Program for the correction and development of oral and written speech in a special correctional school of the VIII type. Speech therapy program for the correction of oral and written speech disorders Program “Prevention of dysorthography in primary schoolchildren”

Name: Speech therapy literature on the correction of written speech disorders: 1. Development and correction of literacy. 2. Reading and writing disorders in children. 3. Correction of written speech in schoolchildren.4. Correction of students' oral and written speech primary classes. 5. Reading disorders and ways to correct them in younger schoolchildren. 6. Development and correction of reading skills. 7. Dysgraphia of younger schoolchildren. 8. I can distinguish the letters o -a, which are similar in spelling. 9. Impaired written speech in younger schoolchildren.10. Correction of dysorthography in students in grades 5-6.
Author: team
Publishing house: see full news
Year: 1983- 2009
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The proposed speech therapy literature covers the theoretical and practical problems of reading and writing disorders in young children school age. This collection of books on speech therapy is addressed to speech therapists-practitioners at school speech centers and can be used by elementary school teachers, pedagogical students educational institutions, parents of children who have specific errors in mastering the skill of written speech.

Title: Correction of dysorthography in students in grades 5-6: Methodological recommendations and exercises.
Publisher: School Press,
Year: 2003
The book contains methodological recommendations and exercises for eliminating written language disorders in children during the transition from primary to secondary school, compiled on the basis of the authors' many years of experience. The main attention is paid to the development and refinement of spatial-temporal concepts in students with written language impairment.
Addressed to speech therapists, primary and secondary school teachers, speech pathologists, school psychologists, and parents.

2. Author: Eletskaya O.V., Gorbachevskaya N.Yu.
Title: Development and correction of literacy: Alphabet. Vowels and consonants sounds and letters. Capital letter. Speech therapy notebook.
Publisher: School Press
Year: 2005
The manual outlines the authors' experience in eliminating written language disorders in children. It includes lexical and grammatical material on the topics indicated in the title, exercises for the development of various types of attention and memory, thinking, the formation of skills in speech analysis and synthesis, fine motor skills and graphic skills.
The notebook is intended for joint work of speech therapists, defectologists, psychologists with primary and secondary school students, as well as additional material- for Russian language teachers and parents who teach their children independently.

3. Author: Kornev A.N.
Title: Reading and writing disorders in children
Publisher: ID MiM
Year: 2003
The monograph by A. N. Kornev is the first book in our country devoted to the medical and psychological aspects of this problem. He was the first to use a comprehensive approach to understand the mechanisms of dyslexia and dysgraphia, i.e. clinical, clinical-dynamic, electroencephalographic, neuropsychological and psychological research. This work is the continuation and development of a scientific direction begun back in the 30s by employees of the Leningrad Pediatric Institute (S. S. Mnukhin, E. D. Prokopova, D. N. Isaev), including the author himself.

4 .Author: Bekshieva Z.I.
Title: Correction of written speech in schoolchildren
Publisher: Phoenix
Year: 2009
This book by a practicing speech therapist is written in the form of notes on the correction of specific sound-letter errors in students of secondary schools. The book is intended for parents, aspiring speech therapists, and primary school teachers. Speech therapists are recommended to use these notes to correct phonemic underdevelopment in children with phonemic, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment, and also as part of a lesson for children with general speech underdevelopment.

5. Author: Efimenkova L. N.
Title: Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: Book. for speech therapists.
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Year: 1991
The book reveals a system of work to prevent and correct violations of oral and written speech among 1st grade students. The system is developed based on many years practical experience author.
The book is intended for speech therapists working at school speech centers and schools for children with severe speech disorders. It may be useful to primary school teachers and parents.

6. Author: Lalaeva R.I.
Title: Reading disorders and ways to correct them in primary schoolchildren: Textbook.
Publisher: St. Petersburg: SOYUZ
Year: 1998
The author of the book is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Russian State pedagogical university them. A.I. Herzen. The manual is intended for students of defectology faculties, as well as speech therapists and teachers of special schools. The fourth chapter, which provides a method for eliminating dyslexia, will certainly be useful to parents.

7. Author: Lisenkova L.N.
Title: Development and correction of reading skills: Program for classes with children of senior preschool and primary school age.
Publisher: School Press
Year: 2002
The manual is designed for classes with children of primary school age who have difficulty developing reading skills. Contains various tasks and exercises, structured in a game form, which are aimed at correcting and developing spatial and visual perception, visual and auditory memory, the ability to grasp holistic images of words, distinguish words and letters that are similar in spelling, etc.

8. Author: Prishchepova I.N.
Title: Dysgraphia of junior schoolchildren
Publisher: Karo
Year: 2006
The manual reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of dysorthography in primary schoolchildren. The presented methods for diagnosing and correcting this written language disorder are based on a psycholinguistic approach to the problem. The manual contains a variety of tasks for the development of speech and non-speech mental functions in primary schoolchildren with dysorthography. Their goal is to optimize the correctional and developmental education and upbringing of children with speech pathology. Addressed to students of the faculties of correctional pedagogy, speech therapists, primary school teachers, parents, tutors.

9. Author: Kochetkova N.A.
Title: I distinguish the letters o -a, similar in spelling: student’s album
Publishing house "GNOM and D"
Year: 2005
Teachers are offered practical material on overcoming motor dysgraphia. The tasks proposed in this manual will help develop fine hand-eye coordination, clarify and expand the volume of visual memory, develop visual gnosis and clarify optical-spatial representations in children - primary school students in public schools.

10. Author: Sadovnikova I. N.
Title: Impaired written speech in primary schoolchildren: Book. for the teacher.
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Year: 1983
The manual examines various disorders of written speech in primary schoolchildren. The actor introduces readers to the signs of the occurrence of these disorders in schoolchildren, proposes an original system of work to overcome violations of written speech, taking into account modern requirements for the content of education in primary school.
The book includes various types of work, lesson notes on the formation of written speech skills in schoolchildren.


1. General characteristics programs

The formation of full-fledged educational activity is possible only with a sufficiently good level of speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of language means (sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary, vocabulary, coherent speech), as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for communication purposes. Therefore, speech therapy work in a special (correctional) boarding school of type VIII occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders of children with intellectual disabilities.

The student population of the VIII type secondary school has undergone significant changes in recent years. Speech disorders in children entering the institution are of the nature of systemic speech underdevelopment (SSD) of moderate and severe degree. SND is characterized by violations of all components of the language: sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary and vocabulary, coherent speech, no word creation, word formation skills are difficult to form.

Type VIII students at the secondary school are characterized by disturbances in sound pronunciation such as polymorphic, often organic dyslalia, caused by disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, pseudobulbar dysarthria in an erased form, closed or open rhinolalia. Practice shows that children with sound pronunciation defects are more likely to experience severe dyslexia, mixed dysgraphia with leading:

Articulatory-acoustic (as they say and write, without differentiating sounds S-Ts, S-Sh, Sh-Shch, voiced and voiceless consonants, omitting letters, replacing vowels [O] with [U, E] with [I] under stress, making mistakes in indicating the softness of consonants b and iotated vowels);

Dysgraphia based on violations of various forms of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence and word level ( continuous writing prepositions and words, separate spelling of one word, omission of consonants in combinations of consonants, omission of vowels, addition and rearrangement of syllables, words);

Agrammatic (violations of the grammatical structure of speech, morphological and syntactic generalizations)

Optical (the writing of letters in words is impaired, difficulties in connecting letters, although the isolated writing of letters can be correct);

Violation of word formation from two words and selection of related words;

Insufficient development of coherent speech, which manifests itself when composing sentences, in retellings, when composing stories based on a series of pictures and a plot picture, makes it very difficult to compose descriptive stories.

Therefore, speech therapy intervention should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect. Work to correct speech disorders is built taking into account the individual characteristics of students, the degree of defect, and the Russian language and reading program. The effectiveness of speech therapy classes and the transfer of acquired skills into a learning environment is significantly increased when using didactic material in accordance with the topic of the program. Such a relationship is necessary with the subjects: familiarization with the outside world, the development of speech based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality (in primary school), in high school - with the subjects of geography, biology, history and the use of lexical material enriched with labor vocabulary from labor training lessons.

