Child and children's aerobics program: a set of exercises. "Step aerobics for preschoolers"

To improve the health of children Contribute to the optimization of growth and development of the musculoskeletal system Increase efficiency and motor activity Form the correct posture Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems Develop the need for systematic sports

To improve psychomotor abilities Develop motor qualities: muscle strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination abilities Develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with music Develop a sense of self-confidence

The value of step aerobics Persistent interest in classes physical education Development of confidence, orientation in space Development of general endurance Improving the accuracy of movements Education of physical qualities: dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility, plasticity Efficiency of physical activity

The program is built on generally accepted principles The principle of systematicity and consistency - the continuity of the material and its repetition The principle of gradualness The principle of individuality The principle of accessibility The principle of load alternation The principle of visibility The principle of consciousness and activity

Keep shoulders back, chest forward, buttocks tensed, knees relaxed Avoid overexertion in knee joints; Avoid excessive arching of the back Do not lean forward from the hip, lean with the whole body When lifting or lowering, always use a safe method of lifting Standing facing forward, lifting with legs, but not with your back

Rules for performing step training Perform steps to the center of the step platform Put the entire sole of the foot on the step platform when lifting, and, going down, put the foot from toe to heel before taking the next step Descending from the step platform, stay close enough To her. Do not retreat more than the length of the foot from the step platform Do not start teaching children the work of the hands until they master the movements of the legs to perfection Do not rise or fall from the step platform, standing with your back to it Take a step with ease, do not hit on step - platform feet

Classification of exercises directions of vertical movement (up or down) steps up (Up Step) steps down (Down Step) of the leading leg from the same leg with a change of legs presence or absence of rotational moment around the longitudinal axis, which allows us to divide the elements into the following two types without rotation with rotation of the presence or absence of the reference phase, which makes it possible to classify movements into steps of jumps and jumps

Olga Fedorova
Step aerobics for children preschool age

Municipal budgetary preschool

kindergarten №1 "Glowworm"

Prepared: Fedorova O. I.,

Kindergarten is the first stage of the general education system, the main goal of which is the comprehensive development of the child. One of the tasks preschool education on present stage– creation of the most favorable conditions for strengthening the health, harmonious physical development of the child.

The problem of physical development children is one of the most urgent and priority tasks preschool education

At present, the problem of physical education preschool children occupies a central position in modern society. It is in this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities and interest in classes are formed.

Therefore, in addition to the main forms of physical development, I chose aerobics. Aerobics is a system of physical exercises, the energy supply of which is carried out at the expense of oxygen. At present, kindergartens are visited by many children some of them are often ill. These are mainly diseases of the respiratory system, posture disorders and flat feet.

The volume of health-improving exercises currently used in my practice is very large. Exercises vary in form, content and degrees impact on the child's body.

But most of all I was fascinated by aerobics - these are rhythmic ascents and descents from a special platform. (step platforms) to dance music.

Against the background of progressive physical inactivity, there is an urgent need to improve the motor mode of the preschool educational institution through the use of non-traditional means of physical education. Aerobics is a great pleasure for the students. In order to make them even more interesting and intense, I do morning exercises in the form of aerobics, I use it in various types of children's activities: at holidays, sporting events, in speeches at the RMS.

For further achievements of the pupils, I began to use step aerobics.

Step aerobics for children- this is a whole complex of various exercises, different in pace and intensity, there is a work of all muscles and joints at the base, which rhythmic ascents and descents with the help of a special platform - steppe. It is performed to rhythmic music and combined with movements of various parts of the body. (hands, head). Attracting emotionality and consonance modern dance, step-aerobics allows you to eliminate monotony in the performance of movements, supports good health child, his vitality.

What are the benefits step-aerobics before regular aerobics? « Step» translated from of English language means "step". Step aerobics does not require excessive concentration and concentration of thoughts on the correct assimilation of certain movements. All you need is to be able to move beautifully. Step-aerobics is interesting and varied, there are many elements of descent and ascent in the movements. As a result of systematic studies, children receive a harmoniously developed body, excellent posture and develop beautiful, expressive and precise movements.

Step-aerobics can be practiced in various options:

In the form of full health-improving and training classes with older children preschool age, lasting 25-35 minutes;

As part of the lesson (lasting 10 to 15 minutes);

In the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;

In demonstration performances children on holidays;

As step entertainment.

Target step aerobics: protection and promotion of health children, increasing the body's resistance.


Contribute to the optimization of growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;

Increase efficiency and motor activity;

Form the correct posture;

Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory system,

Develop motor quality: muscle strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination abilities;

Develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with music;

Expected results:

Health promotion children;

Formation of stable balance, improvement of movement coordination;

Improving physical qualities;

Formation of sustainable interest in classes step aerobics.

The complex of exercises consists of a preparatory and main part. The preparatory part provides the warming up of the body, preparing it for the main physical activity. All exercises of the main part are performed on steppe in a light dance rhythm with a small amplitude. The aerobics complex ends with breathing and relaxation exercises performed at a slow pace.

One complex step aerobics, as a complete lesson, is performed by children for three months, some exercises, as they are mastered, may change and become more complicated.

Collective activities children to musical accompaniment are perceived much better, increase their emotionality. Performing joint exercises, children do not feel discomfort, uncertainty, even if not everything works out.

Step- the platform is used in a variety of ways for example:

Game tasks for steppes:

1."Birds on a branch"- squatting on steppe.

2."Airplane"- standing on steppe, legs together, arms to the sides at shoulder height, arms - the wings of an airplane, which, when flying, tilts either to the right or to the left.

3."Giant"- standing on toes steppe, pull your hands up.

4. "Dragonfly"- standing on steppe on socks, hands on the belt, elbows back.

Mobile games using steppes:

1. "Little Birds"

Children - "birds" run freely around the room. Steppes -"houses" stand randomly on the floor. Driving child - "dog" trying to catch "birdies" and stain them. If "bird" sat down in the house, that is, she will stand on step, it is not allowed to catch it.

2."Circus Horses"

circle out steppes This is a circus arena. The kids go around steppes raising knees high "Like horses in training", then, on a signal, they switch to running with high knees, then to walking and, after the music stops, they take step("stall", steppes should be 2-3 less children). The game is repeated 3 times.

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet (exercises are performed in accordance with the text)

1. "Children left the houses"

Music color-exercises with multi-colored scarves, standing on step platform:

1. "Mill".

2. "Umbrella".

3. "Carousel".

A set of exercises with steppes for children preparatory group (6-7 years old).

Sport, guys, is very necessary.

We are close friends with sports, sports are a helper!

Sports - health! Sport is a game! Physical Education!

After the game, the children sit on the carpet and do relaxation and breathing exercises.

I believe that in the course of the work I have done, the goal and objectives have been achieved. In the process of development of motor activity, children got to know themselves, their body, and also studied movements in the spatial-temporal environment. The guys became more independent, they gained self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction with the result achieved in the process of overcoming difficulties, and they also got an incentive to complete the sets of exercises offered to them.


Used literature:

1. Belova T. A. "Using step-platforms in health-improving work with children" (Handbook of the senior educator preschool, 2009).

2. Kuzina I. " Step aerobics for preschoolers" (Preschool education , 2008) .

3. Sulim E. V. "Children's fitness" (Physical training for children 5-7 years old, 2014) .

Aerobics is a system of physical exercises, the energy supply of which is carried out through the use of oxygen. To achieve the effect, the duration of these exercises should be at least 20-30 minutes.

Aerobics is a lot of fun for kids. In order to make them even more interesting and rich, we have made individual projectiles for children - steppes.

A step is a step no more than 8 cm high, 25 cm wide, 40 cm long, light, carpet is glued on top. They made the steps themselves. The first plus is the huge interest of children in step aerobics, which does not dry out throughout school year.

The second plus is that a stable balance is formed in children, because they are engaged in a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.

The third plus is the development of confidence in the child, orientation in space, general endurance, and improvement in the accuracy of movements.

The fourth plus is the education of physical qualities: dexterity, speed, strength, etc.

Endurance increases, and after this, the body's resistance.

But the most important advantage of step aerobics is its healing effect.

Thinking over the content of aerobics classes, we tried to take into account the morphological and functional characteristics of preschoolers, their level of physical fitness and development, while observing the basic physiological principles:

Rational selection of exercises;

Uniform distribution of the load on the body;

Gradual increase in the volume and intensity of the load.

Exercises for step aerobics were selected mainly of a cyclic nature (mainly walking), causing active activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs, enhancing metabolic processes, simple in their motor structure and accessible to children.

