, E-407a, E-409, E-410, E-411, E- 412, E-413, E-414, E-415, E-416, E-417, E-418, E-419, E-420, E-421, E-422, E-430, E-431, E-432, E-433, E-434, E-435, E-436, E-440, E-442, E-444, E-445, E-446, E-450, E-451, E- 452, E-459, E-462, E-466, E-468, E-469.
Food additives – emulsifiers:
E-460, E-461, E-463, E-464, E-465, E-467, E-470, E-471, E-472a, E-472b, E-472c, E-472d, E- 472e, E-472f, E-472g, E-473, E-474, E-475, E-476, E-477, E-478, E-479, E-480, E-481, E-482, E-483, E-491, E-492, E-493, E-494, E-495, E-496.
Food additives – acidity regulators and leavening agents that prevent caking and clumping:
E-500, E-501, E-503, E-504, E-505, E-507, E-508, E-509, E-510, E-511, E-513, E-515, E- 516, E-517, E-518, E-519, E-520, E-521, E-522, E-523, E-524, E-525, E-526, E-527, E-528, E-529, E-530, E-535, E-536, E-538, E-539, E-541, E-542, E-550, E-551, E-552, E-553, E- 554, E-555, E-556, E-558, E-559, E-560, E-570, E-574, E-575, E-576, E-577, E-578, E-579, E-580, E-585 (iron lactate, color stabilizer).
Food additives – taste and aroma enhancers:
E-620, E-621(substituted), E-622(substituted), E-623, E-624(substituted), E-524, E-625, E-626, E-627(substituted), E- 628(substituted), E-629, E-630, E-631(substituted), E-632, E-633, E-634, E-635(substituted), E-636, E-637, E-640 , E-641, E-642.
Nutritional supplements have been used in nutrition since ancient times. Natural dyes, flavors, and preservatives were added to the products. It is thanks to food additives: preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers that products acquire a beautiful color, taste, and smell.

  • Some food additives, designated by the letter code E, can trigger the development of certain diseases. These include:

    · E-103, E-105, E-121, E-123, E-125, E-126, E-130, E-131, E-142, E-153 – dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, and colored ice cream. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    · E-171-173 – dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, and colored ice cream. May lead to liver and kidney diseases.

    · E-210, E-211, E-213-217, E-240 – preservatives. Available in canned food of any kind (mushrooms, compotes, juices, jams). Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    · E-221-226 – preservatives. Used for any canning. May lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

    · E-230-232, E-239 – preservatives. Contained in canned food of any kind. May cause allergic reactions.

    · E-311-313 – antioxidants (antioxidants). Found in yoghurts, fermented milk products, sausages, butter, chocolate. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    · E-407, E-447, E-450 – stabilizers and thickeners. Contained in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause liver and kidney diseases.

    · E-461-466 – stabilizers and thickeners. Found in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    · E-924a, E-924b - defoamers. Contained in carbonated drinks. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    There is regulation of food additives; our standards are somewhat lower than European standards. Mainly preservatives and synthetic antioxidants, dyes and sweeteners are regulated.

    All this frightening information suggests that it is better to completely abandon products with food additives, but it is unlikely that we will be able to do this completely. You will have to part with both soft drinks and alcohol - drink only tap or boiled water and country milk. Yogurts are excluded from the list. You cannot get them without thickeners and dyes.
    Yes, mentions of additives on packages do not whet the appetite at all, and inscriptions on some products like: “ingredients with the letter code “E” are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the European Community as safe food additives” do not reassure at all, but rather, on the contrary, cause concern.

