Design and characteristics of pneumatic wheel cranes. Pneumatic wheel crane: brands, device, technical characteristics Main installation parameters

Lifting equipment is required for construction, installation and loading work. Used in construction different types lifting mechanisms: tower, stationary, self-propelled taps.

There are self-propelled ones automobile, tracked and pneumatic wheels.

The last category includes the pneumatic wheel crane KS-5363, technical specifications which are presented below.

Pneumatic runner crane KS-5363 - application, advantages and features

Model KS-5363 has been produced since 1971. to 1994 Odessa PO im. January uprising, later renamed into JSC HC "KRYAN".

Decoding the marking KS-5363 :

  • "KS" - self-propelled shooting crane;
  • “5” — load capacity = 25t;
  • “3” - running gear - pneumatic wheels;
  • “6” - type of boom suspension - rope;
  • "3" - modification.

Basic spheres napplication:

  • Construction of residential and industrial buildings;
  • Loading and unloading of oversized cargo (weighing 25-36t);
  • Handling bulk cargo with a grab.

The pneumatic wheeled crane has row advantages:

  • ease and low cost of operation;
  • availability of spare parts;
  • increased stability and balance is achieved due to widely spaced twin wheels;
  • reliability of screw-type outriggers (outriggers);
  • maneuverability, all-terrain capability;
  • ability to work with loads without supports;
  • the platform can be rotated when moving;
  • there is the possibility of increasing the boom;
  • you can use a two-rope grab with a bucket = 2m³, jibs;
  • quick assembly and disassembly.

Features of the KS-5363 chassis

The KS-5363 pneumatic wheel crane has 2 drive axles and 8 wheels: 4 for each axle.

Extension type supports (outriggers) increase the base by 80 cm and increase the load capacity.

The crane chassis is of a biaxial type, and the frame is all-welded. Both axles are driven, which gives maneuverability. The front axle suspension is rigid, and the rear axle suspension is rigid-balanced.

The parking brake is a band brake, normally closed, and for pneumatic braking, shoe wheel brakes are used.


The different mechanisms of the pneumatic wheel crane are controlled by 3 systems: mechanical, hydraulic and electrical.

Mechanical control- this is a remote control that is responsible for the brakes, gearbox of wheels and supports.

Hydraulic- Responsible for the operation of lifting equipment. The hydraulic system is based on a gear pump NSh-32E. The system consists of a hydraulic tank, pump, accumulator, pipelines and actuator cylinders.

Electrical control based on generators DC, The electric motor is responsible for the operation of the winch and for the movement of the crane. The performance of the diesel engine is ensured by 2 batteries, the generator and the diesel engine are interconnected into a system.

Crane KS-5363 - main technical characteristics

KS-5363 - technical characteristics:

Wheeled formula/ quantity axes- 4x4.

Load capacity tap:

  • with load =10.5t;
  • without outriggers=14.5t;
  • on supports = 36t.


Serial electric motor DK-309A with a power of 43 (58.46) kW.

Diesel generator type YaMZ-M204A (YaMZ-236 - in later models).

Maximum speed= 19.5 km/h.

Fuel tank volume=240l.

Wheels- dual, with all-terrain treads, tires - 14.00-20.

Characteristics of the KS-5363 crane:

  • departure angle=13º;
  • lifting height with main boom = 36.2 m;
  • lifting height with jib=50m - with tower equipment;
  • boom length=15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 30 / 32.5m;
  • maximum speed of lifting (lowering) load=5m/min;
  • load on hydraulic support = 324 kN;

Modifications of KS-5363

For 23 years, the Ukrainian plant produced several types of cranes, which were marked with letters : A, B, IN, D, E.

From modification “B” the cranes are equipped with a Device that Increases Load Capacity (UPG).

Letters « HL» denotes the northern modification. The metal structures of this modification are made of steel grades with improved technical specifications. characteristics for work in climates with low temperatures (up to -70ºС). The control cabin is equipped with windshield wipers and a heating system.

Availability of letters M, AM means army modifications, the cranes were produced under the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Modification KS-5363A, technical characteristics

The basic model KS-5363 was modified into KS-5363A. This model is indispensable if you need equipment with a lifting capacity of 25 tons.

This parameter is guaranteed when installing external outriggers.

Weight of the lifted load when working without supports ≤ 14 tons.

Eat 2 option KS-5363A configuration:

  • Strelov equipment. The main boom length = 17.5 m, its equipment in 3 sections allows you to reduce the length to 15 m or increase it to a maximum of 32.5 m. As an auxiliary boom, a steerable or unsteerable jib (10 m) is mounted on the boom.
  • Tower-likeboom equipment. Towers with a height of 15 m are equipped with a beak length of 10/15 m, 20-25 m towers are equipped with a beak length of 10, 15 or 20 m.

The model has a diesel-electric multi-motor drive. The unit can be powered either from its own YaMZ-A204M diesel engine or from an external network (380 V).