Each set of exercises consists of a preparatory and main part. The preparatory part provides the warming up of the body, preparing it for the main physical activity. Exercises are performed with a small amplitude. The aerobics complex ends with breathing and relaxation exercises performed at a slow pace.

During step aerobics, children should be constantly reminded of posture and proper breathing, and support their positive emotions.

Step aerobics classes are necessarily accompanied by vigorous rhythmic music, which also creates a good mood in children. Aerobics can be carried out:

In the form of complete classes of a health-improving and training nature with children of older preschool age (duration 25-35 minutes);

As part of a class (duration 10-15 minutes);

In the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;

In the form of demonstration performances of children at holidays;

Like step entertainment.

One complex of step aerobics as a full lesson is performed by children for three months; some exercises, as they are mastered, can be modified, complicated. The heart rate should not exceed 150-160 beats per minute.

Step aerobics complexes for health-improving and training orientation

Complex No. 1

In a well-ventilated hall, steppes are laid out in a checkerboard pattern on the floor. Under vigorous rhythmic music, children enter the hall and stand behind the steps.


1. Walking is normal on the spot. (Children should feel the music, catch the pace of movement, tune in accordingly.)

2. Walking on the steppe.

3. Take a side step back from the step to the floor and back to the step, from the right foot, cheerfully working with your hands.

4. Side step back from the step, forward from the step.

5. Walking on the steppe; hands alternately moving forward, up, forward, down.


1. Walking on the steppe. Hands alternately draw large circles along the body, fingers clenched into fists.

2. Step on the step - from the step. The hands alternately draw small circles along the torso. (No. 1 and 2 repeat 3 times.)

3. Side step on the step to the right - to the left. At the same time, straight arms rise forward - fall down.

4. Side step on the step to the right - to the left with a half-squat (step - sit down). The hands, bent at the elbows, go to the shoulders, then down.

5. Walking on the steppe with high knees. At the same time, claps are performed with straight arms in front of you and behind your back.

6. Step to the step - from the step with claps with straight arms in front of you and behind your back. (No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 repeat 3 times.)

7. Run in place on the floor.

8. Light running on the steppe.

9. Running around the step.

10. Loose running. (No. 7, 8, 9 and 10 repeat 3 times.)

11. Walking on the steppe.

12. Walking on toes around the step with alternately raising the shoulders.

13. Step to the side from step to step.

14. Walking on the heels around the step while raising and lowering the shoulders.

15. Step to the side from step to step.

16. "Cross". Step from the step - forward; from the step - back; from the step - to the right; from the step - to the left; hands on the belt.

17. The same, doing dance moves hands.

18. Breathing exercise.

19. Normal walking on the steppe.

20. Step from the step - to the step, arms up, to the shoulders.

21. Walking around the steppe on bent legs, hands on the belt.

22. Loose walk with clapping overhead.

23. Step on the step - from the step.

24. Rebuilding in a circle. Walking on the steppe in a circle.

25. Max straight leg up-forward (8 times).

26. Walking with a snake around the steppes (2-3 circles).

27. Max straight leg up-forward, hands on the belt (8 times).

28. Running a snake around the steppes.

29. Outdoor game "Circus horses".

Rules of the game. The circle of steppes is a circus arena. Children walk around the steppes, raising their knees high (“like horses in training”), then, on a signal, they switch to running with a high knee raise, then to walking and, when the music stops, take a step (“stall”). Steps should be 2-3 less than the participants in the game. (The game is repeated 3 times.) Children clean the steppes in a certain place, take rugs, lay them out in a circle and sit on them.

30. Relaxation and breathing exercises.

Complex №2

In the preparatory part of this complex, the steppes are arranged in a row along the wall.


1. I.p.: standing on the step sideways, arms down. While walking in place, raise both hands forward and up; while raising your head; return to i. n. (10 times)

2. Stepping on the steppe, from the position of the hand behind the head, spread them to the sides with the body turning right and left (10 times).

3. Stand on the steppes one after another ("engine"). Take a step back (forward) from the step, simultaneously lowering and raising your shoulders.

4. Turn around, repeat the same (12 times).

(Repeat everything 3 times and rearrange the steps at an angle for the main part of the lesson.)


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, grab the left shoulder with the right hand, the right shoulder with the left hand, then spread the arms to the sides and grab the shoulders again (10-12 times).

2. Step to the step from the step; at the same time, vigorously unbend forward the arms bent at the elbows (fingers clenched into fists). Take your hands back and straighten to the sides from the position - hands in front of the chest.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, make circular movements forward and backward with straight arms alternately and together (10 times).

4. Step from step to step alternate with turning the body to the right and left, hands on the belt (10-12 times).

(No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 repeat 2 times.)

5. Sitting on the steppe, leaning back with your hands, raise and lower your outstretched legs (10-12 times).

6. Sitting on the steppe, cross-legged, bend over to the right and left knee, touching it with your forehead (help yourself with your hands).

7. Kneeling on the steppe, sit down and get up without helping yourself with your hands.

8. Step from the step to the right, to the left.

(No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 repeat 2 times.)

9. Standing on the step, swing your straight leg forward, clap under your foot. Maintain correct posture, do not lean forward, try to raise your leg as high as possible, pulling the toe.

10. Step forward from the step; alternating with an inclination forward (10 times).

11. Standing on the steppe, raise the legs bent at the knees alternately (10-12 times).

12. Standing on the floor in front of the step, step back and forth over the step; hands behind the head (2 times).

13. Walking in a column one by one with stepping over the steppes.

14. Scatter jumps.

15. Repeat #13 in the opposite direction.

16. Scatter jumps.

17. Walking on the steppe.

18. Outdoor game "Birdhouses".

Rules of the game . You can take a place (only in your own) birdhouse (steppe) at the signal “Starlings have arrived!”. It is necessary to fly out of the birdhouse at the signal "Starlings are flying!". The one who takes the step last is considered the loser.

19. Games and exercises for relaxation, restoration of breathing.

Complex No. 3

Steps are arranged in a chaotic order.


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, straighten your arms up, unclenching your fists, look at them; arms are lowered to the shoulders, the hands are clenched into fists.

2. Walk from step to step, cheerfully working with your hands.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, swing your arms back and forth with claps in front and behind.

4. Walking on the steppe with turns around you and with free hand movements. (Turns to one side and the other.)

5. "Cross" (see above). (Repeat 2 times.)


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, cross the bent arms in front of you, clap the left hand on the right shoulder, and the right hand on the left shoulder.

2. A step from the step to the side alternates with a squat. At the same time, the arms are raised forward.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, raise your hands through the sides up and clap above your head.

4. Step from step to step, raising and lowering your shoulders.

5. Walking in all directions with variable steps, hands make dance movements (2 times).

6. Sitting on the steppe, cross your legs, hands on your belt. Tilts left and right.

7. I.p. - too. Waving your arms forward, quickly stand up, return to the starting position.

8. Kneeling on the steppe, hands on the belt; drop on your heels, arms to the sides, return to the starting position.

9. Walking on the steppe with intensive work with hands.

10. Rhythmic squats and straightenings on the step, hands in free movement

11. Circling on the step, arms to the sides. Movement to one side and the other.

12. Repeat #10.

13. Circling with closed eyes.

14. Step on the step, from the step.

15. Loose running with tasks for hands.

16. Repeat #1.

17. Light running on the steppe alternates with walking. (2 times.)

18. Jumping, standing sideways on the step, hands on the belt, legs apart - on the floor, legs together, return to the starting position.

19. Step to the step from the step.

20. Repeat #18 on the other side.

21. Walking on the steppe.

22. The outdoor game "Physical education-hooray!"

Rules of the game. Children carry the steppes for playing to different places, placing them in two lines on opposite sides of the playground. One step less on one side. They stand on their own where there are more steps, two people per step. This is the start line. On the opposite side is the finish line. Children say:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary.

We are close friends with sports,

Sports help!

Sports - health!

Sport is a game!

Physical Education!"

With the end of the words, the participants in the game run a race to the finish line. Those who did not have time to take the step lose. Those who are among the first to take the step win. (Repeat the game 3 times.)

23. Games and relaxation exercises.

Complexes for morning exercises on the steppes can be made using the above exercises. For example:

Complex of morning exercises on the steppes(for older preschoolers)

Steppes laid out in three rows

1st part

Walking and running like a snake around the steppes. Walking with stepping over the steppes. Rebuilding in triplets to the steppes.

2nd part

1. I.p.: standing on the step, hands down. Simultaneously with walking in place, swing your arms back and forth with claps in front and behind. (10 times.)