  • If you want natural and healthy food, here are some tips:

    Do not buy products with unnaturally bright, flashy colors;
    - study the label thoroughly;
    - choose fresh, raw vegetables and fruits;
    - do not buy products with an excessively long shelf life;
    - the smaller the list of ingredients, the fewer additives;
    - instead of buying ready-made juices, make them yourself;
    - do not snack on chips, ready-made breakfasts, soups from a bag, hot dogs, or all kinds of burgers;
    - buy frozen vegetables;
    - Avoid processed or canned meat products.
    If there is no escape from additives, then you need to know the enemy by sight. Here is a list of food additives with code "E":

  • Dyes
    E-100 – curcumin, natural dye.
    E-101 – riboflavins, a dye based on sodium salt.
    E-102 – tartrazine.
    E-103 – alkanet, alkaline.
    E-104 is a yellow quinoline dye.
    E-107 is a yellow dye.
    E-110 – sunset yellow dye.
    E-120 – carmine dye.
    E-122 – azorubine.
    E-124 – crimson dye.
    E-128 – red dye.
    E-129 is a red charming dye.
    E-131 is a blue proprietary dye.
    E-133 is a blue glitter dye.
    E-140 – chlorophyll.
    E-141 – chlorophyll salts and chlorophyll copper complexes.
    E-142 is a green dye.
    E-143 is a green, durable dye.
    E-150a - simple sugar color.
    E-150b is a sugar color produced using “alkali-sulfite” technology.
    E-150c is a sugar color produced using “ammonia-sulfite” technology.
    E-151 is a black shiny dye.
    E-152 – coal.
    E-153 – vegetable charcoal.
    E-155 – brown dye.
    E-160a - carotene.
    E-160b - annatto extracts.
    E-160c - paprika oil resins.
    E-160d - lycopene.
    E-160e is beta-apocarotenic aldehyde.
    E-160f - ethyl and methyl esters of beta-apocarotic acid.
    E-161a - flavoxanthin.
    E-161b - lutein.
    E-161c - cryptoxanthin.
    E-161d - rubixanthin.
    T161e - violoxanthin.
    E-161f - rhodoxanthin.
    E-161g - canthaxanthin.
    E-162 – beet red dye.
    E-163 – anthocyanin, extract from the skin of grapes or black currants.
    E-170 – calcium carbonate. This is not so much a dye as a stabilizer that prevents caking.
    E-171 – titanium dioxide.
    E-172 – iron oxide.
    E-174 – silver.
    E-175 – gold.
    E-181 – food tannin. It is also an emulsifier and stabilizer.
    E-182 – orsin.
  • Preservatives
    E-200 – sorbic acid.
    E-201 – sodium sorbate.
    E-202 – potassium sorbate.
    E-201 – calcium sorbate.
    E-209 – heptyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.
    E-210 – benzoic acid.
    E-211 – sodium benzoate.
    E-212 – potassium benzoate.
    E-213 – calcium benzoate.
    E-214 – ethyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.
    E-215 is the sodium salt of parahydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester.
    E-216 – propyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.
    E-217 is the sodium salt of propyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.
    E-218 – methyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.
    E-219 is the sodium salt of parahydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester.
    E-220 – sulfur dioxide.
    E-221 – sodium sulfate.
    E-222 – - sodium hydrosulfite.
    E-223 – sodium pyrosulfite.
    E-224 – potassium pyrosulfite.
    E-225 – potassium sulfate.
    E-226 – calcium sulfite.
    E-227 – calcium hydrosulfite.
    E-228 – potassium hydrosulfite.
    E-230 – biphenyl.
    E-231 – ortho-phenylphenol.
    E-232 is the sodium salt of ortho-phenylphenol.
    E-234 – lowlands.
    E-235 – natamycin, pimaricin.
    E-236 – formic acid.
    E-237 – sodium formate.
    E-238 – calcium formate.
    E-239 – hexamethylenetetramine.
    E-241 – guaiac gum.
    E-242 – dimethyl carbonate.
    E-249 – potassium nitrite.
    E-250 – sodium nitrite.
    E-251 – calcium nitrite.
    E-252 – potassium nitrate.
    E-260 – acetic acid.
    E-261 – potassium acetate.
    E-262 – sodium acetate. Acidity regulator.
    E-263 – calcium acetate. Acidity regulator. Stabilizer.
    E-264 – ammonium acetate. Acidity regulator.
    E-265 – dehydracetic acid.
    E-266 – sodium dehydracetate.
    E-270 – lactic acid. Acidity regulator.
    E-280 – propionic acid.
    E-281 – sodium propionate.
    E-282 – calcium propionate.
    E-283 – potassium propionate.
    E-290 – carbon dioxide. Gas for saturation of drinks.
    E-296 – malic acid. Acidity regulator.
    E-297 – fumaric acid. Acidity regulator.
  • Antioxidants
    E-300 – ascorbic acid.
    E-301 – sodium ascorbate.
    E-302 – calcium ascorbate.
    E-303 – potassium ascorbate.
  • Stabilizers and emulsifiers