KS-5363A moves around a construction site at a speed of up to 17 km/h with a load of up to 6 tons. Wheel track = 2.5 m, the crane is compact, can maneuver on small sites and has good maneuverability. The load handling area is 360º.

The cabin is made of steel sheets, ventilated and heated.

Scheme KS-5363

  • The length of the main lattice boom is 15 m; it can be extended 2 times with special inserts 5 or 10 m long.
  • It is possible to attach a rigid or shunting jib with a length of 8 or 15 m.

    Main equipment

    Basics equipment KS-5363 - rigid lattice boom and ropes.

    Boom length=15m.

    Main rope: ø=21mm, l=140m;

    auxiliary rope: ø=21mm, l=95m.

    Replacement equipment

    TO shift equipment include:

    • rigid extended booms;
    • jib devices;
    • tower-boom elements. Tower height=20-30m.

    The length of the extended replaceable boom and boom with jib on the main and auxiliary suspension = 20-30 m, in the tower-boom device = 10 m.

    Transportation of KS-5363 over long distances is carried out in 2 ways:

    • Towing with a special tractor. When towing, the mechanism must be folded, speed≤20km/h.
    • On a railway platform (60t) - the wheels and boom are removed.

    Pneumatic wheel cranes perfectly combine excellent quality with reasonable price. Long-term experience indicates that the funds invested in such machines are quickly returned.

    Design and characteristics of pneumatic wheel cranes

    Pneumatic wheel cranes are divided into three groups based on the principle of location of power units and their number.

    Cranes with a power unit on the rotating part - with mechanical transmission of movement to the running gear with a single-engine diesel drive using gears or with energy transferred to the running gear engines with an electric or diesel-electric drive of the crane. The lifting capacity of cranes with a power unit on the rotating part is from 10 to 100 t - 10 (12); 16; 25; 40; 63 (50) and 100 t.

    Cranes with a power unit on the running gear - with energy transferred to the rotating part and running gear from a generator driven by a diesel engine of the power unit. Cranes of this type are represented by MKT-40 cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 tons.

    Pneumatic wheel cranes are produced in two types, which differ in the design of assembly units and mechanisms.

    Universal excavator-cranes with replaceable crane equipment with a lifting capacity of 5 to 10 tons are represented by one model EO-ZZPV. These cranes are used to a limited extent, mainly for loading and unloading operations and when performing work on dispersed small objects.

    Jib self-propelled pneumatic wheel cranes (on a special chassis with a power unit on a rotating platform) are used for installation and loading and unloading operations.

    Cranes with a lifting capacity of 10-16 tons. This group includes cranes KS-4361A and KS-4362 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons. Pictured

    in Fig. 145 crane KS-4361A - diesel single-engine with turbotransformer. The set of working equipment includes a main boom with a length of 10 m, a hook with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and a grab with a capacity of 1.5 m3, mounted on 10- and 15-meter booms. Replaceable equipment are extended booms with a length of 15, 20 and 25 m, obtained

    Rice. 145. Pneumatic wheel crane KS-4361A

    from the main boom by inserting 5-meter sections, and an uncontrolled jib 6 m long. The boom is equipped with a limiter that prevents it from tipping onto the platform when working at a minimum reach.

    The crane uses a mixed control system - pneumohydraulic. The winch and reverse shafts, as well as the drums, are activated using pneumatic chamber couplings; the direction of movement of the crane's turning and movement mechanisms is changed by a reversing mechanism and bevel gears. The inclusion of the reversing mechanism is also provided by pneumatic chamber couplings.

    The operating speeds of the crane are regulated over a wide range using a turbo transformer powered by the crane's hydraulic system.

    The running gear of the crane is equipped with outriggers with screw jacks having small shoes at the ends.

    The crane can move around the site under its own power, including with a load on the hook, at a speed of up to 3 km/h. Movement with a load on a hook is allowed on the platform with a boom of 10-15 m, directed along the longitudinal axis of the crane.

    Over long distances along highways, the crane is towed to a tractor using a coupling device. During the process of relocating the crane, the gearbox is set to the neutral position, the wheel steering cylinders are turned off, and the driveshaft of one of the axles is removed. The towing speed should not exceed 20 km/h, and on slopes and turns the speed should be reduced to 3 km/h.

    The crane is transported by rail on a four-axle platform. Before loading the crane onto the platform, all pneumatic wheels are removed, the boom sections are separated, placing the upper section on the lower one. The crane is loaded onto the platform using an assembly crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. If there are replaceable boom sections, they are laid on the second platform.

    The KS-4362 crane is a diesel-electric AC powered crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, equipped with main and auxiliary hooks. With a lifting capacity of up to 8 tons, the crane operates without outriggers.

    When used for loading operations with bulk cargo, the crane is equipped with a two-rope grab with a capacity of 0.65 m3. The crane uses a drive powered by its own power plant.