2. I.p.: main stand. Step to the right from the step, arms to the sides, return to the starting position; the same - to the left. (5 times each.)

3. I.p.: standing on the step, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Turns to the right and left with free hand movements. (10-12 times.)

4. I.p.: kneeling on the steppe, sit down and get up without helping yourself with your hands (10-12 times).

5. Sitting cross-legged on the steppe, bend over to the right and left knee, touching it with your forehead (help yourself with your hands).

6. I.p .: the main stand on the steppe. Swing your straight leg forward, clap under your foot. (10-12 times.)

7. Ordinary step jumps alternate with walking. (2 times.)

A set of general developmental exercises on step-boards(for children of the younger group)

Step boards are laid out in a circle.

1st part

Walking and running in a circle around the step-boards, first in one direction, then in the other. On command or a certain signal (stopping the music, etc.), the children stand on the step board.

Walking on toes around the step-board alternates with running in a circle; the same with walking on heels.

After the usual walking in a circle, the children again stand on the step-boards.

2nd part

General developmental exercises

1. I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands below. Step forward from the step board, hands up, step back; return to i. n. (6 times).

2. I.p. standing at the step-board, hands on the belt. Bend over, touch the step with your palms, straighten up; return to i. n. (6 times).

3. I.p. standing on the steppe, feet hip-width apart, hands at the top. Sit down, tap your palms on the floor in front of the step; straighten up, return to and. n. (5-6 times).

4. I.p.: sitting on the step, legs extended straight forward, arms behind along the edges of the step. Bend your knees, clasp (hug) them with your hands, lower your head; return to i. n. (5-6 times).

5. I.p. standing on the steppe, hands on the belt, legs are not tense. Jumps (8 times) alternate with walking from step to step. (2 times.)

The complex ends with the usual walking on the spot on the step-board, or with a turn around itself, or with a stop on a signal.

Maya Drozdova

The problem of the physical development of children is one of the most urgent and priority in the work of our kindergarten. For the development of the physical qualities of children, we use the following programs and technologies: "Physical culture - for preschoolers" L. D. Glazyrina, dance-game gymnastics Zh. E. Firileva, E. G. Saykina "Sa-fi-dance", innovative methodology - eurythmics, methodology breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova. All this is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the child, contributes to the formation of the principles and habits of a healthy lifestyle, the foundations of physical culture, educating children in the need for physical improvement, in movement based on "muscle joy". The above can also include step aerobics.

Step aerobics- these are rhythmic movements up and down a special step platform, the height of which varies depending on the level of difficulty of the exercises.

Step aerobics develops mobility in the joints, forms the arch of the foot, trains balance, strengthens the muscular system, improves flexibility, plasticity, restores body tone, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, helps to develop good posture, beautiful, expressive and precise movements, promotes harmonious development.

This technology does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. A step bench is enough, not more than 8 cm high, 25 cm wide, 40 cm long, covered with soft leatherette, which you can make yourself.

Work with steppes Let's start with a few simple but important rules:

1. Take steps to the center step - platforms;

2. Bet on step-platform the entire sole of the foot when lifting, and, descending, put the foot from toe to heel before taking the next step;

3. Descending from step - platforms, stay standing close enough to her. Don't deviate from step - more platforms than the length of the foot;

4. Do not start teaching children the work of the hands until they master perfectly the movements of the legs;

5. Do not rise or fall from step - platforms standing with his back to her;

6. Take a step with ease, do not hit on step - platform feet.

Then comes the basics elements:

1. Basic step

2. Step feet apart, feet together.

3. Side step with a touch on the platform or on the floor.

4. Steps with lifting to the platform and bending the leg forward (various options)

5. Touching the platform with the toe of the free leg.

6. Step across the platform

7. Lunges to the side and back

8. Side steps to the right, left, forward, backward, with turns.

9. Steps to the corner

10. B - step

11. A - step

12. jumps (jump onto the platform on one foot)

13. Jumping

14. Upper back muscles. Lying on stomach step platform, shins lie on the floor, arms are bent, forearms up. Take your hands back, return to and. P.

15. "Boat" on the stomach.

16. Adductors of the thigh. Lying on your side, put "upper" foot on the platform. Working (lifts up) "lower" leg.

17. Push-ups in the lying position become more difficult if the feet are fixed on the platform.

18. Stop at the back, use the edge of the platform, is good exercise for triceps.

19. It is advisable to perform a number of exercises for the abdominal muscles while lying on your back, on the platform.

20. Chassis - lateral gallop to the side, in small steps.

Exercises for step aerobics are selected mainly of a cyclic nature (mainly walking, causing active activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs, enhancing metabolic processes, simple in their motor structure.

The complex of exercises consists of a preparatory and main part. The preparatory part provides the warming up of the body, preparing it for the main physical activity. All exercises of the main part are performed on steppe in a light dance rhythm with a small amplitude. Complex ends aerobics breathing and relaxation exercises performed at a slow pace.

One complex step aerobics, as a complete lesson, is performed by children for three months, some exercises, as they are mastered, may change and become more complicated.

Step aerobics It is held with cheerful music familiar to children. You can use modern pop music. The most important thing is that it should be rhythmic, cheerful and emotional.

Collective activities of children under musical accompaniment are perceived by pupils much better, increase their emotionality. Performing joint exercises, children do not feel discomfort, uncertainty, even if not everything works out.

AT kindergarten we use the following options step aerobics:

In the form of complete classes of a health-improving and training nature with children of older preschool age, lasting 25-35 minutes. ;

As part of the lesson (duration 10 to 15 min.) in the form of outdoor switchgear with and without objects;

In the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;

In demonstration performances of children at holidays;

As step entertainment;

Step-platform used varied:

As equipment for shaping the main types movements: running, walking, jumping, crawling;

For outdoor games for both older and younger children,

For relay races,

To perform rhythmic compositions, dance movements, game rhythms and eurythmics elements;

For individual and independent physical activity.

Approximate complex of morning exercises for steppes with sultans

(senior preschool age)

steppes laid out in a checkerboard pattern.

Introductory part. walking around steppes change direction, run "snake".

Main part.

1. I. p. Standing on steppe, hands with sultans below. Simultaneously with walking in place, swing your arms back and forth. (10 times)

2. I. p. Main rack. Step right with steppe, arms to the sides, return to and. n. Also to the left side (5 times each side).

3. I. p. Standing on steppe. Turns left and right with free hand movements. (10 times).

4. I. p. Sitting on steppe, legs wide apart, arms extended up. Tilt to the right leg, stretch with the right hand, straighten up. Also to the left (5 times each).

5. I. p. Main stance, hands below. Swing a straight leg to the side, arms to the sides (5 times each).

6. I. p. Kneeling on steppe, hands behind back. Sit down, hands forward, stand up, hands behind your back (up to 10 times).

7. Jumps. Jump onto the platform on one leg, arms crossed - apart above the head (10-15 jumps 4 times, alternating with walking on step platform).

Part 3 - Breathing exercises.

Traditional and familiar outdoor games can also be diversified using steppes.

1. Game "Sparrows and the Car". The children are located on steppes("in nests"). Sparrows fly around the hall to cheerful music. On signal "Automobile!" run and climb each to his own platform.

2. "Homeless Bunny". Everyone has it "hare" your house ( step, a homeless hare stands on the floor. To rhythmic music, children jump off steppe and jumping in all directions move around the hall. At the end of the music "hares" trying to take home (step) . Left without a home (steppe) the child becomes the leader.

3. "Giants and Gnomes". Walking in a column one by one around steppes. At the teacher's signal "Giants" children stand up step-platform and rise on toes. On signal "Gnomes" sit down on step.


Kuzina I. Step aerobics for preschoolers // Preschool education, 2008 No. 5

Kuzina I. Step aerobics not just fashion // Hoop 2005 №1.

Dolgorukova O. Fitness aerobics // Hoop 2005 №6

Belova T. A. Use step-platforms in health-improving work with children// Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution 2009 No. 7

Barabash T. L. Speech and motor gymnastics "Step to the Word" using steppes// Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution 2011 No. 12

MADOU d / s No. 118 of the city of Tyumen

Additional educational program "Aerobics on the steppes"

Knyazeva Irina Borisovna

Physical education instructor

Program additional education"Aerobics on the Steppes"

(for children 6-7 years old)

To improve the health of the child preschool institutions various wellness programs and the latest technology. One of the health-saving technologies is the use of non-traditional equipment - step platforms.

Explanatory note …………………………………………… page 3

Calendar-thematic planning………………………….page 7

Conditions for the implementation of the program……………………………………page 23

Availability of social partnership……………………..………… 23

References………………………………………..……… 24

Efficiency and results…………………………………………p.25


IExplanatory note.