2. Methodological and theoretical foundations of the program

The program of speech therapy classes for students in grades 1 - 7 of the VIII type secondary school has methodological and theoretical foundations. One of these foundations are the principles that determine the construction, organization and implementation of work under the program:

  • principle of humanism- faith in the child’s capabilities, a subjective, positive approach to speech correction and development;
  • principle of consistency- the idea of ​​speech as a complex functional system and the correction of systemic underdevelopment of speech;
  • systematic principle- the consistency and purposefulness of training and education for the purpose of correcting speech components;
  • principle of subjectivity- considering the child as a holistic, high-quality, unique, dynamically developing subject, whose speech disorders are in relationship with his mental development;
  • principle of realism- taking into account the real capabilities of the child and the situation, the unity of diagnosis and correctional and developmental work;

The principle of development is the support of correctional and developmental work on the leading type of activity characteristic of age;
- the principle of an integrated approach - the choice of content, forms and methods of correctional and developmental work depending on the individual psychophysical characteristics of the child and the goals of the work.

Important methodological foundations and theoretical prerequisites for the creation of this program were works that have proven themselves in science on various forms of speech disorders and effective methods for overcoming them - R.E. Levina, N.A. Vlasova, M.E. Khvatsev, O.V. Pravdina, R.I. Lalaeva, E.M. Mastyukova, etc., which are based on the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.A. Leontyev. Taking into account the specifics of the educational process in the VIII type secondary school, where children with intellectual developmental disabilities study, when creating the program, research materials in the field of defectology and psychology by G.E. were used. Sukhareva, S. M. Rubinshtein, M. S. Pevzner.

3. Goals and objectives of the program

The goal of the program is the correction of defects in oral and written speech of students, facilitating successful adaptation in educational activities and further socialization of children of speech pathologists.

Main objectives of the program:

  1. Create conditions for successful correction of oral and written speech.
  2. Correct and develop articulatory motor skills, pronunciation and communication skills, through the formation of linguistic components of oral and written speech.
  3. Create conditions for the correction and development of students’ cognitive abilities (general intellectual skills, learning skills, auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, phonemic hearing).

4. Organization of work according to the program

Correction of students’ speech disorders requires the organization of special speech therapy work, therefore, in the special correctional curriculum educational institution Type VIII provides hours of speech therapy classes. The teacher-speech therapist completes groups based on the homogeneity of speech disorders in students, if possible, from students in one or two parallel classes.

Group occupancy for speech therapy classes is 2 - 5 students.

The main form of organizing the correctional process is classes.

The duration of an individual lesson is 15 - 20 minutes, subgroup and frontal - 25 - 30 minutes.

Corrective individual, subgroup and frontal classes are conducted in the 5th - 6th lesson and in the afternoon.

Individual and subgroup lessons in sound pronunciation are conducted:
in grades 1 - 4 2 times a week.
Subgroup and frontal classes for correction of written speech are conducted:
in grades 3 - 7 2 times a week.

SOUND PRONUNCIATION Grade 1 (60 hours)

Diagnostics oral speech- 4 hours

Formation of pronunciation skills (clarification and consolidation of pronunciation skills of intact sounds) - 6 hours
Sound production - 6 hours
Automation of sound (formation of primary pronunciation skills) - 24 hours
Formation of communication skills - 12 hours
Examination - 4 hours

In grades 2, 3, 4 for 68 hours

Examination - 4 hours
Preparatory stage for sound production - 4 hours
Sound production - 6 hours
Sound automation. (Formation of primary pronunciation skills) - 26 hours
Formation of communication skills - 24 hours
Examination - 4 hours

Basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students in the correction of oral speech:

Students should be able to:

Pronounce the sounds of the Russian language clearly;
- distinguish sounds of the Russian language that are similar in sound and articulatory structure;
- make simple statements grammatically correct;
- compose short stories based on a picture, a series of plot pictures from simple common sentences.

Students should know:

Articulatory profiles of corrected sounds;
- master the terms (vowel sound, consonant sound, speech, letter, articulation, syllable, word, hard sound, soft sound, voiced sound, dull sound)

MIXED DISGRAPHY Grade 3 (68 hours)

Examination - 6 hours
Offer. Word - 1 hour
Speech sounds - 5 hours
Syllable structure of a word - 6 hours
Accent - 2 hours

Differentiation of voiced and voiceless paired consonants - 7 hours
Consonant differentiation - 15 hours
Letter b - 4 hours
Analysis and synthesis of words of various syllabic structures - 11 hours
Examination - 4 hours

4th grade (68 hours)

Examination - 4 hours
Sounds and letters of your native language - 8 hours
Syllable structure of a word - 7 hours
Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before vowels - 7 hours
Differentiation of voiced and voiceless paired consonants - 5 hours
Words denoting an object - 7 hours
Words denoting the actions of an object - 7 hours
Words denoting the attribute of an object - 8 hours
Prepositions - 5 hours
Offer - 6 hours
Text - 4 hours
Examination - 4 hours

Expected result

By the end of grade 4, students should master the following skills:

  • recognize, distinguish, isolate and name individual sounds, characterize them;
  • understand the conventional graphic scheme of the sound composition of a word;
  • conduct phonemic analysis and synthesis with or without auxiliary aids;
  • differentiate phonemes that have similar characteristics;
  • be able to divide words into syllables, sentences into words, text into sentences;
  • recognize words denoting objects, actions, signs;
  • correctly agree words in gender, number and case;
  • use prepositional case constructions correctly;
  • be able to distribute proposals.

MIXED DISGRAPHY Grade 5 (68 hours)

Examination - 4 hours
Offer - 5 hours
Prepositions - 9 o'clock
Sound analysis - 3 hours
Hard and soft consonants - 3 hours
Word composition - 8 hours
Collocation - 14 hours
Offer - 13 hours
Text - 5 hours
Examination - 4 hours

6th grade (68 hours)

Examination - 4 hours
Sounds and letters - 9 hours
Word composition - 4 hours
Differentiation of voiced and voiceless paired consonants - 6 hours
Differentiation of consonant sounds - 8 hours
Word formation (formation of adjectives) - 8 hours
Word change - 13 hours
Offer. Connected speech - 7 hours
Text - 5 hours
Examination - 4 hours

7th grade (68 hours)

Examination - 4 hours
Section 1: The Word. Phrase. Offer. - 49 hours
Word formation - 14 hours
Word change - 7 hours
Word agreement - 28 hours
Section 2: Proposal - 6 hours
Section 3: Text - 5 hours
Examination - 4 hours

Expected result

By the end of grade 7, students must master the following skills:

  • actively use in various ways word formation;
  • correctly use new words in sentences of various syntactic structures (i.e. establish connections in a sentence);
  • navigate the composition of a word, that is, determine with the help of which parts of the word, standing before or after the common part of related words, new words are formed and how their meanings change;
  • determine the main idea, theme of the story;
  • determine the sequence and coherence of sentences in the text;
  • establish a semantic relationship between words in a sentence, between sentences in a text;
  • draw up a plan for a coherent statement.