    The main lift winch and the auxiliary lift winch are equipped with phase rotor electric motors; The boom winch has a squirrel-cage electric motor.

    The rotating part of the crane rests on the running gear through a double-row ball circle. The turning mechanism is equipped with an electric motor with a phase rotor. The running gear of the KS-4362 and KS-4361A cranes is unified. Both axles are driven; the front balancing axle, when working without outriggers, is turned off using screw stabilizers. The steering of the steered front wheels is carried out by hydraulic cylinders, the fluid into which is supplied from the NSh-32L gear pump.

    The crane movement mechanism is equipped with a short-circuited two-speed electric motor and an electromagnetic clutch, which provides smooth acceleration, stopping and speed control.

    The mechanisms are controlled using buttons and controllers. The crane is equipped with a main boom of 12.5 m and extended booms of 17.5 and 22.5 m, on which a 4 m jib can be installed; tower-boom equipment is provided (towers 11.6; 16.6 m and shunting jib 10 m).

    When transporting a crane by rail, it is partially disassembled and the boom is removed. The crane is towed along the roads using a MAZ-500A vehicle,

    Cranes with a lifting capacity of 20 - 25 tons. Pneumatic wheel cranes of this group are quite common in construction. In terms of mobility and maneuverability, as well as technical characteristics, they meet the requirements for installation and loading and unloading operations. The cranes can also operate at pre-assembly sites. This group includes cranes KS-5363 and MKP-25A.

    Rice. 146. Pneumatic wheel crane KS-5363:
    1 - undercarriage, 2 - turntable, 3 - hood, 4 - two-legged stand, 5 - jib pulley, 6 - jib, 7 - auxiliary hook, 8 - main hook, 9 - control cabin, 10 - outrigger

    The KS-5363 crane (Fig. 146) is a diesel-electric crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons, equipped with 25- and 5-ton hooks for the main and auxiliary lifting mechanisms. The crane can use a two-rope grab with a bucket with a capacity of 2 m3.

    The crane uses a multi-motor DC drive powered by its own power plant.

    The speeds of the actuators are regulated in the generator - engine (G - E) system by changing the voltage of the main generator feeding the engines. When moving the crane without a load, the platform is allowed to rotate. The crane has a wide range of speeds for all mechanisms, including the movement mechanism in working and transport positions.

    The crane mechanisms are controlled using a mixed system: hydraulic, electrical and mechanical.

    The main mechanisms are controlled from a remote control with buttons and two command controllers. A pump hydraulic system is provided to shift the gearbox, control the outriggers, turn the wheels, brake the travel mechanism and lock the differential. The supports and blocking are controlled from a remote control mounted on the running gear, and the remaining mechanisms are controlled from the driver’s cabin.

    The hydraulic system includes a gear pump NSh-32E with a capacity of 35 l/min at a pressure of 10.5 MPa.

    The crane winches are equipped with rope handlers and spindle limit switches. The main boom of 15 m is extended with the help of inserts 5 and 10 m long to 20; 25 and 30 m. Jib 8 and 15 m can be mounted on these booms. The crane is equipped with tower jib equipment.

    The running gear consists of two drive axles. The wheels of both axles are double, size 14.00-20. The running device is equipped with external hydraulic supports, but the crane can operate without them with a lower load capacity. Special attachments to the supports allow you to change the base from 4.2 to 5 m. The crane can be towed in a trailer to a tractor using a coupling device at a speed of up to 20 km/h.

    The crane is transported by rail with the wheels removed, without the boom, on a 60-ton four-axle railway platform. To load the crane onto the platform, another crane with a lifting capacity of 20-25 tons is used.

    The MKP-25A crane is a diesel-electric crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons, equipped with 25- and 3-ton hooks for the main and auxiliary lifting mechanisms. The crane uses a multi-motor AC drive, which allows the motors to be powered from an external network with a voltage of 380 V using a ring current collector and a flexible cable.

    The cargo winch is a multi-speed standard one, equipped with two crane electric motors. The winch provides two lifting speeds and three lowering speeds, including landing. The winch is controlled using a command controller, contactors and a foot switch.

    The boom winch is controlled by buttons through a contactor, and the movement mechanism is controlled by a command controller.

    The crane is equipped with a main boom 12.5 m long, which can be extended to 22.5 and 32.5 m using two 10 m long sections. The boom has an L-shaped head on which a 5-meter unguided jib can be installed.

    The running gear consists of two drive axles, each of which is equipped with two double pneumatic wheels (tire size 14.00-20). All wheels are swivel, which allows for a radius of curvature along the outer wheel of 7.7 m. The crane has two travel speeds. The driver switches gears without stopping the crane.

    The crane can be towed in a trailer to a tractor using a hitch. The crane is transported by rail with the wheels removed on a four-axle platform.