1. Relevance.

Currently, the problem of physical education of preschool children occupies a central place in modern society. It is in this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities and interest in classes are formed.

The volume of health-improving exercises currently used in the practice of our kindergarten is very large. Exercises are diverse in form, content and degree of impact on the child's body, but according to the results of diagnostics over the past two years, there has been a decrease in the level of development of physical qualities, especially coordination of movements, and the number of healthy children is drastically decreasing. At the same time, senior preschool age is the most important period for the formation of physical activity and favorable for the development of many physical abilities, including coordination, as well as the ability to perform cyclic actions for a long time in modes of moderate and high intensity. Against the background of progressive physical inactivity, there is an urgent need to improve the motor regime of the preschool educational institution through the use of non-traditional means of physical education, one of which is step aerobics.

The use of a step-platform allows children to develop a strong interest in physical education, their achievements, which is one of the most important conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle motivation.

Thus, the use in the practice of work on physical education of plot classes based on step-aerobics, based on taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children, will increase the efficiency of the process of physical and mental education and have a positive impact on the state of health and the dynamics of physical fitness, as well as on formation of children's interest in systematic physical exercises.

2. Purpose: strengthening the health of children, increasing the body's resistance.

1. Develop children's motor abilities and physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, mobility in the joints, agility, coordination of movements and balance function to train the child's vestibular apparatus).

2. Form skills correct posture develop the muscular system through exercises on step platforms;

3. Formation of the ability to perform rhythmically in concert simple moves to the music.

4. Development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

5. To cultivate an emotionally positive attitude and a steady interest in physical education and independent motor activity.

6. Cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

3. Age of children.

It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. For ulnogo age I have developed a step-aerobics program for children 6-7 years old.

improvement of physical indicators of health and development of physical endurance in preschool children

4. Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness

Systematic step-aerobics classes:

Will help the natural development of the child's body and instill the need to take care of their health;

Develop the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of children;

Increase the vital capacity of the lungs, improve physical, intellectual performance;

Strengthen posture and arch of the foot;

They will form in preschoolers the skills of independent expression of movements to music, develop initiative, diligence.

Results of activity:

In kindergarten, sports dances using a step platform can be included in the program of holidays and entertainment. This increases children's interest in physical exercises and causes them a positive emotional response.

By the end of the year, the child will be able to:

The child correctly performs the exercises of the step-aerobics complex, is able to monitor his posture, breathing.

The child shows endurance and concentration when performing exercises.

The child focuses on the task set by the teacher and strives to achieve positive results in its implementation. In cases of difficulty, seek help from an adult.

The child uses the acquired knowledge in free activity.

The child shows creativity and imagination, ready for individual self-expression.

5. Terms of implementation.

The duration of the program is 1 year.

The duration of classes is 30 minutes 2 times a week, therefore, 80 classes are held per year, which gives great opportunities in mastering the necessary skills and abilities.

6. Distinctive features of the program.

Benefits of step aerobics:

  • The step uses the same exercises as in classical gymnastics. All of them are aimed at training the muscles of the heart, to develop better coordination of movements.
  • Step aerobics has a complex effect on the body, while delicately correcting the shape of the legs, developing the desired muscle group. The body will be more slender, flexible, plastic and hardy.
  • Aerobics has a positive effect on the entire body, strengthening the respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems, as well as normalizing blood pressure and activity of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Step is simply indispensable for hypodynamia, that is, a lack of movement. Today, almost half of humanity suffers from hypodynamia, which includes both youth and schoolchildren.

II. Calendar-thematic planning.

Distribution educational material for a year:

Long-term plan:

1. Learn the basic steps in basic aerobics - 1 hour.

2. Learn the basic steps in basic aerobics. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

3. Improve the basic steps of basic aerobics. Breathing exercises - 1 hour.

4. Improve the basic steps of basic aerobics. Breathing exercises - 1 hour.

5. Improve the basic steps of basic aerobics. Exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen - 1 hour.

6. Improve the steps of basic aerobics - 1 hour.

7. Improve dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

8. Mastering dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the thigh muscles from the side, inside, outside, behind - 1 hour.

9. Improve dance steps with the addition of hands. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

10. Improve dance steps with the addition of hands. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

11. Learn a dance combination. Exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles, buttocks, abdominal muscles - 1 hour.

12. Improve the dance combination. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

13. Improve the dance combination. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

14. Improve the dance combination. Breathing exercises - 1 hour.

15. Step aerobics. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

16. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

17. Step aerobics. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

18. Step aerobics. Agility exercises - 1 hour.

19. Step aerobics. Press exercises - 1 hour.

20. Step aerobics. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

21. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

22. Step aerobics. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

23. Step aerobics. Agility exercises - 1 hour.

24. Step aerobics. Press exercises - 1 hour.

25. Step aerobics. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

26. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

27. Step aerobics. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

28. Step aerobics. Agility exercises - 1 hour.

29. Step aerobics. Press exercises - 1 hour.

30. Step aerobics. Breathing exercises - 1 hour.

31.Fitball (exercises on the spot and on the move with balls - 1 hour.

32.Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball) - 1 hour.

33. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball) - 1 hour.

34.Fitball. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles and exercises for coordination - 1 hour.

35.Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

36. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball) - 1 hour.

37. Fitball Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back - 1 hour.

38. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

39. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

40. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

41. Repeat dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

42. Mastering dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the thigh muscles from the side, inside, outside, behind - 1 hour.

43. Learn a dance combination. Exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles, buttocks, abdominal muscles - 1 hour.

44. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises with dumbbells - 1 hour.

45. Step aerobics. Rope exercises - 1 hour.

46. ​​Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

47. Improve the dance combination. Corrective exercises on gymnastic mats - 1 hour.

48. Improve dance steps and ligaments. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

49. Mastering dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the thigh muscles from the side, inside, outside, behind - 1 hour.

50. Learn a dance combination. Exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles, buttocks, abdominal muscles - 1 hour.

51. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises with dumbbells - 1 hour.

52. Step aerobics. Exercises with expanders - 1 hour.

53. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises, sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

54. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises with dumbbells - 1 hour.

55. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises on gymnastic mats - 1 hour.

56. Repeat dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

57. Repeat dance steps. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

58. Learn a dance combination. Exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles, buttocks, abdominal muscles - 1 hour.

59. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises with dumbbells - 1 hour.

60. Step aerobics. Exercises with expanders - 1 hour.

61. Fitball (exercises on the spot and in motion with balls, exercises while sitting, lying on the ball). Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

62. Improve the dance combination. Strength exercises with dumbbells - 1 hour.

63. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises on gymnastic mats - 1 hour.

64. Aerobics. Strength and breathing exercises - 1 hour.

65. Aerobics. Exercises that strengthen the back muscles - 1 hour.

66. Step aerobics. Press exercises - 1 hour.

67. Step aerobics. Strength exercises - 1 hour.

68. Step aerobics. Corrective exercises for posture - 1 hour.

69. Step aerobics. Flexibility exercises - 1 hour.

70. Step aerobics. Agility exercises - 1 hour.

71. Step aerobics. Press exercises - 1 hour.

72. Step aerobics. Breathing exercises - 1 hour.

III. Program content.

According to the degree of influence on the child's body, all types of health-improving physical culture (depending on the structure of movements) can be divided into two large groups: exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature. Cyclic exercises are such motor acts in which the same complete motor cycle is constantly repeated for a long time. These include walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming.

In acyclic exercises, the structure of movements does not have a stereotypical cycle and changes during their execution. These include gymnastic and strength exercises, jumping, throwing, sports and outdoor games. Acyclic exercises have a predominant effect on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, resulting in increased muscle strength, reaction speed, flexibility and mobility in the joints, and lability of the neuromuscular system. The types with the predominant use of acyclic exercises include morning exercises and step aerobics.

A feature of step aerobics is that the pace of movements and the intensity of the exercises are set by the rhythm of the musical accompaniment. It uses a complex of various means that affect the child's body. So, a series of running and jumping exercises affect mainly the cardio - vascular system; tilts and squats - on the motor apparatus, methods of relaxation and suggestion - on the central nervous system. Parterre exercises develop muscle strength and joint mobility, running series develop endurance, dance series develop plasticity, etc. Depending on the choice of means used, step-aerobics classes can be predominantly athletic, dance, psychoregulatory or mixed. The nature of energy supply, the degree of strengthening of respiratory and circulatory functions depend on the type of exercise. A series of parterre exercises (in the supine position, sitting) has the most stable effect on the circulatory system. Heart rate does not exceed 130 bpm, i.e. does not go beyond the aerobic zone. Thus, ground work is predominantly aerobic in nature. In a series of exercises performed in a standing position, exercises for upper limbs also cause an increase in heart rate up to 130 beats / min., dance - up to 150, and global (tilts, deep squats) - up to 160 beats / min. The most effective effect on the body is provided by a series of running and jumping exercises.