1 The number of hours indicated in the program is approximate and may vary depending on the speech defect and the degree of mastery of the material by children in grades 1, 2, 3, 4

2 Depending on individual impairments in the pronunciation of speech sounds

3 Depending on individual impairments in the pronunciation of speech sounds

Resource support for the work program

  1. Khansheva, G. V. “Workshop on speech therapy. Correction of sound pronunciation." - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2006.
  2. Smirnova, L. N. “Speech therapy. We play with sounds." - M:, “Mosaic”, 2004.
  3. Gribova, O.E. “Technology for organizing speech therapy examination.” - M: “Iris didactics”, 2007
  4. Pozhilenko, E.A. " Magic world sounds and words." - M:, “Vlados” - 2003
  5. Fomicheva, M.F. "Education of children's correct pronunciation." - M:, “Enlightenment”, 1981
  6. Kashe G.A. “Correction of students’ pronunciation, reading and writing deficiencies.” - M: “State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR”, 1960.
  7. Gorodilova, V.I. and Motherland. E.I. “Education of correct speech in children preschool age" - M: “State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1961.
  8. Efimenko, L,N, Sadovnikova, I.N. “Formation of coherent speech in oligophrenic children.” - M: “Enlightenment”, 1970
  9. Gorbunova, S. Yu. “Collection of notes from speech therapy sessions on speech development for children with ODD.” - M:, 2006
  10. Sadovnikova, I.N. “Writing speech disorders and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren.” - M:, “Vlados”, 1995
  11. Kostenko, F. D. “Collection of dictations.” - M:, “Enlightenment”, 1972
  12. Lopukhina, I.S. “Speech therapy. 550 entertaining exercises for speech development." - M:, “Aquarium”, 1996
  13. Sedykh, N.A. "Education of correct speech in children." - M:, 2005
  14. Lalaeva, R.I. "Speech therapy work in correctional classes." - M:, “Vlados”, 2001
  15. Yurova, R.A. “Formation of pronunciation skills in students with intellectual disabilities.” - M:, 2005
  16. Zhukova, N.S. "Speech therapy". - Ekaterinburg:, "ARDLTD", 1998
  17. Barylkina, L.P. "Those difficult consonants." - M: “5 for knowledge” 2005
  18. Fillipova, “Speak correctly.” - M: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 2007.
  19. Mazanova, E.V. “Correction of acoustic dysgraphia.” - M:, 2007
  20. Yastrebova, A.V., Bessonova, G.P. “We teach you to read and write without errors.” - M:, “Arkti”, 2007
  21. Efimenko, L.N., Misarenko, G.G. “Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center.” - M:, “Enlightenment”, 1991
  22. Galunchikova, N.G., Yakubovskaya E.V. " Workbook 2 in Russian. Noun." - M:, “Enlightenment”, 2002.
  23. Novotortseva, N.V. “Workbook on speech development Ch - Shch.” - Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1999
  24. Novotortseva, N.V. . "Workbook on the development of speech on the sound S - S." - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1999.
  25. Novotortseva, N.V. . "Workbook on the development of speech on the sound L - L." - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1999.
  26. Eletskaya, O.V., Gorbachevskaya, N.Yu. “Organization of speech therapy work at school.” - M:, “Creative Center”, 2005.
  27. Sakharova I.I. "Pure sayings in pictures." - M:, " Creative Center Breeze", 2008
  28. Kiseleva, V.A. “We move, we play, we draw.” - M: “Creative Center Sphere”, 2008
  29. Gromova, O.E. “Pronunciation correction: Ch - Shch.” - M: “Creative Center Sphere”, 2008
  30. Mazanova, E. “Speech therapy. Agrammatic form of dysgraphia." - “Aquarium Fguppv”, 2004
  31. Morozova, I.A., Pushkareva, M.A. “Preparation for learning to read and write.” - “Mosaic-synthesis”, 2007
  32. Mazanova, E. “Speech therapy. Dysgraphia caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis.” - “Aquarium Fguppv”, 2004
  33. Mazanova, E. “Speech therapy. Dysgraphia caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis and Agrammatic dysgraphia.” - “Aquarium Fguppv”, 2004
  34. Efimenkova, L.N. “Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students.” - M:, “Vlados”, 2004
  35. Galunchikova, N.G., Yakubovskaya E.V. “Workbook 3 on the Russian language. Adjective." - M: “Enlightenment”, 2002
  36. Galunchikova, N.G., Yakubovskaya E.V. “Workbook 4 in Russian. Verb." . - M: “Enlightenment”, 2002

Literature used by a speech therapist teacher in working on the program

  1. Speech therapy edited by Volkova - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1989.
  2. Filicheva, T.G., Cheveleva, N.A., Chirkina, T.V. “Fundamentals of speech therapy.” - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1989
  3. Lalaeva, R. I. “Speech therapy work in correctional classes.” - M.: “Vlados”, 1998
  4. Lalaeva, R.I. “Elimination of reading impairments in auxiliary school students” - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1978.
  5. Aksyonova, A.K. “Methodology of teaching the Russian language in a correctional school.” - M.: “Vlados”, 1999

The program was compiled by a teacher - speech therapist of a special (correctional) school - boarding school of the VIII type, Tulun 2014:

Appendix 5


St. Petersburg Academy at the Methodological Association

postgraduate pedagogical teachers-speech therapists of the State Educational Institution

Faculty of Childhood minutes of meeting No. ___

Head correction room from _______________2008

child development ____________ E.S. Agopyan

___________ /N.N. Yakovleva/


“Correction of oral disorders

and writing

primary school age students"

Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist Agopyan E.S.

teacher-speech therapist Prosypkina O.G.

teacher-speech therapist Vorobyova G.A.

teacher-speech therapist Melekhina O.V.

Saint Petersburg

Explanatory note

Relevance of the program

As a result of a systematic examination by teachers-speech therapists of all first-grade students in district schools over the past 10 years, a large number of children with a mixed form of dysgraphia or its elements have been consistently identified (about 45% of the total number of first-grade students). During this time, the number of students attending speech therapy centers increased by 3.5 times. This is the result of the fact that there are more and more children with one or another neurological symptoms, and in the process of learning the load on them increases significantly. In one class there are children with different levels of preparedness, often having various somatic diseases and minor deviations in the state of the nervous system. As a result, learning difficulties arise that aggravate the child's mental state. The companions of these children at school are: frequent headaches, lack of attention, inability to control their behavior, disinhibition, disobedience, lack of concentration, laziness.

Such symptoms are considered in the structure of MMD. They appear only with increasing loads on nervous system, which leads to an imbalance of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking) and negatively affects the learning process. Most children have neurological symptoms that were missed in early childhood because they did not cause serious concern, but which did not disappear without a trace.

As a rule, all these children suffer from dysgraphia or dyslexia of varying severity.

Due to objective and subjective reasons, motivation for learning and cognitive activity of children have recently decreased, which leads to a reluctance to work in class, memorize material that requires activation of voluntary memory, and strive to be the first in school.

In this regard, we need to talk about a clear system under which an integrated approach will be taken to solving the problem of school failure and school adaptation.

Program features:

1 . Destination:

Children of primary school age studying in the general education basic program who have problems with sound pronunciation, reading and writing.

2.Purpose of the program:

In the presented program, we tried to use a complex of correctional, developmental and educational measures necessary to successfully overcome school failure.


When compiling the program, we used the principles of consistency, a scientific approach, accessibility of educational material, the principle of presenting material from simple to complex, and an individual approach.

4.Program objectives:

Development of analyzers involved in automating the skills of sound pronunciation, reading and writing;

Development of auditory, visual attention, auditory memory, visual memory, logical thinking;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of language analysis and synthesis at the level of text, sentence, word, syllable;

Development of spatial-temporal skills;

Development of coherent speech;

Vocabulary enrichment;

Development of prosodic components of speech.

In order to cope with such a problem as writing impairment, we need to systematically work not only on the competent presentation of educational material, but also on the development of children’s mental processes. But we must not forget that we are dealing with little people who find it difficult to sit through a lesson and perform monotonous exercises, although very important. There needs to be a shift from an exaggerated emphasis on children's knowledge to an emphasis on their mental development. During training, it is absolutely necessary to put the child in the situation of choosing to evaluate his results, to strengthen his individuality, and to develop a sense of self-respect and dignity. The main thing is not the smoothness of the lesson, but the natural learning process, with its mistakes, difficulties, emotions of pleasure, joy, grief, overcoming inertia and laziness.

Let's try to create a situation of success as often as possible, and then we will definitely feel how our students light up with sparks of faith in themselves and in their strengths, which will definitely affect the success of their education.

    The program has 4 stages and is designed for the age group of students of any year of primary school.

    Contains the necessary sections for the correction of oral and written speech (any form of dysgraphia and dysorgraphia).

    Speech therapy topics are presented in such a way that, whenever possible, they are combined with grammatical topics school curriculum.