    Rice. 147. Pneumatic wheel crane K.S-6362:
    1 - drive axle, 2 - hood, 3 - control cabin, 4 - boom, 5 - outrigger

    Cranes with a lifting capacity of 30-40 tons. Cranes of the specified standard sizes are represented by two fundamentally different design schemes: the KS-6362 crane and the MKT-40 crane with a power unit on the running gear of a single-axle pneumatic wheeled tractor.

    The KS-6362 crane (Fig. 147) is a diesel-electric crane with a lifting capacity of 40 tons, multi-engine on direct current, operating on a generator-engine system. It has a main 15-meter boom, which extends to 35 m, and hooks: a main 40-ton and an auxiliary 3-ton. On booms up to 35 m long, unguided jib 8 and 12 m long can be installed, and on booms 25-35 m, steerable jibs 16 and 20 m long can be installed. The crane can work with a grab, the bucket capacity of which is 2 m3.

    The crane can be powered through a pantograph from an external electrical network, the current of which is supplied to a three-phase electric motor connected to a DC generator. The crane mechanisms are controlled using command controllers.

    The running gear of the crane includes three driving axles, two of which are connected to a balancing trolley, and a movement mechanism. The front axle wheels are turned using hydraulic cylinders. The running frame is equipped with hydraulic outriggers.

    The crane can move at minimum speed and work without supports with a load weighing up to 20 tons on a boom directed along the longitudinal axis.

    Rice. 148. Pneumatic wheel crane MKT-40:
    a - working position, b - transport position; 1 - main and auxiliary hooks, 2 - control cabin, 3 - semi-trailer, 4 - outrigger, 5 - single-axle tractor, 6’ - boom stand, 7 - hood. 8 - two-legged stand

    For short distances the crane is moved self-propelled, for long distances it is transported along roads in tow to a KRAZ-257 tractor. The crane is transported by rail, partially disassembled, with the boom removed. Crane with additional equipment placed on two four-axle platforms. The MKT-40 crane (Fig. 148) is a diesel-electric, multi-engine AC crane, with a lifting capacity of 40 tons, equipped with 40- and 8-ton hooks. The 15 m long main boom with head can be extended up to 27.5 m using interchangeable sections.

    Jib booms are installed on booms of 20.5 and 27.5 m - unguided with a length of 7 m or steered with a length of 12 m.

    The crane is driven by the diesel engine of the tractor, which rotates a three-phase current generator through the power take-off box. From the generator, electric current flows to the actuator motors. These motors, through a ring current collector, can be operated from an external power supply.

    The front part of the running frame is connected to the fifth wheel of a single-axle tractor MOAZ-546P, and the rear part rests on the drive axle. The axle is driven by an electric motor that is switched on from the tractor cab when maneuvering on the installation site and driving on heavy roads at speeds of up to 4.5 km/h. The crane is equipped with hydraulic outriggers controlled from the ground.

    The main and auxiliary lift winches are designed to obtain landing speeds by electromechanically braking their engines through the shoe brake hydraulic pusher motor connected to the rotor circuit. The reach of the steerable jib is changed by the auxiliary lift winch, from which the hook is removed during this period.

    The crane mechanisms, with the exception of the movement mechanism, are controlled using controllers. To increase the maneuverability of the crane, the tractor, using hydraulic cylinders, can be rotated relative to the semi-trailer part of the crane at an angle of 90° in each direction. The crane moves with a load of 11 tons on a boom directed backward along the longitudinal axis.

    Cranes with a lifting capacity of 60 tons. Cranes of this group are represented by the KS-7362 model.

    The KS-7362 crane is a diesel-electric DC crane with a lifting capacity of 63 tons, equipped with two hooks. The drive of the mechanisms is based on a generator-motor system with the ability to be powered from an external electrical network through an AC mains electric motor connected to the crane generator. To supply power from an external network, the crane is provided with a flexible cable 50 m long, which is wound during transportation onto the drum.

    The crane is equipped with a main boom of 15 m, which can be extended to 20 using replaceable sections; 25; 30; 35 and 40 m. An uncontrolled jib 15 m long is installed on the booms. The crane is equipped with tower-jib equipment: towers 20-40 m high, steerable jib 10 long; 15; 20 and 25 m. When working with a 15 m boom, two counterweights weighing 5.7 and 18.5 tons are used. For extended booms and tower-boom equipment, only an increased counterweight is used.

    The crane's running gear has four axles with two drive axles with rigid balancing suspension, two of which are steered axles. The driving axles have twin wheels, the steering axles have single wheels. The crane can be moved with a load on the hook. A mixed electro-hydraulic system is used to control the mechanisms. The crane is equipped with a towing device for transportation using a MAZ-537 tractor. The assembled rotary part weighing 50 tons is installed on the railway platform using the self-loading method using outriggers resting on sleeper cages. A crane with a lifting capacity of 63 tons is used for unloading.

    In table 12 shows the technical characteristics of pneumatic wheel cranes.

    Table 12.
    Loading capacity of jib cranes when moving and the lifting angle overcome during travel in the transport position

    In table 13 contains summary data on the lifting capacity of jib cranes when moving and the lifting angle overcome. The lifting capacity of the cranes is indicated on the boom located along the longitudinal axis.