In health-improving classes, the choice of the pace of movements and series of exercises should be carried out in such a way that the training was mainly aerobic in nature (with an increase in heart rate within 130-150 bpm). Then, along with improving the functions of the musculoskeletal system (increasing muscle strength, mobility in the joints, flexibility), it is also possible to increase the level of general endurance, but to a much lesser extent than when performing cyclic exercises.

The leading role in this belongs to cyclic exercises that ensure the development of aerobic capacity and overall endurance in children.

Aerobics is a system of physical exercises, the energy supply of which is carried out through the use of oxygen. Aerobic exercises include only those cyclic exercises in which at least 2/3 of the muscle mass is involved. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercises should be at least 20-30 minutes. It is for cyclic exercises aimed at developing general endurance that the most important morphological and functional changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems are characteristic. Differences certain types cyclic exercises associated with the peculiarities of the structure of the motor act and the technique of its implementation are not of fundamental importance for achieving a preventive and healing effect. The experience of working with children of preschool age shows that all the forms of health-improving physical culture listed above have a positive effect on the child's body. But the most effective is aerobics.

One complex of step aerobics, as a full lesson, is performed by children for three months, some exercises, as they are mastered, may change and become more complicated.

When distributing exercises, it is necessary to correctly dose physical activity, i.e. heart rate should not exceed 150-160 bpm.

Step - aerobics is one of the forms of conducting physical education classes, which contributes to raising the interest of preschool children in the process of performing physical exercises.

The use of imitation and imitation techniques, figurative comparisons corresponds to the psychological characteristics of preschoolers, facilitates the process of memorization, mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of the lesson, promotes the development of thinking, imagination, creativity, and cognitive activity.

The selection of means and methods of physical education is determined by the age (anatomical, physiological, psychological and motor) characteristics of children. To solve the tasks in the classroom, various physical exercises are used, the sequence of which corresponds to the generally accepted three-part structure. At the same time, the exercises used in the preparatory and final parts of the classes, as well as etudes of psycho-gymnastics, dances and games can be changed after 2-3 lessons, varying them in accordance with the plot. The complexes of general developmental exercises used in the main part, it is advisable to perform for 15-16 lessons, gradually complicating the exercises and increasing the load. When dosing exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of preparedness and individual capabilities of children.

The study of the age dynamics of strength development showed that in the period from 4 to 7 years there is a significant increase in muscle mass and, accordingly, the contractility, strength and performance of muscles increase, therefore, according to the recommendations of some valeologists, exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and hip joints in a 5-year-old child age can be performed daily from 20 to 30 times, and for the muscles of the body - from 40 to 60 times, in separate series of 6-8 or 12-16 times. A large amount of work performed causes noticeable changes in metabolism, in the work of the functional systems of the body, expanding the mechanisms of adaptation not only to physical activity, but also to the action of various environmental factors, and contributes to an increase in overall performance.

After learning the exercises for 1 - 2 lessons, they are performed to the music. The use of rhythmic music evokes positive emotions in children, contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm, and facilitates the formation of motor qualities.

The developed complexes of classes are aimed at a phased accentuated development of motor qualities, which takes from 50 to 70% of the time of classes. Each set of plot lessons is used on average for 2-2.5 weeks, since the use of short training programs aimed at developing individual motor skills in the process of physical education of preschoolers is quite effective and causes a significant improvement in indicators characterizing the level of development of motor qualities .

Step aerobics: classification of exercises.

Depending on the direction of vertical movement (up or down), several groups of movements are distinguished:

Steps up (upstep) - movements that start on the floor and are performed on the platform;

Steps down (downstep) - movements that start from the platform to the floor

Depending on the "leading" leg:

From the same foot (singlelead) - movements for 4 counts, in which a change of foot occurs.

The presence or absence of a rotational moment around the longitudinal axis makes it possible to divide the elements into the following types:

Without turning - displaceable;

With rotation - rotational.

The presence or absence of a support base allows you to classify movements into:

Jumps and jumps.

The main elements of exercises in step aerobics

1. Basic step (BasicStep). Step right to the platform, put the left, step right to get off the platform. (starting position (ip)) Performed on 4 accounts. Similarly with the other leg.

2. Step legs apart, legs together (V-step) - performed in the same way as in classical aerobics.

3. Side step (tapup, tapdown) with a touch on the platform and on the floor (top, bottom). With a right step onto the platform, straightening the knee, put the left on the half-toes, not transferring the weight of the body, iujv leave the platform with the left, put the right on the half-toes to the supporting leg. Performed on 4 accounts. Also with other legs. Options: a) - step with a touch on the platform for 8 accounts (tapup). Performed with a change of foot. With a right step, stand on the platform, put the left to the right, not transferring the weight of the body, step the left back, put the right to the left, also from the other leg. This exercise is performed in the same way, starting with the left leg. b) - side step with a change of foot with a touch down for 8 counts (tapdown). With a right step, stand on the platform, put the left to the right, the weight of the body on two legs. With a right step, get off the platform back, put the left to the right on the half-fingers, not transferring the weight of the body. With a step of the left, stand on the platform, put the right to the left, with a step of the left back, get off the platform.

4. Steps with lifting to the platform and bending the legs forward (lift). The exercise is performed in the same way as in classical aerobics. Options: repeated execution with one leg; with a change of foot; with a straight leg (liftfront, side, back); with a bent leg forward (kneeup); with a bent leg back (Legcurl); rise to the platform with a “kick” (Kick) of the free leg.

5. Touching the platform with the toe of the free leg (steptap). Bending the left, touch the toe of the platform, attach to the right (ip), the same with the other foot. Performed on 2 accounts.

6. Steps - legs together, legs apart (Straddleup). Easy.p. leg stand apart on the sides of the platform (along), step with the right into the platform, put the left one, while straightening the legs. Alternately step right, left step off the platform. The movement is performed in 4 counts.

7. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but iz.p. is performed. - stand legs together on the platform (Straddledown).

8. Step with turn (turnstep) I.p. - stand sideways to the platform. Step right onto the platform, step left onto the platform, with a turn of the back to the main direction (longitudinally on the platform) leg stand apart. Step right back in a diagonal direction (turning diagonally), step right back from the platform, put left to right (ip)

9. Steps in a diagonal direction, from corner to corner of the platform (cornertocorner)

10. Step across the platform (over the top). Easy.p. - leg stand together sideways to the platform. Step left to the side to stand on the platform, put the right one. With a left step, get off the platform (on the other side), put the right one on the half-finger of the left.

11. Steps across the platform in the longitudinal direction (across)

12. Lunges (lunges) to the side and back. They are carried out in a longitudinal or transverse rack to the platform. The technical requirements are the same as in classical aerobics - the heel of the back leg does not fall to the floor.

13. Side steps - legs together, legs apart (T-step). Easy.p. - stand with legs together in a transverse stance from the end of the platform. Step right forward, put left to right (performed on the platform), step right, then left to the side (get off the platform - stand legs apart). Step right from the platform, put the left to the right. Runs on 8 accounts. Also on the other leg.

14.Steps by an angle (L-step). Easy.p. in a rack at the end of the platform in the longitudinal direction, step right, then left to the platform. Step right to the side (get off the platform, put the left to the right). Runs on 8 accounts.

15. Step with a 90 degree turn with a forward bend and a jump on the support (1/4 Hop-Turn). Easy.p. - stand on two legs at the third part of the platform (longitudinally) Step right onto the platform, bending the left forward, turn to the right. Step left back off the platform, put the right to the left. Perform on 4 accounts.

16. A-step - facing the platform at the edge in the longitudinal direction. Step right to the center of the platform, put the left to the right. Step right back diagonally - get off the platform, put the left to the right. Performed on 4 accounts.

Organization of classes in step aerobics

It is possible to perform exercises in various formations: in a line (in a checkerboard pattern), in a circle, V - formation. In some cases, especially when working with children, the location of the platforms in one line is used, which makes it possible to conduct classes in the game method. For example, two "competing" commands, sequential execution of one, then another group, etc.

The sequence of learning the step aerobics complex

Before learning the step-aerobics complex, preliminary work is necessary.