    Thematic planning can be used both in subgroup classes and in individual ones

    The topics of the sections provide wide scope for working on mental functions

The first stage is the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia (grade 1)

Speech disorders in children of primary school age are systemic in nature; they affect both phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech. Therefore, speech therapy intervention at the first stage should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect.

Prevention of dysgraphia should be based on the level of mastery of the phonetic and lexical aspects of speech. The main part of the first stage should include a system for mastering the phonetic side of speech, as well as the stage of development of sound analysis and synthesis at the word level. Thus, work on developing the differentiation of sounds at this stage involves the use of graphic diagrams, pictures, the names of which are analyzed (the child, isolating sounds from a word, lays out chips of different colors corresponding to a particular sound).

Correction of speech impairment must be associated with general motor development and predominantly fine manual motor skills. In the process of speech therapy work, correct speech skills are consolidated and a practical level of language acquisition is formed. The formation of a practical level of language proficiency is a necessary condition for the study of linguistic phenomena and patterns of mastering knowledge of language.

Connected speech is the most complex form speech activity. Therefore, work on the formation of coherent speech should be in the nature of a systematic, consistent, logical presentation. Features of coherent statements in children with speech impairments should be determined by the nature of the tasks (retelling, story based on a series of pictures, story based on

Introductory organizational lesson. Getting to know the office.

The sounds around us (speech and non-speech). - Determination of your own body diagram.

Introduction to the organs of articulation. -Clarification of spatial representations.

Development of sound analysis, synthesis and representations . Speech development.

Analysis of the sound composition of correctly pronounced words. Isolating the initial vowel (stress) from words (Anya, willow, duck).

Development of various grammatical forms of words. (singular and plural nouns).

Isolating and naming the first and last sounds in a word (cat, cancer, poppy).

Development of grammatical forms of the word (plural nouns of the gender case: many pieces, deer, chairs, ribbons, windows);

Determination of spatial relationships between objects. Graphic designation of directions.

Establishing the sequence of sounds, the location of the sound, the number of sounds in a word. (laying out chips of the same color).

this topic).

Vowel sounds (a, o, u. e, s, i). Articulation. sound characteristic. Consecutive naming of vowels from a series of two or three vowels ( ai, ua).

Sound analysis and synthesis with determination of the number and place of vowels in a word.

R A K (picture)

Changing the form of present tense verbs in singular and plural (Valya sings - children by..., Valya reads. Children read...);


Development of attention to the gender of objects (my….(glass, pocket…), my….(bag, picture…). (Selection of nouns for personal pronouns).

Development, improvement and expansion of attention span (visual, auditory).

Consonant sounds. Articulation. Characteristics of sounds. Sound analysis and synthesis of words (only hard consonants!).

R A K (picture)

Word formation

Prefixive method of formation (fly, walk, run -names the actions being performed based on the pictures);

Using suffixes ( fur-fur-fur, lemon-lemon-lemon;

stump, forest, wheel; gosling, bunny...).

The way of compounding ( vacuum cleaner, haymaking, snowfall, leaf fall).

Development and improvement of memory:

Training RAM(making figures from sticks, memorizing the depicted objects, drawing arbitrary objects).

Syllable. The syllabic role of the vowel. Dividing words into syllables, drawing up a syllabic diagram of one- and two-syllable words. Sound-syllable analysis of words such as braids, roses, soup.

Development of a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Agreement of adjectives with masculine, feminine and neuter nouns in the singular and plural (big... bear, big... cat, big... bucket). (Matching an adjective with a noun).

Development of logical thinking.

Consonants are hard and soft, characteristics of sounds.

Differentiation of hard and soft consonants (in syllables you, you, you, you)

Comparison and contrast of verbs of the present, past and future tenses (I'm rolling, I'm rolling, I'm going to roll); perfect and imperfect verbs (paints - will paint).

Sound analysis and synthesis of words with soft and hard consonants (only with a vowel and!)

R A K I (picture)

Development of phonemic hearing.

The use of combinations of adjectives with nouns as part of a sentence in different cases in singular. and many more h. (Children fed carrots to... a white rabbit. Children gave food to... white rabbits.)

Combination of numerals with nouns in gender, number, case. (They sewed... two dresses for the doll. They sewed... five dresses for the dolls.)

Voiced and voiceless consonants, characteristics of sounds.

Formation of relative adjectives ( wooden, oh, oh, oh);

Formation of the ability to use formed words as part of sentences in various case forms. (I don’t have...( glass vase).

Development of visual-figurative thinking.

Characteristics of sounds: “vowel-consonant”, “hard-soft”, “voiced-voiceless”.

Formation of the diminutive form of nouns and adjectives in sentences. (The fox has a long, fluffy tail. - The fox has a long, fluffy tail.)

Development of visual memory.

Sound and syllabic analysis of words (for example: “vase”, “wagon”, “paper”, “linden”, “bandage”, “cat”, “raft”, “paint”, “whale”, (the pronunciation should not differ from spelling!). Isolation of a stressed vowel from words.

Transforming words by replacing or adding sound. (mouse-fly-bear). Consolidating the skill of selecting words to sound patterns.

Development of visual-figurative thinking; development of indirect memorization.

Forming the ability to perform various tasks to complete sentences with missing words; prepositions; phrases.

Development of coherent speech. Development of analysis and synthesis at the sentence level.

Offer. Formation of the ability to divide sentences of simple construction (subject + predicate) into words.

Making sentences from the suggested words (3-4 words).

Drawing up a proposal outline.

Mastering the rules for writing words in a sentence (1,2,3 rules).

Development of analytical-synthetic activity (draw a whole, a letter constructor, what it looks like).

Text. Language analysis of text. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

(logical sequence of sentences in the text).

Development of auditory-speech memory.

Story. Compiling a story based on:


    subject and plot pictures.

    series of pictures.

    key words

Improving the development of logical thinking.

Development fine motor skills

Development and improvement of verbal memory.

Retelling (familiarity with the story; vocabulary work (lexical meaning of words); establishing the sequence of sentences in the story.)

Retelling by:


    subject and plot pictures

    series of pictures

    graphic (symbolic diagrams)

    key words

    cause-and-effect relationships.

Improving all mental forms (attention, memory, thinking).

The second stage is correction of mixed dysgraphia (2nd stage of training).

The system of speech therapy assistance at the second stage includes six areas in which correctional work is carried out:

1. Formation of language analysis and synthesis at the level of sentence, text, word:

Making sentences from words;

Drawing up graphic diagrams;

Isolating prepositions from a sentence;

Clarification of the lexical meaning of the preposition;

Dissemination of proposals on issues;

Clarification of the grammatical form of the sentence;

Isolating a sentence from the text;

Composing texts from sentences;

Creative completion of the text;

Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis (composing words from syllables, dividing words into syllables, highlighting stressed syllables);

Sound-letter analysis of words.

2. Development of phonemic perception of stress in a word:

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of a sense of rhythm, a sense of rhyme;

Development of prosodic components of speech;

Working on paronymous words.

3.Speech sounds.

Consonants (soft, hard, voiceless, voiced);

Indication of the softness of consonants in writing in 2 ways (vowels of the 2nd row and “b” with a sign);

Designation of iotated vowels in writing;

Phonemic perception of words with a separating “b” sign;

Consolidating the transfer rules with the separating “b” sign;

Consolidating the spelling of words with combinations: cha-sha, chu-schu, chk, chn, nch, rshch, etc.

4. The root of the word. Related words. The semantic role of the root.

Expansion of vocabulary;

Comparative analysis of words close in meaning;

Consolidating the spelling of orthograms at the root of the word (unstressed vowels, paired consonants, unpronounceable consonants).

5. Differentiation of acoustically similar sounds.

Development of phonemic awareness;

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;

Development of skills in differentiating acoustically close sounds based on articulation.

6. Differentiation of letters that are similar in optical and kinesthetic characteristics.

Development of visual analysis;

Development of fine motor skills;

Development of spatial orientation;

Development of skills in differentiating optically and kinesthetically similar letters based on articulation.


(Mixed dysgraphia – 2nd grade)

Introductory, organizational lesson: getting to know the children, preparing notebooks.