    Faucets designed for cold climates. The design of jib self-propelled cranes, their assembly units and mechanisms and other construction machines operating in conditions of low negative temperatures must comply with GOST 14892-69 “Machines, instruments and other technical products intended for operation in areas with cold climates. General technical requirements". Under these conditions, the cranes must operate normally. The set of design and technological measures that ensure the operation of cranes at low temperatures basically boils down to the following.

    The load-bearing elements of metal structures are made of low-alloy steel, and the shafts, axles, and gears of crane mechanisms are made of high-quality structural or alloy steel. All welded parts are performed in accordance with special technical requirements for welded structures operating at low temperatures.

    Table 13.
    Technical characteristics of pneumatic wheel cranes

    The diesel starting system is equipped with additional batteries located in an insulated frame compartment, as well as a pre-heater.

    Rubber products and tires (in wheel cranes) are used in frost-resistant versions from special types of rubber.

    All main components used on the cranes are supplied in the HL version.

    The pneumatic system of the crane is equipped with an oil and moisture separator with automatic condensate discharge and an adsorption air drying unit, which prevents the formation and freezing of condensate.

    The control cabin is additionally insulated and heated from electric furnaces (in cranes with electric and diesel-electric drives), as well as using an independent air heater. To prevent glass from freezing, double glazing and electric (or blowing with warm air) glass heating are provided. The engine room of the cranes with the cabin is insulated using special removable panels attached to the walls.

    To work in polar night conditions, as well as heavy snowstorms and snowfalls, additional headlights are installed.

    Lubrication systems and hydraulic equipment are designed to operate at low temperatures. All cranes intended for work in areas with cold climates are created on the basis of general-purpose cranes and, with the exception of the above-mentioned features, have the same kinematic and structural designs.

    Currently, the following models of jib self-propelled cranes are produced, intended for areas with cold climates: crawler excavator cranes E-652B-HL; EO-5111 AS; EO-6112BS; E-2505 E-2505SA-1 - pneumatic wheel cranes KS-5363HL; KS-6362HL; KS-7362HL.

    TO Category: - General description and technical characteristics

    Crane KS-5363

    The KS-5363 crane (Fig. 46) with a lifting capacity of 25 tons with an individual electric drive is mounted on a special two-axle running device, equipped with a towing device and rotary outriggers installed using a hydraulic drive.

    Rice. 46. ​​Crane KS-5363, graphs of lifting capacity (solid lines) and hook lifting height (dashed lines) with and without outriggers for booms of length:
    1 and 2 - 15 m; 3 and 4 - 20 m; 5 and 6 - 20 m with steerable jib; 7 and 8 - 20 m with unsteered jib; 9 and 10 - 25 m; 11 and 12 - 25 m with steerable jib; 13 and 14 - 25 m with unguided jib; 15 to 16 - 30 m; 17 and 18 - 30 m with steerable jib; 19 - 30 m with unguided jib (on remote

    Both bridges are leading. The front steering axle has a balanced suspension, which can be switched off when operating with screw stabilizers. The front axle is driven by internal wheels, which can be locked with the external ones when driving in difficult road conditions. The rotary support is ball-shaped, double-row.

    The main boom equipment includes a rigid lattice boom. The cargo rope is secured to the cargo winch, goes around the blocks of the hook cage and the boom head and is secured to the auxiliary winch. This allows you to control the lifting (lowering) of the load using two winches. Replacement boom equipment includes rigid jib booms, jib booms and turret jib equipment. To reduce installation time, boom sections are connected using special pins with spring latches. A two-rope grab with a capacity of 2 m3 can be hung on the main boom. Technical characteristics of the crane with main and replaceable boom equipment are given in table. 18, 26 and 27, Characteristics of the ropes are given in table. 28.

    The location of controls in the driver's cabin is shown in Fig. 47.

    The cabin is equipped with fans, an electric oven, a windshield wiper and electric glass heaters.

    The kinematic diagram is shown in Fig. 48. The crane has an individual electric drive from a power plant consisting of a diesel engine V and two generators: the main generator VIII, which powers the electric motors of the winches and the movement mechanism, and the auxiliary IX, which powers the electric motor of rotation and control circuits. The DK-309B engine with a power of 50 kW was used as the main generator. The auxiliary generator P-62 has a power of 11.5 kW.

    Diesel V is connected to the main generator VIII by coupling VI. The movement from generator VIII is transmitted through a four-row V-belt transmission to compressor VII, pump IV of the hydraulic control system and electric motor X of brand A2-72-4 with a power of 40 kW. From the electric motor X, the movement is transmitted to the generator IX by a double-row V-belt transmission. Electric motor X drives generators VIII and IX, as well as compressor VII and pump IV when the crane operates from an external network.