    E-400 – alginic acid. Thickener.
    E-401 – sodium alginate. Thickener.
    E-402 – potassium alginate. Thickener.
    E-403 – ammonium alginate.
    E-404 – calcium alginate. Defoamer.
    E-405 – propylene glycol alginate. Thickener.
    E-406 – agar. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-407 – carrageenan. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-407a - carrageenan from algae.
    E-409 – arabinogalactan. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-410 – carob gum.
    E-411 – oat gum.
    E-412 – guar gum.
    E-413 – gum tragacanth.
    E-414 – gum arabic.
    E-415 – xanthan gum.
    E-416 – karaya gum.
    E-417 – tare gum.
    E-418 – gellan gum. Gelling agent.
    E-419 – ghatti gum.
    E-420 – sorbitol and sorbitol syrup. Sweetener, humectant, texturizer.
    E-421 – beckons. Anti-clump additive.
    E-422 – glycerin.
    E-430 – polyoxyethylene (8) stearate.
    E-431 – polyoxyethylene (40) stearate.
    E-432 – polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate.
    E-433 – polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate.
    E-434 – polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmiate.
    E-435 – polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate.
    E-436 – polyoxyethylene sorbitan tri-stearate.
    E-440 – pectin. Stabilizer, gelling agent.
    E-442 is the ammonium salt of phosphatidylic acid.
    E-444 – sucrose acetate isobutyrate.
    E-445 – esters of glycerin and resin acids.
    E-446 – succistearine.
    E-450 – pyrophosphates of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Emulsifier, stabilizer, acidity regulator, leavening agent, complexing agent.
    E-451 – triphosphates of sodium, potassium.
    E-452 – polyphosphates of sodium, potassium, calcium, ammonium.
    E-459 – beta-Cyclodestrin.
    E-460 – cellulose. Anti-caking additive.
    E-461 – methylcellulose.
    E-462 – ethylcellulose.
    E-463 – hydroxypropylcellulose.
    E-464 – hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
    E-465 – methyl ethyl cellulose.
    E-466 – carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt.
    E-467 – ethylhydroxyethylcellulose.
    E-468 – croscarmellose.
    E-469 – carboxymethylcellulose enzymatically hydrolyzed.
    E-470 – fatty acids, aluminum, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and ammonium salts.
    E-471 – mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.
    E-472a - glycerol and acetic and fatty acid esters.
    E-472b - glycerol and lactic and fatty acid esters.
    E-472c - glycerol and citric acid and fatty acid esters.
    E-472d - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids and tartaric acid.
    E-472e - glycerol and diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters.
    E-472f - mixed esters of glycerol and tartaric, acetic and fatty acids.
    E-472g - monoglycerides and succinic acid esters.
    E-473 – esters of sucrose and fatty acids.
    E-474 – sugar glycerides.
    E-475 – polyglycerol and fatty acid esters.
    E-476 – polyglycerol and interesterified ricinol acid esters.
    E-477 – propylene glycol and fatty acid esters.
    E-478 – esters of lactated fatty acids glycerol and propylene glycol.
    E-479 is thermally oxidized soybean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.
    E-480 – sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate.
    E-481 – sodium lactylate.
    E-482 – calcium lactylate.
    E-483 – stearyl tartrate.
    E-484 – stearyl citrate.
    E-491 – sorbitan monostearate.
    E-492 – sorbitan tri-stearate.
    E-493 – sorbitan monolaurate.
    E-494 – sorbitan monooleate.
    E-495 – sorbitan monopalmitate.
    E-496 – sorbitan trioleate.