Development of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level. The concept of a sentence: carries a complete thought, all words in a sentence are connected in meaning. Drawing up graphic diagrams.

Development of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level. Grammatical formatting of sentences (4 rules). Working with deformed sentences, composing sentences from words. Drawing up graphic diagrams.

Development of language analysis and synthesis at the text level. Concept of text. Isolating a sentence from the text. Drawing up graphic diagrams. The grammatical form of a sentence.

Development of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level. The concept of preposition. Lexical meaning prepositions. The grammatical form of a sentence. Drawing up graphic diagrams.

Speech sounds and non-speech sounds. Vowel sounds: articulation.

Speech sounds. Vowels and consonants sounds and letters. Vowels of the 1st and 2nd row.

Development of prosodic components of speech. The concept of a syllable. Dividing words into syllables.

Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Shifting words in a sentence.

Development of prosodic components of speech. The concept of a stressed syllable.

Soft and hard consonants. Sound analysis and synthesis of words. Phonemic awareness.

Soft and hard consonants. Sound-letter analysis of words. Designation of softness of consonants of the 2nd row.

Soft and hard consonants. Designation of softness of consonants soft sign at the end of a word.

Soft and hard consonants. Indication of softness of consonants with a soft sign in the middle of a word.

Soft and hard consonants. Indication of softness of consonants with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word. Hyphenation of words with a soft sign in the middle of the word.

Yotated vowels. Phonemic awareness.

Soft and hard consonants. Separating soft sign. Phonemic awareness.

Soft and hard consonants. Separating soft sign. Two functions of the separating soft sign (softness indicator and separating). Hyphenation of words with a separating soft sign.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired hard consonants Zh, Sh, Ts. Phonemic perception. ZHI, SHI write with the vowel I.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired soft consonant sounds Ch, Shch, Y. Phonemic perception. CHA, SCHA write with the vowel A.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired soft consonant sounds Ch, Shch. Phonemic perception. CHU, SHCHU write with the vowel U.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired soft consonant sounds Ch, Shch. Write combinations CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU with the vowel A and U.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired soft and hard consonant sounds Ch, Shch, Zh, Sh. Repetition of all writing rules: ZHI, SHI, CHA, SCHA, CHU, SHCHU.

Soft and hard consonants. Unpaired soft consonant sounds Ch, Shch. Write combinations ChK, ChN, LF, ShchN, NShch, RShch, SShch without a soft sign.

Development of prosodic components of speech. Emphasis. Phonemic awareness.

Development of lexical vocabulary. Similar words. The root of the word.

The semantic role of the root. The root of the word. Stress Phonemic awareness.

The semantic role of the root. The root of the word. Emphasis. Checking the unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

The semantic role of the root. Checking for an unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word.

Development of the skill of checking paired consonants. Paired consonants. Phonemic awareness.

Development of the skill of checking paired consonants. Paired consonants. Checking the paired consonant at the root (at the end of the word).

Development of the skill of checking paired consonants. Paired consonants. Checking a paired consonant at the root (in the middle of a word).

Development of the skill of checking paired consonants. Paired consonants. Checking the paired consonant in the root (at the end and in the middle of the word).


    Differentiation of acoustically similar sounds:

2. Differentiation of optically similar letters:

Differentiation of acoustically and optically similar sounds and letters is carried out as necessary (the presence of these errors in the letter).

The number of lessons depends on the degree to which the child has mastered practical material (at least three hours for each pair of sounds and letters).

The third stage is correction of mixed dysgraphia (3rd year of study).

The system of speech therapy assistance includes 4 main areas in which correctional work is carried out:

1. At the syntactic level.

2. At the phonetic-phonemic level.

3. At the lexical and grammatical level.

4. Over the development of inflection.

1. Correctional speech therapy work at the syntactic level:

Clarification of the grammatical concept of “sentence”;

Consolidation of 4 rules for preparing a proposal in writing;

The difference between the main and minor members of a sentence, their features;

Distribution of proposals (drawing up proposals based on diagrams, reference pictures, questions);

Visual and auditory dictations;

Development of expressive reading skills, improvement of intonation and pause skills;

Formation of ideas about the semantic meaning of prepositions and about a preposition as a separate word; development of prepositional control skills;

Exercise in the correct use of simple and compound prepositions;

Development of spatial concepts.

2. Correctional speech therapy work at the phonetic-phonemic level:

Differentiation of the concepts “sound”, “letter”, “syllable”;

Exercises on complex forms of sound-letter analysis of words;

Performing auditory dictations;

Syllabic-rhythmic exercises;

Working with words that have a complex syllable structure;

Word hyphenation rules;

Differentiation of hard and soft consonants;

Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with consonants,ts and with consonants h, sch, th ;

Spelling of words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu, chk, chn, nsch, shchn, rshch.

3. Correctional and speech therapy work at the lexical and grammatical level includes:

Improving vocabulary, learning to select related words;

Practical exercises to highlight the main parts of a word (ending, root, prefix, suffix);

Differentiation of words of the same root with homonym roots (mountain-mountain);

Formation of words with the help of suffixes that give the word a decrease, an increase;

Formation of words using suffixes that form the name of baby animals, the name of some professions;

Distinguishing between the separative ъ in hearing and the designation in writing;

Shifting words from “ъ”;

Practical exercises on parsing words by composition;

Consolidating the skill of identifying stressed syllables in words of different syllabic-rhythmic structures;

Working with homograph words;

Exercises to develop the skills of checking unstressed vowels in the roots of words;

Exercises to consolidate the skill of checking paired consonants and unpronounceable consonants.

4. Corrective work on inflection:

Consolidating the concept of parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb (denotation, questions);

When working with nouns, it is important to classify them into subgroups, the ability to distinguish by numbers and genders;

When working on adjectives, it is necessary to include exercises to distinguish them by material, place, time, color, taste, smell, size, etc.;

The ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in number, gender, case;

When working on a verb, exercises are carried out to coordinate the verb with a noun in number;

Differentiation of verbs by tense, aspect; in the past tense by gender;

Consolidating the concepts of “synonyms”, “antonyms”, “ambiguity” of words.


(Mixed dysgraphia – 3rd grade)


Introductory, organizational lesson.

Consolidating the skills of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level (4 rules for writing sentences, see appendix).

Consolidating the skills of language analysis and synthesis at the text level. Isolating sentences from the text and distributing them. Drawing up diagrams.

Development of prosodic components of speech. Suggestions on the purpose of the statement.

Consolidating the skills of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level. Prepositions. Lexical meaning of prepositions.

Consolidating the skills of language analysis and synthesis at the sentence level. Differentiation of simple and compound prepositions.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants. Soft and hard consonants. Phonemic analysis and synthesis of words.

Indication of softness of consonants by vowels of the second row. Phonetic analysis.

Consonants. Unpaired hard consonants. Phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with consonants Zh, Sh, Ts. Spelling ZHI-SHI.

Unpaired soft consonants. Phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with consonants Ch, Shch, Y. Spelling CHA - SCHA, CHU - SCHU.

Unpaired soft consonants. Spelling of words with CHK - CHN, NSCH - ShchN, RShch and other combinations.

Expansion of the lexical dictionary. Similar words. Concept. The semantic role of the root.

Development of inflection. Ending (concept). Connection of words in a phrase.

Word formation. Prefix for nouns.

Separating sign. Phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Word formation. Suffixes for nouns. Forming words using suffixes:

Diminutives -IK-, -EChK-, -K-;

Magnifying -ISCH-;

Affectionate -INK-, -ONK-, -POINTS-;

Names of items -NIK-, -NISH-;

Baby animals in the singular -ONOK-YONOK-, in the plural -AT-YAT-;

Professions -IST-, -CHIK-CHIK-.

Morphemic analysis and synthesis of words.

The semantic role of stress. Phonetic perception of homograph words (circles-circles). Development of prosodic components of speech.

Emphasis. Formation of the skill of checking vowels in the root of a word. (8 models, see appendix).

Paired consonants. Consolidating the skill of spelling paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word.

The semantic role of the root. Formation of the skill of checking unpronounceable consonants.

Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Words denoting an object are nouns (concept, questions). Development of the ability to select antonyms and synonyms.

Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Gender, number, animation, inanimateness of nouns.

Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Words denoting a feature of an object - an adjective (concept, questions). Antonyms, synonyms.

Inflection of nouns and adjectives (gender, number, case).

Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Words denoting the action of an object - verb (concept, questions). Time, number.

Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Kind of verb. Antonyms, synonyms.

Word change. Agreement of nouns and verbs in number and tense. Ending past tense verbs. Scheme P-S (subject, predicate).


2. Rules for submitting an offer (1 2 3 4).

19. 8models:

1) “one-many” (tear-tears);

2) “many-one” (sea-sea);

3) “small-big” (wolf-cub);

4) “big-small” (leg-leg);

5) “yesterday-today” (paid-pays);

6) “today-yesterday” (present time-last time);

7) “explain the word” (build a logical chain: rub is connected with a grater;

8) “find the root” (we find it, prove that it is a root).

The fourth stage is correction of dysorthography (4th year of study).

When correcting dysorthography, it is taken into account that spelling skills are a complex intellectual activity, in the structure of which many non-speech and speech functions interact. When forming each of the areas of speech therapy work, the task is to develop automatism, to include one or another operation in the process of spelling-correct writing.

1. Corrective work on the development of coherent speech for students with dysorthography, it takes into account the main stages of the formation of language operations when generating a coherent text.

Work on the development of internal programming of individual utterances, coherent utterances, the formation of linguistic design of a speech utterance that carries out the process of recoding each element of the semantic program into a linguistic form.

The basis of correctional education is two areas:

    Development of internal programming;

    Formation of linguistic design of speech utterances.

2. Development of word formation.

The nature and number of difficulties in schoolchildren with dysorthography indicate a significant degree of impairment in word formation processes compared to the assimilation of patterns of inflection. You need to pay attention to:

Development of the ability to form words based on word morphemes and their lexical meaning;

Differentiation of nouns, adjectives and verbs in a sentence;

Development of the ability to establish grammatical connections between parts of a sentence;

Development of the ability to determine the grammatical category of words in a sentence;

Development of prerequisites for mastering the grammatical meaning of a word in connection with its formal features;

Developing the ability to identify related words and perform a morphological analysis of words is a necessary condition for mastering spelling, in particular, spelling patterns based on the morphological principle of writing.

3. Development of inflection.

Children's mastery of word form presupposes a high level of assimilation of individual grammatical meanings and the presence of a clear understanding at an unconscious level of all forms of word change. Correction of this pathology in younger schoolchildren is aimed at the formation of a paradigmatic system of inflection. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the grammatical meaning of a word, strengthening the connection of grammatical meaning with morphemes, updating auditory and kinesthetic images of the morphological composition of word forms.

The development of inflection processes in primary schoolchildren with dysorthography includes the following areas of remedial education:

Development of the ability to use prepositional-case constructions;

Development of the skill of agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number;

Development of the ability to determine the case endings of nouns and adjectives in the singular and plural;

Development of the ability to differentiate singular and plural present tense verbs;

Development of the ability to differentiate past tense verbs by gender;

Development of the skill of changing verbs by persons and numbers;

Developing the ability to determine verb conjugation.

Taking into account the psychological structure of the process of mastering spelling rules, the formation of spelling action is carried out through the interaction and interdependence of speech and non-speech mental functions.

The exercises carried out in speech therapy classes are included in various types of speech activities. Its oral and written forms are developed, and the peculiarities of the formation of speech utterances are taken into account.

First of all, a system of interests and needs is formed in children in correctly expressing their thoughts in writing. To create it, an individual approach to each child and taking into account his existing speech pathology is necessary. Conditions are created for mastering grammatical knowledge, spelling rules, ways of checking words, mastering the ability to apply them in creative works, and developing self-control skills. All knowledge, skills and abilities formed as a result of work are a component of “spelling sense”. They allow you to update the word forms of the existing “spelling field” (term by M.R. Lvov, 1986). Particular attention is paid to preliminary and ongoing types of self-control. This is due to the fact that children with dysorthography are not able to predict and identify “erroneous” places in words before they are written and during writing. Therefore, the formation of skills is aimed, first of all, not at correcting, but at preventing errors.

Speech therapy work is built taking into account the psychological structure of the process of mastering spelling. Phonemic, morphological and syntactic generalizations formed during correctional classes are acquired by children with dysorthography, first at the practical level, and then at the level of awareness (according to A.A. Leontiev, 1969). In the classroom, first of all, syntagmatic relationships of linguistic forms are used, which characterize the level of practical mastery of speech. As students master individual linguistic patterns, develop the ability to compare, juxtapose and contrast the phonemic and morphological parts of words, and identify what is similar and different in them, paradigmatic relationships are formed. These grammatical phenomena are more consistent with the level of language analysis and allow children with speech pathology to learn language at a higher level, with abstract grammatical concepts. The correctional work carried out develops in junior schoolchildren with dysorthography the ability to correctly pose grammatical questions and master grammatical categories, such as: declension, conjugation, gender, number, case. The spelling skills developed in this way allow the child to successfully use them in independent written speech and improve the skills of monologue oral speech.

-speech therapist With teachers... By corrections and development of cognitive processes in students With violation ...

  • Program for the formation of universal educational actions for students at the level of primary general education 2 17


    ... programs Characteristics of activity students 1st grade 1. Development speeches 207 h Familiarization in a specific speech situation with the concepts: speech oral And written... Author- compiler V.Yu. ... younger school age ... corrections violations ... Teacher-speech therapist Teacher ...

  • Program of comprehensive assistance and support for pupils studying in a special (correctional) school; correctional and developmental program


    ... program psychological support designed for children junior school age, junior... N. Correction oral And written speeches students primary classes. – M., 1991 Kolpakovskaya I.K., Spirova L.F. Characteristic violations letters and...

  • Primary general education program


    By corrections and prevention violations vision... writing; Development oral And written speeches students; Development of language... Author- compiler I.V.Fedotova Volgograd: Teacher-Ast, 2006... Program student-oriented junior school age ...

  • The program was compiled taking into account the contingent of children with speech disorders studying in the primary grades of type VII, who have identified reading and writing deficiencies due to insufficient development of phonemic and lexical and grammatical means of speech.

    The program is designed to work with a group of students who have difficulty developing written language, writing and reading).



    Front page

    Brodnikova Svetlana Mikhailovna

    Primary school teacher, class teacher 3 in class

    Secondary school No. 20 of the village of Podgornaya ''

    Phone -8 928- 36-30- 670

    Worker - 8-8-7951- 7- 87-14

    Email address -Schoolp20@

    Home address - 357815 Stavropol Territory Georgievsky District Stanitsa Podgornaya Lenin Street, 53.

    The name of the nomination is educational program

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 20 of the village of Podgornaya"


    Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 20

    Podgornaya village

    Minutes of the meeting

    Ped. Council of MBOU Secondary School No. 20

    from no.


    Deputy at the Moscow Region head of VR


    From No.

    Club program

    “Correction of oral and written speech disorders”

    for the 2011-2012 academic year

    (the program is designed for 4 years of study

    Children aged 7-10 years)

    based on “Software and methodological materials for speech therapy classes with primary schoolchildren” by L.M. Kozyreva.

    Explanatory note

    The modern era places high demands on human personality. It must be harmoniously developed in all areas of life. Therefore, one of the tasks of elementary school is the timely detection of deviations in the physical, neuropsychic and speech development of children. According to world statistics, the number of speech disorders is steadily growing, so the relevance of the problem of timely detection and correction of speech disorders is becoming global.

    Currently, there is an unfavorable tendency towards an increase in the number of unsuccessful schoolchildren who cannot cope with curriculum. The largest risk group consists of students in classes VII species.

    The program is designed taking into account the population of children with speech impairments studying in primary school VII species, who have deficiencies in reading and writing due to insufficient development of phonemic and lexical and grammatical means of speech.

    The program is designed to work with a group of 1st grade students who have difficulty developing written language (writing and reading).