    Table 26
    Technical characteristics of the KS-5363 crane with extended booms and tower jib equipment

    Table 27
    Technical characteristics of the KS-5363 crane with extended booms and jib

    Table 28
    Characteristics of ropes

    Rice. 47. Location of levers, pedals and control equipment in the driver’s cabin of the KS-5363 crane:
    1 - “Movement” button; 2 - brake pedal; 3 - sound signal button; 4 - headlight switch; 5 - electric furnace; 6, 7 and 8 - “Stop”, “Reverse” and “Start” buttons for controlling the main winch; 9 - left controller; 10 - 13 - buttons “Stop”, “Brake 2”, “Brake 1” and “Start” for movement control; 14 - pressure gauge; 15 -- load limiter indicator panel; 16 - parking brake control handle; 17 ~ external network buttons; 18 and 9 - “Start” and “Stop” buttons for controlling the auxiliary generator; 20 and 21 - “Start” and “Stop” buttons for controlling the boom winch; 22 - diesel control buttons; 23 - auxiliary generator voltmeter; 24 - oil pressure indicator; 25 - ammeter of the auxiliary generator; 26 - direction indicator switch; 27 - side light switch; 28 - headlight switch; 29 - direction indicator switch; 30 - packet switch; 31 - voltmeter of the main generator; 32 - water temperature indicator; 33 - control panel backlight; 34 - fans; 35 - windshield wiper; 36 - fuel level indicator; 37, 39 and 40 - “Start”, “Reverse” and “Stop” buttons for controlling the auxiliary winch; 38 - main generator ammeter; 41 - oil pressure gauge; 42 - gearbox control handle; 43 - rotation control handle; 44 - right controller; 45 - rotation motor switch; 46 - glass heater; 47 - fuel supply control handle; 48 - lamp switch; 49 - cabin light switch; 50 - fan switch; 51 - pendant headlight switch; 52 - ammeter; 53 - spotlight switch; 54 - converter switch; 55 - control lamp of the mains switch; 56 - fuse block; 57 - 12 V plug socket; 58 - relay unit OGP-1

    Rice. 48. Kinematic diagram of the KS-5363 crane:
    I - slewing support device; II - rotation mechanism; III - jib winch; IV - pump; V - diesel; VI - coupling; VII - compressor; VIII - main generator; IX - auxiliary generator; X - electric motor; XI - auxiliary cargo winch; XII - main cargo winch; XIII - rear axle; XIV - gearbox; XV - front axle

    Lifting equipment is a special type of specialized equipment, without which it is extremely difficult to imagine highly efficient carrying out of planned work on a construction site, in a production workshop, and in some cases, carrying out search and rescue operations (for example, clearing rubble after earthquakes). It goes without saying that for each operation of lifting and moving cargo it will be rational to use a certain type of such devices. But, as many years of practice have shown, quite often the most optimal operating option is a pneumatic wheel crane. We will talk about its structure and technical features in this article.


    So, a pneumatic wheeled crane is a universal crane, belonging to the jib type and moving on a pneumatic wheeled chassis. The machine is controlled from a cabin located on the rotating part of the unit. Before starting its operation, the crane operator is obliged to conduct a full visual inspection of the main parts and assemblies and check the operation of the braking system. This is done in order to ensure an adequate level of safety during work.

    Historical background

    The first pneumatic wheel crane in the Soviet Union was produced in 1947, which is already quite distant from us. The name of the first model is K-101. Its carrying capacity was about 10 tons. The vehicle was already installed on a three-axle pneumatic chassis. The K-102 crane has already entered serial production. It was created in 1952, and production took place in the period 1954-1958. And already in 1961, the production of more powerful K-161 cranes began, the lifting capacity of which was 16 tons.

    Today, lifting machines of the pneumatic wheel type are produced only in Western Europe, in Germany.


    Any self-propelled crane, which has a pneumatic wheel, is designed to ensure high-quality and quick performance of various construction, installation and loading and unloading operations at objects that are located relative to each other in space at short distances.

    At the time of specified works simultaneous execution is allowed:

    • Raising or lowering a load while raising or lowering the boom itself.
    • Raising or lowering the working boom while turning the machine in the desired direction.

    All these actions are carried out safely thanks to the presence of special equipment on the crane, which we will talk about later.


    Marking of taps allows you to identify all the most important technical features and parameters. First of all, we will consider the available universal indices “K” and “KS”.

    “K” is a letter designation that was once approved by the Ministry of Construction and Dormash. issued before 1967 will have such a one-letter index and two or three digits. The letter itself indicates that the machine belongs to a group of cranes, and the numbers indicate the load capacity and the serial number of the model.

    Since 1967, the indexation “KS” was introduced, which means “self-propelled crane”.

    The letters are always followed by four numbers, each of which carries certain information. So, the first digit means the carrying capacity:

    • 1 - 4 tons;
    • 2 - 6.3 tons;
    • 3 - 10 tons;
    • 4 - 16 tons;
    • 5 - 25 tons;
    • 6 - 40 tons;
    • 7 - 63 tons;
    • 8 - 100 tons;
    • 9 - over 100 tons.