  • Flavor enhancers and acidity regulators

    E-500 – sodium carbonate. Baking powder, an additive that prevents the formation of lumps.
    E-501 – potassium carbonate.
    E-503 – ammonium carbonate.
    E-504 – magnesium carbonate. Baking powder, an additive that prevents the formation of lumps.
    E-505 – iron carbonate.
    E-507 – hydrochloric acid.
    E-508 – potassium chloride. Gelling agent.
    E-509 – calcium chloride.
    E-510 – ammonium chloride. Flour and bread improver.
    E-511 – magnesium chloride. Hardener.
    E-513 – sulfuric acid.
    E-514 – sodium sulfate.
    E-515 – potassium sulfate.
    E-516 – calcium sulfate. Improver for flour and bakery products.
    E516 - calcium sulfate. Flour and bread improver, hardener.
    E517 - ammonium sulfate. Flour and bread improver, stabilizer.
    E518 - magnesium sulfate. Flour and bread improver, stabilizer.
    E519 - copper sulfate. Color fixer.
    E520 - aluminum sulfate. Hardener.
    E521 - Sodium aluminum sulfate. Hardener.
    E522 - aluminum-potassium sulfate.
    E523 - aluminum ammonium sulfate. Hardener.
    E524 - sodium hydroxide.
    E525 - potassium hydroxide.
    E526 - calcium hydroxide.
    E527 - ammonium hydroxide.
    E528 - magnesium hydroxide. Color stabilizer.
    E529 - calcium oxide. Flour and bread improver.
    E530 - magnesium oxide. Anti-caking additive.
    E535 - sodium ferrocyanide. Anti-caking additive.
    E536 - potassium ferrocyanide.
    E538 - calcium ferrocyanide.
    E539 - sodium thiosulfate. Antioxidant.
    E541 - sodium aluminum phosphate.
    E542 - calcium phosphate.
    E550 - sodium silicate. Anti-caking additive.
    E551 - amorphous silicon dioxide. Anti-caking additive.
    E552 - calcium silicate. Anti-caking additive.
    E553 - magnesium silicate. Anti-caking additive, carrier powder.
    E554 - sodium aluminosilicate.
    E555 - potassium aluminum silicate.
    E556 - calcium aluminosilicate.
    E558 - bentonite.
    E559 - aluminosilicate.
    E560 - potassium silicate.
    E570 - fatty acids. Foam stabilizer, defoamer, glazing agent.
    E574 - gluconic acid. Baking powder.
    E575 - glucono-delta lactone.
    E576 - sodium gluconate.
    E577 - potassium gluconate.
    E578 - calcium gluconate. Hardener.
    E579 - iron gluconate. Color stabilizer.
    E580 - magnesium gluconate. Hardener.
    E585 - iron lactate. Color stabilizer.

  • Flavor and aroma enhancers
    E620 - glutamic acid.
    E621 - monosodium glutamate.
    E622 - potassium glutamate.
    E623 - calcium glutamate.
    E624 - ammonium glutamate.
    E625 - magnesium glutamate.
    E626 - guanylic acid.
    E627 - sodium guanylate.
    E628 - potassium guanylate.
    E629 - calcium guanylate.
    E630 - inosinic acid.
    E631 - sodium inosinate.
    E632 - potassium inosinate.
    E633 - calcium inosinate.
    E634 - calcium ribonucleotides.
    E635 - sodium ribonucleotides.
    E636 - maltol.
    E637 - ethyl maltol.
    E640 - glycine. Flavor and aroma modifier.
    E641 - leucine. Flavor and aroma modifier.
    E642 - lysine hydrochloride.
  • Other
    E900 - polydimethylsiloxane. Defoamer, emulsifier.
    E901 - white and yellow beeswax. Delimiter.
    E902 - candle wax.
    E903 - carnauba wax.
    E904 - shellac.
    E905a - edible vaseline oil. Separator, sealant.
    E905b - Vaseline. Separator, sealant.
    E905c - paraffin. Release agent, sealant.
    E906 - benzoin resin.
    E908 - rice bran wax.
    E909 - spermaceti wax.
    E910 - wax esters.
    E911 - methyl esters of fatty acids.
    E913 - lanolin.
    E920 - cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides. Flour and bread improver.
    E921 - cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides. Flour and bread improver.
    E927a - azodicarbonamide. Flour and bread improver.
    E927b - carbamide (urea). Texturizer.
    E928 - benzoyl peroxide. Flour and bread improver.
    E930 - calcium peroxide.
    E938 - argon. Packaging gas.
    E939 - helium. Propellant, packaging gas.
    E940 - dichlorodifluoromethane. Refrigerant.
    E941 - nitrogen. Gas environment for packaging and storage, refrigerant.
    E942 - nitrous oxide. Packaging gas.
    E943a - butane. Propellant.
    E943b - isobutane. Propellant.
    E944 - propane. Propellant.
    E945 - chloropentafluoroethane. Propellant.
    E946 - octafluorocyclobutane. Propellant.
    E948 - oxygen. Packaging gas.
  • E1103 - invertase. Stabilizer.
    E1104 - lipases. Flavor and aroma enhancer.
    E1105 - lysozyme. Preservative.
    E1200 - polydextrose. Filler, stabilizer, thickener, texturizer, humectant.
    E1201 - polyvinylpyrrolidone. Thickener, stabilizer, clarifier.
    E1202 - polyvinylpolypyrrolidone. Color stabilizer.
    E1400 - dextrins, white and yellow starch. Thickener.
    E1401 - starch treated with acid. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1402 - starch treated with alkali. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1403 - bleached starch. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1404 - oxidized starch. Emulsifier, thickener.
    E1405 - starch treated with enzyme preparations.
    E1410 - monostarch phosphate.
    E1411 - distarchglycerol. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1412 - distarch phosphate. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1413 - phosphated distarch phosphate.
    E1414 - acetylated distarch phosphate. Emulsifier, thickener.
    E1420 - acetate starch esterified with acetic antihydride.
    E1421 - acetate starch esterified with vinyl acetate.
    E1422 - cetylated distarch adipate. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1443 - hydroxypropylated distarch glycerol. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1450 is an ester of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid. Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier.
    E1451 - oxidized acetylated starch. Emulsifier.
    E1503 - castor oil. Separating agent.
    E1505 - triethyl citrate. Foaming agent.
    E1518 - triacetin. Moisture-retaining agent.
    E1520 - propylene glycol. Moisture-retaining and softening agent.
    E1521 - polyethylene glycol. Moisture-retaining and softening agent.
  • Additives not designated as E
    Allyl mustard oil is a preservative.
    Vanillin is an aromatic substance.
    Imbricin is a preservative.
    Quercetin is an antioxidant.
    Oxiant is an emulsifier.
    Polyoxyethylene - emulsifier, clarifier.
    Santoquin is a preservative.
    Stevioside is a sweetener.
    Juglone is a preservative.
  • Prohibited V Russia
    - E-121 citrus red (Citrus Red 2), dye;
    -E-123: red amaranth (Amaranth), dye;
    -E-240: formaldehyde, preservative.
    The ban on these additives is due to the fact that eitherthe whole range of related tests has been completed, whetherfor their application and implementation of the containing them, thenVara requires additional permission, and accordinglyresponsibly, and a hygienic certificate.
    -E-216: para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester, preservative;
    -E-217: para-hydroxybenzoic acid sodium salt, preservative
    -E-412: guar gum, thickener.
    Chief Sanitary Doctor G. G. Onishchenko banned the import of products with these additives in order to prevent the threat of mass poisoning of the population. According to scientists, these substances not only cause poisoning, but can even provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors. Previously, E-216 and E-217 were used in the production of meat and confectionery products. E-412 made in India and Switzerland contains poison - dioxin.
    Other prohibitedadditives:
    E-103, E-107, E-125, E-127, E-128, E-140, E-153 - E-155, E-160d, E-160G, E-166, E-173 - E- 175, E-180, E-182, E-209, E-213 - E-219, E-225 - E-228, E-230 - E-233, E-237, E-238, E-241, E-263, E-264, E-281 - E-283, E-302, E-303, E-305, E-308 - E-314, E-317, E-318, E-323 - E- 325, E-328, E-329, E-343 - E-345, E-349 - E-352, E-355 - E-357, E-359, E-365 - E-368, E-370, E-375, E-381, E-384, E-387 - E-390, E-399, E-403, E-408, E-409, E-412, E-4 18,