    Classes take into account the material of the school curriculum in the Russian language. The methods and techniques used in the work correspond to the age characteristics of these children.

    Purpose of the program

    Conduct remedial training with students,

    To prevent the development of written speech disorders that complicate educational cognitive activity student data for subsequent stages of education;


    1. filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech;
    2. vocabulary enrichment;
    3. development of grammatical structure and coherent speech.

    Scope of application

    The program is addressed to speech therapists in general education and special correctional schools; can be used by primary school teachers in public schools to prevent speech disorders, improve the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

    This program is designed for children 6-7 years old (first graders). Its implementation period is 1 year. The form of organization is a circle. The course lasts 66 hours. Classes are held 2 times a week.

    The organization of activities of junior schoolchildren in the classroom is based on the following principles:



    Consciousness and activity;



    Relationship between theory and practice;

    Individual approach to students.

    The choice of the number of hours on each topic depends on the severity of speech underdevelopment, the compensatory capabilities of the child, the psychophysiological characteristics of the child, the state of his intelligence, the quality and speed of assimilation of the material.

    To master the program, the basic teaching methods : visual, verbal, method of practical knowledge, problem-based - search.

    To successfully conduct classes, various types of work are used:

    game elements,


    didactic and handout material,

    Proverbs and sayings,

    physical education minutes,

    rhymes, counting rhymes,

    rebuses, crosswords, puzzles,

    grammar tales,

    speech therapy chants.

    Most didactic material is given in poetic form, which makes it easier to assimilate and remember.

    All this opens up the wonderful world of words for children, teaches them to love and feel their native language.


    The program includes three sections;

    * filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech;

    * enrichment of vocabulary;

    *development of the grammatical structure of coherent speech.

    All of the listed areas of work are carried out simultaneously, that is, in one lesson, work should be done both on correcting gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, and on enriching the vocabulary and developing grammatical structure.

    First quarter is devoted to the development of various forms of sound analysis, starting with the isolation of sound from words. Learning begins with recognizing and isolating vowel sounds from words, comparing and distinguishing them. Children highlight vowel sounds A,O, U from the beginning of the word under stress and in an unstressed position, vowel sounds A, O, U, E,Y from the middle of the word and from the end of the word under stress. From consonant sounds, sonorant consonants M, L, R are introduced, N. Speech therapy classes are conducted in a playful way. In games to develop sound analysis, letters are used that correspond to the sounds being highlighted, and thus the graphic image of the letters is consolidated. In the first quarter, children become familiar with the vowels A, O, U, E, Y, and the consonant letters M, L, R, N.

    In the second quarter The main topic is the distinction between hard and soft consonants. Vowel letters are introduced, with the help of which the softness of consonant sounds is indicated: I, E, E, Yu, b (softener). Reading of syllables and words with these letters is shown practically, without conducting a full sound-letter analysis and establishing a discrepancy in the sound-letter composition of the word. Syllabic tables on which SG syllables are written are widely used; there are several options for syllabic tables: first, one consonant letter is combined in order with all the vowels, and the paired vowels are nearby (ma-mya-mo-me-mu-mu, etc.); then several consonants are combined with one vowel (ma-na-la-ra; mya-nya-la-rya). When reading syllables, the speech therapist draws the children’s attention to the letter composition of the syllable being read: “We read ma, the consonant sounds hard, we read mya, the consonant sounds soft. With the letter A the consonant sounds hard, with the letter Z the consonant sounds soft.” The refusal to conduct a complete sound-letter analysis of words like “ball” at the beginning of first grade education for children at risk for dysgraphia is based on the fact that this analysis does not provide practical significance, it does not affect the formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with these letters; and besides, being objectively difficult to understand at this age, it can complicate the development of initial reading skills. To develop competent writing this type analysis is also a hindrance: children, inexperienced in the subtleties of sound-letter inconsistencies, begin to write, following the traces of analysis, in the syllable SG after the consonant letter the vowels A, U, O, E and in those places where the letters Ya, E, E, Yu should be written. First, children need teach to clearly distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds in these syllables, because establishing differences is an easier task for children than finding common ones, and also to achieve a clear differentiation of the concepts of “sound” and “letter”. With the vowels I and Y, it is necessary to conduct a sound-letter analysis of words with hard and soft consonant sounds, since in words like “myl-mil” the vowel sounds in the words are different, and we will not provoke an error in the spelling of the vowel letter (unlike these words , in words like “poppy-ball” the vowel sounds in the words are the same, and children begin to write the letter A where there is only the sound A, since they still do not understand the difference between the terms “sound” and “letter A” in the classroom lesson. The teacher constantly gets them to answer: sound A. So we get errors in writing like “lubit”, “mach”, “mod”).

    In the position of the beginning of the word and in the position after the vowel and the separators b and b, the letters Ya, E, E, Yu denote two sounds. In this case, it is worth introducing children to the secret of these letters denoting two sounds, one of which is the consonant [Y]. This sound stands out well, it can be pronounced for a long time and thus develop students’ phonemic awareness.

    This topic also shows the letter b as a softener (at the end of words and in the middle). With words like “horse”, a full sound-letter analysis is carried out, since it is very convenient to show the difference between hard and soft consonant sounds (the soft sign precisely indicates this softness). When laying out diagrams of the sound composition of words with a soft sign, we be sure to show the letter b in the right place in the word, thus transforming the sound diagram into a sound-letter one. This is done to prevent errors involving the omission of the letter b in a letter. If we limit ourselves only to the sound scheme / in which, naturally, there is no place for the letter b, how. not denoting an independent sound, we will provoke children to omit this letter when writing, since children do not clearly differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”. New consonant sounds and letters are not introduced in the second quarter; all speech material consists of words and the first short sentences composed of sonorant and vowel letters. The reading material is contained in the workbook: Kozyreva L. M. How to learn to read. - Yaroslavl, 2006. At the same time, speech therapy classes expand the vocabulary of first-graders on lexical topics: “Fruits,” “Vegetables,” “Flowers,” “Trees,” “Birds,” “Beasts.”

    Third quarter is given to the differentiation of voiceless and voiced consonant sounds in oral speech and the corresponding letters in reading and writing. All 6 pairs of voiceless and voiced consonants are considered: P-B, T-D, K-G, F-V, S-3, Sh-Zh. The order of work is as follows: first, we get acquainted with a voiceless sound and a letter, while the speech material does not contain paired voiced sounds; then a voiced sound is introduced in the absence of an opposing voiceless sound. After each member of the pair has been mastered, a comparison of these sounds and letters begins, establishing both similarities and differences. These topics are presented in the notebook: Kozyreva L. M. We read and play. - Yaroslavl, 2006. Speech material consists of words and sentences containing only studied letters. Game material can be found in the manuals: Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with the sounds P, P, B, B." - Yaroslavl, 2004; Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with the sounds K, K, G, G". Yaroslavl, 2004., Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with the sounds S, S, 3, 3". —- Yaroslavl, 2004. In the mentioned game aids, differentiationsounds is carried out on the material of the following lexical topics: K-G - “Inhabitants of reservoirs”, “Zoo. Animals and Birds", "Musical Instruments", "Water Transport"; P-B - “Hats”, “Shoes”; “Clothing”, “Tools”, “Sports equipment”, “Equipment”: C-3 - “Working machines”, “Appliances”, “Flowers”, “Toys”, “Food”, “Personal items”.

    Fourth quarteris dedicated to unpaired consonants in terms of deafness and voicedness and the letters X, Ts, Ch, Shch (voiceless), I (voiced), as well as the letters b and b. Children read short poetic texts and proverbs found in the notebook:


    Deputy Director for HR Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20

    Art. Podgornaya

    " " 2011 ______________



    for the 2011-2012 academic year

    1st year of study

    Club name: “Correction of students’ oral and written speech disorders”

    Number of hours per week: 2

    Compiled by primary school teacher S.M. Brodnikova

    based on “Software and methodological materials for speech therapy classes with primary schoolchildren” by L.M. Kozyreva

    Teacher: Brodnikova Svetlana Mikhailovna



    1st CLASS

    According to plan - 66 hours (2 times a week)


    Lesson topic

    Number of hours

    Sound analysis


    Grammatical structure


    Sound and letter A

    Isolating sound from a word


    Prepositions on, in, under

    Sound and letter O

    Isolating sound from a word


    Prepositions on, in, under

    Sound and letter U

    Isolating sound from a word


    Prepositions by, for, on.

    Adverbs high, low, above

    Sounds and letters A, O, U.

    First sound in a word

    "Fruits" - "vegetables"

    Sound and letter Y

    The last sound in a word


    Sounds of the letter E

    First sound in a word


    Gender agreement between adjectives and nouns


    Sound and letter M


    Gender agreement between adjectives and nouns


    Letter L sounds

    Beginning, middle, end of a word


    Agreement of past tense verbs with nouns in gender


    Sound and letter P

    Beginning, middle, end of a word

    "Fruits - vegetables"

    Gender agreement between adjectives and nouns

    Letter N sounds

    Beginning, middle, end of a word


    prepositions on, in, under

    Sonorant sounds M, N, L, R

    First and last sound in a word


    prepositions for, between, before

    Sound and letter I

    Sound analysis of words like whale


    Nominative, plural nouns


    Letter I

    Sound analysis of words like pit


    Nominative case, plural nouns


    Letter U

    Sound analysis of words like spinning top


    Prepositions over, under; from under


    Letter E

    Sound analysis of words like hedgehogs


    Agreement of verbs: past tense with nouns in gender


    Letter E

    Sound analysis of words like ruff


    Prepositions over, under, from under

    Letter b (softener)

    Sound analysis of words like horse


    Gender agreement between adjectives and nouns





    word analysis

    type poppy,



    Agreement of adjectives with

    nouns in sort of





    word analysis

    like an onion,



    Verb agreement


    time since

    nouns in sort of

    Sounds N-N"

    Sound analysis of words

    like Nina

    "Names of People"






    sound analysis of words

    type cancer,




    Prepositions over, under,

    from under

    Sound and

    letter P


    word analysis -

    type raincoat



    Prepositions in,

    on, with, from

    Sound and

    letter B


    Antonymous prefixes


    Sounds and letters P-B

    Sound analysis of words type of hat


    Antonymous prefixes

    Sounds of letters T

    Sound analysis of words like raft


    Consonant prefixes. Kommersant after prefixes

    Sound and letter D

    Sound analysis of words like disk

    “Sports things”

    Adverbs of space


    Sounds and letters -


    Sound analysis of words like pipe

    "Musical Instruments"

    Adverbs of qualitative meaning(quiet > loud, etc.)

    Sounds of the letter K

    Sound analysis of words like carp


    Prefixes and prepositions" of spatial meaning

    Sound and letter G

    Sound analysis of words like tiger


    Agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender


    Sounds and letters


    Sound analysis of words like falcon


    Prefixes and prepositions of spatial meaning


    Sound and

    letter F


    word analysis

    eagle owl type


    Prefixes and prepositions




    Sound and

    letter B


    word analysis

    crow type


    Prefixes and prepositions




    Sounds and




    word analysis

    sparrow type


    Prefixes and prepositions




    Sound and

    letter C


    word analysis

    type sugar


    Agreement of adjectives with essence

    native in gender


    Sound and

    letter 3


    word analysis

    mosaic type



    Verb agreement

    Past tense with

    nouns in

    sort of


    Sounds and




    Word Analysis

    umbrella type






    Verb agreement

    Past tense with

    nouns in

    sort of



    letter Ш


    word analysis

    jug type


    Coordination of application

    adjectives with nouns

    native in gender


    Sound and

    letter Z


    Word Analysis






    Coordination of application

    adjectives with nouns

    native in gender

    "Sounds and




    word analysis

    type of bump


    and seeds"

    Coordination of application

    adjectives with nouns

    native in gender


    Sound and

    letter X


    word analysis

    like halva

    " Food "

    Verb agreement


    time since existence

    like a vest


    Efimenkova L.I. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. M., 1991.

    Efimenkova M.N., Misarenko G.G.Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center. M, 1991.

    Ivanenko SF. Formation of speech perception in children with severe pronunciation disorders. M., 1984.

    Kozyreva L. M. Riddles of sounds, letters, syllables. Yaroslavl, 1999.

    Kozyreva L. M. Let's get acquainted with vowel sounds. Yaroslavl, 2006.

    Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with the sounds K, K, G, G ". Yaroslavl, 2004.

    Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with sounds L, L ", R, R" Yaroslavl, 2004.

    Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with the sounds P, P, B, B. Yaroslavl, 2004.

    Kozyreva L. M. Games in pictures with sounds C,C",3, 3". Yaroslavl, 2004.

    Kozyreva L. M . And whistling, and hissing and the most sonorous. Yaroslavl, 1999.

    Kozyreva L. M. How to learn to read, Yaroslavl, 2006.

    Kozyreva L. M. How words are formed, Yaroslavl, 2006.
    Kozyreva L. M. Speech therapy manual. Sound warm-ups and exercises to improve reading technique skills. (Read clearly, loudly, expressively). M., Publishing school, 2000.

    Kozyreva L, M. Speech therapy program for correction of the sound aspect of speech for children with delay mental development. 2-3 grades. Smolensk 2003.

    Ushakov N. N. et al. A journey through the land of words. M, 1992.

    Shansky N. M. In the world of words. M., 1985.

    Yazovitsky E. B. Speak correctly. M., 1969.

    Yakubovskaya E. D. et al. Didactic games. M., 1991.

    Yastrebova A.V. Correction of speech disorders in students secondary school. M., 1984.

    The speech therapy notebook provides practical material for conducting correctional classes with primary school students aimed at overcoming specific difficulties in mastering writing and coherent speech.
    Tasks and exercises are aimed at improving phonemic hearing, developing skills in sound-syllable analysis and word synthesis, developing the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, enriching vocabulary, and developing the ability to put stress in words. The material in the manual is divided into topics that cover all areas of correctional work with children with general speech underdevelopment.
    The notebook is addressed to primary school children, speech therapists working with them, and can be useful to speech pathologists in integrated classes, as well as primary school teachers when conducting extracurricular classes in the Russian language.

    Replace one consonant letter in words to form a new word.
    Korzh, nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, mink, wedge, light, log, frame, point, laziness, oak, rye, game, faith, ear, owl, saw, onion, fruit, moon, pain, role, pelican, day, barrel.

    Read the titles of the fairy tales. Correct one letter in the names of fairy tales so that you get the fairy tales you know.
    “Ball-Bird”, “The Fox and the Cauldron”, “Regiment and the Seven Little Goats”, “Golden Chop”, “Box”, “Ryaba Crust”, “Misha and the Bears”, “Sivka-Birka”, “Cap”, “ The whale and the fox."

    Crossing out the letters
    Let's add a letter
    Let's change the letter
    Let's find the word in the word
    Playing with syllables
    Let's find similar words
    Let's insert the numbers
    Of two words - one
    Speech therapy arithmetic
    Words are anagrams
    Two new words from one
    One word out of two
    Speech therapy examples
    Drawing words
    The beginning and the end
    Be careful
    Reading without vowels
    Speech development
    Let's put emphasis
    Don't confuse letters b and d

    Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book Speech therapy notebook for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia in primary schoolchildren, Ogloblina I.Yu., 2015 -, fast and free download.

    • Fun for kids, Theatrical entertainment for children 2-3 years old, Kartushina M.Yu., 2009
    • Development and training program for preschoolers, Difficult sounds, Grammar in pictures, Sound C, For children 4-6 years old, Skvortsova I.V., 2003
    • Speech therapy grammar for kids, A manual for classes with children 6-8 years old, Novikovskaya O.A.
    • Speech therapy grammar for kids, Manual for classes with children 2-4 years old, Novikovskaya O.A., 2004

    The following textbooks and books:

    • Land of wonderful words, Methodological manual, Antropova T.A., Mareeva G.A., 2017
    • Modern trends in the development of information culture of a student’s personality, Shulika N.A., Tabachuk N.P., Kazinets V.A., 2017