    The second digit gives information about the type of running gear and means:

    • 1 - tracked device;
    • 2 - widened tracked device;
    • 3 - pneumatic wheel;
    • 4 - special chassis (automotive type);
    • 5 - truck chassis;
    • 6 - tractor chassis;
    • 7 - running;
    • 8 and 9 - reserve.

    The third number determines the type of boom suspension, which can be rope (indicated by number 6) or rigid (indicated by number 7).

    The fourth digit is the assigned model modification number.

    Let's look at the example of the KS-7164 crane. Its marking is deciphered as follows: a self-propelled crane with a lifting capacity of 63 tons, on a caterpillar undercarriage, equipped with a rope suspension of the boom, modification - fourth.

    Technical structure

    The detailed design of pneumatic wheel cranes should begin to be considered from the principle of location of power plants.

    The first group is cranes, the power unit of which is located on the rotating part. In them, motion is mechanically transmitted directly to the running gear using a single-engine diesel drive, and energy can also be transferred to the running gear engines using an electric or diesel-electric drive. The carrying capacity of such machines ranges from 10 to 100 tons.

    The second group is cranes, the power unit of which is mounted on the running gear. In this case, the energy is transferred directly to the running gear and the turning part from the generator, which, in turn, is driven by a diesel engine. This category includes MKT-40 lifting machines with a lifting capacity of 40 tons.

    In general, any such crane will necessarily have a lifting mechanism and a movement mechanism, each of which will consist of various components and parts.

    Most commonly used model

    KS-5363 - diesel-electric crane. It uses a multi-motor type drive operating on direct current. The energy supply comes from the power plant located on the unit. The machine can use a two-rope grab equipped with a bucket with a capacity of 2 cubic meters. m.

    This crane (25 tons is an indicator of the lifting capacity of its main lifting mechanism) is also equipped with an auxiliary lifting mechanism, which serves loads weighing up to five tons.

    All executive bodies of the machine have a fairly wide range of speed adjustment, which is carried out through the generator-engine system. During movement, the crane platform can be rotated if no load is attached to it.

    Crane control and design features

    KS-5363 is controlled by three powerful systems: mechanical, electrical and hydraulic. The required mechanism is activated from the remote control by pressing buttons, as well as a pair of command controllers.

    Shifting the gearbox, adjusting the offset of the supports, turning the wheels, locking the differential - all this is done by activating a pumping hydraulic system that operates on the basis of the energy of compressed fluid. The support is locked and controlled from a remote control located on the running gear, and all other mechanisms are controlled from the driver’s (driver’s) cabin.

    The main lift winch includes:

    • electric motor;
    • three-stage gearbox;
    • gear coupling that prevents shaft overload;
    • Shoe brake with short-stroke magnet;
    • drum with a gear rim.

    Machine cabin

    Inside the crane cabin, on the front of a fairly large windshield, there is an instrument panel. It contains various ammeters, voltmeters, switches, breakers, pressure gauge and thermometer. On both sides of the board there are mounted command controllers that control the mechanisms, as well as devices for adjusting the speed of movement of the machine and controlling the rotation of the wheels.

    In addition, the cabin is equipped with an electric stove for heating in the cold season, heaters that completely eliminate the possibility of glass icing and fogging, a fan for cooling the driver in summer period, windshield wipers. The crane operator himself sits in a chair, the height of which can be adjusted if necessary.

    Traveling to your place of work

    The crane is towed using a special tractor at a speed not exceeding 20 km/h. If it is necessary to transport a pneumatic wheeled crane along a railway track, then in this case all the wheels and the boom are removed from it, and the machine itself is installed on a sixty-ton railway platform.

    Digital data

    In general, pneumatic wheel cranes, the technical characteristics of which will be indicated below in the table, are characterized by an excellent combination of price and quality. Many years of practice have shown that the money invested in the purchase of such machines is returned quite quickly. In modern conditions, the Volvo pneumatic crane is very popular among consumers, which is explained by its optimal performance, reliability and maintainability. True German quality has deservedly received the love and recognition of users.

    Table - Technical parameters of KS-5363
    Load capacity, t
    on supports:
    with minimum hook reach25
    without supports:
    with minimal hook reach7,5
    at maximum hook reach2,1/2
    Minimum hook reach, m2,5
    Maximum hook reach, m13,8
    Minimum hook lifting height, m16,3
    Maximum lifting height of the hook, m6,4
    Main hook lifting speed, m/min7,5/9
    Main hook lowering speed, m/min0,7-9
    Self-propelled crane travel speed, km/h3;20
    Minimum turning radius, m10,3
    Engine makeYaMZ-M204A
    Engine power, hp180
    Power of electric motors, kW166
    Rear wheel track, m2,4
    Weight of the entire crane, t33
    Counterweight mass (included in the total), t4

    Brands of pneumatic wheel cranes

    In addition to the above index “K”, there is also marking:

    1. "MKP" - assembly pneumatic wheel crane.
    2. "MKT" is an assembly crane based on a tractor. Its designation indicates the carrying capacity in tons after the hyphen. For example, MKT-63.
    3. "MKTT" is an assembly crane with a telescopic boom based on a tractor. Here the numbers also indicate the carrying capacity.