The teacher needs:

  • determine the task of the complex;
  • choose exercises that contribute to the age of children and their physical fitness;
  • determine the number of exercises in each part of the complex, their dosage;
  • distribute the number of lessons for compiling, learning and practicing the exercises of the complex;
  • choose musical accompaniment to the step aerobics complex, corresponding to the pace of the exercises.

Learning the step-aerobics complex can be conditionally divided into three stages.

Stage I - preparatory (2 lessons).

At this stage, the task of the teacher is to create a general idea of ​​the movements, to give the necessary information about the nature of the music, about the methods of performing exercises. At this stage, the teacher demonstrates the complex completely to the music in front of the children, draws the attention of the children to the connection of the new movement with those previously studied.

Stage II - main (8 lessons).

This stage involves the meaningful performance of exercises by children and an understanding of the relationship between music (tempo, expressiveness) and movements. The teacher continuously monitors the performance of movements by children and corrects errors in execution individually with each child. At this stage, children should master the basic movements to the music, taking into account the tempo.

When learning the step-aerobics complex, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • the teacher's demonstration of movements should be mirror-like, clear, without rhythm distortion;
  • the most complex exercises are learned in stages, and simple ones are performed together with the teacher;
  • when building children, it is necessary that all children see the teacher;
  • in order to avoid improper performance and memorization of exercises by children, the teacher should prompt and guide the child's actions, if necessary.

Stage III - final (2 lessons).

The work is aimed at improving movements, taking into account the dynamic shades of music, working out the expressiveness of movements. Children perform the complex on their own.

Step aerobics technique involves the constant maintenance of correct posture. Therefore, it is very important to remind children of the need to maintain the correct body position during all movements.

To maintain the correct body position during step aerobics, you must:

1. Keep your shoulders back, chest forward, buttocks tense, knees relaxed;

2. Avoid overexertion in the knee joints;

3. Avoid excessive arching of the back;

4. Do not tilt forward from the hip, bend over with the whole body;

5. When lifting or lowering from a step platform, always use a safe method of lifting;

6. Standing facing the step - platform, rise, working with your feet, but not with your back;

7. Keep the step platform close to the body when moving it.

Basic rules for performing step training:

1. Perform steps to the center of the step platform;

2. Put the entire sole of the foot on the step platform when lifting, and, going down, put the foot from toe to heel before taking the next step;

3. When descending from the step platform, stay close enough to it. Do not retreat more than the length of the foot from the step - platform;

4. Do not start teaching children the work of the hands until they master perfectly the movements of the legs;

5. Do not rise or fall from the step platform, standing with your back to it;

6. Take a step with ease, do not hit the step-platform with your feet.

Music for step aerobics

Of great importance is the selection of music for exercises. It simultaneously serves as a motivating factor, directs the course of training and dictates the speed of movements.

When choosing musical accompaniment, the instructor should be guided by the presence of a clear percussive rhythm in the composition. For each segment of the step program, music should be selected taking into account recommendations for tempo and duration.

For step aerobics, music that includes three melodic phases of 32 measures is suitable. This rhythm is for dance aerobics. The number of beats per minute is synchronized with the beats of the heart. The tempo of the music for aerobics should not be too fast. So, preparatory and recovery exercises at the beginning and end of the session should be performed to music, the number of beats per minute in which does not exceed 140. During the workout itself, slightly slower music should be played so that you have time to get up and down from the platform. Each stage of step aerobics has its own musical rhythm. Music helps to establish this rhythm and relieve tension during the session.

IV. Implementation conditions

Material and equipment:

2.Fitballs, massage balls, balls of different sizes

3.Massage mats.

4. Hoops, jump ropes

5.. Selection of musical works for classes and recreation

V. The presence of social partnership.

1. Joint events with school No. 27

2. Open classes at the open house week

3. Participation and performance at holidays and entertainment.

4. Joint training with parents.

5. Questioning of parents' satisfaction with this program.

VI. Bibliography.

1. Lisitskaya T.S., Sidneva L.V. Aerobics. Theory and Methods. Tm I. .. 2002. - 230 p.

2. Lisitskaya T.S., Sidneva L.V. Aerobics. private methods. Volume II. M. 2002. - 216 p.

3.Mashukova Yu.M. Step gymnastics in kindergarten / scientific and practical journal "Instructor in Physical Education" No. 4. 2009.

4. Step aerobics / magazine "Health - sport" No. 2. 2010.

5. Miracle platform / magazine "Hoop" No. 6. 2008.

6. Kuzina I. Step - aerobics is not just a fashion // Obruch. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 40

7. Pogontseva L. Bench - step // Hoop. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.33

VII. Efficiency and results.

To study the dynamics of indicators of physical qualities at the beginning of 2013-2014, 14 children were examined senior group"Poppy" according to the method: E. Ya. Stepanenkova, D. V Khukhlaeva, E. S. Kryuchek.

Seven pupils, from among those examined at the beginning of the school year, began to attend the additional service "Step aerobics", and continued to develop according to the program of the preschool educational institution "Physical Development". The other seven girls developed under the program of the preschool educational institution "Physical Development".

At the end of the year, the children from the "Poppy" group were conditionally divided into two subgroups: experimental group No. 1; and control group #2. They were again monitored, similar to the primary one.

Monitoring analysis:

− according to the results of monitoring at the beginning of the year, it is clear that there are children with disabilities in the groups; high level formation of physical qualities (Liza.N., Masha.B., Anya.P, Yana.O);

- children the level of formation of physical qualities, which, according to all indicators, is average (Marina. B, Vlad. Ya. Masha. Kh., Vika. V., Yuliana.V., Yulia.K., Nastya.P., Vika. Ya. );

- children with a low level of formation of physical qualities (Diana.N., Dasha. M.)

Children with different levels of development of physical qualities enrolled in the first experimental group No. 1 in "Step aerobics", in the control group No. 2, there were also children with different levels of physical qualities.

The re-examination showed:

30m running at the end of the academic year: - in the experimental group No. 1, the indicator is higher than in the control group No. 2 by 20.4%

Standing long jump at the end of the school year. showed that the pupils of the experimental group No. 1 significantly increased their performance by 18.1% higher than the children of the control group No. 2

Flexibility at the end of the school year, the indicator of the experimental group No. 1 increased significantly by 96.1% higher than that of children in the control group No. 2.

Raising the legs from a supine position at the end of the school year, it can be seen that the pupils of the experimental group No. 1 significantly increased their performance by 34.4% higher than the children of the control group No. 2.

Step test at the end of the school year, it can be seen that the pupils of the experimental group No. 1 significantly increased their performance by 27.2% higher than the children of the control group No. 2.

The coefficient of endurance at the end of the school year, it can be seen that the pupils of the experimental group No. 1 significantly increased their performance by 10.1% higher than the children of the control group No. 2.

An analysis of the diagnostics at the end of the year (see Appendix, tables No. 2 and No. 3) showed that in the presence of practically the same indicators of the level of physical development of pupils at the beginning of the school year, the experimental group No. 1, attending the additional service "Step aerobics", managed to develop their physical qualities on average 49.5% higher than in group No. 2.

Indicators of the physical development of the control group No. 2 also improved compared to the primary diagnosis, but only by 15.1%.

Conclusion: Pupils attending "Step aerobics" showed higher results of physical qualities than other pupils of the preschool educational institution.

Thus, the use of "Step aerobics", based on taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children, made it possible to increase the efficiency of the physical development process and had a positive impact on the state of health and the dynamics of physical fitness, as well as on the formation of children's interest in systematic physical exercises.


No. 1. Complexes of step aerobics for health-improving classes

In a well-ventilated hall, steppes are laid out in a checkerboard pattern on the floor. Under vigorous rhythmic music, children enter the hall and stand behind the steps. (Guys in lightweight clothes, barefoot.)


1. Walking is normal on the spot. (Children should feel the music, catch the pace of movement, tune in accordingly.)

2. Walking on the steppe.

3. Take a side step back from the step to the floor and back to the step, from the right foot, cheerfully working with your hands.

4. Side step back from the step, forward from the step.

5. Walking on the steppe; hands alternately moving forward, up, forward, down.


1. Walking on the steppe. Hands alternately draw large circles along the body, fingers clenched into fists.

2. Step on the step - from the step. The hands alternately draw small circles along the torso. (No. 1 and 2 repeat 3 times.)

3. Side step on the step to the right - to the left. At the same time, straight arms rise forward - fall down.

4. Side step on the step to the right - to the left with a half-squat (step - sit down). The hands, bent at the elbows, go to the shoulders, then down.

5. Walking on the steppe with high knees. At the same time, claps are performed with straight arms in front of you and behind your back.

6. Step to the step - from the step with claps with straight arms in front of you and behind your back. (No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 repeat 3 times.)

7. Run in place on the floor.

8. Light running on the steppe.

9. Running around the step.

10. Loose running. (No. 7, 8, 9 and 10 repeat 3 times.)

11. Walking on the steppe.

12. Walking on toes around the step with alternately raising the shoulders.

13. Step to the side from step to step.

14. Walking on the heels around the step while raising and lowering the shoulders.

15. Step to the side from step to step.

16. "Cross". Step from the step - forward; from the step - back; from the step - to the right; from the step - to the left; hands on the belt.

17. The same, performing dance movements with your hands.

18. Breathing exercise.

19. Normal walking on the steppe.

20. Step from the step - to the step, arms up, to the shoulders.

21. Walking around the steppe on bent legs, hands on the belt.

22. Loose walk with clapping overhead.

23. Step on the step - from the step.

24. Rebuilding in a circle. Walking on the steppe in a circle.

25. Max straight leg up and forward (8 times).

26. Walking with a snake around the steppes (2-3 circles).

27. Max straight leg up and forward, hands on the belt (8 times).

28. Running a snake around the steppes.

29. Outdoor game "Circus horses".

Rules of the game. The circle of steppes is a circus arena. Children walk around the steppes, raising their knees high (“like horses in training”), then, on a signal, they switch to running with a high knee raise, then to walking and, when the music stops, take a step (“stall”). Steps should be 2-3 less than the participants in the game. (The game is repeated 3 times.) Children clean the steppes in a certain place, take rugs, lay them out in a circle and sit on them.

30. Relaxation and breathing exercises.

In the preparatory part of this complex, the steppes are arranged in a row along the wall.


1. I.p.: standing on the step sideways, arms down. While walking in place, raise both hands forward and up; while raising your head; return to i. n. (10 times)

2. Stepping on the steppe, from the position of the hand behind the head, spread them to the sides with the body turning right and left (10 times).

3. Stand on the steppes one after another ("engine"). Take a step back (forward) from the step, simultaneously lowering and raising your shoulders.

4. Turn around, repeat the same (12 times).

(Repeat everything 3 times and rearrange the steps at an angle for the main part of the lesson.)


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, grab the left shoulder with the right hand, the right shoulder with the left hand, then spread the arms to the sides and grab the shoulders again (10-12 times).

2. Step to the step from the step; at the same time, vigorously unbend forward the arms bent at the elbows (fingers clenched into fists). Take your hands back and straighten to the sides from the position - hands in front of the chest.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, make circular movements forward and backward with straight arms alternately and together (10 times).

4. Step from step to step alternate with turning the body to the right and left, hands on the belt (10-12 times).

(No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 repeat 2 times.)

5. Sitting on the steppe, leaning back with your hands, raise and lower your outstretched legs (10-12 times).

6. Sitting on the steppe, cross-legged, bend over to the right and left knee, touching it with your forehead (help yourself with your hands).

7. Kneeling on the steppe, sit down and get up without helping yourself with your hands.

8. Step from the step to the right, to the left.

(No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 repeat 2 times.)

9. Standing on the step, swing your straight leg forward, clap under your foot. Maintain correct posture, do not lean forward, try to raise your leg as high as possible, pulling the toe.

10. Step forward from the step; alternating with an inclination forward (10 times).

11. Standing on the steppe, raise the legs bent at the knees alternately (10-12 times).

12. Standing on the floor in front of the step, step back and forth over the step; hands behind the head (2 times).

13. Walking in a column one by one with stepping over the steppes.

14. Scatter jumps.

15. Repeat #13 in the opposite direction.

16. Scatter jumps.

17. Walking on the steppe.

18. Outdoor game "Birdhouses".

Rules of the game. You can take a place (only in your own) birdhouse (steppe) at the signal “Starlings have arrived!”. It is necessary to fly out of the birdhouse at the signal "Starlings are flying!". The one who takes the step last is considered the loser.

19. Games and exercises for relaxation, restoration of breathing.

Steps are arranged in a chaotic order.


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, straighten your arms up, unclenching your fists, look at them; arms are lowered to the shoulders, the hands are clenched into fists.

2. Walk from step to step, cheerfully working with your hands.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, swing your arms back and forth with claps in front and behind.

4. Walking on the steppe with turns around you and with free hand movements. (Turns to one side and the other.)

5. "Cross" (see above). (Repeat 2 times.)


1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, cross the bent arms in front of you, clap the left hand on the right shoulder, and the right hand on the left shoulder.

2. A step from the step to the side alternates with a squat. At the same time, the arms are raised forward.

3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, raise your hands through the sides up and clap above your head.

4. Step from step to step, raising and lowering your shoulders.

5. Walking in all directions with variable steps, hands make dance movements (2 times).

6. Sitting on the steppe, cross your legs, hands on your belt. Tilts left and right.

7. I.p. - too. Waving your arms forward, quickly stand up, return to the starting position.

8. Kneeling on the steppe, hands on the belt; drop on your heels, arms to the sides, return to the starting position.

9. Walking on the steppe with intensive work with hands.

10. Rhythmic squats and straightenings on the step, hands in free movement

11. Circling on the step, arms to the sides. Movement to one side and the other.

12. Repeat #10.

13. Circling with closed eyes.

14. Step on the step, from the step.

15. Loose running with tasks for hands.

16. Repeat #1.

17. Light running on the steppe alternates with walking. (2 times.)

18. Jumping, standing sideways on the step, hands on the belt, legs apart - on the floor, legs together, return to the starting position.

19. Step to the step from the step.

20. Repeat #18 on the other side.

21. Walking on the steppe.

22. The outdoor game "Physical education-hooray!"

Rules of the game. Children carry the steppes for playing to different places, placing them in two lines on opposite sides of the playground. One step less on one side. They stand on their own where there are more steps, two people per step. This is the start line. On the opposite side is the finish line. Children say:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary.

We are close friends with sports,

Sports help!

Sports - health!

Sport is a game!

Physical Education!"

With the end of the words, the participants in the game run a race to the finish line. Those who did not have time to take the step lose. Those who are among the first to take the step win. (Repeat the game 3 times.)

23. Games and relaxation exercises.

In a well-ventilated hall, step-boards are laid out in three rows on the floor. (Children practice barefoot, in lightweight clothing.)

Preparatory part. (1st musical segment)

logarithmic exercise

  1. Head tilt to the right - to the left.
  2. Raise your shoulders up and down.
  3. Walking is normal on the spot on the steppe.
  4. Side step forward from the step to the floor and back to the step.
  5. Side step back.
  6. Side step to the right (left) from the step, return to I.p.
  7. Side step forward - back; right left.
  8. Leg back; for the step - the board - hands up, return to ip.
  9. Lunge with the foot forward, arms to the sides.

Main part (2nd musical segment).

  1. Right leg to the side, behind the step; right hand to the side. Left leg to the side, left arm to the side. Return to I.P.
  2. Put the right (left) foot forward in front of the step on the toe, pull the right (left) hand sharply forward. Return to I.P.
  3. The same to the right - to the left of the step - board. Back from the step - board.
  4. Put the right (left) leg sharply forward; right left); back and return to i.p.
  5. Semicircle. Draw a semicircle around the step-board with the right (left) foot; return to i.p.
  6. Side step on a step-board with a half-squat (repeat the exercise 2 times).
  7. Turn to the right (left), foot back behind the step - board, arms to the sides; return to i.p.
  8. Standing on the floor in front of the step - board, put the right (left0 foot on the step, arms sharply up; return to I.P.
  9. I.p. Same. Lunge with the right (left) foot on the step, palms on the knee; return to i.p. (exercise repeat 2 times).
  10. Leg lunges to the right; left; back, standing on a step-board.
  11. "Swings".
  12. Running exercises.
  13. Half squats with circular movements of the arms.
  14. Running exercises.
  15. Jumping exercises.
  16. Circling on the step - the board to the right and left sides around you, arms to the sides.
  17. Jumping exercises.
  18. Walking around the steppe - boards on bent legs, hands on the belt.
  19. A foot forward, behind a step - a board, hands sharply to the sides; return to i.p.
  20. Walking is normal on the spot.
  21. Step forward; step back; put your feet wide.
  22. Rebuilding with steppes in a circle. Walking on the steppes on the spot.
  23. Holding hands, side step to the right in a circle.
  24. I.p. Same; four aha forward - back.
  25. Breathing exercise.

Complex No. 5 with balls (May)

1st musical segment. Introductory part.

Exercises against the wall to form the correct posture (3-4 exercises). Walking in a column alternating with running; walking on toes, heels, outer side of the foot; snake running between step-boards and jumping (stepping over) over them; walking along correctional paths (while walking, children take a small-diameter ball with their right hand); rebuilding in three links to the step-boards (pre-decomposed); walking in place: turn to the step-boards.

The main part is divided into four musical segments. Exercises on step-boards with a small ball:

Main part.

  1. I.p .: standing on the step, the ball in the right hand. Step forward from the step, shift the ball over your head to the other hand; return to i.p.
  2. I.p.: the same. Step back from the step, shift the ball over your head to the other hand; return to i.p.
  3. I.p.: the same. Step forward, step back, shift the ball over your head from hand to hand.
  4. I.p.: o.s. step, ball in right hand. Bring the right (left) leg forward on the toe in front of the step, at the same time bring the right (left) hand forward with the ball; return to ip, transfer the ball to the other hand.
  5. I.p.: o.s. the same movement is performed to the right (left) of the step.
  6. I.p.: o.s. The same back from the tap.
  7. I.p.: o.s. on the step, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. Lunge to the right (left) of the step, three wiggles, return to the SP, transfer the ball to the other hand.
  8. I.p.: o.s. step, arms forward, ball in right hand. Turn right (left), rising on toes and moving the right (left) hand with the ball back. Return to SP, transfer the ball to the other hand.
  9. I.p.: the same. The same turn to the right (left), but put the foot on the step - the board in turn. Turn right - right foot, turn left - left foot.
  10. I.p.: o.s. on the step. Lunge with the right (left) foot forward behind the step - board, hands forward, shift the ball; return to i.p.
  11. I.p.: o.s. step, ball in right hand. Move the right (left) leg back behind the step and put it on the toe; raise your hands up, shift the ball, return to ip.
  12. I.p.: o.s. in front of the step, the ball in the right hand. Step on the step, shift the ball over your head; return to i.p.
  13. Running in place, on the step board.
  14. I.p.: o.s. on the step, hands above the head, the ball is sandwiched between the palms. Spin on toes around you, at the same time “rub” the ball with your palms.
  15. Running around the step - boards to the right and left.
  16. Repeat ex. #14
  17. I.p.: o.s. on the step. Throwing the ball up and catching it after the clap.
  18. The same, sitting on a step-board, legs to the sides.
  19. I.p.: o.s. step, ball in right hand. Throw the ball from hand to hand, shifting from foot to foot.
  20. I.p.: o.s. on the step-board, the ball in the right hand. Jump - legs apart, for the step in different directions; transfer the ball to the other hand; jump back to I.p.
  21. Walking on the steppe, "rubbing" the ball in the palms.

I.p .: right foot - on the step, left on the floor to the left of the step, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. Jump to change the position of the legs, shift to the other hand.

22. Repeat #20

23. Walking on the spot, on the step - the board.

24. Rebuilding in a column one at a time, put the ball in place.

25. Rebuilding in three links to the step boards. Take steps.

26. Rebuilding in a circle. Put step - boards in a circle.

27. Walking in place on a step-board.

28. Step back - forward.

29. Side step to the right in a circle, before returning to the place.

Final part.

Music for relaxation.

Game - meditation "By the lake". A circle of steppes is a lake. Children in it “splash”, “cool”, “splash”, lower their legs and rest

No. 2. Diagnostics and analysis of indicators.

Diagnostics is carried out twice a year according to the criteria:

1. Gracefulness.

(high level-3b.: the child performs all the exercises beautifully, gracefully; middle level- 2b: the child performs exercises with the help of a teacher; low level -1b .: the child cannot repeat the exercises after the teacher)

2. Indicators of flexibility

(high level - 3 b.: when the child tilts the palms of the hands to reach below the bench; average level - 2b: the child takes out the bench with his palms; low level -1b.: the child cannot reach the bench)

3. Speed ​​- power qualities

(high level - 3 b.: the child is mobile, quickly performs exercises; average level - 2b: the child is less mobile, performs exercises with the help of a teacher; low level -1b.: the child is slow, the teacher's help is constantly needed)

4. Diagnosis of the respiratory system

(high level - 3 b.: the child performs all the exercises; average level - 2b: the child performs the exercises with the help of a teacher; low level -1 b.: the child cannot repeat the exercises after the teacher)

5. Morbidity

(high level - 3 b.: the child gets sick 0-1 times a year; the average level - 2b: the child gets sick 1-3 times a year; low level -1b.: the child gets sick 3 or more times a year)

No. 3. Step aerobics exercises

The first stage of work is warm-up walking, during which the body warms up and prepares it, including psychological preparation for the upcoming loads. Warm up in the same way as in the aerobics complex. For the first 5 minutes, just walk in place, raising your knees high, without stepping on the platform. Take a series of side steps from side to side (step-touch on the floor), the arms work like this - they are extended along the body, while stepping forward, raise your hands up, while stepping back, lower them to the starting position.

Step aerobics and platform stepping

For the next 5 minutes, step onto the platform alternately with your right and left foot, as if you were going up and down stairs. This is the basic step of step aerobics and basic - step.

After that, gently stretch the muscles of the back, thighs, hamstrings, calves, buttocks and you can proceed to the main part of the lesson.

Aerobatics - dance on the step, your task is to evenly load the legs and the cardio system and at the same time burn a lot of calories and feel confident on the step

Step aerobics exercise Step-up

Step with your right foot on the platform, put your left foot on the right toe, Looks like a step and a slight accent, return to the floor with your left foot, repeat the step with your left foot. Do not twist your pelvis during the exercise and do not walk on the step so that your heels hang down from the platform during the exercise. Step-up is a step that does not give a high load. It is convenient to rest on it if you are too tired during work. It goes in the middle of each bunch when learning dance moves.

Step aerobics exercise Basic step

Already familiar to you imitation of steps on the stairs. Repeat it for the necessary time, trying to keep your movements natural. There is no need to tip over the body when walking backwards on the step, bend your knees or jump up if your body is not ready for this.

Step aerobics exercise Step-knee

Climb onto the platform as in a step-up, but do not put your left leg to your right, but bend at the knee and pull your knee to your stomach. There is no need to twist the knee, let the leg be directed straight, and the body tends slightly forward when lifting the knee.

Step aerobics exercise Step-kick

Climb onto the platform with one foot, throw the other sharply forward, simulating a blow

Step aerobics exercise

This exercise perfectly strengthens the buttocks in motion. Step one foot onto the platform, lift the other leg back due to the tension of the buttocks.

Step aerobics exercise Step-kol

Step on the step with your right foot, bend your left knee, pulling the heel to the buttock, walk vigorously and naturally, do not fuss and do not “hang”. This goes for all steps.

Step aerobic exercise Vi-step

Alternately step on the opposite corners of the platform with your feet, as if moving along the upper corners of the English letter V

Step aerobics exercise BASIC - over

Step your right foot onto the platform, place your left foot on it, step down from the platform on the other side, turn to the left edge of the platform and repeat, returning to the starting position. This is how you crash. For complication, you can also do the rotation of the arms up.

Step aerobics Mambo exercise

The left foot is on the floor, the right foot steps on the step, puts a point and immediately takes a step back with a point. Repeat on both sides.

After the aerobic part is finished, stretch and proceed to the strength.

Step aerobics exercise Push-ups from the step

Kneel in front of the platform, rest your palms on the platform, perform a series of 12-15 push-ups, repeat 3 times

Step aerobics exercise Push-ups from the step for triceps

The step will put on the third level, sit on the platform with your buttocks, then hang your buttocks off the platform and push up with the strength of your arm muscles. The palms are parallel to each other, try not to help yourself with your feet, remember that the muscles of the hands work in this exercise.

Step aerobics step lunge exercise

Stand in front of the platform, step on level 3. Place your right foot on the platform, left foot on the floor at the toe. Perform 20 lunges with each leg, making sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe.

Step aerobics exercise Step lunge

Similar to the previous exercise, only the “back” leg is on the platform. Run 20 times.

Step aerobic exercise Twisting with resistance

Put one "leg" of the tap on the third level, one on the first. Lie on your back on the platform with your head down. Put your feet on the step and do 20 slow twists on the press, then 10 fast ones. Repeat the series 3 times, then reverse the position and pull the legs, bent at the knees, to the chest in a similar mode

Step aerobic exercise Extensions

Step will sing exactly at the third level. Lie face down, hands and feet on the floor, rise, tear your hands and feet off the floor and stretch them up. Repeat the exercise 20 times, do 2 series.

After completing the power complex, pull the main muscle groups.