Departmental storage of archival documents. Problems of departmental document storage at the present stage

The organizational foundations for the departmental storage of documents were laid in the first decrees of the Soviet government on archival matters. The decree “On the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the RSFSR” contained a fundamentally important provision that the archives of government institutions are liquidated as departmental institutions, and the files stored in them form the Unified State Archival Fund. This meant the abolition of the principle of permanent storage of files. In accordance with the decree, matters necessary for daily work remained on the premises of the department, but were placed at the disposal of the Main Directorate of Archival Affairs.

The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of March 31, 1919 “On the storage and destruction of archival files” determined the terms of storage of documents in departments, as well as the basis for the examination of their value.

In 1924, the Central Archive of the RSFSR began developing “Rules for organizing the archival part of office work in state, professional and cooperative institutions and enterprises of the RSFSR.” In 1925, they were approved by the board of the Central Archive and sent to departments.

At the end of the 20s, the state of local archival affairs was unsatisfactory. The establishment of departmental storage of documents was hampered by the lack of effective control on the part of the Central Archives Department. Acts of inspection of the state of departmental archives were reduced only to identifying shortcomings.

The decree on the storage and destruction of archival files established only the procedure for conducting an examination of the value of files by a special commission. There was a need to develop departmental lists of cases subject to permanent and temporary storage. But the departments did not do this work. Therefore, it was proposed to create a common list of cases for all institutions according to standard types of documents.

In the first half of the 30s, archival institutions of the RSFSR took measures to establish departmental storage of documents of grassroots organizations, especially collective and state farms. In the circular of the Central Administration of the RSFSR dated November 17, 1930, it was proposed to immediately register the archives of these organizations, accept documents for state storage up to 1927 and ensure the safety of documents for a later time.

On February 5, 1936, a resolution was adopted by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the streamlining of archival affairs in the people's commissariats and other central institutions of the USSR.” This resolution determined the composition of documents in the departmental archive; organizational and legal status of departmental archives: department within the People's Commissariat.

All people's commissariats and departments were required to review the composition of the archives, remove documents with expired storage periods, develop lists of cases that were not subject to further storage, and equip the archives with the necessary technical means and premises.

In connection with the adoption of this resolution, a competition was launched between the archives of the People's Commissariats. On February 28, 1936, the “Model Regulations on the Archive of the People’s Commissariat (central institution)” was approved. This provision established organizational structure archive, its tasks, rights and responsibilities of the archive manager.

In 1936, systematic work was launched to check departmental archives.

All this gave positive results. By October 1, 1936, the documents of the archives of the secretariats of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the affairs departments of the People's Commissariat of the USSR and the RSFSR, and most of the people's commissariats were completely put in order. At the beginning of 1937, some people's commissariats made an attempt to improve the state of the departmental archives of their systems.

The work of archival institutions during this period was aimed at establishing contacts with departments.

The Central Administration of the USSR and the RSFSR registered 289 departmental archives, 19 lists of documents with storage periods were agreed upon.

The resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated February 5, 1936 finally determined the status of departmental archives and laid the foundations modern system organizing departmental storage of documents.

In the mid-30s, in search of new forms of document storage, some institutions began to create united interdepartmental archives. The archives of a number of people's commissariats began to concentrate the files of not only structural units, but also attacks and organizations of direct subordination.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a fairly extensive network of united departmental archives had developed, covering various categories of institutions, enterprises and organizations.

The Regulations on the State Archive Fund of the USSR dated March 29, 1941 preserved the established type of departmental archives: the institutional archive and the united archive, with the assignment of their function of control over the archival part of the office work and the organization of archival work both in the institution and in the organizations subordinate to it.

During the Great Patriotic War The archives of the institutions suffered greatly, and the development of their network was delayed.

The restructuring that took place in the late 50s and 60s, during which the acquisition and examination of the value of documents became an active function state archives, had a positive impact on the organization of departmental archives.

An important role in establishing the work of departmental archives was played by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 25, 1963, “On measures to improve archival affairs in the USSR.” After its adoption, ministries and departments began to pay more attention to ensuring the safety of documents and putting them in proper order; institutions intensified the creation of special archives to concentrate materials of subordinate organizations. Local authorities public administration decided to create united archives: healthcare, public education, trade.

At the end of the 60s, the first united interdepartmental archives for storing documents of agricultural institutions appeared in the RSFSR

The Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 27, 1969 “On measures to further improve archival affairs in the RSFSR” had a decisive influence on the dissemination of consolidated archives. The Decree obligated ministries and departments to create archives to concentrate and centralize the storage of documents of their subordinate institutions. The united departmental archives were to be maintained at the expense of funds received under contracts from institutions and enterprises for the centralized storage and use of archival documents.

By 1971, the number of combined archives had grown from 30 to 190.

At the same time, the USSR Main Archives made efforts to provide methodological support for the organization of united archives. Recommendations have appeared on the creation of united archives and their acquisition, as well as a standard provision on a united departmental archive. They talked about the advisability of creating such archives in the systems of government bodies, courts and prosecutors, in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, as well as in industries related to serving the population.

The changes that took place in the management of the national economy in the first half of the 70s had a noticeable impact on the expansion of the network of unified archives in the field of material production. After the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of May 31, 1977, with instructions to intensify work on the creation of united archives in almost all autonomous republics, territories and regions, local authorities made decisions on the creation of enlarged departmental archives, and staffing schedules were approved for interdepartmental archives for agriculture and foundation wages, lists of institutions transmitting documents, premises were allocated.

On June 12, 1981, the Main Archive of the USSR approved the Approximate Regulations on the United Archive of an Industrial and Production Association, according to which such an archive stored documents of the management (directorate), the parent organization of the association, structural units of the association, institutions, organizations and enterprises subordinate to the association.

Despite the expansion of the network of united archives, its pace did not suit the archival service staff. On the initiative of the Main Archive of the RSFSR, on August 13, 1980, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was issued, which served as an additional incentive for the creation of united archives. In 1980, 33 archives were created in 18 autonomous republics, territories and regions, in 1981-23, in 1982-48 archives.

The archives were created within the limits of the total staffing and salary fund allocated to the ministries; no additional staff were allocated. At the beginning of the 80s, the position of head of the united archive was approved at the republican level.

In 1986, “Basic rules for the work of departmental archives” were published, in which the issues of the work of departmental archives, expert commissions, and document recording were more thoroughly developed and specified. The rules fully reflect all the changes that have occurred in departmental storage over the past twenty years (after the release of the first rules in 1963). It is important to include for the first time in the rules of departmental archives such sections as the classification of documents within the archival fund, work with documents on personnel, organization of archive work: planning, accounting and labor organization. The system of departmental archives includes: the archive of the organization, the central archive of the ministry, departments, the central industrial archive

ministries or departments, joint departmental archive, united interdepartmental archive.

In the early 90s in the Russian Federation there were about 940 enlarged departmental archives, where approximately 21 million files were concentrated. During this period, the problem of the preservation and use of documents at the departmental level became particularly acute due to the destruction of the union management structures. Huge documentary complexes often remained ownerless. Therefore, on November 14, 1991, the Government of the RSFSR issued an order to ensure the safety of documents of the liquidated ministries and departments of the USSR.

The reforms have led to the fact that the relationship between ministries and departments, enterprises, and institutions has changed dramatically. Administrative-command relations are a thing of the past, and many non-state organizations have emerged. The creation of departmental archival services, which could be based on united archives, became almost unrealistic. The threat of document destruction, especially personnel documents, has increased. Of which, more than 70 million files have accumulated only in institutions that are sources of acquisition of archives in Russia. For 1992-1993 According to incomplete data, more than 50 thousand such cases died at the district level alone. Under these conditions, united archives represented an effective form of storing personnel documents.

On the initiative of Rosarkhiv, the Government of the Russian Federation issued an order on April 23, 1992, which recommended that executive authorities consider creating archives for storing documents on personnel. In the course of implementing the order, such archives were created in many regions. The network of such archives in Russia developed quite quickly: in 1986 there were 128 of them, and in 1992 there were already 250. During 1992-1993. In the republics of territories and regions, representing 61 subjects of the Federation, 705 such archives were created, of which 94% operated with budgetary funding. They contained more than 2.2 million cases.

During the existence of Russia as an independent state, several complete reorganizations of the structure of federal bodies took place. Which naturally affected the safety of documents and the activities of archives of organizations.

The current situation has extremely aggravated the problems of departmental storage that have accumulated over the years and created new ones: lack of space, overload of archive storage facilities, and a reduction in the number of full-time employees.

In recent years, many ministries and departments have lost
subordinate network In its previous form, the “industry” approach to working with
documents is not possible. But nevertheless, many federal authorities
carry out industry-wide coordination of activities

subordinate institutions: develop lists of documents with storage periods, approximate nomenclatures of cases, carry out checks to ensure the safety of documents. IN recent years intensified

activities of organizations to create archives, organize documents, and transfer them for permanent storage.

New forms of storing archival documents are emerging: depository storage - storage of documents by authorities and organizations within the time limits established on the basis of an agreement with archival institutions.

The history of the creation of departmental archives shows that their appearance is associated with the objective needs of society in preserving the use of archival documents before entering them for eternal storage. Many years of practice have shown the possibility of the existence of a number of intermediate archive storage facilities in Russian conditions.

If the archive is subordinate to an organization that is not part of the state archival service system or is a structural unit of an enterprise, then it is called departmental. In this article we will talk about the features of the organization and rules of operation of departmental archives.

From the article you will learn:

There are specially created archival institutions for work in the field of archival affairs, but in addition to them, each enterprise has its own archive - the departmental archive (hereinafter referred to as VA).

VAs are not part of the state archival service system, but at the same time they are an important source of replenishment of its funds.

It should be noted that the very concept of “departmental archive” includes the central archive of the department, the archive of the regional institution and archive a separate enterprise. This article will focus on the latter.

Departmental archive documents

The VA of the enterprise ensures the storage of business papers created or received in the course of the activities of this organization.

To determine the profile of the VA, an appropriate regulation on it is being developed. There are a number of standard provisions common to all types of VA. According to these provisions, the following documents must be stored in the VA:

  • documents of permanent storage period related to the activities of the organization and completed by current office work;
  • documents with a temporary storage period (more than 10 years), as well as documents on personnel;
  • documents of permanent storage and on personnel related to the activities of organizations that are the predecessors of this enterprise;
  • personal funds of scientists and artists related to this organization.

The VA may also store copies of valuable documents, printed and reference publications necessary for work.

The main tasks of the VA include:

carrying out activities to complete the fund;

storage and accounting of fund units;

providing access to data and working with documentation;

methodological work and control of document flow.

United departmental archive

Depending on the current records management needs of the company, the transfer of cases to the unified departmental archive (UDA) can be carried out 2-3 years after their completion.

If there is a need to accept cases from other organizations to the OVA, then in addition to the standard inventory, you need to draw up an act of delivery of materials. The act must record the fact of the transfer of cases, as well as the entire accounting and reference apparatus (indexes, card indexes, sheets and files of the fund).

Filling out accounting documents is the final procedure for accepting business papers at OVA.

A fairly common situation is when not all cases in the OVA are transferred to state storage. The circulation of documents is carried out by the State Administration. In this case, materials that are in the archive as part of different funds are taken into account.

Documents of the AF of the Russian Federation can be stored in the OVA. At the same time, they are subject to centralized state accounting. The fund card is a means of carrying out this accounting.

If the OVA contains business papers of several different funds, then it is necessary to create a list of funds and a Book of accounting for receipts and disposals of fund units.

The main objectives of the OVA are:

  1. providing managers and structural divisions of the company with the necessary information and fulfilling requests for the required data;
  2. ensuring the fulfillment of social and legal requests;
  3. work on information support of the company’s cultural and educational events;
  4. providing employees working in the OVA reading room with the necessary information sources.

Recruitment process for government archives and OVA have a lot in common. It consists of identifying acquisition resources, compiling a list of business papers that are subject to placement in the State Archive, and accepting documentation into the archive. Work on the formation of the OVA should be carried out with the help and under the guidance of GAS specialists.

Read also:

Basic rules of departmental archives

The VA rules are in close interaction with the functions of this structure:

  1. Acquisition of the fund, acceptance of business papers from the structural divisions of the company and other subordinate structures. Conducting an annual assessment of the value of documentation located in the OVA. Carrying out the selection of business papers for further storage and their appropriate registration.
  2. Ensure proper preservation of fund components, maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions, and the required sanitary and hygienic conditions. Organize records of documentation, check the availability of cases, promptly disinfect documents, carry out restoration work and topography, prepare for the transfer of cases to state storage.
  3. Ensure the ability to use documents, inform management and employees about the composition of the data contained in the files, and fulfill the relevant requests of organizations and citizens.
  4. Monitor the work of office services and provide them with the necessary assistance. Compile a list of cases and participate in the work of expert commissions. Check the compliance of case registration with current standards and rules, check the work archives located in subordinate structures.

A more detailed list of OVA functions is given in the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives”.

Storage of documents in departmental archives

In order to ensure proper conditions for storing documents in the VA, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures aimed at creating appropriate conditions, compliance with regulatory regimes and organizing proper security of documentation, excluding the possibility of unauthorized access or loss of data, as well as maintaining information media (paper or electronic) in optimal physical condition.

The VA must be provided with either a purpose-built or converted building or isolated premises.

It is prohibited to designate premises with high levels of humidity, poorly ventilated and unheated, as well as dilapidated buildings for VA. These also include basements and attics and premises located next to food warehouses, catering establishments, as well as organizations involved in the storage, production or use of chemicals and explosives.

The organization creating the IA must have:

  1. storage facility for archival collections;
  2. a special room for organizing the reception, temporary storage and acclimatization of business papers;
  3. special rooms for researchers to work;
  4. separate, isolated from the storage, rooms for VA employees.

The premises allocated for VA placement must meet the following requirements:

the main passage between rows of racks should be 120 cm;

the distance between the racks should be 75 cm;

the outer wall of the building and the racks parallel to it should be at a distance of 75 cm;

the end of the cabinet or rack should be located at a distance of 45 cm from the outer wall;

The bottom shelf of the rack should be at a height of no lower than 15 cm from the floor.

The form of storing documents on racks is boxes or bundles. Storing business papers on the floor or window sills is strictly prohibited.

If the wall of the room has a window, then the racks should be installed perpendicular to it. The distance from windows and central heating radiators must be at least 0.6 m. Placing cabinets and shelving close to walls and radiators is not allowed.

The scientific reference apparatus of the VA and accounting documents must be stored in safes and metal cabinets specially purchased for these purposes. These measures are provided to prevent loss, damage or unauthorized access to data.

The organizational foundations for the departmental storage of documents were laid in the first decrees of the Soviet government on archival matters. The decree “On the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the RSFSR” contained a fundamentally important provision that the archives of government institutions are liquidated as departmental institutions, and the files stored in them form the Unified State Archival Fund. This meant the abolition of the principle of permanent storage of files. In accordance with the decree, matters necessary for daily work remained on the premises of the department, but were placed at the disposal of the Main Directorate of Archival Affairs. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of March 31, 1919 “On the storage and destruction of archival files” determined the terms of storage of documents in departments, as well as the basis for the examination of their value. The establishment of departmental storage of documents was hampered by the lack of effective control on the part of the Central Archives Department. There was a need to develop departmental lists of cases subject to permanent and temporary storage. In the first half of the 1930s. archival institutions of the RSFSR took measures to establish departmental storage of documents of grassroots organizations, especially collective and state farms. On February 5, 1936, a resolution was adopted by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the streamlining of archival affairs in the people's commissariats and other central institutions of the USSR,” which finally determined the status of departmental archives and laid the foundations for the modern system of organizing departmental storage of documents. This resolution determined the composition of documents in the departmental archive; organizational and legal status of departmental archives: department within the People's Commissariat. All people's commissariats and departments were required to review the composition of the archives, remove documents with expired storage periods, develop lists of cases that were not subject to further storage, and equip the archives with the necessary technical means and premises. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a fairly extensive network of united departmental archives had developed, covering various categories of institutions, enterprises and organizations. The Regulations on the State Archive Fund of the USSR dated March 29, 1941 preserved the established type of departmental archives: the institutional archive and the united archive, with their function of monitoring the archival part of the paperwork and the organization of archival work both in the institution and in the organizations subordinate to it. During the Great Patriotic War, the archives of institutions suffered greatly, and the development of their network was delayed. Held in the late 50s and 60s. XX century perestroika, during which the acquisition and examination of the value of documents became an active function of state archives, had a positive impact on the organization of departmental archives.

The first legislative acts on the organization of storage of archival documents in departments in Russia. General Regulations of 1720, as the first step in creating a regulatory framework for the departmental storage of archival documents.

Departmental storage of archival documents in Russia in the 19th century. “General establishment of ministries” (1811) and other regulatory legal acts of ministries and departments on departmental storage of archival documents.

Organization of departmental storage of archival documents in the USSR in the pre-war period (1917-1941). Archival decrees of the RSFSR 1918-1920. on the principles of organizing departmental storage of archival documents in the Soviet Republic. Issues of departmental storage of documents and decisions of conferences and congresses of archivists of the RSFSR in the 1920s. I Congress of archivists of the RSFSR in Moscow in 1925 on the problems of the “archival part of current office work” and the need to form departmental archives. The revival of “departmental archives” in Soviet archival affairs. “Regulations on the archive management of the RSFSR (1929)” on the departmental storage of documents. Formation in the USSR of a system of departmental archives with the right to permanently store archival documents. The concept of “special storage” in state archives.

Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the streamlining of archival affairs in the people's commissariats and other central institutions of the USSR" (1936) and its role in the formation of the Soviet concept of departmental storage. GAU NKVD of the USSR and departmental archives: 1938-1941. Organization of departmental storage of archival documents in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Main trends in the development of departmental storage of documents in the USSR in the late 1950s–1980s. Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers “On measures to streamline the storage regime and better use of archival materials of ministries and departments” (1956) on the problems of Soviet departmental storage and ways to solve them . Regulations on the State Archive of the USSR, 1958. Transition to a planned start and systematic transfer to state storage of documents accumulated in departmental archives.

Regulations on the State Agrarian University of the USSR and the network of central state archives (1961). Further strengthening of the system of departmental archives with the right to permanent storage of archival documents. Place of departmental storage of archival documents in the general archival system of the USSR.

Reforming the system of departmental archives in the Russian Federation during the period of “perestroika”. Basic rules for the work of departmental archives (1986). Attempts to legislatively solve the problems of departmental storage of documents of the State Archives of the USSR in the official and alternative draft laws on archival affairs (late 1980s).

Problems of forming Russian departmental storage and ensuring the safety of documents in departmental archives in the conditions of dismantling institutions and departments of the USSR and the RSFSR (summer - autumn 1991). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for departmental storage of documents and their organization in office work” (1993): general and special in comparison with the Soviet concept of the 1980 model, the specifics of determining the legal status of departmental archives. Issues of departmental storage of archival documents in the Russian Federation in the “Fundamentals of Legislation” Russian Federation on the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives" (1993) and in the "Regulations on the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation" (1994).

Departmental storage of documents as a direction of administrative practice of state and municipal institutions of the Russian Federation. Problems of forming Russian departmental storage and ensuring the safety of documents in departmental archives in modern stage. Legal basis for the departmental storage of archival documents and documents of the AF of the Russian Federation and the activities of departmental archives in the Russian Federation. Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” (2004), other federal laws of the Russian Federation on the periods of departmental storage of documents, the procedure for storing and using documents of organizations.

The problem of the desire of individual departments to obtain the right to permanently store documents and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation” (03/14/1995). Depository storage and legislation “On State Secrets” (1997), “On Defense”, “On Security”, “On FAPSI”, “On Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Specialized departmental archival funds of the Russian Federation. Depository archives as a problem in the formation of a full-fledged basis for historical science and the information society as a whole.

The structure of departmental archives, the composition of their documents. The main types of Russian departmental archives, their tasks and main functions. Types and organizational forms of departmental archives. Modern requirements for an organization's archive. The problem of creating and completing an electronic archive, IT technology. Outsourcing in archiving. Features of the activities of departmental archives with traditional and electronic composition of documents. Electronic archives of organizations and institutions: structure, forms of their use.

New aspects of Rosarkhiv’s work with ministries, departments and industry funds with the right to depository storage of archival documents. The problem of “publicity” of departmental archives. The evolution of the “departmental archive” at the present stage of development of the Russian state and society. Prospects for the development of departmental archives in the Russian Federation.

The most significant departmental archives of Russia at the federal level, not included in the Rosarkhiv system. History of the archive, composition of funds, main areas of activity of the archive. Specifics of storage and use of archive documents. Research and publication activities of the archive. Social and legal activities of the archive. Organization of the work of researchers in the reading room of the archive. Participation of the archive in international archival cooperation.

Archive of the President of the Russian Federation (AP RF). Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation” (December 31, 1991). Presence of restrictions on access to documents of the Russian Federation Administrative Offenses. The current “Regulations on the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation”.

Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia (CA FSB RF). Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated August 24, 1991 No. 84 “On KGB archives.” Law of the RSFSR “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” (1991). Law of the Russian Federation “On Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation” (1995, as amended in 2014).

Historical and Documentary Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (IDD MFA of the Russian Federation). Archive foreign policy of the Russian Empire (AVP RI) and the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation (AFP RF) are two components of the IDD of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Seminar 1. Basics of the course “State, municipal and departmental archives”

The Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” establishes deadlines for departmental storage of documents. Before entering state or municipal storage, archival documents are stored in departmental archives, according to the deadlines established by law. Thus, departmental storage of documents is the storage of archival documents in departmental archives before submitting them for state storage. It follows that the main and main task Departmental storage of documents is the preservation of the organization’s archive until direct transfer to state storage.

The collection of archives for departmental storage of documents, in accordance with current legislation, is carried out on the basis of lists compiled by state and municipal archives. Non-governmental organizations, as well as private individuals, are included in these lists separately on the basis of agreements.

To determine the most full list sources of acquisition of departmental archives, all organizations that operate within the archive acquisition zone are identified. After this, to organize departmental storage of documents, it is necessary to establish contact with all these organizations: establish business contacts, analyze the structure and functions. For departmental storage of documents, it is very important to know the composition and functions of the archives of all organizations in the region. To do this, a scrupulous analysis of planning reports and other documents is carried out, inventories and lists of cases are reviewed. After carrying out all these activities, a conclusion is made: is it necessary to have departmental storage of documents of this organization. Depending on what documents are stored in the departmental archive, a passport of the organization’s archive is drawn up. The organization’s archive passport includes information about the conditions for storing documents, the number of storage units, the staffing of the departmental archive, etc.

One of the most important problems of departmental document storage is the safety of these same documents throughout the entire storage period. Requirements for ensuring the safety of departmental archive documents are regulated in the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives”, approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv Board of 02/06/2002. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to constantly take measures to develop and improve the material and technical base of archives. It is necessary to carry out timely repairs of buildings, storage facilities, and archival equipment. Employee training also plays a very important role. Good qualifications of archivists and those responsible for office work and archives mean the reliability and safety of documents.

As has already become clear, the completeness and quality of documents received for state and municipal storage directly depends on the correct organization of departmental storage of documents. Certification of departmental archives plays a very important role in this.