    The KS-5363 lifting machine was produced until 1994 in Ukraine. The manufacturer was an Odessa company.

    The significant advantages of the crane are:

    • the device does not lose efficiency when operating from the built-in diesel generator;
    • simplicity and low cost of service;
    • allows the use of a grab with a bucket;
    • platform rotation when there is no load on the hook;
    • the pneumatic wheel system makes the crane very easy to operate;
    • balance and stability are ensured by wheels that are sufficiently far apart from each other.
    • Availability of spare parts, which makes the KS-5363 crane easy to maintain.

    Photo of jib crane KS-5363

    This equipment on pneumatic wheels is one of the most popular in the construction field. KS-5363 is actively used for loading and unloading large goods, as well as directly for the construction of buildings.

    Over the entire production cycle, the Ukrainian plant supplied the markets with a whole host of modifications, which were marked with the letters A, B, C, D, E.

    The symbols M and AM were sometimes added to the modified letter designations. This is an indication that these arrow models were produced under the exclusive order of the army. They were subjected to strict quality control and testing with the personal participation of representatives of the defense department. Such close attention was explained by the fact that the KS-5363 was often used to work with particularly important weapons.


    The various mechanisms of the equipment are controlled by three systems:

    • mechanical;
    • hydraulic;
    • electric.

    Mechanical control is a remote control responsible for the functioning of the brakes, gearbox, wheels and supports.

    Hydraulic control is a complex of elements responsible for the operation of lifting equipment.

    Crane diagram KS-5363

    Electrical control is based on DC generators. The electric motor is responsible for operating the winch motors and for moving the crane. The generator and diesel engine are connected into a system, and two batteries are used to operate the diesel engine. To lift loads, a lattice-type main boom and an additional 15-meter jib are used. Particular strength of the loaded structure is ensured by the solid frame and two drive axles of the chassis.

    Hydraulic system

    The KS-5363 hydraulic control system is based on the NSh-32E gear pump. Its main characteristics:

    • productivity 35 l/min;
    • pressure 10.5 MPa.

    In addition to the pump, important components are the hydraulic tank, pump, accumulator, pipelines and actuator cylinders. The action begins with oil flowing from the hydraulic tank into the pump. From there it enters a special distributor, and through it to the actuator cylinders.

    The distributor is equipped with a valve that provides pressure in the cylinder.

    In it, the oil acts on the piston, causing it to move and operate the mechanism.

    Chassis features

    The chassis of the KS-5363 vehicle consists of a pair of axles. The system includes 8 wheels, 4 per axle. The rear axle provides drive to all wheels, and the front axle only to the internal ones. There are also remote-type hydraulic supports here. They increase the base of the device by 80 centimeters and serve to increase the load capacity.

    Front axle

    The crane can be transported in two ways:

    • towing with a tractor, and then the mechanism must be folded;
    • on a railway platform, and then the boom and wheels should be removed.

    Basic technical specifications

    Technical characteristics of the KS 5363 pneumatic wheel crane are presented in the table:

    Characteristics Unit measurements Data
    Crane height m 3,9
    Tap length m 20,3
    Crane width m 3,3-4,2
    Crane weight T 33
    Load capacity with hydraulic supports T 3,3-30
    Load capacity without supports T kN kN 174
    Travel speed km/h 19,5
    Hook Reach m 2,5-15,9
    Lifting height m 6,4-16,3
    Lifting speed m/min 0,7-9
    Engine model YaMZ-M204A
    Engine power hp 180

    Equipment, its types and technical parameters

    The KS-5363 equipment is equipped with basic and replacement equipment. The main one includes a lattice boom and ropes, and the interchangeable one includes extended booms, devices with jib, as well as tower-boom elements.



    Characteristic name Extended booms Jib arrows Tower-boom device
    On the main suspension On auxiliary suspension
    Replaceable boom length, m 20 — 30 20 — 30 20-30 10
    Tower height 20 — 30
    Replacement boom radius, m 5,5-26,3 5,5-14,2 13,4-23,7 10,5 — 17,2
    Load capacity with supports, t 0,5 — 16,2 1 — 13,5 0,5 4,2 1,9 — 5,5
    Load capacity without supports, t 0,3 — 6 0,5 — 5 0,5 — 2 0,4 — 3,5
    Hook lifting height, m 10,2 — 23,9 15 — 28,9 16,4 — 30,5 22,1 — 38,2
    Lifting and lowering speed, m/min 1,5 — 11 3 — 22

    Video review of the KS-5363 crane: